Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Breaking News: Major UFO Event - Beijing, China
- The Walter Cronkite UFO Encounter Story - Fact or Fiction?
- Fortean / Alternative News: Jack the Ripper Legal Battle, Argentina UFOs and Indonesian Crop Circle
- NJ Officials Puzzled by Mystery Hole
Breaking News: Major UFO Event - Beijing, China Posted: 16 May 2011 05:07 PM PDT Breaking News: I received the following information from my associate and friend Sunny Williams at Lights in the Texas Sky: Hundreds of UFOs Witnessed in Beijing, China! On the evening of May 15, 2011, I received a call from a friend, who is living and working in Beijing, China. She reported to me that she witnessed something which struck her with awe, fear and amazement. I asked my friend if she would write up a report and send it to me, as I could not find anything in the news, or on the internet about this event. I received her emailed report, photos and video, then shortly thereafter she emailed me again with another video, also telling me that some of the same object had returned on the evening of May 16, 2011. As far as I know at this point, this is the only report, photos and video of these events, to come out of China. You are seeing it here first, on LITS! Beijing Invaded by UFOs - Report Last night, May 15, 2011, around 8 PM I witnessed an awesome UFO event over the city of Beijing, China. I am an American living and working here and I live on the 4th floor of an apartment complex, in the old embassy district of town. My location is just southeast of Ritan Park, next door to the Silk Market. I was in my study for an hour or so, had finished an email, logged off and turned out the light to go into another room. As I was walking out I glanced out of the window in my study, which faces north, and saw an unusual light low in the sky. It was perhaps at 10,000 feet (maybe a bit less) and not moving. I grabbed a pair of binoculars from another room, to get a better look and immediately knew that this was no conventional craft. It was clearly disc-shaped, was spinning and slightly swaying and flashing red, blue, green, and white. Every minute or so the red color would freeze, and a round red bulb of light would bulge from the middle of the craft and hold for a couple of seconds. Then it would draw back in and continue blinking the other colors. Within 10 minutes of watching this event, 3 other smaller craft appeared out of nowhere, also flashing the same colors. I would guess the first craft was at least 100 ft. diameter, the smaller ones maybe half that. These craft were much more active and dropped lower than the first. Then more craft showed up, each flashing a brilliant blue. These were small, perhaps 5 ft. in diameter and very active. At this point I was beside myself, and started calling coworkers, finally reaching one. He came up to my apartment with his girlfriend and for a good 30 minutes, we all took turns watching with binoculars. By this time there were at least 20 craft in sight and counting. My friends finally went back home and I continued watching. I contacted a coworker across town and Northeast of my location. He could not see the ones I was watching (buildings blocking his view) but watched another group to the East of his apartment (which I could not see from my location). I did my best to video this with my little Panasonic but was only able to capture a few seconds. I just could not seem to keep it in the viewfinder, so I finally gave up. I decided to go to the 7th floor stairwell, to get a better view. This was about an hour into the sighting. What I saw was mind-blowing! There was a oval-shaped string of flashing blue small lights, streaming from the height of the largest craft, all the way down to the ground and back up. This appeared to be over the Northwestern corner of Ritan Park. The lights were flashing very fast, were stationary but were also vibrating rapidly. The air in the center of the circle was distorted and vibrating, like a heat wave in the desert. It looked like Christmas lights and almost looked like a hologram. I started looking around to see if this could have been projected from somewhere nearby. Then one craft drifted out of formation and casually flew about, down to the ground, then back up, and over toward a high rise, then back into line. Then another did the same. This went on for several minutes. In the meantime, two of the 50 ft. craft were buzzing around this formation, as if herding the small craft and orchestrating their actions. The large craft at this point, had dropped in altitude to about 1000 ft. I looked through my binoculars at this craft, and to my amazement (and horror) saw the the upper atmosphere and beyond was filled with twinkling lights! There were hundreds of them, probably far more. You have to realize that in Beijing, it is rare to see more than a few stars due to the light pollution (and air pollution), and that is only on perfectly clear nights. These were not stars. And yes, they were moving and zipping about as well. I have to admit I panicked a little and dashed back to my apartment, made some phone calls, threw a few things in a backpack, and was ready to scamper just in case. Afterwards, maybe 20 minutes had passed, I went back to my study window and watched as these things drifted further northward. The blue lights were gone from view, the higher lights were gone, and only the big craft and 2 smaller ones were in sight. They were approximately 6-7 miles from my location, moving up and down in height at no higher than 1000 feet, occasionally dropping below the tree line and back up. I walked away for maybe 10 minutes, came back and only the large craft was in sight. Less than a minute later, a white light came up from below the tree line and took position under the big craft. A few seconds after that, a green one. And after that, a bright blue one. A few minutes went by, then all dropped again below tree height and that was the last I saw of them. The time was 10:15 PM. Never during this display did I (or my coworker across town) see any military aircraft. We never heard a siren, nor did we see anyone reacting to this event. There is obviously a media blackout concerning this (it's China, so no big surprise), because there has been nothing on the news, in the papers, or on the net. Nobody I know, other than my two coworkers and their respective girlfriends, saw anything. However, I've only talked to 10 other people about it and there are a few hundred at my workplace, so who knows. Since Beijing never sleeps and has a population in the millions, I hope someone out there got good footage and can get it out soon. This was huge, way bigger than the Phoenix lights event or anything else I've ever seen or heard about. For anyone wondering when the invasion will happen, it just has. For the record, the sky at the time was mostly clear, the temperature was in the low 60's, and there was only a light occasional breeze. Click for video - 1 Click for video - 2 Click for video - 3 ----- NOTE: All photos and video of this post (the Beijing UFO Event-May 15-16, 2011), are the property of the author and Lights In The Texas Sky. If anyone should use these photos, videos and/or report, please give credit to Lights In The Texas Sky. Thank you, Sunny Williams- SW/LITS ----- UPDATE TO THIS REPORT Sunny, I'm also totally amazed that they came back. This time another coworker watched them. He was so upset that he missed the BIG party on Sunday, so the minute I spotted the bastards I called him. These things got all the way down to ground level, like they were buzzing something. The bigger ones were a lot more active as well. For awhile, some blue ones were in a slanted H formation (they did this at one point on Sunday also). If nobody over that way saw these, then they must all have been unconscious! I estimate they (the objects) were just this side of the Olympic Park. The jet I heard was just an airliner. I never saw it but assume. My coworker on that side of town said airline traffic was coming and going as usual. The air space here is extremely restricted, and I've only ever seen planes go from the northeast (airport), to directly south. Yesterday around 5-ish, I did see what I believe was a fighter or some other small jet hauling ass, flying from east to west and to my north. In other words, cutting across the sky where these things have been doing their thing. Didn't see any other aircraft during the activity (which I watched from 8:30-9:30). Did not see them after that and was too tired to care right at that moment. Slept only a couple hours on Sunday, fully clothed and with my boots on (so I could hit the ground running in case something happened). This morning I saw 2 contrails in the sky . One going south, per usual. And one cutting east to west. It's slightly overcast so I don't see anything else out there, but who knows. And you are right, this isn't over. If there isn't some announcement this week, I'd be totally stunned. Thanks for working on this Sunny and let me know if you discover anything. I'll keep my eyeballs peeled again tonight. (Name withheld by SW/LITS) NOTE: I will attempt to post updates if further information becomes available...Lon |
The Walter Cronkite UFO Encounter Story - Fact or Fiction? Posted: 16 May 2011 10:10 AM PDT ![]() Cronkite was the face of CBS News from 1962 to 1981, when stories ranged from the John F. Kennedy assassination to the Iranian hostage crisis. According to UFO researcher Bill Knell (more on him below), in the 1950s Cronkite was part of a pool of news reporters brought out to a small South Pacific island to watch the test of a new Air Force missile...a large disc-type UFO appeared on the scene. Cronkite guessed that the object was about 50-60 feet in diameter, a dull grey color and had no visible means of propulsion. As Air Force guards ran toward the UFO with their dogs, the disc hovered about 30 feet off of the ground. Bill Knell's claim: In the 1950s Cronkite was part of a pool of News Reporters brought out to a small South Pacific island to watch the test of a new Air Force missile. After a short inspection of the new system by the reporters, they were lead to an area that was a safe distance from the launch site. The missile was mounted on a specially-built launcher that was attached to a cement base. It was obvious that the area had been quickly built just for the test. The details about the missile were going to be given to the reporters in he form of hand-out sheets and press releases after the test. Cronkite mentioned that he and the other reporters had been warned that photography of the missile test and any audio transmissions or recordings by the press were forbidden. They would have to give a written account of the event. Just as the test was ready to proceed, everyone was writing as fast as they could. As Air Force Security personnel walked around the perimeter of the test area with guard dogs and the news reporters watched, the missile was fired-up and about to be released. Just then, a large disc-type UFO appeared on the scene. Cronkite guessed that the object was about 50-60 feet in diameter, a dull grey color and had no visible means of propulsion. Because the noise of activity around him and the missile engine was so loud, he couldn't tell whether the disc made any noise. He did not notice any coming directly from the object. As Air Force guards ran toward the UFO with their dogs, the disc hovered about 30 feet off of the ground. It suddenly sent out a blue beam of light which struck the missile, a guard and a dog all at the same time. The missile was frozen in mid-air about 70 feet from the launcher as it had taken off. A guard was frozen in mid-step and a dog frozen in mid-air as it had jumped at the disc. Cronkite reminded me that this all happened within the space of about five minutes or less. Suddenly, the missile exploded! After that, the disc vanished. The guard and dog looked alright, but were quickly taken away by medical personnel always present at tests in case anyone became injured. At the same time, guards rapidly ushered the reporters into a concrete observation bunker. After about thirty minutes of sitting in that hot box, they were brought out into the air again and addressed by an Air Force Colonel. The officer told them, "It was all part of the test." Obviously making it up as he went along, the Colonel said that the event was "staged" to test media reaction to UFOs. He reinforced the usual line to the reporters that Flying Saucers were probably not extra-terrestrial, but what people were actually seeing was secret planes being tested by the Air Force. This test was designed to show the media how "shocking" it could be to suddenly view a new technology. Well, Cronkite was certain that what he viewed was a new technology, but he was also sure it was not an Earthly one! He didn't believe the Air Force explanation then, and he still didn't believe it at the time when he told me the story. After the event, reporters were told that since it was a test of media reaction to new technology, they could not report on it! But, they would be compensated later with exclusive stories on new Air Force projects (a promise that was never kept). Being as private as he was, Cronkite never did share with me his own beliefs about UFOs beyond the story he told me. I was so happy to have heard the story that I was afraid to ask anything further! The CBS UFO Special was filmed shortly after my meeting with Cronkite and I was included in it for just a few minutes. During the filming, I became aware that Cronkite had not shared his story with most of the other UFO investigators or witnesses. After the special aired I called one of Cronkite's staff members and asked him if he had ever heard the UFO story. He told me he had. Cronkite had only shared it with a few key people and it was NOT covered or even mentioned in the Special. I wondered why Cronkite had chosen to tell me the story without telling everyone? The staff members told me that most of the others were so busy telling him about themselves that he just never bothered. I guess that the greatest lesson the legendary newsman taught me that day was the art of conversation, knowing when to talk and when to listen! - Bill Knell - 4/6/2006 ----- FOLLOW-UP to Walter Cronkite's UFO Encounter I originally wrote the Cronkite article in 1998 for my website, but I thought readers at Paranormal News might enjoy it as well. I met Cronkite in 1973 (as the article indicates) and that's when he told me the story. I have repeated the story ever since during many of my seminars and found that a few others had heard the story too. Most of them had heard it second hand or said that they had read it somewhere. At the time it happened, some of his staff knew about it, so I assumed it wasn't really a big secret. He didn't tell it to me in confidence, so I felt no obligation to keep it a secret. Since publications come and go and people have short memories for news, it's possible that Cronkite had once shared it in some long-forgotten interview. But I have never seen it in print. I feel that Cronkite's account of what happened is very credible. He seemed to be telling me the story from an honest memory of the event. When we conversed, he was very interested in the Air Force cover-up. I suspect that if he had more control over the 1973 documentary, he would have angled it in that direction. Instead, it was pretty much a neutral piece designed for ratings (from my memory). Although I have contacted CBS many times, they finally told me that any tape or film the UFO Special was on no longer exists and was probably lost in the shuffle of the news craziness surrounding Watergate (which broke big around that time). Like many important stories, this one has been around awhile, but I think alot of people in the UFO and Paranormal research community probably were too busy chasing false starts created by government disinformation to cover it. I recall that when everyone was running to Gulf Breeze in the late 80's and early 90's, I revealed a story regarding a trip by former general Doolittle (the leader of the famous bombing raid on Japan during the early part of WWII) to Spitzbergen and his possible connection to the recovery of a UFO. He was there in 1946 and may have obtained a UFO that crashed on the island during the war. I had met some sailors from the USS Alabama in the late 80's who said the object was brought back to the USA on the battleship Alabama. I started telling this story in my seminars as early as 1990, but noticed that the UFO page attributes it to some 1950s or 60's article by someone I had never heard of? I also noticed that some of the MUFON people credited my original recording of the first radio interview given by Kenneth Arnold less then 12 hours after his 1947 sighting to some guy named Mike. I received that recording from a radio guy who had the original interview in the 70's and have been playing it in my seminars ever since. I assume that Mike lifted it off one of my audio or video sets and sent it to whoever at MUFON. No problem, just an illustration of how stuff is out there is you take some time to look at some of us little guys who aren't Richard, Budd or Whitley. Here's one more. In 1987 I met a guy that had worked with Jesse Marcel. He told me that some of the material shown in texas that was supposed to be from the weather balloon wreckage was actually from the real object. It was some of the lighter colored, small pieces laying on top of the balloon wreckage at the bottom of the press conference photos. I told that story to Friedman and others who laughed at it. Now I see that photo examination has revealed it to be true. But that didn't surprise me. I was amused to find out that most people in the UFO community didn't know that when THE ROSWELL INCIDENT was first published, Bill Moore still had never actually visited or set foot in Roswell! He wrote the book from all of Friedman's notes and by witness interviews over the phone. Moore finally went to the place later. Finally, I doubt that Cronkite kept the story a secret. Some of his staff knew about it and a few others I've met through the years. When he told it to me, he did it as calmly as someone reporting the weather. I think he just likes being in the driver's seat when it comes to his own life and experiences and might have even been a bit embarrassed by it all. Maybe he was just caught up in the moment and felt like getting it off his chest. Actually, I was the only UFO researcher there who didn't have anything to promote. I was a teen with a mimeographed UFO newsletter who got invited to speak at local libraries and Kiwanis Clubs. I think he might have told the story to the others as well, but most of them were very busy blowing their own horns and promoting their stuff. Look at the depths to which I've sunk since then. Now I'm blowing MY own horn! In case you're wondering about it, I tried getting a few more details out of Cronkite regarding the actual location of the test, but he told me that the reporters were brought to the location without being told exactly where it was. Secrecy regarding the actual location was a part of the conditions for being able to witness the test. I decided not to push the point or question him further. - Bill Knell - UFO Researcher NOTE: I don't know what to think about Bill Knell's assertions...though there has been quite a bit of inquiry about him recently. Go to UFO NEWS | Criminal Actions of Bill Knell (AGAIN) and make your own determination. Below are a few links: Warning about Bill Knell Bill Knell Internet Crook, Amazon Books, CDs , UFO LIAR, SCAM ARTIST !!!! Bill Knell UFO | Ripoff Report Directory | Complaints Reviews Scams Lawsuits Frauds Reported Bill Knell in hot-water Frankly, I take many of these claims (on both sides) with a grain of salt. But, as always, I leave it up to you...Lon |
Fortean / Alternative News: Jack the Ripper Legal Battle, Argentina UFOs and Indonesian Crop Circle Posted: 16 May 2011 08:39 AM PDT Police bizarre legal battle to keep Jack the Ripper files secret so Victorian sources keep their 'confidentiality' The Met Police is fighting a legal battle to keep files detailing the investigation into the notorious Jack the Ripper case secret - to maintain confidentiality for Victorian 'supergrasses'. The documents are said to include four new suspects for the serial killings which terrorised Whitechapel in 1888 and have become one of the world's most infamous unsolved cases. The historic ledgers have 36,000 entries detailing police interaction with informants between 1888 to 1912. However, Scotland Yard reportedly believes disclosing the names could hinder recruiting and gathering information from modern informants, affecting terrorism investigations - and even lead to the Victorians' relatives being attacked. Author and former police officer, Trevor Marriott, has tried for three years to see uncensored versions of the documents. He has previously applied under the Freedom of Information Act and, when that was refused, he appealed to the Information Commissioner, which also rejected his attempt. He has now appealed to the Information Tribunal, which is expected to release its decision later this year. Mr Marriott, who has written two previous books on the case, told the Sunday Mirror: 'These files should be made public at once. They are some of the most interesting records on the case I've come across. 'Some of the informants died more than 100 years ago, so to censor the documents is absurd.' He told the Sunday Telegraph he thought it could be the 'very last chance' to solve the case, as the files contained at least four new suspects and other evidence. The three day hearing - part of a legal battle which has so far cost the taxpayer thousands of pounds - was last week told by a detective inspector, known as D, that disclosing the files could deter informants from helping the police. Speaking from behind a screen, the Sunday Telegraph reported that the officer - who works in intelligence gathering - said: 'Confidence in the system is maintaining their safety, regardless of age.' The newspaper also said that Det Supt Julian McKinney said that any release would make officers less able to prevent terrorist attacks and organised crime: 'Regardless of the time, regardless of whether they are dead, they should never be disclosed. 'They come to us only when they have the confidence in our system that their identity will not be disclosed.' Although there were 11 murders in total, the killings of prostitutes Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes and Mary Jane Kelly are considered to be the five key cases as they all occurred in the same small London area of Whitechapel. All of their throats were cut and several of their internal organs were removed including the uterus and heart. The Met Police's four suspects for the killings include Aaron Kosminski, Montague John Druitt, Michael Ostrog and Dr Francis J.Tumblety. The pseudonym Jack the Ripper came from a letter posted to a London news agency at the time of the murders, supposedly from the killer himself but it was later dismissed as a hoax. dailymail ********** Man stranded for more than two months chronicles days leading up to death The body of a man found by forest service workers Thursday on a back road near Marion Forks is that of 68-yea-old Jerry William McDonald, the Linn County Sheriff's Office announced Friday. An autopsy showed that McDonald's death was consistent with starvation and/or hypothermia. McDonald was identified using fingerprints. "It appears he was camping there to start with," said Sheriff Tim Mueller. McDonald was in a sleeping bag in the bed of a pickup. He had apparently become stuck in the snow in February on Forest Service Road 517, about three miles from Highway 22 and about four miles from Marion Forks. McDonald scribbled short entries on a homemade calendar, noting the weather and the number of days he'd been there. He appears to have arrived on Feb. 7, and notes getting snowed in on Feb. 14. He also wrote reminders to himself, such as "motor vehicle registration expires" on April 12 and "can camp at Powers for 20 d." on April 18. The road out would have been impassable in snowy conditions, the sheriff said, and there was no sign McDonald tried to walk out. His 1997 GMC pickup with canopy was driveable in Thursday's spring conditions, Mueller said. It had about a quarter of a tank of gas and tire chains on all four tires. McDonald had apparently tried to create traction under the pickup with rocks. He also had a jack and apparently tried to use it. The vehicle was registered to an address in Unity. Detectives said McDonald was transient. According to the sheriff, he was prepared for the conditions. He was dressed appropriately and had extra fuel for the pickup. There was evidence he had built a small fire and was collecting water in buckets. However, there was no food, GPS, cell phone or compass recovered at the scene. More than $5,000 in cash was found in the pickup. An entry on McDonald's calendar for March 2 reads "Trapped, snowed in on 14th." He may have run out of food on March 16, where it reads "No Fo1" and is labeled day 38. The next day says "No Fo2," followed by "No F3" the day after that. The last entry is on April 15. He wrote "rain" and labeled it 68. Detectives say McDonald was estranged from his family. He has a son living in West Linn. The son told detectives he hadn't talked to his father in 30 years. Nobody had reported him missing. Foul play is not suspected. - gazettetimes ********** Argentina: "Synchronized UFOs" Over The Samborombón River An amateur fisherman witnessed the maneuvers of three unidentified objects over the banks of the Samborombón River near the town of Ferrari, Buenos Aires. Researchers consider this event important due to the synchronization of the UFOs movements, which according to the protagonist of the extraordinary adventure, even acted as if aware of his lonely presence in the darkness of the early morning hours. The episode, investigated by the Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogia (FAO) took place on April 3, 2010 when Sergio Asselborn, a veterinarian from the city of Quilmes, was engaged in one of his hobbies – fishing – in a spot chosen for many years: the Samborombón River, at a spot located over an iron bridge some 30 km from National Highway 2. It was a two o'clock in the morning when Asselborn, as the veterinarian told FAO researchers, underwent a life-changing experience: a buzzing sound similar to that of a beehive prompted him to look up, causing him to see something he had never seen in many years of fishing trips to the site. A plate-shaped UFO was in the sky, surrounded by small orange and red lights that outlined its contour. If something drew the witness's attention, it was that the object was coming toward him, stopping in a series of repetitive movements that lasted approximately half an hour. Continue reading at Inexplicata ********** Argentina: UFOs over Santiago – Surprising Close Encounter Narratives Questions about the existence of beings from other planets, periodically visiting our world, are nothing new. Since antiquity, philosophers and researchers were already associating the great monuments of mankind, such as the Pyramids of Cheops and the Inca structures, with activity involving aliens and unidentified flying objects (UFOs) In Santiago del Estero, few were willing to take this theory seriously – the one that states that galactic beings and strange craft visit certain parts of the Earth to "feed on cosmic energy", as they consider that most sightings are "incorrect perceptions" by people and that aircraft or other natural phenomena are involved. For this reason, such stories almost generate disbelief – or scorn – on the part of those hearing them. Continue reading at Inexplicata ********** Crop circle in Sumatera Barat in Indonesia on May 13, 2011 Click for video....BTW, I think the flying device used to film the crop circle crash landed. |
NJ Officials Puzzled by Mystery Hole Posted: 16 May 2011 08:07 AM PDT Officials and experts in one New Jersey town are scratching their heads over a mysterious hole that appeared in a yard last week. For now, it appears the small crater that splayed debris across a 100-foot area wasn't caused by a meteorite. Beyond that, it's a mystery. "It's just really, really weird," said Jerry Vinski, director of nearby Raritan Valley Community College's planetarium, who conducted tests on the site. "We dug around and couldn't find anything. We used metal detectors because all meteors have metal in them, and we couldn't find anything, large or small." Bernards Township Police Capt. Edward Byrnes said whatever hit the front yard in the Basking Ridge section left a crater about 18 inches deep and roughly the size of a coffee table. Rocks and soil were scattered around the yard and driveway. A State Police bomb squad ruled out explosives, Byrnes said. According to Byrnes, no one in the neighborhood heard or saw anything at the time of the May 6 incident. The homeowner called police upon arriving home. "The weather was clear, there were no reports of lightning strikes; nobody reported seeing anything," Byrnes said. "I've never seen anything like this in 23 years." Vinski said that the hole could have been caused by an object falling from a plane. He said if the object was a meteorite, the impact would have been significant and would have been felt nearby. "When you see meteor showers in the upper atmosphere, they're traveling 50 miles a second," he said. "Even if it's slowing down through the atmosphere, you're still going to have a sonic boom. And it would have left something behind, it wouldn't have completely disintegrated." - dailyrecord NOTE: someone's got a helluva big mole roaming around. Looks to me like a black bear was in the neighborhood. Anyway...I enjoyed some of the comments attached to this story: "Officials and experts in one New Jersey town are scratching their heads over ________________" Just fill in the blank. Doesn't matter whether it's a mysterious hole that's appeared in someone's backyard, or balancing the budget. Officials and experts in MOST New Jersey towns are clueless over most things. I can actually see them at the site, scratching their head with one hand, while the other is holding a Starbuck's Mocha Latte. "Anchor that was not removed by departing UFO" This is my neighbor's property. He's been saying for years that he wanted to plant an apple tree there, all of the neighbors did not like the idea (including myself). We felt it would only attract more deer to the neighborhood, so we asked him not to do it. Then the other night, after a few beers, I caught him out there digging like a maniac in the dark, throwing dirt everywhere while mumbling "They can't tell me what to do!". When I confronted him, he ran off into his back yard. What a mess. ....Lon ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing ![]() ![]() Join Eric Altman, Lon Strickler and the crew LIVE each Sunday at 10 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() Click here to check out Stan's most recent book! ![]() Click here to check out John Ventre's most recent book! The Social - Paranormal Network ![]() A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() (410) 241-5974 ![]() Phantoms and Monsters Now Available on Kindle |
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