Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Phantoms and Monsters

Phantoms and Monsters

The Buff Ledge, Vermont Encounter - August 7, 1968

Posted: 06 Apr 2010 08:42 AM PDT

On August 7, 1969, an abduction event took place at Buff Ledge summer camp for girls on the shores of Lake Champlain north of Burlington in Vermont. The case was investigated by Walter N. Webb, who spent 32 years at the Charles Hayden Planetarium in Boston as senior lecturer, assistant director, and manager of operations. Mr. Webb, who has had a lifelong interest in UFOs and who worked with J. Allen Hynek, wrote a book about his investigation called "Encounter at Buff Ledge: A UFO Case History."

Two teenage camp employees, a sixteen year old boy named Michael Lapp, and a nineteen year old girl named Janet Cornell, were sitting on a boat dock late in the afternoon. The camp was mostly deserted because most everyone was gone into Burlington for a swim meet. As the sun dropped and the sky darkened, a bright light suddenly appeared. Michael said that he at first thought it was Venus. (Note: It couldn't have been Venus. Venus was a morning star on that date, rising at about 2:00 am on the Eastern horizon, not visible in the late afternoon over Lake Champlain)

As the object drew closer, the shape became more clear-it was a saucer shape. Suddenly, Michael remarked, "Wow! Venus is falling." But he knew better. The lone light now dropped three smaller lights from it and they immediately soared over the lake. The larger object soon disappeared from sight. It was obvious the objects were being intelligently controlled. The UFOs seemed to perform for the two mesmerized teenagers, doing zigzags, loops, and then would suddenly drop like a falling leaf.

Now, the three UFOs moved ever closer to the two friends. The UFOs formed a triangle formation, and then two of them pulled away, leaving just one out front. Later, Michael would recall hearing something that sounded like "a thousand tuning forks" as the two objects pulled back. The last UFO then passed right over them, shot upward and briefly disappeared. Soon, it would reappear, tilted to one side, then drop straight into the lake.

After a time, it would emerge from the lake, and then begin moving directly toward Michael and Janet. The UFO was so close now that two beings could be seen through the transparent cupola of the object. The beings appeared child-like. According to Michael, their necks were elongated, they had big heads for their body size. They had no hair, but large eyes which wrapped around the side of their heads. He thought that he was in mental contact with the beings.

For some odd reason, as Michael watched the aliens, he slapped his knee. One alien did likewise. The UFO was now directly over their heads, as it shot a beam at the two. Michael grabbed Janet's shoulder and pulled back, landing both of them on the deck on their backs. He then was terrified of being taken, and screamed, "We don't want to go!" The next thing Michael recalled was sitting on the dock and gazing at the object, which was now farther away from them. Janet seemed to just sit in a trance. It was now totally dark.

Soon, they heard members of the swim team talking as they made their way back into the camp. The UFO moved higher up into the sky. It flashed its lights a number of times, and then disappeared. Michael wondered, "How long have we been here?" Nothing would be said about what happened that late afternoon. When summer camp ended, the two went their separate ways. Michael rarely thought about his experience for the next five years, but as time went by, he began to have disturbing dreams.

Ten years after Michael's experience, he decided to contact the Center for UFO Studies. He was referred to investigator Walter Webb. After becoming familiar with the details of the case, Webb suggested regressive hypnosis to relieve Michael's nightmares, and hopefully regain his lost memories. The sessions brought back the events of the late afternoon experience at Buff Ledge. But now, he recalled being lifted by a beam into the waiting UFO, and going into a larger UFO. He also remembered Janet lying on an examination table.

The beings shone a light into her eyes, took skin samples, and fluids from her body. "The aliens all looked alike, Michael recalled, and had those large eyes, a mouth without lips, no ears, and two small openings for a nose." Michael also described the beings as having three pointed, web-like digits for fingers, and their bodies felt "damp and clammy." Michael recalls the aliens wanted life on our planet to be like theirs, without violence.

Janet, now 29, would also be regressed. Her recalled memories would only strengthen the case of alien abduction. She recalled the "coldness" of the table. Something had pulled her hair, and pinched her neck. There was no disharmony in Michael and Janet's statements.

Webb also conducted an investigation outside the boundaries of regressive hypnosis. He was able to find other members of Buff Ledge that had witnessed strange lights over Lake Champlain on the same night as Michael and Janet's abduction. Two other members of the camp also claimed to have been abducted after seeing strange lights, but earlier in the summer. Their names were not released. The events at Buff Ledge camp are certainly proof of an alien abduction.

Evaluation - Walter N. Webb

Michael and Janet were given a thorough evaluation which
included MMP| (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)
tests, PSE (Psychological Stress Evaluator) exams, and
background character checks.

Each MMPI score was analyzed by a local psychologist and R.
Leo Sprinkle (University of Wyoming). Basically, Janet's profile
appeared normal and free of sociopathy. Michael's score
indicated normalcy except for a possible intellectual rebellion
toward traditional ideas and parental/societal rules, echoing
his creative life style.

The PSE tests were evaluated by a certified stress analyst,
Ernest Reid (the PSE expert in the Andreasson case). While both
subjects were shown to have observed a UFO, the c|ose encounter/
abduction scenario proved inconclusive. In Michael's case, the
analyst concluded that the subject's test was administered
incorrectly by another party. Although Reid later administered
Janet's test himself, he left unexplored the abduction segment
due to its having been uncovered through hypnosis.

The two personalities comprised a study in contrasts. When I
last saw Michael six years ago, I characterized him then as
bright, idealistic, having psychic and mystical interests,
leading a creative and artistic lifestyle, and lacking in strong
motivation. His life and interests appeared to have changed
drastically following the UFO experience (Some of these changes,
however, were undoubtedly due to an unhappy home life and to
normal teen-to-adult maturation.) Unable to apply himself at
college, he dropped out of schools three times, worked at odd
jobs across the country, and finally returned to college where
in 1978 he succeeded in graduating with a B.A. in religion. When
I last contacted him some years ago, he was pursuing a modeling
and acting career.

Janet, on the other hand, followed a straight and narrow path
to her present station in life as a wife and mother. She
appeared equally bright, well-adjusted, confident, outgoing,
highly motivated, and leading a conventional lifestyle. An
excellent student, she graduated from college with honors in
1971 with a B.A. in psychology. After holding several
responsible administrative positions at an ivy league college,
Janet married a physician in 1978 and now cares for her four
children, ages 11, 8, and 5 (twins). Unlike the male witness's
continued obsession with the UFO experience, Janet has become
preoccupied with family life and prefers to forget the

It was established to my satisfaction that both witnesses were
honest, credible individuals who did not perpetrate a hoax
(indeed, they had no opportunity for collusion) nor suffer some
sort of shared hallucination or delusion.

The probability is high, in my judgment, that Michael and
Janet experienced a real external event of unknown origin.

'Encounter at Buff Ledge: A UFO Case History' - Walter N. Webb

The Buff Ledge, Vermont Encounter - August 7, 1968

Garage Phantom Throws Old Coins and Stacks Tires

Posted: 06 Apr 2010 07:53 AM PDT

dailymail - Gothic castles, deserted mansions, ivy-covered old houses - all of them perfect haunts for a ghost.

But how about something as modern and mundane as a tire depot in sensible South Yorkshire?

According to owner Nick White, a supernatural visitor has been running riot at his garage, which was originally a chapel and also served as a makeshift mortuary during the Second World War.

The uninvited guest has thrown stones and coins at staff, and stacked up piles of tires and moved them around the building while it was locked up overnight.

The ghostly figure, which materialized from time to time dressed in the style of the 1940s, is said to have first made its presence felt in 2003 but vanished (so to speak) after Mr White took over the business three years ago.

Now, however, the odd goings on have started again, with pre-war coins turning up mysteriously on the garage floor in two strange incidents a month apart.

Mr White found the first of the old penny pieces, dated 1936 and bearing the image of George VI, when he arrived for work one day in February.

The second copper coin, dated 1938, was lying in almost the same spot when Mr White, 35, and one of his mechanics turned up at the depot in Doncaster last week.

Mr White said: 'I took all the strange stories with a big pinch of salt when I bought the place. But I wouldn't like to say it's not true any more. There's no logical explanation for the two old pennies turning up like they did. I wish there was.

'It's a little bit scary knowing that there's something happening while the place is locked up at night.'

Previous owner Nigel Lee once called in a clergyman to perform an exorcism.

Mr White added: 'Nigel told me all about the tires being moved around when the place was locked up at night and customers witnessing small change and stones coming out of nowhere and flying here and there.

'It's all right being skeptical about these things, but I'm the owner of two very old pennies now, and I'd love to know where they came from.'

Garage Phantom Throws Old Coins and Stacks Tires

British Government Declares 'No Big Cats' Roaming Countryside

Posted: 06 Apr 2010 07:40 AM PDT

thesun - Big cats like the Beast of Bodmin are NOT prowling Britain's countryside, it was officially declared yesterday.

A ten-year probe funded by taxpayers into sightings up and down the land astonishingly concluded the creatures simply do not exist.

Experts at Natural England - the Government's environmental watchdog - were unable to explain why people in EVERY county from Cornwall to Caithnesss claim to have seen them in the wild.

But after following up hundreds of reports - including "paw prints" - not a whisker of concrete evidence was found.

Investigators decreed: "None of the sightings of the big cats has ever been confirmed."

The furtive felines had been thought by some experts to be descended from cougars and pumas that fled captivity.

Natural England said: "From time to time big cats do escape from zoos and other collections and are usually recaptured very quickly. We are confident there are no breeding populations of big cats in this country.

"It is very unlikely that there are any big cats at large."

That includes the mysterious beast feared to stalk Cornwall's Bodmin Moor preying on sheep.

A wallaroo - a kind of kangaroo - was among sightings of other exotic species scoffed at by the investigators.

Last night expert Trevor Beer, of Barnstaple, Devon, insisted: "The big cats ARE out there. Natural England are just making fools of themselves."

NOTE: So...there are NO big cats roaming the British countryside? Was this report released to calm fears? I have seen no evidence to suggest or prove otherwise...these creatures are there. Maybe some of my British readers could chime in on this...Lon

British Government Declares 'No Big Cats' Roaming Countryside

Mangy Civet Dubbed the 'Oriental Yeti'

Posted: 06 Apr 2010 06:35 AM PDT

dailymail - A mysterious hairless creature dubbed the 'Oriental Yeti' has baffled scientists after emerging from the ancient woodlands in remote central China.

The bizarre looking beast was trapped by hunters in Sichuan province after locals reported spotting the creature, which they originally thought was a bear.

Stumped local animal experts have shipped the mystery animal to scientists in Beijing who will perform DNA tests on the beast.

Bizarre: Hunters discovered this small, hairless creature in remote woodlands in China's Sichuan province

Hunter Lu Chin explained: 'It looks a bit like a bear but it doesn't have any fur and it has a tail like a kangaroo.'

It also does not sound like a bear - it has a voice more like a cat and it is calling all the time - perhaps it is looking for the rest of its kind or maybe it's the last one?

'There are local legends of a bear that used to be a man and some people think that's what we caught,' he added.

Despite its nickname, the albino-looking creature doesn't appear to resemble the traditional image of a yeti.

Also known as the Abominable Snowman, a yeti is a mythological creature said to inhabit the Himalayan region of Nepal and Tibet.

Investigators believe that at least two types of yeti exist: the dzu-teh ('big thing'), which is 7ft-8ft tall, and the nich-teh, which is 5ft-6ft.

NOTE: Unbelievable! Most likely this is an Asian Palm Civet with mange or another skin disease. This is the mammal known for giving us Kopi Luwak coffee. It is prepared using coffee cherries that have been eaten by the animal, partially digested, and harvested from its feces. As well, this animal is suspected to be the carrier of the SARS virus which is transferred to humans by eating the undercooked flesh of the civet...Lon

Count 'em, Nine
Nine-Legged Octopus Found in Florida Legged?...would 9 tentacles make it an 'nonopus'?

Alien Scare in Jordan
Mayor Sends in Troops After Alien April Fool Panic. Someone may lose their head over this one!

Mangy Civet Dubbed the 'Oriental Yeti'

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