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- Juvenile Bigfoot Sighting - Tuskegee National Forest, Alabama
- Just the Facts? - Kent's Big Cats, Looking For Goering's Gold and Corpse Wakes In Morgue
- The Soviet UFO Crash Footage: Authentic and Purchased From the KGB?
Juvenile Bigfoot Sighting - Tuskegee National Forest, Alabama Posted: 25 Jul 2011 12:03 PM PDT The following sighting was forwarded to me by a Spirit Rescue International team member: One summer, a couple of years ago, my sister and her husband were moving from Georgia to Alabama. She was driving a vehicle ahead of her husband and he had fallen behind her a little. (NOTE: My sister said she and her husband were both driving vehicles from Columbus, Georgia, starting on State Route 169, which had then become labeled US 80 (same road, changes names), heading toward Montgomery, Alabama. The actual sighting was at the SE edge of the Tuskegee National Forest on US 80, before it intersected with US Route 29.) She saw movement in the brush along the freeway, between two expanses of trees. There was someone crouched down watching the cars go by. As my sister glanced over at the figure, she then could not take her eyes off of it. It was not human. It was the basic shape of a man, and not like any ape or monkey or orangutan she had ever seen (and she had seen many in her day). The figure had light red hair covering the body, and I am not certain if she said the face was more thinly covered with or obscured by the hair. This is one of the details I wish she could remember. She did say the two made eye contact for several seconds. She knew he saw her and he knew she knew he knew, too. (Say that 3 times real fast...) He turned sideways and took several big strides into the trees and quickly disappeared. My sister almost wrecked the car, swerving to look behind her following the figure as long as she could, and hadn't even been watching the road, she was so connected and perhaps shocked to see this figure. But she got herself together and called her husband behind her on the cell phone. She saw he was just passing the area she had seen the figure. "Tell me you saw that!" she begged. He told her to calm down and asked what she was talking about. He had been fiddling with the radio and had not looked up in time to see the figure. My sister described the figure, as a young person, perhaps the size of a 10-12 year old boy, all covered in light red hair, but you could see the body details to see it was obviously male and not wearing clothes. She described the eye contact, the strong but brief mental connection from that contact, and how absurdly strange the encounter was. She just wanted to confirm someone else had seen the figure too. That's all I can recall of the story right now. Not a big deal, but our family's only Bigfoot encounter story. Oh, yeah. This was the first time I had ever heard of anyone seeing a young creature like this. All I had ever heard of before were fully grown ones. And normally they were black or brown. I have since heard a of a white one seen and heard returning distinct calling sounds in a Kentucky field clearing outside a woods. Maybe they have assorted hair colors, just like people.
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Just the Facts? - Kent's Big Cats, Looking For Goering's Gold and Corpse Wakes In Morgue Posted: 25 Jul 2011 09:09 PM PDT Kent's big cat / exotic animal sightings revealed More than 50 reports of escaped big cats and exotic animal sightings have been made to Kent Police in the past three years. A Freedom of Information Act request by the Kentish Express reveals police have received 52 calls about dangerous wild animal sightings since January 2008. These included wild boar on the loose near Ashford, an emu seen near Paddock Wood and a wolf sighting in Sturry near Canterbury. Most reports were of large black cats, making up 15 of the sightings, followed by big cats with 10 sightings. A puma - could it be the big cat recently sighted?Other reports included four wild cats, three boars, two wolves, two lynx, two leopards, one cheetah, and an emu. Police also recorded five hoax calls and two in which the animal was unknown. Someone reported a large orange cat on a roof in Maidstone town centre last July, but it turned out to be a fox. There were also four reports of wild dogs, or dholes, in the days after a pack escaped from Howletts Wild Animal Park near Canterbury in February 2009. Officers helped to find an escaped emu in the Brenchley and Horsmonden ward of Tunbridge Wells in June 2009, and guided two wild boar into a field in the Downs West ward of Ashford last August. In the majority of cases, the police reported the sightings to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) and local zoos but took no further action. Police Freedom of Information administrator Laura Brenchley said officers only went to the scene if the animal posed a risk to members of the public. "The police would attend an incident if a member of the public was injured or if the animal was a danger to members of the public," she said. "However, the majority of the calls were reports made some time after the sighting and therefore police attendance would not have been a practical use of police resources." "We work closely with external agencies such as the RSPCA as they are better equipped to deal with animals than the police." South Kent police received 12 reports about dangerous wild animals on the loose in the countryside. These included wild boar and wild dogs on the loose in the Downs West ward of Ashford, and large black cats in Lydd and Weald Central, Ashford. A large grey and white spotty cat was seen in the Lympne area and it was reported that a large black cat had killed five sheep in Sandgate. - kentonline ********** £2,000 reward to catch curse writer A man in Glastonbury who received a curse telling him to leave town has put up a £2,000 reward to find the culprit. Doug Hill, who owns The Gauntlet shopping arcade in the town, received the curse disguised as a sympathy card. Mr Hill said: "What they're doing is messing with people's lives, but I'm not taking the curse seriously." The inside of the card includes symbols such as an inverted pentagram and Latin phrases. It also states: "Ye who sow discord, ye who infuse hatred and propogate enemies I curse you and request you leave Glastonbury." Over the past year Mr Hill has also received eight death threats by phone, a letter and text messages. Although they have also included threats to leave town, Mr Hill does not believe the same person is behind the curse. He said: "I won't be getting out of the town, anything they're trying to do is certainly not going to have any effect. They picked the wrong guy." Mr Hill, 53, hopes the reward money will help flush out the culprits. He said: "What I'm trying to do is expose these individuals. "I know some witches, wizards and warlocks that have said to me: 'This is diabolical'. "Because I'm a landlord you cannot do that job without upsetting people - if they don't pay the rent you have to take them to court, and if you take them to court you're the bad guy. "When you are helping them, you're the good guy, but when you cross them, but the very nature of the job, it's not all about making friends." The incident has been reported to the police but it has not yet been officially logged as a complaint. - BBC ********** 150 human animal hybrid embryos secretively produced grown in UK labs for the past three years Scientists have created more than 150 human-animal hybrid embryos in British laboratories. The hybrids have been produced secretively over the past three years by researchers looking into possible cures for a wide range of diseases. The revelation comes just a day after a committee of scientists warned of a nightmare 'Planet of the Apes' scenario in which work on human-animal creations goes too far. Last night a campaigner against the excesses of medical research said he was disgusted that scientists were 'dabbling in the grotesque'. Figures seen by the Daily Mail show that 155 'admixed' embryos, containing both human and animal genetic material, have been created since the introduction of the 2008 Human Fertilisation Embryology Act. This legalised the creation of a variety of hybrids, including an animal egg fertilised by a human sperm; 'cybrids', in which a human nucleus is implanted into an animal cell; and 'chimeras', in which human cells are mixed with animal embryos. Scientists say the techniques can be used to develop embryonic stem cells which can be used to treat a range of incurable illnesses. Three labs in the UK – at King's College London, Newcastle University and Warwick University – were granted licences to carry out the research after the Act came into force. All have now stopped creating hybrid embryos due to a lack of funding, but scientists believe that there will be more such work in the future. The figure was revealed to crossbench peer Lord Alton following a Parliamentary question. Last night he said: 'I argued in Parliament against the creation of human- animal hybrids as a matter of principle. None of the scientists who appeared before us could give us any justification in terms of treatment. 'Ethically it can never be justifiable – it discredits us as a country. It is dabbling in the grotesque. 'At every stage the justification from scientists has been: if only you allow us to do this, we will find cures for every illness known to mankind. This is emotional blackmail. 'Of the 80 treatments and cures which have come about from stem cells, all have come from adult stem cells – not embryonic ones. 'On moral and ethical grounds this fails; and on scientific and medical ones too.' Josephine Quintavalle, of pro-life group Comment on Reproductive Ethics, said: 'I am aghast that this is going on and we didn't know anything about it. 'Why have they kept this a secret? If they are proud of what they are doing, why do we need to ask Parliamentary questions for this to come to light? 'The problem with many scientists is that they want to do things because they want to experiment. That is not a good enough rationale.' Earlier this week, a group of leading scientists warned about 'Planet of the Apes' experiments. They called for new rules to prevent lab animals being given human attributes, for example by injecting human stem cells into the brains of primates. But the lead author of their report, Professor Robin Lovell-Badge, from the Medical Research Council' s National Institute for Medical Research, said the scientists were not concerned about human-animal hybrid embryos because by law these have to be destroyed within 14 days. He said: 'The reason for doing these experiments is to understand more about early human development and come up with ways of curing serious diseases, and as a scientist I feel there is a moral imperative to pursue this research. 'As long as we have sufficient controls – as we do in this country – we should be proud of the research.' However, he called for stricter controls on another type of embryo research, in which animal embryos are implanted with a small amount of human genetic material. Human-animal hybrids are also created in other countries, many of which have little or no regulation. - dailymail ********** Looking for Goering's gold A group of businessmen are to trawl a lake near Berlin in search of almost £1billion worth of Nazi gold allegedly dumped by Hermann Goering. The Luftwaffe chief is said to have disposed of the treasure in the spring of 1945 to stop the Soviet Red Army getting their hands on it as they closed in on the German capital. Up to 18 boxes of gold were apparently thrown in Stolpsee Lake, about an hour's drive north of Berlin in the former Communist East Germany. Polish slave workers ordered to dump it were allegedly machine-gunned on the shore afterwards, their bodies following the gold into the depths. In 1986 Stasi chief Erich Mielke ordered a trawl of the water but nothing was found. Now the search has been reignited after claims by a local priest. The lake will be searched by submarines from October in a hunt financed by a group of unidentified businessmen. The priest, Erich Koehler, 77, who has researched the legend of the treasure, said: 'They didn't have the technology in the former East Germany to properly examine the lake. 'But there are enough local people still around to know that the gold is there – and the bodies of the poor souls forced to dump it into the water.' Goering emptied his country home, Carinhall, of its loot and art treasures shortly before ordering it to be dynamited in the closing weeks of the war as the Red Army marched on Berlin. According to authorities, the documents Mielke worked from still lie undiscovered in the millions of papers that make up the Berlin archive of the Stasi secret police. Goering garnered astonishing wealth from lands conquered by the Nazis in the Second World War, including dozens of rare masterpieces from galleries across Europe. Each weekend the ruins of Carinhall attract dozens of treasure hunters who believe that some of his wealth still lies in the grounds of the old mansion. The consortium have been bolstered in their confidence of finding treasure from papers found in the German Federal Archive in Koblenz. SS documents together with post-war eye witness statements to the events on the lake in March 1945, give credence to the theory that precious material was indeed dumped into the 400-feet deep lake. One witness, Eckhard Litz, told a post-war allied commission: 'I remember well the night that lorries with slit headlights drove up to the lakeshore and I saw about 20 to 30 skeletal figures dressed in striped concentration camp uniforms being forced to unload heavy boxes. 'These were put into two rowing boats which made six separate trips to the centre of the lake. 'When the last case had been thrown overboard, the men returned to shore, were lined up and the last thing I saw were the flashes of the machine guns of the guards as they were killed.' He said the bodies were then loaded back onto the rowing boats which were then taken out by the SS to the centre of the lake and sunk. A third boat brought back the SS men to the shore. Goering is alleged to have personally taken charge of numerous amounts of bullion from the national bank of Poland following the Nazi invasion in 1939. It is this gold which is believed to lie at the bottom of the lake, just a few miles from the estate that he owned. - dailymail ********** 'Corpse' wakes up, scares off morgue staff A 50-year-old South African man thought to be dead woke up in a chilly morgue on Sunday and shouted to be let out, scaring off two attendants who thought he was a ghost, local media reported. "His family thought he had died," health spokesman Sizwe Kupelo told the Sapa news agency. "The family called a private undertaker who took what they thought was a dead body to the morgue, but the man woke up inside the morgue on Sunday at 5:00 pm and screamed, demanding to be taken out of the cold place." This caused two mortuary attendants on duty to flee the building in the small town of Libode in the rural Eastern Cape as they thought it was a ghost. After calling for help and returning to find the man alive, an ambulance was sent to fetch the man who had "been exposed to extreme cold for nearly 24 hours" said Kupelo. He said the public should not assume that a sick person had died and contact a mortuary, the report said. "Doctors, emergency workers and the police are the only people who have a right to examine the patients and determine if they are dead or not." - AFP ********** *WE CONTINUE TO NEED YOUR HELP* UPDATE: I want to truly thank those readers who have donated or pledged a donation. I am also encouraged by the fantastic correspondence I have received. As I stated a few days ago 'Phantoms and Monsters' cannot survive under the existing format unless I can monetarily justify the effort, expense and time I'm putting into it. For 4 years I have continued to provide free up-to-date paranormal and alternative information...hopefully to the satisfaction of my readers. Since the beginning, I promised that the newsletter would remain a free service. That may not be possible in the near future if circumstances do not change or improve. I am considering a few long-term proposals that have been made to me during the course of the weekend. Please note that none of the proposals involve subscription fees...but I will need to start generating a revenue stream without sacrificing any control of the blog. So, again, I much do you enjoy receiving 'Phantoms and Monsters'? Is it worth an offering of a few dollars for a daily dose of the strange and unusual occurrences in our world? There are two ways you can show your support. You can donate through PayPal ('Donate' buttons are located on the blog or go to the PayPal homepage and send the donation to my user email - ) or simply send your contribution by mail. I truly hope you will consider endorsing 'Phantoms and Monsters' continued free service to the public. Thanks...Lon Lon Strickler 'Phantoms and Monsters' 26 Coachman Ct. Randallstown, MD 21133 USA NOTE: if you are interested in advertising on 'Phantoms and Monsters', please contact me at Lon | ||
The Soviet UFO Crash Footage: Authentic and Purchased From the KGB? Posted: 25 Jul 2011 09:09 AM PDT
Date of sighting: March 1969 Location of sighting: Sverdlovsky, Formerly Yekaterinburg of USSR Video Link The details of a Soviet Crash on or about 1969 are sketchy and somewhat suspect. This case comes from the so-called "Secret KGB Files," which were reportedly smuggled out of the former Soviet Union. Reportedly, $10,000 was paid for the information. The details of these secret files were first offered to the general public on 9-13-98 as part of a TNT special titled "The Secret UFO Files of the KGB." The show featured extraordinary film and still photographs of the UFO recovery, and also a portion of autopsy film on part of an alien body. The event itself, according to the files, occurred in the state of Sverdlovsky, which was formerly Yekaterinburg of the USSR. The crash story follows a familiar pattern normally associated with this type of report. The fiery crash of an unknown object occurred in March 1969. The site was secured by the Soviet military, and one dead alien was found in the wreckage. The remains of the craft and alien were brought to a secure location, and the alien body was autopsied. Both still and moving pictures were taken of the craft, its retrieval, and the alien autopsy. The autopsy shows only an alien torso and arm. From the size of the body parts, the alien would have been an extremely small being. - agoracosmopolitan NOTE: I've been fascinated by this footage since it was initially released. Most researchers who I have talked to consider it a hoax. The soldiers are dressed appropriately for the time and the vehicles used are the same make and model as were used in the KGB. There are claims that several official documents were released with the film including the actual KGB film canisters. Go ahead and carefully watched the video (again)...can you spot irregularities? A detailed analysis is posted below...Lon ----- UFO Phenomenon Was Taboo Subject in USSR Oleg Stolyarov became the first person in Russia who chose the UFO subject for his doctoral dissertation. The world's first-ever scientific work dedicated to strange objects in the sky was penned by Carl Yung, a renowned Swiss psychologist. He equated the phenomenon of the UFO with Maya myths and the symbols of unconscious collective. He returned to the subject in 50 years in his article "UFOs as Rumors." US professor Joseph Allen Hynek founded the Center for UFO Studies in 1974. Several other scientists dedicated their works to the mysterious phenomenon afterwards, but no one dared to do it in the Soviet Union. "That was a tabooed subject in the USSR. Any piece of information about the flying saucers was treasured. Any public jokes about the UFO were strictly forbidden," Mr. Stolyarov said. The situation changed drastically in the beginning of the 1980s. Everyone in the country started speaking about the phenomenon. Newspaper articles, TV and radio programs about the UFO became plentiful. Many respectable scientists even lost their interest in the mystery because of the national boom. ----- UFO Crash and Body Recovery - Sverdlovsky, USSR Analysis of the film footage of the 1968 Russian UFO crash and military retrieval, as well as the film footage of autopsy of a possible alien creature from the crash A. Footage of the alleged crashed UFO near Berezovsky (Sverdlovsk region) in 1968 1. Authenticity 1.1. Outfit - a genuine soldier's and officer's uniform of 1969. The very convincing detail is the absence of the soldier's belt buckles. The metal buckles were introduced in the Soviet Army in the late 60's. 1.1.1 Program inaccuracy: "Military expert" Robert Scholnic without any reason talked a lot about "Automat Kalashnikov" but improperly identified arm patches on the soldiers as "consistent with air-defense company". This patch is assigned to so called "Military Builders" or "Stroybat". There is still no principal contradictory, since "military builders" were always assigned for any imaginable auxiliary tasks in the Soviet Army. On this footage they are just loading debris on the truck. In fact none of the details described in this paragraph was noticed by this "expert". Two "civilians", allegedly KGB officers have a genuine very high quality wardrobe by 1969 Soviet standards, consistent with the high ranking position. KGB officers always were wearing plain closes. 1.2 The truck which is serving as a shooting point for some footage - undoubtedly is a military 1948 (!) model ZIS-151. This truck is the best proof of authenticity of the timing since it is not only fully decommissioned a long time ago but also very hard to find. It is important that this truck can be seen only in the few frames. Two other vehicles - are the real puzzle. They are definitely the clone of WWII Willys MB (first US military Jeep) but have serious variations from the regular US or Soviet made Jeeps. Another very interesting thing: Look closely at the first frames when the truck with the soldiers is approaching the scene. There are only tracks on the snow from the previously arrived jeep but not from the truck. There is also no distinctive footprints trail which occured when soldiers approached the officer. It means that the truck and soldiers were arriving for the first time and there were no rehearsals! Staging of of the whole "recovery scene" without rehearsals is impossible. Hoaxers must be extremely sophisticated to create such natural occurrence of the events. They needed to cover tracks and trails with the new snow or exclude truck's and soldier's arrival from other rehearsals for further intentional inclusion it in the "show". All events were depicted on the footage at once and were not just edited later. The position of the shadows from the trees did not changed and thus timing was subsequent with very short intervals. 1.3 The ground around the crash is not much disturbed and trees around are not all down on the alleged crash trajectory. The UFO is "small" and absolutely unimpressive. The object looks more like several white concrete panels stocked together but material is definitely not a concrete and relatively light. Two soldiers were able easily carry the long piece of debris with the size and form of two border road blocks. 1.4 Occupation and movement of personages: Everything looks very genuine. Everybody from soldiers to officers are doing the precise specific job. Cameramen are trying to depict the performance of loading some debris to the vehicle, picturing sometime specific spots, zooming back and forth and reflect the general situation. The behavior and relations between the officers and KGB representatives is quite natural. KGB representatives are only taking very limited initiative of touching the objects leading cameramen and army officers who are trying to look unconcerned with the situation. The whole picture is perfectly reflecting the policy of "just fulfilling the orders" and the absence of any emotions. Everybody is trying to perform the duty at it's best, especially in front of the cameras. It was a "joking around" slogan in the Soviet Army "Initiativa Nakazuema" which means "Initiative will be punished". 1.5 Eyewitness account. Former KGB employee Klimchenkov Pavel Alexandrovich confirmed the existence of the operation "SverdlovskMidget" in details. 1.6 Documents presented in the program. There are several documents presented as related to the incident: 1.6.1 Article "Berezovsky Dreams" from Sverdlovsk newspaper ("... Kuznitsa" from 11.29.68) with the account of the "flying lightning balls" (on November 26), one of which was crashed near Berezovsky. 1.6.2. Order No. 481 from March 1969 (unclear date) on the Soviet Defense Ministry letterhead addressed to the Commander of the Air Defense Forces in the Sverdlovsk Military Region Lieutenant General A.G.Ponomarenko. Order to assist in every way to the local KGB authorities in the operation "Sverdlovsk Midget". Signed by the Deputy of the Commander in Chief of the USSR Air Defense Forces, Colonel General S.D. Lebedev. Seal stated - General Stuff of the USSR Defense Ministry. 1.6.3. Letter from Nov. 03, 1969 on the KGB Letterhead addressed to Deputy Chief of the Scientific Research Department KGB USSR Colonel Grigoriev A.I. Letter stated that on March 5, 1969 information was received about discovery of the unidentified object wreckage (3 meter high and 5 meter diameter) with remains of small unknown human like creature! Operation called "Sverdlovsk Midget". The presented documents clearly needed further authentication. From the first look these documents do not have any immediate flaws and look real. Letterheads, font types, typewriting, seals, numbers and signatures. Obviously, if it is a hoax, it is extremely advanced and a blatant one, since crooks were not afraid to forge so many high-ranking documents. 2. Possible Explanations: 2.1. Real footage of a real army recovery of the some irregular "non-UFO" object lately used by the crooks who created "Sverdlovsk Midget" hoax. Not likely. It is impossible to imagine the deployment of the resources depicted in the film for the recovery of the non-military object. The object in the film is definitely not a debris from the plane or rocket crash or space station. There were simply no such parts in any Earth made flying objects. It is obviously not an airplane part. Any rocket or space industry related engineer will deny that object of this shape, form and size can have any reasonable functionality in the rocket or space station. The weight of any contemporary rocket or apparatus for space exploration is the subject of the rigorous minimization. Literally, every ounce is counted. There is no place for such big, "rough" and VERY STRANGE parts unknown for the experts, even if you will speculate about some "super-top-secret" program. This is especially true with regard to the 1969 Soviet rockets and space crafts. Equally, it does not seem to be some other Soviet "non-flying" important piece of military equipment which was suddenly found in the field and then recovered by the Army together with KGB in the cameramen presents. One may think that it was a heavy concrete cover of the ballistic missile shaft. In fact, some Soviet missile shafts were designed to blast away (side ways) their covers in the case if regular opening system (rails, etc.) would fail. The author is aware about (and even personally saw) the square cover which was bigger in size (to stand nuclear attack on the shaft). The cover potentially can be thrown by the rocket blast inside the shaft but there is no burning signs. Even in this case the footage was done by very strange way. The personages looks puzzled and their behavior is not telling us that they know much about the object (e.g. it is visible as one officer is pulling up his hands as a sign of confusion). It is very important that the material is definitely not a concrete and relatively light. Two soldiers were able easily carry the long piece of debris with the size and form of two concrete border road blocks!!! Just try to do it with one block... 2.2 It's some kind of "drill" footage that's been lately used by the crooks. It is absolutely unimaginable in the Soviet Army of the 60's to create a drill for recovery of the UFO. What is the purpose -- to train two dozen soldiers? This is definitely not a common drill because there are too many efforts for documenting the event. This film also does not have any signs of it's training or educational purposes. 2.3 Non KGB hoax - shall be absolutely ruled out. The time (60's) is reflected genuinely, no faults in the uniforms or equipment (e.g. ZIS-150). The creation of such hoax is virtually impossible without the Russian Army involvement (participated army regiment "otdelenie" is absolutely genuine) and devotion of big resources. 2.4 KGB hoax - is still possible but the probability is very low. It could be imagined as fabricated by the KGB in the Soviet period for disinformation purposes and definitely not for current sale to TNT. This version has serious flaws: The place - between trees, absents of visible ground deformation from the crash, "miserable" appearance of the "flying saucer", absence of the "convincing details", etc. All these questionable details could be avoided in case of staging the events by the KGB. Creation of the hoax on such level (with documents from Ministry of Defense) shall be approved on the very high level and seems purposeless. Really, could you imagine any PLAUSIBLE PURPOSE? There is absolutely no account from any of the known numerous KGB defectors about any KGB activities of creation the hoaxes not directly related to counter-espionage, espionage, suppression of any anti-government activities, etc. In 1969 existence of UFO was treated by the official Soviet science similarly to the existence of God. Creation of UFO disinformation hoax by the KGB was similar to the creation by KGB the religious artifacts. Such gambling could be dangerous for it's participants in the Soviet system, especially taking into consideration involvement of the very high-ranking military officials who signed the "fake" documents or whose signatory was forged. UFO phenomenon was not existed and/or popular and known. Such "evidence" was against party line and jokers could be thrown from the Communist Party. Exactly in 1968 central party newspaper "Pravda" /Truth/ called UFO "Pure fiction", later "Komsomol Pravda" stated that "West is using UFO to diverse worker's class attention". It was absolutely real that the same KGB will put active UFO believer into the mental institution. "Flying Saucers" were considered as a Western nonsense and were the object for political satire. Ministry of Defense and KGB were "no-nonsense" organizations at those time by all known accounts. ----- B. Footage of autopsy of the "alien body" taken from the crash site allegedly made in Moscow in 1969 and related alleged KGB documents. 1. Authenticity 1.1. Outfit. No caps or masks. Not unusual situation in the USSR in 1969. Argument against "hoax", since the first thing forgers will do is to put personalities in the masks and caps to avoid identification and/or such questions. 1.2. Interior. Nothing questionable. As depicted in the program - the same type of tiles and tables still in use in the same facilities. 1.3. Occupation and movement of personages. There are three men in their 20-30's performing autopsy. All seems very amazed and depressed by the circumstances. One lady is taking notes. Further she will be identified in the report as KGB stenographer - O.A. Pshonkina. There are also two men in the army officer's uniform in the "flash frames" and one more individual in medical outfit. Obviously operating personnel are professionals. The "alien's torso" and "arm" are lying together on the operation table which shall be explained by the camera presence. Seems natural for such an "unnatural" procedure. 1.4. Documents presented in the program. There are several documents presented as related to this footage. 1.4.1. Folder "Delo" No. 47397 "Materials of the Scientific Research Group 1965-1970" purchased on the black market. Top Secret stamp. Handwritten sign "Responsible person - A.I. Grigoriev. No. 329-G". 1.4.2. Autopsy report. Doctors identified as Kamyshov, Savitsky, Gordeenko. One of them (on the right) was called "Pasha" (Russian nickname for Pavel) during autopsy and there is a Pavel Gordeenko is in the report.It is only the name "Semashko" readable and the "Anatomy department". There was a "3rd Medical Stomatology Institute imeni Semashko" with Anatomy department, and Semashko Hospital. Report was signed "in presence of the "Deputy Decan Tolmakov and KGB representative Kravtsov. The place where procedure was performed was also called All Union Scientific Research Institute of Biology in the program. 1.4.3. The most disturbing evidence is the DEATH CERTIFICATES of Kamyshov, Savitsky, Gordeenko issued in the different regions of Moscow . They died all on the same day March 24, 1969 (as per program one week after procedure)! The death certificates in the USSR were printed by the same printing facilities GOSZNAK which was printing money. It is difficult to forge this document and easy to check with the record books in the three known ZAGS. 2. Possible Explanations: 2.1. KGB or non KGB hoax - possible and very likely if death certificates are fake. 2.2. Real event - possible and very likely if death of three researches can be confirmed. What is virtually impossible is that KGB will kill three doctors in 1969 just to cover the hoax and not a real event. - aliensthetruth ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Join Eric Altman and Lon Strickler each Sunday at 10 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. 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