Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Phantoms and Monsters

Phantoms and Monsters

Video: Project Camelot Interview - Aerospace Historian / Researcher

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 02:52 PM PDT

Click for video

Michael Schratt is an aviation historian. As a cutting-edge researcher into classified projects and unidentified craft he has met with and interviewed numerous scientists and aerospace engineers, pilots and executives from NASA and the defense industry. He investigates clues to planes that have been documented as having been flown by military from within both secret and top secret programs... He firmly believes that American tax-payers have every right to know where our money is being spent. Many of the craft he has documented are being funded within black projects... And he states that billions are being spent today on these craft. Some will only be flown once.

In this fascinating interview shot on the fly, during an impromptu meeting, Michael talks about many of the more prominent cases of classified and unclassified but often mysterious planes and aircraft that have graced our skies but remain elusive from history and the public record.

Kerry Cassidy
21st March 2010 - Project Camelot
Project Camelot Productions

Video: Project Camelot Interview - Aerospace Historian / Researcher

Winnipeg Reader Requests UFO Help

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 02:15 PM PDT

NOTE: Vanessa from Winnipeg asked me to post this email in an attempt to get some answers in reference to UFO sightings she has had. If there are any readers in her area who have witnessed this or have a explanation, please contact her. Lon

I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I live on the 3rd floor of an apt building and being the paranormal enthusiast that I am, I am always looking… everywhere, in hopes of seeing something. About 2 months ago I started seeing, at the same time of night and day, in the same place, these strange blinking, lights. I originally thought they were a star, or I thought maybe they were a satellite. I tried to debunk it before I even thought of it being anything else. There is the evening one, which always appears between 9 and 9:30 p.m. and remains in easy sight until around 11 pm, then the other one happens in the early morning (I see it when I have my coffee and cigarette at my window when I get up for work). They both look the same, no difference in shape, size or coloring. For the first few days I just stared at them, trying to figure out what they were. A star didn't make sense to me, because it was twinkling, and although I'm quite sure stars do twinkle, I was seeing red hues twinkling in with the white. They both are pretty much at eye level when I see them from my window, at first just a light, then after a few minutes you notice it has moved, ever so slightly, then nothing, then a few minutes later, it moves some more. I see nothing really but other apt buildings when I look out my window. The one in the morning appears between 5 and 5:30 am, and stays visible to the naked eye until the sky starts to brighten, so for a good hour and a half. It stays always by the one building, but only moves further away, you can tell because it decreases in size. I see them both every 2 or 3 days, but they always always appear in relatively the same spot and disappear the same way. The one at night appears by the apt building to the right of the one that I see in the morning. It's a little higher up, just over eye level, and this one moves differently. It is a little quicker than the morning one, and moves more definitely. You don't have to really look to see this one moving, it obvious. This one moves in a sort of zig zag motion. Kind of like a jelly fish movement if that makes sense. After a few days I finally remembered I had binoculars and when I looked at these through those, I saw a lot more detail.

The morning one is harder to focus on, it seems farther away or something, but CLEARLY you can see the distinct red and white blinking. It almost looks shimmery like how heat waves make something look, can't quite focus on it.

The one at night however is a different story. Over the past weekend I dedicated my Friday night to this object, so I could get a really good look. I kept looking out the window around the time I usually saw it, and finally the last time I looked…there it was. For 2 ½ hours I watched this. This one has white, red and green lights. It is a little more noticeable then the morning one, as it seems a little bigger, like its closer, so it's easier to see. At first looking at this through the binoculars it looks like just a blur of lights, as the sky gets darker and as you watch it more and more you can see the shape of it between the lights. It was very clearly a triangle. And I could see that where it moved was wherever the point of the triangle was. I don't know if you ever played that old school Atari game…Asteroids…here's a picture of it….

Anyway, this is immediately what I thought of when I saw it. This thing I was seeing moved like that triangle thing you shoot the asteroids with in the game. It would be stationary, it would stay exactly where it was, but it would rotate, then like it had a tiny little boost or something it would move, not a huge distance at all, but enough to see it with and without binoculars. It would move then stop, and looking through the binoculars you could see it changing angles, the point would be East, then all a sudden it would be West, then it would move a bit, then stay still. This is the one that moves zig zag a lot like and like a jellyfish. It would be completely still for minutes at a time, then it would go straight up, pretty fast, then it would just stop!! It would sit there for a minute or so, and then it would go to the left, then down, back up, over to the right. Not REALLY fast, but like I said, almost like it was getting a push, it would go at a obviously noticeable pace then slow down and then stop. It was pretty amazing to see I must say. It eventually moves out of eyeshot, either above me or to the West or East of me at an angle where I can't see it anymore from my window. I keep looking in the paper to see if someone else has mentioned it, or on the news, but nothing. But I swear on my child that these are there with regularity. I do not have a video camera or a camera with a good zoom on it, I have a cell phone with video and picture but it doesn't show up, I have tried.

I'm not sure how many Winnipeggers are regulars to your site like me, but maybe there are some. If you could post this I would be grateful because maybe someone from here would email me and ask where exactly in the city this is….I would be happy to tell them.


Winnipeg Reader Requests UFO Help

Mystery Animal...Give Us Your Guess

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 01:40 PM PDT

Click for video

NOTE: Well, let's see. Whatever it is, it looks like it's eating well. This video was taken late summer 2009 in northern Michigan. I swear it looks like a Woodchuck (Groundhog) but I've never seen one in a tree (though I have heard they will below). That may account for the slow reaction....if it is a Woodchuck, it's probably scared to death from being off the ground! My guess is that it's probably an American Marten or a Least Weasel. IMO it could be either of these. Then, of course, something else may have found it's way into this region or it's a Woodchuck on a tree. What do you think? Lon

The top two photos are of a American Marten, sometimes referred to as a Pine Marten. The 3rd photo is a Least or Common Weasel and the bottom photo is a Woodchuck, on a tree

Mystery Animal...Give Us Your Guess

What's in a Name?

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 12:48 PM PDT

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet."

In Shakespeare's play, Juliet tells Romeo that a name is an artificial and meaningless convention. On the other hand, Chinese people attach great significance to people's names. Not really alternative news, but I thought this article was particularly interesting nonetheless...Lon

imqq - Don't like your name? Well, spare a thought for some Chinese families whose surnames translate to "zero", "ghost" and even "death".

A man in Central China's Hunan province has spent the last 20 years compiling a list of unusual Chinese family names, the Nanchang-based Jiangnan Metropolis Daily reported on Monday.

Most Chinese people share a few common surnames, like Zhang, Wang, Li, Liu and Chen. The Chinese expression for "ordinary people" literally means "the old one hundred surnames".

But Cheng Yinglian, a retired worker living in Changsha, the capital of Hunan, said his interest in rare surnames was piqued after reading a newspaper many years ago and discovering a person with the surname Gui, which literally means "ghost", the report said.

Since then, he has scoured newspapers, books and other publications to find similar rare surnames, coming up with about 2,000 to date.

Those he has found include Ling (zero), Cu (vinegar), Miao (second) and Yi (one).

Cheng said in order to collect and find out the origins of the strange surnames, he bought many ancient works and dictionaries for study. This February, he also published a book based on his surname collection.

"I may apply for the Guinness (Book of World Records)," said Cheng.

He said most of the surnames he collected are not included in the Hundred Surnames, a classic Chinese text composed of common surnames in ancient China.

According to the latest statistics available from the Ministry of Public Security in 2007, nearly 93 million people in China are surnamed "Wang", taking the largest proportion among all surnames. And people with the top 100 common surnames in China take up 84.77 percent of the whole population.

Chinese people attach great significance to people's names and many parents go out of their way to give their children auspicious names that suggest they will grow up to be healthy, strong and rich.

What's in a Name?

Croatian Girl Wakes From Coma Speaking Fluent German

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 11:28 AM PDT

telegraph - The girl, from the southern town of Knin, had only just started studying German at school and had been reading German books and watching German TV to become better, but was by no means fluent, according to her parents.

Since waking up from her 24 hour coma however, she has been unable to speak Croatian, but is able to communicate perfectly in German.

Doctors at Split's KB Hospital claim that the case is so unusual, various experts have examined the girl as they try to find out what triggered the change.

Hospital director Dujomir Marasovic said: "You never know when recovering from such a trauma how the brain will react. Obviously we have some theories although at the moment we are limited in what we can say because we have to respect the privacy of the patient."

Psychiatric expert Dr Mijo Milas added: "In earlier times this would have been referred to as a miracle, we prefer to think that there must be a logical explanation – its just that we haven't found it yet.

"There are references to cases where people who have been seriously ill and perhaps in a coma have woken up being able to speak other languages – sometimes even the Biblical languages such as that spoken in old Babylon or Egypt – at the moment though any speculation would remain just that – speculation – so it's better to continue tests until we actually know something."

NOTE: is it a case of the brain triggering a past life? Possible time travel while comatose? This phenomena seems have happened more frequent lately. Are we realizing a result of easy access to new technology? Lon

Croatian Girl Wakes From Coma Speaking Fluent German

Check out Rick Phillips' recent post at UFO Disclosure Clock Retreats to 6:00 AM. Also, take some time to browse his archive...lots of interesting posts.

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