Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- The Morbach Werewolf
- Fortean / Alternative News: Winnebago County Encounters, Man Found Crucified and Uniontown, Pa UFO
- Update: 'The Anguished Man' - Anomalous Activity
Posted: 04 May 2011 01:26 PM PDT According to legend, the Rhineland town of Wittlich is said to be the last place in Germany where a werewolf had been killed. Thomas Johannes Baptist Schwytzer, a supposed deserter from Napoleon's army and a veteran of the disaster at Moscow, is fleeing to his homeland in Alsace, France. With him are a group of Russians, also deserters. While passing by the village of Wittlich, the hungry soldiers earmark a farmhouse and decide to take what they want. In the midst of their scavenging they are discovered by the farmer, whom they promptly murder along with his sons. The farmer's wife, witnessing the foul deed, lets out a wail and curses Schwytzer. "From now on at each full moon you will change into a rabid wolf!" she screams in her anguish. Schwytzer relieves her suffering by crushing her skull. As times goes on, the curse starts to take hold. Gradually a change comes over Schwytzer...his personality becomes harder and without inhibitions. He robs, rapes, and murders at his pleasure. He soon departs from his fellows who have had enough, and takes up with bandits and highwaymen. The ruffians are appalled at Schwitzer's excesses, so the ex-soldier flees to the sanctuary of the deep forests. There the tales of a wolf that walks like a man spreads throughout the countryside. At night men and cattle are brutally slaughtered by the beast. One night Schwytzer observes the beautiful daughter of a local farmer. Her name is Elizabeth Beierle, and in his carnal lust he rapes her. Days later, while by his campfire in the woods, Schwytzer is discovered by a group of villagers who take him for the werewolf. They give chase and corner the fugitive near the village of Morbach. Promptly dispatching Schwytzer, the villagers bury him at a crossing. There a shrine is erected where a candle will burn continually. As long as the candle is lit, so the legend goes, the werewolf will not return. Nine months later, a son is born to Elizabeth Beierles, whom she names Martin. To this day the descendants of this bastard child are a respected family in the vicinity of Morbach, and show no sign of the curse of their infamous ancestor, Thomas Johannes Baptist Schwytzer. That is until 1988.
One evening a group of Air Force personnel are returning to their base at Morbach. Passing the old shrine they notice the candle is out. They begin to laugh and joke about this, for all have heard of the legend of the werewolf. Later, at the base, automatic sirens peal into the night...sensing someone or something has activated the perimeter fence. While investigating, a security guard detects a large creature, similar to a wolf, standing on its hind legs. It gazes at the soldier for a moment and then flees, clearing a 3 meter fence with ease. A police dog is brought to track the beast, but upon arriving at the spot where the werewolf was seen, the canine cowers and howls, refusing to go further. The candle at the shrine is relit, and the creature has been seen no more. - D. L. Ashliman - November 16, 1998
----- PERSONAL ACCOUNTS I was stationed at Hahn from 1988 to 1991, and I worked at the Morbach depot a lot from 88-90. It is a very large area, and at the time it had only perimeter lighting and lights on some buildings near the front gate. It was true that there were several areas, mostly on the east side, that were heavily wooded, but for the most part the area was a tangle of open roads and steep, grass-covered burms. We joked about the Morbach Monster, but usually only to scare the new guys. I worked with several people who had been there since before the 1988 incident cited above, and none of them ever mentioned it to me. The only stories I had heard were about one of the wild boars that the local Forstmeister kept in the area getting loose and chasing someone up a light pole. Not freaked out dogs, no fence jumping. If you have never seen a german wild boar, they look like a 4 foot tall brazil nut with tusks and legs. They are dark brown and stinky and hairy and big and could easily be mistaken as some sort of supernatural beast. Not to be a wet blanket, but I don't believe the story about the 88 sighting at all. It would be just too hard to keep quiet, and there would be plenty of people who would be just too scared to ever work there again. That place can be creepy enough at night as it is. - CyKa +++++ I was stationed at Hahn Ab. In 1992. The tale of Morbach is true to the villagers. The munitions site is actually where the village used to stand according to the legend they moved the town since they could not get rid of the werewolf menace. Also the candle was to keep the werewolf from coming to the new village. I honestly think there is a big animal in that wooded area I have responded to many and I mean many calls by the munition workers about a large animal roaming the area. This has occurred both day and night. The only large animal that inhabits that area is a wild boar. Morbach is heavily wooded. The woods are so thick some parts are not passable even on foot and the munition site is 15 square miles. I have seen on three occasions that our fence was torn from the ground level coming into the site which is home to a ton of deer so I think this animal feeds on deer due to the fact I have seen many dead deer in that area. Well that is my two cents on Morbach. I do not think it is a werewolf but a big cat. - Venom012 +++++ I was an Security Policeman ( SP ) at Hahn from 86 - 90 and spent a lot of time at Morbach. I heard all of the werewolf stories too, but never seen anything that would indicate to me that a werewolf actually was there. I walked that area all the time at night, and sometimes by myself. It was always fun to scare the new guys with stories of the werewolf, and then make them do a security check of the perimeter on foot ( the perimeter road was only accessible by foot). One of our K-9,s was this big black bovier with bloodshot eyes. We would always send that dog handeler to the backside of the area to meet the new guys with that dog. there was also reports of a German WW-2 soldier that roamed the area. - GMAC +++++ I was stationed at Morbach 91-93... My buddy and I saw something in the bomb dump on night that looked like a cross between a bull dog and a monkey... and it did NOT like us shining the lights of the VW 6-pack truck on it. It was hairless and muscular and it bared its teeth at us and then ran up over one of the Igloos (hardened storage unit) We didn't think it was a werewolf, but when we told one of out our local friends about it, they laughed and said that the animal was just a fairy tale and that we should stop drinking at work! - Shane +++++ I was stationed at Hahn AB from 83-90 and did many mid tours at Morbach as an SP. We called the monster MO-MO and yes I firmly believe there is something out there. Could have been a large dog, possibly, but many times we heard movements deep in the woods, and loud yowling. It was very spooky and I was very thankful for my M16. The whole place was just damn strange at night. - Kayne +++++ I was stationed at Hahn A.B. from 1987 to 1990 had the time of my life in the area. I think we had about 8 to 10 SP's at the munitions storage area at the time. One night about 6 of us SP's along with 2 K-9 dogs decided to take a walk in the area without weapons we left them in the tractor trailer we had as Central Security Control. We first went to the pig pen that was in the storage area just to take a look the pigs were there and the gate was secure so we went walking down the road. About 100 yards from CSC we went off the road way into the forest that was in the area. Walking along the dogs stopped we and they heard some noise in the brush the dogs yelped they did not want to go any further we heard something in the brush again like if we were being shadowed. Then came the type of howl you could not duplicate nor have ever heard it seemed that it was just 20 or 30 yards or closer. My hair I remember on my arms stood and my body tingled all over, we all ran the heck out of there to CSC and locked ourselves in. I can not explain what I heard, I have spent 20 years trying to justify or explain what I heard. (What I think this could be is the towns people over the years they have mastered this wolf gig) - Albert G. +++++ I was the first commander of the Munitionslager Morbach in 1956. We moved our inventory into the area outside the village of Morbach and our airmen were quartered at nearby Hahn Air Base. Our unit was the 7372nd Ammosuppron Det #1 and our mascot was a very old dog of doubtful antecedents named Ammo P. Ammunition. We had a complete service record compiled for the dog. His record was exemplary until we arrived at Morbach. Deer would clear the perimeter fence and then be found deceased shortly thereafter. Ammo was named as the murderer and was about to face a courts martial, when I decided to investigate. I viewed the body of the most recently departed deer and found a 30 caliber slug in the animal's head. As Ammo was not qualified to use either the M-1 or M-2 carbine, I promptly dismissed the charges. This over the protests of several airmen who said that they had had to shoot the deer to "put it out of its misery". I reported the demise to the local Jaeger who promptly took possession of the carcass (which conveniently been found field dressed). There were no further incidents of this nature. This was my only encounter with the Morbach Werewolf - L. P. McCormick +++++ I was stationed at Hahn Air Base from 1986 to 1989 as an SP. I was assigned as the flight chief for "Charlie" Flight security. We posted people at the MUNNS site more commonly known as Morbach each night. I, too, heard the stories of the Werewolf. Were they real, I don't know, but I do say this, a couple of my long timers who were there since about 82 or 83 swore they saw the werewolf. Were they with Jake, I don't know. But they told me the same story. That they observed a "person" jump the fence, which was the standard 7 foot chainlink fence with the 18 inch outrigger. When it jumped the fence, the "thing" took off on all fours. They also said that when the K-9 unit was brought in, it was taken to the place where the "werewolf" jumped the fence, and the dog became very nervous. I walked the area where this happened. It is very dimly lit, the only lighting was perimeter lighting facing toward the outside. The lights were not very bright. It was a bit spooky being out there. On a lighter note, the newbies who were assigned to the area were always taken to the spot where the "werewolf" jumped the fence, and were told the story. One one occasion, one of the prankster SP's decided to hide under some leaves. When the new troop came by, the prankster reached out from under the leaves and grabbed the young guy by the leg. Screams were heard through the night, and the sound of a round being chambered into an M-16. Fortunately the other cop who was there grabbed the rifle before it was used for its intended purpose. This prank was never played again, at least so I was told. - MSgt "C" +++++ I was stationed at Hahn 82-84 with the 50thSPS. I along with 4 others were sent for a security watch one night to the NATO ammo dump. The 5 of us watched (1 pair of night vision goggles) from a side of a hill the fence line in the near distance below. We watched what we thought was a person run to the fence, then right over and then the person or animal ran on all fours like a large dog. We were all spooked and chucked it up to a large dog.The whole incident lasted under a minute. I don't believe in legends, but this was very unusual. - Jake Sources: "Das Monster von Morbach: eine moderne Sage des Internetzeitalters" - Matthias Burgard | ||||||
Fortean / Alternative News: Winnebago County Encounters, Man Found Crucified and Uniontown, Pa UFO Posted: 04 May 2011 01:39 PM PDT UFO Encounter in Winnebago County, Wisconsin MUFON CMS - near Winchester, WI - 10/6/1980 - unedited: I had just gone to bed about 9 pm. As I was lying there still awake I saw a flash of bright light through the window from the direction of our driveway. I waited for a car door to open and close as I thought we had a unexpected guest, but no one had come. I called to my husband to see if anyone had come and he said no. A minute later I saw a strange light through the other bedroom window off in the distance. I was watching it because it was doing very strange things. It was making geometric type movements in the sky like circles, triangles, etc. We lived near an airport but this light was not behaving as an airplane would behave. I got out of bed and sat by the window to watch and called my husband in to see this. As we sat there watching it it came closer to the house. Now it appeared as a very bright white-yellowish light, almost too bright to look at. At this point it was about 200 feet from the house hovering just above tree top level. There was a lone tree in the field next to the house that enabled us to judge it's size and distance accurately. It appeared to be close to the tree and just above it. As we sat there watching it it emitted a search light rotating around on the ground and the area as though it were looking for something. As the light came around it shown right into our bedroom window. It made quite a number of rotations. We looked at each other in disbelief. At this point we decided to run outside to get a better look. It was cold and still, not even the slightest breeze. I could hear the traffic from the highway which was a mile away. The night sky was crystal clear. We lived in the country on a dead end road far from city lights. We had a very clear view of the sky since we lived on the top of the highest hill the county. We often sat outside at night to look at the sky and watch the stars. The craft made no sound of any kind. I felt no moving air from it. If it had been a helicopter we would have been deafened by the noise and barraged with dust and air from the propellers at that close range. As it hovered, it was getting less bright and we could make out more details of the craft. It was disk shaped with a higher area on the top. There were red lights or windows around the top part. As we watched it we could see more details. The red lights looked more like windows with a red light inside it like a dark room that photographers use. I could see five or six silhouetted human like figures inside it moving around. Some of them seemed to be looking at us as we looked at them. The under side of the craft remained faintly glowing with the white yellow light. I would judge the size of the craft to be about 50 feet in diameter. It would have fit into our driveway area between the house and the barn. It just hovered there like that for at least 20 minutes. We could have walked right under it, but we didn't. It did not make any threatening movements or noises. I never felt any sense of danger. After about 20 minutes of watching it, another disk appeared from behind our house. It looked just like the first one. It was hovering moving very slow and close to the ground, below tree top level. The two of them hovered next to our house for several minutes then moved very slow down into the valley below tree level. they disappeared from our sight behind the trees in the valley. We didn't see them again. I was flabbergasted and elated at the same time with our experience. I wanted to report it to someone, but who would even believe us. I had not heard of MUFON yet. The next day I called the airport and spoke to an air traffic controller and asked them if they had seen anything on the radar that night. The man told me he couldn't relate any information about what they see on the radar to the public, even if they saw something unusual he could not talk about it. His response was worded in a way that led me to believe that they did indeed see something on the radar but could not disclose the information. I did not report it to the police. I didn't think they would write a report on it. Even though I was reluctant to discuss what we had seen with other people, over the next few days I broached the subject with 3 of our neighbors. The first was our landlord who lived next to us and I figured if he was awake he must have seen something that night. He was not at all surprised at my story and said that he often saw UFO's in the valley over the years. He had been living at that house all his life since it was a family farm that had been in the family for 3 generations. He was 72 years old and was a good resource of information about anything local. He was a credible witness, but he said he didn't see anything that night. We did have a lengthy discussion about the UFO's he had seen in the past. It was pretty much the same thing as we had seen, and he added that he had on several occasions found burn circles in the crops. He said that most of the neighbors around there knew about the UFO's and were ok in talking about it. It was sort of a local rite of passage with new people moving into the area. All the old timers in the area were quite familiar with the phenomenon. Another neighbor who I frequently went horseback riding with said that it hovered over their house for an hour late that night. They had previous experiences with the UFO's also. The third person I talked to about it,was a friend who lived down the road. They knew about the sightings, but were determined that they wanted nothing to do with it. They were Born Again Christians and seemed to be very threatened by the experiences. Two years later we moved due to economic conditions. Over the years I have talked about our experience with many different people. Some are eager to relate their own UFO experience, most are skeptical. I learned very quickly to use caution and to feel people out before relating the whole story to them. Many people still regard UFO experiences as bunk or ridicule it. It may not count for much relating this experience so many years after the fact, but it has always been in the back of my mind. I always had a fascination with the idea of UFO's as a child growing up in the sixties. There were books and stories about it and I held a open minded interest in it as I became an adult. I have always been glad that I had this experience because I know I am not crazy or hallucinating or making it up. I wish I had pictures but we didn't have a very good camera that night. I was too mesmerized by the experience to want to take a picture. Pictures would have been inconclusive any way. It would have shown the bright light but nothing else. I don't know if I can find too many people from that area to corroborate my story except for my husband. We are now divorced but I do know where he lives and he does talk about the experience. We don't live at that address any more, but I have gone by there from time to time. It would not surprise me if there where still sightings in that area. The uniqueness of the geography of that area could be the reason for the sightings. The location is the highest point in the county with a very large valley on the southern side. The valley has no houses in it since it floods every spring. When we lived there we had many storms that produced unusual lightening effects. We where often surrounded by balls of lightening and such intense lightening I would not answer the phone during a storm because the lightening would travel through the lines and ring the phone during storms. I have never experienced such intensity of lightening anywhere else. I was even struck by lightening in the house one day during a storm. Thankfully it was not severe and did no lasting harm. I also believe that Native American people who used to live there had a burial site there. The neighbors found many artifacts there. The area had unusual geography and history and I always felt that there was something different that set it apart from other places I have lived in. There are also high power lines that run over the top of that hill. The farm we lived on where we had the UFO experience was located on Pleasant Valley Rd. near Winchester, WI. west of Neenah. We lived on the dead end of the road over looking the valley. It was a beautiful place to live back then. I know that there have been subdivisions built in the area since then. I don't know if the old farm is still there. It was owned by Leslie Dobbie, who is now deceased. He was our next door landlord at the time. The other neighbors names I have forgotten. I had many unusual dreams and clairvoyant experiences while living at that address, but I never recalled any abduction experiences. It was a life changing experience for both of us. Since then, I have never viewed life or the world we live in with ambivalence. It made me more aware of my planet and my place in the cosmos. ********** Greenpeace starts radiation testing near Japan nuclear plant gulftoday - Greenpeace said on Tuesday it had begun testing water samples from the ocean near Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant for radiation contamination. The samples will be collected outside Japan's 12-mile territorial waters in line with government rules, Greenpeace said, adding that it would continue to press Tokyo for permission to study water within 12 miles of shore. The plant has leaked radiation into air, soil and ocean since it was severely damaged by the massive March 11 quake and tsunami, and government readings at the end of March found levels of radioactive iodine-131 3,355 times the legal limit in nearby sea. Greenpeace has stressed the importance of an independent study of the level of contamination. Local fishermen have already been ordered to stop catching certain kinds of fish, especially konago or sand lance, which have shown high levels of radioactivity. The Japanese government has estimated that compensation for damages resulting from the nuclear crisis could reach four trillion yen ($49 billion), a report said. Half the money will come from Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), the operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi power plant, with the rest coming from other electricity companies, the Asahi Shimbun said, without citing sources. The came as TEPCO calculates its earnings and prepares its future budget, the Asahi said. The Japanese government has officially refused to estimate the total liability for compensation, saying that Tokyo would not put any cap on TEPCO's burden. Japanese police are to set up a DNA database to help identify the bodies of those killed reports said. Police in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures will collect DNA samples from the belongings of people still listed as missing and from their relatives, national broadcaster NHK said. Under the envisioned scheme, once TEPCO runs out of money to pay damages claims, it would receive funding from a special financial body to be created by it and eight other power companies, the Asahi said. ********* Salta, Argentina Resident Photographs UFO Over Cachi During Easter Week Source: Contexto (San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina) Date: May 4, 2011 Resident of Salta Photographs UFO Over Cachi During Easter Week Saturday, 30 April 2011 – Last weekend, Cachi was the tourists' choice not only for its natural wonders and the warmth of the "vallistas" who live there. It was also chosen by unidentified flying objects, who flew over its skies before the incredulous gaze of thousands of onlookers. One witness managed to capture the moment: it was renowned aviator Tony Galvagno, the protagonist of the 1990's incident [near the town of] Joaquin V. Gonzalez promoted as the "Argentinean Roswell", with domestic and international repercussions. At that time, the aviator from Cachi witnessed from the town of Anta the fall of a strange object that caused a tremendous explosion. He later went public about being threatened by various organizations, who caused him to desist from the research he had undertaken. According to accounts of what happened last weekend, the "vessel" remained suspended in the air for nearly half an hour – between 7:30 pm and 8 pm. – on Saturday, April 23. Galvagno says that he decided to spend a few days with his family at Cachi, renting a house in the urban section of town. "On Saturday afternoon, during prayers, we saw a strange formation between the mountains, similar to a massive UFO. Being dark, because the sun was behind it, we did not pay it much attention, supposing that it was merely a cloud," says Galvagno. However, he explains that after a few minutes went by, and as daylight fade, metallic flashes began to emerge from the object, making Galvagno and his family – and hundreds of tourists walking the town square – certain that it was not a plain and simple cumulus nimbus, but a vessel. "I commented it with other people, as the object remained suspended in the sky, and we all agreed that at nightfall, it revealed the perfect, well-defined and metallic lines of a UFO. And it vanished thus, before the eyes of hundreds of onlookers," said the pilot. ( Reported by Scott Corrales at Inexplicata NOTE: honestly. it's looks like a cloud to me...Lon ********** South Korean Man Found Crucified in Quarry South Korean police say they've found the body of a man with his hands and feet nailed to a wooden cross. Police said Wednesday the man was found crucified Sunday in an abandoned stone quarry in Mungyong, about 115 miles (190 kilometers) southeast of Seoul. Police say they found nylon strings around the man's neck, arms and stomach. They say two smaller crosses were erected on each side of the cross he was nailed to. They found nails, a hammer and instructions on how to build crosses inside a tent near the scene. Police said they are investigating the exact cause of the man's death and whether it was a homicide. They identified the man as a 58-year old surnamed Kim. - NYTimes ********** Giant disc/triangle UFO hovering over top the nearby mountains MUFON CMS - Uniontown, PA - 2/13/2009 - unedited: - My father had just passed away that night at the Uniontown Hospital, and I was traveling with my companion back to my home, and my brother and his wife were following us in their car, when we all slowed down to watch a huge bright object hovering above the Mountains, we saw a beam of blue light shine down through the trees,and an object of some kind was lifted up by the beam to the UFO? We were all amazed by what we were seeing? Then the huge UFO sped away, and was gone in a flash? We don't know what it was, but we know it wasn't a plane, or man made aircraft, it had to be 200 yards long, and about 2 stories high? I've never seen anything like that before that big? I have however seen several UFO's throughout my life going back to my childhood? My most recent experience was inside my bedroom last November 2010 when I was awoken by a greenish-blue bright light at the foot of my bed? I couldn't move, except for my eyes? I was terrified, I felt like something was holding me down, and I could see small shadows in the greenish-blue light? This lasted about a half hour it seemed? The light vanished, and I was then able to move again? I can remember small beings coming into my room when I was about 5 years old, and screaming uncontrollably!? I have several other cases I would like to share with you. I'm looking forward to hearing from Mufon? Thank You, Sincerely; | ||||||
Update: 'The Anguished Man' - Anomalous Activity Posted: 04 May 2011 01:31 PM PDT In the autumn of 2010, I received a correspondence from a man in the United Kingdom that centered around an odd painting that is aptly titled "The Anguished Man" and is supposedly haunted. The updated video is posted first (screen captures above)...the previous information is posted below: Click for video UPDATE: April 6, 2011 - I set up the video camera again in the spare bedroom to try and catch some more of the activity on tape. I recorded over four consecutive nights for seven hours each night. After looking through the footage I found several strange light anomalies. At the time these were recorded everyone in the house was sleeping, there are thick curtains up in the bedroom so it can't be light from outside. There was one small lamp on in the bedroom at all times. I also recorded many noises, such as bangs and scraping sounds but they were similar to the sounds in my previous video so I have just uploaded the light anomalies for now. After recording this my son fell down the stairs and is convinced something pushed him. We are still hearing noises and sensing a strange presence around the house. I have no explanation for the lights in this video. ---- From 2/19/2011 The Anguished Man: Painted in Blood Hi, I thought this might interest you... My Grandmother had this painting in her attic for twenty five years. She said it was evil. She told us she used to see the dark figure of a man around the house and at night she heard strange noises and crying. She told me the artist committed suicide shortly after finishing it and that he had used his own blood mixed in with the oils. After she died we got the painting, it is currently in our basement. Shortly after we got the painting various members of the family started seeing the dark figure of a man. At night we began hearing noises and just recently we have heard crying and moaning. The painting is still in our house and although I never believed in the supernatural I am now convinced there is something evil about this painting. I am currently awaiting a full paranormal investigation being carried out. - Sean Robinson Click for video - 6/1/2010 My Grandmother had this painting in her attic for twenty five years. She said it was evil. She told us she used to see the dark figure of a man around the house and at night she heard strange noises and crying. She told me the artist committed suicide shortly after finishing it and that he had used his own blood mixed in with the oils. After she died we got the painting, it is currently in our basement. Shortly after we got the painting various members of the family started seeing the dark figure of a man. At night we began hearing noises and just recently we have heard crying and moaning. The painting is still in our house and although I never believed in the supernatural I am now convinced there is something evil about this painting..... Click for video - 6/18/2010 The noises have been getting worse. We have heard crying coming from the corner of our bedroom. We started seeing the dark figure standing at the bottom of the bed, just apparently staring at us. It seems to be a middle aged man but his features are not very clear. As a former sceptic I'm very curious so I'm moving the painting into our bedroom, previously it's been in a cupboard downstairs. I'm feeling apprehensive and a little scared....I'll keep updating. Click for video - update 12/19/2010 Things seemed to have settled down so I moved the painting again, now it's started again with a vengeance. The noises are much worse, I'm finding it difficult to get any sleep. I have no explanation for what is happening but I'm convinced it is all related to the painting. I'm going to set up a camera to try and capture some of the activity.....I'll keep you updated. I was recently looking at some photographs that were taken when I was transporting the painting in my car, when I noticed something strange. My two sons were messing about in the back seat when one of them took this photograph of his younger brother. Is this a trick of the light or could this be the spirit that inhabits 'The Anguished Man'? Click for video - update 2/16/2011 I moved the painting back into the top bedroom. I set the video camera up and recorded for approx. eight hours over three consecutive nights. After spending several hours looking at the footage this is what I found. There were many other sounds recorded but they sounded like they came from outside, these were different. Shortly after moving the painting my wife felt someone stroke her hair in the bathroom and I saw a strange fog like mist at the top of the stairs that vanished as quickly as it came. The painting is now back in the cellar for the time being. UPDATE: I referred the reader to Spirit Rescue far he has not contacted us. Lon ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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