Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Readers Respond: The Interdimensional Sasquatch
- Ladies and Gentlemen, I Am Mr. Roarke....Welcome To Recycled Island!
- Bosnian Man Fears He Is Under Attack By Aliens
- The New Orb UFO / Anomaly Flap
- Fortean / Oddball News - 7/19/2010
- The Angry Abductee- The Last Member of the Abductee Group
Readers Respond: The Interdimensional Sasquatch Posted: 19 Jul 2010 08:26 PM PDT I posed this question to my readers and challenged them to make their case. Again, I was surprised at the amount of response I received. A total of 112 emails, with well thought out theories and opinions, were received in a three day period. I was sent a link to a piece written by Nick Redfern that referenced a woman named Jenny Burrows, who had a remarkable tale about a creature she claimed to have encountered in a particularly dense area of Seattle woodland: nothing less than a fully-grown Saber-Tooth Tiger. According to Jenny, she had been walking through the woods with her pet Labrador dog, Bobbie, when it suddenly stopped in its tracks, whined loudly, and dropped to the ground, shaking. Thinking that it had possibly had a seizure, Jenny quickly bent down to comfort her pet, and could then see that the dog was staring intently to its left. Following the gaze of the dog, Jenny was horrified to see moving in the undergrowth what looked like a large cat – "like a mountain lion, but much bigger." That the creature was possibly a mountain lion filled Jenny with dread; however, that dread was amplified to stratospheric proportions when its face could clearly be seen; including the two huge teeth that were the absolute hallmark of the Saber-Tooth Tiger. As Jenny said to me, with much justification: "You don't have to work in a zoo or a museum to know what a Saber-Tooth Tiger looks like: everyone knows." It was then, however, that Jenny's story became even more bizarre. As the cat loomed fully into view and out of the confines of the bushes and undergrowth, she could see that its body seemed to be semi-transparent and that, "the bottom of its front paws were missing." Jenny concluded, she told me, that what she was seeing was not a still-living Saber-Tooth at all. Rather, she thought, it was "the ghost of a Saber-Tooth" that was haunting its old pathways and hunting grounds – thousands of years after its physical death. Could it be true? Are ghostly creatures really roaming our planet? Perhaps the idea is not as far-out as it might seem. Though it is likely that this may have been a residual spirit of a once living creature, it may also be a manifestation of a non-terrestrial or interdimensional being. Our world cultures possess thousands of cryptid and humanoid legends that have been told for hundreds, maybe thousands, of years. Is there a chance that we are chasing real entities that slip in and out of our plane of existence? I was told of the experiences of a well known veteran Sasquatch investigator in the California Sierra Nevada Mountains who stated that he was watching one of these creatures walk away from him and then suddenly disappear. The terrain did not offer cover or camouflage and there was no direction that the creature could have taken without being seen. There were no caves or holes for the Sasquatch to duck into…it just vanished. Rick Phillips posted an interesting reference in his blog recently. Jonathan Downes, of the Centre for Fortean Zoology, first coined the term Zooform in 1990 and maintains that many of these phenomena result from complex psychosocial and sociological phenomena, and suggests that to classify all such phenomena as 'paranormal' in origin is counterproductive. Thoughtform may be understood as a 'psychospiritual' complex of energy or consciousness manifested either consciously or unconsciously, by an individual or a group. Thoughtform are understood differently and take on different forms. Rick makes a reference that anomalies and paranormal entities might fall into the category of Temporary beings. Temporal characters that represent ideas, such as the Bigfoot type entities that were reported on the Skinwalker ranch or, for that matter, any type of Bigfoot, Mothman or Chupacabras. Could these entities be IDEAS? Could they be ideas that transform into temporal characters - like memes? Here's is a link to the entire post - S.A. Robinson, a self-described 'armchair Bigfoot researcher' states that it's understandable that a subject as odd as this one, with the supposition that there is an enormous hairy creature that lives in forests around the country without being clearly photographed, videotaped or fully understood, should attract a good deal of divisiveness and even infighting. When proponents of the 'flesh and blood' camp mix with those who favor a 'magical' explanation, it can sour both sides from the real objective, which is to prove conclusively this entity's existence. The principle of the simplest explanation, usually being the correct one, stands up in terms of building theories, but it should not be used as an arbiter between two opposing theories…and so we are left with the two camps. He continues to explain that because of the similarities between our current understanding of the UFO phenomenon and that of Sasquatch, the fleeting visual aspect (most reports lasting less than a few seconds) the high strangeness (UFO's and Bigfoot moving at extreme speed often with disregard to physics) and with lack of much physical evidence (some trace material like radioactive soil or some unusual hair), not to mention the seeming invulnerability of both phenoms to physical attack (no UFOs or BF downed by gunfire) the link between Bigfoot and UFO encounters must fall into a similar category. Why, in these modern times, with so much technology, do we not have a full accounting of everything in our animal kingdom? Some will cite the case of the Coelacanth fish as evidence of an evolutionary throwback that, due to it's extreme habitat, was thought to be extinct until it was brought to fresh, modern speculation in a fishing net. To suggest that Bigfoot falls into this same explanation is to say that we have not really looked deeply enough into the woods. I refute this suggestion, as we have the ability to see nearly every square foot of the planet in high detail from space through satellite technology. We have a military/industrial complex that can ferret out any heat-producing organism of human size (or larger) with FLIR equipped cameras, and despite the large tracts of uninhabited land on the North American continent, humans have traipsed on so much of it that over the past fifty to one hundred years we have compiled perhaps several thousand decent eyewitness reports of weird footprints, strange sounds and sightings of the giant hairy extra-human entity. A subscriber states that just because we don't understand how Bigfoot move in and out of another dimension or what their purpose is, doesn't rule out this possibility. He has questioned a variety of people that channel interdimensional beings and every time the answer turns out that Bigfoot are indeed interdimensional beings as well. There are many other beings that can move in and out of another dimension including fairies, gnomes, sprites, and others. Indigenous people worldwide will verify this as they have strived to maintain to keep their connection to earth and the natural beings while the 'civilized' world has nearly completely lost touch. Only young children and intuitive adults are able to see/feel these beings as they move in and out of other dimensions. It's time for us to wake up to this possibility regardless of what conventional wisdom and science has to say about the matter. The evidence is there…time to become open to a broader perspective. Sharon Lee's latest blog in reference to 'Mr.Mike' and his possible ability to see beyond the naked eye may be a very good example of this theory - Well known paranormal investigator Jon-Eric Beckjord's theories sum up much of the argument. He believed that Bigfoot and similar cryptids may be interdimensional beings that can occasionally take physical form for brief periods of time, but have the ability to 'fade out' and pass through 'wormholes', possibly to other dimensions or parallel universes. He reported to have had one of the creatures speak to him using telepathy, communicating the words 'We're here, but we're not real, like what you think is real'. Beckjord claimed that such entities may be able to actually disappear into thin air, or even shapeshift. Beckjord maintained that the interdimensional hypothesis may possibly, if proven, explain why there are thousands of alleged Bigfoot creature sightings each year, yet no dead zoological physical body is ever found. To evidence these ideas, Beckjord accumulated a large collection of enlarged photographs that he says show, among other things, 'half-Bigfoots' and 'invisible Bigfoots', or possible aliens. The forms are often found in situations where the camera picked up images not seen by the witnesses, often due to distance. According to Beckjord, the images show primates, carnivores and beings not readily identified within known zoological classifications that resemble descriptions of aliens submitted to investigators. He conducted much field work, such as camping out at 'window sites' where, he said, Bigfoot activity is frequently seen. He collected his own photographic evidence of what he believes to be a 'tribe' of either Bigfoots or aliens at El Dorado National Forest. Beckjord's strong beliefs about Bigfoot and similar entities brought him into conflict not only with skeptics, who consider Bigfoot sightings to be a cultural phenomena purely resulting from wishful thinking or hoaxes, but also with those who believe Bigfoot to be an actual physical creature. Researcher and author Kewaunee Lapseritis maintains that the Bigfoot race was brought to Earth by the 'Star People', long before human civilization. His evidence is the creature's use of telepathic communications, alleged hundreds of joint Bigfoot-UFO sightings going back over a hundred years and theoretical physics. He also stated that conventional Bigfoot investigators have not found the creature because they are limited in their belief that Bigfoot is "simply a relic hominid that never became extinct." "That really may be true," Lapseritis said in an interview. "But in addition to that, (Bigfoot) may literally be, as I've discovered, a paraphysical, interdimensional native people that have told me and other people telepathically that they were brought here millions of years ago by their friends, the 'Star People.' I recently received a telephone call from a woman in British Columbia who said she was the daughter of a Kootenai shaman. She stated that most Native tribes seem to believe Sasquatch is a non-physical creature. Some tribal elders mention that they have seen the creature shapeshift into a wolf. She said her father thought that the creatures lived in another dimension from our physical plane, but can come here as it wishes. He also believed that Sasquatch has great psychic abilities and that the creature can be visible to some people, while at the same time remain invisible to others in the same group. I recall a story that I bookmarked some time ago. I'm not sure who wrote it but I do know that is was told to a alternative author or researcher by one or two of the witnesses and demonstrates several facets pertaining to a paranormal Sasquatch. On one warm summer's night, three teenage girls had gone to visit another friend. Her parents were out of town, and so the girls planned to watch TV, play music, and have a fun and enjoyable evening. During the night, their discussion turned to horror-movies and the paranormal so the four girls decided to try out an old Ouija board. None of them were frightened by the board or the possible fact, they had no real idea at all how to even use the board, apart from what they had seen on TV or read. However, what initially started out as nothing more than a bit of late-night fun quickly changed into something much darker and much more terrifying. Using familiar television imagery, they removed a wine-glass from a kitchen-cupboard, placed the index-fingers of their right hands atop it, and were soon working the board. There were questions about boys, when they would marry, and attempts to contact dead relatives followed...all to no avail. However, something decidedly odd did occur: on two occasions, the electricity went off...which scared the living daylights out of the four friends. One of girls explained later: "When that happened with the electricity, we all kind of looked at each other in a funny way and decided to stop." It was all too late, the damage was done, and a doorway was unwittingly opened. Nothing further happened that evening. The host girl, whose name was Laura, can't explained much of what happened as the next day progressed and afternoon became early evening. Once again the electricity failed, around 6.00 p.m., and the dark, foreboding feelings began to take an ever-stronger hold on Laura's mind. She decided to retire to the comfort and (so she thought, at least) safety of her bedroom. Later that night, Laura was woken from a deep sleep in the early hours, and heard what sounded very much like a loud, yet disturbing, animal-like "scream" emanating from the vicinity of a small, but densely-packed, area of woodland that was situated at the rear of the family home. Cautiously, but also curiously, Laura got out of bed, went to the window and peered out into the darkness and the shadows. Nothing out of the ordinary could be seen, so she returned to her bed and was soon asleep again...but not for long. It was approximately 2:00 a.m. when Laura was jolted from her slumber by what she described as "the grossest smelling thing ever: like an old rotting cabbage." Laura put out her hand to turn on the lamp that sat on a small bedside table, when she was horrified and panic-stricken by the sight of a silhouetted, large, black, hairy figure that was partially eclipsed by the shadows in the darkened room. Laura said the creature was "hunched over and had huge, long arms and big, white eyes." She added that at the very moment she tried to scream out loud she experienced a sudden feeling of paralysis: "I was sitting up, but couldn't speak or move at all," she stated. The worse was still to come: the hairy giant slowly moved in Laura's direction, stooped down over her, and brought its face within eight or nine inches of hers. The creature was, Laura explained, "just like Bigfoot: a big hairy thing that I couldn't tell if it was a monkey or a hairy man." For several moments, the giant beast stared intently and deeply into her eyes, then slowly and carefully backed away, until the point came where its dark mass was almost indistinguishable from the shadows that dominated the room. The strange form ultimately disappeared, Laura recalled: "like it had been sucked into the shadows." Notably, Laura added that although the beast had certainly scared her out of her wits, she did not get the feeling that it was in any way directly hostile. Instead, it was her opinion that the creature had appeared to warn her "not to get mixed up with ghosts and Ouija boards again." Unsurprisingly, since that day Laura has not. The beast has never returned. Now, I wonder what a traditional Bigfoot researcher would say about that story? Maybe we'll discover beyond a doubt where the truth lies in reference to Sasquatch. We may actually kill several birds with one stone if or when we do find the answers to our questions. There may be a grand connection between all the mysteries in our world...possibly involving other worlds or dimensions as well. Mankind may be the greatest mystery of all and the reason why Sasquatch, extraterrestrials, spirits, etc. seem to be as fascinated with us as we are with them. "While many cryptozoologists and cryptozoology supporters find such theories ridiculous, and often laugh them off, we would all do well to remember that the so-called "mainstream" of science has much the same reaction when presented with the possibility of Sasquatch existing at all. If we hope for mainstream scientists to keep an open mind, we must lead by example and not waste time and energy, that would be better spent searching for evidence, fighting amongst ourselves." – James R. Harnock Sources: The readers of 'Phantoms and Monsters' Reader's Respond: The Interdimensional Sasquatch ********** NOTE: As you may have noticed, I have added a few of those annoying 'DONATE' buttons to the blog. When I started 'Phantoms and Monsters' it was made clear that I would not charge for use of the information provided on the blog and the delivery of the daily email newsletter. That policy will continue. Because of the format I use with the blog and the wiki, my expenses are minimal...mostly monthly use fees to keep large and loud corporate banners off the sites as well as a few odds and ends. Of course, I do place some advertising...but most are banners and text links for associates and friends who I am proud to highlight. So, why the 'DONATE" buttons? Well, I'll leave that question up to you to answer. Anyway, 'Phantoms and Monsters' is a labor of love that I hope I can continue for many years. Thanks for reading! I appreciate your support...Lon |
Ladies and Gentlemen, I Am Mr. Roarke....Welcome To Recycled Island! Posted: 19 Jul 2010 12:43 PM PDT ![]() ![]() The project, dubbed "Recycled Island" by its creators, Dutch group WHIM Architecture, certainly doesn't lack for ambition. It calls for a massive cleanup of plastic in the North Pacific Gyre, the area of swirling ocean water infamous for collecting vast amounts of plastic trash. Once collected the plastic is to be separated, melted down, and then used as building stock to create a floating island the size of the island of Hawaii. That's 10,000 square kilometers, or 3,861 square miles of plastic. All the processing can take place at sea, within the gyre, the WHIM folks write. Sand, compost, solar panels, undersea turbines will be brought in to create a self-sufficient, plastic utopia. When complete, the island would sit somewhere between the Hawaiian Islands and San Francisco and serve as a refuge for people displaced by climate change, according to the plan. If it all seems a little too easy, that's because it almost certainly is. For one thing, we only have a vague idea of how much plastic is in the global ocean, to say nothing of how much is floating in just the Pacific. There is no proven method for cleaning it up, and even if there was, the cost of gathering it alone would likely run into the tens of billions of dollars. ![]() Also, how do you make a floating plastic island seaworthy? And let's say it did work -- what would be the message for plastics manufacturers around the world? "Plastic's not a problem anymore. Please make more plastic bags and junk that people can toss into the oceans so it can eventually become floating islands." Kind of awkward environmentalism, to say the least. RecycledIslandPuzzle That's not to say it's impossible -- nothing is. But the project's engineering challenges and expense make it comparable to rebuilding post-Katrina New Orleans, or putting a man on Mars. Give credit to WHIM for thinking big and trying to solve one of our planet's biggest pollution problems. But all indications at this point are that we'd still be way better off trying to stop using plastic in the first place. Ladies and Gentlemen, I Am Mr. Roarke....Welcome To Recycled Island! |
Bosnian Man Fears He Is Under Attack By Aliens Posted: 19 Jul 2010 12:20 PM PDT Experts at Belgrade University have confirmed that all the rocks Radivoje Lajic has handed over were meteorites. They are now investigating local magnetic fields to try and work out what makes the property so attractive to the heavenly bodies. But Mr Lajic, who has had a steel girder reinforced roof put on the house he owns in the northern village of Gornja Lamovite, has an alternative explanation. He said: "I am obviously being targeted by extraterrestrials. I don't know what I have done to annoy them but there is no other explanation that makes sense. "The chance of being hit by a meteorite is so small that getting hit five times has to be deliberate." The first meteorite fell on his house in November last year and since then a further four have smashed into his home. The strikes always happen when it is raining heavily, never when there are clear skies. He said: "I did not know what the strange-looking stones were at first but I have since had them all confirmed as meteorites by experts at Belgrade University. "I am being targeted by aliens. They are playing games with me. "I don't know why they are doing this. When it rains I can't sleep for worrying about another strike." ********** Space Rocks Hit House Six Times thesun - Meteorites have struck the same house a staggering SIX times leaving the owner paranoid he is being targeted by ALIENS. The latest strike on the home in Bosnia a month ago means that one space rock has hit the house every year for the last four years. There have been six strikes in total since Radivoje Lajic moved into the home in the northern village of Gornji Lajici. Belgrade University experts have analysed the rocks and have confirmed they are meteorites. They are now investigating magnetic fields to work out why they keep falling on the house. Persecuted Lajic, 50, who has had a steel girder reinforced roof put on the house to protect himself from further strikes, is convinced he is being persecuted. He said: "I am obviously being targeted by extraterrestrials. I don't know what I have done to annoy them but there is no other explanation that makes sense. "The chance of being hit by a meteorite is so small that getting hit six times has to be deliberate. If you rule out the possible, then the impossible must be true." The first meteorite fell on his house in November 2007. All the meteorites have struck during heavy rainfall. Lajic added: "I did not know what the strange-looking stones were at first, but I have since had them all confirmed as meteorites by experts at Belgrade University. "I have no doubt I am being targeted by aliens. They are playing games with me. I don't know why they are doing this. "When it rains I can't sleep for worrying about another strike. "But these meteorites have brought happiness to our family as well, as we've met different people from around the world that were interested in it. "And I have had so many visitors that I plan to make a small museum in my back garden. "But I don't have all the meteorites. I sold one to a University in the Netherlands which I used to pay for the steel roof." NOTE: OK, I'll play. This is tabloid fodder but I'm going to post it here anyway...we all need a good laugh once in a while. My guess is that he has a leaking roof and is noticing the holes when it rains...Lon Bosnian Man Fears He Is Under Attack By Aliens |
The New Orb UFO / Anomaly Flap Posted: 19 Jul 2010 11:55 AM PDT ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() MUFON CMS - CSU Foothills Campus: Was taking photos of the night sky on LaPorte Avenue, near the CSU Foothills Campus and this appeared very briefly, perhaps for a second or two. Just a flash of light in an otherwise moonless and dark night at my location. This 'orb' didn't move, simply appeared and disappeared in the same spot. Due to the long duration of my camera's exposures, it was able to capture the image. ![]() MUFON CMS - East Falmouth, Massachusetts: My mother lives on a saltwater pond about 1/2 mile width in East Falmouth. She was awoken at 3:20AM on 7/2/10 by a very bright ("sparkling like a diamond, but brighter" as she puts it) white star-like radiant object hovering above the tree line across the pond from her house. She indicates it was the size of a silver dollar if held out at arms length and 4 finger widths above the tree tops. The light caused a wide V shaped reflection on the pond as if the full moon were shining on the pond but wider. The sky was clear. There were no noises. The object hovered for approximately 1 minute upon which it moved approximately 1/4 mile to the left (South) and then a 90 degree angle straight vertical into the air and disappeared. The time elapsed between the moment it started moving, turned 90 degrees vertical and disappeared was approximately 2 seconds. Distance was hard to deduce from our conversation and her experience but her estimates are that it was not too far beyond the trees that start 1/2 mile across the pond from her house. I looked on Google Earth and if a line was drawn from the observation point to the object a few notable landmarks fall on this line in its path disregarding the variable of distance: 1 - Sand and Gravel Pit/Mine - Lawrence-Lynch Materials Corp. is located directly on the observation line at 396 Gifford Ave, Falmouth, Massachusetts. 2 - Beebe Woods with a kettle pond directly on the observation line. 3 - Otis Air Force Base - approximately 6 miles NE of observation point, not on the observation line but interesting. 4 - A large radio tower about 1/3 of a mile south of the observation line. Mufon Case 24094 in Augusta ME witnessed two similar objects hours earlier on 7/1/10 at 10:30pm demonstrate exact same object/s and behavior per my mothers review of that case, but she did not see two objects as that case indicated, just one object. MUFON CMS - California: My lady friend and me were walking home from somewhere. When we were in the pre-school parking lot I saw my lady friend look up. Then I looked up seconds later, and I saw a perfectly round disc shaped object directly over my head. As soon as I saw it it was already speeding away straight up. Actually I just got a glimps of it, but could see it had pink and violet swirls on it that seemed to be alive. It measured about 2 feet in diameter. It quickly disappeared into space. ![]() In January 2008, I wrote a post on the increased orb activity worldwide. This activity seemed to wane a bit until this current flap of orb sightings. ********** 2007: The Year of the UFO - Unidentified Flying Orb Flying orbs of various sizes and colors have been witnessed since we started looking to the heavens. Most sightings were either meteorites and small space debris entering the earth's atmosphere or balloons and other explainable objects. Since the mid-1990's, the internet has given many of us a tool to witness this phenomena. That being said, the year 2007 was a period of increased unidentified flying orb activity worldwide. From the United Kingdom to Lake Erie, from the Yukon to Australia, the sightings have been constant and similar for most of the last 12 months. What does these mean? Are we being observed by an alien species or is this activity government generated. There are many questions and very few answers. ![]() A week later, residents in the Charlotte, North Carolina area called 911 dispatchers and reported seeing a weird hovering light in the sky. Emergency dispatchers answered the calls in Iredell, Lincoln, Mooresville and Huntersville. One Lincoln County officer reportedly saw it, and the National Weather Service in Greer, South Carolina got similar calls. Even stranger, people in between the two areas in York, Gaston and Cleveland counties had no such 911 reports. The Federal Aviation Administration had no reports of plane crashes or unidentified craft. ![]() Witness Alix McAlister, 34, a market stall trader from Bredgar Road, Archway, said: "I just picked up my son from nursery in Bredgar Road. I had just come out of the door when I noticed what was going on in the sky. There were a group of them - 10 to 15 of them moving together. My first impression was that they reminded me of a squadron of airplanes in formation. But they didn't have a proper formation and they were all moving at the same speed. I thought for a while that something was happening in the centre of London. Bombs and planes crossed my mind. But I realized very quickly that they didn't look like any aircraft I'd seen before. They were coming from the north and moving south. And then they kind of stopped and they were hovering. There was no sound. They seemed to fade away and I saw more coming and then they stopped. It lasted about 10 minutes." ![]() One of the more interesting sightings was in Didum, Turkey when several people reported seeing a strange light ın the sky. The strange yellowish melon-shaped ball was spotted by several people near the police academy in Yeşilkent, while regulars at the Ark Cafe, in Hunters Valley, spotted the same UFO-style lights. Witnesses described how the melon-shaped object was moving fast and in a straight line before swerving towards the police academy direction and towards the sea before disappearing over the horizon. Some of the best orb footage was taken by Michael Lee Hill, captured over Lake Erie from the northern Ohio shoreline. Hill's orb video from 2001 had also appeared in UFO's Unplugged with Dan Aykroyd and David Sereda's film "From Here to Andromeda". Flashing orbs over Lake Erie 9-18-2007 video below. ![]() Dr. Duari described the object as very bright, changing shape from a triangle into a sphere and then a straight line while emitting various colours at 30 degrees on the eastern horizon. "No natural phenomenon is likely to last for such a long duration and it is not a meteor either, It is extremely interesting and strange," Duari said. Very similar objects has been seen and described worldwide. Transforming from a sphere to a triangle then back to a sphere and usually in a stationary position. There have also been reports of small orbs flying close to the ground and causing ground and crop disturbances. ![]() The New Orb UFO / Anomaly Flap |
Fortean / Oddball News - 7/19/2010 Posted: 19 Jul 2010 07:39 PM PDT A Texas 'Blue Dog' From 1950? The caption reads: Chupacabra or What - Is It? If you know, you might tell Charles Hudson of Dallas, Tex. His coon dogs ran the strange creature down and killed it before he could stop them. It has the head of a fox, tail of a possum, feet like a raccoon and is completely hairless. Acme photo. Mar. 10, 1950 A reader forwarded this photo yesterday. Is this a 'Blue Dog'? *********** Again, Specialists Attempt to Crack Mona Lisa's Smile Specialists from the Center for Research and Restoration of the Museums of France found that da Vinci painted up to 30 layers of paint on his works to meet his standards of subtlety. Added up, all the layers are less than 40 micrometers, or about half the thickness of a human hair, researcher Philippe Walter said. The technique, called "sfumato," allowed da Vinci to give outlines and contours a hazy quality and create an illusion of depth and shadow. His use of the technique is well-known, but scientific study on it has been limited because tests often required samples from the paintings. The French researchers used a non-invasive technique called X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy to study the paint layers and their chemical composition. They brought their specially developed tool into the museum when it was closed and studied the portraits' faces, which are emblematic of sfumato. The project was developed in collaboration with the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble. The tool is so precise that "now we can find out the mix of pigments used by the artist for each coat of paint," Dr Walter said. "And that's very, very important for understanding the technique." The analysis of the various paintings also shows da Vinci was constantly trying out new methods, Dr Walter said. In the "Mona Lisa," da Vinci used manganese oxide in his shadings. In others, he used copper. Often he used glazes, but not always. The results were published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition, a chemistry journal. ********** Ed Hubbard ('Witch School' founder and L. Ron Hubbard relative) Admits to Being a Member of the Illuminati? witchschool - I am accused of all sorts of things, but this takes the cake. Here is the statement, "Ed Hubbard is a member of the Iluminati, and will soon be inducted into the Witch-Druid Council of 13 as he has created the first global school to induct people into Witchcraft, with members in 180 countries and is responsible for over a 1000 covens. It will happen in Salem on October 31st, 2010." It was a personal accusation by a Christian group, who believe the Illuminati, a nefarious secret society is attempting to take out our society. Here is a article, and in it, the accuse Dr. Raymond Buckland, and they allege that in some ways, I am the largest single Witch Missionary in the history of the world. There is some truth in that, but Illuminati, let us be serious. Illuminati Defector: 'Rothschilds Rule With Druid Witches' From The High Weirdness Project - What is 'Witch School'? - When pagans, spellcasters, astrologers, psychics, and other New Agers want a steady source of income, they inevitably all set up their own schools with "courses" and classes. Witch School, and its founder Ed Hubbard, has been trying to go the whole nine yards: they're trying to become fully accredited (like that's going to happen); they've been putting out press releases at least once per week; they're looking into book deals – and there's even a lot of gossip about the Sci Fi Channel building a reality TV series around them. (I must admit, "reality TV" based on a pagan witch school is a lot more realistic than most of those other reality TV shows.) These efforts to gain attention did result in a backlash when Hubbard tried to open an actual real-life school in Hoopeston, Illinois. The citizens of the town didn't like the idea of a non-Christian pagan "school," though, and they began signing petitions in opposition to the school and lobbying the City Council to try to stop it. This didn't stop the Witch School from opening; however, the brick-and-mortar campus didn't last long. The actual building shut down in early 2007, though the Web site continues to function. From the beginning, the school has been at the center of pagan insider politics, backstabbing, flames, gossip, and money changing hands since the beginning. Paganism may be about the spirit, the Goddess, and purity, but this organization has been about money. And all of a sudden in early 2007, Witch School's founder put it up for sale. With little advance warning, he put the entire school, complete with Internet domain names, up for sale on eBay and asked for a price of $100,000. This caused a furor in pagan circles. The Wild Hunt blog has been covering the ongoing scandal, and it's worth looking at for those who enjoy sniping, snarking, and whining amongst the pagans. The school itself does its best to look professional and scholarly. Students can sign up for classes in First Degree, Second Degree, and Third Degree "Correllian Wicca," which is what Hubbard and his associates call their version of the faith. As part of the required school supplies, they sell a sizable selections of Power Wands. Their library (accessible only to paid students) offers a number of e-books to download, with titles ranging from Aleister Crowley to Houdini…to Ed Hubbard. They also offer a Spell of the Day and a board of "Energy Requests" for students and faculty to focus healing energies. (What's more, Ed Hubbard is apparently related to L. Ron Hubbard. This has sparked some fruitcake outcries from some conspiracy-oriented pagans that the Witch School is actually a front for Scientology.) ********** Moon Find May Point to Habitable Tunnels...Uh, Possibly Alien Bases? ![]() Last year, NASA'a Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) dipped into a low orbit around the Moon and almost immediately returned results. Early in May, it found lost Soviet rover Lunokhod 1, which wandered off course 40 years and stopped sending signals back to Earth. Later that month, it sent back an amazing image of a three-storey high boulder which had rolled across the Moon's surface before toppling into a crater. Now it may have confirmed a theory that scientists had held about the Moon since the 1960s - its surface may hide a vast network of tunnels. If they exist, such tunnels could offer the kind of shelter that would allow humans to live on the Moon. "They could be entrances to a geologic wonderland," lead researcher Mark Robinson of Arizona State University said. The series of photos were taken by the LRO when it passed over the Marius Hills, a location on the Moon known for its multitude of "rilles" - the long channels on the surface which first led scientists to propose the tunnel theory. In December last year, Japanese orbiter Kaguya spotted an enormous pit in the middle of one of the Marius Hills rilles. It was about 70m wide and dropped more than 90m to its floor. The LRO recently returned clearer images of the pit which now have scientists believing it may be a "skylight" in a buried lava tube. Not surprisingly, alien watchers have jumped on the discovery, claiming its the perfect lair for extraterrestrial life, but Mr Robinson said if the tunnels existed, they could have a practical use for humans. "The tunnels offer a perfect radiation shield and a very benign thermal environment," he said. "Once you get down to two metres under the surface of the moon, the temperature remains fairly constant, probably around -30 to -40 degrees C." Just what we would do once we got there is anyone's guess, but given that other recent discoveries point to the fact the Moon may hold 100 times more water than we think, habitable areas could be worth noting. Fortean / Oddball News - 7/19/2010 |
The Angry Abductee- The Last Member of the Abductee Group Posted: 19 Jul 2010 09:35 AM PDT ![]() Chris Holly's Paranormal World - By now many of you are aware I have been writing about the four real time abductees that I was fortunate enough to spend time with this summer. By real time I am referring to lost time abduction cases that take place when the people being abducted are fully awake. The real time abductions take place while they are going about their daily life when without permission they are taken against their will. I do not interview or write about abductions that take place in a sleep state or while in a trance or encounters that involve telepathic communications. My main interest concerns the real time abduction cases. The four real time abductees I recently spent time with consisted of three women and one man. They ranged in age from 44 to the mid 60's. The four people are from the eastern coastal area of the United States. All of them have had multiple events of lost time abduction spanning over their life time. I have previously written articles about three of the abductees . This article will be about the last of the four, a woman abductee. This woman is in her late 50's. She is a typical woman of her age with a family and life similar to many women of her generation. To meet this woman you would not notice anything different about her- not at first glance. She appears normal in most every way. She has learned how to blend in to a crowd. She has long blond curly hair that never seems to find a comb , loves her jeans and tee shirts and walks around lost in her own daily routine like everyone else. You may notice that in public no matter how hot it may be she will be wearing her jeans or long pants . If the heat is extreme you will find her in gauze pants or long flowing sundresses but never shorts. Only those close to her have seen her as she exists. Shorts and swimsuits are reserved for the privacy of her home only. The reason for her choice of fashion is due to the abnormal skin condition on her legs from the knee down. She long ago learned to forgo the stare of strangers at her odd appearance. She is careful of the sun as well as she can only tolerate it for about 20 minutes at a time before burning or feeling pain all over her skin. Like the other abductees' she suffers from the sunlight and is blinded by it. She cannot be outside without dark sunglasses. She has tinted windows in her vehicles and lives on a heavily shaded property filled with huge trees and large shade umbrella's. This woman has learned to adapt her life to fit her conditions. Her house is securely hidden from her neighbors. Her pool is tucked beneath heavy shade trees and her deck is covered . She manages to live a normal life despite her special needs. She is surrounded by family and friends and does not live alone. This woman is grateful she has the ability to provide this life and is fully aware others are not as lucky. She lives in a secluded area with lots of land around her home. She keeps to herself living her life with her family and a selected handful of friends. She is friendly and happy and hides her secrets well. She is careful who she spends time with which limits her relationships. This woman has endured strange events since she was three years old. She has diluted memories from her childhood but can recall being returned down from a long funnel of neon green light as early as age three. She has had lost time events all of her life . She remembers little of her childhood events other than strange rays of light or suddenly feeling light headed with little recall of what took place until she would find hours had passed and she was late to dinner without a reason why or a explanation of where she had been. She recalls often feeling confused on what took place during her day as a child. Her family considered the events a willful child who simply did not want to stop what she was doing and would often return home late for dinner. When she could not explain cuts and bruises on her body she would be punished for not telling the truth about where she had been. She had a difficult childhood. She remembers complaining about dreadful pains in her legs as a child. The pain would be so severe she would lay on the floor and cry . Her parents gave her an aspirin and a hot bath and thought little of it. Her encounters changed at age 13 when she and a group of teens had a clear sighting of a UFO that flew over the town where she lived on Long Island . The year was 1964 and the UFO sighting was seen by others as well as the group of teens who lived in her town. This sighting was also a abduction case as the group of teens who reported the event had a time loss of three hours that they could not explain. This woman continued having strange encounters with odd bright colored orbs and strange lost time events her entire life. She considers her life one filled with strangeness she cannot explain. The events continued until her late 40's. At that point she became determined to stop the events and went about changing her life style making it difficult to be taken. She avoids the type of situation that makes abduction encounters possible as well as demanding that her abductors leave her alone. She recalls one event in the early 90's when she found she was alone in a wooded area. She was on her way to join a group of friends and needed to cross a open field to the picnic area where they were waiting for her. As she was going about her business she could feel the strange dizzy sensation coming over her that she knew well and became furious. She threw her belongings on the ground and started to scream out to the empty woods around her "Enough, enough- You cannot take me, I do not want to be hurt - you have no right to take me, no more- no more." She became angry and kept yelling in a rage "no no no". To her amazement her rage seemed to stop this abduction . It was the last time she had a lost time abduction experience however not the last of other strange events that continue in her life. This woman has spent her life trying to avoid the interference of others in her life. She has found strange objects placed in her pocket book, home, car and yard. She learned long ago to be aware of the things around her and if she or a family member come across odd objects in their environment that does not belong to anyone in the home they quickly remove them, destroy or bury them. Once they offered an object to the authorities to investigate and were treated with insult and such ridicule that they simply bury most items far away where they can do no harm. They remain confused on who or why they have been tagged with these items over the years. They fear they may have more than one paranormal problem at hand involving the unknown. The woman and her family know that if they do not get rid of the items they find they will begin to feel ill until they do get rid of the item. This strangeness has been going on for over 35 years. This abductee shares the ability to absorb knowledge quickly and has a large appetite for learning and reading which is a common trait with the real time abductees. She also suffers from numerous health problems that cannot be explained . She too has surgery scarring and has been told she has damage to her internal organs yet has never had an operation. She too has exhibited the body of a woman who has had numerous pregnancies yet only has had one child. She has had a eye color change from a gray to a very vivid bright blue as well as other odd physical oddities she is not able to explain. As the other abductees all attempts for help or understanding in the medical community have failed leaving her to deal with her problems without mentioning her lifelong lost time events . Most of the encounters she has endured have all started with her remembering when they begin, and when they end with little recall of the lost time in-between. She has total recall of clearly seeing the UFO craft when she was a teen and another of watching a large red orb next to her house just above the trees when she was in her 20's. The other events she has endured she knew were coming as something odd would occur like hearing an odd loud voice talking in a language she could not identify followed by becoming very dizzy. The next thing she would recall would be waking up in a different location sick and frightened. As far as what took place during her time being taken she has only limited flashes of recall. From this limited memory she knows that those taking her had a human form but seemed to be wrapped in very tight skin like protective suits that were a white blue gray in color. She knows that they memory wiped her as she also has many events that occurred around the time of her abductions that were going on in her life wiped as well. If she had visited her grandmother the day before a incident she would not be able to recall the visit either. After one particular lost time event she endured at age 18 she seemed to have lost memory of most of her 15th year of life as well. She can clearly remember her life up until hitting the 15 year mark. After that there is a large gap of memory to what took place in her life until about the end of her 15th year. This has been a ongoing problem following most of her lost time events. This woman abductee feels very strongly about the direction that has been taken with the subjects concerning the UFO alien agenda. She is disgusted with the 'free- for- all' surrounding these issues and refuses to join in with those who combine the fantasy crowd with those having real lost time encounters. She feels angry at the large number of people who spend their time making up ridiculous claims about events that may fill a lonely gap in their life while doing great harm to those who are enduring difficult kidnappings, being harmed and in turn have no place to go to for help because of the fools and frauds who have made this subject a huge joke. Of all the abductee lost time event people I have talked to this woman is by far the most angry at society and the treatment she has endured due to ignorance, fear and denial concerning this serious subject. This woman thinks we are completely off base on most of our thinking about the alien UFO subject. She hopes by telling what she and the others have gone through a new spark may ignite in the public to grasp what is real from the fantasy bringing a new light to this subject that is presently lost in darkness . Her hope is that someday we can replace giggles for answers . She has hope one day those who have had to go it alone and suffer in silence will find compassion and help in place of disrespect and denial concerning what they have had to endure. This woman feels those who have taken her in the past and who have interfered in her life are alien however she believes they work hand in hand with some fraction of the human race. This woman feels her government betrayed her and has always known what was going on and why. I will be writing more about the topics discussed by this group of aductees in articles to come. I will continue my contact with the group of abductees. If you have a question you wish to ask this group you can send them to my email address at the end of this article. They have agreed to answer questions they feel are reasonable and logical. They do not respond to questions that do not relate to real time abductions. I found this experience to be more than I anticipated and hope what they are sharing with us can bring logic and reality to this subject. Be careful out there and always pay attention to your surroundings. Thanks to Chris Holly at Chris Holly's Paranormal World Copyright © 2008-2010 Chris Holly - all Rights Reserved Send us an email ![]() Support 'Phantoms and Monsters'...Thanks for reading! ![]() ![]() Listen to our segment 'Strickly Paranormal: For Those Seeking the Truth!' ![]() 'Twilight Saga - New Moon - Eclipse' authentic signed photos available ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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