Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Pig-Faced Humans and Humanoids
- Just the Facts? Temple Mount UFO Hoax, Gulf Breeze Close Encounter and Mystery Animal In China
- Chasing Down The 'Min Min Lights' Phenomenon
Pig-Faced Humans and Humanoids Posted: 22 Sep 2011 01:34 PM PDT Well...this is something a bit different though, maybe not for this blog in particular. Anyway, I stumbled on a small passage about pig-faced beings and it resulted in the following: "The incident concerned a gentleman who was staying at Markham Square, Chelsea in order to visit his two sons. On the first night of his stay in a dingy room, only escaping the grip of full darkness by the hue of a lamp, the man awoke with a sudden nightmarish jerk, and found himself face to face with a ghastly creature. He commented, "It was a dwarfed tubby figure, with a face like a pig, perfectly naked, in a strong light. The whole figure resembled in appearance the scalded body of a pig, but the legs and arms were those of a human being brutalized; male or female, I could not say." Within fifteen seconds the awful beast vanished, leaving the witness huddled and shaking under his sheets, hypnotized by fear as the sweat dripped profusely from his brow. The occasional bout of slumber provided no respite from the memory of the presence, and only the morning light erased what the witness believed was no nightmare. Only a picture which had fallen from a connecting door provided any answer. Maybe after hitting the floor in the night it had awoken the sleeping man, but no explanation was forthcoming on the pig-faced humanoid which had mortified the man. No other such haunting was ever reported from the area, and the tale of the pig-faced spectre was long forgotten...until now." - Haunted Britain There have been stories of pig-faced women (and occasionally men) that originated in Holland, England and France in the 15th century. The majority of these tales told of a wealthy woman whose body was of normal human appearance, but who had the face of a pig. In the earliest forms of the story, the woman's pig-like appearance was the result of witchcraft. Following her wedding day, the pig-faced woman's new husband was granted the choice of having her appear beautiful to him but pig-like to others, or pig-like to him and beautiful to others. When her husband told her that the choice was hers, the enchantment was broken and her pig-like appearance vanished. These stories became particularly popular in England, and later in Ireland. The magical elements gradually vanished from the story, and the existence of pig-faced women began to be treated as fact. The story became particularly widespread in Dublin in the early 19th century, where it became widely believed that reclusive 18th-century philanthropist Griselda Steevens had kept herself hidden from view because she had the face of a pig. In late 1814 and early 1815, rumour swept London that a pig-faced woman was living in Marylebone. Her existence was widely reported as fact, and numerous alleged portraits of her were published. With belief in pig-faced women commonplace, unscrupulous showmen exhibited living "pig-faced women" at fairs. These were not genuine women, but shaven bears dressed in women's clothing. - The Pig-Faced Lady of Manchester Square: And Other London Medical Marvels Dr. Jan Bondeson wrote at least four books on the bizarre, and the Pig-faced Lady is a tour de force and highly researched. Was the early-nineteenth-century pig-faced lady in the title real or just a hoax? The author's meticulous research cannot find the answer. Her predecessor Tannakin Skinker from Holland, who made her first appearance in London in 1639 where she was hoping to find a husband, was much featured in ballads and songs but she too may have been more legend than fact. Tannakin Skinker was born to Joachim and Parnel Skinker in 1618 in "Wirkham, a neuter towne betweene the Emperour and the Hollander, scituate on the river Rhyne". Joachim Skinker is described as "a man of good revenue, but of a great estate in money and cattle." During Parnel's pregnancy, an elderly woman had begged her for money. Parnel was busy and refused to pay, and the old woman had left, "muttering to her selfe the Divells pater noster, and was heard to say 'As the Mother is Hoggish, so Swinish shall be the Child shee goeth withall'". At Tannakin's birth her body and limbs were correctly proportioned, but her face had a pig's snout, "not only a stain and blemish, but a deformed uglinesse, making all the rest loathsome, contemptible and odious to all that lookt upon her in her infancie." The midwife who had delivered the baby was sworn to secrecy, and the Skinkers raised her in a private room. She ate from a silver trough, "to which she stooped and ate, just like a Swine doth in his swilling tub". Tannakin's deformity was soon discovered, and many locals came to hear her pig-like speech or to watch her feed from the trough. The old woman was located, tried and convicted for witchcraft, but even at the stake refused or was unable to reverse the enchantment. When Tannakin was between 16 and 17 years old, her father consulted Vandermast, "a famous Artist, who was both a Mathematician, and an Astrologian a man who was suspected to have been well versed in blacke and hidden Arts", as to how the curse might be undone. Vandermast concluded that as long as Tannakin remained a virgin she would retain her pig's face, but were she married, and not to "a Clowne, Bore or Pesant", she might be cured. The Skinker family announced that any gentleman who "would take her to his bed after loyall Matrimony" would receive a dowry of £40,000. The dowry, a huge sum for the time, prompted a large number of would-be husbands. A Scottish captain arrived, having spent the greater part of a month's pay on a new suit, and was taken by Tannakin's figure and deportment. On lifting the veil to view her face, however, "hee would stay no other conference, but ran away without further answer, saying; they must pardon him, for hee could indure no Porke." An English sow-man (pig farmer) assured the family that his familiarity with pigs meant he would accept Tannakin's appearance, but after meeting her he left the building, saying that "so long as I have known Rumford, I never saw such a Hogsnout". Several further would-be suitors visited the Skinkers, but all were repulsed by Tannakin's face and she remained unmarried. Despairing of finding a suitable husband in Wirkham, the Skinker family moved to London, and took up residence in either Blackfriars or Covent Garden. Many who met her were taken by her elegant dress and excellent demeanour. Sir, I am indeed no other than I now seeme unto you; and of these two things I give you free choice, whether I shall appeare to you thus as you now see me, young, faire, and lovely in your bed, and all the daytime, and abroad, of my former deformity: or thus beautifull in the day, to the sight of your friends, but in your armes every night of my former Age and Uglinesse: of these two things I give you free choice of, which till you have resolv'd me, there can be no other familiarity betwixt in: therefore without pause give me a speedy answer. A man bows before an elegantly-dressed woman with a pig's head. The man says "God save you sweet mistress"; the woman replies "Ough". Torn between the choice of a wife who would appear beautiful to him but hideous to all his friends, or hideous to him but beautiful to all his friends, he could not reach a decision but instead said to her "into you owne hands and choyse I give the full power and soveraignty to make election of which you best please." On hearing this, Tannakin turned to him and said: Now Sir, you have given me that which all women most desire, my Will, and Soveraignty; and know I, was by a wicked and sorcerous step-dame inchanted, never to returne to my pristine shape, till I was first married, and after had received such power from my Husband · And now from henceforth I shall be the same to you night and day, of that youth and lively-hood which you now see mee; till Time and Age breed new alteration, even to the last period of my life. - A Certaine Relation This account of Tannakin Skinker is no doubt a fable, but the next tale may be more truth than fiction: Steevens Hospital, Dublin, Ireland Griselda Steevens (1653–1746), sometimes written as "Grizel Steevens", was the twin sister of Dr Richard Steevens (1653–1710), a Dublin physician. Dr Steevens died in 1710, bequeathing an estate with an income of £606 per year to Griselda. A clause in Dr Steevens' will stipulated that on Griselda's death, the income was to be used to provide a hospital for the poor of Dublin. Although the terms of Dr Steevens' will were that work on the hospital would not begin until after Griselda Steevens' death, she decided to begin work on the hospital in 1720. Reserving only £120 per year for her own use, she used the remaining funds to buy a plot of land near Kilmainham and to build the new hospital, with the sole condition being that she be granted a suite of apartments in the building. As a youth Griselda had suffered a disorder of the eyes, and since then had worn a veil while in sunlight. Shy and reclusive, while conducting her charitable works in the Dublin slums she would remain in her carriage while servants gave out alms to the poor. By 1723 a sufficient portion of the new Dr Steevens' Hospital was completed to accommodate 40 patients, in addition to Griselda's apartments. The remainder of the hospital, with space for 200 patients, opened in 1733. Griselda lived in the hospital from 1723 until her death. At some point, it became a common belief in Dublin that Griselda Steevens had a pig's face. It is unclear when the rumour arose. Robert Chambers and Irish Georgian Society founder Desmond Guinness claim that the rumour was current in her lifetime, but Thomas Kirkpatrick, author of History of Dr Steevens' Hospital Dublin, says that "There is absolutely no evidence of this story in contemporary records, nor indeed does it appear to have been connected with the good lady until the nineteenth century. It is not quite certain when this story first gained circulation. Croker-King, who wrote a history of the hospital in 1785, makes no mention of it, nor is there any suggestion of it in the newspaper accounts of the death of Madam Steevens, or the published account of the hospital in the eighteenth century." Surgeon and historian William Wilde recollected that as a medical student at Dr Steevens' Hospital in 1832 he was shown a silver trough, alleged to have belonged to Griselda Steevens, and accounts suggest that in the early 19th century a plaster cast of a human face with a pig's snout was on display at the hospital. Although the hospital authorities later forbade the display of alleged Steevens memorabilia on pain of dismissal, in the later half of the 19th century the belief that Steevens had a pig's face remained common. In the 1860s, a Dublin woman recollected that in her youth a large silver punchbowl, embossed with a family crest of a boar's head, was shown to visitors and was claimed to have been the Pig-faced Lady's trough. - The History of Mercer's Charitable Hospital in Dublin NOTE: I didn't intend for this post to be a 'freak show' but these instances do fascinate me...especially when it comes to pig-faced phantoms. I can truly say that's a new one for me...Lon |
Just the Facts? Temple Mount UFO Hoax, Gulf Breeze Close Encounter and Mystery Animal In China Posted: 22 Sep 2011 11:05 AM PDT Jerusalem Temple Mount UFO Videos Confirmed As Hoax Israeli TV Channel 10 investigator Nitay Elboim has uncovered new information about the popular Jerusalem UFO videos taken in January of this year. The videos made headlines around the world, and many in the UFO community still talk about these controversial videos. However, this new information sheds further doubt on their authenticity. You can watch Nitay's report in the YouTube video below. The first video was taken by Eligael Gadliovich, and soon after three teenagers posted another video of what appears to be the same object. In these videos a light can be seen descending over the famous Dome of the Rock. It then flashes and speeds straight up and out of sight. The videos are very shocking and immediately became a hit. They were featured on news programs throughout the world. During his investigation, Nitay discovered that Eligael is a filmmaker and actor with his own film production company. Nitay also found Golan Ardiv, a film teacher, among the actors in one of Eligael's movies, and it just so happens that the teenagers who took the second video attend the school where Golan teaches. Although the makers of each video claimed not to know each other, this evidence made Nitay have doubts. He called Eligael to ask about his association with the teenagers. Eligael was very cryptic in the call. When asked if this was all a coincidence, Eligael said he did not believe in coincidences and suggested that these connections may not be a coincidence. He then also mentions that he wanted to investigate the incident from a cinematic point of view. Nitay appeared confused by his statements and asked if Eligael felt there was a base for what Nitay was suggesting. At this point Eligael said he was too busy and he would have to go, but before ending the call he said that everything everyone was saying about the video was true. What he meant by that is unknown. Was this a confession of sorts? Either way, Eligael did seem to be caught off guard by Nitay's discoveries. Nitay was unable to reach Eligael again to get further clarification, but he was able to reach the film teacher, Golan. Golan said he was present when Eligael filmed the UFO, but that he didn't know the teenagers. When asked if the teenagers went to the school where he taught, Golan changed his story and admitted that he did know them. Nitay then asked Golan if he had a chance to talk to the students about their UFO video. Golan said it has been busy since they are approaching final exams, so he hasn't talked with them yet. In summary, Nitay uncovered that Eligael is a filmmaker, the teenagers in the second video are film students and Golan not only knows them, but lied about his association with them. To Channel 10 this was enough for them to determine that the videos were not authentic, although they admit the motive behind the hoax is still not clear. They speculated that perhaps Eligael is going to use the video to help promote an upcoming film. - ********** Strange Encounter in Gulf Breeze, Florida (Unedited) - I fell asleep in my recliner aprox. 9 p.m. Both of my dogs slept on both sides of my chair on the floor. My boyfriend was on the couch next to my recliner and he was asleep also. Aproximately 3 a.m. i awoke to a horrific jabbing pain im my mid-lower back right on my spinal column. Upon awakening i can vividly remember sitting up and grabbing my back at the same i turned to sit all the way up i saw a "large human like figure" turn away from me and proceeded to walk toward my front door with some sort of very large clear syringe he placed on his right hip like a gun would be placed for carrying purposes. I remember trying to scream out and pointed at the same time but "nothing" would come out of my mouth no matter how hard i attempted to shout i could not produce even a whisper. It was as if he possessed some sort of immortal power over my actions until he was out of my sight. He never once turned around where i could see his face but he was all "black" and "soldier like in his on a mission he needed to complete?"..."very muscular and strong in appearance". I remember immediately grabbing my arms and saying to myself, "Oh my God...i am not dreaming...this really did happen and this alien creature just inserted something into my back...or took something out."...I had no further pain from that episode and could not bring myself to even tell my boyfriend about it for aproximately 6 months thinking my family would think i was insane.. One of the wierdest things about the situation was that both my dogs never even budged....nor did my boyfriend wake up during the incident...I was in total disbelief. Not scared for some odd reason...maybe because he never showed his face...i dont know. However, to this day...i don't know if he possibly abducted me during the night and had just finished bringing me back consciously by inserting some sort of medication to awaken me or not. I "do know" for a fact that he had just finished using that large syringe on me because i watched his motions intently and he was walking away and at the same time placing that syringe to his hip "holster". The last thing i saw was him walking towards the front door but right before he got to it he veered to the airconditioning vent as if he had come from "it". Possibly from underground i wondered? I then faded out for aprox. 30 minutes and awoke with a very clear vivid rememberance of this event. I never believed or even thought something like this could be true but I now KNOW they are out there and in OUR homes at their own leisure!! They are "quiet", "meticulous", "strong", "unafraid", and i think "curious" in nature. They seem to be in a "time zone" that only they are familiar with and seem to have that mastered so well as to quietly appear as they "need or want to" then disappear without a trace. Things are still happening here in Gulf Breeze and now in my new residence as "glowing type" foot prints are appearing continually everywhere on my carpet during the night!! I am not a story teller and would LOVE to take a polygraph so badly..People believe me...i do not know if there has been some sort of government cover up about this UFO issue but why would we have full grown aliens walking around right now in our homes of all places??? They had to grow to get that big so there has to be many many more of them...right? OMG! I do not know why "I" am being targeted as an "experiment" to "him" or "them" but it is not ending for me...i really am not scared because i have never lost faith in my God above..he has his hand on me...but i really really need some help on this other issue...If there is some sort of alien specialist out there feel free to call...a.m. preferably...and only serious inquiries...I am not a gossipist or yapper....and would not be writing this if it were not true...but heed my words now...we ARE being watched and experimented on...i just dont know why or what they want...Be safe and please believe this is no joke folks..i now know they DO exists. - MUFON CMS NOTE: the Pensacola Bay / Gulf Breeze area has been a hotspot for unexplained activity for several decades. My friend, abductee David Eckhart, lived in the Pensacola area during his 10 year ordeal...Lon ********** French boy finds 30-year-old human fingers in jar A French schoolboy has dug up a glass jar containing severed human fingers preserved in alcohol which police believe may belong to a local carpenter who lost four digits in an accident 30 years ago. The boy, aged seven, made the gruesome discovery on Monday when he was playing behind the gymnasium of his school in Chilly-Mazarin, just south of Paris, and noticed a jar poking out of the earth, a police spokeswoman said. He dug out the liquid-filled jar and saw the partially decomposed fingers inside. "With time the jar must have risen to the surface and the fingers were found in well-preserved condition," the police spokeswoman said. The boy's father called local police, who set out to track down the origin of the severed digits. Following local media reports on the story, police received a telephone a call from a person whose grandfather, a woodworker, used to live near the gymnasium and lost four of his fingers 30 years ago in a work accident. At the time, his fingers could not be surgically reattached so the carpenter put them in a jar full of alcohol and buried them near his home, the police spokeswoman said. The carpenter, who is still alive, has since moved away, and police were trying to contact him on Wednesday. - reuters *********** Hong Kong girls taken to hospital after seeing ghosts Two Hong Kong schoolgirls were taken to hospital after collapsing in terror claiming they had seen the ghosts of Japanese soldiers from World War II, a news report said Tuesday. The girls were among a party of 12 exploring the site of an abandoned school in the New Territories, which is rumoured to be haunted, when they claim they saw an apparition of a marching army. The South China Morning Post reported that the girls fled in terror and fainted. The school, which closed in 1998, is believed to have been used by Japanese troops during the occupation of Hong Kong in World War II. - monstersandcritics ********** What is it? With a nose that looks more like a rodent's but long, pointy paws and white fur dappled with brown and orange, he is quite unique. And zookeepers at Wenling, in eastern China, who were handed the animal by an anonymous man, have been unable to work out exactly what species he belongs to. They think they are looking at some strange type of monkey - but other students of nature might recognise the characteristics of a bush baby. As he sits in his cage, the creature therefore awaits an uncertain fate. And the zookeepers sit and monitor his development and hopes he grows up into something slightly more recognisable. |
Chasing Down The 'Min Min Lights' Phenomenon Posted: 22 Sep 2011 09:14 AM PDT If you ever visit Eastern Australia, there's a rare chance you may encounter the Min Min light, a spectral luminescence that trails the viewer and is often mistaken for a UFO. But what causes this bizarre flickering pursuer? Click for video - Family chased by UFO As evinced by recent news reports, Min Min lights still bedevil motorists and are a fixture of Australia's paranormal culture. The town of Boulia has a particular affinity for the lights, which have been documented prior to European settlement of Australia. Also — like any weird phenomenon worth its salt — Min Min lights have been the subject of overblown dramatization à la Unsolved Mysteries. According to Dr. Jack Pettigrew of the University of Queensland, Min Min lights are a form of Fata Morgana, or a complex mirage that results when faraway light is distorted by temperature changes: The Min Min light occurs when light, from a natural or man-made source, is refracted to an observer who is tens, or even hundreds, of kilometres away, by an inverted mirage, or Fata Morgana [...] Named after the Morgan fairy, who was reputed to be able to conjure cities on the surface of the sea ice, the Fata Morgana has a real physical phenomenon, being caused by a temperature inversion A cold, dense layer of air next to the ground (or sea, or sea ice) carries light far over the horizon to a distant observer without the usual dissipation and radiation, to produce a vivid mirage that baffles and enchants because of its unfamiliar optical properties. Click for video - Boulia - The Min Min Light You can read Pettigrew's full paper on Min Min lights here. As an addendum, he insists that understanding the origin of the phenomenon does not detract of the wonder of the Min Min light but rather makes them all the more awe-worthy: I know that there will be great resistance to the acceptance of this and any other explanation of the Min Min light from many in the Outback who are cynical about attempts by city slickers to reduce the magic and wonder of the phenomenon. I have some sympathy with this reaction but would plead that my approach to putting the phenomenon on a more understandable basis does not necessarily explain it away but rather may enhance one's experience of it. - io9 NOTE: here is another reference - The Australian Min Min Lights Personal experiences: I was driving from Innamincka, which is not so far from Boulia, to Boulia and up to a place called Mount Isa, when I noticed a pair of "headlights", tailgating behind me. It was getting really annoying after five minutes and I was begging him/her to overtake, but he/she wouldn't. So I decided to slow down to piss him/her off. Then, all of a sudden, the so called "headlights" turned out to be "Min Min Lights". I stopped the car, hearing the screech of the tires behind me as the Min Min Lights flew around the car. I was searching for my camera to take a photo when one of the Min Min Lights got closer to my car. It hovered closer and closer almost blinding me, then it just dissolved as the break of dawn was coming up. I never ever want to go there again, and I'm sure you won't as soon as you seen the Min Min Light. and another.... This is a story that my dad told me that happened to him many years ago. He was out Roo (Kangaroo) shooting with eight of his friends on a large property in South West corner of New South Wales, it was about one or two o'clock in the morning so still very dark when one of the guys gun seized up or something, so they stopped the ute so this guy could go around into the head light and try and fix it. While the others were waiting they saw something that not one of them could explain a large ball of light appeared and bounced across the ground around them completely lighting up the whole area as bright as day then it just bounced off into the bush. Out of the nine there, eight of them saw it, the only one who didn't see it was the guy fixing his gun in the head light. A day or to later the story of this strange light had got around town and from there ABC news found out about it and reported a story on it. Most people say that it was the Min Min* light but it had never been reported in this area before and never since but all I know is not one of the guys have been back to area since and not one of them will go again. *Min Min light is mysterious Australian outback phenomenon best known manifestation of the Australian "ghost light" genre is the famous Min Min Light. Hundreds of people over the years have told of seeing the Min Min Light in the Boulia or Winton district (this is about 2000 kilometers from were my dad and his friends saw the light). It has been reported high in the sky, at times oscillating up and down like a yo-yo. A frequent feature is that, unlike a headlight, it lights its surrounds on all sides. It appears to be a curious, friendly light, often approaching but never threatening, although at times causing panic in the minds of the beholders. If you talk to old timers out there who had seen it and they were terrified by it, it's a bit embarrassing for them because hardened outback men can be brought to tears by this thing. It really is quite alarming. Rancher Henry Lamond told of an experience he had in the early 1900's: ...I did not leave the head station until about 2 am, expecting to get to Slasher's well before daylight… 8 or 10 miles out on the downs I saw the headlight of a car coming straight for me. Cars, though they were not common, were not rare. I took note of the thing, singing and trotting as I rode, and I even estimated the strength of the approaching light by the way it picked out individual hairs in the mare's mane. Suddenly I realized it was not a car light — it remained in one bulbous ball instead of dividing into the 2 headlights, which it should have done as it came closer; it was too green-glary for an acetylene light; it floated too high for any car; there was something eerie about it. The light came on, floating as airily as a bubble, moving with comparative slowness ... I should estimate now that it was moving at about 10 mph and anything from 5 to 10 feet above the ground ... Its size, I would say, at an approximate guess, would be about that of a new-risen moon. That light and I passed each other, going in opposite directions. I kept an eye on it while it was passing, and I'd say it was about 200 yards off when suddenly it just faded and died away. It did not go out with a snap -its vanishing was more like the gradual fading of the wires in an electric bulb. NOTE: you may want to read: Australian Folklore, including: Bunyip, Eureka Rebellion, Waltzing Matilda, Ned Kelly, Swagman, Swag (bedroll), Captain Thunderbolt, Min Min Light, ... 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