Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Flying Cryptid Sightings: Weird Bat-Like Creatures / Large Bioluminescent Birds
- Just the Facts? - Sea Monster Lives in Fjord, Mountain Critters and Dead Mother Found Alive
- Sylvanic Claim...More of the Same / Another Round of Erickson Project 'Leaks'
Flying Cryptid Sightings: Weird Bat-Like Creatures / Large Bioluminescent Birds Posted: 04 Jul 2011 04:10 PM PDT I received the following inquiry from my friend Sunny Williams at Lights in the Texas Sky: Hi Lon, I thought I'd run this by you. I received an email from someone who had (years ago) witnessed a UFO and had possibly been abducted, along with a friend. They were children at the time and the UFO sighting was in a different state. Lon, I can't make heads or tails of the little winged creature that ran across the road but the big ones remind me of some "Mothman" sightings. What do you think and have these things been seen in the Northwest? This is the email Sunny forwarded to me (some spelling changes): Subject: weird, huge, grey, furless, batwinged creature We live in the pacific northwest (near Tacoma, WA) on many acres of mostly tree covered land with a creek. We have seen and heard a strange nocturnal, batlike creature. This thing is huge, light grey, skin with no fur, feathers or scales. It silently swoops down at you with giant bat wings. It makes a sound like a jungle monkey or bird, thus we refer to it as the monkey bird. We keep our chickens and goats, small dogs and cats safely housed at night, however two of our cats who sneaked out one night onto the roof disappeared without a trace of fur, blood or any evidence of what exactly happened. They wouldn't run away, and our outdoor watch dogs don't allow any coyotes or ground traveling predators anywhere near us. There were two of them together and they seemed fearless of me when they swooped down at me more than once and returned way up to the top of the highest trees. I couldn't get a look at the faces or eyes, mainly the huge grey batwings approximately 4' span are what I could see. They seem to show up every summer always after dusk anytime through the night. Locals don't seem to know about them. I might ask the local native American Indian tribes to see if they know anything about these creatures. Do you know of anyone else who might know what these things are? My brother and I saw another weird batlike creature two summers ago that was also quite bizarre yet not like these huge ones. We were riding our bikes at dusk and this black guinea pig sized thing with bat wings with holes all through the wings ran across the dirt road in front of us and under a bush. We don't know anyone who has seen anything like that either, but we DID see it. We see regular little, common bats all of the time after dusk so we know what they are like. We know owls, hawks, eagles and all of the normal flying creatures around here and these others are definitely out of the ordinary.
I offered an unlikely example (Eurasian Eagle Owls) as to what these creatures may be. I don't know of any bat species of that size that live outside of the tropics. Vampire bats, Great Bulldog bats and Flying Foxes can reach that size but I don't think that they could adapt to the climate of the Tacoma, Washington region where the climate is mild during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 60's and cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 40's...but some mammals can adapt to climate change. Sunny received this follow up which she forwarded to me: Thank you for checking with your colleague. Are the owl wings shaped like bat wings? Do they cling to the sides of the trees? Do they make a sound like "Hooooowhahhhhhh, aaahooooowahhhh! with the wah like the rolling of your tongue? Also the skin on the chest and wings was grey, mottled with some brownish color like a Mexican hairless dogs skin, and it had like visible blood veins kind of like protruding on the skin area. Where can we find a picture of the Asian eagle owl and find out what it sounds like? These might be moulting or sick or something. We would love to solve the mystery, and know more about them. Please let us know if you find anymore info. Thank you again. Then again: Thanks again for your help and research. It is truly appreciated. We are near Tacoma in a large forested area with a huge creek running all through it. We looked through and listened to all of the owl/eagle info and enjoyed it very much. I can say with certainty that these things were definitely not owls, eagles, vultures or anything like them. I guess no one would believe us unless they saw them and heard them. These are real. They have huge bat wings with the claw type thing on the top of the wing that helps them clutch the tree. It is true that they don't seem to flap like a regular bat would. They quietly swoop and glide. They sound like those jungle monkeys and you can see skin, no feathers, scales etc. I'm sure these have got to be categorized as unknown. Maybe someone has been doing some weird genetic experiments with wildlife and releasing them to see what the survival rate will be. Maybe an environmental mutation. We will try to ask others who spend time after dusk in the forests, (if we can find anyone like that these days) weather or not they have seen or heard anything like this. We will let you know right away if we learn anymore about this. Have a wonderful, safe 4th of July. Such a pleasure to communicate with you. ----- There have been somewhat similar sights in Washington state: 12/29/2007 Man blames car wreck on prehistoric winged reptile A 29-year-old Wenatchee man told police a pterodactyl caused him to drive his car into a light pole about 11:30 p.m. Thursday. Wenatchee police cited the man with first-degree negligent driving. A breathalyzer test showed "a minimal amount of alcohol," said Wenatchee police Sgt. Cherie Smith. Witnesses told police the man was northbound on Wenatchee Avenue and drifted into a southbound lane for less than a block. Oncoming traffic stopped and waited for the man to pass, Smith said. He then totaled his car on a light pole, Smith said. When police asked the man what caused the accident, his one-word answer was "pterodactyl," Smith said. A pterodactyl was a giant winged reptile that lived more than 65 million years ago. The man was treated and released at Central Washington Hospital, hospital officials said. - hearaldnet ----- Two Eyewitness Accounts - Pterosaurs in State of Washington The eyewitness described a pair of long-tailed "ropens" in Southwest Washington state, in a rural area that he desires to keep secret. Here is part of the testimony: "I was riding my bike home from a friends house around 5 pm . . . I heard a strange noise . . . looked to my left, and on a wood plank fence were two of the biggest bird like creatures I could ever imagine! . . . the first thing I noticed was their heads . . . could they be dinosours? . . . They were Huge! There ft wrapped around a 2″x6″ plank . . . they're heads I would have to say it was maybe 4ft long with the beak." What follows is a secondary sighting of the same two flying creatures, in the same general area, by the same eyewitness, some time later: "When they took flight they both still kept an eye back onto me. They only flew far enough to where I wouldn't see them. They have slow head movements, as if they were rotating there heads with the heads in the downwards position." - ----- Large Bioluminescent Birds Also...I received the following email from a witness in northern Louisiana: Hello - We live in a very rural area about a mile or less from a large lake. My husband and I have seen something we cannot classify into any known bird. We have only seen them at night and only during the warmer season months. There is an interstate being built to run through here and we saw the largest groups of them around the time most of the clear cutting was going on. They are scary big. It was large enough to raise the hairs on the back of my neck and make me hesitant on letting our animals out after dark. It was definitely larger than any bird I had ever seen. They are very dark in color, possibly black. It's difficult for me to give a detailed description of it, but my husband, who got a better look at the bird says it has a large beak, huge wingspan, and long tail. What sets it apart from anything I have ever seen was that it had a lightning-bug type glow to it. The lighting trait of it was an irregular pulsating lighting that ran the entire length of its body in no type of pattern. It seemed to just hover wings unmoving (much like a kite does), but when it moves it is very fast. My first thought was that it was it had to be some type of military aircraft we have yet to learn about, but the more I have seen it the more animal like qualities I have noticed. Some reasons for that are the pattern of flight isn't repetitious, hovering without making a sound, and it seems to move as if it is on the currents of the wind. My husband has heard a bird-like squawking that drew his attention to them the first time he saw one, but I have not. I was very skeptical at first, and was sure he had lost his mind. Being a military brat I was sure that it was just something having the Harriers before we were ready to come out about them. It took me seeing whatever it is several times to believe what I saw wasn't something mechanical. I got on the internet and learned that similar descriptions (some spot on and some not even close) have been reported. I'm still not sure what it may be, and am shy to say anything about it to others. It sounds crazy to me. My husband and I are not the only ones to have seen it. A friend of ours, a disbeliever, came out to see for himself. And, the father of a friend, when we mentioned we had seen something weird; said he never told anyone cause he was afraid that he'd be considered crazy. He told us that he was out on the lake by our place, in his boat at night, and had seen what he thought we had described to him. I am interested for someone more educated in birds and animals to come out and see if they can sight this thing, and find out if they could debunk or explain it. I don't know if it is a plane, maybe a glider of some sort, or an animal, but something is there. It may be able to be explained...maybe not. ----- The following information was found at Bioluminescent Pterosaurs in America Glowing "pterodactyls?" In North America? Non-extinct? What could be more strange? Before dismissing the idea, consider some eyewitness sightings in North America, in light of reports of glowing pterosaurs in the southwest Pacific. But notwithstanding reports appear to be more numerous from some remote tropical islands, there are now enough sightings in North America to justify comparing them to sightings of featherless, apparently-bioluminescent flying creatures in the southwest Pacific. Caribbean Sighting of Two Glowing Pterosaurs A recent example is from a lady who was on a cruise in the Caribbean, with family members. Her daughter brought her onto the deck one night, anxious for her to see what was flying over the sea. The mother, who had not been drinking, saw two apparent pterosaurs, glowing and flying back and forth, sometimes closer to the ship. Peter Beach's Sightings in Washington State According to the second edition of Live Pterosaurs in America, night sightings in the state of Washington included one by the college biology professor Peter Beach (2007). "I went on a short trip to the Yakima River . . . because there was a [sighting]. We were unable to get a picture but we saw many . . . flashing lights. I would have assumed that [they] were fireflies but we [don't] have them in Washington. . . . Many flashes were parallel to the river. The river at that point [has] a crook . . . and there were many fish . . . Prime hunting grounds for fish-eating birds. Only these things fish at night with bioluminescence. At first I thought I was just seeing shooting stars, but they were all parallel to the river and close to the horizon." The next year (summer of 2008), Professor Beach participated in another expedition at the Yakima River. "During the short expedition I led with the O'Donnells, mid-July, we saw three hours of bioluminescent 'shooting stars.' The last hour was the most interesting in that there were two light blasts about 200 ft. apart, about 50-100 ft., above the river. The blasts were followed by screeches from about a dozen or so agitated nighthawks in the general area." During the second expedition, Professor Beach had a rather close encounter with a flying creature that he suspected was one of the ones that had been displaying the bioluminescence (although it was not glowing when it flew just over the professor's head). "The shape of the flying animal I saw was 3-4 ft. wingspan, 2-3 ft. long, with a bat-like wing. The neck/head was obvious but only in silhouette, and I could not make out a tail or feet. If the tail is thin, I probably was not close enough to see it even if it was there. The wing beat rate caused me to arrive at the size and altitude. The wing [beat] was similar to a Canadian Goose; a seagull beats its wings faster, a Nighthawk (wingspan 18 in.) faster still." San Fernando Valley, California, Sighting "It was late in the evening almost dark . . . I was walking from my car to my house [in Sun Valley] and something in the sky caught my eye. My girlfriend also looked up and right away said is that a bat . . . What caught my eye was the bright radiation like light coming from the belly of this Pterodactyl looking animal. I seen it fly right above us maybe 150 -200 feet and this thing wasn't no bat it was bigger with large wing span and when it flapped its wings it was kind of a slow lazy flap kind of gliding . . ." NOTE: I have previously posted extensive information on these creatures and the phenomena associated with them at: Marfa Lights / Pterosaur Connection Theory - Kongamato: African Dragon - Pterosaurs: A Global Phenomenon - The Papua New Guinea Pterosaur - Thunderbirds of the Southwest...Lon | ||
Just the Facts? - Sea Monster Lives in Fjord, Mountain Critters and Dead Mother Found Alive Posted: 04 Jul 2011 02:34 PM PDT Diver Claims Sea Monster Lives In Icelandic Fjord A diver conducting an investigation of Geirþjófsfjörður believes he may have found evidence of a sea monster living in the fjord. Árni Kópsson told Vísir that he sent a deep sea camera into the bottom of the fjord to record what may be in one of the craters recently found there by the Marine Research Institute a few years ago. Apart from fish and shrimp, Árni says he saw something else. "There was some kind of creature that you couldn't see really well," he said. "Something that was quick to make itself scarce when you got near it." Þorvaldur Friðriksson, an expert in monsters, who accompanied the trip, says that the purpose of the investigation was to gather evidence for sea monsters in the area. Þorvaldur has collected monster stories from all over the region, which is famously rife with tales of sea monsters. Not all of these stories are very old, he says. In fact, there have been recent sightings made in the Arnarfjörður area, which is where Geirþjófsfjörður is located. Þorvaldur considers it likely that at least one sea monster lives in the craters. The craters themselves are about ten to fifteen metres deep, and are located about one hundred metres beneath the surface of the water. Guðrún Helgadóttir, a geologist at the Marine Research Institute, said that such craters are common around the country. The usual cause of them, she says, is the release of some kind of current or gas. When asked for her thoughts on the theory that the craters at the bottom of Geirþjófsfjörður were created by a sea monster, she responded, "That is of course a very fun explanation." . The Grapevine has also learned a bit about sea monsters in the Arnarfjörður area, where a museum devoted to them is located. - grapevine ********** Mountain Critters? A few interesting videos from Arizona and Peru....are these mountain goats, trash blowing about or possibly alien? Click for video Click for video There are other videos posted at Sheilaaliens writes: I recently found on youtube the channel belonging to GCEPERU. This person lives in Peru near a mountain and films strange beings flying around and living on the mountain (daytime footage) near their home. I believe these are the same type of beings living on Mt. Lemmon here in Tucson, Arizona. I see these things well at night with my Sony HandyCam using the NightShot feature. However, since it is not HD, it can't see far distances in great detail and therefor [sic] does not pick up these things on the mountain during the day. Last year, I was able to borrow a friend's HD camera and did successfully film these creatures on the mountain. I will first show you my footage, then the footage from GCEPERU followed by a side by side comparison of the two. ********** In the heart of Africa, within the Kruger National Park in South Africa is a private game reserve called Timbavati. Timbavati is the home of many of South Africa's greatest animals, but it is most well known for a one of the rarest creatures of all – the white lion. The folklore of the local Shangaan people have for hundreds of years spoken of how these creatures came to be. Four hundred odd years ago there lived a mighty queen. Not only was she queen, but also a great spiritual person and the Rain Queen of her people. She was known as Queen Numbi, the ugly. Although ugly in appearance, her people loved and respected her and when illness struck, feared for her life. According to legend, Numbi's legs and stomach swelled up and she was running a fever. Modern medicine tells us that this could have been a condition called 'Elephantitis' which could have been caused by Malaria. As Queen Numbi got closer and closer to death, her people prayed to the ancestral spirits for help and healing. For months nothing happened and Queen Numbi got worse. One day, when Queen Numbi was extremely close to death and her followers were at their wit's end, night fell and the stars started appearing. Suddenly one star grew bigger than the rest. As the people gazed upwards, the star got closer and closer. It is said that the animals in the bush started making a huge noise when the star got near. People started shouting: "Timbi le!", "It has come down!" "Timbi le vaa ti!", "It has come down to the ground!" Slowly the bright light floated down before touching down not far from the hut of the great Queen. With her servants helping her, Queen Numbi was helped out of her hut and saw the bright light illuminating the whole area. She knew exactly what to do. Slowly the Queen made her way across the field and made her way towards the glowing ball. As her people watched, she got closer and closer before being swallowed up by the light. In the light, the people could see shapes. They could make out small, strange beings with large heads welcoming Queen Numbi. After several hours Queen Numbi was seen to emerge from the sphere. As she walked towards her people, they saw that she had not only been healed, but also appeared much younger! The star stayed on the ground for several days before it slowly rose back into the air and disappeared from view. It is said by the Shangaan people that it was from that day that strange things were noticed in the area. Cattle were being born with two heads, antelope were born with deformed limbs and lion, leopard and impala were born with snow white fur and green/blue eyes. It was even said that a snow white elephant with beautiful blue eyes roamed the area before being shot by white hunters. To this very day, lions and some other animals are born in the area that have snow white fur and blue eyes. They are called 'The White Lions of Timbavati'. African tribal elders call the White Lions, the 'Son's of the Sun God' and are revered as the most sacred animal. The are seen as messengers of the gods and represent balance and order. Some say that when the White Lions are born, the earth is about to undergo massive changes. Within the Timbavati Reserve you can also find a ring of stones. It is said that some years after the time of Queen Numbi, a tribe arrived from Zimbabwe bringing sacred stones with them. On hearing of the story and wishing to honour the strange visitors and Queen Numbi, they created a ring of standing stones using their sacred stones. These stones have an unusual quality. When struck they resonate like a bell. Some local people call it "The Place of the Singing Stones". Another place of interest lies close to Timbavati. It is called "Manyeleti" which means "Gateway to the Stars" and is home to a number of indigenous shamans. According to these shamans, Manyeleti is the place that binds heaven and earth. Did aliens visit and heal Queen Numbi all those centuries ago? Did the radiation from their craft cause the genetic variations in the lions we see to this very day? Whatever the truth, today we are awed by the beauty of the White Lions of Timbavati. - strangenewsdaily ********** Man Burns Son for Touching His Bible A 25-year-old Chandler, AZ man accused of burning his son's hand and wrist because the child touched his Bible was booked Sunday on suspicion of child abuse, police said. Johnny Salazar was taking care of his two sons, ages 2 and 5 this weekend on the 800 Block of East Flint Street, police said. He shares custody of the boys with their mother, who lives in Casa Grande. Both Salazar and the boys' mother live with their own parents. Sunday, Salazar's parents returned from church and noticed the red blistering on the wrist and hand of the 5-year-old, and asked Salazar what happened, said Chandler Police Sgt. Joe Favazzo. Salazar told his parents he used a cigarette lighter to burn his son's hand and the back of his wrist, Favazzo said. "The boy was touching his Bible and he thought the boy may be possessed," Favazzo said. The boy told his grandmother, "well dad burned me for touching his Bible." Salazar was talking gibberish and not making sense, Favazzo said. He picked up the 2-year-old, went to his car and drove off, Favazzo said. He returned within a half hour. "The children are with their mother," Favazzo said, adding the burn did not require medical attention. "They are safe." - azcentral ********** WTF? Mother Buried 15 Years Ago Found Alive in Florida When Grace Kivisto buried her mother 15 years ago, I doubt she ever dreamt this day would come. You see, Grace's mom, Lula Cora, left the then 15-year-old Grace in 1970 after a family fight and never returned home to her 14 children. In 1996, investigators found human remains buried in family's backyard, and assumed it was the missing mother. DNA evidence wasn't that sophisticated back then, so no testing was done. I think you see where this is going. Two years ago, Grace offered up her mother's bones from the backyard to investigators to test the DNA, since the technology is decidedly much better now than it was in 1996. Yesterday, Grace got a call that the bones were not her mother's, and that her mom is alive and well, and living in Florida. Yup. Could you imagine? So Grace was gardening yesterday when a detective came by to explain that the remains weren't her mother's and that after a quick online search for Lula Cora Hood, they found out that the now 84-year-old Hood was kicking it in Jacksonville, Florida. Grace told Galesburg, Illinois news station WQAD that she was surprised by her tears after all these years, and that she can't wait to see her mother. I'm not sure how I would react if my mother disappeared, was later found in pieces in my backyard, then wasn't found in pieces in my backyard, and then was found living in Florida. I think I'd be pretty pissed. Hard to say, but I guess I'd want to meet her again for the first time to maybe get some answers. Grace says she's planning a trip to Florida as soon as possible, but if I were her, I'd want to do some double checking before I book a ticket. Lula Cora seems rather squirrely, so who knows where she is. The story is both heartwarming and confusing, but one thing's for sure: It's a Fourth of July weekend miracle! Oh, and no one yet knows whose remains were found ... guess that's a story for another time, folks - thestir | ||
Sylvanic Claim...More of the Same / Another Round of Erickson Project 'Leaks' Posted: 04 Jul 2011 12:34 PM PDT / Todd Standing's Latest 'Face of Bigfoot' Source: Since went public and gained significant public recognition in 2006 with the release of video 2 we have always maintained the position of "Don't take our word for it, come out and we will show you the reality of this species for yourself" Many from the media and scientific community have threaten to take us up on this matter but few when faced with the reality of the situation few have had the intestinal fortitude to do so. One gentlemen in particular who took us up on our before mentioned proposal has become passionate about the work we are doing. Unknown to us this gentleman is a very wealthy individual and has insisted on helping us take our work to the next level. So he is offering a 2 million dollar reward to anyone that discovers a body that has expired due to natural causes. This reward is offered specifically under the 2 parameters listed below. 1st the body or significant piece of the body must have expired due to Natural causes. A detailed accounting of the discovery will be documented and investigate by a wildlife officer and forensic expert provided by the sylvanic team. 2nd The discovery must remain entirely confidential. No media or public discloser in any way. Our species protection and legislation is at a point where as soon as we can a provide a body full species protection will be implemented and enforced. It is our intention to have wildlife officers across North America identify and protect known bigfoot habitats before the media and public is aware of the situation. Once these two obligations have been confirmed the 2 million dollar reward will be issued. The party responsible for the discovery will receive full credit for their discovery the moment this information goes public. There are currently 2 separate research sites under study by the Sylvanic team in Canada and the United States. Both teams are working towards the discovery of a body and if either is succsseful the 2 million dollars will be donated towards a fund that will be dedicated to the continued scientific ethical study of this amazing species. Click for video NOTE: Normally I would have grabbed a screen capture of the face from the video...I'm just not going to do it this time. The video link is above...Lon ----- Breathtaking News from the Erickson Project Source: Robert Lindsey The leaks from people close to the Erickson Project continue to come in fast and furious. Surely, the most breathtaking news so far involves the sequencing of Bigfoot DNA. We already reported previously on the sequencing Bigfoot mitochondrial DNA, which is coming out 100% human. That means that the Bigfoot female line goes back to human females. However, we can now report on the sequencing of the nuclear DNA from the male side. The report is that it is absolutely non-human! It is very far away from humans. In the chart below, various hominims are measured according to their distance away from humans. Hominim spp. Distance in polymorphisms Neandertal 200 Denisova 400 Bigfoot 750? Chimpanzee 2000 As you can see, Bigfoots are approximately 1/2 way between humans and chimps. More precisely, they are 37% of the way between humans and chimp. Also, Bigfoots are 4X further away from us than Neandertals are, and they are 2X further away from us than Denisova was. We only have DNA from three hominids: Homo sapiens, Neandertal and Denisova. We have no DNA from Flores Man or Erectus or any of the rest. One reason for this is that DNA degrades, and it is impossible to get DNA from samples more than 50,000 years old. Therefore, evidence indicates that Bigfoots are a hybrid species. Some "thing," some "monster," some "subhuman," mated with human females somewhere in Europe possibly ~20-50,000 YBP. Shades of King Kong! What this thing is is completely unknown. It must be a hominid. It quite possibly was Homo erectus. Therefore, Bigfoots may be Erectus-sapiens hybrids. The closest thing to an Erectus-sapiens hybrid is Heidelberg Man, or Homo heidelbergensis. This was late Homo erectus trending into archaic Homo sapiens. There is suggestive evidence that a heidelbergensis skull was found in China dated 13,000 YBP. If Bigfoot is part-Erectus, this explains certain things. Erectus still had a midtarsal break in Europe 300,000 YBP. Erectus had a saggital crest. It is clear by now that the Bigfoot is an ape theory lies in the dust. Bigfoot is a man, an ancient man, a blast from our ancient past, a subhuman, a human ancestor. He's one of us, but he's not. In addition, we can report that the Erickson Project Bigfoot DNA study has isolated DNA from 20 separate Bigfoot individuals from around North America. They received hundreds of samples, but many were not useful. One of the samples was called "unknown hand." This was hand of a "something," but no one knows what. Inside the Project, people were taking bets on what the hand was. Dr. Melba Ketchum bet that it was a bear. Others bet that it was not a bear. Ketchum never got any money from the bet. Whatever this strange object was, it was not a bear paw. No one knows what it was. Maybe it was a Bigfoot hand. One of the samples was a bone from a stream in Oregon. It may have been a femur. The bone looks like a human bone, but it is much too large. It was submitted by David Paulides' North American Bigfoot Search (NABS). We also have some updates in the story about the shooting of the two Bigfoots in California in November 2010. There were two other men in the truck with the shooter at the time. At least one of the men was absolutely hysterical that the shooter shot the two Bigfoots. The other man was also not happy at all that the shooter shot the Bigfoots. We can also report that the section of Bigfoot thigh sent to the Erickson Project DNA test was auburn haired, and it also had a lot of grey in it. This slab was from the mother Bigfoot that was shot dead. She was probably a middle aged Bigfoot, about 45 years old in human terms or about 25 years old in Bigfoot terms. Her two offspring, one of which was also shot dead, were about 5 years old in human terms or 10 years old in Bigfoot terms. To this date, we do not know what the shooter did after he killed the two Bigfoots. However, I do believe that he took at least a piece of one of the Bigfoots with him that day, and he may have taken more, up to and including two Bigfoot bodies. I know the name of the shooter, but for some reason, I am not releasing it right now. It can be found by industrious web sleuths who are intelligent about Internet sleuthing.The shooter has changed his story many times, and is and was very afraid he was going to jail over the killing of these two Bigfoots. He is wise to be afraid of this, because I know some wealthy and connected people who told me that they are dedicated to seeing that this guy goes to prison over killing the Bigfoots. So if I were the shooter, I would not be straight up about this matter either. Further, I would retain a good attorney. If the Olympic Project has any sense, they will have also spoken to an attorney too, because their mitts are all over these two Bigfoots killed in mysterious circumstances. The shooter is a narcissist and a redneck, and I don't personally like him at the moment. I don't know if I will ever like him. Probably not! You can tell he's a narcissist. Just look at that smug, smarmy look in eyes in his photos. I don't think he's a good person. There are different kinds of hunters. Most hunters are good people, but a minority are not. You can tell who the bad ones are. You can see it in their eyes. They will shoot just about anything as long as it is not illegal. This guy has that look about him. They have the same mindset about hunting. They basically just like to kill things because they like to kill. This is what kind of a person and hunter the shooter is. He is well known in the hunting and taxidermy community and is not well liked at all. In that community, he is thought of as a "maniac hunter." He could change any time he wants, quit being bad and start being good. His choice. I don't think he will ever change though, because he is very happy being the smug prick that he is. Most of his friends are the same as he is, and so is the California woman who became his wife two years ago, who is now expecting. Most narcissists don't ever feel guilt about anything that they do. There are some reports that the shooter feels bad about killing the two Bigfoots. Perhaps he does. He may well have some sort of a conscience. The Olympic Project has changed their story about this shooting several times now. For several months after November, their line was that they never went out to the shooting site. Then they said that they did go to the shooting site 2 weeks later, and they found a chunk of Bigfoot flesh in the snow. Now they say that only the shooter went back 2 weeks later and found the piece of flesh. The story about going back later and finding a hunk of flesh strikes me as preposterous, and I don't believe it. In addition, the OP said for a long time after the shooting, "Let's make one thing clear! There were no two Bigfoots shot and killed!" But after I broke the story, they changed their line to saying that a man that the OP knows well did shoot and kill the two Bigfoot. But it's worse than that, because the OP itself shot and killed two Bigfoots. They say he shot the first one because it was a bear and the second one because it was threatening him. Neither report is true. The shooter knew she was not a bear. His line is he thought she was threatening him. The shooter was a passenger in the truck. They came around a bend, and there was a Bigfoot in the road on all fours. The shooter grabbed his gun and jumped out of his vehicle. As he jumped out, he saw the Bigfoot get up on two legs and start running towards him waving her arms at him. When the Bigfoot saw the gun, she turned and started to run away. The shooter shot her in the side of the chest, and the bullet penetrated her lungs. She crashed off into the brush and died. The three men went down into the brush and saw her there. It was then that they realized that she was not a bear at all. They walked back up onto the road. When they got to the road, they saw two small, strange creatures running towards them, sometimes on two legs, sometimes in four legs. The shooter raised his gun, fired and shot one of the creatures dead. The other small creature apparently escaped. As the shooter cradled the dying creatures in his arms, they all three realized that it was a young creature of the same type that got shot. The shooter did not shoot the young Bigfoot because it was threatening him. Apparently he just shot it for some unknown reason. At this point, they figured out that they had killed two Bigfoots. The two men with the shooter were so hysterical and upset about the shootings that they took the shooter's gun away from him and pointed it at him, threatening him. They told him that if he tried to shoot another one of those animals, they would shoot him instead. The story is that everyone was so upset by that point, that they left the area. The shooter said that they left the animals in the road. The shooter said he was not going back to the area until next fall. There is a lot of fighting inside the Erickson Project. Adrian Erickson and Melba Ketchum are not getting along well. At least one reason is that Erickson paid Ketchum $70,000 for the sequencing of six possible Bigfoot samples. To this date, he has not received results from these samples. He did receive results from one DNA test, the test he had done on himself. Most of the principals had their own DNA tested. Erickson had an agreement with Ketchum that if his Bigfoot samples tested out as coming from real Bigfoots, they would then be used in the final writeup. One or more of his samples were from real Bigfoots, but Ketchum is apparently threatening to not include them in her paper due to their falling out. So Erickson is threatening to sue her for violating their agreement. Erickson has also threatened to sue a couple of other folks, including Dennis Pfohl, but I am not sure of the reason. Erickson is well liked, but he is also deeply respected. At the same time, most seem like they afraid of him. He has sunk $3 million into this project, and he is not going to get it back. One great thing to come out of the release of the Erickson Project results is that maybe Bigfoot witnesses will not be so persecuted. Roger Patterson was not an honorable man, but he did shoot a real video a Bigfoot in California in 1967. He was so hounded by skeptics that they may have driven him to an early grave. Bob Gimlin was so upset at the hounding that he more or less retreated from the public eye for over 20 years after the shooting of the video. He only came out in 1989. Gimlin is a tough man, but all of the attacks have still hurt him. Entire books and countless articles and Internet pieces have been written about how he hoaxed the famous video. From Canada, word comes that Bigfoots are much more common around Indian communities than around non-Indians. It seems that Bigfoots are more comfortable around Indians than around non-Indians. Updating a previous story, a trapper in McBride, British Colombia has told people that he was kidnapped by Bigfoots, who took him back to a cave and tried to make him have sex with a female Bigfoot. It's an updated Albert Ostman story. Another trapper somewhere in British Colombia is living by himself way out in the woods far away from anyone else. He is reportedly nearly living with a group of Bigfoots. He sees them every single day. This may possibly be the same man who says he was kidnapped by Bigfoots. The story should be followed up. A previous post reported on some Canadians who dug up a muskeg and found a Bigfoot bone in it. It was a Bigfoot burial ground. In northern Canada, Bigfoots use muskegs as burial grounds. This particular muskeg was in northern Saskatchewan. NOTE: I'm not endorsing any of the information....just passing it along for your interpretation. 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