Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Georgia Bigfoot Hoaxer Discloses Associates' Scheme
- Just the Facts? Soylent Green is People, Haunted Car and Hackensack Close Encounter
- A Recollection of Mothman-Like Accounts
Georgia Bigfoot Hoaxer Discloses Associates' Scheme Posted: 08 Sep 2011 01:54 PM PDT PART 3 OF 10 OF WHAT REALLY WENT DOWN IN MAY OF 2008 BIGFOOT NOT A HOAX Well folks, for the life of me I just cannot comprehend why these videos are being produced 3 years after the fact...but I will admit that some of the claims in the 3rd video have me somewhat intrigued. What is the real reason behind the disclosures? Rick Dyer is now accusing Tom Biscardi and Steve Kulls of cooperating in the hoax until Kulls decided he wasn't getting enough cash to keep quiet...thus, he spilled the beans to the media. Kulls, who is a former Tom Biscardi employee posted his extensive investigation of the Georgia Bigfoot hoax, some time later and laid most of the blame at the feet of Biscardi. In his "The Official Report of Steve Kulls regarding the Georgia Bigfoot Body Hoax of 2008," Kulls detailed his "investigation of the man whom propagated this hoax, C. Thomas Biscardi, and an exposè of his company; Searching for Bigfoot, Inc." Here is the transcript: ![]() No need to go into much of what has happened the last few weeks, many of you know the story all too well. I will also state out of the people involved in my organization, it was only me on this mission. Not Becky, Billy , Sean or anyone, just me. I will start by all saying, we all make some mistakes. Some say it was a mistake going on the air Monday July 28th, 2008 in the middle of "Camp Biscardi". I agree. I admit it. I made a mistake, an error in judgment. I should not have put myself in the position of physical harm (not being killed but a physical confrontation, or dependency on them for extraction) to tell the ENTIRE story. All a man can do is apologize and learn by it. I have done such. Forgiveness is in the eye of people. People who at times have erred too, and have been forgiven. If they chose to forgive me for it I will not ever let them down again. If they choose not to forgive me for it, I forgive them for their anger. The Special Edition show, a few say it was a mistake going on air as soon as possible after, because I had not had much clarity and sounded exhausted. I was mentally and physically exhausted. For that I have to say, no. At the time I was not ready yet to completely implicate Biscardi in being complicit with anything yet. I needed rest, clarity and a review of materials. But I did need to get the word out that YES, I was lied to and misled, and yes there was an attempt at a cover-up, that had I not been there could have been one of the possible scenarios resulting. As to Dyer's new videos implicating me, well consider the source. I think we need not much to ponder upon that. The truth in all of this matter is on my side, no one else's. I'll take a polygraph on any of these items and allegations on my "complicity". Plain and simple, I put the parties in contact at their request, fed a bunch of deceptions and flew out there to Indiana to verify real or not. I expected not to be in the middle of any controversy, I was in air at the time of the press conference. At the time of my show, I had thought the only people Biscardi had lied to was myself and the crew there, not knowing what he had said at the press conference. I now know differently. And again apologize for not being "in the know" before airing Monday. There are many that were "in the loop" on my side. More than a handful of my closest people. They know this too is the entire truth and why now I feel that Biscardi was complicit in this. It's either that or he is the most naive person in the world. But none the less, you cannot take away the fact he lied to the public, and that is not a good reflection upon our research efforts. So it is complicity even if it is by stupidity. But in my opinion, I believe he knew exactly what he was doing. It was clear Whitton and Dyer were attempting to scam others so Biscardi didn't start this hoax, but became part of it by lies and deceptions. I believe that they got him in deep, and for Biscardi there was no turning back. Biscardi didn't start this ruse, but he rose to it by lying, deceiving people what he saw...oh yeah there's that DNA letter thing too. I stated on my blog, that should this be a hoax, it would be a death blow for Tom Biscardi and his company. Now his investors must look at what has happened and make further judgments on their future involvement with him. I stated to an organization a year and a half or so, that if something were to happen like this, I would get the truth out there, and here it is folks, my time-line. What was said what was done. My allegiance is to the truth. HERE IS FULL DISCLOSURE: TIMELINE June 16 - Whitton & Dyers site created July 9 - Whitton states on video that they've recovered a Bigfoot "corpse". Coincidentally after Whitton is released from hospital from being shot. July 25 - I issue challenge to get them to come on Radio Show July 28 - Dyer asks me to call him, speak with him. I can't get him to crack, asks who is Tom Biscardi. July 28 - I put Biscardi in contact with them. July 28 - Dyer appears on my Radio Show July 29 - Called and thank Dyer for being on show. Biscardi tells me Dyer stated they sold the "corpse" to the National Enquirer. July 30 - I find out they did not sell body to National Enquirer as they stated to us personally, and attorney mentioned on radio show knew nothing of a bigfoot body. Biscardi calls me and tells me Dyer and Whitton want him to deal with the body exclusively. July 30 - Both Whitton and Dyer appear on Biscardi's Radio show July 31 - I call SFB VP Bob Schmalzbach and tell him I think this is a con, he needs to talk to Biscardi. He tells me to call him. I do get a voicemail. I'll cll in the early AM. BISCARDI'S FIRST TRIP Aug 1 - I call Biscardi and advise him of some revealing information about Dyer, I believe this is a con. Biscardi says he'll get to the bottom of it. Receive a phone call, from Biscardi, wants me to write an interim contract. Tells me he's going to get DNA. Aug 2 - Biscardi calls and when asked states he cannot speak about what he saw. Calls later saying that he was "Right there when the DNA was cut from the body". States "This thing has incredibly thick skin" Aug 4 -Contract stated my name as the introductory party as my only involvement. Told that the DNA is being hand delivered to Dr. Curt Nelson BISCARDI'S SECOND TRIP Aug 9 - Biscardi told me that tomorrow he's taking the measurements, and taking pictures. Aug 10 - Biscardi describes the body, tells me about the eyes, the teeth, and genitalia. Aug 11 - Biscardi forwards me an email from Dr. Nelson stating the DNA amplification size was consistent with human/ape and was going to be sequenced. Aug 13 - I was given picture of alleged corpse. I had issues with the body. Biscardi sees my doubts tells asks me if he "would drop 50 large if this wasn't the real thing, I saw it". Aug 14 - Saw comparisons of pictures to costume. Expressed it to Biscardi who told me he saw it and its not a costume, its the real thing. Crew picks up freezer from Whitton and Dyer, give them $50K. Crew thought it was supposed to be defrosted but they found it frozen. when I heard "corpse" was in transport I buy my plane ticket. Aug 15 - Depart airport arrive in Indianapolis at 4:10PM EST. In flight during press conference. At Press conference (Palo Alto, Ca) Whitton describes how they cam across "corpse" etc. Biscardi states He touched it, smelled it, felt it amongst other deceptions. Aug 15 - I am driven to location in Indiana, outside of Muncie in a rural community. There are no TV's however I see a few snippets of Whitton on a computer at the press conference. Aug 16 - Ice melts to where I can get a hair sample. I examined hairs and determine they are not hairs. We burn it an it balls up into a melted wad, uncharacteristic of hair. We begin speed thaw using a salamander heater, and eventually pull a rubber foot out. Advise Biscardi who is unusually calm about it. Aug 16 - Biscardi calls (two of the crew and investor are not present at the time) and he wants to fill the freezer up with water, freeze it, release it back to Whitton & Dyer and we'd make a statement that the public pressure was too much on them and they took their body back, and place a gag order on it, never speak of it again. I staunchly object and would not participate in it. Aug 16 - I talk with Whitton to return the money, he states they don't have it and the only want to deal with Biscardi. Biscardi calls back and claims that Whitton & Dyer will sign a promissory note and confession the next morning before they leave for home. I draw up the documents. I try to be extricated but it would be a great burden on my friends and would place one at risk of safety driving there to pick me up. (Did not want him falling asleep at wheel). Aug. 17 - Whitton and Dyer left before their scheduled meeting with Biscardi. Biscardi wants press there to expose it as a hoax, I am not able to leave because of this. I prepare a statement. Monday is a no go for home either now. Aug 18 - Bob Schmalzbach removes many of the separation items in the statement. Media shows up and statement is transmitted. They are angry because of this position of separation. Aug 18 - Squatchdetective Radio airs I announce the hoax at 10:10 PM, am flooded by several questions about Whitton, Dyer, etc. Last callers lower the boom on Biscardi. I am in the presence of Biscardi's son and close friend, if I agreed on the lying at that point it could have risked me physical harm. Why I responded the way I did by not answering. Not denying either. When asked about Biscardi's complicity, I stated "I don't believe so." At the time I did not. But I needed to review the conference as well as other materials and digest. Aug 18 - Everyone is enraged I didn't call out Biscardi that night...I will not succumb either to peer pressure, to state a popular opinion. I needed to get my "ducks in a row." I had to get my head clear...and relevant facts entered. I also learn from a source that the DNA report he sent me on the 11th most likely was altered. Aug 19 - I leave 5+ hours early for the airport, and soon as my "handlers" leave I get the word out of what had occurred, the deceptions. I apologized to listeners of the previous show for not being able to tell it like it is. My could have waited. I am physically and mentally exhausted. Officially break ties with Tom Biscardi and his company. I arrive home at 11:30PM from airport. Aug 20 - Whitton and Dyer state Biscardi and I coached them. I issued statement stating the above involvement was all I've had, I never met them or even been to Georgia this year. I Agree to take polygraph if anyone volunteers one. I Issue a cease and desist letter to Biscardi for any attempt at communication to me. Aug 21 - I appear on Fox and Friends at 6:50AM and reveal the deceptions of Tom Biscardi now believing he was complicit in the hoax based upon the DNA email and statements made. Aug 22 - updated to reflect the facts in this matter. NOTE: the entire scenario of the hoax is described in Autumn Williams' post on her website as well as the links posted here. It will be interesting to see if Tom Biscardi and Steve Kulls respond to the accusations in this video. If any of what Dyer is saying is indeed fact, then Pandora's Box may start to open. The first and second videos of this series are very hard to believe, as well as the craziness of these so-called 'Bigfoot Trackers' my estimation, it's a stunt designed for a future scheme. But these claims against Biscardi and Kulls had better be factual and provable...or the 'Bigfoot Trackers' may find tort predicaments down the road. |
Just the Facts? Soylent Green is People, Haunted Car and Hackensack Close Encounter Posted: 08 Sep 2011 12:21 PM PDT Soylent Green is People!! Reports last week that researchers could be just six months away from producing the world's first artificial meat, using thousands of stem cells bred in a laboratory, sent a wave of fascination around the world. Yet there is an even more ghoulish prospect ahead: the idea of eating artificial food made from humans. This may sound like science fiction, yet a new technique for making gelatin from human DNA is attracting "increasing interest from research and industrial circles", according to a new study by scientists from the Beijing University of Chemical Technology. The paper, published recently in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, revealed that successful experiments had been carried out in which human genes were inserted into a strain of yeast to "grow" large amounts of recombinant (genetically engineered) human gelatin. Gelatin has a long history of use as a gelling agent by the food industry – and, according to the journal's publisher, the American Chemical Society, human-derived gelatin "could become a substitute for some of the 300,000 tons of animal-based gelatin produced annually for desserts, marshmallows, candy and innumerable other products". There would be safety issues to consider. When an ice-cream parlour in London began selling flavours derived from human breast milk earlier this year, it was soon withdrawn for hygiene reasons. The Food Standards Agency said: "There would be a restriction on the sale or import of this type of product, because it would require a pre-market safety assessment." However, scientists do not believe that the new gelatin product would pose any risk. "There's a very high degree of similarity between gelatin that comes from a cow, a pig, and a human," explains Dr David Olsen, senior scientist at FibroGen, which specialises in recombinant gelatins. "So due to their similarities, I can't see why there would be a health risk to it. It's a very similar protein to what people have been ingesting for many years." In fact, human-derived gelatin is already in use by the pharmaceutical industry in the manufacture of certain pills and vaccines. The highly controlled production techniques of the laboratory offer a more consistent product than "traditional" gelatin, which is made from the bones and skin of pigs and cows. More broadly, human genes are used by pharmaceutical firms in the production of insulin for diabetics, human growth hormone, and erythropoietin, which is used to treat anaemia. In fact, the Beijing University scientists believe their method offers many health advantages over animal-derived gelatin. Researchers from the Sapporo Medical University of Japan have reported an increase in allergic reactions to animal-derived gelatin in vaccines, but such a response to human material is less likely. Moreover, the risk of gelatin transmitting animal-borne diseases such as BSE would be eliminated. It remains to be seen, however, whether there is an appetite for human protein among the wider public. Dr Gregory Kaebnick, of the US-based Hastings Center for bioethics and public policy, says the idea of human-derived gelatin "appears to raise the question of cannibalism", even though such concerns may be misplaced. "The gelatin is not derived from human tissue in the same way that animal gelatin is," he says. "It's really derived from yeast – yeast that have been modified with genetic sequences found in human beings." This difference may help remove the taboo borne by human-derived food products. "You really wouldn't see it or recognise it," says Dr Olsen. "It would almost be part of whatever the food is, and you wouldn't notice the difference." Either way, it won't appear in the organic aisle any time soon. - telegraph NOTE: Soylent Green - for those who have no idea what the hell I'm talking about...Lon :) ********** Haunted Car Dear Lon, I have been reading with great interest the stories of the driverless cars. It reminded me very much of the 1967 red Mustang that my brother once owned. This cardid not drive by itself, but it certainly had a mind of its own and it seemed to be bent on trying to kill my brother. I wrote about the story in my very first book many years ago, and since then I have to confess I've often wondered exactly what had been going on with that car. In 1981 my brother, Terry, purchased an old red Mustang that had caught his eye the local dealership. It was certainly not a practical car for he had five children, but something about the car appealed to him and he bought it. The car handled well enough in the beginning. My sister, who was 15 years old, was also fascinated with the vehicle. It was built in the same year that she was born. At first my brother used to tease her and tell her that when he was done with the car he would give it to her, but then he began to hedge when she asked about the vehicle. One night Terry and I were sitting in the kitchen talking and he confided to me that there was something terribly wrong with the car. It seemed that about a month earlier the Township the been doing roadwork and had rerouted traffic so that it ran along a highway that actually ran through a local cemetery. There were retaining walls on both sides of the highway to hold back the graves. When they built the road they actually had to move graves further up the hill and it was those graves that threatened to slide down from time to time. Terry told me that each time he drove through the cemetery the car seemed to try and swerve into the retaining wall. He said it was as though someone else grabbed the wheel and stomped their foot down on the gas. He had to wrestle for control of the steering wheel on several time and he had come within inches of striking that retaining wall. Our older brother, Jerry, was known for his mechanical ability and he pulled the braking system apart several times but could find nothing wrong with it. He replaced the steering column and checked every conceivable possibility, but could find nothing wrong with the vehicle. Furthermore, as long as you stayed away from that road that ran through the cemetery, the car did not seem to have any problems. But as soon as they took the car onto the cemetery road, it again tried to strike the retaining wall. It was as if someone else had control the car-- or the car had a mind of its own. Eventually Terry parked the car because he was afraid to drive it. He put the car in a storage shed and left it there for several years. I know that on several occasions he got the car out and tried to drive it through the cemetery, but each time the car reacted as though someone else wanted him to run into the that wall. Finally, Terry made arrangements for the car to be crashed at a local junkyard. He was afraid that the pretty little car would be spared by someone in the junkyard in its last moments, and so he actually made arrangements to watch the car get crashed. For a man who loved vintage cars, this had to be difficult, but Terry believed that there was something significantly wrong with that vehicle. Any time I hear stories of vehicles that drive themselves, or of cursed or haunted cars, I remember riding in that little red Mustang-- and I remember the fear my brother's face when he told me why the car had to be destroyed. Patty Wilson author: "Haunted Pennsylvania" ********** Close Encounter in Hackensack, NJ On the morning of 10/22/82 7:30 a.m. I awoke to a real sighting of an unknown object which was over my floor in front of my bed to the left. It was approx. 10"w x 18"h cyclinder shaped, rotating its mass of small round, different sized shapes at an extremely fast speed in a clock wise direction, colored in blues and greens, creating a loud humming sound. This was a starting experience to come in contact with while I was awake and watching it from my bed in total amazement. I almost could not believe this was happening, before my very eyes and ears. I was looking at something that was spinning with centrifugal force that I could not explain. After viewing it for some time I gave myself a reality check and pinched myself. After I realized it was real, beautiful and bizarre I did not know what it was there for or what to do so I walked along the right wall into the next room, the bathroom and I could still hear the humming loud sound it was making so I came out went into bed and watched some more until it disappeared. It did not scare me and it left me with tranquility and joy. - MUFON CMS KEN'S NOTE: We have had many sightings and strange experiences from the Hackensack area in past years. Hackensack is on the Hudson river across from Manhattan New York. The above image is a rendering. - Ken Pfeifer - New Jersey State Section Director MUFON ********** Whitley Strieber, 'Communion' Author, Describes Bizarre Encounter With Mystery Man Is there more than one physical universe? Why is Earth's climate changing so suddenly? At what point will intelligent machines pose a threat to the men and women who invent them, not to mention the rest of humanity? Many forward-thinking writers have pondered these questions. But none has approached them quite like Whitley Strieber, who says many of his ideas were formed after a mysterious stranger visited him in a hotel room in the middle of the night in 1998. Strieber is the internationally best-selling author of numerous books that have been made into feature films, including 1987's New York Times No. 1 non-fiction bestseller "Communion" (his account of a close encounter with what he calls intelligent non-humans), "The Wolfen" and "The Hunger." Continue reading at Whitley Strieber, 'Communion' Author, Describes Bizarre Encounter With Mystery Man ********** Who doesn't like the taste of Schweddy Balls? That's a question Ben & Jerry of ice cream fame are hoping gets answered after they announced the new flavor will be added to their line-up of unusual labels in many of their stores and on supermarket shelves across the country. Not familiar with the flavor? It's all a cosmic joke, in answer to one of the most popular, and funny, comedy skits played out on Saturday Night Live, with Alec Baldwin as the infamous Schweddy (Schwetty?). Schweddy Balls ice cream.As part of a spoof on the decidedly laid-back programming on NPR, SNL pulled the goof on one of Baldwin's many hosting shows, poking fun at the innocence, or downright cluelessness, of some of NPR's radio hosts. In the clip below, the radio hosts are oohing and ahhing over Alec's "Schweddy balls" which are actually a new holiday treat his fictional character is touting on the show. The skit has gone somewhat underground, due to the nature of the double entendre, but apparently Ben & Jerry never forgot it. Now they're launching a new flavor, named after that infamous pastry, and will sell it in about 30% of their markets, both shops and for home consumption. According to NPR itself, Pete's delicious Schweddy Balls are made of "vanilla ice cream with a hint of rum and is loaded with fudge covered rum balls and milk chocolate malt balls." Mmmm... sounds delicious! But just in case the name doesn't ring a bell, have a look at this clip of the original skit. Guaranteed to make the mouth water! - Alec Baldwin's 'Schweddy Balls' Come to Life Thanks to Ben & Jerry Click for video |
A Recollection of Mothman-Like Accounts Posted: 08 Sep 2011 05:05 PM PDT ![]() The following account was referred to me by the Munroe Falls Paranormal Society. None of the report has been edited...Lon MFPS was contacted by a person who had an extremely odd sighting of an entity here in Stow, OH an adjacent community of my hometown. Witness' wife contacted me with story and after several days of negotiation, witness agreed to meet with me, recreate the events and answer questions. Witness extremely hesitant, but wife persuaded him to give story. Night of 9/14/09 witness, who wishes to remain anonymous, but name and other vitals on record, was driving to work, 10:15pm, Northbound on Hudson Drive. As witness drove under the RT8 overpass bridge, just north of the Hudson Drive Applebee's Restaurant, he sighted a 9-10′ tall solid black entity standing on the southbound side of the road. No discernible head or facial features noticed. Duration approx. 5-10secs. Distance approx 15-20′ from his vehicle. Witness had the feeling the entity was watching him and was "there" for him only. No other vehicles/persons present during sighting. Immediately after turning his head back to the road, he looked in rearview mirror, entity no longer visible. Did not see entity depart or disappear. Witness became extremely upset and scared. Felt that he paled, and his eyes began to water uncontrollably. First thought was to turn around and go home, calling off of work. He tried to call his wife at home, but cell phone would not work, either from the programmed address book, or manual input calling. Kept getting "call failed", which has never happened before. Cell phone continued to be affected all the way to the I-271 entrance ramp, approx. 8-10 miles up the road. Witness did make it to his job, but has since regretted not turning around and going home, due to his state of mind. The experience was traumatic in every sense of that word. It was a "bad" night for him at work. Weather was clear, starry. No other known witnesses, no animal sightings. Other than the uncontrollable watering of the eyes, no other physiological or physical effects on his person. Other than the cell phone not working, no other effects noticed on inanimate objects, such as streetlights, car, or timepiece (watch). There was no religious interpretation, no known memory lapse, no dreaming related to sighting as of this report. Witness did report close encounter with UAO as a ten year old when he lived in Akron, other than that, no overt paranormal experiences were reported during his normal daily life. Witness tried to box his sighting into something prosaic. Closest he could come was an electric company canvas transformer covering, but on reflection, he's certain that that was not what he observed. Entity too tall, too big for that. Witness stated that immediately after the sighting he became more and more agitated and scared the further he drove along. Distinct feeling that the entity was waiting for him and possibly following him, but he did not see it again, that night. No disturbances at witness place of residence. The following day on his way home, as he neared the RT8 overpass, this time driving over the bridge he went under the day before, as he approached the bridge area, his eyes began to water uncontrollably once again, as he drove over the bridge and his eyes continued to water, until he passed beyond the bridge, then his eyes began to clear up. Witness provided me a pencil drawing of what he observed. When I first saw the drawing I was incredulous. The drawing bears an uncanny resemblance to the original drawing submitted by the original MOTHMAN witness of Point Pleasant WV, 1966. Witness willing to keep me informed of any further sightings or activity. I believe I have gained his trust, as I mentioned he wasn't really interested in coming forth with this. My intuitive reaction is that witness is extremely believable and honest in his testimony. No outrageous embellishments to either his story, which I made him relate twice, nor to his drawing, which was really rather simple in nature. So in the end, no answers at this point, but the eerie drawing he provided and it's uncanny resemblance to the MOTHMAN legacy are very much intriguing. I will continue to correspond and follow up with witness periodically and will be anxiously awaiting to see if any other sightings are reported in this vicinity that might validate this entity's appearance. ********** ![]() ![]() Mexico: State of Chihuahua Terrorized by "Man-Bat" A Report By Prof. Ana Luisa Cid ***Creature has wings and its face is covered in fur*** According to information supplied by Ing. Francisco Prieto Torres, residents of La Junta, Guerrero (Chihuahua) have reported the appearance of a "Man-Bat". They describe it as a very tall entity, standing some 2 meters tall, with two pairs of wings (one pair larger than the other). Its face is covered in fur and has red, bloodshot eyes. Also reported are a pair of small, kangaroo type hands that it held loosely, as though it lacked any strength in them. The main witness is a young student at Universidad Regional del Norte, whose name is being kept confidential, and who claims that the strange humanoid chased him for 15 minutes on the evening of March 6. The witness was driving a Liberty back to his home after his studies, when he saw a bulk on the roadway asphalt resembling a hunched-over man who seemed to be covered in a blanket. The figure suddenly stood up, taking two leaps forward and displaying a set of wings similar to those of a bat. The young man floored the accelerator in an attempt to flee, but the strange creature flew with great power, keeping abreast of the vehicle and looking in through the passenger window. "Those were 15 minutes of maximum despair," he said. This report has been made known on local radio and in the print media, such as El Heraldo de Chihuahua. Ing. Francisco Prieto has already located the place where the young man's father works and he wishes to interview him himself. If this is achieved, he will be forwarding the materials to me to make the entire ordeal known. It should be added that the family is known for being respectable and are held in high esteem in the community. Local radio has reported that that a photo of the "Man-Bat" exists, although no further details have been provided. Other Witnesses Angela Mendez and Viviana Ledezma are two women who claim to have heard the humanoid squealing amid the screns of an apple grove near the Miñaca Cemetery. The Authorities A joint mission was undertaken by members of the Police and Civil Defense of the Municipality of Guerrero in the State of Chihuahua. Socorro Rodriguez Erives reported that after researching several locations it was not possible to find the whereabouts of this strange entity. According to initial reports, the flying entity had its lair in the caves of the mountainous area of the Miñaca region. Despite their best efforts, no trace of the creature was found. Many think that it was just a myth, while others associate it with "Mothman" I will continue to report on this situation when word is received from Ing. Prieto Torres, who is looking into this Mexican case. NOTE: I'm always interested in reading any strange encounters that you may have experienced...just forward a thorough and well-written account that can be used on the blog. Thanks...Lon ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Join Eric Altman and Lon Strickler each Sunday at 8 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing The Social - Paranormal Network ![]() A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcasts! 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