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- Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 42
- Just the Facts? Animal Mutilations in Wales, Messages to ET and Strange Sounds Worldwide
- Recent Bigfoot News and Updates
Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 42 Posted: 31 Aug 2011 02:37 PM PDT The following are previous humanoid / cryptid encounter reports received by various agencies worldwide: THE BEAST Location: Johnson City, Tennessee - June 18, 1997 - 1:00 am The witness and his cousin were out hunting and were sitting on the side of the wall of a rather large hollow which consisted of very thick underbrush and lots of evergreen. A larger valley then lead first to a clearing and then on to a supposed old Indian graveyard. All of the sudden they heard the brush in the hollow below rattling and they could tell that whatever was making the sounds was rather large. The main witness was armed with a Ruger 10-22 rifle with approximately 150 rounds of ammo ready to go. Under his night vision scope he could see what appeared to be a man, but upon further inspection he realized that the "man" was a creature about 7-8 ft tall approximately 450 lbs. It was covered with thick black fur and was slimmer that the popular Bigfoot image, almost skinny with a neck. Also protruding on either side of its head were long tapered "horns" also black in color. On the top of the head also protruded a horn pointing straight up. All horns were approximately 5-6 inch in length and were the same dark color as the creature. The terrified witness emptied a 25 round clip into the creature and then retreated into a nearby cabin about 65 ft away. The next morning they could not find anything except for lots of spent shell casings and bullet holes on a walnut tree. He thought he had struck the creature several times. Nearby animals traps had been sprung and all the bait extracted. On a nearby ridge the witnesses located a series of tunnels made up of brush and various sizes of tree limbs, vines and leaves. They thought it could have been "the lair of the beast." Afraid they returned home. Source: GCBRO Weird Stories ********** RUNNING MAN Location: near Ajo, Arizona - Spring 2002 - 2:30 am A 59 year-old man wondered about something or someone he saw one night while driving in the desert on the road to Ajo. He and his friends would go to Puerto Penasco, Mexico every year to fish and enjoy the sea of Cortez. To avoid the heat they would leave Colorado (San Luis Valley) about 3:00 pm and be on the road to Ajo about 3:00 am. His story: This night I was driving a rental car and everyone else was asleep when I was passed by a naked man running in the opposite lane of the direction I was driving. He was barefoot and moving really fast! I looked in the rearview mirror as I hit the brakes to see if he needed help and he took off into the desert barefoot. As I kept driving I was looking for a car or someone who may have broken down on the road, but no one was to be seen...this really bothered me. The following year in the same area about the same time of the night I was sleeping in the backseat of the car when I woke up briefly and looked out the car window. I saw a very large dog carved out of stone similar to the Chinese stone carvings in a ditch along the highway! I believe I had seen something to do with skinwalkers but not sure. Source: witness statement NOTE: very similar to many of the Navajo shapeshifter stories I read and hear...Lon ********** ABDUCTED Location: Near Cleveland, Ohio - March 11, 2003 - midnight The witness suddenly woke up wide feeling afraid and wide-eyed. He then saw 4 creatures leaning over him. He went to reach over to his nightstand to grab his gun but as soon as he moved one the creatures pointed some sort of device at him, he heard a hum and then he could no longer move. He could not even move his eyes. He could see his wife out of the corner of his eye, but it seemed that she was still sleeping. His next memory was of lying on some sort of gurney. He was naked and the cart was made out of cold metal. The 4 creatures were taking him down some sort of hallway. The walls were dark gray with a scaly type of texture to it. The hallway was lit up, but there were no light fixtures and he could not see the source of the light. He was no longer paralyzed but his arms and legs appeared to be restrained somehow, but there were no clamps or straps. It was as if they were magnetized to the cart. During the brief trip down this hall, there was an open door way off to his right, he glanced into the room for a second, and was able to get a mental image as to what was in the room. There were 7 creatures, 2 were standing in front of a panel at the far end of the room. The panel had some small lights on it. Then there were 3 more to the left side of the room studying what appeared to be a holographic map of the earth. There were several red dots on the map. It seemed that they marked certain "targets" or "locations". Then there were 2 more of the creatures standing in the center of the room, facing each if they were having a conversation but there was no sound. There was actually no sound in the structure that he was in. There was complete silence. They put him in a very bright room, and again he could not see the source of the light. One of the creatures waved his hand over his face. The creature had 3 fingers, resembling 1 index type of finger and opposite thumbs. As soon as his hand went across his face, his body went numb. He was extremely groggy, but he could see what was happening. He could not speak a word. One of the creatures took a long metal object and inserted it in his nose. A sample was apparently taken then the creature inserted the same device into his mouth, reaching almost to the back of his throat. As soon as he started gagging the creature pulled the device out his mouth. One of the creatures then came towards him with something that resembled a device that measures blood pressure. The device was wrapped around the witness penis. He felt a lot of pressure and after a couple of seconds the device was pulled off. A creature then walked behind his head. His head was lifted up until his chin touched his chest. Then he felt a chunk of his hair pulled out. Soon he felt extremely dizzy and passed out. His next recollection was of waking up in his bed at 4:30 am. His penis was sore and appeared larger than normal. He described the creatures as about 4 ft tall, they wore no apparel, there were no genitalia and their arms and legs were much longer than their torso. They were very skinny, with no muscle tone, no signs of fatty tissue, no veins and no bone structure showing through their skin. Their skin was a blue-gray color, almost like a gunmetal color. Very smooth, almost like they were made out of porcelain. Their heads were longer than wide, oval shaped, large black eyes, no retinas, veins or corneas. There was no hair on their bodies. They did not have ears. There were 3 small holes on each side of their heads. They had 2 oval openings above the mouth. Their mouths were like a slit 2" long, horizontal. Source: I was ********** UGLY HUMANOIDS Location: Rauma Finland - June 19, 1979 - 12:30 am The two witnesses that lived in a rural area were sitting in their living room with the window opened when one of them caught sight of a silvery gray metallic cupola shaped object resting on the ground not to far away. The bottom of the object was blue black in color and it was emitting a blue-black beam of light from its middle section. The beam briefly swept the nearby woods then switched off. Both witnesses had now seen the object and one of them decided to have a closer look. This witness walked very close to the object and was able to see that it rested on small metallic legs. The upper part of the object was transparent and inside two small humanoids could be seen. These were described a very "ugly" with crooked beak like noses and covered with green brown spots, they had large bulging eyes, pointed chins, large mouths and pointed ears. Both wore shiny gray helmets with antennae with a yellow line on the middle. They also wore black gloves and clothing. The witness was also able to see numerous gauges and levers inside the object. The being nearest to the witness made a sudden move and the witness was suddenly blinded and fell back. The craft then took off emitting a whistling sound. The witness eyes were irritated for the next several hours and he was briefly in a state of shock. Source: Juhani Kyrolainen & Pekka Teerikorpi - FSR ********** WINGED SCORPION HUMANOIDS? Location: Devil's Swamp, Louisiana - June 8, 2000 - 6:30 am 41-year old Roger Mixon was hunting in an isolated and aptly named area when he came across a bizarre dark-purple color object the size of an 18-wheeler and shaped like a bat wing sitting on the ground. He could see a drawbridge type door that was opened and nearby saw three creatures attempting to capture an alligator. The beings wore what appeared to be crowns of gold had human-like faces and had long hair and sharp teeth like those of lions. They had breastplates resembling cast iron. One of the most bizarre features was the 4 wing-like protrusions and scorpion-like tail that each creature had. They did not see Mixon at first but when one spotted him he fired his 12-gauge shotgun hitting one in the chest knocking him down, but the creature quickly was on his feet again and apparently fired back with some type of implement that dangled from his waist. A beam like light struck the witness on his wrist leaving a scar. According to the witness he has lost most of the use of that arm as a result of the incident. He fired once more and the humanoids then rose up in the air and flew back inside the object. The door closed and it took off at lighting speed. The witness never hunted in those woods again. Source: UFO Watch |
Just the Facts? Animal Mutilations in Wales, Messages to ET and Strange Sounds Worldwide Posted: 31 Aug 2011 12:59 PM PDT Mystery of farm animal mutilations in Wales A decade of clinical animal mutilations in Wales is being investigation by pathologists who suspect aliens may be to blame. The organisation, called the Animal Pathology Field Unit (APFU), was set up in 2001 to investigate after sheep and cattle were discovered dead with strange, surgical-style injuries. Reports have since been produced on mutilated lambs in Beddgelert, Gwynedd, slaughtered texel rams in Plwmp, Dyfed, and a farm in Bleddfa, Powys, where it is claimed 20 ewes go missing every June. And in a plot twist worthy of Steven Spielberg-produced summer blockbuster Super 8, it is also claimed the military has moved in to find out what is going on. In the Ohio-set blockbuster the US army imprisons a confused extraterrestrial that has crash-landed on Earth before it eventually gets out on the loose. The APFU concentrates most of its resources in the Rea valley near the border and in towns including Knighton and Llandrindod Wells, where mutilations are said to be rife. It claims the injuries are too "sophisticated" to have been caused by predators and animals have been killed in locations which are difficult to reach without being detected. And Phil Hoyle, of the APFU, says the curious lack of blood or footprints at the scene – despite the surgical removal of large amounts of tissue – means extraterrestrials can't be ruled out as the cause of the attacks. He said: "We are looking to the UFO connection and things people are describing, unconventional things entering the sea and leaving the sea. "We have some farmers that have seen unusual lights and found animals killed in an extremely surgical way. "These are not done by satanic cults. These are very sophisticated – whether done by aliens, military or some clandestine monitoring, something unusual is going on." John Duggan, a farmer with more than 700 acres of land from Monaughty near Knighton, where one of the mutilations is alleged to have taken place, said: "We do find sheep dead, usually when we find them they have been killed by wildlife, like birds. "We haven't seen anything surgical – it is just something dead or carved up and you might not be able to find it for two or three days." Mr Hoyle – who has been investigating UFOs since 1983 – said Wales, alongside the US, is one of the world's hotspots for the mutilation phenomenon. "We don't know what has the ability to do this: literally to walk into an isolated area, surgically remove tissue, walk out and not leave a footprint or anything," he said. He said activity in the past six months had increased significantly, and claimed the military had moved in to monitor the situation. The Ministry of Defence denied it had any personnel in Wales looking for UFOs. A spokesman said: "There is no benefit in such investigations." Beddgelert, Gwynedd, 2001: A lamb was found on a small farm a few miles outside of Beddgelert. A large, oval-shaped hole had been made through its left hip bone. It was roughly an inch-wide and there was a 45-degree-angled smooth "trepanning" of the bone. The field notes ask: What sort of mechanism could have achieved that? Brook Farm, Plwmp, Dyfed, 2002: According to field notes a farmer found mutilated texel rams in the morning having inspected the animals the night before when there was no sign of anything unusual. A week before the ram attack the farmer had lost six ewes to what the APFU describes as the "usual modus operandi" which includes a jaw strip, missing tongue and hardly any blood. Woodside farm, Monaughty, Bleddfa, Powys, 2009: Four dead ewes were found with facial strips. According to field notes there were "a number of other odd incidents down the years including an annual instance of 15 to 20 ewes disappearing without trace." Notes state: "It should also be noted that the SAS are known to conduct training exercises in this area, again a common denominator, could they be monitoring the situation?" - walesonline ********** Messages to extraterrestrials It seems as though the world has been mildly obsessed with the idea of an alien invasion ever since the Discovery Channel aired a documentary in April 2010 entitled "Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking," in which renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking cautioned against attempting contact with extraterrestrials, who he suggested are likely hostile. His daughter Lucy, however, ignored this warning. In February 2011, Lucy Hawking, writer-in-residence for Arizona State University's Origins Project, launched a writing contest called "Dear Aliens," which asked students to answer the following questions: What would you say to extraterrestrials if earthlings are contacted from outer space? If you had to speak for humanity, what would you say? According to the Arizona Republic, nearly 1,000 messages were submitted to the contest. Benjamin Lee, a seventh-grade student from Mesa, Arizona won the contest. At a ceremony in early April 2011, Stephen Hawking was present to read Lee's message: Dear Aliens, Please help us save our world. Not from you, from ourselves. We are destroying our planet and need help from more technologically advanced beings. Our planet is polluted, many nations are at war, there is civil unrest, and our economy is in turmoil. And despite Stephen Hawking's grim warning against attempting alien contact, Lee's message was beamed into space, where is was bounced off the moon. Professor and theoretical physicist Paul Davies was also involved with the "Dear Aliens" contest. Davies is head of the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Post Detection Task Group, which means that, when contact is made with extraterrestrials, it is Davies' responsibility to determine what message to send back to the extraterrestrials. Another message to extraterrestrials was recently sent to space–cyberspace that is. Hank Green of the Vlogbrothers (Hank and John Green, a.k.a. the Vlogbrothers, are two of the most successful YouTubers) just posted a video to YouTube titled, "A Letter to the Aliens." According to, this video gives extraterrestrials "a crash course in human biology and society." - openminds ********** Strange Sounds....Worldwide In reference to the Windsor, Ontario rumble, several readers have forwarded links to videos that include strange unexplained sounds: Strange sound in Kiev (Ukraine). Strange sound in Kiev again Aug.11.11 From our reader Will: "David Wilcock believes that they are the noises from the construction of underground tunnels and some believe it is the testing of the Project Blue Book scenarios, powered by our friend, HAARP. Others think it may have something to do with comet Elinin." Strange sound in Lviv Aug.17.11 Strange Noise in the skies of Jersey City, New Jersey The Hum - weird noise plaguing village Strange Noise In Georgia Strange Sound in the Sky WHAT THE HELL? Florida March, 2011-EERIE SOUND From Sky! More strange sounds from 08.2011, near Homel, Belarus ********** Weird, Birdlike Mystery Drone Crashes in Pakistan It looks a bit like silver bird. It probably was used to spy on insurgents. And now it's in the hands of the Pakistanis. WIRED editor-in-chief Chris Anderson flags pictures of an unusual, unfamiliar drone that reportedly crashed crashed over southwestern Pakistan late last week. It's a surveillance drone, with a camera attached — recovered from the crash but not apparently visible in this photo — rather than the larger, deathly flying robots that shoot missiles. This one looks tiny, with a wingspan not much longer than a man's outstretched arms, and clearly light enough for a grown man to carry. The Pakistani Frontier Corps in Baluchistan province recovered the drone. And they confidently declare it to be an "American surveillance unmanned aerial vehicle." But as Anderson points out, it doesn't look like anything the U.S. flies — or at least acknowledges flying. What's the deal? - wired ********** Russian cannibal made meatballs and sausage out of victim and posted videos online A young Russian man who was curious about the taste of human flesh stabbed a man to death and then made meatballs and sausage out of his corpse, the Ria Novosti news agency reported. "The accused stabbed the man a few times, and after having assured himself that the man was dead, he cut up his body and ate him," an official told Ria Novosti. If that weren't wicked enough, the 21-year-old cannibal, a chef in the Arctic city of Murmansk, made sick videos of himself turning his victim's flesh into meals and then posted them online, the Daily Mail reported. But cops quickly took them down from the Internet. The killer, who was not named in news reports, confessed after cops tracked him down earlier this month. He told police that he had plans to kill and eat at least 10 more people. He also told investigators he found his victim on a gay website. He said he chose to target a gay man because he believed gay men are more discreet about online relationships, Ria Novosti reported. Authorities were led to the killer by the victim's mother, who reported her son missing and instructed police to look into his circle of online partners. If convicted of murder, the man faces 15 years in prison. - nydailynews |
Recent Bigfoot News and Updates Posted: 31 Aug 2011 11:16 AM PDT The Next Edition of Bigfoot Kabuki Theater PART 2 OF 10 OF WHAT REALLY WENT DOWN IN MAY OF 2008 BIGFOOT NOT A HOAX Just as I guessed, the 'Men In Black' took the Bigfoot away. They threatened Rick to the point where it made him cry. The MIB also gave them suggestions on how to manipulate the public...but also said that no one would believe them regardless. After 3 years you'd think they would have come up with a better story that this. But considering the source....well, anyway. whoa...Rick got a fancy new bigfootin' tracker truck ----- From Tim Fasano's website: "Why is anyone giving this stupid photo any cred at all. I hear that the Finding Bigfoot crew is now working with Todd Standing. Whats next, Tom Biscardi? Tom is a friend of mine and he would never push something so lame as this. Matt Moneymaker may be charming and all that but Standing is a known hoaxer. By associating with him, and having him on your show, you are now a hoaxer as well. There is no other conclusion that can be drawn. If you ever find your way back to Florida, and have at least one week to spend here. I will show you where the skunk ape is at. Your equipment will allow us to make a real discovery. You must have one week and be willing to work my way (20 hours a day). There are no Seminole Indians were we will go, only skunk ape. Do people not see what a joke this Bigfoot stuff is becoming. Again, anyone who wants to find Bigfoot and has the right equipment, I will show you where to look. If you have a month, we may capture the beast. At best, we will get great images of it. If you think this photo taken by Standing (photo shoped) is real, then there is no hope anymore." - Todd Standing And Matt Moneymaker Are Working Together To Fake Bigfoot Research ----- Two North Carolina nurses are planning to hunt for Bigfoot Read more: The Bladen Journal - Looking for Bigfoot Two local nurses are planning quite an adventure Two enterprising Bladen County women have devised a plan to search for Bigfoot, a.k.a. Sasquatch. Linda Durden and her friend, co-worker Janette Skinner plan to spend some time in September in the Uwharrie National Forest near Asheboro on a mission to gather concrete proof Bigfoot exists. Why Uwharrie? According to Skinner, Animal Planet did a special in February called Finding Bigfoot. The special mentioned sightings in the Uwharrie National Forest, said Skinner. "She's always talked about it and watched the movies," said Skinner of her friend Durden. "We never heard about it (the sightings in North Carolina)." Durden and Skinner have been fishing and camping in the Uwharrie forest for several years. They both say they were not aware of the Bigfoot sightings nor have then seen or heard anything out of the ordinary. When asked if they truly believe the stories, they both thought for a minute. "I don't know if he exists, but I know things exist in the woods which we can't explain," said Skinner. Durden said, "I think he's an animal or some other creature that didn't evolve." The duo are adventurous women who have worked together at the Elizabethtown Nursing Center for the past 12 years. The ladies say they enjoy camping and fishing together. Skinner said in the years past, the two have always stayed in a camp ground near Badin Lake and fished on the river. They say come September they will go primitive camping in the woods away from the more populated camp ground. "We planned a trip this year and decided we could do just as a good of job (as professional Bigfoot hunters)," said Skinner. "We want to try and get a good photo." But aren't they apprehensive? Durden said they will be armed, but they hope to not have to use it. Bigfoot has never been known to harm anyone. "If we feel threatened now we'd have no choice (but to defend ourselves)," said Durden. "We're prepared." Durden and Skinner both said Bigfoot has been known to throw gravel or rocks at humans to try to frighten them away. He's never actually harmed anyone. They have tried to contact Michael Green. His reports of a sighting are the reason Anmimal Planet traveled to Uwharrie. They are still waiting to speak with him. "I hope we can bring some type of 100 percent proof (he exists) back," said Durden. "It's a large forest. We have got a few areas in mind we are going to hit." They said they plan to look for things like twisted trees, hair and, allegedly, a Bigfoot will sleep on a bed of sticks. They aren't certain they will be able to find an actual footprint due to the rough, rocky terrain. They both say they will try various methods of baiting including the use of a Zagnut candy bar, which is reportedly his favorite, said Durden, and peanut butter to try to lure Bigfoot where they can capture a good conclusive photo. The duo says whether or not they are able to gather conclusive proof Bigfoot exists, they plan to have a great time camping. - bladenjournal ----- More Standing...Bigfoot Boom in Banff? If nothing else, the news is bound to make big strides with the Banff tourism industry. No longer will Alberta's best-known mountain park depend solely on breathtaking scenery and abundant wildlife to impress visitors and lure overseas tourists. And no more envy towards other famous vacation spots like Loch Ness and Lake Okanagan, where legendary creatures are rumoured to lurk. Banff now has Bigfoot. Lots and lots of Bigfoots, in fact. Yes, it's an allegation that would have Ripley wondering whether to Believe it or Not, and P.T. Barnum reaching for his cheque book, but the mountains west of Calgary are a hotbed for the huge-footed primates. That's the assertion of a dedicated bigfoot research organization based near Calgary, which claims not only to have video and photo evidence of the mythical beast, but DNA proof as well. "When I first started, I was a skeptic, but not anymore — now I'm a wholehearted believer in the species," said Todd Standing, spokesman for the Sylvanic Bigfoot group. Standing's allegations of a Bigfoot colony living near the border of Banff and Kootenay national park will raise many eyebrows, but his evidence has piqued the interest of the Discovery Channel. This week, crews from "Finding Bigfoot," a hit show on Discovery's Animal Planet channel, are filming in the Calgary area, and Standing says the upcoming episode will be centred upon Sylvanic's discoveries. "We've had exceptional results and we're working with people doing DNA analysis," said Standing. He says preliminary results from hair samples sent in for testing suggest an unknown species of primate, while video and photographs suggest a creature larger than a gorilla, with human-like features. Of course, it's that latter evidence that's bound to have the skeptics taking sasquatch-sized swipes at Standing, particularly the photographs he says are proof of Bigfoot. Paranormal footage, as a rule, is supposed to be grainy, badly-focused and jittery, as if the camera was assembled by Fisher-Price and mounted to the bumper of a gravel truck. Not Sylvanic: Standing boasts a collection of sharp video clips and crisp photographs of Bigfoot, showing far, far more than the usual hirsute primate dashing behind the nearest bush. Instead of blur, we get full-face portraits of the creature, peering from behind trees. "I've had multiple interactions with them, and I've filmed them and photographed them on many occasions," said Standing. "It's a real, living breathing animal, which I got within 60 or 70 yards of." What the producers of Finding Bigfoot make of all this remains to be seen, as their quartet of sasquatchologists examines the Alberta evidence to see if it's on solid footing. The show has gone across North America investigating sightings of the creature, with the network "committed to looking for the Bigfoot until it's found." Standing says he has — though he knows his belief in Bigfoot and the proof he produces from the Banff backwoods opens him to mockery, derision and the suggestion he should sober up. But he accepts the skeptism, because he originally joined the Sylvanic team with the intent of disproving the ancient story of an ape-like creature hiding in the wilderness of North America. "I thought it was a combination of hoaxes and mistaken identities, and I wanted to prove it wasn't true," said Standing. Now, he says Bigfoot is a fact — and with weeks, he hopes to have the DNA evidence to prove it. "We hope to have results by October," said Standing. If that's the case, tourism officials in Banff will surely be thrilled. As it is, they welcome the attention of the popular television show, saying any link with Bigfoot is a bonus for visitors. "Anything interesting that attracts people is a good thing — it seems like some harmless fun," said Mary Morrison, spokeswoman for Banff Lake Louise Tourism. "I mean, who wouldn't want to see a Bigfoot?" - calgarysun ALSO... In his seven year quest to prove to the world that the legendary primate known as Bigfoot truly exists, Calgary's Todd Standing has relayed stories that many people would consider to be outrageous. Having made several expeditions into the northernmost regions of the Rocky Mountains, the 38-year-old cryptozoologist and wilderness guide claims to have discovered entire communities, or, "domiciles," of the ape-like creatures found in North American folklore. He even purports to have had frightening, potentially life-threatening physical encounters with the creatures, also known as Sasquatches, over the years. This week, Standing's seemingly outlandish claims are getting some major media attention as The Discovery Channel is in town to shoot on episode on the former University of Alberta student for its popular program Finding Bigfoot. Producers of the show would not comment on the episode, but they are holding a forum Wednesday at 6 p.m. to be filmed at Camp Horizon near Bragg Creek, where people are invited to share Bigfoot stories, meet the cast, or, simply listen in on the action. They will also be conducting interviews with Standing as well as Nakoda First Nations people who support his findings, throughout the week in Calgary and Kananaskis. "I have encounters one in 10 times that I go out, where I'm successful and actually get close to the group," says Standing. "The group I'm studying right now is so deep in national park territory that they're not used to running away like most Bigfoot groups are. These groups will stand their ground. I've even had bluff charges (from them)." In a couple of encounters Standing claims he's been physically pushed and thrown away from the Bigfoot domiciles he's come upon. In one terrifying encounter he reports that a male charged at him. "He was crashing an 80 pound boulder into the mountain as he approached me ... until I submitted to him," Standing says. "When I laid down flat and let go of my knife, he moved away and gave me the ability to leave the area." According to Standing, The Discovery Channel is not the only television show to express interest in him. Two months ago he says he spoke with the National Geographic Channel, for a program that has yet to air, and he's also sat down with the producers of the program Call Out Search and Rescue, which airs on such channels as Sun TV and Access. Standing also says he's been in talks with Les Stroud, host of the television series Survivorman and Beyond Survival, seen on OLN. Standing says that after shooting their interview segment with him, the Finding Bigfoot team plans to make its own trek into the areas where he claims to have spotted the primates. But Standing does not have faith that they'll find what they're looking for in such a short period. In a week, he says, "they can't go in really deep. . . . It's taken me years of hard work and determination." - calgaryherald ----- The Bigfoot Field Reporter Sharon Lee posts about a new site that regularly updates on the work of M.K. Davis...who's theories regarding 'Patty' have sparked controversy over the years. ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Join Eric Altman and Lon Strickler each Sunday at 8 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing The Social - Paranormal Network ![]() A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcasts! 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