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Esoterica: Psychic Predicted Where Caylee Would Be Found and Llanelli Poltergeist Update Posted: 03 Jul 2011 04:54 PM PDT Casey Anthony case: Psychic predicted where Caylee would be found A private investigator testified on Monday at the Casey Anthony murder trial that a psychic directed him to the wooded area where the remains of Ms. Anthony's two-year-old daughter were found a month later. But he said he saw nothing that looked like the remains of the toddler, Caylee. Dominic Casey said he was working for Ms. Anthony's parents, George and Cindy, in November 2008, trying to track down leads about the possible whereabouts of Caylee. He had also done prior work as an investigator for Ms. Anthony's defense attorney, Jose Baez. Mr. Casey told the jury that he went to the wooded area not far from the Anthony home after being contacted by a psychic who advised him that Caylee's remains were in the vicinity of three white paving stones. He went three times to the area on Nov. 15 and 16 and appears to have walked directly over the place the body was later found on Dec. 11. Earlier on Monday, James Hoover, an investigator who worked with Mr. Casey, narrated a video he took of the private investigator walking through the woods and using a metal probe to search for buried remains. No remains were found. At one point, defense attorney Baez asked Mr. Hoover: "Did you just see that fallen tree that was there?" "I see the paver that we were looking for," he answered, watching the video. Then he added: "Oh yeah, it is right there on the video." It is unclear whether the video recorded the same fallen tree that Orange County Sheriff's Office crime scene investigators have repeatedly mentioned – and at one point moved – to gain better access to some of Caylee's remains in mid-December. The video and related testimony is potentially significant to the defense case because it seems to support a defense theory that Caylee's remains were placed in the wooded area much later than prosecutors have said. In November 2008, Casey Anthony was already in jail having been charged with the murder of her daughter. Mr. Baez is hoping Monday's testimony raises questions in the minds of the jurors. If Caylee's remains were not in the wooded area in mid-November, where were they? More important, if they were moved, who moved them to the woods where they were discovered in mid-December? Baez has suggested that Roy Kronk, the man who directed police to the wooded area on Dec. 11, may have moved or hidden the body. Mr. Kronk had initially called police about the body in August, but investigators ignored the tip because the area had already been searched by a deputy with a cadaver dog. The developments came on the 10th day of the defense case and the 29th day of the trial underway in an Orlando courtroom. Casey Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in the disappearance and death of her daughter. If convicted she faces a possible death sentence. Also on Monday, Chief Judge Belvin Perry revealed the cause of Saturday's abrupt and mysterious recess in the trial. He said defense attorneys had moved to have Ms. Anthony declared mentally incompetent. Judge Perry appointed three psychologists to conduct independent evaluations of Ms. Anthony on Saturday and Sunday. After reviewing their reports, the judge declared the defendant competent to stand trial. - csmonitor ********** Saturday, June 25, 2011 - On-site Investigation in Llanelli, South Wales At the location: Irene, Karen, Bev (the client), 2 non-resident family members On Skype: Lon, Kim (microphones muted unless conversing with Irene) There was an initial discussion of the current phenomenon. Bev has been seeing movement. A lit candle was knocked off a table in the bedroom. She's heard breathing in her ear, and noises in the son's room (which they have been staying out of). She's also seen a pitch black shadowy mass. And the baby is still seeing what she calls "boyz" up by the bedroom. She cries if it (they?) come near her. Bev says there are handprints on two doors in the house, one upstairs, and one downstairs. She takes Irene and Karen to see and photograph them. They leave the computer set up and running in the living room which sits right under the boy's bedroom. The hall and stairs are right outside of the living room. These are the areas where most of the activity has been taking place. Through Skype we can hear snaps, clicks, and faint whistles. It cannot be determined which entity is doing the whistling. Irene, Karen, and Bev return from upstairs. Irene says she may have seen an orb in the bedroom, as it was not behaving like dust. Lon suggests they place a night vision camera upstairs between the bedrooms, shooting out toward the stairs. He feels some movement on or near the stairs. Karen is upstairs trying to film in the boy's bedroom, where the orb may have been seen. She notes that while in that room she felt very uneasy. The room was considerably colder than any other room in the house. As she walked in the door just to cross the room to get to the window sill where they were leaving the camera and Dictaphone, her skin was tingling. Later she went back in the room and sat on the bed to call out. Once she had begun, she started to get a headache and her heartbeat began to quicken. She could feel pulsing in her head and her left ear was buzzing. She asked her guide to remove it and after maybe 30 seconds it stopped. Irene returns to the living room with Bev. They begin to see an image of an old fashioned, circular shaped clock on the wall. There is now a definite image of a clock on the wall. (Note: in my handwritten notes, I have written "fall" instead of "wall", which I immediately noticed and corrected, but thought was quite odd.) There is no such real clock in the home, and the wall does not have a reflective surface. This image persisted for some time. Bev is not filming at this point, but can see the image in her viewer. Irene asks her to record it if she can. She will forward any evidence that she has captured to Lon. Family member begins calling out in Welsh to try to elicit a response. On Skype we are hearing what sounds like more than one voice in the background. Kim thinks she heard something that sounded like one chime of a cuckoo clock. There are more sounds like birds chirping now, and a loud popping noise. Karen is still upstairs taking pictures of the wardrobe. Everyone has again left the living room, and the room is relatively quiet, lots of background noises, but nothing that stands out dramatically happens. Irene, Karen, and Bev have returned to the living room. Bev recounts how she had gone to put her camera down on top of the television and saw the reflection of the clock in it. Someone comments that it has become quite cold in the living room now. Kim asks if Irene could see a time on the clock image. Irene says the clock did have hands, and that it was either about quarter to two, or ten past nine. At this point they are setting up on the staircase to record, and are working on sending Lon audio of the horse sounds Bev had recorded previously. They are going to try to get a response by whistling. As they begin whistling the background noise heard through Skype picks up, including whistles, snaps, pops, etc. Kim thinks she hears a male voice in the background as well, possibly saying Lon's name again. Lon says he can see a boy in the room now, right near the doorway. He also sees a girl walking down the stairs holding hands with something that just appears as light. They walk down the hallway and the girl is now gone. The boy is gone as well now. Irene returns to the living room and we converse about what has happened. Irene has just walked a young girl down the stairs and to the kitchen and told her to go the light. She did not cross over the boy. Lon describes him as about 10 or 11 years old, and dressed in knickers. Irene says she still feels the presence of a man in the house. Karen is seeing a shadow behind Irene. She cannot see it the camera. Irene says he's shifted. The shadow is not showing up in the pictures they are taking. Irene can feel something behind her now. Her head is down and it has its head up. She is trying to move it, and asks Lon to tell her if it goes. Bev says it is still there. The night vision camera is not picking it up. Bev sits next to Irene on the settee. Karen can see two shadows now, one big, one smaller. Irene and Bev have about a 6" height difference, but the shadow behind Irene is a good 3' to 4' higher than Bev's. They are trying to get it on camera, but cannot capture an image of it. Lon hears "Single Scotch Whiskey." It is getting cold in the room again. Lon also feels the cold. Karen tells Irene that the shadow is "plain as day." It has its hands up over its head. It is clearly there in person. The camera has now stopped taking pictures entirely. The shadow is still behind Irene against the wall. As Irene moves from side to side, the shadow is not moving; more evidence that it is not being cast by her. It seems to be playing with Irene's hair. Irene comments that she initially thought that one would be a push-over, but "Boy was she wrong!" Lon says this one has an attitude. Irene isn't speaking nicely about it. She explains that if he was human she would never swear at it, but his entity has never lived on the earth plane. Lon sees a tall man in a Fedora. The guy is a drinker, and he's an "ass." He has a real attitude problem, Lon says. He appears to be sitting but there is nothing underneath him supporting him. Lon is getting green and pink lights again. Irene notes that the only light in the room is coming from the laptop which is 2" from being closed. She says it is just standing there, and that she could do something with it if it would come at her, but he isn't moving. Lon says the guy has a big grin on his face; also that he's a younger man. Lon says the man is standing up now. He is taller than Irene. Lon also feels he is not an earthbound. He says there is a "hollow void" to this thing. Lon says it's moving now. Irene says it has been standing there 8" off of her hip, and shifted when she picked up the Holy water. She thinks it has gone out of the room. The camera which turned itself off, has switched itself back on again. Irene, Karen, and Bev have all left the living room now. The room is initially quiet, but again the knocks and chirps, and snaps pick up again. Irene came back in the room briefly to see if we've heard anything. As Lon is telling her we'd heard bangs, they hear one in the hallway. Irene goes back out into the hallway. Kim hears footsteps approaching the computer. Irene comes back into the living room and asks if we heard that. Kim tells her she heard footsteps and thought it was one of them coming to do something with the computer. It was not. Irene has been standing still in the hallway and heard the same thing. No one else is in that area. There are more footsteps heard, bangs, scraping sounds, and a loud pop, as well as breathing in the microphone of the computer. Irene, Karen, and Bev have now returned to the living room, and are trying to access if anything has been moved. In the background Lon and Kim can both hear other voices, at least one of which sounds male. Bev sees that her charger has been moved from behind the settee on the floor, out 4' into the middle of the room. They test the sound of it sliding. It sounds exactly like the scraping noise, with the charger hitting something (table leg?) as it slid. Bev then notices that a table lamp that was sitting on the floor has also been moved. They test this for sound comparison also. It is similar, but there was also a much louder sound. Bev next spots a surround sound speaker that has been moved out of line from where she normally has them, as well. They test it for the sound, and it is without question the louder sound that both Lon and Kim heard. The investigation is wrapped up for the night. As a final dig at them, after all the equipment had been packed away, the entity gave them one final loud whistle as if mocking them. Notes submitted by Kim (jayneyblue) Spirit Rescue International Click for link to audio/video of confrontation with poltergiest NOTE: thanks to Kim for keeping notes during this ordeal. We are now going to classify this as a malevolent non-human haunting or, basically, a poltergeist. Though these type hauntings are rare, the classic signs are there in this instance. Many times these entities will hide or remain dormant...then suddenly start to act up. There have also been new developments that suggest that this may very well be the beginning of increased activity. Below are a few more EVPs from that evening. Stay tuned for further details...Lon ----- Here are a few EVPs...turn up the volume and use headphones. I didn't want to distort by adding volume: The 1st clip is from the sons' bedroom Bedroom - 6/25/2011 The 2nd clip is from the living room. Irene is attempting to find the entity (which is on the YouTube audio/video above) but this was from a second voice recorder near Irene. A minute or so before she located the entity I was able to find a few EVPs. It sounds to me it may be mocking her. Living Room - 6/25/2011 You definitely need headphones for this one...but it is an astonishing EVP. Excuse Me - 5/27/2011 ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing NOTE: Go to Astral Perceptions for Spirit Rescue International case logs - registration required for access ********** THIS WEEK'S ESOTERICA LINKS A night in an East Texas haunted house 'Haunted' portrait in 'Your Paintings' online archive In the pursuit of paranormal Combination Haunted Farm & Séance Can neuroscience explain our paranormal obsession? Playful poltergeist Nanny Goony haunting Scottish sweet shop Bret Michaels: 'I've Seen Dead People' Scientific approach to exploring Savannah's haunts What Should I Do If My House Is Haunted? Paranormal Obsessions Acclaimed paranormal investigator seeks explanations for the unexplained Is there evidence of a haunting here? Ghost evidence found? Haunted Hotel? Divining the past Top Five Countries with the Best Paranormal Tourism What To Do with Your Premonitions A Real Ghost Photo Or Pareidolia? Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul Haunted By Ghosts During X Factor Auditions LaToya Jackson Says She Felt Michael's Presence After His Death ![]() Join Eric Altman, Lon Strickler and Sean Forker LIVE each Sunday at 10 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. 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