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- Mysterious Killer Canid Stalking Bowen Island, B.C.
- Fortean / Alternative News: Mystery Sea Creature, UFO Kills Trees and BTE 2011 Summer Movie Blockbuster Show
- Bigfoot Sightings: Spokane River, WA / Green Mountain Falls, CO
Mysterious Killer Canid Stalking Bowen Island, B.C. Posted: 26 May 2011 09:57 AM PDT Residents of a small community in British Columbia have a mysterious killer in their midst and are taking steps to protect their pets, farm animals and small children. An animal thought to be part timber wolf has been stalking Bowen Island, just off the coast of Vancouver, for about six months -- preying mainly on dogs and cats. "Anyone who has family, has pets, and anyone who has seen it, seen the way it looks at you, knows that it's dangerous to have around," said island resident Stacey Powers. Her husband John recently caught the animal on video, and saw it snatch a gosling out of a nearby pond. The animal has "shown no fear of coming up close to the house," he said, "and obviously you don't want to have a concern that he's there and all of a sudden the kids are in his range." The family is keeping its pets indoors and young children nearby. A local veterinarian believes it is part dog, part wolf and that it may have been abandoned after being brought to the island. "They are a mixed-up species. They are part domestic with the instincts of a wolf," said Dr. Alastair Wescott. "They don't react normally and so people can't manage them, and so dumping them is a common thing to do." It is thought to be a young male weighing about 90 pounds. Missing pet signs are posted all over the island. The animal has killed at least three dogs, more than a dozen cats and two sheep. Many deer carcasses have also been found. The municipality has set up a hotline, bought a tranquilizer gun, and enlisted both Westcott and a professional trapper to find the animal. Once caught, it is expected to be euthanized. Rescue organizations have been contacted, but the animal's behaviour has been so vicious they say there's no chance of rehabilitation. - ctv Click for video ********** Hunting the wolf-dog of Bowen Island Since appearing on Bowen Island, B.C., in December, an animal believed to be a wolf-dog hybrid has killed five dogs, six sheep and "more cats than we even know" says Chris Buchanan, the island's bylaw services supervisor. It has taken numerous geese, raided two chicken coops and littered the island with deer carcasses. "He's definitely getting more bold," says Stacey Powers, a resident of this 50-square-kilometre island located 20 minutes by ferry from West Vancouver. "I definitely don't let my dog out, or my cats, or my kids." The island's only veterinarian, Alastair Westcott, mounted a private campaign to stop the animal, his $2,000 high-powered tranquilizer rifle purchased especially for the task. He is intimately acquainted with the animal carcasses strewn about the island by the creature, but is yet to spot the canine itself. "It's my nemesis," he says. This week, local authorities — who have advised Bowen Islanders to "take precautions when hiking, or when allowing small children or pets outdoors unattended" — called in a professional trapper. He arrives just as the animal has begun targeting sheep. The attacks have come at dawn, with the animal leaping into a pen and tearing the throat out of several lambs and ewes in a matter of minutes. "When he kills the sheep, he doesn't really eat them … it almost seems to be a game," says Mr. Westcott. Normally, wolf-plagued communities need only call up the B.C. Conservation Officer Service, which sends in a team to capture or kill the animal. However, after officers examined some grainy video images of the Bowen Island creature, they determined that the animal was an escaped wolf-dog hybrid – and thus out of their jurisdiction. Private attempts to kill the creature have been hampered by an island-wide ban on firearms. "As you can appreciate, Bowen Island is a bedroom community to the Greater Vancouver area … the province has determined this is a no-shooting area," says Cpl. Don Southern with the Bowen Island RCMP. Illegal or not, local gun-owners are keeping their rifles close at hand, says resident Ed Booiman. In January, Mr. Booiman was the first Bowen Islander to get a good look at the creature when he came upon it eating his pet Sheltie. "Everybody's hoping that someone will take this animal down," he says. The island's mailboxes, bulletin boards and trailhead signs are now plastered with posters instructing residents to report sightings to a dedicated "Hybrid Hotline." When residents phone in the animal's position to the hotline, Mr. Westcott attempts to head it off by taking up a position in one of seven hunting blinds he has set up around the island. "Initially, I just went out for a couple hours every few days or so," says Mr. Westcott. "Now, it's three to four hours a day." Wolves are notoriously hard to hunt, especially in a thickly wooded island about half the size of Manhattan. The municipality of Bowen Island has left traps for the animal, but to no avail. In February, a loose wolf-dog was shot and killed by a farmer on nearby Salt Spring Island after it killed more than a dozen of his lambs. After discovering lamb carcasses on his property, farmer Ted Akerman grabbed his 12-gauge shogun and spent the night staking out his flock from the cab of his pickup truck. He was able to kill the dog when it came back for his sheep in the morning. "People come to the island with a dog they can't handle and they leave it here," says Mr. Akerman. "I've had ferry workers tell me about people coming over with a big dog, and when they come back they don't have it." Although domestic wolves are illegal in B.C., residents are allowed to own wolf-dog hybrids. "It's one of the real messes of wolf biology that people want to breed them because they think it's sexy to have a wolf – and then they get loose and disappear," says Bob Hayes, former wolf biologist for the Yukon Territory. The B.C. SPCA has long taken a strong stance against ownership of wolf-dog hybrids. "Crossing a wolf and crossing a dog generally undoes 12,000 years of domestication," says Robert Busch, general manager of operations for the B.C. SPCA. The animal may seem friendly and dog-like, but it can easily "snap" and revert to its wild state. Mr. Westcott still suspects that the animal could be a common wolf. - nationalpost Original post: Wolf-dog hybrid puts B.C.'s Bowen Island in 'lockdown' |
Posted: 26 May 2011 09:37 AM PDT Mystery Sea Creature Has Experts Baffled The "monster" was snapped off Seacombe Ferry at 9am yesterday by photographer Mark Harrison. Paul Renolds, from the Blue Planet Aquarium, who studied the photos, said: "It is virtually impossible to actually identify, but this is the time of year when large numbers of basking sharks, the second largest shark species in the world after whale sharks, head towards waters off the Isle of Man." Sea creature captured in the Mersey by Mark Harrison He added: "If it is not a basking shark, it could be a smaller species of whale or a dolphin because there are around 23 different species in UK waters." - liverpoolecho ********** UFO Killed Four Trees MUFON CMS - 1-13-2011 - Virginia - unedited: I'd had extensive dental work done the day before (a number of x-rays, root canal, etc.) and one of my teeth was aching. It was about 2:00 a.m. and I was having trouble sleeping and rather than bother my wife I left the master bedroom and lay down on the futon in my study. I finally fell asleep only to be awakened by a strange buzzing/humming noise. At first I thought it was coming from outside, an airplane maybe. But after a few seconds I realized it was in my head. It sounded like a microwave oven, but without the heat. I couldn't move even though I was fully awake. My entire skull was vibrating. It wasn't unpleasant, just weird. After a minute of this I began to get scared. I thought I might be having a medical event of some sort. With great effort I was able to move one arm and reached my wristwatch on the end table (it's a Citizen Eco-drive with luminescent hands). It was exactly 3:08 in the morning. As I stared at the watch the humming slowly subsided. Once it ended I could move freely again. I sat up and looked around. The house was completely still. Only the light of the single street light across the street broke the darkness. I got up and walked from room to room, but nothing was out of the ordinary. My wife was sleeping soundly. There was no sign of the cats. Then I thought I heard something from the roof. I went to a window overlooking the back yard and looked up at the sky. It was an overcast night, but I was certain I saw the curve of something rather large over the house. It was very dark, but it caught the light from the street just enough for me to think it was metallic of sort. It couldn't have been more than thirty feet above the roof (our house is a rancher). I hurried to the back deck but by the time I opened the slider and looked up again, the object was gone. I didn't know what to do. I went back inside and went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. There were droplets of blood coming from my right nostril. But, other than that, I didn't appear to be any worse for wear. I returned to the study, turned on the TV for a while and stared at the screen for quite a long time, not taking much of anything in. To cut to the chase, about two weeks later I went out to get the Sunday paper and noticed that some of the pine trees nearest my house appeared to be dead. The needles were all reddish brown. I called an arborist I'd done business with in the past and he took a look at them. He agreed that they were dead and should come down (these trees are 60+ feet tall). After he dropped the first tree he came to and asked me how long they'd been dead. I said I thought couple of weeks. He said this wasn't possible because these trees were totally devoid or sap and moisture. In his experience it takes months, maybe a year for a pine to dry out this completely. I stood by my story. They were all still green around Christmas time. He said I must be mistaken. So, I asked him, what do you think killed the trees? He said it was either last summer's drought or insects. I pointed at all of the neighbors' trees. They are all healthy and thriving. Not a single one for two blocks around is dead. He shook his head and said it was strange, but he didn't know what else to say. Of course I didn't tell him that I thought might have UFO killed them. That's the last thing I need in my neighborhood. As a PS I'd like to add that strange things have been happening to us ever since I saw a UFO a few years ago. I won't go into them here. I feel like I'm living in my very own sci-fi movie. And I don't much like it. Even my wife has mentioned odd dreams and thoughts. *********** Feet found on two islands identified as Surrey man's Two feet found on Valdes Island and Westham Island in 2008 belonged to a 21-year-old Surrey man who'd been reported missing four years earlier, the B.C. Coroners Service announced Tuesday. Westham is at the mouth of the Fraser River while Valdes is 18 nautical miles away, across Georgia Strait. The feet, in matching Nike size 11 running shoes, were found on Feb. 8 and June 16. They were among seven that washed ashore on the Gulf Islands and the south coast between August 2007 and October 2009, attracting media attention the world over. Work on the missing feet has helped the coroners service "tremendously" advance its investigative techniques in determining identity, coroner Stephen Fonseca said in an interview from Burnaby. Four of the feet have been traced to three Lower Mainland males, and their families have been notified. Three feet remain unidentified; two belong to the same female and one to a male. Fonseca wants people to know the missing feet "are absolutely not suspicious. The community doesn't have to feel threatened." When the feet first appeared, some speculated that the cause could be serial killers, gangland initiation rites or other criminal activity. However, preliminary analysis indicated that the feet all separated from the bodies naturally while in the water and not through violence. The appearance of so many feet in a relatively short time could have a lot to do with media coverage prompting people to notice shoes on the beach they might otherwise have overlooked, Fonseca said. The news stories "brought so much more attention to running shoes," he said. "People went looking." Many people do go missing in the ocean and Fraser River, he said, "and so it's not unreasonable in the future that might be related to these cases." Running shoes are buoyant unlike hiking and work boots, making the former more likely to be found, Fonseca said. It's unclear if the remaining feet will be identified, "but we will never give up," Fonseca said. "It's not just the feet for us. There are a number of other human remains cases that we are paying equal attention to. They also have loved ones sitting at home, waiting for us to call. "Our process has been to accept a missing persons case and query it against all our human remains. We don't want to target just the feet." Investigators use various techniques in determining identity. When a missing person file is handed to the coroners service, "we want to know everything about that missing person. The police run queries on their side ... and I've analysts here in my unit that see it from the opposite side. "We don't have the luxury of knowing they have blond hair and blue eyes. We just have bones," Fonseca said. Everyone who has been reported missing to the coroners service by the police now has a geographic-information profile. "We have lots of missing people but if we know they went missing in a lake ... and there's no way that lake is feeding into the Fraser River, we can exclude the feet from being related to this person. "We know our model works well and our analysts are becoming very experienced with these complex cases. What we've learned, we've passed on to other provinces." It's important to remember that behind all the scientific models and analysis, there are grieving families waiting to hear about their loved ones, Fonseca said. "We're responsible for making identifications in this province and we take that seriously, but that's not really what it's about," he said. "Every day there's a family out there that might not know what happened, has no idea where their daughter or son has disappeared to. The goal is reducing that societal and familial suffering." Fonseca has spoken to families of those people he has identified over 35 years. "You only truly understand the impact you're making when you sit down with them and they bring out these huge binders of all the investigation they've done. You get to see how desperate they are for closure. "They need to know what happened and they live it every single day." - timescolonist *********** This week we kick off summer 2011 with our very own Scott "Hackenslash" Walton of BTE Movie News and Reviews as he joins Eric and Lon to discuss and preview the upcoming 2011 Summer movies. Whether it's Green Lantern, Pirates of the Carribean, Captain America, Transformers, Harry Potter, Scott "Hackenslash" Walton will join us for an hour to review the upcoming movie blockbusters of the summer. This is going to be a fun show with movie talk. So grab the popcorn and a soda, find a comfy chair in the theater and sit back and enjoy a night at the movies! ![]() Join Eric Altman, Lon Strickler and the crew LIVE each Sunday at 10 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ********** Strange 'Messages' on Leaves In Serra city, leafs of trees - by ten years, have presented a strange phenomenon. Inscriptions, religious figures and others appear on the surface of the leafs. The images are like embroideries produced by combination of numerous tiny perfurations. The local population belives that the inscriptions are messages of Our Lady. The house where the tree stays became a pilgrimage place. The first inscription, appeared sixteen years ago and was found by house owner, Mrs. Maria Aparecida D'Ávila. Since then, the inscriptions don't stop to appear in leafs of all trees of the propriety. A specialist in insect explain that the marks probably were not made by ants. The expert on insects, Marcelo Teixeira explain: The called "leafcutter ants", like the known "saúvas ants" (Atta), they cut peaces of leafs, like if using scissors. This is not the case. However, many people say they saw ants embroidering the leafs (guided by God). The former residents have moved but an association takes care of the house, which receives thousands of visitors. During a retirement, drawings, similars to that appear on the leafs but much bigger, appeared on the wall. The Church says that there is no divine or supernatural phenomenon in the leaves, but does not condemn people that want pray at the site |
Bigfoot Sightings: Spokane River, WA / Green Mountain Falls, CO Posted: 26 May 2011 08:58 AM PDT Click for video It's not wreaking havoc like the Mississippi River by any means, or all those little creeks in southeastern Montana that are really screwing people on the Crow reservation, but the Spokane River has officially topped flood stage, and may just have flushed one of nature's most (only?) elusive (fictional?) man-apes into the open. Yesterday, a YouTube user with the handle Samantha13950 posted a video that shows hikers wending their way down to the river. The video then goes dark and asks, "did you see it?" The video resets and plays again, in slow motion. Yep, sure enough. In the upper right corner — conveniently and beautifully illuminated by a ray of sunlight — a black, hulking man in a gorilla suit real effing sasquatch!!!???!! figure of unknown provenance walks through the frame: Samantha13950 says on the post that no one noticed Big Foot until after they got home and checked the video (if they taped the entire lumbering hike that must have made for a less than exhilarating editing room sesh). The Inlander has a team of 80 forensic videographers checking on the authenticity of this. In the meantime, though, can I just make a plea, on behalf of Big Foot, for humanity to step up its game? The sasquatch have been playing hide and seek with us for millenia, and it's pretty obvious who's winning. I mean, they're always right there, crossing into a clearing — dappled sunlight creating a halo of light that may as well be a flashing "Big Foot here" sign — just as there's a camera rolling. - inlander UPDATE: Samantha13950 says she isn't interested in "[getting] involved in a news story," but she did tell us where the footage was taken, and with what: "I will let you know that we were in downriver park where the big hill starts to flatten out down by the river. The video is from my iphone. I was filming my friends slapping at ginormous mosquitoes and trying to get through some thick weeds." There's no visible slapping of mosquitoes in the video, but it would be reasonable to edit that out when the focus of the video shifted from insects to a giant lumbering figure in the woods. The comment string on the video is already full of cryptid hunters debating the merits of the video, so we'll leave the analysis to them. (The best conversation happens between someone named BFResearchSE and someone named DistendedPerineum, for what that's worth.) NOTE: another day...another Blobsquatch. What are your thoughts? Lon ********** Caught On Cam: Bigfoot In Colorado? Is Bigfoot real? It's a question that many have asked since the first sightings back in the 1800s when explorers began talking about an ape-like creature that walked like a man. Many scientists have brushed off reports that the creatures exists, and so far no real proof has been presented. Daniel Masias hopes to be the one to prove Bigfoot's exists. His fascination began in 1982 when he claimed to have seen two of the creatures near his Green Mountain Falls home one morning. "In the winter, when there was snow, we noticed there were footprints. The prints didn't have shoes on them; they were just bare feet," he recalled. Masias described the creatures as hairy and less than 6 feet tall, but the footprints they left behind were not human-like. Masias said one creature has a foot span of about 12 inches, the other about 7 inches. "So, not really big, about average human size," he said. When asked why no one has seen these creatures or taken pictures with current technology, Masias said he thinks the creatures are coming through a wormhole, an intergalactic travel portal from one galaxy to another. Masias isn't the only one to have claimed to have seen Bigfoot. Ken French, a ranger for the Pikes Peak District, remembers seeing a strange creature near Centennial Point, near the summit of the peak. "I saw a dark uniformed color individual walking on the snow, and I stopped my tour bus and ask for binoculars," recalled French. He thinks the creature was about 1,000 yards away. "It was big and dark and it had a big gate, so it looked unusual to me." French remembered that it walked like a person, but he felt it was odd at the time. "It's not unusual to see people on a snow slope, usually on a ridge line walking, but you do see people up there occasionally, but it's usually a couple of people," said French. After the numerous sightings on Pikes Peak, ranger put up a Bigfoot crossing sign to warn visitors of what they could be in store for when they drive up to the 14,110 foot summit. Masias is convinced he will get a picture of the creature, he thinks is Bigfoot. His motion-sensor camera already has snapped pictures that no one can explain, including one he said is an alien. - krdo - video available ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. 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