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- The Travis Walton Abduction - Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona
- Fortean / Alternative News: Exorcists Needed, Royal Wedding UFO and Psychic Buried Alive
- Rotorua, NZ Anomalous, UFO Tradition Continues
The Travis Walton Abduction - Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona Posted: 02 Apr 2011 02:11 PM PDT Summary: In November 1975, a group of six tree-trimmers were driving home from work in a truck in the Sitgreave-Apache National Forest in Arizona, USA. The driver stopped the truck when he noticed that a flying saucer was hovering about fifteen feet above some nearby trees. Travis Walton approached the craft on foot, despite the objections of his workmates. He was then knocked to the ground by a blue and white light. When the men in the truck saw this, they were terrified and sped off down the road leaving him for dead. Once they had calmed down, they returned to that spot and couldn't find any sign of Travis or the flying saucer. Five days later, Travis was returned to earth wondering what had happened to him for the past few days. Incident: On November 5, 1975, six young woodcutters, along with their employer, were working in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, engaged in a tree-thinning contract for the U. S. Forest Service. The forest is located in east central Arizona, and the work area is fifteen miles from Heber. The story begins at approximately 6:10 P.M., when the men were heading home in a seven-man crew-cab truck. Traveling along a bull-dozed trail, one of the men sighted a gold-colored glow through the thickets. As they rounded a right-hand turn, they saw the source of the glow - a structural object hovering approximately fifteen feet above a clearing and a scant ninety feet or so from the viewers. Travis Walton, twenty-two, was sitting on the right- hand passenger side of the front seat. When he saw the object, he called to Mike Rogers, the driver and boss of the crew, to stop. Hardly waiting for the truck to come to a complete halt, Walton jumped out and, at a fast walk, approached a woodpile (stacked by the thinners) to get a closer look. As his fellow employees called for him to be careful and come back, he stood and looked at the object, which was at a 60-degree elevation from his position. It had the shape of two "pie pans" or shallow bowls placed rim to rim. A "beeping" sound was heard by all. Walton stepped back a couple of paces, intending to vacate the vicinity of the craft when his friends were startled to see a blue-green beam shoot out from the bottom of the craft, striking Walton in the upper area of his body, lifting him from the ground with his arms out stretched, and flinging him back to the ground. Thinking he and the others were in danger, Rogers restarted the truck and left the area. A quarter of a mile away, he stopped and the six men looked back. They saw a light rise from the ground and streak into the north east, originating in the area where they had left Travis. Thinking it was the object, Rogers turned the truck around and drove back to the clearing. For fifteen minutes the men searched for Walton, covering the near area and calling, but to no avail. Rogers then decided to drive to Heber, the nearest town, and report Walton's disappearance to the sheriff. On the way, they debated what they should tell, doubting that the truth would be believed, but, unable to come up with an acceptable explanation, they told what they had experienced. On November 10, the six men were given polygraph tests which established that they had not harmed Walton (it had been implied that they had done away with Travis and hidden his remains, despite the fact that Rogers was his best friend of many years standing) and that they had, actually, seen a UFO. On the night of November 10, at approximately midnight, a call came in to the Grant Neff residence (Mrs. Neff was Travis' sister and at the time the only Walton in Snowflake, Arizona, with a telephone). It was Travis, sounding confused and disoriented, saying he was at a phone booth in Heber and in terrible pain. Neff went to Mrs. Kellett's (Travis' mother) home, picked up Travis' brother Duane, who had come up from Phoenix when notified of his brother's disappearance, and drove at breakneck speed to Heber, where they found Travis slumped in a phone booth. He had a five-day growth of beard and appeared thin but was otherwise apparently all right. Within hours, Duane drove Travis to his home in Phoenix, intent on keeping him away from the horde of reporters, which had plagued the Walton family during Travis' disappearance, and to obtain medical treatment. For a short time, Duane Walton was frustrated by the representative of a local UFO group, who sent him to a pseudomedical hypnotist, but he was eventually contacted by the AERIAL PHENOMENA RESEARCH ORGANIZATION (APRO), which called in a team of medical experts. Ultimately, Walton was given the Minnesota Multi Phase Personality Inventory (MMPI), Rorschach (commonly called Inkblot) Polygraph and Psychological Stress Evaluator tests, all of which established that he had told the truth as he knew it. All of these tests were conducted and interpreted by experts. Unfortunately, Walton only recalls an hour or two of his five-day absence. He claims to have awoke on a table in a room which he first assumed was a hospital. The ceiling seemed low, there was an oval-shaped metallic-colored apparatus on his chest (his denim jacket and shirt were pulled up), and he was in considerable pain. The "air" in the room seemed oppressive, i.e., warm and damp. It took a few minutes to get his wits about him, and when he became fully aware of his surroundings, he realized he was in no ordinary hospital. Around the "table" on which he reclined were three strange creatures-strange, because they were less than five feet tall, very pale, with large, domed heads, large eyes, small nose, mouth, and ears, and their bodies, encased in tannish orange, seamless jumpsuits, and were very thin. Upon seeing them, Walton struggled to his feet, and when they approached him with their fingernail-less hands outstretched, he grabbed a rodlike object from an adjacent table and prepared to defend himself. After flailing about with the instrument for a moment or two, Walton was surprised to see the trio file out of the door and turn to the right. After the creatures left, Walton also exited the room, turning left. Following a curved corridor, looking for a way out, he found a circular room with a chair (which was too small for him but nevertheless he sat in it) with a "screen" on each arm. He touched a lever and the "stars" on the "ceiling" above seemed to move, so he moved the lever back to its original position and decided against further experimentation. Shortly, a "man," approximately six feet tall, with brown hair and strange golden-brown eyes, appeared at the door which Travis had entered. He beckoned to Travis, and Travis went to him, babbling question after question, none of which were answered. The "man" said nothing, took Travis by the arm, led him out into the corridor or hall, to the right, then stopped, whereupon a section of the wall opened. He had not touched anything. They walked into a small room, the door behind them closed, and seconds later a door opened in front of them. They then went down an incline (apparently out of the enclosure Walton had been in) where Walton found him self in a large enclosure resembling a quarter of a cylinder. There were three or four oval-shaped metallic objects parked there (the same apparent metallic substance as everything else he had seen). He was led by the "man" (who was clad in a blue "jumpsuit" with a clear "helmet") through the enclosure, to another door into a room where there were three other human-appearing individuals-two men and a woman. They resembled the first, except that, although they wore the same clothing, they were without helmets. They gestured to him to get upon a table. He resisted, but they eventually succeeded in their efforts and Travis reclined; an apparatus resembling an oxygen mask with a black ball attached was placed over his face and he lost consciousness. Travis awoke about midnight about a quarter mile west of Heber, Arizona. He was lying on his stomach and raised up to watch the curved, metallic hull of an aircraft taking off straight up, reflecting the yellow stripe of the dividing line of the highway below. What did Travis Walton see? What did he experience? Tests indicate that he has related his experience truthfully. His book The Walton Experience (1978) will tend to illuminate the reader and enable him to make his own judgment. - Coral Lorenzen - APRO ***** The following report on the final polygraph examination of Travis Walton was actually sponsored by a skeptic, Jerry Black. The test was performed with the latest state of the art equipment, by Cy Gilson, the most highly respected polygraph expert: 4 February 1993 Mr. Jerry Black (Address) Blanchester, Ohio Dear Mr. Black, On February 4, 1993, a polygraph examination was administered to Mr. Travis Walton. The purpose of this examination was to determine whether or not Mr. Walton was being truthful in his statement about seeing a UFO and being abducted by the UFO plus other facts surrounding the abduction. During the pretest interview, Mr. Walton said he had worked for Mike Rogers intermittently for about six years on a seasonal basis. He never socialized with any of the crew. On November 5, 1975, they had worked a little later than usual trying to meet the contract commitment. By the time they were driving back to town, the sun had gone down but there was some light, like twilight. As they were driving, he could see a glimmer of light in the trees ahead. At first he thought it may be a downed airplane. The light was unusual. As they neared a clearing he saw the object he called a UFO. This object will be referred to as a UFO throughout this report. As the truck came to a stop, Mr. Walton got out. Believing it may take off, he walked briskly towards the UFO but slowed his pace before reaching it. He described it as being round and hovering about 20 feet above the ground. He did not go underneath it but stood there looking up at it. He said the UFO started to wobble slightly and make a noise. Mr. Walton said the noise was like a low rumble that developed into a higher pitch that seemed to increase in frequency. At this point he became afraid and decided to go back to the truck. He recalls being hit with an electrifying type of shock that stunned him, leaving him unconscious. He recalls he slowly regained consciousness. He found himself in a small room that was damp or humid. He had pain throughout his body but mostly in his chest and head. He then saw three creatures he described as being about four feet tall with large, dark eyes. He was lying on some type of table. As these creatures approached him he got off the table. There was some type of shelf near the wal1 where he found a straight pipelike object lying on it. He describes it as being round like a piece of pipe but lightweight. He cannot recall if it was solid or hollow. He picked it up and started to lash out at the creatures to keep them at bay. The creatures left the room by an open doorway, turning right. Mr. Walton walked to that doorway, looked down a hall and he went left. He walked into another room, trying to find an exit from this enclosure. He did not know if he was in a spaceship or a building. A humanlike creature came into the room, took him by the arm, leading him to another very large room where several more humanlike creatures were. By this time most of the pain was gone. He was forced down on a table and had a mask, similar to an oxygen mask, put on his face. He does not remember anything else until he awoke next to the road, just outside Heber. As he regained consciousness, he looked up, seeing the UFO or one similar to the original one, hovering overhead. As he looked up at it, the UFO sped off into the sky. Mr. Walton said his story is true. He said accusations made about him are lies. He had not been on any drugs of any kind. He was not hiding out somewhere on the Gibson ranch. He urinated in a jar and this sample was given to Dr. Kandell later that same day. Mr. Walton denies he conspired with Mr. Rogers to perpetrate a hoax to help him get out of the Turkey Springs contract with the Forestry Service. Two series of questions were asked to cover all the areas we believe were important. The relevant questions asked and the answers given are as follows: Series #1: Question #R1: On November 5, 1975, in the forest area called Turkey Springs, did you see a large glowing object hovering in the air? Answer: YES Question #R2: While you were standing near that UFOlike object, did you believe you were struck by an energy source emitted from that large object? Answer: YES Question #R3: After regaining consciousness in a small, humid room, did you see nonhuman creatures with large dark eyes? Answer: YES Question #R4: Did you conspire with your brother Duane or anyone else or act alone to stage a hoax about your UFO abduction? Answer: NO Series #2: Question #R1: Between November 1 and 11, 1975, did you use any drugs, either legal or illegal? Answer: NO Question #R2: Between November 5 and 10, 1975, were you hiding anywhere on the Gibson ranch? Answer: NO Question #R3: Was the urine sample given to Dr. Kandell on November 11, 1975, your first voided specimen following your UFO experience? Answer: YES Question #R4: Was this UFO incident a conspiracy to help Mike Rogers get out of his Turkey Springs contract? Answer: NO ----- Mr. Walton's physiological responses were monitored during the presentation of these questions by means of a Scientific Assessment Technology's Computer, Model CAPS 700. The following responses were recorded on this instrument's strip chart: relative blood pressure; skin conductance; thoracic and abdominal respiration. Data from three presentations of these questions were respiration. Data obtained for each series, and were subject to numerical scoring and computerbased analysis. The numerical score of Series #1 was +34. The numerical score of Series #2 was +26. In the system of numerical scoring developed and validated at the University of Utah, total numerical scoring of +6 or more is considered indications of truthfulness. The computerbased analysis returned a posterior probability of truthfulness of .964 in the first series, and a .961 in the second series. These indicating that charts like these produced in each series, by Mr. Walton, are produced by truthful examinees 96% of the time. Based on the numerical score of the polygraph charts and the computer based analysis, it is the opinion of this examiner that Mr. Walton was being truthful when he answered these relevant questions. Sincerely, Cy Gilson ----- Thank you, Jerry Black! These examinations clear the air with a thoroughness, an utter finality, which can't be refuted. Cy Gilson used a widely practiced, extremely accurate, stateoftheart method developed and perfected at the University of Utah. This involves a computerized monitoring and analysis of the tracings along with a pointscoring system of the charts applied by the examiner. In summary: The computer put all three of us near the top of the range designated as conclusively truthful (almost no one ever achieves the theoretical maximum of 1.00), with me at .964 and .961, Mike at .990, and Allen at .993. On the numerical score I was first with +34 and +26 points, Mike had +31 points and Allen had +22 points. - Travis Walton NOTE: here are a few links of interest: Fire In The Sky - Condensed Version and Sheriff's Nephew Claims Travis Walton Hoax Well Known? Sources: APRO BUFO | ||
Fortean / Alternative News: Exorcists Needed, Royal Wedding UFO and Psychic Buried Alive Posted: 02 Apr 2011 12:10 PM PDT catholicnews - A call to arms -- to take up the weapons of the rosary and prayer -- rang out at a recent international conference on exorcism in Rome. The church needs more training of both priests and laypeople in fighting the influence of the devil and bringing spiritual healing to those in need, attendees said. "This is warfare. We've gotten way behind. We've lost the concept of spiritual warfare," said Msgr. Marvin Mottet, the official exorcist of the Diocese of Davenport, Iowa. The 80-year-old retired priest said that about once a month he sees a serious case of possession and "tons" of cases of demonic influence in which people are being "bothered or attacked by evil spirits." Those kinds of cases, he said, are "a daily thing." Msgr. Mottet was one of 60 people attending a course on exorcism and Satanism at the Legionaries of Christ's Regina Apostolorum University in Rome March 28-April 2. The annual event is co-sponsored by the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments and the Congregation for Clergy. The course, which does not train people to become exorcists, attracted many people who were already familiar and experienced with exorcism; 10 were from the United States. The majority of participants were priests, but some were lay doctors, psychologists or parishioners active in prayer ministry. The course looks at the theological and spiritual elements of exorcism as well as the psychological, sociological and criminal aspects of demonic cults, sects and Satanism. During the breaks and question-and-answer periods, priests eagerly shared theories and "war stories" of strange or difficult cases of possession -- all of which could have made fine fodder for a Hollywood screenwriter's brainstorming session. Msgr. Mottet and other exorcists said just as there are different levels of the devil's influence on a person, so there are different methods to counter it -- with exorcism being reserved to priests who have their bishop's permission and are certain the person is experiencing real demonic possession. The more common problems of temptation and general demonic influence or activity, they said, can be resolved by receiving the sacraments, especially the sacrament of Reconciliation, or prayers for healing and deliverance, which trained lay Catholics can recite. A parish priest should discern when a person needs medical, psychological or pastoral care and when a session of healing or deliverance prayers, rather than exorcism, is needed, they said. "We shouldn't overwork the exorcists. The parish priest should be training laypeople to do deliverance," Msgr. Mottet said. Father Gabriele Nanni, an exorcist for the Diocese of Teramo, Italy, and an expert on the history of the exorcism rite, was one of the speakers at the course. He said fasting and reciting the prayers for the dead or invoking the Virgin Mary are extremely effective in freeing people from demonic influence. But Father Nanni warned that priests and the faithful should never look at the prayers and rites of exorcism as being "a magic formula." He said too much debate over which prayer or rite is better risks taking attention away from the fact that the real power at work in healing is the infinite mercy of God, not which kind of prayers are used to invoke that mercy. People involved in healing have to really believe the incarnation, death and resurrection of Christ "broke ties of the devil's power" over mankind, he said. Father Nanni and Msgr. Mottet said it's not the priest or the person praying that is doing the work of liberation, it is God, Mary, Jesus or the saint being invoked. "The power is in the name of Jesus, not your voice; you don't have to yell," said the monsignor. Some participants and speakers said they're convinced demonic influence has increased drastically, in part because of the growth of "La Santa Muerta" in Mexico and other cults, voodoo, witchcraft and Satanic practices, as well as increasing secularism and lack of connection with God and the sacraments. "The devil 'needs' us," Father Nanni said. The devil "is like a sophisticated car or tool without fuel, without energy, and through the sin of man" he gathers strength "and uses us like a battery to recharge," he said. The devil has more power today precisely because there is more sin, he said. But when there is more holiness, when people begin to forgive others, choose the good and be merciful, that's less strength for the devil and all of humanity benefits, Father Nanni said. People think that if they remove God from their lives, they will be freer, said Conventional Franciscan Father John Farao, a prison chaplain in the Diocese of Monterrey, Calif. "But there is no neutral space. There is light and there is dark. If you leave the light, you open the door to darkness," he said. Father Farao said, "People are afraid to believe there is a devil who can seriously affect their lives." Even Catholics "want to see the kind, gentle shepherd and not look at the demons," he said. "Few people want to face the fact that we're in a spiritual battle. People don't want conflict," he added. Pope Benedict XVI has often spoken about the existence of the devil and, at the start of Lent, urged Christians to make a commitment to "take Jesus' side against sin" and "engage in spiritual battle against the spirit of evil." Going to church regularly, taking part in the sacraments and having "a strong spiritual life is the greatest protection against Satan's interaction in our lives," said Father Farao. *********** Flotsam From Japan's Tsunami To Hit US West Coast kirotv - John Anderson has discovered just about everything during the 30 years he's combed Washington state's beaches - glass fishing floats, hockey gloves, bottled messages, even hundreds of mismatched pairs of Nike sneakers that washed up barnacled but otherwise unworn. The biggest haul may come in one to three years when, scientists say, wind and ocean currents eventually will push some of the massive debris from Japan's tsunami and earthquake onto the shores of the U.S. West Coast. "I'm fascinated to see what actually makes it over here, compared to what might sink or biodegrade out there," said Anderson, 57, a plumber and avid beachcomber who lives in the coastal town of Forks, Wash. The floating debris will likely be carried by currents off of Japan toward Washington, Oregon and California before turning toward Hawaii and back again toward Asia, circulating in what is known as the North Pacific gyre, said Curt Ebbesmeyer, a Seattle oceanographer who has spent decades tracking flotsam. Ebbesmeyer, who has traced Nike sneakers, plastic bath toys and hockey gloves accidentally spilled from Asia cargo ships, is now tracking the massive debris field moving across the Pacific Ocean from Japan. He relies heavily on a network of thousands of beachcombers such as Anderson to report the location and details of their finds. "If you put a major city through a trash grinder and sprinkle it on the water, that's what you're dealing with," he said. As to whether any of the debris might be radioactive from the devastation at Japanese nuclear power plants, James Hevezi, chair of the American College of Radiology Commission on Medical Physics, said there could be. "But it would be very low risk," Hevezi said. "The amount that would be on the stuff by the time it reached the West Coast would be minimal." Only a small portion of that debris will wash ashore, and how fast it gets there and where it lands depends on buoyancy, material and other factors. Fishing vessels or items that poke out of the water and are more likely influenced by wind may show up in a year, while items like lumber pieces, survey stakes and household items may take two to three years, he said. If the items aren't blown ashore by winds or get caught up in another oceanic gyre, they'll continue to drift in the North Pacific loop and complete the circle in about six years, Ebbesmeyer said. "The material that is actually blown in will be a fraction" of the tsunami debris, said Curt Peterson, a coastal oceanographer and professor of in the geology department at Portland State University in Oregon. "Some will break up in transit. A lot of it will miss our coast. Some will split up and head up to Gulf of Alaska and (British Columbia)." "All this debris will find a way to reach the West coast or stop in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch," a swirling mass of concentrated marine litter in the Pacific Ocean, said Luca Centurioni, a researcher at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego. "The dispersion is pretty large, so it's not like a straight shot from Tokyo to San Francisco," said Centurioni, the principal investigator for the Global Drifter Program funded by NOAA. The program deploys about 900 satellite-tracked drifting buoys each year throughout the world to collect sea surface temperature and other data. Much of the debris will be plastic, which doesn't completely break down. That raises concerns about marine pollution and the potential harm to marine life. But the amount of tsunami debris, while massive, still pales in comparison to the litter that is dumped into oceans on a regular basis, Ebbesmeyer said. Ebbesmeyer and retired NOAA researcher Jim Ingraham are using a computer program to plot the path of debris from March 11 tsunami to add to growing knowledge about ocean currents. The modeling relies on weather data collected by U.S. Navy, and the researchers are waiting for the monthly release of that data to make their first projections. Ingraham developed the program to figure out the effects of ocean currents on salmon migration, but the two also have been using it plot the path of a multitude of floating junk. Ebbesmeyer first became interested in flotsam when he heard reports of beachcombers finding hundreds of water-soaked shoes in Washington, Oregon and Alaska. An Asia cargo ship bound for the U.S. in 1990 had spilled thousands of Nike shoes into the middle of the North Pacific Ocean. He was able to trace serial numbers on shoes to the cargo ship, giving him the points where they began drifting in the ocean and where they landed. The oceanographer also has tracked plastic bath toys - frogs, turtle, ducks and beavers - that fell overboard a cargo ship in 1992 in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and were later found in Sitka, Alaska. Anderson says he constantly scans the beaches watching for something that catches his eye. He's found about 20 bottled messages, mostly from schoolchildren, and the several hundred Nike sneakers, which he cleaned up by soaking in water and eventually gave away, sold or swapped. "In two years, there's going to be stuff coming in (from Japan), and probably lots of it," he said. "Some of it is bound to come in." ********** TV psychic buried alive at Dudley Castle birminghammail - A television medium is causing tremors across the psychic world – by being buried alive for seven days at Dudley Castle. Ian Lawman was lowered underground in a bespoke coffin last night at the 11th century castle, with medics, bodyguards and his wife Julie watching on. His efforts will raise funds for a charity set up by Stafford-born PC David Rathband, who was blinded after being shot by crazed gunman Raoul Moat last July. The Blue Lamp Foundation supports emergency services staff who have been criminally injured at work. Ian, from Scunthorpe, was buried under two tons of soil at the castle – which is reputed to be haunted – but can keep in touch with the world above ground via a glass panel at the head of the coffin. A round-the-clock webcam inside the coffin allows viewers to keep up to date with his time underground. Before entering the coffin, he said: "This link means I will be able to liaise with the outside world, and allows people to discover my thoughts and feelings, both emotionally and paranormally. "It will be an immense challenge, and will mean pushing the boundaries of human endurance, but I am determined to see it through." The coffin also has two breathing pipes. Ian's daily intake of food will consist of just four capsules offering 2,000 calories – a dietary technique pioneered for use in space travel and military campaigns. Dudley Castle spokeswoman Jill Hitchman said: "Ian has a long-standing relationship with the site, which has a hugely rich history of paranormal activity – indeed his coffin will be buried along the ley lines that run throughout the courtyard. "His quest has attracted worldwide interest and we will be watching his progress, as he explores even deeper phenomena from across the centuries, with great interest." NOTE: Unfortunately, they're going to dig him back up...Lon ********** Viewer sees possible UFO near Suffolk, VA - Video A viewer sent a strange piece of video to of what he believes is a UFO. On Wednesday around 6:34 a.m., 22-year-old Brandon Sears said he was driving on Carolina Road just outside of Suffolk and spotted a mysterious floating object hovering in the sky. He said it was holding steady above a few houses for at least 10 seconds. Sears said there were three extremely bright lights side by side on the object. He said as he got closer, it moved over the road and flew past him. ********** Retired Air Force Major Predicts UFO Sightings at Royal Wedding The upcoming royal wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton is expected to be viewed by more than a billion people worldwide -- and possibly a few extraterrestrials, according to at least one former military officer. George Filer, a retired Air Force major, runs the National UFO Center and says it's common to see UFOs around important events. "The craft seem to have an interest in anything important," Filer told AOL News. "They've been sighted recently over Libya and near the Japanese tsunami." Some UFO researchers hope that Prince William and Kate Middleton will use the occasion of their April 29 wedding to announce what the British government knows about UFOs. Filer says his center averages more than 1,000 sightings a month, and he expects to get a few UFO reports from the area surrounding Westminster Abbey, the site of the April 29 wedding. Continue reading at Retired Air Force Major Predicts UFO Sightings at Royal Wedding | ||
Rotorua, NZ Anomalous, UFO Tradition Continues Posted: 02 Apr 2011 10:54 AM PDT
rotoruadailypost - Rotorua's Craig Baird reckons he has seen a possible UFO over Waikite Valley. Mr Baird took photos of an unidentified flying object on Thursday morning from his Mountain Rd home. His 2-year-old daughter Ashlee saw it first and thought it was a storm. He said whatever it was seemed to take off from somewhere in the Waikite ranges or further away between 6.30am and 6.45am. "We were looking at it for about five minutes going up into the sky, going straight up." Mr Baird said the "thing" seemed to stop and hover for about two minutes when it reached the clouds. "That's what freaked me out the most," he said. He ran to get his camera and got a few shots before it sped off. "It shot off so fast to the right side." He described what he saw as a really bright light leaving an orange jet stream across the sky. "I don't know what it could have been. It couldn't have been a plane and it couldn't have been a meteor - it was going the wrong direction." He doubted it could be something to do with the military, because it was going too fast and seemed to be heading for space. But he was excited to see it. "I thought 'look my first UFO'." Local Tim Klomp also saw something on Thursday morning. He said as he was driving to work along Te Ngae Rd, he saw a strange cloud towards Reporoa at about 7.15am or 7.20am. "I saw a cloud that went straight up in the air." He thought it could have been a vapour trail. Rotorua Astronomical Society president Ken Blackman had a look at Mr Baird's photos and said he did not know what it could be. "It's very strange, I have no idea." He said he would present the photos at his society's next meeting on Wednesday. ----- Originally from 3/15/2007 Rotorua a 'Hive of UFO Activity' A surgeon hailed a pioneer in the removal of devices implanted into humans by aliens is headed for Rotorua. Dr Roger Leir won't be performing surgery when he visits in September but will speak at a conference, hosted by Ufocus New Zealand, which will focus on UFO sightings and other extraterrestrial-related phenomena. Although Rotorua was chosen to host the conference for practical reasons, it is coincidentally part of a triangular section of the Bay of Plenty - between Waihi Beach, Whakatane and Rotorua - which is a particular hotspot of UFO activity, according to Ufocus founder Suzanne Hansen. "There is also a pattern of increased sightings whenever there is seismic activity. It may be that the UFOs are tracking what is happening with the tectonic plates." Ufocus treasurer and conference facilitator Graeme Opie, who is also the senior air traffic controller at Hamilton Airport, said in the past year there had been about 12 "credible" UFO sightings in the skies over New Zealand. "A lot of people don't report them because they are scared of being labelled kooks ... or they report them directly to the police or the defence force and we never get to hear about them." Between 150 and 250 people are expected at the conference in Rotorua with Dr Leir as a keynote speaker. While his resume sounds like part of a script from an episode of The X Files, the organisers of the Future Perspectives conference, at the Rotorua Convention Centre in September, insist the American is the real deal and they want to be taken seriously. Dr Leir, who holds qualifications as a foot surgeon, is touted as a world pioneer in the surgical removal of devices planted into people, supposedly following alien abductions. According to the biography posted on the Ufocus website, Dr Leir has performed 12 separate operations to remove implanted objects from people, the most recent in September. As with the other 11 cases, the patient was an abductee who had "a lifetime of close encounter experiences". The website claims the objects he removed, some of which look similar to small metal pins, had been tested in some of the world's most prestigious laboratories and baffled scientists, in part because "some of the tests show [radioactive] isotopic ratios not of this world ... comparisons have been made to meteorite samples". Ms Hansen, who lives in Tauranga, said she was certain Dr Leir was "on the level ... he has spoken at hundreds of conferences and is very credible". "He began as a non-believer [in extraterrestrials] but he became fascinated with these objects that showed up on x-rays with no point of entry or exit on the body. "I can only surmise that they might be some kind of tracking device or something that monitors aspects of a person's health." Ms Hansen said she expected the conference to generate a lot of interest. "People have a great fear of being ridiculed if they come forward [with stories of UFO sightings]." ----- Originally from 12/22/2010 Rotorua UFO "Sightings" Revealed in Secret Papers Several Rotorua and Bay of Plenty UFO "sightings" are mentioned in previously secret government documents released to the public yesterday. The papers show governments over the past 60 years haven't shown the same enthusiasm for investigating unidentified flying objects (UFOs) as the hundreds of New Zealanders who reported seeing them. The Defence Force yesterday released thousands of documents covering accounts of what people saw, or thought they saw, from 1952 when records began up to September this year. Experiences ranged from seeing mysterious lights - by far the most common phenomena - to a reported sighting of a flying saucer taking off. The hundreds and hundreds of pages include several newspaper clippings including some from The Daily Post dating back 50 years. One from April 1957 headlined 'Another saucer along our space highway' noted reliable reports that a bright, blue light was seen in the eastern sky at 6.40pm by Mrs Dorothy Bell, "well known in local theatrical circles", her husband Doug, Rotorua radio announcer Lindsay Broberg and Penny Bell, aged 9. The Daily Post reported, somewhat tongue in cheek, that we didn't know if there was a little green man inside. In another newspaper report that year, a dozen Elizabeth St residents reported seeing a flying object which changed colours from pale to blood red on a Saturday night in November. Sightings of the same object had been reported in Rotoiti and Whitfield Rd. Advertisement Elizabeth St resident Janet King said the object in the southern sky looked like a very bright light about the size of Venus. It seemed to blink and moved with each blink. The light was strong enough to shine through bright cloud. The secret papers also record an even older Rotorua sighting. In a census of "flying saucer sightings" from January 1953, a report of a bright object completing a hexagonal course is detailed. The disc was seen for up to three minutes between 7pm and 8pm by one person in June 1936. The census also includes a sighting from 1909 that was seen all over New Zealand of a cigar-shaped object described as a "terrific bright light that hovered". The papers also include a letter to the Minister of Civil Aviation, dated November 4, 1955, from a Rotorua man who detailed his experience during World War II, as he felt it may have bearing on an investigation into a recent UFO sighting in the Waikato. The local man, a former RNZAF pilot who had become a school teacher, and whose name has been removed from the files, told of being followed by a strange light. He then turned the tables: "By turning suddenly and steeply I was able to chase the light around in a circle until I could aim my four 20mm cannons at it. This I did several times until my ammunition was exhausted, but each time I observed, no apparent change in the behaviour of the light." He said several pilots experienced this. The Minister, TP Shand, replied that he had received another report of a similar experience. He said there was no doubt there were many phenomena for which they had not yet found an explanation. Elsewhere in the declassified papers, a report from Whakatane, dated November 15, 1999, tells of a light, similar to a star or satellite travelling northwest, but sharply changing direction to southeast. The person who claimed the sighting, whose name has been removed from the file, saw the light north of Whakatane at 9.45pm and 10.20pm. The report states the night was clear, with stars visible, and that there was no noise associated with the movement, which was visible for only a few minutes each time. No other details or comments are shown on the report. Another sighting in Tauranga dated July 7, 1999, is labelled 'Meteorite'. The person who claimed the sighting saw at 4.15am a very fast, bright fireball, trailing smoke, in the south-southeast sky, descending from east to west "at an angle of approximately 25 degrees". Many of the reports are carefully written accounts from individuals on the ground and private and commercial pilots. Others include descriptions of alien writing, sketches of aliens themselves and details of the spacecraft they arrived in. Most of the letters were sent to government ministers and department heads, and they invariably received polite if uninterested responses. The documents show that a UFO Investigating Committee of senior officials was set up, although it isn't clear when. But it didn't meet during the six years up to 1976 when the Secretary for Transport advised the Secretary of Defence: "I agree there seems no need to have a committee to investigate reported sightings of UFOs...and in view of the lack of interest by other government agencies our further action will be limited to a station log entry.'' The documents also reveal that no government department wanted to be responsible for dealing with UFO reports, which were dismissed by one director because ``most UFOs are only unidentifiable by the person reporting them''. Reports bounced around between departments and were often shuffled off to the Carter Observatory or the Meteorological Office. One official considered they could be dealt with by Auckland University students who had formed a group to study UFOs. Air Force and scientific experts were keen 32 years ago to attribute the nation's most famous "UFO sightings" to natural phenomena -- even though some admitted to difficulties in fully accounting for the moving lights seen from an Argosy freight plane and tracked on radar systems. The 1978 sightings were not only witnessed by professional pilots, but other crew and passengers, and they have continued to puzzle some scientists, sceptics and believers for over three decades. But the files released yesterday showed the RNZAF attributed the sightings to "freak propagation" of radio and light waves, an unusually-bright Venus, "anomalous returns" on Wellington radar, and the lights of a squid fishing fleet, cars and trains. "Almost all the sightings can be explained by natural but unusual phenomena," said Wing Commander J B Clements. "Defence should issue a PR statement fairly soon in order to tone down much of the wild speculation that has existed over recent weeks." The now-famous sightings began in the early hours of December 21. Civil Aviation officials later called in the airforce due to the number and nature of the UFO reports. Two Safe-Air flights left Woodbourne bound for Christchurch and one sighted lights off the Clarence River just before 2am. On the way back north, the crew were told Wellington Radar was picking up returns from it transmissions in that area, and the crew reported lights again at 4am, making rectangular patterns. The second aircraft left Woodbourne at 3am and also checked out the radar observations, without seeing anything near the river. But radar signals in Wellington appeared to show something tracking the Argosy and at one point the crew saw a bright orb, pear-shaped with a reddish tinge which seemed to be stationary, though the plane's own radar showed it tracking the aircraft. The RNZAF said the aircrews "do not seem to be prepared to accept the fact that they might have observed Venus. Thankfully, however neither do they believe that they saw a visitor from outer space". On December 31, another Argosy carrying a film crew saw a cluster of four or five lights near the Kaikoura Peninsula, and a pulsing white light, while Wellington radar had contacts about 21km ahead of them, near the Clarence River. Then there were radar "returns" from behind the aircraft, and a radar "target" where the crew saw a white light off their starboard side. Flying out of Christchurch after 2am, the crew again saw a large white light, which they said aligned with a large radar target. The sightings were filmed by the professional news camera crew filming an item about the earlier incident. In the 2cm-thick file on the Kaikoura sightings, a report by Dr Bruce Maccabee for the NZ UFO Studies Centre, said the incidents were hard to explain through "conventional phenomenon". And the RNZAF said it was difficult to explain the lights, "short of them being some anomalous type of reflection or refraction, cars or trains" and that it was probable that the Wellington radar returns were "spurious". ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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