Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- The Tucson UFO Occupant Incidents
- Just the Facts? Giant House-Eating Snails, Rabid Halloween Bat and Cattle Mutilations
- Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society: Fayette County Recordings Remote Viewed / Discussed
The Tucson UFO Occupant Incidents Posted: 19 Sep 2011 10:34 AM PDT A close encounter UFO case took place on Thursday, 10 February 1977 in Tucson, Arizona. It was about 19:30 in the evening and Ms. Lois Stovall, living at 2150 Poquita Vista, just south of Lillian Cavett Elementary School, was sitting in the middle of the couch on the south side of her living room, which faces the school, easily visible through the front window of her living room. She noticed a light, like a bright star, or flame, rising just to the left of the school, like an airplane appears to rise as it comes over the horizon. Her attention was captured by the strange beauty of the light which seemed to rise and come around the southwest corner of the school, passing over the corner of the building and behind the two trees which stand to the south of the structure. It then curved toward her house, approaching at a low level, below the tops of the two trees, and descended to within a few inches of the ground almost directly in front of her house and on the school side of the school fence. It hovered in that position momentarily, almost directly over a bare spot on the school lawn, and then began to move again. Lois told her grandmother, also sitting in the living room, and they both got up and went to the door for a better view. They both saw it begin to rise and move south towards the school fence and their house. It came over the fence and into their yard and slowed again almost over the small tree nearest the street, where it hovered for a couple of minutes. Lois and her grandmother went out into the yard, less than 50 feet from the hovering object and watched. It seemed to move slowly closer as they watched. The object was almost capsule-shaped, cylindrical with blunt rounded ends on both top and bottom. The top was a little more rounded than the bottom. The object seemed to be facing them directly. The cylindrical side, between the top and bottom end curvatures was transparent, and they could see the bright light which first attracted their attention sitting on the bottom of this transparent section behind the transparent surface. The light was kind of like a beautiful flame, with leaping or flowing streamers of red and blue fire in the overall mass of bright but not brilliant white light. The transparent front section of the capsule had dark vertical bars running from top to bottom of the space enclosing the fire. Behind the bars crouched a human-shaped figure, all over gray in color, that looked puffed up, like a balloon, except it had ridges or rings of the same substance running around the appendages, like padding, or like some space suits have. No facial features were observed and no hands or feet were noticed at the ends of the appendages. The figure was standing in the small, close fitting cabin in a crouched position with his hands (or where the hands should have been) slightly forward and just above the knees, as though he were holding some kind of controls in each hand. No controls were seen however. Mrs. Alice Buckner, the grandmother of Lois and owner of the house, went directly up under the craft and was able to reach up with her right hand to within two feet of the bottom of the small craft. She wanted to touch it to see what it was, but it was just out of reach. As she did so it began to rise and it went up vertically a little ways and then changed course and continued ascending at an angle up and toward the south. Lois said she heard a "click" just before it started to move up, but Alice, who was directly under the front of the craft said she did not hear any "click". As she reached up, Alice said, "There's a man in there!" She could see the small puffy figure crouched behind the "flame", and she could see that it was a suit, seemingly inflated, like a balloon, and there was a window in the front of the head part, and she thought she could barely make out a face behind that but was unable to distinguish any particular detail of that face. Then it began to rise and all she could see was the bottom, which was completely smooth. She did not see any features of the cabin such as seat, controls, lights, dials, etc. She does think that the bars were in front of the glass cabin "windshield", however. She saw that the strange light was on the floor in front of and between the little figure's feet. The little figure was about the size of a 6-year-old boy, and almost completely filled the cabin space. She thought the figure was standing in a crouch more than sitting down. She never saw it move in any way. Nothing in the cabin changed before it began to ascend. As it ascended it passed over the corner of Mrs. Turner's carport and the roof of her house and continued its ascent smoothly until it passed above the top wires of the telephone lines that run down the alley behind the Buckner and Turner homes. It continued its climb to the south until it just looked like a star in the night sky. Lois stayed out in the yard and followed it around to the back of the house watching it pass over the telephone wires and away to the south. She says she could follow it easily because it had a golden color to its light while the rest of the stars looked a silvery-white color. She could look away and back again and pick it out immediately because of this strange color. One of the more puzzling aspects of this case is repeated references to helicopters over the schoolyard at the time of this sighting. This in itself is not strange except that there were at first 3 helicopters with glowing red cabin lights flying at very low altitude over the schoolgrounds while the small capsule was being observed. One of them passed almost directly over the small capsule at less than treetop level and flew on to the west, as though it didn't see the capsule at all, something that seemed impossible to1 the various observers. The others criss-crossed the school grounds while the small ship, was hovering. Then when it was climbing away to the south, as Lois followed it around the house, she saw 5 or 6 helicopters in that direction. The Police Department advises that they have only 3 helicopters in all, and one of those is a trainer and is not used at night. The other two are seldom operational at the same time. They have never flown all 3 together at night, and they had no mission or calls of any kind from that area on that night. Davis Monthan AFB has 5 helicopters but they say it would take an exercise operational order to put that many in the air at the same time on any day, and that they would have to be "stood down" (grounded) and prepared to get that many ready to fly at the same time. The area Air Traffic Control Center has no record of any Army helicopter flights through Tucson airspace on the evening of that date. The Air Force and the Police had no joint helicopter exercises at any time during the month of February. Mrs. Dessie Turner, who is Mrs. Buckner's neighbor to the east at 2202 East Poquita Vista was standing in her bathroom brushing her teeth at 19:30, when she saw what she thought was a car turning around in the street in front of the house. She thought it was taking a little too long to turn around and went to the front door to look out the security peephole. She saw a strange light too high above the ground to be automobile lights and went to the front window and pulled the curtain back for a better view. Then she saw the source of the light to be a brilliantly luminous oblong object on the floor behind the glass front of a large capsule-shaped craft hovering at treetop level over her driveway and in front of her neighbor's house. She estimated the capsule-shaped craft to be about 6'6" high and about 2'6" in diameter. The front half of the cylinder-shaped body seemed to be transparent, and she thought she could see a shadowy figure behind the "glass". The "giass" front was turned slightly away from her at an angle facing her neighbor's, Mrs. Buckners house. She saw Mrs. Buckner and her daughter Lois out in the yard looking at the strange craft low over the trees between the two houses. Mrs. Turner watched the light for a moment and then saw it ascend out of sight over her carport and the roof of her house as it moved south and away. She went back in at that point and did not see it disappear. She went to the telephone and called a TV station and reported what had happened and expected them to come out to check but nobody showed up. She also called another neighbor to tell her to look out to the south to see it, but it was too far away for the neighbor to pick it out in the stars by the time she got outside. Mrs. Turner also saw helicopters maneuvering in the schoolyard and thought they were looking for the strange object. The location of the sighting places the object 3 1/2 miles west-northwest of Davis-Monthan Control Tower and 4 1/2 miles due north of Tucson International Airport Tower, on a course line coming from downtown Tucson and proceeding southeast directly between the two large airports, the towers of which are within sight of each other. Neither Tower registered, recorded, reported nor received reports of anything unusual in the area that night at the times in question. The RAPCON (Radar Approach Control) office said that they did not paint anything unusual on radar that night at those times. If this is truly the case, then who is operating all the helicopters with red lights and the unidentified capsule-shaped craft with the 4 foot pilot in Tucson's airspace? At 19:30 on Washington's Birthday, Monday, 21 February 1977, in the evening, Ms. Dorothy Sanders and her friend Ms. Trudy Clayton, were in Ms. Clayton's car in the vicinity of Cherry Avenue and 13th streets in Tucson, just northwest of Tucson High School, when they noticed what looked like a silver airplane to them, toward the east and moving southwest. Only this airplane didn't behave like an airplane. Its motion was jerky and flitting, without smooth curves as it changed direction, and it moved all about in the immediate vicinity. The sky was dark and the stars were out, no moon, yet this silver shape was easily visible in the dark sky. It had no lights of any kind, no breaks in contour or ports or windows. No mating lines or markings of any kind were observed. The silver was likened to the silver paper color of some silver book dust covers, or Jike brushed silver. The shape was more "cross" shaped, like two cylinders crossed slightly ahead of center. The "wings" were equally as large and cylindrical with rounded ends just like the "fuselage", and they seemed to be of the same diameter, and rounded off similar to the nose of the craft. Ms. Sanders felt that the aft part of the "fuselage might have been slightly smaller in diameter than the front and 'wings'". The object turned all directions but retained this cross shape throughout this part of the sighting. There was no tail or aft structure of any kind. The "fuselage" just rounded bluntly off. When first seen it was high, about the height of an airplane flying over the city, then it came down lower, to a little over twice the height of the telephone wires along the side of the road and flew along one side of them and then came back along the other side of them. At this point the object was estimated to be about the size of a small airplane. Ms. Sanders shut off the car engine and rolled the window down and leaned out, at which time she noticed a low whining sound, very low, like nothing she has ever heard before. It flew so low over the wires that Ms. Sanders thought it might hit them, but it didn't. At that time she also heard a double "click", only once. Then Ms. Sanders started the car and they drove over to South Park and 31st Street for about 15 minutes, and then they drove back to Cherry and 13th Street again and they saw the strange object once more. It flew over them a couple of times again as they watched. This time it flew right over the wires, so low at one point that they thought it would hit the wires. Again they compared the size to a small airplane. They watched it 2 or 3 minutes again as it manuevered around the area. It did not manifest any particular interest in the car or the wires, or anything else for that matter. It just flew all about the area. Then they decided to go on home and forgot all about the object. They arrived at Ms. Sanders house at 733 East Lester Street about 15 minutes later, at 20:30 and were astounded to see the same, or an identical object flying around above the Sanders home but quite a bit higher than before. They pulled into the driveway and shut off the engine but couldn't hear any sound at all this time. They got out of the car and watched the object as it circled above. Ms. Sanders called out her niece and her nephew and her grandchildren and they all came out into the yard. They all stood and watched as it flitted and bounced around in the sky. The motion was described as something like the light you see when someone is walking with a flashlight, kind of advance and slow down and advance and slow down. After a few moments they all gave up and went inside except Ms. Sanders niece, Carolyn Howard, who remained out in the drive and watched. The object was still quite high at that time, and still appeared cross-shaped. Carolyn Howard, Ms. Sander's niece, who was in her room studying said she was first distracted by the sound of fire sirens, and was going to the door to look when the sirens stopped and she saw her aunt and a cousin, David Howard, in the yard with Ms. Clayton, and they were looking up, over the house and to the north. She went out too, and looking up saw a strange little silver airplane-like object flying around in a kind of jerky motion. She described it as sort of cross-shaped, brushed-silver-colored, and very plainly visible in the moonless dark night sky. She insisted, however, that it was not luminous or flourescent, just very plainly flat silver colored. This characteristic puzzled her some because she had never seen anything quite like it before. She watched it circle the house twice after the others went in, thinking it was so pretty, the way it stood out sharply in the sky, and kept looking at it. Suddenly, she saw it begin to descend directly over the house. It came down at a very steep angle, but it didn't dive as much as it seemed to "float" down rapidly right at the house. It was now shaped like a torpedo, or a large capsuie, and DID NOT HAVE THE "WINGS". It came down fast and got much bigger as it came down, seeming at the last moment to be larger than the cabin (actually meaning nose) of a Boeing 747 Jet she had once seen. She stepped back thinking to avoid it but wondering how, since it seemed so large that she was sure it would crash and wipe out her block and the one behind and the next one over. In a demonstration of its apparent size, to her, at this point, she held her arms out wide, big enough to put a washtub between them. Instead of crashing, the nose came up and it curved out at the bottom of the maneuver and climbed back up to its circling altitude. Her sketch of the "torpedo shape" as it went by was in the same proportions but larger as the cylinder shape of the fuselage when it was flying above with the other cylinder-like "wings". As it resumed circling again she noticed that the "wings" were back on it again. In appearance it was a brushed silver in color and had no marking, seams, windows, or ports, or anything to break the surface finish. She tried to scream but couldn't make a sound. Then it suddenly stopped its descent and in the same motion curved back up and around to its previous position and resumed flitting around in the sky above. She then went inside. - APRO NOTE: there have been other documented incidents in the Tucson, AZ are including - 1952-Air Force Bomber Encounter with Discs - Tucson UFO Sighting: Event witnessed by many remains a mystery - Triangle UFO Spotted Over Tucson - Retired flight attendant reports chevron-shaped craft - Tucson UFO Estimated To Be One Mile Long - The Tucson Mountains UFO flap continues, new sightings...Lon |
Just the Facts? Giant House-Eating Snails, Rabid Halloween Bat and Cattle Mutilations Posted: 19 Sep 2011 09:56 AM PDT Southwest Miami invaded by giant house-eating snails In southwest Miami, a small subdivision is being called "ground zero" of an invasion by a destructive, non-native species. "It's us against the snails," Richard Gaskalla, head of plant industry for Florida's Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, tells weekends on All Things Considered host Guy Raz. That's the Giant African Land Snail, to be precise. They can grow to be 10 inches long. They leave a slimy trail of excrement wherever they go. They harbor the microscopic rat-lung worm, which can transmit meningitis to humans. And they will literally eat your house. "They'll attach to the side of the house and eat the stucco off the side of the house," Gaskalla says. The snails are also attracted to garbage and pet food that's been left out. Giant African Land Snails are restricted in the US. Gaskalla says people often smuggle them into the country in their pockets, because they make popular novelty pets. "Back in 1965 we had an introduction that was traced back to an elementary-aged child that had put two of them in his pocket in Hawaii and brought them back to Miami," Gaskalla says. "Seventeen-thousand snails, a million dollars, and ten years, we eradicated them." A more recent introduction several years ago was traced to small religious sects in Miami, where the snails are believed to harbor healing properties. "A young woman had come in with some stomach ailments, and her mother said she had been fed the juices of a live snail as a healing rite," Gaskalla says. "That's not in my medicine chest," he adds. Authorities are asking residents not to handle the creatures. Anyone who finds a suspicious snail is advised to call the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services help line at 888-397-1517. Workers or volunteers will ID and collect the snails before taking them to be killed in a freezer. "That's sort of a kinder, gentler way to get rid of them," Gaskalla explains. - npr ********** Argentina: Cattle Mutilation in Misiones By Andrea & Silvia Pérez SimondiniScott Corrales of Inexplicata reports: Cattle Mutilation: New mutilation event, this time in Misiones Submitted by A. Simondini on 9/15/2011 Dr. Julio Frette, Vision Ovni's consulting veterinarian, is currently researching this case. Technical Information Place: Paraje Solitario, Apóstoles, Misiones Province Date of Discovery: N.A. Number of Animals: N.A. Missing Organs: Missing eye organ, incisions to the jaw, tongue completely excised, even hyoid bones, partial genital excision. Apóstoles: The owner of a chacra (small farm) in Paraje Solitario, exactly on the border with the province of Corrientes, reported new attacks by "a large creature" of unknown origin which locals are already dubbing "The Chupacabras", but which has been described in other accounts as "a large dog." The complainant, who lives on Lot 348, went out to do his farm chores and inspect the animals, as was his custom, as he owns livestock, and was faced with a terrifying tableau: several animals were dead, relieved of their eyes and tongues, and with their jaws and genitalia torn off, according to police sources. The rise of the full moon, from Monday to Tuesday the 13th, added macabre and mystical overtones to the situation, when added to the discovery of the dead animals. Stories immediately circulated about what is taking place at Paraje Solitario. As local residents remarked to the authorities, events such as this had occurred before in adjacent farms, and even in the one at which the alleged "beast" caught its prey. ¿Legend or Reality? First to emerge were remarks from those who in any way or at any time had a "sighting" of what they term "Chupacabras" or the "lobizón". Either of the two possibilities fills local residents with fear. "One of the farmers claims seeing a dog – not a common breed, but a very large one – in the area where other animal slayings had occurred years ago," an anonymous source related to Primera Edición (newspaper). The manner in which these bovines were slain is incomprehensible to farmers. For that reason alone, they tremble when thinking back on the legends told to them by their forebears, in which a man, cursed by being the seventh son of a seventh son, changes shape from human to wolf along with his dietary habits, as he hunts animals for their meat. Doubts also arise about that part of the story, as the only thing missing in these animals is the interior of their jaws, their eyes and tongue, and genitalia. This leads them to suspect "a larger dog than usual" while not dismissing the possibility of the "Chupacabras", as one of the latter's traits is to extract all of an animal's blood through a puncture, without destroying their flesh or leaving traces. Residents are now on the lookout, as the material losses from their animals' deaths, and the uncertain nature of the assailant, is keeping them on tenterhooks. Police Report As evidenced in the police reports, experts from the Criminalistics and Bromatology Services department of the municipality reached the site and noticed that the bovine was missing part of its jaw, its eyes and tongue. Experts were also astonished to find that the anus and vagina had also been removed, and by the fact that not the least trace of blood was evident after such a task. The police report reads verbatim: "Yesterday morning (last Monday) a citizen living near Paraje "El Solitario" requested the presence of police after having found one of his animals lifeless and missing parts of its body. Immediately, personnel from Sectional 2 police station in the Lomas del Mirador district headed to the scene of the events. Upon arriving and interviewing the aggrieved party, citizen Bilinski told police that days ago he had already found another animal slain with similar characteristics to the one he had found on the date in question..." From what farmer Bilinski told police, this isn't the first time that his cows have been mutilated, with no trace whatsoever of the deed to be found. "...upon observing the bovine, it is evident that the underside of its jaw is missing along with its eyes and tongue, along with the secretary organs (anus and vagina), with no traces of blood found on the soil," explained the official document issued by the Apóstoles police station. It was on account of this that the police decided to call in members of the Office of Bromatology of the Municipality of Apóstoles, who after examining the animal were unable to determine the cause of death, classifying it as "strange." According to citizen Bilinski, "such episodes with bovines took place approximately two years ago..." The earliest stories collected in the area speak of the return of the "Chupacabras", the cryptid name for an animal that eludes the scientific scrutiny) and the contemporary legend that describes "beings" that attack animals of various species in livestock farming or rural areas. With regard to the "Chupacabras", according to the popular descriptions, it is said to be a small creature (1 meter tall or less) with greenish or scaly skin, large bulging eyes and an oval head. This vague description matches that of another being of contemporary mythology: the small alien creatures known as "Greys". It is also ascribed a canine face with large eyes and fangs, long ankles like those of a kangaroo and is believed to be pose a danger to the human race. Initial sighting reports emerged from the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico, matching the initial descriptions (a biped resembling the "Greys") It was subsequently seen in such places as Chile, Mexico and Texas, a state where it was described with the second description offered (a canid). The slain animals, allegedly victims of Chupacabras attacks, had no blood in their bodies and a single puncture wound, unlike other predators, which largely shred the carcass. Animals do not show any sign of alarm and offer no resistance; owners customarily report no strange noises, and not even guard dogs are heard to bark. What is more: during subsequent observations, dogs react very strangely after the event, and display acute fear in some cases. The absence of prints from the attacking animal is often mentioned, or when present, tend to be few. They resemble those of a large canid, some displaying an extension shaped like a talon. Source: Misiones Cuatro. Com and Daniel Orloff ********** Rabid bat found in store's Halloween section A dead bat found inside a store on Olympia's west side has tested positive for rabies, according to the Thurston County Public Health and Social Services department. According to a news release: Two customers found the bat Sept. 9 in the Halloween section of the Jo-Ann Fabric & Craft Store. The health department was notified Monday and sent the bat to the Washington State Public Health Laboratories for testing. Wednesday, the lab notified Public Health and Social Services that the bat had rabies. The pair who found the bat received rabies vaccinations as a precaution. County health officials are asking the store's customers to call if they may have touched the bat at the store between Sept. 2 and Sept. 9. The health department can be reached at 360-867-2500 and will answer calls until 9 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. "People who walked, shopped, or worked at Jo-Ann's are not at risk unless they came in contact with the bat," Dr. Diana Yu, Thurston County Health Officer, said in the news release. A dozen to as many as 23 bats a year test positive for rabies statewide, said Tim Church, communications director for the state Department of Health. In 2010, out of 200 bats tested, 14 were positive, he said. Nine have tested positive this year, Church said. "This is the time of year we get a lot of bats," he said. If a person has been exposed to a rabid bat, he or she receives five injections in the arm over a two-week period to boost the immune system and vaccinate against rabies, Church said. Rabies is spread through an infected animal's saliva. Rabies can be transmitted if an infected animal bites someone, or if the animal's saliva comes in contact with a person's eyes, nose, mouth or open wound. People who see a bat, dead or alive, are advised not to touch it. - theolympian ********** Robbers say they encountered lion during heist in Philadelphia suburban house A pair of lesbian lovers have admitted to burglarizing 29 homes but passed up one house where they encountered a lion, police said. Harley Rose Gifford and Britney Singleton, both 19 and from the 7100 block of Marshall Road, in Upper Darby have been arrested, according to police who expect to charge them with the crimes when their initial investigation is completed. They are currently being held on unrelated charges, according to court documents. Police were continuing to check the home that reportedly held the lion. "If we find a lion it will be a bigger story than this," said Michael J. Chitwood, superintendent of police. The majority of thefts happened during daylight hours. The pair entered the homes through unlocked first floor windows. After they looted the houses, they either walked or took public transportation home, said Chitwood. All of the homes were ransacked. In one burglary the pair left with a 55-inch flat screen television and lugged it back to their apartment. Chitwood dubbed them the "Thelma and Louise bandits" and said they were lovers. "They just enjoyed stealing," said Chitwood. "They used people's homes as their own private shopping center." The burglaries occurred in the Cardington, Stonehurst and Bywood sections of the township and Lansdowne Borough. A burglary also occurred in Prospect Park Borough. The women allegedly stole iPods, jewelry, toys, electronics, sneakers, makeup, purses, toiletries, household items, and about $23,000 in cash - not including Euros, Pesos, Lire and other foreign currency. Police also recovered a hookah pipe and marijuana but, do not expect the original owners to claim those items. - philly ********** More human magnets in the Balkens Two small boys from a central Serbian town are able to attract metal objects, acting much like human magnets, according to their mother. It's a claim that is raising doubts among some experts. Sanja Petrovic, the mother of 4-year-old David, said it first came to her attention "about a month ago." "I asked him to fetch me a spoon so I cold feed his little brother, and he yelled back: 'Mom, it sticks!'" Petrovic recalled. "I found him with several spoons and forks hanging from his body." Terrified, the 26-year-old woman — who lives in the town of Gornji Milanovac — phoned her sister, who discovered that her son, Luka, 6, has the same attraction. "Other kids in the family can't do this, just the two of them," Petrovic said. The phenomenon is rare and so far medically unexplained. Several similar cases, however, have recently been reported in the media in Serbia, and also in Croatia and Bosnia. "As far as I know, there is no medical or scientific explanation," radiologist Mihajlo Dodic, who runs a practice in the Serbian capital, Belgrade, said. Other experts questioned whether the boys actually have any special abilities. "I doubt very much that someone is magnetic," said Patrick Regan, a physics professor at the University of Surrey in Britain. "Humans are made of the wrong material to be magnetic. Humans are mostly water and water does not have any magnetic properties." "It would be pretty unsafe to have metal objects sticking to you against the force of gravity," he added. "You couldn't switch something like that off — unless it's fake." Luka's father, Slavisa Lukic, said doctors have examined the boys, and announced them to be perfectly healthy, adding that they should be monitored as they grow up. "Nobody can tell us why this is happening," he said. David's mother said her son loses his magnetic powers when he is asleep, but regains them when he wakes up and starts moving. When he plays with his friends "anything will stick to him," she said. Afterward, he will feel a little chilly and tired, she said. Both David and Luka are happy to put on a show for visitors. On cue, the boys proudly smile and raise their hands in the air to show that cutlery and plates stick to their bodies without assistance. The rest of the family also seem to have grown accustomed to the peculiarity and the attention. "It was in shock at first, but now we just try to keep the knives away from them," Petrovic says. ********** A pumpkin in a pear tree.... An Iowa couple have discovered an eerie presence in their pear tree, just in time for the approaching Halloween season. Des Moines television station KCCI reports that Phil and JaNelle Lovely recently discovered a pumpkin that appears to be growing in the tree at their Greenfield home, 50 miles southwest of Des Moines. They say they have no idea how the pumpkin ended up in their tree, but it appears to be the work of Mother Nature. A nearby garden vine climbed the tree, giving the now-green pumpkin the appearance of having sprouted from one the tree's branches. JaNelle Lovely says people have been stopping by to see the suspended pumpkin since it was discovered on Labor Day. She's hoping it remains in the tree until it turns orange. |
Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society: Fayette County Recordings Remote Viewed / Discussed Posted: 19 Sep 2011 08:57 AM PDT Last week I posted a narrative and links to recordings collected by Eric Altman of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society - PBS Sound Recordings. On Sunday, Eric and I discussed these recordings during the Beyond the Edge radio show as well as unusual howling sounds at the same location this past weekend. I had asked my colleague Irene Allen-Block of Spirit Rescue International if she would conduct a remote view of the location during the period of time of the recordings and give her insight on the recordings. Here are the results: 1st recording: the 3 howls 1:55....2:05....2:18 non-human hominid like creature - massive size - 7-8 ft tall and very wide with very short neck 2nd recording: the 3 howls 0:46....0:58....1:32 non-human hominid like creature - massive size - 7-8 ft tall and very wide with very short neck - all non-human howls made by 1 creature - all wood knocking was man-made - the hominid's location was a little over 1 mile away and in an depression area that it may frequent on occasion. - there is a natural spring at this lair area - there is also a rise then a steep drop-off near the lair area as well - Very thick vegetation...very hard to get a good footing, Hard to see...was night time (Irene didn't know the type of bushes and said 'sage'...though it was most likely rhododendron or laurel from her description) No non-humans or animal in the 3rd, 4th and 5th recordings...but there were artificial recordings used. 5th recording was a bird of some type (probably an owl) The dog barking / yelping was made by an average sized dog with some white coloring in a darker colored coat. It was accompanied by 2 men and 1 woman. I didn't tell her anything about the location and, frankly, her forte is not cryptids...especially Bigfoot. All I told her was that Eric and his group were in Fayette County, PA and the dates of the outings. She also said something about people getting mixed up on who was howling at particular times. She mentioned that she did not perceive much wildlife activity...just as Eric told me previously. She was attempting to get closer to this creature but it seemed to move (float) back and away from her at the same rate...said it was very odd. Here is the podcast from the Sunday night 'Beyond the Edge' radio show: For those 'Mysterious Universe' Plus+ members, Benjamin Grundy also discusses the recording on his podcast - Episode 409 – Mysterious Universe Plus+ ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() Look for the SPIRIT RESCUE INTERNATIONAL Exclusive in the Halloween Edition of HAUNTED MAGAZINE ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Join Eric Altman and Lon Strickler each Sunday at 8 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing The Social - Paranormal Network ![]() A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcasts! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Click here to check out Stan's most recent book! ![]() CLICK THE BANNER TO USE YOUR 20% OFF COUPON CODE! ![]() ![]() Amazing technology that allows us to print almost anything in light! ![]() ![]() ![]() This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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