Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Reader Response: The Ozark Howler and a Big Apple Shape Shifter
- Just the Facts? - Roswell Debris Confirmed Alien, Volcano Eruption Predicted and Yahtzee Killer Brothers
- Carl Johnson / Dina Palazini on 'Beyond the Edge' Radio
Reader Response: The Ozark Howler and a Big Apple Shape Shifter Posted: 15 Jul 2011 10:20 PM PDT I received the following email in response to Was It The Ozark Howler?: I have seen this creature very close to Jasper, Arkansas. I have lived in the Arkansas Ozarks for over 20 years. I never knew what it was until recently doing research. And I do believe I know where they are. I first had visual sight of one was off HWY 65 on HWY 256, heading towards Welcome Home. When I saw it I couldn't believe my eyes, I had never seen anything like it, what shocked me the most and what was most memorable was the horns coming out of it's forehead, very much cat like, but it was it's face with it's horns that really shocked me. I drove as if in shock from a car crash not believing what I saw, until I started doing research on the subject. For over 10 years, in a remote region close to Mountain View, Arkansas, you can hear the howl every single night, usually after midnight. I never knew it was until I did the research, it is very elk like, almost like a horn, but definitely a howl. If anyone is brave enough I can show you where exactly to go to hear this, and where I made visual contact. I also received several responses to my post Witness: The North Georgia Mothman, including the following email that describes a Mothman-like entity in the boroughs of New York City: Sir - These are true experiences from my 60 year lifetime of strange experiences. I send you these that they may help me get in contact with the others that have had encounters with these things during the times I did. There were originally they posted at my first website in the early 90s. These are both about giant bird like entities that I encountered. The first one was when I was just a child circa 1958 -1968, then the another when I was in my early 20s. Both of which I had witnesses for. Though I mainly speak about my UFO encounters there are other things that I experienced during my life time that are just as weird. I will start with a creature me and my brother Ralph called depending on how it appeared at the time it manifested different names. It was called Mr. Gonzwell , A Gonzwell , or just Gonzwell. This was during the time we where living at that hated tenement 1530 Brook Ave. We both were very young and again told this thing was just a nightmare so it was relegated to the status of a Dream Demon as with all things I write I do not ask for belief for that does not really matter to me I know what I say here is true so what others may believe is of no importance to me. I write this with hopes that some one reading it may have seen this creature and will get in contact with me. These encounters occurred from 1958 thru 1968. I will list here some of this creatures appearances and behavior. Gonzwell was a large creature of human dimensions. It looked like a combination of a man, a bat and a bird. It was covered with a fine dark gray rat like fur and had huge owl like multi-spectrum iridescent eyes. If you looked into its eyes it would paralyze you. It had a eagle like beak, and huge bat like wings. The Entity seemed to be able to stretch its neck and shape shift. It would sometimes first appear as a large black bird, crow, or raven. At times it appeared as a tall silhouette of a man wearing a long black cape, or poncho wearing a wide brimmed bowler hat he only spoke when in this form. He would with anger speak of what man kind was doing to the world. Only in this form did we call it Mr. Gonzwell. It seemed mainly to come during the warmer months. I seemed to be the main focus of this creature but Ralph had several encounters with it also. It like all the other creatures encountered while we live there would come to, and through the window of our bed room and stand there staring in, calling to you in your head to look at it. It seemed to be able to stretch is neck like an ostrich for at times it would seem not to move from its place in the window yet be able to get its face right up into your face. It once told me this place was its home and it did not like what had been done to it. I was a kid I thought it meant it once lived in our apartment and died and was a ghost or a spirit that was haunting the alley like the other things that came to the window. As with everything that happened to me I told my mother of this creature and she said it was just a dream but told me how I could defeat these monsters in my dreams. She said to just tell them to leave you alone or you would wake up and that would destroy it. That worked fine in my nightmares and for awhile the household was able to finally get through a night of uninterrupted sleep without me waking them up screaming at the top of my lungs. Then one night while my two aunts Dutes (Ruth) and Bob (Barbara) were visiting I had a "dream" encounter with Gonzwell. In it I found myself setting in the living room of our apartment alone with the shades up at night time. Our living room had two windows separated by a twelve foot wall at night with the shades partially lowered it made me think the house was watching me through these two huge darkened eyes faking sleep while in truth it was peaking at me. Normally I would have immediately pull them all the way down to close these eyes. Suddenly in this dream the shades were up to the tops of the window and I could feel the cold watching on me coming from them. I went to pull the shades down but knew being short I'd have to stand up in the window to do it. But for me to do this meant that any one or anything standing out in the darkness of the roof would see me as I did so but I could not take the stare of darkness coming through them. As I started toward the window, the radio came on, and a male voice on it said "Gonzwell has been spotted in your neighborhood what ever you do, do not draw the shades it's the only way he can enter your home." Now I was in a pretty fine mess. Leave them up and let the terrible watching continue or pull them down and invite Gonzwell to enter. My nightmares had finally reached a new level of cruelty to me one fear was used to force me to face the other. I sat still in that dream for what seemed hours terrified of the darkness watching me through those damned darkened windows yet horrified to draw the shades. Stupid nightmare huh? I know it sounds like that but if you knew the trauma I had and have of darkened windows you would understand the fear caused by the thought that some one or something was out there in the darkness watching me. That was and is still a deep terror I deal with to this day, though at least I can now walk to a darkened window and pull the shades with out almost dropping dead from terror. But to continue...... Finally if just to bring end to it I ran over and lowered the shade of one of the windows. A black spot appeared on it and began to grow until it filled it then as if it was a black opened door Gonzwell stepped from it. I quickly pulled the trump card that I had use with success for almost six months by then and screamed at it, "If you do not leave me alone I will wake up and that will destroy you!" "That won't help you now" was its only response and it started toward me. I woke up in bed with my two brothers Ralph laying beside me, and Chuck at the head of the bed. I wasn't afraid, in fact I was invigorated, I had just defeated the King of the Dream Demons. Then I saw a black spot appear on the drawn window shade which then swelled into the same black doorway I had seen in my dream and through it stepped Mr. Gonzwell who then said, "I told you that would not help you now!" I screamed as loud as I could, "Daddy Daddy there is a man in the room, there is a man in the room!" "Mattie why don't you go in there and see what's the matter with that boy I got work tomorrow." was the only thing I heard him say. "Me?!" I heard my mother say" Didn't you hear him say there was a man in the room, you go in there, your the only other man in the house, I'm getting ready to go under this bed!" That's when came the familiar chorus I hadn't heard for six months or so before then...."Butch turn to the wall close your eyes and go to sleep!!!" I look back to Gonzwell he was bending over my brother Ralph as if to reach for me. I must have fainted because the next thing I remember was my mothers screaming, "Oh my GOD!" I sat up and looked in time to see her rushing Ralph out of the room. Then I saw where Ralph had been sleeping was covered with blood. During the night he had a terrible nose bleed. I thought I had hit him in the nose during my nightmare but there was so much blood it covered the corner of the bed where his head had laid. It was to be years later when I got an inkling of what may have happened that night. We moved soon after that but that was just because we were finally excepted into the new project that were opened. This was a real happening and have become one of those stories told about the table at every big family gathering. Not one will pass that my Aunt Ruth, Aunt Bob or my Aunt Gerlene who lived down stairs did not ask "Butch do you still remember that night when you screamed there was a man in your room?" After we moved I thought that was to be the last I saw of Gonzwell but it was not... I had not seen this creature for years then, when I was about sixteen, one night it entered my dreams and I just lost it and attacked it. In the dream I became a bigger version of myself that I called Posey ( my given name after my grandfather). He wrestled Gonzwell to the ground and held it down and demanded for it to leave me alone its only response was. "I only want to be your friend." "The only way you can be my friend is to leave me alone " was Poseys answer. That was the last time I saw Gonzwell and the first and last time I saw the bigger dream version of me called Posey. Years later I heard of the Mothman and read the book. The book describes a creature that was very similar to Gonzwell and to my surprise, and horror it was seen around the time we were having encounters with this Entity. Years later I found out that the land that our homes were built upon was once sacred Native American burial grounds. Was that what Gonzwell meant about what it did not like about what we did to the land? Could it have been a nature spirit? I was to also learn years later that there is Native American in my blood line from my fathers side my Grand mother was Cherokee. When Ralph left the army he brought me a group of books he said I should read they were the works of Carlos Castaneda. In the Teachings Of Don Juan I was first to hear of the Nagual form that some times comes out of people, a bigger version of themselves (Posey?). I also learned you had to wrestle and ally in order to defeat it, and was how I had finally defeated Gonzwell. Then there was its statement once I had pinned it to the floor and would not release it, "I just want to be your friend." was it saying It wanted to be my ally? Then many years later I learned of implants in the nose. Ralphs bleeding after the night Gonzwell came through the shade. They demolished 1530 Brook Avenue and for some reason have not yet built on the land there. What was Gonzwell? I don't know but the only connecting link I can see in these bizarre happenings is that the area in which it manifested was all once considered sacred lands. In fact all the areas I lived in, in the Bronx may have at one time been just that. Could this be the reason for the many kinds of encounters of Entities, sightings of UFOs, and strange phenomena that I had while I was living in the Bronx? If that is so then why am I still dealing with the same phenomena now that I live in Brooklyn? This is something I think should be looked into by investigators of the paranormal. It's too bad that these lands were destroyed and built upon so long ago but it seems they have maintained their energy field or what ever it is that draws these things despite Man's ignorance, indifference to, and wanton destruction of these one time ancient and sacred sites. What do you think? NOTE: I'm not going to comment on these revelations but I'm sure the readers would welcome your thoughts...Lon |
Posted: 15 Jul 2011 03:17 PM PDT Test confirms Roswell debris is not from Earth A teacher at the New Mexico Military Institute in Roswell may have discovered the first scientific evidence of manufactured debris made on another planet. Furthermore, this debris was found near the location where pieces from an alleged flying saucer were discovered outside of Roswell in 1947. Frank Kimbler teaches high school level Earth Sciences and college level Geology at the New Mexico Military Institute in Roswell. He says he has always had an interest in UFOs, and actually had his own unusual sighting in his twenties. So when he moved to Roswell, he decided to put his expertise to the test and take a shot at investigating the most famous UFO incident of all time, the crash at Roswell. He says his main goal was to find some physical evidence. He started by looking at some satellite imagery of the alleged "debris site." This is where rancher, Mac Brazel, had told the Air Force he had found pieces of the crashed object. Kimbler used these images to enhance the infra-red in order to highlight areas where the ground was disturbed. He was surprised to find an area that was similar to what witnesses had described. It was about ¾ of a mile long and a few hundred feet wide, and facing the direction witnesses had reported. He also noticed this area had very straight edges, something unusual for a natural occurrence. His next step was to get out there with a metal detector to see what he could find. He began making trips to the site in May 2010. Using a metal detector that could find a piece the size of a BB, three inches below the surface, he would be able to find small pieces, which was exactly his goal. In previous archeological digs in the area they had sifted dirt through screens with holes large enough for very small pieces to fall through. Kimbler figured that if there was anything left it would be very small and perhaps in animal burrows, or ant hills. An ant hill was actually where he found his first piece. Continue reading at ********** Indonesian volcano erupts as predicted Mount Lokon, a volcano in central Indonesia, erupted in fury late Thursday, scattering nearby residents and wreaking havoc. But, because volcanologists have become so skilled at predicting eruptions, there were no fatalities. And none are expected. For more than a week the mountain has been rumbling and scientists warned that an eruption was imminent. In the past such warnings may have gone unheeded until it was too late. But because geologists now have such advanced prediction equipment at their disposal, and because of vast experience in other parts of the world, this time local officials were able to evacuate the area long before the mountaintop was blown away by the massive explosion. The last eruption occurred in 1991 and killed a Swiss hiker. Thousands in the area were caught by surprise and hurriedly evacuated. In the latest eruption, advanced seismology equipment alerted seismologists that the volcano was beginning to build up again. They have been predicting for days now that the volcano, one of nearly 150 in Indonesia, part of an area known as "The Ring of Fire," was about to erupt. The amazing thing is that they were absolutely right. This means that volcanic eruptions around the world may be predicted with more accuracy and with less false alarms. It's a tremendous success, amidst terrible destruction, and means that many lives may be saved in the future. Lives that, until now, were doomed to end in catastrophe. - gather ********** Librarian Bats! Hundreds of bats watch over two of the oldest Portuguese libraries daily, in the University of Coimbra and the palace of Mafra. It's their ability to catch bugs that makes sure the books are kept safe. Bats are the only mammal capable of flying and only do it during the night, making high-pitched sounds inaudible to the human ear, making it hard to study the 26 species known to exist in Portugal. One night in 2008, Professor Jorge Palmeirim from the Science Faculty in the University of Lisbon, gathered his sound-equipment and went to King John's Library in Coimbra to try and understand which bats have been using the shelters in that place for over 200 years. "I couldn't see them, just hear them, but according to the droppings I found, I can say that there live at least 2 different species of bats", says the professor. In the entire country only one other library is known to shelter bats, in the Palace of Mafra and is thought that their preference has to do with the antique wood paneling. "Bats are also very conservative when it comes to shelters. They tend to use the same shelters for several generations and prefer old buildings", the professor explains. In Coimbra there are 200 years-old documents testifying the purchase of the same type of animal hide still in use today to protect the antique tables in King John's Library from bat droppings daily. "Bats have been living in the library since ever. The library tables are protected with hide every night, because they are also antiques and the bats fly freely, eating the bugs," says the director of King John's Library, Carlos Fiolhais. In Mafra it's also the bats and the good environment provided by the high ceilings and the 18th century wood paneling, that explain the "excellent state" the books are in, explains librarian Teresa Amaral. A bat can eat up to 500 bugs daily, so no wonders that they leave the libraries during the night to hunt. The coming and going of the bats is made possible by the holes common to old libraries. - twitlonger ********** Extinct toad croaks again A colourful, spindly-legged toad that was believed to be extinct has been rediscovered in the forests of Borneo. Scientists from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) found three of the missing long-legged Borneo rainbow toads up a tree during a night time search. The team had spent months scouring remote mountain forests for the species. Conservation International, which launched its Global Search for Lost Amphibians in 2010, had listed the toad as one of the "world's top 10 most wanted frogs". Dr Indraneil Das led a team that searched the ridges of the Gunung Penrissen range of Western Sarawak, a boundary between Malaysia's Sarawak State and Indonesia's Kalimantan Barat Province. After several months of night-long expeditions, one of Dr Das's graduate students eventually spotted a small toad in the high branches of a tree. "Thrilling discoveries like this beautiful toad, and the critical importance of amphibians to healthy ecosystems, are what fuel us to keep searching for lost species," said Dr Das. "They remind us that nature still holds precious secrets that we are still uncovering." Dr Robin Moore of Conservation International, who launched the Global Search for Lost Amphibians, was delighted by the discovery. He said: "To see the first pictures of a species that has been lost for almost 90 years defies belief. "It is good to know that nature can surprise us when we are close to giving up hope, especially amidst our planet's escalating extinction crisis. "Amphibians are at the forefront of this tragedy, so I hope that these unique species serve as flagships for conservation, inspiring pride and hope by Malaysians and people everywhere." - BBC ********** YAHTZEE! Police have arrested three brothers in Minnesota for allegedly slaying their mother on Christmas because she wanted to play Yahtzee and they didn't. The brothers are also accused of hiding their mother's remains, which were discovered buried in the family's backyard last week Jacob Cobb, 17, allegedly strangled mom Tamara Lee Mason on the living room floor when she suggested that her sons play the board game in the rural town of Alberta last Christmas, the Minnesota Star-Tribune reported. Then he or his brother Andrew, 18, placed a plastic bag over her head and tightened a belt around her neck, TV station KARE said. Their half-brother Dylan C. Clemens, 25, drove Mason's remains to South Dakota and back to Minnesota, hiding her body for months in a garbage can in a shed until the frozen ground softened enough to bury her in the backyard, police claimed. "It is very strange," Stevens County Sheriff Randy Willis said Tuesday. "She wanted to play Yahtzee and they didn't. That seemed to be, in their minds, what expedited her sudden demise." Jacob Cobb was held in juvenile court for second-degree murder while Andrew and Clemens were charged with being an accessory to murder after the fact, the Weekly Vice said. - HP |
Carl Johnson / Dina Palazini on 'Beyond the Edge' Radio Posted: 15 Jul 2011 10:13 PM PDT On Thursday night, Eric Altman and I had the pleasure of hosting Carl Johnson and Dina Palazini, investigators from Beyond The Veil Paranormal Research as well as The Big Rhodey Research Project. We were recording a future Beyond the Edge Radio show which can be heard on Sunday nights at 10:00 PM ET and on podcast at BTE - PodOmatic and BTE - iTunes. Carl L. Johnson has been researching unorthodox subjects and investigating reports of unexplained occurrences for the past three decades, beginning with a research team under the auspices of Rhode island College, plus his association with parapsychologists Ed and Lorraine Warren. Carl was a member of The Atlantic Paranormal Society for eight years and appeared on the SyFy Channel series Ghost Hunters. Carl is featured on episodes of the Animal Planet series, The Haunted, and The Travel Channel's documentary, Most Terrifying Places in America. Specializing as a demonologist, Carl writes and lectures on related topics, his presentations directed towards analysis of phenomena. Dina M. Palazini since early childhood has demonstrated an empathic ability to experience the emotional state of human beings and animals, and to sense disembodied presences. She approaches paranormal investigation with dedication and objectivity. Dina founded Beyond The Veil Paranormal Research in 2009. Dina has participated in television productions including the Animal Planet series, The Haunted, and Travel Channel's Most Terrifying Places in America. Our interview included a myriad of paranormal subjects including Carl and Dina's paranormal techniques, past experiences and their search for 'Big Rhodey', a hominid that roams the forests of Rhode Island and New England. Carl describes 'Big Rhodey' as "between 7-8 feet in height, always of massive build with no obvious neck, covered in black, matted hair or fur. It has a saggital crest running over its' cranium, giving the head a conical shape. The eyes under a jutting brow ridge are black and "buggy"; protuberant black lips. Arms are proportionately somewhat longer than a human's. The nose is shriveled and rather flat, though more pronounced than an ape's. Judging from the tracks we've examined, the feet are basically human-like without divergent big toes suited for climbing but include some variations, lacking arch indents suggesting the foot is adapted for considerable weight. Two of the sightings were of a male, as was evinced by the genitalia. This ties in with the "rogue male" hypothesis. From a sighting on Plain Meeting House Road in Scituate related by four eye-witnesses, the creature is described as being roughly six feet in height, judging from roadside foliage at the site, with greenish smears on its fur probably resulting from contact with wet moss, and was observed running, keeping pace with the car." It was a wonderful discussion that you won't want to miss. We sincerely hope that Carl and Dina can joined again in the near future. ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Join Eric Altman and Lon Strickler each Sunday at 10 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcasts! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing ![]() Beyond the Veil Paranormal Research ![]() Click here to check out Stan's most recent book! The Social - Paranormal Network ![]() A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() (410) 241-5974 ![]() ![]() Click to order John Ventre's new book Phantoms and Monsters Now Available on Kindle |
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