Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- We've Reached A New Milestone! Thank You!
- Just the Facts? - Alien Abduction Snafu, First Cryptid Case and Skeptic vs. Believers
- The 'Sierra Kills' Controversy: Could This Be A Cover-Up? New Update Included
We've Reached A New Milestone! Thank You! Posted: 16 Jul 2011 02:56 PM PDT I started keeping tabs on site traffic in August 2007. As of today, Phantoms and Monsters has received just over 4 million site visits and 5.8 million site page views! That's a remarkable number for a simple blog that was started in order to record a few of my personal paranormal experiences. Also the daily newsletter has been mailed 8.5 million times since it started in 2007. Our current daily subscribers numbers are over 6400 currently! That doesn't include daily feed subscribers and those new readers who find us. When it is all said and done, approximately 12,000 people read Phantoms and Monsters each day. I want to sincerely thank all of you for your support. Regardless of the praise and opportunities that the blog has brought my way, I still have the readers to thank for it...Lon |
Just the Facts? - Alien Abduction Snafu, First Cryptid Case and Skeptic vs. Believers Posted: 16 Jul 2011 01:45 PM PDT MUFON CMS - Pennsylvania: This is what I can remember: About 7 years old, in a neighbors basement. Home owner comes down the steps, husband right behind her. "When did you come in here?" Questions just kept coming. "How did you get in here?" "Everyone is looking for you!" I look up at basement window. Dark out. Panic! I'm supposed to be home before dark! "Go right home, your mother's very worried!" I never said a word to these people. I just run home as fast as I can. And I'm terrified of the dark! Upon arriving home, I am confronted by my Mom. She is beyond upset. Starts hitting me with a yard stick. Mostly I remember her words: "We've been looking for you for hours!" I was sent straight to bed. A 7 year old little girl, in complete confusion about what had just happened. I don't remember any follow up questions. The events of that evening tucked away in my memory. And life just went on. However, unexplainable experiences and sightings of UFO's continue to this day. Finally needed to get this out. Just telling it now makes me feel shaken inside. I've known they are real since childhood. My question now is "What are their intentions?" You don't need to contact me. Proof doesn't matter anymore. That they have always been in some of our lives is a given. It isn't easy to live with though. ********** Buzz joins the 'Dark' side What's up with Buzz Aldrin? Hate to end a sentence with a preposition, but is there anything this guy won't pimp for? I hadn't planned to watch "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" anyway, but godawmighty, after reading a take on this mess from feisty blogger Robbie Graham, Michael Bay's sci-fi stinker about what the Apollo 11 astronauts really found on the moon is apparently even worse than the trailers let on. But what renders this one mildly noteworthy is a jack-in-the-box cameo by Aldrin, who tells audiences he and Neil Armstrong found ET robotics up yonder and were sworn to secrecy. This is a wet dream for the conspiracy freaks who've been claiming for 40 years that the moon landings were staged. But to really appreciate the irony of Buzz's latest move, let's flash back to 2002, when he was confronted by a screwball accusing him of lying about his Apollo 11 mission. Continue reading at Billy Cox - heraldtribune ********** Here Be Monsters I'm not sure who or what is more monstrous: the smug sceptics or the scant cryptids. Let me explain. Having interviewed Debbie Martyr (research conservationist with Flora and Fauna International) 12 years ago about her apparent sighting of the primate cryptid the orang pendek in Sumatra and more recently interviewing ape expert Ian Redmond on his research into sasquatch/big foot (supported by David Attenborough and Jane Goodall), over the years I have acquired a fascination for primate cryptids. So I was eager to attend a recent lecture at the Zoological Society London entitled "Cryptozoology: science or pseudoscience?". Henry Gee, a senior editor at Nature looking and behaving like a jovial, off-duty roadie dressed in grubby T shirt and ruby crocs, chaired the event in which Drs Michael Woodley, Charles Paxton and Darren Naish presented their crypto data. Paxton reminded us that atmospheric electrical disturbances such as sprites, blue jets and elves were only identified in the 1980s and 1990s when they were photographed. Until then, anecdotal reports of flashes of light above the clouds were frequently ignored. Scientists used to dismiss accounts of meteorites as paranormal fantasy and poured scorn on eyewitness descriptions from lucky survivors of rogue waves – until satellite images in the 1990s confirmed their existence. The mountain gorilla wasn't believed to exist by Western science until two were shot dead in 1902, and the bonobo was not credited with being a unique species until 1930. In the past 20 years, 70 species of primate have been newly described, including a Vietnamese gibbon and the Bili ape: a large, sub-species of chimp from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In 2009, a Papua New Guinean crater yielded up a cat-sized species of woolly rat, among other previously undiscovered creatures. In an age of satellites and robotic submersibles, it's easy to assume, with a "been there done that" attitude, that we know all there is to know about Earth. Clearly nature is far from being fully understood by science, and yet some sceptics persist in contemptuously sneering at almost everything outside of their immediate knowledge. With their high-systemised inability to tolerate newness, they stymie open scientific debate, bully original thinkers and drive away those with fascinating new data on unknown species. I was sad to witness this and their non-reflective guffawing at ZSL? Paxton and Naish seemed particularly conscious of this spiked criticism and made a point of distancing themselves from misleading and bad science. Nothing wrong with that, but they were so ardent in this respect that the friend I was with mistakenly thought the panel were themselves anti-cryptozoology. The three speakers focused their statistical analysis on sea monsters, Paxton saying that he prefers the term monster to cryptid. He also wanted to assure the audience that, "taxpayers have no fear, your money is not spent on crypto research, scientists do this in their spare time." Paxton's talk underscored the fact that anomalies should be actively pursued and science should be about wonderment. But how should science deal with low-frequency phenomena that might well be real? One approach is to break witness reports down and analyse interesting properties. To illustrate, Paxon used his data of "initial reported distance" from sea monsters given by witnesses aboard boats. Significantly, initial sighting are usually reported close to the boat. Paxton wasn't sure why this might be. I would suggest that it is because witnesses do not know what they do not know – they have to see it close-up to be confident they are witnessing something unexpected. An unknown creature seen at a distance could be dismissed as a dolphin or a piece of wood. Initial sightings of terrestrial cryptids also tend to be at close proximity, and again the same factor may well apply. Naish addressed the "prehistoric survivor paradigm". Some 65m years ago, during the late cretaceous, the coelacanth, the plesiosaur and many other species disappeared from the fossil record during a mass extinction. But in 1938 and again in 1999 two species of coelacanth were discovered. This Lazarus-like survival of the coelacanth gives confidence to those who suggest a long-necked surviving plesiosaur swims in our lochs and oceans. As a palaeontologist Naish was able to explain how the vertebrae of plesiosaurs could not move in the flexible, swan-like motion often described in reported sightings. But he believes this is a case of wrong classification rather than an indication that sea monsters do not exist. We were reminded of the new Indonesian species of ray and shark and the two recently identified (1991/2002) species of beaked whale, inhabiting a deep-sea niche: the deep sea and its inhabitants are barely understood. During the Q&A an elderly sceptic quipped: "Some people say they've seen aliens and have even talked to them!" The panel trod an uneasy path as they attempted to accommodate these sorts of jibes while keeping on track. The three speakers confirmed that their modelling indicates there are between 10 and 50 large species of marine animals yet to be described. They were also in agreement that marine sampling methods for cryptids must be established and remain constant. For those readers left wanting more, the Weird Weekend is the biggest gathering of cryptozoologists in the world, held in Devon in August. Naish will again be speaking. - Carole Jahme - guardian ********** Cryptozoology: The First Documented Case? By Javier Resines - Any discipline worth its salt has a more or less well defined point of departure, based upon a specific event or the presence of a given researcher or any other reason. This situation can be hard to pin down at times, as can be the case with cryptozoology, where there is no definite date that marks the start of this science. The first photo of Nessie, perhaps? Or the publication of the first book by Heuvelmans? Each individual probably has a starting point in his or her own head. It is not our intention to kick off a debate on the subject, which we find absurd. What we want to show is that if there has indeed been a starting point with regard to the study of unknown animals, it occurred in an earlier age. A cryptozoological prehistory, so to speak, in which spectacular cases involving strange animals occurred, even if there were no researchers to disseminate the phenomenon explicitly. And apropos of this, we have perhaps come across what may be the first documented cryptozoological case in the history of Spain. Our reporter of the age is none other than Roman author and scientist Gaius Plinius Cecilius Secundus (23-79 B.C.E.) better known as Pliny the Elder. His vast work Historia Naturalis, which collects all of the knowledge of his age with regard to zoology, botany and other sciences in 37 volumes, mentions the case of a "polyp" that killed off all the fish in the wells of Carteia, a city adjacent to modern San Roque, in Cadiz, where the salted meat and fish works of the time were housed. Pliny mentions an item found by another Roman naturalist from the previous century – Trebius Niger in the third volume of his Natural History, in which he writes: [...] for he affirmed, that at Carteia there was one of these Polypi, which used commonly to go forth of the sea, and enter into some of their open cesterns and vauts among their ponds and stewes; wherein they kept great sea-fishes, and otherwhiles would rob them of their salt-fish, and so go his waies againe: which hee practised so long, that in the end he gat himselfe the anger and displeasure of the masters and keepers of the said ponds and cesterns, with his continuall and immeasurable filching: wherupon they staked up the place and empalled it round about, to stop all passage thither. But this thiefe gave not over his accustomed haunt for all that, but made meanes by a certaine tree to clamber over and get to the fore-said salt-fish; and never could he be taken in the manner nor discovered, but that the dogges by their quicke sent found him out and bayed at him: for as he returned one night toward the sea, they assailed and set upon him on all sides, and thereiwth raised the foresaid keepers, who were affrighted at this so sodaine an alarme, but more at the straunge sight which they saw. For first and foremost this Polype fish was of an unmeasurable and incredible bignesse: and besides, hee was besmeared and beraied all over with the brine and pickle of the foresaid salt-fish, which made him both hideous to see to, and also to stinke withall most strongly. Who would ever have looked for a Polype there, or taken knowledge of him by such markes as these? Surely they thought no other, but that they had to deale and encounter with some monster: for with his terrible blowing and breathing that he kept, he drave away the dogges, and otherwhiles with the ends of his long stringed winding feet, he would lash and whip them; somtimes with his stronger clawes like arms he rapped and knocked them well and surely, as it were with clubs. In summe, he made such good shift for himselfe, that hardly and with much adoe they could kill him, albeit he received many a wound by trout-speares which they launced at him. Well, in the end his head was brought and shewed to Lucullus for a wonder, and as bigge it was a good round hogshead or barrell that would take and containe 15 Amphores: and his beards (for so Trebius tearmed his clawes and long-stringed feet) carried such a thicknes and bulke with them, that hardly a man could fathom one of them about with both his armes, such knockers they were, knobbed and knotted like clubs, and withall 30 foot long. The concavities within them, and hollow vessels like great basons, would hold four or five gallons apeece; and his teeth were answerable in proportion to the bignes of his bodie. The rest was saved for a wonder to be seen, and waighed 700 pound weight. (Translation of the 9th Book of Pliny by Philemon Holland, 1601) The description given to us by Roman chroniclers suggest that the animal could have been a giant squid more than any other species of Cephalopod. The large tentacles, supposedly in excess of nine meters long, and the monster's morphological characteristics, appear to suggest this. Of what there can be no doubt whatsoever is the particular commotion caused by this event among spectators and citizens alike, who were later able to see this remains of this authentic predecessor of the mythic Kraken. - Scott Corrales - Inexplicata ********** Humans programmed to believe the supernatural Forty separate studies (both analytical and empirical) conducted in 20 countries conclude that humans are predisposed to believe in gods and in afterlife. Both theology and atheism are reasoned responses to what is a basic impulse of the human mind, the studies suggest. Fiftyseven researchers, led by Oxford University experts, carried out the studies for three years, representing a diverse range of cultures. They wanted to ascertain if concepts such as gods and an afterlife are entirely taught or are basic expressions of human nature, according to an Oxford statement. The theology project led by Justin Barrett, from the Centre for Anthropology and Mind, drew on a range of disciplines, including anthropology, psychology, philosophy, and theology. The findings are to be published in two separate books by psychologist Barrett in "Cognitive Science, Religion and Theology" and "Born Believers: The Science of Childhood Religion". Studies by Emily Reed Burdett and Justin Barrett, suggest that children below five years find it easier to believe in some superhuman properties than to understand similar human limitations. Children aged three believe that their mother and god would always know the contents, but by the age of four, they start understanding that their mothers are not all-seeing and all-knowing. However, they may continue to believe in all-seeing, all-knowing supernatural agents. Experiments involving adults, conducted by Jing Zhu from Tsinghua University (China), and Natalie Emmons and Jesse Bering from The Queen's University, Belfast, suggest that people across many different cultures instinctively believe that some part of their mind, soul or spirit lives on after death. - IBN |
The 'Sierra Kills' Controversy: Could This Be A Cover-Up? New Update Included Posted: 16 Jul 2011 04:33 PM PDT The following is another update from Robert Lindsay - More on the Sierra Kills and Bigfoot DNA. I have also posted some of my thoughts on this matter: Regarding the Sierra Kills, in which two Bigfoots were shot and killed in Plumas County, California, in November 2010, new evidence has surfaced casting doubt on the shooter's story. The shooter claims that he went back two weeks later and dug through the snow to find a 7 inch long by 4 inch wide by 3 inch deep "Bigfoot steak." Many people have suggested that finding such a huge chunk of a dead Bigfoot in the snow two weeks later is dubious. Bigfoot steak was carved off a body with a knife. We now have information that Dr. Melba Ketchum, who is running the DNA project, said that the Bigfoot steak seemed to have been carved off of a dead body with either a knife or some sort of tool. This suggests that the story about the shooter finding it two weeks later in the snow is not true. Instead, the logical suggestion is that the shooter carved it off the body before he left that day or took one or more of the bodies or parts with him and carved it off later. Shooter wants amnesty from prosecution. Sources on continue to believe that the shooter took one or more of the bodies or parts of them with him that day and that he continues to hold evidence. They say that unless he gets an amnesty for prosecution for shooting the Bigfoots, he will disappear all of the evidence. I support giving the shooter amnesty. In fact, I put an attorney in touch with him for just that reason. Erickson/Ketchum Project chaos. Ketchum and Adrian Erickson continue to have a huge falling out. For a long time, she was not even returning his phone calls. This is all because he won't sign one of her fancy new NDA's that gives her all the rights and him none. However, she did call him recently because she was upset at all of the leaks and was wondering who was behind them. Ketchum paper accepted for peer review? According to a comment on Cryptomundo, Ketchum submitted her paper to a journal for peer review in early December 2010 and the journal accepted it early February 2011. That means that the paper meets the required scientific standards for the journal, and that, even if some reviewers have critical comments during the peer review process, it will still be accepted with some sort of changes, ranging from major to minor. If true, this is excellent news. However, on June 11, 2011, Rich Germeau of the Olympic Project stated on a forum that the paper had not been sent out yet. So the situation is very confused. However, if the commenter is correct and Germeau is wrong then the Ketchum paper is in much better shape than I thought it was. Bigfoot steak DNA tests positive for a Bigfoot. On a recent radio show, JC Johnson and Derek Randles suggested obliquely that DNA tests on the Bigfoot steak had tested positive as coming from an actual Bigfoot. Is the Sierra Kills story a hoax? Some people say that the Sierra Kills story is a hoax. They believe that the shooter hoaxed the story by making it up. He went to and made up a big story about killing two Bigfoots. Then he fooled the Olympic Project into believing his story. Then he somehow hoaxed the Bigfoot steak sent to Ketchum's lab, though in order to do this, he would have had to have cut a slice off of a very hairy human cadaver. Sources who believe in this say that there could be various reasons why he would do this. For one, they say he is an extreme redneck and an ultra rightwinger who supposedly did not believe in Bigfoot before. They say this is just the sort of person who creates a Bigfoot hoax. They also feel that he is a highly disreputable and unreliable person, and this sheds doubt on his tale. In addition, according to a thread on, two Black bears, a mother and a cub, were reportedly shot dead near the Dixie Mountain Game Refuge at the beginning of November 2010. The sources suggest that the shooter shot a female bear and her cub and turned that story into the shooting of two Bigfoots. Adding weight to this, the Nevada Department of Fish and Game, asked about the Sierra Kills story, said that it was two bears that were killed and not two Bigfoots. As far as the Bigfoot steak, sources say that judging from the shooter's character, he would not be below slicing a piece off the thigh of a human cadaver. I don't believe that this story is a hoax. Shooter very religious, a polarizing personality. We have more information on the shooter. He moved from Texas to another state, apparently with his family, at at least age 16 and has lived in this state ever since. He is extremely religious – a fundamentalist Christian. I have seen a photo of him at age 16 after killing two bucks. His hair is dyed punk rock flame red and he has a pro-Christian t-shirt on. I've been accused of harping on the shooter's character. It's true that I don't like him, and a lot of others don't either. However, he has a wife who loves him and a wide circle of friends. Some people are just bad. Everyone agrees. Not so with this guy. The shooter instead is more of a polarizing figure, something like his hero George Bush. The very things that those who don't like him hate about him are what make a lot of others think he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. As he says on his webpage: "I'm the type of guy you either love or hate. I'm fine either way." This is a much better way of looking at his character as opposed to flat out saying he's a bad guy. Possible Sierra Kills government coverup. Supposing that the Sierra Kills actually happened, the Nevada wildlife officials' statements is evidence of the government coverup that I have long said must be happening in the realm of Bigfoot. Possible government investigation into the Sierra Kills and the Bigfoot steak. A new piece by Loren Coleman reveals some very strange emails he has gotten about the Sierra Kills. He has received some emails from folks claiming to have some sort of government connection. They say that federal investigators are closely watching the Sierra Kills investigation. They are monitoring the web forums and blogs and they know who all the players are and what their roles are. When they feel that laws have been broken, they will act. What is interesting about all of this is that it suggests that the Sierra Kills may have actually happened and that it was not a hoax. Or at least the government seems to think that it happened, or that something happened anyway, as the emails are confusing. This all smells of Men in Black stuff, but I have said for a long time that MIB are involved in a coverup of Bigfoot evidence. A Bigfoot is found dead in a man's yard in Washington state in 2003. He calls the police, but instead of police showing up, a black helicopter lands in his yard and MIB's get out armed with automatic weapons. They order the man into his home, load the Bigfoot into the copter and fly away. A sheriff's deputy responds to a Bigfoot killed by the side of the road in Ohio. He radios for help, and backup shows up. They rope off the scene. Then state police show up. Then the National Guard shows up. Then a black van pulls up, two US soldiers get out, and they cart the Bigfoot to the van and drive away. There are many more such stories. MIB's actually exist, but hardly anyone talks about them. Guys dressed all in black, black helicopters, black vans – that's all military intelligence, top secret, classified. I understand that a black helicopter was used in the killing of Osama bin Laden. Here are the emails about the Sierra Kills case and Ketchum's lab using the Bigfoot steak: I did hear from one of my retired federal investigator sources who still works for them as a consulting evidence expert. He told me essentially they know what is going on and are watching the situation. They have all the forum reports, know where the supposed samples came from, who is and who is not involved and what roles they're playing. I get the feeling from him that national security is somehow involved. I don't know how except perhaps it might have something to do with release or misuse of technology that's considered vital (educated guess). This is a new area in advanced research and puts a real dent in the how much anyone working on new technology can say or release in any form. Beyond this he can tell me nothing in specific except that when and if they decide laws have been broken they will act. I know he holds a Top Secret clearance with compartmentalizations. He has multiple degrees in scientific fields and consults for several agencies on evidentiary issues. My work for him was routine but he's really an interesting person. He made no reference to any hoax other than to say they know what's going on and who's responsible. They will act if and when they decide the situation warrants it. It isn't quite as bad as portrayed in the Indiana Jones movies but almost so. And this, also: I suspect there's more beyond this supposed hoax than we'll ever know. This business with the so called Dr. Ketchum smells like another stinking hoax and you've done a good job of reporting like you did in 2008. However, this time I'm not buying into it. I don't know what's up but when one of the people I've done work for in my past government careers tells me for my own good to stay out of a mess I should take his advice. It's an interesting twist with the feds watching the whole deal and I wonder what's up and why but like I said when a friend says stay out I stay out. I suspect that we'll never know the whole story. So much information is hidden in the name of national security that it's ridiculous. - Robert Lindsay ----- NOTE: I've been digging into this controversy since the 'leak' was made public. As a result and in general terms, I believe the following: - The 'Sierra Kills' story is most likely a fabrication being used to cover-up an earlier discovery. - Blood and tissue from an unknown hominid was collected from another location in the United States. - The initial results from at least 2 separate DNA tests indicated a distinct link that may have national security implications. Take it for what it's worth but I have my reasons for these statements. There are a lot of players involved in this controversy. As well, the Erickson Project 'leak' seemed a bit too strategic. The suspicion and aversion within the Bigfoot community along with the recent well-publicized hoaxes adds fuel to the fire...thus creating a consummate atmosphere that can be used to disperse misinformation. I don't like to second-guess cryptid claims unless there is an obvious enhancement of the facts and/or embellished evidence from a witness. Nonetheless I smell a cover-up and detect an 'end-around' with the 'Sierra Kills' claim. Lon ----- UPDATE: From Olympic Project This incident occurred in October of 2010 in Northern California. The persons involved will be known as Hunter 1, and Hunter 2. Hunter 1 is the shooter. Hunter 2 was driving the vehicle. While driving down a dirt road looking for bear, hunter 1 and hunter 2 were noticing large piles of feces along their route. They commented on the amount they were seeing, and at the strange nature of it. They were having a rough time figuring out what was responsible. To big for Cougar, and didn't appear to be bear. It is important to note that they were hunting at considerable elevation. It's also important to note that they were legally hunting, with appropriate bear tags in a legal hunting area. As the truck came around a corner they both noticed a large hair covered figure standing approx 80 to 100 yards in a meadow off to the side of the road. ( On the Bigfoot forum I previously said it was off to the left, that was my mistake, it was actually off to the right of the road.) The figure was standing on two legs with it's arms above it's head. It took roughly eight to ten steps toward the vehicle. The arms were moving a little either because it was walking, or it was intensionally swaying them. It was dirty grey in color with some black mixed in. The figure was very large. Hunter 1 decided it had to be a bear. It was completely hair covered, and from that distance good definition was impossible. Hunter 1 got out of the truck and leaned against the door aiming his riffle at the figure. He does admit that it looked strange but in his mind it had to be a bear. He did not believe in Bigfoot at that time. Hunter 2 was now looking at the figure and said " I'm not sure that's a bear". The shot was fired hitting it's mark in the chest region. The figure went down. It got back up immediately and started running on two legs, and then on all fours. It went from two legs to four legs a couple of times before it left view. A short time later they were very sure they heard it crash into the brush, although they never did confirm this. They couldn't believe what they were seeing. They exited the truck and started across the meadow still wondering what just happened. When they reached the spot where it was standing they noticed movement in the nearby brush. Two smaller figures appeared from the brush and started circling around their position. The smaller ones were totally hair covered, but were much more black in color. They would go back and forth from two legs to four. They were exhibiting some type of chatter back and forth to each other. Hunter 1 and Hunter 2 described them as a cross between a gorilla and a bear. They said that they had very large heads, almost too big for their bodies. They also stated that the little ones had a much flatter face than a bear. They spent as much time on two legs as they did on four. The smaller figures began getting closer and closer, at on point, just a few yards. One of them climbed up a small outcrop above hunter 1. Hunter 1 started to get the feeling he might be attacked. He made a quick decision, turned and fired. The figure went down and rolled right down to Hunter 1's location. He lifted it up, and then placed it in the brush. They then decided that they needed to leave, now. I, Derek Randles was put in touch with the hunters about two weeks later. I interviewed them both by phone extensively, and separately. I found that their story matched perfectly with no inconsistency's. I could also tell that they were natural and not rehearsed. Consequently, I've spent many many hour talking with hunter 1 one about all aspects of the story, and I completely believe him. I then urged hunter 1 to return to the site and look around for any evidence from the incident. Upon returning they were greeted with roughly two feet of snow. The little one was not found. They concentrated their efforts in the area where they thought they heard the larger one go down. After digging though the snow for many hours they were able to find a piece of flesh, greasy fat and hair, but no body. The flesh and hair matched the color of the larger one exactly. White gray hair with some black in it. I then asked him to forward a small piece of the flesh to Dr. Ketchum to have it analyzed for the current DNA study she's involved in. I cannot speak to the results at this time due to an NDA I've signed, but I will say that I 100% believe the story. Read into that what you will. The site has been under snow since last November. Further study of the site is ongoing. To date, no bodies have been recovered or found. If and when a body or remains is discovered, the appropriate authority's will be notified. The Olympic Project and Dr. Melba Ketchum do not advocate or condone the killing of a Sasquatch to advance science. That being said, if this sample can help with species verification and protection, then some good can come from a unfortunate incident. It's also important to note that this is but one of over a hundred samples the Olympic Project has contributed to this study. Updates on this story will be available on this web site, and the story in it's entirety will be told by Hunter 1 when the time is right. Thank You, Derek Randles NOTE: what is your assessment of the update? Does it help verify the claim or does it raise more questions. If there was flesh, why would there be no bone or even fragments? Is it one body or two (or three)? Does the scenario sound plausible to you? ----- UPDATE: I have been given very credible assurance that Derek Randles' account is, for the most part, factual. I won't state more at this time but I am grateful for the confidence that has been afforded me...Lon ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Join Eric Altman and Lon Strickler each Sunday at 10 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcasts! 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