Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Paranormal / Spiritual News: America's Psychic Spies, Clairvoyants in Demand and SRI South New Jersey Haunting
- Fortean / Oddball News: Fulham's New UFO Prediction, Exoplanet Evidence and Red Sea 'Jaws'
- Alabama Man Attacked by Big Cat
Posted: 05 Dec 2010 12:23 PM PST americanchronicle - According to multiple sources on two continents, the US National Security Agency (NSA) is back in -- or, perhaps, never left -- the psychic spy business. In the mid-1990s, the US Central Intelligence Agency revealed the existence of official paranormal activity -- conducted by the US government -- at the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the US Army, USAF, the Navy, and other organizations. Declassified documents from the DIA's STAR GATE program include several references to meetings attended by representatives from the NSA, who were interested in paranormal intelligence collection and psychic powers. Early NSA interest in the paranormal arms race was discovered in a declassified CIA Office of Technical Services Memorandum for the Record from 1975. A few years later -- based upon thousands of STAR GATE files -- the entire Department of Defense Community appears to have been dabbling in paranormal activities, including tests of mind-over-matter psychokinesis-induced damage to electronic circuits and the use of psychic vision, or remote viewing, to collect intelligence on Soviet targets. Some of the early US Army intelligence (INSCOM) activities involving paranormal intelligence were parodied in the movie adaptation of The Men Who Stare at Goats, inspired by the non-fiction book by British investigative humorist Jon Ronson. Examination of one 1981 INSCOM 'memorandum for the record' reveals that although NSA had been sending unofficial 'observers' to the Department of Defense paranormal program called GRILL FLAME, the Director of NSA requested an additional investigation by an NSA-sponsored committee. Briefings for the NSA representatives were attended by CIA, DIA, SRI International, INSCOM (Army Intelligence), and Jake Stewart, of the Office of Naval Intelligence. Among those present from NSA were representatives for "Tech Applications & Advancement" and NSA's Scientific Advisory Committee at RAND Corporation. According to INSCOM notes -- describing a personal briefing for LTG Lincoln Faurer, the Director of the NSA (given at NSA HQ on August 5, 1982) -- the Director stated that NSA's scientific panel had reviewed paranormal phenomena and were attempting to determine whether or not NSA would "cease all interest, pursue the subject within the agency, or join the DoD community." If current STARstream Research sources are correct, NSA eventually decided to pursue paranormal and psychic intelligence collection deep inside a special compartmentalized or 'black program' within the agency. According to one NSA source, mind-science research in support of the on-going NSA paranormal program is allegedly conducted at Johns Hopkins University. The alleged involvement of Johns Hopkins has not been confirmed by other sources at this time; however Johns Hopkins University was among the select institutions recommended by Office of Naval Intelligence representative Captain Jake Stewart [1], in a SECRET EYES ONLY report presented to the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. Chris Robinson -- a British citizen known for predicting terror attacks -- also claims he had contact with US NSA representatives following a warning he sent to the CIA London Office just prior to 9/11. Robinson's claimed foreknowledge of the 9/11 events was also confirmed to British television by Professor Gary E.R. Schwartz of the University of Arizona. Schwartz conducted informal tests of Robinson's psychic skills in August 2001. Robinson's claim of having met with a high level NSA contact was later confirmed by another NSA-related source. According to Robinson, several of the US government representatives he met with following 9/11 were "extremely knowledgeable" about psychic remote viewing. Based upon the historical record of US government paranormal activity prior to 1995, and the need for exceptional human intelligence collection following the terror events of 9/11, the existence of a compartmentalized NSA-based psychic spy effort cannot be dismissed out-of-hand. Information about previous paranormal programs leaked into the public sector in the 1970s and 1980s. The late Jack Anderson wrote about the DoD psychic spy program for the Washington Post, when it was still considered a national security concern. STAR GATE documents from the DIA include official US government psychic spy tasking against targets that included terrorists, future terror events and threats, and drug smuggling operations. An on-going paranormal program at the NSA would likely include tests of material psychokinetic effects; a search for a signal carrier for psychic information (one source claims the NSA considers psychic 'telepathy' to be a valid form of Signals Intelligence, or SIGINT); and operational tasking to collect information on targets of vital interest to the US national security. In addition, NSA would monitor foreign developments in paranormal intelligence and research and their potential impact against sensitive US locations, projects, and persons. NOTE: here is a link to a related post - Project Stargate Document: Remote Viewing ...'a real phenomenon'...Lon ********** Clairvoyants Seize Economic Crisis in Finland, Worldwide YLE - The increasingly hectic pace of life has sent people searching for answers. Uncertainty triggered by the tough economic climate is fostering a market—and demand—for fortune tellers and soothsayers. A job ad for a clairvoyant was recently posted on the employment website of the city of Oulu. Within a week, some 200 people applied for the position. Skepsis, an association encouraging impartial scientific investigation into claims of paranormal phenomena, says human nature hasn't changed much despite advances in education and technology. "People are perhaps seeking simpler solutions to their problems. Today's world is perhaps too complex for some," says Juha Vuorio, a spokesman for Skepsis. He adds that the pace of change today is quicker than at any other time in human history. According to Vuorio, people posing as clairvoyants are generally empathetic, allowing them to tune in to the mindset of the other party. "It seems as if many people have a selective memory. If a person wants to believe something, he will choose to remember things that support his own beliefs." ********** Spirit Rescue International Case Log: South New Jersey Haunting From Irene Block: The following post is the clients first explanation related to SRI of what is happening in her house: I myself have been dealing with a sudden haunting that started on August 17th. I have to apologize in advance for the length of this post. There are just so many details and I want to give you as much information as I can. I have to start off by mentioning that we have never been interested in this topic and do not even watch movie's on the topic or read about it. This has always been a very big fear of mine. Maybe too many stupid scary movie's as a kid, don't know, but we are completely new to all of this. My Husband and I moved into our new town house over 2 years ago with no problems. Our house was a model home and we purchased a lot of the furnishings with the house. We now have a one year old daughter. It all started with me seeing something floating around her on her baby monitor one afternoon. It was definitely a small white circular shadow and it glowed at night. It was only in the room when my daughter was sleeping and we only saw this on the monitor for 1 day. I completely lost it when we realized it was some sort of spirit energy or orb floating around her and we decided to video tape it. Once we started doing that, it never came back on the baby monitor. However, this started everything that happened over the last few months. We started taking photographs and noticed various orbs in almost every photograph. I have hundreds of pictures. My daughter was suddenly frightened of the closet and would wake up screaming every night at exactly 3am. I had a very uncomfortable feeling in the house. This lasted a few weeks and I very sternly told the spirits to leave in the name of Jesus Christ and they seemed to leave that night, only to return stronger the next day. During this time, our TV would turn on and off multiple times a day, my Husband's computer would crash at exactly 9am every morning, my electric fireplace turned on by itself, a picture frame flew off the counter and we would hear knocking on our bedroom ceiling at night. I even once heard knocks at our front door in the middle of the night, from our 3rd floor bedroom! The list goes on and on. Someone suggested that we try to sage the house next. I did that and they left and came back even stronger. My Husband and I discussed calling a medium to come to the house. He was completely on board to do whatever we had to do. I found a local medium to come to the house that evening. When I went home to tell my Husband she was coming, he was suddenly outraged and demanded that she not come to the house. He was even punching himself in the head and walls in the house out of anger. He has NEVER acted in this manner and has no recollection of the event. I knew it wasn't him but was frightened and left the house to give him time to settle. When I returned about 20 minutes later, he was calmer and sitting on the couch with the TV off just staring at the wall. This was still bizarre behaviour, but by the time she arrived, he snapped out of it but looked and acted like he had been drinking the entire day. He did not have a sip of alcohol that day or night. Very bizarre. I knew that it wasn't him and that something did not want the medium there. When she arrived, she told us there were a few earthbound spirits at the house. She suggested I tell them to go into the light and talk to them, which I did. The medium also mentioned that she saw a dark shadow over my Husband and felt that something "wanted him out of the house". This frightened us and we needed to take immediate action and contact a more experienced medium. The woman we spoke to on the phone said that she saw the shadow over my Husband and that whatever was in him was not human and has never walked this Earth. She said that it is going after him because he is the strongest in the house. She then said she would virtually enter our house and take a look. She said that she walked through the front door and there was a large mirror to the left and a staircase to the right. This was correct and completely baffled us! She asked where the mirror came from and said it was a portal and had to go. The mirror was very old and we bought it with the house. She suggested we get a professional house cleansing immediately. We then had a team come out and cleanse the house that week, the last week of September. During the cleansing there was a shaman journey on my Husband in which 3 entities were removed and destroyed. I have to also mention that a few weeks earlier, I tried a Christian ritual in my Daughter's room with two others and my Husband was in the other room working. The ritual was unsuccessful, as there were still orbs everywhere after we finished. We went in to tell my Husband what we had just done and he said that he just got finished vomiting. He said that he was fine one second, then had a sudden urge to run to the bathroom and vomit several times. He was unaware of what we were doing in the other room. This struck me the wrong way immediately, but I didn't really think it could have been related. Then, when we did the sage ritual, my Husband vomited the entire night. He said that the sage smell made him sick and he couldn't get the scent off of him. I thought it smelled nice, but just figured he had a weird reaction to it. Again, I thought it could be related but was in denial. Below is what the medium described she removed from him during the journey: "One was now just leftover energy, like a goop, left in his stomach since he puked most of it out by the time we arrived. The next entity was inside his head that I pulled out from the top (the crown chakra if you will). That entity looked like the gremlins from the movie, but also covered in black goop. The last one was the one latched onto the middle of his spine. This one looked like a chameleon with a rounded head, like a sphere instead of a head or a face. And obviously, both those I threw into the candle fire to destroy them." We then continued with the sage ritual after the entities were removed from my Husband and he liked the smell and did not get sick! We also created the light that night and I was told 6 earthbound spirits went into it. We had to get rid of a mirror, which we were told was a portal. My Daughter was also suddenly afraid of my Husband throughout the summer. She would immediate cry and turn to me when he would try to hold her and never go to him. I thought he was just working too much and never thought it was related. Well, she immediately returned to herself with him that night and loves to sit with him and play with him again. That was proof enough for me that something was in fact in my Husband and that my Daughter could see it. My daughter started to sleep again with no problems. Then we had a priest come to bless the house for an extra precaution. Everything seemed to be OK. Then a few weeks ago it all started again. We have orbs back everywhere, a strange dark pink object floating in pictures from another mirror and my Daughter is up again screaming in the middle of the night. A few weeks ago, a cup flew off the counter top and rolled across the room. There was no one in the room and no fan or open windows for this to happen. I waited a few minutes and went into the room and smelled a sudden scent of foul odour and dirt. This never happened before, so I took a picture of the area and there was a very dark shadow covering the wall. It disappeared in the next photograph. I am hearing the knocking again in our bathroom in the middle of the night and a few nights ago my Daughter's play piano was played at 4am and it woke me up. There were a few keys being played at the same time and it lasted about 10 seconds. It definitely got my attention. The pink object is now pictured in every mirror in the house and now seems to be on me in every picture. It is very dark pink, like a magenta and very bright and vivid. Does it sound like there is something attached to me now and why is it only seen in the mirrors? Does this signify something? I am now at my the end of my rope and do not know what to do. Could we be dealing with Indian energy? I have to add that we are located in Southern New Jersey and I have recently found out that there were many tribes in this area and my development was just finishing construction this summer. Not sure if it is just a coincidence. Not sure why this would all suddenly happen out of no where. We also have a cell phone tower basically in the back yard. It's located about a 1/10 of a mile away. I have been trying my best to ignore all of these things that are happening again and trying not to take pictures. Some people say to ignore it and others say never to ignore it. I am just very confused and don't know where else to turn! I just don't want to risk my Husband getting an attachment again or let anything harm our family. Please let me know your thoughts on what we were told was happening in our house. Is there anything we can do to finally clear our house? Does it sound like whatever is here is attached to the house or us? Thanks in advance for any advice!! Again, I apologize for the extremely long post!! ---------- From Lon Strickler: Irene and I conducted an remote view on this case today (Thursday, 12/2/10). Irene set the target coordinates for me and monitored the session. We systematically executed 5 phases in order to perceive the target and to gather as much information possible. In Phase 1, the coordinates (a set of two - four digit numbers) were given to me...from which an ideogram (a graphic symbol that represents an idea or concept) was developed. The target was narrowed down to an open area with structures and people. By probing the ideogram, 'descriptors' (the function of describing) were used to determine the nature of the target. Several attempts with the same target coordinates were done in order to get a average assessment. In Phase 2, the target vignette was narrowed by probing for sounds, textures, temperatures, colors, luminescence, contrast and smells. Through this information I was able to focus in on any verticals, horizontals, diagonals, topography, mass and energetics as well as my overall 'feeling' of the target. In Phase 3, I made a rough sketch or drawing of what I was perceiving. At this point, the sketch included a gathering area (Native American encampment) that included people, dwellings and a long vertical pole. I also sensed a waterway nearby. In Phase 4, I went into a deeper perception of the target. This included sense, magnitudes, emotions, physicals, subspace and concepts. There were other specifics used...but at this point there was no systematic procedure because the observations are starting to come together into a primary deduction. The overall impression was that there was a group of Native Americans who had been through a very traumatic period, including a smallpox outbreak that killed many. There seemed to be other problems because the leader of this group (seemed to be the leader...though I would not describe him as a chief) thought that he and his people were cursed. I noticed this leader bury a small object during a ritual in order to alleviate the curse. In phase 5, a timeline was established...Point A being the current time of the target and Point B and C previous significant events that occurred at the target. This eventually resulted in my observation of an execution of what I believe to have been a British soldier (wore a redcoat) by this group of Native Americans. I sensed that this soldier was tied by his feet, hung upside down to the pole and burned alive. Not long after, a platoon of British soldiers killed many of the renegade group and moved the remainder to another location. (After reading the many references provided to me after the RV, I think that these soldiers may have been either Dutch or militia. I sensed red coats and assumed these were British troops...but the period seems to be mid to late 1600's, a period of early colonization in this area. These indigenous people also made and used a vast variety of smaller objects in the rituals and daily life...much more than I had realized before I read the material.) The house haunting in question seems to have been the result of these events. I believe that the object (unknown what it is) that was buried by the leader is either in or near this house....specifically, this object was moved from it original location. As a result of subspace perception, there are 2 entities that are tied to and now separated from this object. The first spirit takes the shape of an unusually large dog and roams the area outside the home. The other spirit is that of a small humanoid or imp...very dark in color and very mischievous. I also sensed that the heart or main area of the activity is the kitchen. (This entity, which we called an 'imp' or 'impish' just as a description, is really a dark astral spirit that is much less dangerous than a similar earth bound entity. I guess you could describe it as a 'familiar' that is intent on finding the object. I wouldn't be surprised that there are other residents in the neighborhood with similar phenomena...the spirit may simply realized that what it's looking for is not there and decide to move on.) Irene and I don't feel that these entities are dangerous but are annoying in their quest to find the object. This coincides with information that the client told us after the remote view was conducted. Stay tuned for more information in this case...Lon NOTE: THE UNALACHTIGO OF NEW JERSEY - This link will take you to a pdf file that references the indigenous people who inhabited this part of south New Jersey ![]() Spirit Rescue International Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussion of interterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena including conversations on the proficiency of remote viewing -SRI case descriptions and evidence- ********** RECENT PARANORMAL / SPIRITUAL LINKS Ghosts activity found in Wheelock Ghost hunting with Bangkok's infamous shock jocks Ghostbusters spooked by homestead A clarification to bewildered paranormal skeptics: 'It's just a blog, folks!' Fleetwood students take measure of paranormal The Ghosts of Brumder Mansion - Part I and Part II The Ghosts of Talley Abbey |
Fortean / Oddball News: Fulham's New UFO Prediction, Exoplanet Evidence and Red Sea 'Jaws' Posted: 05 Dec 2010 11:26 AM PST Stanley Fulham's Latest: UFOs Predicted Over Moscow and London in January 2011 challengesofchange - I had advised my readers and UFOlogist supporters I would notify them by e-mail on the next major UFO display in their 'intervention process' with mankind which started in their major display over New York on 13th October 2010. The prediction, documented in my book Challenges of Change (Third printing in March, 2010) stated that "that there would be a major display over our principal cities" on that date. There was a great deal of speculation about this change in the Transcendors prediction. In late September 2010 I asked the Transcendors about this significant change. They replied: "The Pleiadians are much more aware of the consciousness of mankind than you are—after all they have been observing you for millions of years. They came to the conclusion that mankind (generally speaking) is not prepared for a massive display of their UFOs over our principal cities. They would regard it as a hostile intervention—a prelude to invasion. Accordingly, the Alien Council decided about three-weeks before their 'display' they would focus on one of our principal cities, New York. It is recognized worldwide as our most cosmopolitan city with a population not likely to be overwhelmed by the sight of UFOs; however, the 'display' date of 13 October 2010 would remain. There were other major UFO sightings on that date all over the world. But the Transcendors caution that they were not part of the Council's principal focus over New York. The New York display is simply the beginning of the Alien's "intervention process." In my last 'Reading' with the Transcendors on Tuesday, October 13th, 2010, the Transcendors advised me of the following predictions on the Pleiadian UFO displays: A. There will be a major UFO display over Moscow between the end of the first part of January 2011 and the second week of January 2011. B. This 'display' will be followed by a major display over London approximately seven-days later. C. Interventions will then accelerate, not so much over our cities, but dispersed over our continents with sightings increasing in duration. The intent of these interventions is to increase mankind's acceptance of the alien phenomena, so that hopefully, we will be prepared to accept a face-to-face encounter and communicate, perhaps as early as next year (2011). D. Objective—a dramatic introduction of the alien reality—an appearance at the United Nations. The Alien 'intervention process' will provide a philosophical challenge to mankind as nothing else has ever done. It will challenge our most fundamental beliefs. Did Christ teach to this extraterrestrial world? Are they aware of Allah and his hatred for the heathens and infidels (which, of course, must include the aliens—they also have souls!). Do they have any religions?—or spiritualism? The UFO 'intervention process' will have a major impact on the U.S. and Russian governments. This will be the catalyst that will break the "conspiracy of silence." UFOlogists can then divert their focus to the challenges the new alien technologies will bring to mankind. Due to my declining health, this may be my last writing on this subject. In the meantime, I wish all my readers and 'UFOlogist' supporters the very best in their future work. *********** Giant Stealth Planet May Explain Rain of Comets from Solar System's Edge space - Our sun may have a companion that disturbs comets from the edge of the solar system — a giant planet with up to four times the mass of Jupiter, researchers suggest. A NASA space telescope launched last year may soon detect such a stealth companion to our sun, if it actually exists, in the distant icy realm of the comet-birthing Oort cloud, which surrounds our solar system with billions of icy objects. The potential jumbo Jupiter would likely be a world so frigid it is difficult to spot, researchers said. It could be found up to 30,000 astronomical units from the sun. One AU is the distance between the Earth and the sun, about 93 million miles. Most systems with stars like our sun — so-called class G stars — possess companions. Only one-third are single-star systems like our solar system. Not a nemesis Scientists have already proposed that a hidden star, which they call "Nemesis," might lurk a light-year or so away from our sun. They suggest that during its orbit, this red dwarf or brown dwarf star would regularly enter the Oort cloud, jostling the orbits of many comets there and causing some to fall toward Earth. That would provide an explanation for what seems to be a cycle of mass extinctions here. Still, other astronomers recently found that if Nemesis did exist, its orbit could not be nearly as stable as claimed. Now researchers point to evidence that our sun might have a different sort of companion. To avoid confusion with the Nemesis model, astrophysicists John Matese and Daniel Whitmire at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette dub their conjectured object "Tyche" — the good sister of the goddess Nemesis in Greek mythology, and a name proposed by scientists working on NASA's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) space telescope. It is the WISE observatory that, using its all-seeing infrared eye, stands the best chance of having spotted Tyche, if this companion to the sun exists at all, the researchers said. [WISE telescope's amazing images] Matese and Whitmire detailed their research Nov. 17 online edition of the journal Icarus. Comet-flinging sun companion The researchers noted that most comets that fly into the inner solar system seem to come from the outer region of the Oort cloud. Their calculations suggest the gravitational influence of a planet one to four times the mass of Jupiter in this area might be responsible. Two centuries of observations have indicated an anomaly that suggests the existence of Tyche, Matese said. "The probability that it could be caused by a statistical fluke has remained very small," he added. The pull of Tyche might also explain why the dwarf planet Sedna has such an unusually elongated orbit, the researchers added. If Tyche existed, it would probably be very cold, roughly minus 100 degrees F (-73 degrees C), they said, which could explain why it has escaped detection for so long — its coldness means that it would not radiate any heat scientists could easily spot, and its distance from any star means it would not reflect much light. "Most planetary scientists would not be surprised if the largest undiscovered companion was Neptune-sized or smaller, but a Jupiter-mass object would be a surprise," Matese told "If the conjecture is indeed true, the important implications would relate to how it got there — touching on the early solar environment — and how it might have affected the subsequent distributions of comets and, to a lesser extent, the known planets." Is Tyche really out there? The fact of Tyche's existence is questionable, since the pattern seen in the outer Oort cloud is not seen in the inner Oort. "Conventional wisdom says that the patterns should tend to correlate, and they don't," Matese said. If the WISE team was lucky, it caught evidence for the Tyche solar companion twice before the space observatory's original mission ended in October. That could be enough to corroborate the object's existence within a few months as researchers analyze WISE's data. But if WISE detected signs of Tyche only once (or not at all), researchers would have to wait years for other telescopes to confirm or deny the potential solar companion's existence, Matese said. *********** Scientists Take Heart Over Lizard Venom canberratimes - Scientists have discovered five new types of lizard venom which could prove a goldmine for researchers working on the next generation of blood pressure and heart disease medication. The results of a wide-ranging four-year study, led by University of Melbourne venom expert Bryan Fry, also found some lizard species thought not to be venomous actually were. ''Their venom is unlike anything we've ever seen,'' Dr Fry said. ''These are brand-spanking new toxin classes, completely unique.'' Of the five new classes of venom discovered, three already show huge potential for drug design and development because of the small size of their compounds. ''You want to start with something small,'' Dr Fry said. ''If you start with something big then there is a greater chance of the immune system reacting violently to it … we have found three that aren't going to be picked up by the immune system at all.'' Dr Fry said the next step was to ''reinvent the wheel'' and make an artificial version of the venom. The aim would be to make it more potent and stable than the naturally occurring venom and also to extend its life in the human body. The study involved collecting and analysing the venom of 25 lizards from around the world including the monitor, North American alligator lizard and European legless lizard. These lizards belong to a group of venomous lizards called anguimorphs which have, scientifically speaking, been an untapped resource. However, Dr Fry said it was possible that ''obscure little lizards'' could hold the key to the next wonder drug - and this being the case, it was vital that their habitat was preserved. Historically, reptile venom has proved a handy tool for scientists developing drugs for high blood pressure. ''But these three [toxins] are completely different, which is important because they hit the blood pressure system completely differently,'' Dr Fry said. ''Basically, we now have three more opportunities for treating high blood pressure.'' The findings have been published in this month's edition of the Journal of Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. ********** 'Jaws' Causing Havoc in the Red Sea news25Conservation workers in Eygpt caught and killed the wrong sharks after attacks on four foreign divers at a Red Sea resort, and the shark responsible for the attacks is still at large, a marine NGO said. The Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association (HEPCA) said in a statement on Friday that photographs of the dead sharks and pictures of the attack shark taken shortly before one of the attacks showed they were not the same fish. The environment ministry had said on Thursday that the dead sharks matched descriptions given by divers who rescued three wounded Russians and a Ukrainian after the attacks near Sharm El Sheikh on Tuesday and Wednesday. "Comparing the photographs of the oceanic whitetip shark responsible for the second attack with the images of the captured oceanic whitetip shark, it is clear that they don't show the same individual," HEPCA said in a statement. The NGO said shark attacks were "extremely rare" and warned against "randomly catching and killing" large oceanic sharks in the area. The recent attacks were probably carried out by a single shark behaving abnormally, it said. A 12-member conservation crew caught the first shark near Sharm El Sheikh, the ministry said, and the second was hunted later by local state environmental officers. An oceanic whitetip shark bit off one diver's hand and caused severe leg and back injuries to the others, officials said. The victims were transferred to the Nasser Institute Hospital in Cairo and a swimming ban is in force on part of the coast. Only 11 whitetip sharks the size of the shark responsible for the second attack have been identified in the Egyptian Red Sea over the past six years, HEPCA said. ********** Interesting Atheist Produced Video on Scientology "Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wanted to make a million dollars, the best way to do it would be start his own religion." ~ L Ron Hubbard. Click for video |
Alabama Man Attacked by Big Cat Posted: 05 Dec 2010 10:05 AM PST waff - A Marshall County, Alabama man is recovering after what he describes as a big cat attack earlier in the week. Frank Harmes lives in the rural part of the county and says it wasn't a bob cat but something bigger that attacked him. Some of his neighbors backed up his claim. Harmes says he was taking a stray dog through the woods to a neighbor's home near Union Grove when he came in contact with a big cat. "It was a Florida panther. The tan ones that have the white spots around the whiskers," said Harmes. He says that's when the animal attacked him. "He come up close to me so I kicked at it trying to get him to back up. That's when he got my leg," he remembered. Harmes says the cat ripped through his coveralls, some underclothing, and did damage to his leg. He fought back with a knife and stabbed it. "He turned around and I stabbed him again in the rear quarter and then he finally left me alone," Harmes said. When Harmes got back home, his mother said she urged him to seek medical attention. "You could see the bruising and it was getting worse and so he went to the emergency room," said Viola Harmes. Neighbors also backed up Harmes' claim of big cats in the area. Douglas Mason claims he saw a tan cougar on his back porch a year ago. "There was a black one with it and it was eating cat food too," said Mason. Mason's relatives claim they got a picture of a dark gray cat about four years ago on a hunting camera. Harmes says people should be warned and says from now on he'll be going into the woods only when he is armed. Because he believes the animal was sickly, Harmes plans to go through the rabies treatments. Click for video Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Spirit Rescue International Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind Phantoms & Monsters Wiki A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussion of interterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena including conversations on the proficiency of remote viewing SUPPLY BASE Buy alternative supplies and gifts CLICK HERE! ![]() |
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