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Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 39 Posted: 21 May 2011 02:13 PM PDT The following are previous humanoid / cryptid encounter reports received by various agencies worldwide: ASWANG ATTACK Location: Barangay Cabuling, Philippines - September 22, 2004 - evening 16-year-old Tata Porras claimed that his 14-year-old brother Michael was attacked by an "aswang", which he claimed was disguised as a big black dog with red glowing eyes. Porra's description aptly fit the physical appearance of the supernatural being that has the ability to transform itself into different forms while devouring a prey. He claimed that he and his younger brother were sleeping in as mall makeshift hut near their rice field on the above evening, guarding their farm ducks, when the incident occurred. The boy's parents were sleeping in their house just a few meters away from the rice field. Tata reported that the big black dog was about three feet high and was about to bite the neck of his younger brother when he saw it. When he saw the creature he grabbed his single shot rifle and shot at the creature. The creature then fled and was lost in the dark. Prior to the alleged attack, Tata said he heard a squeaking sound outside the makeshift hut. Michael was hit on his right leg when Tata fired the shot at the aswang. He was immediately brought to the South Cotabato Provincial Hospital for medical treatment. Source: Ramil Bajo, RCB ********** ASWANG ATTACKS II Location: Barangay Lower Manongol, Philippines - May-June 2008 On a Sunday, three goats owned by Cielo Alonzo were seen dead and disemboweled, in a vacant lot owned by Danny Guerero in Purok 2A, Barangay Lower Manongol, around 2:30 p.m. Some residents believed the folkloric creature was the attacker, as the internal organs of the domesticated livestock were gone. But police dismissed the story as baseless. "Something that is bigger than the dog, or a wolf maybe, or something that has supernatural powers could be behind the killing," said one man. The incident was the second since May, according to Edgar de Jesus, president of Purok 2A. In May 2008, a flock of 23 sheep was also killed in the same manner supposedly by the same attacker. The animals, owned by a state university, also had "their internal organs feasted on by the 'killer'," de Jesus said. The purok official also pointed to the 'aswang' as the culprit. "After our animals, they might kill our children or those weak individuals. The killing must be stopped," he said. Chief Insp. Leo Ajero, city police director, ordered a thorough investigation on the killing. "We will find out who did the killing and make those responsible for it accountable," he said. WHAT IS AN ASWANG? The legend of the aswang is well known throughout the Philippines, except in the IIocos region. An aswang is a regular townsperson by day and prefer an occupation related to meat, such as butchery. They are also said to have an ageless appearance and a quiet, shy and elusive manner. The creature is described as a combination of vampire and witch and is almost always female. One key feature of the aswang is its bloodshot eyes. The aswang is an eater of the dead and a cannibal. They are capable of transforming into either a huge black dog or a black boar. The creatures stalk and eat human beings at night. Many stories revolve around these creatures eating children and unborn fetuses. Their favorite body parts are the liver and heart, and they are known to be viscera suckers. The aswang is believed to have supernatural powers. Once it has overpowered a victim, it will take a bundle of sticks, talahib grass, and rice or banana stalks, and transform these into a replica of their victim. This replica is sent home while it takes the real person back with her. Upon reaching its home, the replica will become sick and die. The victim will then be killed and eaten. Supposedly if a person looks at them in the eyes, the reflection would appear inverted. During their nocturnal activities, they walk with their feet facing backwards. Garlic bulbs, holy water, and other objects are believed to repel aswang. At night, they transform into the deadly beast. In the Middle Ages, the aswang was the most feared among the mythical creatures in the Philippines. It is said that an aswang can be revealed, with the use of a bottle of a special oil made from coconut and mixed with certain plant stems upon which special prayers were said. When an aswang comes near or walks outside the house at night, the oil is supposed to boil and continue boiling until the aswang leaves the area. In the Southern part of the Philippines the Aswang are classified into five distinctive types: 1. The Blood Sucker(Vampire) 2. The Barangan (Vindictive Hexer...Voodoo and the like) 3. Mananangal (Self Segmenter) A creature who can fly through the night using only the upper torso with its entrails dangling below. 4. The Corpse Eater - This is the aswang who will try and change out the real corpse with a fake corpse made from the trunk of a banana tree. 5. The False Beast - An aswang who has the ability to change from a human into a wild pig, or dog or whatever shape suits it. ********** THE STRANGE FIGURE Location: Manchester, Indiana - January 24, 2004 - 7:30 pm A 17-year old motorist traveling almost 10 miles north of Aurora, Indiana on a Saturday night claims to have encountered an unusual figure on the road. While driving his black Chevrolet Cavalier southbound along North Hogan Road a "figure" was spotted in the headlights of the automobile as it was crouched down near a puddle of water. From the driver's perspective the figure was spotted out the windshield on the right of the car. After passing the frail-looking figure, the driver looked into his rear view mirror and again observed, illuminated by the taillights of his car, what he described as a tall, abnormal figure that moved strangely with pointed joints that "buckled out". He estimated the figure stood around 6 feet, seven inches. "It had protruding joints and moved very strangely." The driver said he was able to ascertain the figure, alleged to be dark gray or black and "pencil thin" stand up and take several steps toward the woods along the roadside. The figure definitely walked on two legs and was thought somehow, to be a male, although no clothing was noted. No face or eyes could be seen, but the witness had the impression that the figure was looking straight at him. The figure was immediately thought to be something out of the ordinary, not a human being. The duration of the sighting was "hurried" and possibly within the 3 to 4 second range. The driver continued on for a small distance after passing the figure and finally put on his brakes, coming to a stop at an estimated 2 minute walking distance on the road from the location of the sighting. He looked back to further observe the entity. At that point, a second car came into view and approached from the opposite direction, passed and then reached the spot on the road where the figure was thought to be. The 17-year old motorist reportedly watched closely and observed the second car undertake what he thought to be an evasive maneuver near the vicinity of where he thought the figure would be situated, and then the car turned around at that spot and shortly pulled up behind him, somewhat in the grass. There was an elderly couple in the car, both in their late 60s or early 70s and both with gray hair. The driver, who wore glasses said, "Boy, did you see something back there? I'll tell you right now, that was no person." The passenger, an elderly female said, "It was no human being. It was no man." The elderly couple was reportedly "spooked" but offered to follow the first witness the remainder of the trip down North Hogan Road, clearly in the opposite direction of their intended destination route. It was thought that the elderly couple observed this same figure on the opposite side of the road, and possibly had observed it more closely. Later, the 17-year old witness was said to have become hysterical, and within an hour was describing the figure as an "alien". Source: Kenny Young - Florence, Kentucky - UFO Researcher ********** WAS IT MOTHMAN? Location: Rootstown, Ohio - Spring 2009 - after midnight My friend and I were returning to her home at well past midnight. We were traveling down a country road in/near Rootstown, OH when something, it seemed light in color, came across the other lane from a wooded area and wrapped itself around the top left-hand corner of her truck. No discernible noise was made, and we didn't even swerve. But we both screamed, and then we had chills and the best way for me to describe it is that we felt violated. My friend started crying. As soon as it came, it was gone. I turned around, and it was gone...just like that. It never crossed over the windshield but I swear it touched the left corner. Whatever it was kind of wrapped itself around the top/left corner of the truck. It seemed lighter in color/not dark...the mothman is the closest answer we can come up with, because nothing human could have made it to the top of the Silverado like that and it had a wrapping capability and we must have been driving near 60 mph. Source: witness report ********** BLACK ANGEL Location: RT 68 between East Liverpool Ohio and Midland Pa. along the Ohio River - July 2010 - 3:00 am I was on my way home from Chester WV. with my girlfriend. We were on RT 68 between East Liverpool Ohio and Midland Pa. along the Ohio River. The time was around 3 am and a thing that looked like a black angel flew in front of my truck, it was about 6 ft tall and was so close we both ducked. What ever it was came from the river side of the road. I wanted to go to the Midland Pa. Police but my girlfriend said they would think we were crazy, we often talk about this but that was as far as it went. Source: witness report |
Fortean / Alternative News: Jaws III the Crocodile, Black Sphere UFO and Strange Lake Phenomena Posted: 21 May 2011 01:18 PM PDT Jaws III...largest crocodile in captivity in India Jaws was one of four salt-water crocodile hatchlings imported from Singapore by the Central Leather Research Institute, Madras, back in the early 1970s. The organisation planned to slaughter them after five years to assess the feasibility of crocodile farming. In 1973, when his surveys showed that wild crocs were almost gone, Rom wanted to start breeding crocodiles at the Madras Snake Park, and went to the Institute to have a look at the reptiles. As he walked around the murky pond with Rajamani, an Irula friend, one of the three-foot salties suddenly erupted out of the water and grabbed Rajamani's leg. This was their first encounter with the species, and they realised it was a very different croc from the easy-going mugger they were used to. Rom proposed to the Institute's director that he would rear the salties and provide all the measurements annually in return for custody of the animals. The director thought it was a great idea; the expense of rearing the crocs would be Snake Park's and the animals didn't have to be killed. Eventually those four salties came to the Croc Bank. When they reached adolescence, one began outstripping the others in size. Using his larger size to advantage, he beat up the others every day. In one of these skirmishes, he lost a part of his tail but gained a name: Jaws III, after the infamous shark movie. Rom built five ponds in the same enclosure and visually barricaded each from the other. But no, Jaws was having none of that. He chased the others out of all five ponds. During the heat of the day, he'd have a choice of water bodies while the others had to skulk on land in the shade. By this time, he had reached ten feet and the others were still lagging under seven feet. Clearly, he was the champion of the litter and had to be given his own enclosure. For all his possessiveness about space, Jaws was a sitting duck when a vicious visitor thrust a sharpened stick into his eye, blinding him while he lay basking next to the enclosure wall. Rom has always wanted to breed Jaws and pass on his 'giant genes'. One afternoon in 1996, I sat in one corner of his enclosure, filming, when a nine-foot female saltie was introduced. As the unsuspecting croc walked down towards the pond, Jaws' 15-foot torpedo body flew out of the water, grabbed her by the middle and shook her like a ragdoll. When he tossed her onto the bank, the crew took her out of the enclosure before Jaws attacked again. A few years later, Jaws' enclosure was divided in half and another female saltie introduced. They could see and smell each other through the gaps in the fence but he could do her no harm. During the course of the following year, they were often found eyeballing and bubbling at each other across the barrier. The prognosis was good. But when the fence was removed, Jaws was back to domestic violence; he chased her right out of the pond. Over the years, other unsuccessful attempts were made, and today we are all resigned to Jaws remaining celibate for the rest of his life. Dealing with such a large animal can sometimes be awkwardly dangerous. Once, Jaws had to be moved to a bigger enclosure. After his ropes were untied, everyone was to jump off at the same time at the count of three. Rom began counting "One…", and his nervous crew immediately leapt off the reptile's back, leaving him alone, straddling Jaws' shoulders. Feeling the weight on him lighten, the croc moved forward and Rom fell back. Thankfully, the animal was more interested in getting into the water. Today, at 16 feet plus and weighing between 500 and 600 kg, Jaws is the largest croc in captivity in India. - hindu ********** CA woman touting moon rock for $1.7M stung by NASA She promised the moon, for a sky-high price. He wasn't buying. A woman who tried to sell what she said was a rare piece of moon rock for $1.7 million was detained when her would-be buyer turned out to be an undercover NASA agent, officials said Friday. The gray rocks, which are considered national treasures and are illegal to sell, were given to each U.S. state and 136 countries by then-President Richard Nixon after U.S. moon missions and can sell for millions of dollars on the black market. NASA investigators and Riverside County sheriff's deputies detained the woman after she met Thursday with an undercover NASA investigator at a restaurant in Lake Elsinore, about 70 miles southeast of Los Angeles, the sheriff's office said. The investigation was conducted over several months. Authorities swooped after the two agreed on a price and the woman, whose name has not been released, pulled out the rock. NASA planned to conduct tests to determine whether the rock came from the moon as the woman claimed. "We don't know if it's lunar material," said Gail Robinson, deputy inspector general at the space agency. Joseph Gutheinz, a University of Phoenix instructor and former NASA investigator who has spent years tracking down missing moon rocks, said a lunar curator at a special lab at Johnson Space Center would carry out the testing. Among the substances the rock could contain is armalcolite, a mineral first discovered on the moon and named for Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, who was on the Apollo 11 lunar mission crew. The woman has not been arrested or charged. It was unknown how she obtained the rock or came to the attention of NASA. Gutheinz said the woman could face theft charges if the rock is genuine, or fraud charges if it is not. About 2,200 samples of lunar rocks, core samples, pebbles, sand and dust — weighing about 840 pounds — were brought to Earth by NASA's Apollo lunar landing missions from 1969 to 1972. A recent count showed 10 states and more than 90 countries could not account for their shares of the gray rocks. Gutheinz said most purported moon rocks offered for sale on the Internet are bogus, though authentic moon rocks can be purchased if they came to Earth in a meteorite. NASA houses 70 percent of its lunar rock and soil samples at Johnson Space Center, and another 14 percent are in New Mexico. The rest are either on loan for study or display — or are unaccounted for. In 2009, the Rijksmuseum in the Netherlands confirmed that one of its rocks was a fake and not an artifact collected by the Apollo 11 crew. A rock presented to Honduras was recovered in a 1998 NASA sting after a Miami collector offered $5 million for it. - newsvine ********** Black sphere reported low over Montana field MUFON CMS - Belgrade, Montana - 5/15/2011 - unedited: On Sunday morning I was heading south out of belgrade, mt on hwy 191 to go to my business to retrieve something i forgot. Anyway, as i was driving by this meadow, which is completely devoid of trees and completely flat, i noticed a black sphere approximately 3-4 ft in diameter heading north at about 40 - 50 feet off the ground, 150 - 200 yards off the highway and moving at about 20-30 mph. My first thought was that it was a balloon, but the wind that morning was out of the east and blowing real hard and this thing was not being buffeted by the wind whatsoever. It continued unaffected by the wind for a distance of about 200 yds, bobbled a couple of times and rapidly descended to a height of about 8-10 ft and just sat there. I watched for a bit and seeing no further movement went on my way. Now was this a balloon? NO. Was it a government spy drone? Possibly, but why would it be in some farmers' vacant field in Montana? My personal feeling on what this could be is that it was an alien probe of some kind. Possible looking for cattle to do some of that weird cattle mutilation **** to. It might be worth talking to the people that live near by to see if they have seen anything like this before or that morning. I wish I was able to get my camera off the floor of my truck to get a video clip, but i'm recovering from a broken clavicle (No, I wasn't high on pain meds!). If I ever see one of these again, hopefully, I can get some footage or even shoot it down so we can see what it really was. If you go to google video search and type in "black orb ufo close" there is a video of one of these things and it is EXACTLY like what i saw, but i think this video may be computer generated. what i saw WAS NOT!! ********** Well, the world didn't I'll take that trip to St. Barts Harold Camping's trademarks include his deep, sonorous voice coupled with a slow cadence. He has also used mathematical predictions applied to the Bible to predict dates for the end of the world. His recent prediction was that the "RAPTURE" would be on May 21, 2011. Julian Assange, in his latest release of "Wikileaks" downloaded the credit card files of Camping's next trip booked on "Expedia" to St Bart's along with flight tickets, hotel, and restaurant reservations, for Saturday, May 28, 2011. Camping's spokesperson released a statement saying that Harold Camping still believed the world will be ending, but "letting the deal he was offered slip away would have be f-ing ridiculous." ********** Click for video Strange Happening on Lake Washington Gary Chittim at KING5 had requested to see this video. My name is Beth Kearney and have lived in the Holmes Point area of Kirkland for 30 plus years. On Tuesday morning May 10th, 2011, my husband & I witnessed the most unusual events unfold on the North end of Lake Washington, unlike anything we've ever seen before. I was looking out the window at the lake about 6:45am noticing how unusually calm and still the water was when suddenly I noticed large, evenly spaced rings radiating across the lake (like dropping a rock in the water). From our vantage point I couldn't see the source of what was causing it but it had to have been very large to create those large, perfectly spaced rings. There were no boats out on the lake, no jet ski's, no kayaks, no barges......nothing. As the rings started to dissipate what looked like a raging river formed on the West side of the lake in a small narrow swath cutting through the rings that had formed. Not like the wake of a boat where it fans out, just a narrow strip all the same width with a strong, tumultuous current running in a North to South direction. The odd thing about it was that it didn't start at any one just appeared and definitely had a strong current moving in a Southern direction. As the rings died down and the "raging river" calmed on the West side of the lake, all of a sudden the same thing appeared on our side of the lake. Again, it looked like a thin, even strip of water with a strong current moving in a southern direction. It appeared just as the other one had across the lake.....not starting at a Northern point and running was just there all of a sudden. Thankfully,I was able to get a video of it. I would love to have someone to show this video to and figure out what caused this odd sequence of events. If this doesn't sound newsworthy enough for King5 could you give me any ideas on whom or what agency I might contact to get some information about this. I have spoken with 2 very interested people at NOAA and they are working on who else I might contact as well. - king5 ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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