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- Centaurs in North America
- Just the Facts? Another Driverless Car, Alien Life on 'Dune' and New Orang Pendek Search
- Recent UFO / Close Encounter Reports and Submissions
Posted: 05 Sep 2011 02:16 PM PDT When you think of a 'Centaur' the vision is usually of a mythological creature from Greek origin. It's head, arms, and chest are those of a human and the rest of its body, including four legs, hindquarters, and a tail is like that of a horse. There is the legend of Ixion who was purified by Zeus of a first murder of kin, a horrifying deed. The shameless man repaid this honor by trying to seduce Hera. The goddess told her husband. When Zeus learned about this passion he made a disguised model of Hera, a cloud likeness, to see how obsessed he was with his wife. Ixion was so deeply in love with Hera that he slept with the disguised model. Zeus punished Ixion by chaining him to a winged and fiery wheel, which revolved forever in Tartarus. The cloud gave birth to a creature named Centaurus. It was Centaurus that descended upon a herd of Magnesian mares and conceived the Centaurs. There have been stories of similar creatures throughout the ages but in locations that you'd most likely not imagine. I received the following email from M.B. who is Native American: Hey Lon...this is a second hand account that I heard from my father's trusted friend. I'm sorry I can't provide any more details than what I was told from the witness. When my father's friend was younger he was a Deputy for the Apache Reservation Police. I believe it happened in the early 1980s, but not sure. One night he was on patrol in his squad car alone on the reservation. He was driving along the deserted highway that passed through town. When he reached the church he saw something moving back and forth along the church, peering into the windows. He stopped the car on the highway, and observed for a while. It was too dark to make out much at first. Then, the dark shape took notice of him and began moving out of the shadows and into the front of the church. I forget exactly whether he then moved the police car into the parking lot to intercept the man, or if he stopped the car shortly after making a move but either way the headlights helped illuminate what he saw. Under the orange light of the street lights was a 8 foot tall Demon-Centaur!!! The bottom half was indeed a dark haired horse, while where the neck and head should have been was the upper torso of a man. The man was staring right at him as it strolled by, all 4 hooves clanking on the pavement. His skin was a dark red and it had horns on either side of his head. He said they were like ram horns, curled around on either side of his skull. He was terrified and while the thought of shooting the beast crossed his mind, he reasoned against it. He didn't want to provoke it and have it attack him. It completed crossing the road, and down a steep slope into a farmland field below. Once it reached this open ground, he watched as it started to run away as fast as possible until it disappeared into the darkness and trees beyond. He was deeply troubled after the encounter and couldn't reason why a demonic creature would be looking into a building as holy as a church. The way he told the story, you couldn't help but believe it to be true and I'm sure that it actually happened. I've had weird encounters myself, and lots and lots of 2nd hand stories from friends/family on the Navajo and Apache Reservations. I shouldn't talk about many of those though. Being Native American, talking about these weird things can have negative repercussions to those involved. M.B. I contacted my friend JC Johnson who confirmed that there have been similar sightings in the Four Corners / Navajo Reservation area for some time. In fact he forwarded a sketch of one of these creatures by Leonard Dan.
I recall a strange sighting in Michigan in 2006: Location: Between Battle Creek & Bellevue, Michigan - January/February 2006 - night A woman driving alone on a road between both towns had to slow down for a stop sign. Suddenly a creature of very large size jumped up over a snow bank and ran "10 yards a second". It was coming towards the car. She further described the creature as "enormous and its body as white as the snow around it". It had tiny little legs, like animal goat legs but very small. She had the impression that parts of it were like a man and other parts of it were an animal. According to her it either grabbed, or reached for the door handle but he car was locked. She said its fingers were incredibly long, "long, long fingers and nails". It was so incredibly fast that she did not see a face or anything else. She mentioned that another car of people had also seen it too; they had stopped and looking at it at one point. Source: unknowncreaturespot "2006 Michigan centaur sighting" There was another incident in Melbourne, Florida: "Three friends and I saw an apparition, possibly of a demon, when we were all around 10 years old. Myself, another boy and his two sisters were riding bikes together down a sidewalk that ran along the outskirts of our neighborhood The end of that sidewalk is at a beach-side highway in Melbourne, Florida. Nearing the highway, with me leading the pack, the boy put his hand on my shoulder and made me stop riding. When I looked back at them, both girls were staring straight ahead with tears in their eyes, and the boy pointed for me to look. Not knowing what they could be pointing at because I had just been looking that direction when they stopped me, I looked and saw what I can only say was a centaur on the sidewalk in between us and the highway. The sun had just risen above the horizon and was at the creature's back, so the whole figure was cast in shadow, but I could make out that it had a very muscular, had a reddish torso, a horse's four legs and was over six feet tall. Next to it was a thicket of palmetto and palm trees from which a person could have jumped out in a clever costume, although the quickness of appearance and the incredible detail of the creature would make me doubt that. Needless to say, my first move was to turn around and jet, and the others had already done so. Before we pedaled around the corner, I looked and it was still standing there, and I was very relieved that it was not chasing us. After we had reached a safe distance, we celebrated our escape. Unfortunately, I lost touch with my friends when I moved away that year. When I came back at the age of 15, I lived right by the sidewalk again, and one night from my room, I heard frantic yelling by the road, and came out to discover that a kid had been struck by a car crossing from the beach over to the sidewalk where I had seen the centaur. The family was much too shaken up for me to talk with them, and the boy had been killed instantly, so I won't know if he saw something, but it is a very odd coincidence, if that. I've just started trying to recontact my friends to see if they saw the same creature as I, or if we all saw our own version of what we thought the devil looked like, as we didn't discuss it in detail at the time." - A few years ago, there were Centaur-like sightings in the Cree Nation of Alberta, Canada: "There is definitely a growing phenomena up here in Alberta, Canada. Specifically, the location is better known as Hobbema, a place comprised of 4 distinct Cree Indian reservations. These sightings I speak of occur on the Samson Cree reserve, in and around the high school area. When I first heard about it, I was skeptical and proceeded to tease my friends, thinking they were trying to pull to wool over my eyes. They were neither insulted nor deterred from sharing with me that in conjunction with their own personal experiences, there is an actual video tape of this "centaur" creating violent havoc inside the school in a hallway near a main exit. Other stories they shared have to do with sightings at night, where the centaur actually chases them or appears suddenly out of nowhere. It is far to easy to pass this off as "something in the water," for the Hobbema Cree peoples of this area have experienced generations of trauma. The brief history of this location has everything to do with the discovery of rich deposits of oil in the middle of the 1900's. Once harvested, the residents of this area became incredibly rich. However, due to the lack of a holistic education, and decades of dysfunction throughout the community wrought by the Canadian government and the Churches, the locals were unable to fathom and properly adjust to their fortune to the fullest extent. This resulted in various forms of chaos throughout the later part of the century, for the oil royalities were distributed to every reserve member, and their children as well when they turned 18. The mortality rate increased over time in this area, most due to suicide and murder. Today, we see an entire generation of youth, that have completely bought into the ghettoization of their communities and are largely atheist. In regards to the phenomena of the centaur sightings, it is known throughout the remaining Spiritual community of this area that these "beings" are making themselves known because in the eyes of the youth, there is nothing to believe in anymore. Sightings as such are creating panic and fear, and the phenomena has therefore become demonized by word of mouth. I am not a community member of this area. Nor have I seen or witnessed anything of the like. However, I have heard this from more than one person from that area and at this stage, I cannot write it off to just coincidence. When I heard of this website, and the kind of work being conducted in communities across the United States, I realized I had to submit something herein in the hopes of generating interest, and hopefully to come across someone else that believes in something of this sort." - Then there was this follow-up to the post: "I have heard of many stories like this in First Nation reserves in Saskatchewan. I actually have heard of one in Cotes FN, Kawcatoose FN, Kamsack area and in 2003 there was the sighting of a Centaur at Standing Buffalo's FN Pow Wow. I think that it appears to people to tell others that there's something wrong. That there is something wrong in the community. Maybe black magic? We all know as native people that there native people who do practice the bad ways. Sure, there are the good ways but on the other hand so is the dark ways. Personally, I think that when native people practice these dark ways that this centaur or thing will appear to help those ones that practice such bad practices. This thing helps them. I have heard so many stories of this centaur. the most famous one is the sighting at Standing Buffalo powwow. I do not know what the Elders did over there. One Elder had to have a special ceremony and singers were requested from far away to help in the ceremony. The singers who were traveling from far away could sense this evil thing and one singer actually turned around and didn't attend the ceremony because he was afraid. The spirits were afraid of the old man conducting the ceremony. But the spirits helped by taking that evil thing centaur and banishing it to the pits of the mountains. I know there are a lot of native people who have heard such stories and I am curious to know what did their Elders do in such circumstances?" - The following video was sent to me last summer from a resident in York County, PA: Click for video - Unknown Creature - Hoof, Hand, Paw or What? There has not been an identification to date....the witness has not captured further evidence. Here is the original link Unknown Creature for more details. NOTE: Are there Centaurs or similar creatures roaming North America? Could these be interterrestrial beings? I'd been interested in your comments and/or evidence that you may have. Thanks...Lon | ||
Just the Facts? Another Driverless Car, Alien Life on 'Dune' and New Orang Pendek Search Posted: 05 Sep 2011 11:50 AM PDT Another Driverless Car Hi Lon, Just read about the driverless car on P&M and wish to add my sighting of a driverless car. It was prior to 1982 because I graduated from chiropractic college that year in the Houston, TX, area and the sighting occurred before that year on the 610 Loop (South Loop) westbound and continued around the SW corner of the Loop onto the West Loop (northbound). It was probably 1980, give or take a little. My husband, also a D.C., was driving and I was in the front passenger seat. The car, which was a plain, dark sedan, was in the lane next to me. We played fall-behind and catch-up as two cars driving about the same speed on a multi-lane highway will for a few minutes before it registered in my mind that the car had no driver. At that point I asked my husband to position me so I could get a better look. It was a completely empty car. I have wished a thousand times that I had insisted we follow the car, but at the time all I could think of was to get away from that thing as fast as I could. That was certainly neither the first nor the last completely weird experience I have had, but it would have been easy to follow the car and I sure wish I had done that. Rest assured, if I ever spot another driverless car... Linda in Bryan, TX **********
Alien life more likely on 'Dune' planets Desert planets strikingly like the world depicted in the science fiction classic "Dune" might be the more common type of habitable planet in the galaxy, rather than watery planets such as Earth, researchers suggest. Their findings also hint that Venus might have been a habitable desert world as recently as 1 billion years ago. Nearly everywhere there is water on Earth, there is life. As such, the search for life elsewhere in the universe has largely focused on "aqua planets" with a lot of liquid water on their surfaces — either terrestrial planets largely covered with oceans, such as Earth, or theoretical "ocean planets" completely covered by a layer of water hundreds of miles deep, somewhat like thawed versions of Jupiter's moon Ganymede. To be habitable, aqua planets must orbit their stars in a so-called "Goldilocks zone" where they are neither too hot nor too cold. If they are too far from the Sun, they freeze; if they are too close, steam builds up in their atmospheres, trapping heat that vaporizes still more water, leading to a runaway greenhouse effect that boils all the oceans off the planet, as apparently happened on Venus. Eventually, such planets get so hot, they force water vapor high enough into the atmosphere for it to get split into hydrogen and oxygen by ultraviolet light — the hydrogen then escapes into space, the oxygen likely reacts with the molten surface and gets incorporated into the mantle , and the planet's atmosphere loses all its water over time. Instead of aqua planets with abundant water on their surfaces, researchers investigated what "land planets" might be like, ones with no oceans and vast dry deserts, but perhaps oases here and there. The planet Arrakis depicted in science fiction classic "Dune" is one exceptionally well-developed example of a habitable land planet, said planetologist Kevin Zahnle at NASA Ames Research Center. Arrakis is essentially a bigger, warmer, sparsely inhabited version of Mars with a breathable oxygen atmosphere and polar regions cool and moist enough to have small water icecaps and morning dew. The scientists reasoned the scarcity of water on a land planet might actually help it have a larger habitable zone around its star. For one thing, a land planet has less water for snow and ice that can reflect sunlight back into space. As such, it can in principle absorb more heat to better resist global freezing, enlarging the cold outer limits of its habitable zone. In addition, the dearth of water in a land planet's dry atmosphere makes it trap less heat than an aqua planet, helping it avoid a runaway greenhouse effect and expanding the inner, hotter edge of its habitable zone. Also, the less water there is in the atmosphere, the less there is for ultraviolet radiation to break up into hydrogen and oxygen. Researcher Yutaka Abe at the University of Tokyo with Zahnle and their colleagues experimented with a number of simple three-dimensional global climate models for Earth-sized planets. For their simulations of land planets, they left the rotation rates, atmospheric pressures and carbon dioxide levels unchanged but removed oceans and vegetation, leaving behind groundwater locked underneath the surface. The scientists discovered that a land planet's habitable zone was three times bigger than an aqua planet's. "A pale blue dot is not the only model for an Earth-like habitable planet," they report in their paper, which was recently published in the journal Astrobiology. "The first habitable planet is more likely to be a member of the land planet class than the aqua class." When analyzing what the cold outer limits were for these worlds, Abe and his colleagues found that complete freezing of an aqua planet occurred when the amount of sunlight dipped below 72 to 90 percent of what Earth receives, depending on how its axis of the rotation was tilted toward the Sun. On the other hand, land planets were better at resisting global freezing, with sunlight dipping below 58 to 77 percent before the planet completely iced over. This means land planets could be farther away from their stars and remain potentially habitable. When it came to the hot inner limits of these planets, the researchers calculated that liquid water could remain stable at the poles of an aqua planet — its coldest areas — only until the amount of sunlight it received exceeded 135 percent that of modern Earth. In comparison, liquid water could remain stable at the poles of a land planet until it received 170 percent of Earth's sunshine, meaning it could orbit closer to its star and still be habitable. Such a land planet might be much like the fictional planet of Arrakis, "although I don't think the sandworms sound possible to me," Zahnle said. "The picture of the equatorial zone being just too hot to live at is there, as well as the poles being habitable. I would actually think that the poles would be a good deal wetter than in 'Dune' — there would be more open water at the poles, maybe even small streams and lakes and such." Planetary scientist Jim Kasting at Pennsylvania State University, who did not take part in this study, said this is clever research. However, Kasting was uncertain if these findings actually will help find new habitable planets, whether they be land or aqua. In order to tell if any worlds are habitable by our standards, they need to exhibit signs of water, and "it is not clear that there is enough water on these 'Dune' planets to be observed [by our telescopes]. So I don't think this will change our strategy for looking remotely for life." Zahnle disagreed. "These planets might not exhibit signs of water that we can see, but they would of oxygen," he said. "Also, we're finding that water is so ubiquitous, it cannot be regarded as a signature of a planet's habitability." If anything, since land planets can get closer to stars than aqua planets and still be habitable, Zahnle expected habitable land planets to be discovered before habitable aqua ones. The closer a planet is to its star, the faster it orbits and the more often it dims its star's light, making it easier for our telescopes to spot. Kasting also was not convinced that small amounts of water are stable on a planetary surface. He suspected that the little water on a land planet would get sucked up by rocks or get pulled down into the mantle or both. Zahnle agreed, "but we're not looking for planets that are habitable permanently, just ones that might be habitable long enough for life. No planet is habitable permanently, not even Earth." Earth itself may one day become a desert world, researchers added. As our sun ages, it is brightening at a rate of 9 percent every billion years, radiation that will eventually deplete our planet's liquid water by breaking it down into hydrogen and oxygen. However, they calculated that Earth might still remain habitable in the billions of years before the Sun begins dying — it might avoid the runaway greenhouse effect that made Venus unlivably hot -- and only lose about a third of its oceans before the Sun's death. One interesting question the habitability of land planets raises is whether or not Venus, the hottest planet in the solar system, ever could have fostered life. Assuming that Venus once had oceans of liquid water, the researchers' calculations suggest "it is possible that Venus went through a period where it was a dry but habitable planet," Zahnle said. Indeed, Venus could have persisted as a habitable land planet until as recently as roughly 1 billion years ago. Zahnle said that Venus back then would have been "very hot in the tropics, cooler and wetter at the poles. Sort of Earth-like, not a lot of carbon dioxide." Future research can investigate precisely how habitable Venus might once have been, Zahnle added. - physorg ********** Hypnotism show in Colombian school causes mass hysteria Magician Miller Zambrano Posada was taken into custody after 41 students went into a hypnotic trance after his show in Mocoa, Colombia. The Institución Educativa Ciudad high school's "fun day," complete with circus acts, clowns and the much awaited hypnotism act turned awry after several children went into a mass panic attack and had to be taken to the hospital. In what was supposed to be the highlight of the day, 590 high school students paid 700 pesos ($0.40) to witness a few of their class mates obey suggestions given by a hypnotist magician. Twelve children were called to the stage, and then four were returned to their seats; the remaining eight were put into trance by Zambrano with hand movements, deep eye contact and a monotone voice. Zambrano made them lift their arms, walk in circles, cry like babies, laugh hysterically, bark like dogs and act like chickens. Students laughed and clapped at the end of the show and when Zambrano left the stage, the students were ushered back to their classrooms. As the students returned, several developed bizarre symptoms. Police at the scene reported some of the students were crying, others dived into the ground for no reason, others hit their chest with their palms. One girl went as far as to scream that she was seeing the devil, and before too long a larger group had a mass panic attack. Strangely enough, only one of the 36 girls and 5 boys affected, had shared the stage with the hypnotist, who was put in police custody as parents, students and a few teachers accused him of witchcraft. Doctor William Orlando Galarza, director of the José María Hernández hospital where the pupils were taken, said that to different degrees, all children presented symptoms of collective hypnosis. Most of the children have been released from hospital and only one had to be re-admitted. Mortified Zambrano, told police he has been doing this very act for many years in different places, and it is the first time something like this happened. - hispanicallyspeakingnews ********** The search for Orang Pendek continues The Center for Fortean Zoology has organized another expedition to Sumatra in search of the famed Orang Pendek, a short, powerful, bipedal hominoid, sightings of which have been reported for centuries by the indigenous people of the Sumatran rain forests. Here is the information given to me by expedition leader and cryptid researcher Adam Davies: "We leave Friday, September 9, 20011 and will return on the 25th of September, late night. I will be leading the expedition, which is entitled The CFZ Sumatra Expedition 2011. There will be two teams to maximise our chances of finding evidence of the creature. Continue reading at theparanomalist ********** Vampire Cruise Hundreds of vampire enthusiasts will sail Alaska's fabled Inside Passage in a summer 2012 cruise tailored to their interests that combines gazing at glaciers with a late-night costume ball, organizers said on Thursday. The "Vamps at Sea" cruise is scheduled for late June, which is a time of near-constant daylight in the far north. "They've got curtains and they can block everything out -- so it can be as dark as we want it," said organizer Linda Wolf, president of Los Angeles-based agency Cruises Cruises Cruises Inc, who is herself a fan of the vampire genre. Cruise groups have been organized around myriad interests, with everyone from bird lovers to marathon runners getting their own boat trips. Still, the Vamps at Sea cruise promises to be special, said Buckwheat Donahue, executive director of the convention and visitors bureau in Skagway, a historic gold rush town that is on most cruise itineraries. "This is going to be fun," Donahue said. "I can't imagine what people are going to be dressed like coming off the boat." The group will sail on a Holland America ship, the Zuiderdam, and will hit the usual ports of call such as Juneau, Glacier Bay and Ketchikan. But there will be other special features, including a late-night costume ball, a scavenger hunt and a vampire talent show, Wolf said. There is also a literary angle to the cruise, with vampire-genre authors scheduled to speak, including a relative of the late "Dracula" writer Bram Stoker, according to the cruise website. Themed cruises and organized cruise groups are becoming increasingly popular, Donahue said. - | ||
Recent UFO / Close Encounter Reports and Submissions Posted: 05 Sep 2011 11:08 AM PDT Strange Sightings in Seth Ward, Texas It's not every night you get a phone call at 10:30 telling you to come check out a UFO. At least it's not every night for me! That's what happened this past Wednesday when 23-year-old Liliana Rodriguez called to share her family's unidentified flying object sighting in Seth Ward. Here's the scoop: On Tuesday, Liliana's mother, Maria Rodriguez, was outside their house and noticed some strange lights in the sky. "She was the first one to see it," Liliana said for her mom, who doesn't speak English too well. Liliana said her mom is pretty excitable (especially, I figure, when it comes to space aliens.) "She freaks out," Liliana says of her mom's initial reaction. The Rodriguezes, including Liliana's 20-year-old sister Dania, described the light in the eastern sky: "It would go really, really bright, then just disappear," they said. At other times the light would split apart, they said. Another strange thing about the light is that it seemed to eat an airplane. "There was a plane flying right beside it . . . and the plane just disappeared," they said. Hmmm! The family took iPad pictures of the lights and brought those to the Herald the next afternoon. I saw some strange-looking lights, mostly white but sometimes with red, blue or green flashes. It's hard to say exactly what I was looking at. Was it a star? Was it a planet? Was it some kind of signal from the nation of Gambia? (The colors on the Gambian flag are red, blue and green . . . get it?) Anyway, I told them if the lights showed back up again to call me. I had all but forgotten about it when, as I had one eye closed and the other watching Dave's Top 10 list, my new cell phone rang. "It's back," they said. So I slipped on some shorts, a shirt and my Clark Kent cap and headed out to see this UFO for myself. It's very dark in Seth Ward at night, at least where the Rodriguezes live, so it was a perfect viewing spot for strange lights in the sky. My eyes aren't what they once were, but I'm pretty sure what I saw that night wasn't a UFO. To me it looked like a colorful star or maybe a planet. That's also what Adlynn Vincent thought. She's the wife of Liliana and Dania's brother Mario and, I might add, somewhat of an expert on such celestial things. Adlynn started talking about all kinds of stuff I had never heard of before. She sure sounded like she knew what she was talking about, so I asked how she knew all of that stuff. Turns out Adlynn is from Florida and kept up with a lot of space happenings because of the Kennedy Space Center being there. She later moved here with Mario, whom she met when he was working in Florida picking oranges. (By the way, Adlynn said to expect some REALLY strange stuff in the sky in 2012 when all of the planets are due to align. Something to look forward to, I guess.) Well, after a few minutes of star/planet/Gambia flag gazing in Seth Ward, I left. I hadn't been home more than a few minutes when my phone rang again. (It's a good thing I didn't opt for another Flip phone because I very likely could have had another half-a-phone at that point.) A very excited Liliana told me the very same light they had seen the night before (not that other thing that I was looking at) had returned. As much as I wanted to drive all the way across town again, I figured I had better get some sleep. "Take another picture of it," I told her. So, at 12:16 a.m., the photo seen here arrived on my phone. I called the National Weather Service folks in Lubbock the next day to ask if they knew of any satellites or weather balloons or something else that might be hovering above Seth Ward at night. They didn't know of anything. Do you? - myplainview ********** High Altitude Disc Observed Over New Jersey Monmouth Battlefield Park, NJ - 6-18-2011:I was camping out on Monmouth Battlefield State Park with my Unit, the Rev War Reenactment of the Battle of Monmouth. I arrived with my family Friday night and several people said to have seen a strange glowing object with no sound flying overhead but I didn't see it for I was in the bathroom at the time. Plenty of witnesses to that sighting. Saturday night around 10:50pm EST I was outside talking with my Commander when another member pointed out there is something in the sky. That is when I turned and looked up and could see a round disc that was glowing red/light pink with an aura of the same color around the edges (reminded me of the reentry of the Space Shuttle glowing from the burning plasma underneath. Same color and aura effect.) No sound coming from it what so ever but could hear a passenger jet and see one flying in the distance away from where I was standing. This had no wings and I kept saying it looks like it might be entering our atmosphere or skipping off it. That is when I noticed it making a left turn and continue to fly out of sight. We all didn't know what it was but most laughed it off as a UFO. After that I kept an eye out for it and close to 20 minutes later it appeared again but this time seemed to be flying slower and had a slight zig-zag, wobble as it was turning and slowing down even more. Same burning aura covering it and around it. Again no sound. It flew the same flight path as before. Knowing that an altitude of 120 km (75 mi) is where atmospheric effects become noticeable during atmospheric reentry of the space shuttle the disc appeared to be a about 2 centimeters radius. This tells me that this disc is huge that is entering our atmosphere. My personal feelings at the sight were that of awe as well as investigative as to what it was I was seeing and taking account of others reactions to it as well to make sure I was not alone in seeing it. My whole family seen it too. When I seen the zig-zag wobble in the flightpath and slowing down I recalled the space shuttle doing the same to bleed off airspeed. There were was a couple fighter jets (F-16) flying in the direction of the disc's flight path 5 min after losing sight of the disc the second time flyby. There were others that seen close to a hundred others around in their camps both British and Continental that night. NOTE: The above image is a rendering. This case is under investigation by Ed Johnson of MUFON New Jersey - Ken Pfeifer - MUFON New Jersey News ********** Strange Lights Over Fresno, CA Click for video Robert Thorson - 9/4/11 - 11:30 pm - clear calm night - camera Sony TRV-103 - used night vision part of the time no sound heard from object. Craft was going south. ********** I received the following from JC Johnson at Crypto Four Corners Hi JC, I sent a full-rez photo of the UFO for you to check out. No alteration, other than slightly cropped and a text placed at the bottom. It will take a little longer to download, but is worth the peek. And you may send it to whom ever may want to see it. Just another interesting facit of the Four Corners. ********** Possible Alien Abduction in Utah MUFON CMS - 3/17/2011 - Utah: My 2 year old Chihuahua, and 13 year old Jack Russell woke up my husband,and myself, about 4 am in the morning by low guttural growls, and hackles full up. My Chihuahua sleeps on my pillow, I grabbed my gun,and so did my husband, sensing someone was in the house, he listened for a minute, only to see a huge Bright light light up the bedroom, and was quickly followed by the loudest sonic boom, shaking the daylights out of our house rattling the windows, even shaking our big garage door. At this point my husband and I jumped out of bed,and went racing down the hallway. As we reached the living room, we could literally feel what ever it was shoot off above the house, we still did a quick check of the house, but we both knew what we had just experienced. We have both been having experience's for years. The next morning my youngest son ( 12 at the time) he is now 13. Asked if he could tell me something, he didn't want me to think he was crazy, he then told me he had alien's come into his room, he was hovering, the next thing he knew he was in the air craft with the aliens, they had suction cups connected to his arms, he then showed me the marks they had left. I took pictures immediately, and asked him if he knew the time this had happened. He said about 4 am that morning. I called my husband, and told him what my son had just told me, he was not surprised. I then let my youngest son know that this had been happening to his father, and brother,and stepfather, and grandparents for years. He asked if I had any experience's. I told him That others that had been in the room with me when the alien experiences had happened said the aliens were afraid of me especially the greys because they could not get me under control. That his father, had said that my violent reactions and movements had kept him safe a few times. I have absolutely no recall of any of these experience's. I have woke up with they feeling like I was fighting,and have found finger print type bruises on my legs, But that on the night of his experience, I had nothing other than being woken up, and the light's, and the sound of the craft taking off. I Immediately contacted a well known UFO psychologist about this experience, and spoke with him for about 45 minutes. ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Join Eric Altman and Lon Strickler each Sunday at 8 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing The Social - Paranormal Network ![]() A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. 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