Friday, April 2, 2010

Phantoms and Monsters

Phantoms and Monsters

Vanishing Ducks Blamed on Monster Pike at Leicestershire Lake

Posted: 01 Apr 2010 01:38 PM PDT

loughboroughecho - Visitors to the serene Stonebow Washlands might not guess at the terrors lurking in the depths of the beauty spot's placid lagoons...Stonebow Jaws!

At least three adult ducks have been seen dragged beneath the water and devoured by what is believed to be a monster pike living in the lakes - leading to a warning being issued to users of the Washlands not to go into the water. Local schoolchildren have been told not to go pond-dipping at the site, and dog owners are being asked not to let smaller animals swim in the waters.

One eyewitness, who did not wish to be named, said: "I was walking with my dog around the larger lake on Monday, and there were two mallards on the pond.

"There was quite a commotion with the female making a lot of noise, and while I was looking she just disappeared.

"The male was just sitting there, so I walked round to get a better view and he just went down - all I could see was a ripple and three feathers on the water.

"It was quite upsetting."

Coun Roy Campsall said: "The number of ducks at Stonebow Washlands has been going down, and now we know why.

"It's pretty scary actually - to take a duck down it's got to be monstrous."

Mark Chapman, wildlife development officer at Charnwood Borough Council, said there were no plans for the authority to hunt down Stonebow Jaws: "Pike are a natural part of the ecology of our lakes, a native fish that have lived alongside wildfowl for thousands of years.

"This one would have to be a pretty big pike that's recently been put in. They aren't supposed to be there and people aren't supposed to fish at Stonebow Washlands.

"We do take out all the introduced fish from time to time to stop people fishing, but we can only do that during the winter."

The longest Northern pike, the species native to England, ever recorded was 152cm and weighed 28kg.

NOTE: I don't know what size these predators get in the United Kingdom but I've seen my share of large Northern Pike and Muskellunge in Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Canada. A full grown Mallard Duck is a snack for some of the lunkers in those lakes...Lon

Vanishing Ducks Blamed on Monster Pike at Leicestershire Lake

Monster Sea Bug Attached To ROV Submarine

Posted: 01 Apr 2010 11:33 AM PDT

"It's definitely not an April Fools' joke," he said.

ninesmsn - A bizarre-looking giant crustacean has been found after it latched onto a submarine deep underwater and was dragged to the surface, according to reports.

Images of the 75cm creature — which has been identified as an exceptionally large isopod — have caused a stir online after they were posted on the social media website Reddit.

A user of the website claimed to have received the images from a contractor who worked with him at a sub-sea survey company.

"Recently this beast came up attached to one of our ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicle) … it latched onto the ROV at roughly 8,500 feet (2600m) depth.

"The ship he was operating from (and therefore location) is unknown, so I can't tell you what part of the Earth this beast was living."

The user's vague description of the origin of the photo has sparked concerns it may be just an April Fools' Day joke, but experts claim it appears to be legitimate.

"I've seen the pictures, and they are real, and they really do get that big," Craig McClain, assistant director of science for the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center in North Carolina, told MSNBC.

"It's an isopod … It's like the [woodlice] that you find in your garden. It's the same group of animals."

McClaim said he had also recently received the same images from a researcher who had been working in the Gulf of Mexico.

"It's definitely not an April Fools' joke," he said.

The isopod, which usually only grows to 60cm in length, is a scavenger that feeds on dead whales, fish and squid and lives in deep ocean waters.

The species was discovered over 100 years ago by French zoologist Alphonse Milne-Edwards.

NOTE: if you have a marine reef aquarium, than you're very familiar with isopods though, they're very small...only a few millimeters long. They are a great source of protein for marine fish and other creatures, including those damn Mantis Shrimp...Lon

Monster Sea Bug Attached To ROV Submarine

To The Exorcist Next Door...Do It On The Weekend!

Posted: 01 Apr 2010 10:57 AM PDT

Click for video

A woman documented an exorcism performed by her neighbors last week. She also snapped the above photo of the friendly note she left them. I hope the expelled demon didn't decide to stick around the building...Lon

To The Exorcist Next Door...Do It On The Weekend!

Vivid Dreams vs. Reality

Posted: 01 Apr 2010 12:11 PM PDT

FrostForest writes (unedited - from ATS):

First of all, I'll just come out and say it...I believe my house and those within it are occasionally being visited by those above for a vast variety of reasons. That aside, here is my little experience from last night I'd like some feedback on.

Last night I was watching TV before bed, noting exceptionally unusual, nor did I feel exceptionally sleepy. I began to get abruptly sleepy and turned the television off, it was 12:14, I must have gone out like a light, because I didn't bother to turn off the bedside lamp.

I was then in a very vivid dream, far more vivid than I would ordinarily term a vivid dream, being that I could feel what I was experiencing rather than just viewing it. I was in a very inebriated state, like popping a few pills and downing it with booze or something of that level. I was walking down the stairs in a slumped position, my upper torso slumped to the right side, heavy footfalls. I then walked into the living room where I saw my mother and brother who also reside here, one standing slumped like me and one sitting, and the door to another bedroom, which is a very heavy door that is never ever shut, was indeed shut. I then felt this, as far as I can describe, whirling motion throughout my body.

I awoke in the bed, wide awake, taken back by this dream, and confused to a pretty serious extent. I turned on the television to check the time and it was 12:27, 13 minutes after I remember turning the television off. I was awake more or less for the next two hours, unable to actually fall asleep.

Now, I mention this here because this is shockingly similar to another experience I had oh, about a 16-18 months ago, where I remember dreaming, and feeling, that I was, again, in a highly inebriated stupor, only in that instance I was outside walking down a steep canal next to the house, toward the house, a steepness that I would not be able to walk down in my own control sober, let alone this stupor, and I remember I kept leaning back to fall, yet couldn't. Seconds later in that instance, or so it seemed, I was whirling around over my bed, like if you were sitting cross legged and moving your torso around, only to a much, much more exaggerated extent, which slowly winded down and then I was lying in my bed, to which I awake to that same wide awake confusion, and the same long length of being unable to sleep again.

In addition, while not in quite as much detail but very much the same circumstance, maybe nearly 3 years ago, I had a dream when I was standing at my front door, wide open, the light in the room on, starring out into the darkness(in the same direction of where I had "walked" down the canal), just ripe with fear, heard this distinct moan carry through from some distance off, which I remember made me shutter like nothing else, and then I seemed to float backwards toward my room.

I don't know what I'm really getting at here, I think we can all assume what I'm thinking, but I thought I'd share this here. Thanks for reading.

NOTE: the reason I chose to post this account is that this is a very common and reoccurring theme that arises in a high percentage of alien visitation/abduction reports. Is it simply sleep walking, maybe night terrors....or do vivid dreams actually depict a real incident buried in the subconscious? What is the relationship between 'sleep' and paranormal events? A psychiatrist once told me that many patients who are hypnotically regressed tend to recall dreams more easily than real everyday events. Her theory was that dreams, especially lucid dreams, leave a 'marker' or reference that blends with and/or becomes a real event in the patient's subconscious memory. She maintains that she does believe that some of these patients may actually have had a paranormal event but that their dreams embellish reality. It's an interesting theory though, I can see where that argument may also be used to discount an experiencer's allegory...Lon

Vivid Dreams vs. Reality


I received an email from 'Sky Watcher' at Lights In The Sky in reference to new sightings in Breckenridge, TX, Dublin, TX and points south and east of Abilene, TX. Go to her blog and read the witness reports.

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