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- Damaged UFO Landing - Near Coligny, Western Transvaal, SA
- Fortean / Alternative News: Soviet / Nazi Roswell Theory, Google Map Mystery and Doomsday Prophet Hiding
- Is It Haunted Or Not?
Damaged UFO Landing - Near Coligny, Western Transvaal, SA Posted: 23 May 2011 01:51 PM PDT Preamble: March 30, 1995 - Transvaal, South Africa - a local farmer from Groot Marico in the western Transvaal plains region observed a saucer-shaped object on Thursday morning, with a distinctly visible hole in its hull. The farmer, Mr. Jan Pienaar (45), is of the opinion that this "vehicle" landed on a remote country road between Coligny and Brakspruit to have its damaged hull repaired. However, his arrival probably prompted the "vehicle's" hasty retreat and rapid ascent into the sky. Incident: An alien flying object that had the entire region in turmoil this week with its colorful capers in the sky above the northern provinces could easily perform its maneuvers, it seems, even though it was dented and required a major repair job. When a local farmer from Groot Marico in the western Transvaal plains region first observed the saucer-shaped object on Thursday morning, he noticed that it had a distinctly visible hole in its hull. The farmer, Mr. Jan Pienaar (45), is of the opinion that this "vehicle" landed on a remote country road between Coligny and Brakspruit to have its damaged hull repaired. However, his arrival probably prompted the "vehicle's" hasty retreat and rapid ascent into the sky. Mr. Pienaar stated that his near head-on collision with the alien flying craft from space was something very extraordinary for him, and that he would not forget this event for the rest of his life. He had difficulty describing the sensation of complete perplexity during his 3-4 minute encounter. Pienaar explained: "It was about 8:30 a.m. when I came around a curve in the road and saw a black man shielding his face with his arm as though he wanted to ward off something. At that exact moment the engine of my brand new, small truck stopped. I looked up and saw the most incredible sight: Roughly 80 meters [240 feet] on the road in front of me stood the huge craft that rested on three landing pods. It extended over the entire width of the road and was about 8-9 meters [24-36'] high. The entire unit was translucent and lustrous as though it had been fabricated from a type of stainless steel. It had the form of two inverted soup plates with a pudding bowl on top. It appeared as though this upper level had seven windows or portholes. A red-violet-green-yellow glow emanated from somewhere and illuminated the hull. In the sheen of the light I was able to recognize that the flying craft had problems because there was a dent with a hole of a little less than 2 feet on the seam around the edge. I could not see any beings in the vicinity, only the strange 'craft' which buzzed like a gigantic electric beater. I got out of my small truck but suddenly I could not make another step. It was as though a magnet held me on the same spot. I stood like this for three to four minutes when the craft suddenly rose into the air. First it lifted up like a helicopter high into the sky, then it sped like lightening on a course toward heaven." Mr. Pienaar told us that it took some time before he regained his senses, and when he got into his truck and turned on the ignition, the engine immediately started up again. After this incident he continued to look for the black man whom he had noticed previously because he wondered what had become of him. All he could see were the old man's tailcoats flapping in the wind as he hastily peddled his bicycle down the dusty road. From a nearby farm, Pienaar called the police and was told that the alien flying object apparently had been observed previously the night before in various locations above the northern provinces. Thirty minutes after the phone call, Mr. Pienaar drove back to the spot where he had experienced his incident with the flying craft. This time he was accompanied by Mr. Chap Smit, a farmer from the region. They stopped the truck on the spot where Pienaar had seen the flying object and exited the car. The ground on the landing site was scorching hot to the touch and could have easily burned a person's hand. There was a strange lingering odor in the air -- almost like chloroform. The old, black man had disappeared in the meantime and there was no sign of him anywhere. - Afrikaanse Sonntagzeitung Rapport (South Africa), Apr. 2, 1995 ----- On March 30, 1995 a local farmer (Mr. Jan Pienaar) had an encounter with a strange craft in the vicinity of Transvaal South Africa. It was around 8:30 A.M., while driving his vehicle around a curve in the road, that Mr. Pienaar noticed a strange craft parked approximately 240 feet in front of him. Immediately, the engine in his brand new truck stopped. The craft had three landing gear legs which extended across the entire length of the road. It was estimated to be approximately thirty six feet high. The exterior surface resembled a translucent stainless steel color. There appeared to be seven rectangular port holes or windows in the upper dome of the craft. A red/violet/green glow illuminated the hull, and Mr. Pienaar noticed that there was a hole of about two feet in size located on the outer edge. The strange object emitted a sound which was described as a buzzing "electric beater". At this point, Mr. Pienaar got out of his truck, but instantly realized that he could not take another step. It was as though the craft had trapped him in a strange magnetic lock. He was held in this position for approximately three to four minutes, after which the UFO suddenly rose into the air. Then, the craft sped away at a high rate of speed. Mr. Pienaar was then able to regain his mobility, and walked the few steps back to his truck. With the electro-magnetic effects of the craft now removed from his vicinity, he had no problem starting his vehicle. Mr. Pienaar returned to the location of the encounter thirty minutes after the event, and noticed that the pavement where the craft had landed was still scorching hot to the touch. - ----- A flying saucer as wide as the road and between 6 and 9 m high landed in the road in front of him, according to a Coligny farmer. "I know people will dismiss it as rubbish and will think I'm crazy, but I definitely did see it. I _had_ to report it to the police", Mr Jan Pienaar (45) said to our Bloemfontein office. Several people from Bloemfontein alleged that they also saw a UFO yesterday- one even captured it on videotape. Mr Pienaar was travelling at 7.30am on the road between Coligny and Brakspruit when he encountered the flying saucer. "It suddenly stood right in front of me in the middle of the road. My truck stalled and when I got out something like a magnetic field prevented me from moving. The UFO was about 90 m from me. It stood on three legs and hummed softly, like an electric motor. "It was beautiful - metallic like stainless steel, but also in a strange way transparent. It also had red, green and purple lights. The shape was like an upside-down bowl with two ridges on top. "After about three minutes the legs on which it stood slowly lifted from the ground and folded away. I could see a row of small windows on the top ridge, before it rose as fast as a lightning bolt" A police spokesman said the Bloemfontein flying squad was notified about 2.20am yesterday of the UFO. Members of the service saw a bright light and a member of the public captured it onn videotape. According to Mr Matie Hoffmann, physicist and amateur astronomer, it could be a weather balloon, kite or anything with a sharp light." - Die Burger, Cape Town, Friday 31 March 1995 |
Posted: 23 May 2011 12:59 PM PDT The world famous Roswell "incident" was no UFO but rather a Russian spacecraft with "grotesque, child-size aviators" developed in human experiments by Nazi doctor and war criminal Josef Mengele, according to a theory floated by investigative journalist Annie Jacobsen. Her book, "Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base," is about the secretive Nevada base called Area 51. One chapter offers the new Roswell theory, citing an anonymous source who says Joseph Stalin recruited Mengele and sent the craft into U.S. air space in 1947 to spark public hysteria. Like past theories, Jacobsen writes that the U.S. government was involved in a cover-up of the UFO report, which has spawned space alien legend and turned this southern New Mexico town into a tourist attraction. Bill Lyne, who self-published a book called "Space Aliens from the Pentagon" in 1993, agrees that the Roswell incident was faked, but he thinks the hoax was perpetrated by the U.S. government — not the Russians. "They're just saying what I've been saying all along, that it was a hoax," he told the Santa Fe New Mexican. "But that Mengele stuff is a bunch of hogwash because Mengele was recruited by the CIA (rather than the Russians), and he was actually brought to Albuquerque." Clifford Clift of the Mutual UFO Network, or MUFON, in Greeley, Colo., said he has not seen Jacobsen's book but has read other articles that suggest the Roswell incident involved German technology. "After researching the claim, I found little truth in this theory," he said. "It is a stretch. One of my concerns is if they wanted to create panic, why in New Mexico and not New York where there are more people to panic? I would suggest it is another conspiracy theory and, heavens, MUFON knows about conspiracy theories. They do sell books." Jacobsen, a contributing editor the Los Angeles Times magazine, told NPR that said she knows people will be skeptical. "But I absolutely believe the veracity of my source, and I believe it was important that I put his information out there because it is the tip of a very big iceberg," Jacobsen said. Julie Schuster, executive director of the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, told the Albuquerque Journal she hasn't read the book. But any new theories fuel public interest, and that's terrific, she said. "Every time something new comes out, it piques somebody's curiosity somewhere, and the come to Roswell, and they come to the museum," Schuster said. - ABCNews ********** Strange Formations on Google Maps Here's a curious email I received today...take a look at Google Maps and tell me what you see: Hi Lon, love P&M, and I'm hoping you can shed some light on what I've stumbled upon. Perhaps this is old news but I couldn't find any information about it on the web. If you'll Google maps to Cape Lookout North Carolina, and find Havelock NC to the northwest, it's a distance of about 30 kilometers. And on the same line, (Havelock - Point A - to Cape Lookout southeast - Point B), look another 30 km to the southeast, out to sea and right on the rim of the continental shelf, Point C. You'll hopefully see a few geometric shapes that I doubt could have been caused by geological forces, a thin rectangle about 20 km long and perhaps 3 km wide, roughly parallel to the coast, and a couple of right angles maybe 10 km long each, bracketing the rectangle. Zoom in and around this site, and you'll hopefully see rows of small "pyramid" shapes pointing toward land. Just what the heck are these? IMO, they must have been built when it was dry ground, tens or perhaps hundreds of thousands of years ago. ********** Human virus is killing endangered gorillas There's fewer than 800 Mountain Gorillas left in the entire world, and their survival depends in part on people willing to pay money to go see them. But all this human interaction is bringing gorillas into contact with dangerous diseases. Although humans are most closely related to chimpanzees, gorillas rank a very respectable second, sharing about 98% of their DNA with us. The current zoological consensus is that there are two distinct species of gorillas, western and eastern, and these are further divided into two subspecies each. While all the gorilla species are to some degree threatened, the population levels vary wildly. There are at least 100,000 Western Lowland Gorillas in the wild, and 4,000 in zoos, while fellow western subspecies, the rarely seen Cross River Gorilla, is thought to have a remaining population of just 280. As for the eastern subspecies, the Eastern Lowland Gorilla has a relatively healthy population of about 4,000. And then there's the Mountain Gorilla. Estimates vary, but the consensus is that there's at most 800 left in the wild. Conservation efforts for this subspecies is especially difficult because their habitats are located in some of the region's most politically unstable areas, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, making the gorillas vulnerable to government corruption and even attacks from local militias, such as a 2007 incident in which Congolese guerrilla fighters in Virunga National Park killed and butchered a pair of adult gorillas. Now, just to add to the intense difficulties of caring for the Mountain Gorillas, comes new evidence that the gorillas are susceptible to human diseases. Researchers at the Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project have tracked a marked increase in respiratory illnesses in the gorillas over the past few years. These diseases can range from the gorilla equivalent of the common cold to full-on pneumonia, and these respiratory ailments are the second most common killer of the gorillas after traumatic injury. Worse, tissue analysis has shown that two gorillas who died in recent disease outbreaks had the biochemical signature of an RNA virus known as human metapneumovirus, or HMPV - and with a name like that, you can probably guess which species they got it from. The disease may not have directly killed both of them, but it definitely weakened their immune system and left them significantly more vulnerable. The problem is that human contact for these gorillas is pretty much unavoidable. Their small remaining natural environments happen to be located near some of Africa's most densely populated areas. And, in fact, human contact is arguably essential for their continued survival, as it's a vital source of funding for these parks - gorilla tourism brings in thousands of visitors each year from the local area and around the world to see the creatures up close. For conservationists, it's a particularly brutal Catch-22, as one of the very things that allows these gorillas to enjoy even some small measure of protection from poachers and other forms of human encroachment - the national park system - is also bringing them into direct contact with deadly diseases. There's no clear answer here other than to remain vigilant in our role as stewards for this planet's endangered species...and I suppose hoping for the best can't hurt. - io9 ********** Doomsday prophet goes into hiding zambianwatchdog - Doomsday prophet Harold Camping, who predicted that the End of the World would come on May 21, 2011, has gone missing ever since it became increasingly clear that his prediction is going to fail, even as local churches willingly stepped in to provide counseling and help to Camping's devastated followers. Camping, the head of the Family Radio, had predicted that the selected number of people on earth, approximately 200 million, would Rapture to heaven on May 21, 2011 while those left behind would witness the destruction of the earth which would come about on October 21, 2011. He has based his predictions on Bible verses, namely Genesis 7:4 ("Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth") and 2 Peter 3:8 ("With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day"), and concluded that May 21, 2011 is 7000 years after the Great Flood (4990 B.C.), concluding that it indeed is the Doomsday. 4990 + 2011 – 1 = 7000 (the subtraction of "1″ is necessary because year 1 B.C. is followed by 1 A.D., skipping year 0). Because Camping was certain "without any shadow of a doubt it (Doomsday) is going to happen," many of his followers sold their possessions and quit their jobs. Adrienne Martinez, a follower of Camping, and her husband have reportedly quit their jobs and spent the last penny in their bank account towards a rented house in Orlando. "We budgeted everything so that, on May 21, we won't have anything left," said Adrienne. Now that Camping's prediction is proven to be a complete failure, attention has been shifted to his devastated followers. Previously when Doomsday prophecies have failed, some misled followers have turned violent, even leading up to murders and committing suicides. In order to prevent this, church groups are actively providing counseling and advice for the damaged souls. On May 21, 2011, around 4 p.m. (local time), a group of rescuers, led by Pastor Jacob Denys of Calvary Bible Church in Milpitas, CA, came in front of Camping's Family Radio headquarter in Oakland, CA, with signs and banners, and offered to provide counseling and spiritual support to the dejected followers of Camping. Camping and his staff were nowhere to be seen. However, a few of Camping's followers who were there, avoided the crowd and refused to offer any comment. One of the followers even tried to assault the IBTimes reporter when approached, saying, "I want to be left alone." "We are here to reach out to those people who might have bought the lie (of Camping)," said Denys. He, adding that they are not to condemn anyone, said, "What we are hoping is that we would be able to invite people who might have been affected to our church in Milpitas and hold a special service that would embrace them and reach out to them." The service, Denys said, will be at 10 a.m. on May 22, 2011, the day after the failed Doomsday. "Churches like ours, he (Camping) says, are of the devil, that the Holy Spirit has left the church and all is left now is a shell. Even though this is what they've been believing and they've been teaching, we love them and we care about them. We don't want them to be hurt. Today is a hard day for them," James Bynum, a deacon of the church, said |
Posted: 23 May 2011 11:25 AM PDT This past Saturday, I received the following unsolicited email: I am an employee of the Pierpont Inn and I work either very early in the morning or very late in the evening. On days when I must open the hotel (at 6:00 a.m.) I find that the fireplace is not lit. I go to the back kitchen area and come back to the lobby and the fireplace is blazing. At first, it made my body bristle and cringe but then after a month, well, I got used to it. I just say, "Good morning Mattie" and begin my day. Upon going upstairs into the staff offices I feel a high energy throughout. I hear strange noises and someone walking on the second level when I am up there. Am I scared? No. I am interested and I end up speaking to the spirit entities. I feel it's Mattie. I have not felt the spirits of Josephine Pierpont but I know that Mattie is alive and thriving within the confines of this hotel. Also, there is a male spirit entity of whom I have yet to encounter but I know he is there as I hear his footsteps every single time I go upstairs. It is not Mattie and it is not Josephine. I do know he is male. I will say that I feel these spirit entities throughout the hotel. I do not fear them because I only fear humans that are alive in the physical sense as they are the ones who can cause us physical harm. I believe Mattie is here because she loved this place and she just wants the guests and employees to love this place too. My aunt who is 83 years of age stayed here a month ago stated that she saw a spirit entity. My aunt's name is Maggie and I told her it must be Mattie saying hello to her since their names are a bit alike. My aunt believes Mattie told her hi. I will report any experiences with you as my work life here permits. This email was sent by a supposed employee at the Pierpont Inn and Spa in Ventura, California. The email address was clearly sent through the hotel administration account. I simple responded by stating that I appreciated the information and would welcome any updates. The next day, I received the following email: To whom it may concern, This employee is pulling your chain, this hotel does not have mysterious happenings EVER, EVER, Please pay no attention to these rumors. It seems that when a hotel reaches a certain historical time in its wonderful life people get carried away with rumors of haunting, etc. THIS HISTORICAL SITE IS NOT HAUNTED!!!!!!! Please do not send any other e-mails so the employees can have fun furthering these rumors. (Redacted) General Manager Pierpont Inn & Spa I was curious. I had known the reputation of the hotel because I had previously posted about the paranormal activity. In fact, the Los Angeles Paranormal Association, a group of which I have a lot of respect, had previously investigated the property in 2009. Here is a link to the investigation - A Century Worth of Hauntings at the Pierpont Inn. Four months after the LAPA investigation, the following article was written in The California Chronicle: As new owners begin renovations at historic Southern California 99-year old Pierpont Inn, paranormal encounters and activity more frequent. Whether you share a fancy for paranormal sightings or want to escape into a vortex of relaxation at this historic inn on the bluff, The Pierpont Inn has something for everyone, both in this world and in alternate realms. A Ventura landmark for more than 99 years, the rare, historic Arts and Crafts inn was built by Josephine Pierpont-Ginn in 1910 and purchased by Mattie Vickers Gleichman in 1928. The third woman owner, Grace Ahn, purchased The Pierpont Inn in May 2009. Since new owners and ongoing restoration and construction on the grounds began in May, employees and management of the Inn are experiencing first-hand what they may have only heard about before. Ventura County ghost expert, witness, writer and paranormal specialist Richard Senate has hosted many ghost tours at The Pierpont Inn in the past, a hotbed for spiritual encounters. "I have come to believe that the City of Ventura is one of the most haunted cities in America," Senate says. "The Pierpont Inn is no exception." Yes, The Pierpont Inn is haunted. There are ghosts in its 99-year old attic, which are now staff offices, as well as banquet halls, grounds and one guest room in particular where the top comforter is always found folded at the end of the bed (Room 603). In the Camulos dining room inside the Vickers´s Estate – once the residence of Gus and Mattie Vickers when they owned The Pierpont Inn – lights flicker on and off. Marcia Santilli, the Inn´s director of catering has her own recent experience to share. Upon leaving her office recently, Santilli locked the door, double-checking to make sure it was pulled tight, and walked towards Nadine Goodwin, catering manager. In a matter of seconds the door had unlocked and flung wide open, slamming against the office wall. The pair stared, stunned. Since the owners have completed many renovations and upgrades to the property, hired new staff, added new appointments and updated guest rooms, many on the hotel staff believe the spirits that call The Pierpont Inn home seem to be responding to the bustle of activity. ----- I wrote back to the General Manager and asked..."you're telling me, in light of these articles, there have never been any hauntings at this location?" A few hours later I received the following email: That is exactly what I am telling you, a few years ago some advertising agency decided it would be a great advertising campaign for the inn. The inn is absolutely not haunted period end of story!!!!!!! (Redacted) General Manager Pierpont Inn & Spa ----- In the hotel website they stress "serene, soothing and peaceful". I looked at a few of the customer comments and came away with what I feel is the real reason why the management is now saying that there have never been hauntings at the Pierpont Inn....for example: 9/28/2010 - "Poor customer service. Reservations were lost. Guests were told that rooms were haunted when they checked in. Guests were accidentally billed when the rooms had been prepaid by me. I live locally. I made a personal visit to deal with the lost reservation. I had to make a second visit to deal with the double billing. I was told the rooms would be comped due to all the hassle. I called the interim manager today who told me they can not comp my room so I need to place the payment in dispute with my credit card company. Not once did the manager offer any apology for this situation. The hotel needs to train their staff and management if they want to get repeat business and referrals." I guess it's possible that I'll receive further updates. I guess it's even possible that all the paranormal activity reports over the past century were bogus. What do you think? ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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