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- The Farmington, New Mexico UFO Armada
- Just the Facts? - Minnesota Lights, 'Real' Sleeping Beauty and New 'Glob' Washes Ashore
- Field Investigator Offers Anomalous Lights Update
The Farmington, New Mexico UFO Armada Posted: 20 Jul 2011 02:06 PM PDT
Not only is the Farmington / Four Corners region of New Mexico area known for large hominids and shape shifting skinwalkers...but it is also the location of a mass UFO sighting in March 17, 1950, Some people have referred to the incident as 'the most spectacular UFO sighting in U.S. history': HUGE 'SAUCER' ARMADA JOLTS FARMINGTON Crafts Seen By Hundreds - Speed Estimated at 1000 MPH, Altitude 20,000 feet For the third consecutive day flying saucers have been reported over Farmington. And on each of the three days their arrival here was reported between 11 and noon. Three persons called the Daily Times office to report seeing strange objects in the air just before noon. Persons along Main Street once again could be seen looking skyward and pointing. High winds and a dust storm prevented clear vision. Fully half of this town's population still is certain today that it saw space ships or some strange aircraft -- hundreds of them zooming through the skies yesterday. Estimates of the number ranged from & quotes several to more that 500. Whatever they were, they caused a major sensation in this community, which lies only 110 air miles northwest of the huge Los Alamos Atomic installation. The objects appeared to play tag high in the air. At times they streaked away at almost unbelievable speeds. One witness did a triangulation sighting on one of the objects and estimated its speed at about 1,000 miles an hour, and estimated its size as approximately twice that of a B-29. Farmington citizens stood in the streets yesterday watching the first reported mass "flying saucer" flight ever sighted. Traffic was slowed to avoid hitting sky gazers. The office of the Farmington Daily Times was deluged with calls from persons who saw the objects. A Red Leader Scores described the objects as silvery discs. A number agreed they saw one that was red in color -- bigger and faster, and apparently the leader. Clayton J. Boddy, 32, business manager of Farmington Times and a former Army Engineers captain in Italy, was one of those who saw the startling objects. Boddy was on roadway when all of a sudden I noticed a few moving objects high in the sky. "Moments later there appeared what seemed to be about 500 of them," Boddy continued. He could not estimate their size or speed, but said they appeared to be about 15,000 feet high. Boddy's account was confirmed by Joseph C. and Francis C. Kelloff, retail grocers from Antonito, Colo., who were in Farmington to inspect the site of a proposed new store, and by Bob Foutz and John Burrell of Farmington. The Kelloffs said the objects appeared to be flying in formation. One of the most impressive accounts came from Harold F. Thatcher, head of the Farmington unit of the Soil Conservation service. Thatcher made a triangulation on one of a number of flying craft, He said if it had been a B-29 it would have been 2,000 feet high and traveling more than 1000 miles per hour. Knows Engineering "I'm not a professional engineer," Thatcher said, "but I have engineers working under me and I know how to work out rough triangulation on an object." Thatcher emphatically denied an earlier report that the objects could have been small pieces of cotton fuzz floating in the atmosphere. "It was not cotton," he said, "I saw several pieces of cotton fuzz floating around in the air at the time, but I was not sighting on any cotton." The "cotton" report was started by State Patrolman Andy Andrews, who quoted several Farmington Residents as asserting it was cotton they saw. The residents denied Andrew's report. The first reports of flying saucers were noted a few minutes before 11 a.m. yesterday. For a full hour thereafter people deluged the Times with reports of the objects. A second large scale sighting occurred at 3 p.m. At that time, Mrs. Wilson Jones, 27, and Mr. Roy Hicks, 33, housewives reported seeing objects to the north of Farmington, flying in perfect formation. Others reported the same sight. Johnny Eaton, 29, a real estate and insurance salesman, and Edward Brooks, 24, an employee of the Perry Smoak garage, were the first to report the red-colored sky object. Not Airplanes Brooks, a B-29 tail gunner during the war, said he was positive the objects sighted were not airplanes. "The very maneuvering of the things couldn't be that of modern aircraft," he said. John Bloomfield, another employee of Smoak's garage, said the objects he saw traveled at a speed that appeared to him to be about 10 times faster than that of jet planes. In addition, he said the objects frequently made right-angle turns. "They appeared to be coming at each other head-on," he related. "At the last second, one would veer at right angles upward, the other at right angles downward. One saucer would pass another and immediately the one to the rear would zoom into the lead." Marlow Webb, another garage employee, said the objects to the naked eye appeared to be about eight inches in diameter as seen from the ground. He described them as about the size of a dinner plate." "They flew sideways, on edge and at every conceivable angle," he said. "This is what made it easy to determine that they were saucer-shaped." None of the scores of reports told of any vapor trail or engine noise. Nor did anyone report any windows or other markings on the craft. In general Farmington accepted the phenomenon calmly, although it was reported some women employees of a laundry became somewhat panicky. - Farmington Daily Times, March 18, 1950 | ||
Just the Facts? - Minnesota Lights, 'Real' Sleeping Beauty and New 'Glob' Washes Ashore Posted: 20 Jul 2011 11:50 AM PDT I was with some friends, we were hanging out at her house on the lake, by Ranier, MN and all of a sudden this object appeared. It hovered for about 2-3 mins and then gone. didn't hear any sounds as it was super quiet. We all just were in shock and a bit freaked out... but amazed that it was SO close. I happened to have my phone and was quick to snap just one picture. It seemed like it was almost right over the top of us... and it moved some but not much. It turned in a circle motion as it went up into never never land. This is not the first time I have seen this around this area, but this is the first time i was able to get a picture and the first time it was so close. My first sighting of this was further up the lake, on Rainy Lake. I also know of others that have seen them around here as well, but all stories I have ever heard, they have spotted them on the Lake. - MUFON CMS ********** A real 'Sleeping Beauty' In the fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty is a princess sent into a 100-year slumber by an evil witch. A kiss from a handsome prince breaks the spell, and they live happily ever after. The present-day "Sleeping Beauty," as the media calls her, is a 17-year-old woman in Worthing, England, named Louisa Ball. Instead of the fairy tale's poisoned splinter, her curse began with flu-like symptoms two years ago. "Bad cold, temperature ... and from then on that's when I started to sleep," she said. She wouldn't stop for 10 to 14 days. Her parents would rouse her for bathroom breaks and ravenous feedings. "She'd go through a whole packet of biscuits, or ... five or six packets of crisps -- anything that she could get her hands on," said her father, Rick Ball. "It was a case of almost like a hamster hibernating, and the food would get stuffed in. And you'd have to step in and say, 'Whoa, that's enough.'" Her mother, Lottie Ball, added, "I asked to see a dietician ... because I was concerned when Louisa was in an episode that, you know, she is missing out on all the goodness." The advice she got was to give Louisa smoothies, which gave her food and fluid at the same time. Even so, Louisa would lose as much as 10 pounds during a sleep episode. Even odder than her eating habits was her behavior, which featured offensive, almost primal, mood swings. "They're horrible. They're scary, it's like a different child," said Lottie Ball. The parents knew a sleep episode was coming when their otherwise sweet-natured daughter would snap at others inappropriately. "When she's up and she's confrontational, those were the scarier moments," Rick Ball said. The year before college, Louisa slept for a solid week every month. She missed weeks of school and fell behind in her beloved dance classes. "I missed my end-of-school exams, obviously, because I was in an episode," she said. "I've missed, like, family holidays, birthdays and parties." The doctors were as baffled as Louisa's parents. "To see all the various medical professionals and not get any answers ... it was pretty frustrating," said Rick Ball. "Everything goes through your mind, and you wonder whether or not she has taken a drug." Then came a breakthrough, courtesy of a consultant in London to whom the family was referred. "I always refer to it as the 'Champagne and hangover' moment," said Rick Ball, "because we went in there and the good news was, 'I think I know what's wrong with your daughter.' And the bad news was, 'There's no cure.'" Louisa was diagnosed with Kleine-Levin Syndrome, an incurable autoimmune disorder that some researchers say disrupts the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that regulates appetite, sleep and libido. KLS more often afflicts males, usually beginning with a virus during adolescence that seems to trigger the sleep and aggressiveness, along with hyper sexuality. Mood stabilizers like lithium and hormone therapies help those with KLS around the edges, but they don't ward off the extreme sleep. "[When I wake up] I'm always confused as to what day it is, because I don't know how long I've slept for," Louisa said. "And then when I realize, I'm like, 'Wow, that's a long time!'" How does she feel when she wakes up? "Refreshed," she said. Her sleep episodes have become less frequent. She recently went five months without one. According to experts, KLS sufferers can grow out of it after 10 to 12 years. As Louisa's story grew in the media, headlines called her "Sleeping Beauty," and KLS is known as Sleeping Beauty syndrome. If someone cast a spell on Louisa, there must be a handsome prince coming in some form. Romantically speaking, she said there was no prince in her life, at the moment. The prince could take the form of a cure, and Louisa's family contributes to the KSL Foundation in California to help speed his arrival. In either case, Lottie Ball said, "We're waiting for the handsome prince." - abcnews ********** Our friend Rick Phillips offers The GHOST Orb Of Crossett Arkansas - Multiple Videos Offer interesting phenomena I had not heard about. ********** 'Giant lights' spotted off coast of Anahola, Hawaii An east Kaua'i couple is wondering what was lighting up the late night sky last week. Sondra and Michael Grace, a Native Hawaiian couple that run a B&B guesthouse on Hawaiian Home Lands fronting Anahola Bay, reported seeing lights early Friday morning of the likes they have never seen before. Sondra thought it was in the general area of the communication towers for Civil Defense, but she said Mike thought it was higher and farther out. "I don't know what it was but it was very big," Sondra said. Sondra said that the two were in bed just past 2 a.m. when they noticed the bright lights "falling from the sky" between Anahola and Kealia. The couple live on the 'Aliomanu side near the river mouth. "It was high in the sky beyond the light house," she said. She noted it was moving in circles, she thought, in the vicinity of a Civil Defense communications tower. However, she said her husband thought the lights were much farther out and its size and intensity made it seem closer. "This is the first I heard of these lights and we are at a loss to explain them," said Mark Marshall, the emergency management officer for the Kaua'i Civil Defense Agency. Continue reading at 'Giant lights' spotted off coast of Anahola Thanks to Celine for forwarding ********** NZ quake may have revealed Israeli spy ring A New Zealand newspaper group is reporting that the deadly February 22nd earthquake in Christchurch unearthed a suspected Israeli spy ring. Three Israelis died in the quake that killed 181 people. Other Israelis escaped the quake. The Fairfax newspaper group, which didn't state how it obtained the information, said one of the Israelis who died was carrying at least five passports. Fairfax said New Zealand Prime Minister John Key took four calls from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following the quake, and that an unaccredited Israeli search and rescue squad searching a cordoned area in Christchurch was stopped by New Zealand officers. Key, who is traveling in California, told media Wednesday that it wasn't in the national interest to comment about the report. The revelation has caused a bit of a political kerfuffle, as opposition party leaders have begun directing pointed public questions at the prime minister. "Were these young people really just backpackers? Or had an innocent group of tourists been infiltrated by Mossad 'helpers' whose mission it was to take Kiwi identities? If it was the latter, why hasn't the Opposition been briefed (by the prime minister)? What information is he withholding and why?" asked Labour's Foreign Affairs spokesperson Maryan Street, according to The New Zealand Herald. In 2004, there was a bit of a dustup between Israel and New Zealand over an Israeli passport ring uncovered in New Zealand. Two Israelis were arrested for trying to fraudulently acquire the identity of a man with cerebral palsy, the Herald reports. Contacts between Israel and New Zealand were frozen at a high level until the Jewish state apologized. It was also discovered at the time that similar such instances had happened previously, the Herald reports. - cbsnews ********** Earthquake Causes River to Disappear in Costa Rica Following a series of moderate earthquakes that struck the country Tuesday, residents around the Guacalito River in Costa Rica discovered that the river had disappeared. reported that sometime after the earthquakes, villagers living near the river, which is located near Armenia de Upala, discovered that the river was dry. It was not immediately known if the waters of the river had disappeared due to sinkhole activity that can occur after earthquakes or if the earth shaking caused damming that dried up the river near the Miravalles volcano. The quakes were centered near the Nicaragua and Costa Rica border in the same vicinity as the Miravalles volcano. An entire body of water disappears? Strange but true, and this isn't the first time this odd event has happened. In 2010, the Iska River in Slovenia disappeared after local residents heard loud crashing and banging overnight. The next morning, the river was dry and the riverbed was full of fish and other creatures. It was believed that the waters of the river had drained through a large crack into an underground riverbed. This disappearance was not believed to have been related to an earthquake. Most recently -- aside from the disappearing river in Costa Rica -- an entire reservoir in Huntsbury, New Zealand, that was filled with 36 million liters of water disappeared following a 6.3 magnitude earthquake. The reservoir water disappeared after the earthquake struck Christchurch Feb. 22. A body of water disappearing is not unusual, nor is it unheard of for an earthquake to change the shape and form of bodies of water. There have also been numerous examples of seismic activity creating new bodies of water. In 1959, the largest earthquake to strike Montana -- a 7.3 magnitude temblor -- caused a landslide to dam the Madison River just below Hebgen Dam, thus creating a new body of water that became Hebgen Dam, or "Quake Lake." The historic New Madrid earthquakes in the central United States created a lake in northwestern Tennessee in 1812. Reelfoot Lake was formed during the Feb. 7, 1812, earthquake that was one of several to strike the region during the winter of 1811 and 1812. That earthquake, which is estimated to have been at least 7.0 in magnitude or higher, caused subsidence along the Reelfoot River, dropping a 13,000 acre area of land between 4 and 19 feet. This area filled with water to become Reelfoot Lake. - yahoo ********** Couple walking their dogs discover 30ft carcass of sea creature rotting on Scottish beach A couple were left shocked when they discovered the rotting body of a sea monster while walking along a beach. Margaret and Nick Flippence made the incredible find as they exercised their dogs at Bridge of Don, Aberdeen. Mr Flippence, 59, who lives nearby, said: 'We were stunned. I thought, "oh my God what is it?" 'It's like nothing we have ever seen, it almost looks pre-historic,' he told the Sun. Curled up by the foot of sand dunes was the 30ft-long body of the unidentified animal with head, tail and teeth all discernible. Experts are now examining the pictures with one suggesting it could be the body of a whale. A spokesman for the Natural History Museum said: 'We have spoken to one of our mammals curators, and they have confirmed the animal is probably a long-finned pilot whale – Globicephala melas. 'Apparently it's not unusual for these to wash up on the shore.' Rob Deville, a marine life expert at London Zoo, said the body could be that of a killer whale or a smaller pilot whale. Whale expert Mark Simmonds told the Sun: 'it died a long time ago and tides caused the body to wash ashore.' - dailymail | ||
Field Investigator Offers Anomalous Lights Update Posted: 20 Jul 2011 10:03 AM PDT Gary Mansfield recently forwarded the images above and below. He later offered the following report: Hey Lon - you wanted a follow-up: we spent a couple nights out in the middle of a 10,000 acre cattle range. We hired a local pilot in a refurbished Huey to stand-by on site for a possible close encounter flight approach. After missing the first fly-over, we took off and pursued the second lighted object within a clear visual. After we lifted off and closed to one-half mile of the object... it burst into a brilliant blue haze and just disappeared. We never encountered the object again. I haven't a clue as to what I am dealing with here. Gary Mansfield, F.I. NOTE: I have posted Gary's previous offering below...Lon ----- From 6/4/2011 Received today from field investigator Gary Mansfield: This anomalous light showed up over several weeks at a cattle range location in southwest Florida that I and several others had been investigating a string of cattle mutilations. This object was seen on more than one occasion... whereby we finally had occasion to sink three rounds of 300 Winchester Magnums at it from 300 yards and never found anything afterwards. Previously, six calves suffered neck and hind quarter severance's. No trace of rifle conflict on the object was found around the area of engagement. We couldn't believe we could have missed the object at that distance. I am convinced that this object could be the skin walker.
----- 2/2011 Hey Lon, I know that you are always interested in some of the weird and interesting anomalies that exist amongst us mortal beings on this third rock. That is why I thought you might be interested in this photo that I captured of a strange object flying thru the skies of west Nashville, TN. I know that most people are usually too busy to look up and take notice of the skies above. But, what most people don't understand... is that if they only knew why lurks above them in the dark hours of night... and the daylight of day, then they would have the most profound awakening to the shocking reality... that would move the very foundations of their own souls! We are not alone! And the skies above...are alive! Gary Mansfield, F.I. ----- From 1/2011 Reader Captures Image of UFO in Nashville Commercial Flight Corridor "Here is strange and slow moving anomalous light that I recorded back in July. This object moved directly through the forward flight path of two commercial planes that night. I am at a total loss of understanding... with respect to their potentially reckless presence, which they seem to exhibit within flight corridors. The object was at an apparent altitude of 2,000 ft., was at an angular distance of 4 to 5,000 ft., with est. speed of 60-80 mph. The object veered out of the flight lane... stopped... then turned the lights out. Time: 9:42pm... Observed time: 79 sec. - west Nashville, Tennessee" ----- From 9/2010 MUFON CMS - Nashville, TN - 9/2/2010 - unedited: I am forever amazed at the number of so-called experts in this field of study… who profess to know what is authentic evidence... and what is not. You guys can't seem to get past the limitations of digital technology to analyze what is real… and what you state is not. Since most experts who sell books and lectures have very little experience, regarding the information that they weave into their sales and lectures, than maybe the chase of this anomaly will gather no real and substantial foundation other than the sensationalist venue where it has thus been historically limited. I suppose… that is good for cover-up and book sales. But for the eye witness, you know in your gut… that which is real. You need not rely upon people, or experts, or anyone else to validate your experience. Let he who has eyes… let him see! Gary Mansfield, F.I. Nashville, TN ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Join Eric Altman and Lon Strickler each Sunday at 10 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcasts! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing ![]() Beyond the Veil Paranormal Research ![]() Click here to check out Stan's most recent book! The Social - Paranormal Network ![]() A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION by placing an order at Strickler's Celebrity Autographs. Use coupon code PM2011 and receive an additional 20% off your order...thanks! ![]() Need an unique special occasion or business gift? (410) 241-5974 ![]() ![]() Click to order John Ventre's new book Phantoms and Monsters Now Available on Kindle |
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