Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Shag Harbour: Canada's Roswell
- Just the Facts? Another Giant Crocodile, Boxer's Yeit Search and Grayson County UFO / ET Investigation
- Possible Alp Sightings in Austria
Shag Harbour: Canada's Roswell Posted: 12 Sep 2011 02:25 PM PDT It was a little after 11 p.m., on the night of October 4, 1967, when an unknown object with four bright lights flashing in sequence and estimated at 60 feet in diameter, was observed hovering over the ocean near the small fishing village of Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia. Several residents of the village first noticed a rather strange grouping of orange lights. Several eyewitness accounts indicate that there were four orange lights that evening. Five of these witnesses included a group of teenagers who watched these lights flash in sequence for several minutes, and then suddenly and rapidly dive in a sharp 45 degree angle toward the water's surface. To the amazement of the teens, and other eyewitnesses, on hitting the water's surface the lights did not immediately disappear beneath the gentle swells, but seemed to float on the surface, approximately one-half mile from the shore. The initial panicked reaction of the observers was that they were witnessing the emergency ditching or crash of an airplane. The first report phoned into the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) in Barrington, came from a young fisherman who told them that an airliner had gone into the bay. The first reaction by the police dispatcher was that the young man had been drinking, however after an immediate rash of 10 additional calls reporting the incident, the police quickly re-contacted the young fisherman for location details. Within the same time period however, Constable Ron Pound of the RCMP was on patrol on Highway 3, heading toward Shag Harbor, and had been observing the strange lights as he increased his speed toward the incident. Constable Pound's report was that he believed that the four lights were coming from a single aircraft, that he estimated to be about 60 feet long. As Constable Pound reached the shoreline he was joined by two other officers, Police Corporal Victor Werbieki, and Constable Ron O'Brien. Additionally, several of the fishing village's residents stood on the shore watching and questioning what to do next. According to Constable Pound and the other officers, the orange lights slowly changed to yellow, and the object appeared to move slowly across the surface of the water, leaving a yellowish foam in it's wake. By this time no fewer than 30 witnesses from various vantage points, watched as the object slowly drifted further from shore, all would later describe the object as about 60 feet long, 10 or so feet high and dome shaped. After about five minutes, the object started to sink beneath the icy North Atlantic waves. A few of the eyewitnesses reported hearing a "whooshing" noise. While the RCMP had already been in communication with the Canadian Cost Guard and Cutter 101 was on the way, two of the RCMP officers and a few local fisherman hurriedly launched their boats to speed to the rescue of any survivors. As the small boats, and Cutter 101 reached the location, the lights were no longer visible but they found themselves sailing through a thick yellow foam, that indicated that something had submerged. (The fisherman report that the foam was not sea foam, and looked like nothing they had ever seen. In fact most were unnerved by the fact that they had to sail through it to look for survivors.) After several hours of searching nothing was found and the search was called off at approximately 3:00 am. Both the NORAD and the Rescue Coordination Center in Halifax had been contacted by the RCMP and found that there had been no reports that evening of missing aircraft, either civilian or military. On October 5th (the following day), the Rescue Coordination Center filed a report with the Canadian Forces Headquarters in Ottawa. This report stated that something had crashed into the water in Shag Harbor, but the object was of "unknown origin." The Canadian Forces Headquarters dispatched the HMCS Granby to Shag Harbor crash site, and using advanced detection equipment and specially trained divers from the Navy and the RCMP, the Canadian military systematically searched the sea floor for several days, and found nothing. Here in 1967, the mystery ended with no physical evidence ever recovered, and no additional leads. For a few years the story kicked around in the local papers. From time-to-time various theories and intriguing rumors emerged about Russian spacecraft, or Russian submarines, and an American follow-up investigation. Then the story simply faded into obscurity. That is, until 1993 when the Shag Harbor incident once again was brought to the attention of the public. This was due to the dedicated investigative efforts of two men who are *MUFON investigators. Chris Styles, assisted by Doug Ledger, using public records such as newspaper clippings, and police reports were able to track down and interview many of the eyewitnesses and individuals involved in the Shag Harbor sighting, the rescue attempt, and in the subsequent investigation. Through their work, some extremely compelling clues and amazing new insights were uncovered. In interviews with divers, and crew members from the HMCS Granby they discovered some startling information. The object that dove into the waters off of Shag Harbor had been tracked, and it had actually traveled underwater for a distance of about 25 miles to a place called Government Point. In the 1960's the U.S. had maintained a small but technically advanced military base at Government Point, managing a Magnetic Anomaly Detection system (MAD grid) for the purpose of detecting and tracking submarines in the North Atlantic using . The U.S. military had most definitely detected the object on its sensitive tracking equipment. Naval vessels were dispatched and positioned over the unidentified object, where it had stopped. After 3 days of no movement, and not knowing exactly what it was, the military was planning to initiate an investigative salvage operation. As the Navy waited and planned, the detection equipment picked up another object moving in, and to the amazement of all those involved, joined the first object on the ocean floor. The speculation at the time, was that the second UFO (I guess officially now an Underwater Flying Object) was there to render aid to the first object. Not fully comprehending what they were dealing with the Navy decided it was best to standby and observe. For nearly a week the Navy vessels held their position over the UFOs. The detection base however, located a Russian submarine that had entered Canadian waters to the north, so several of the vessels had to be pulled off target to sail north to investigate. Under the cover of this new activity on the surface, both UFOs made their move, accelerating underwater toward the Gulf of Maine. The remaining Navy vessels pursued them toward the United States, but the objects continued to distance themselves from their trackers. To the astonishment of the pursuers, both of the objects broke to the surface and shot skyward to vanish within seconds. According to the researchers, while these observations were well corroborated by many credible eye witnesses, these accounts were given "Off the Record" by military, ex-military, and civilian personnel who fear harassment, ridicule, or loss of pension. So as the saying goes, "only the names have been changed to protect the innocent." Clearly, a series of very extraordinary, and still unexplained UFO encounters, involving the navies of two countries and NORAD, occurred at Shag Harbor on October 4th 1967, and in the following week in the deep waters off of the cost of Maine. - MUFON Canada ----- Shag Harbour Incident The crash was originally phoned into the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Detachment in Barrington Passage Nova Scotia by a young fisherman, as a possible airliner impacting the surface of the waters adjacent to Shag Harbour, a small fishing village some 130 miles southwest of Halifax on the Atlantic Ocean. The report was at first greeted with an accusation that the caller had been drinking but caller was soon re-contacted (at a payphone no less) when others began calling in with a like account of an airplane crashing into the waters of the "Sound" by Shag Harbour. (Some 10 people reported the decsent of an aircraft into the water) 3 RCMP arrived on scene, all of which are principles, still living and have been interviewed. Object was described as being ~60 feet long showing 4 lights while still airbourne and decending at a 45 degree angle. Viewed by witnesses (at least 20) from about 280 degrees of circle. On the water it was flat dome shaped. ALL PHONE IN REPORTS OF IMPACT WERE OF SMALL AIRLINER OR LIGHT AIRPLANE. AUTHORITIES CLASSED OBJECT AS UFO. Dozens of people arrived at vantage point and watched lighted object drifting with the ebbtide. Object remained on surface for about five minutes then sank or submerged. Reports of wooshing sounds were reported. Attempts were made by local fishermen and 2 of the Mounties to get to the scene to offer assistance and look for survivors. Found only a patch of thick foam similar to shaving cream,only yellow in colour and glittery in nature. The patch was eighty feet wide by 1/2 mile long. Fishermen/searchers swear that this was not sea foam were spooked by it and did not like sailing through the stuff though they had no choice since this was the area where the craft went down. Also encountered bubbles coming to the surface and expressed concerns about bouyancy.Nothing was found that evening an since federal and military agencies reported no missing aircraft the RCMP tagged the object as a UFO in a report filed to the Air Desk in Ottawa early the next morning. Royal Canadian Navy and RCMP divers were brought in on the morning of the 6th to attempt to recover wreckage but were unsuccessful. Local and regional press and television arrived and filmed part of the search which was within a 1/2 mile of shore. In the meantime the event was given a great deal of coverage by the press including banner headlines in the Halifax daily newspaper the Chronicle Herald-Mail Star. The evening of Oct4/67 were rife with UFO reports all over eastern Canada, one very strange event reported by Air Canada pilot and 1st officer. Radar targets by offshore trawler. There was a report of an object reported by another Mountie and three game wardens (they were staked out in the forest trying to capture some deer jackers) thirty miles north of Shag Harbour same time, believed to be the same one reported in the fishing village. They were astute enough to take a compass bearing on the object that proved to be on a direct heading for the fishing village. A time lapse photograph (slide-Ectachrome-64) was taken of an object bearing in that direction by a professional photographer which we have obtained copies of but cannot be sure this would be the same object due to distance from sighting. Slide also shows star smears from time lapse while object(s) stay rock solid. What began as an interesting story (the 'trapping" of an object 80-100 feet down being serviced by another object) by seven naval vessels off Government Point, Shelburne (also the site of a sub listening station and Magnetic Anomaly Detection -MAD grid) has expanded to include the muting of military witnesses, most of whom have not been in the forces for 15 or 20 years, refusal of Canadian Coast Guard documents and the tampering with of same, and local witnesses who offer evidence of this event while being questioned on another. - Don Ledger - "Dark Object" ----- Here are a few other links that may be of interest - The UFO Crash at Shag Harbour and Something Fell From the Sky. In the Fall of 2009 there was an underwater survey conducted near the location where the craft was said to have entered the water. Here are the links - Expedition Team Dives at Shag Harbour UFO Crash Site and Diver Finds Depressions On Seabed At Shag Harbour, NS UFO Site | ||
Posted: 12 Sep 2011 11:27 AM PDT Another giant crocodile at large in the Philippines...bit off girl's head A gigantic crocodile — as big as the 20.1-foot long crocodile captured recently in Agusan del Sur — remains at large in the Agusan Marsh as authorities still have no permit to capture the second wayward crocodile. Palawan Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Center (PWRCC) official Ronnie Sumiller said the local folk have to discontinue their search for another male crocodile spotted in Agusan Marsh because they still have to seek a new "permit to trap" from the Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB). "The permit we have was only for the first crocodile that we had caught," Sumiller said in a phone interview. Sumiller was part of the composite team of wildlife experts and local officials who caught an enormous saltwater crocodile (scientific name: Crocodylus porosus) in Agusan del Sur last Sept. 3. The crocodile was named "Lolong," after one of its captors, Ernesto "Lolong" Conate, a Palawan-based crocodile hunter who was part of the team that helped in capturing the gigantic crocodile, died from a heart attack during their mission. According to PAWB Director Dr. Theresa Mundita Lim, catching crocodile from the wild is prohibited, because saltwater crocodiles are considered "critically-endangered." The Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary, which served as Lolong's natural habitat until its capture, was also established as a protected area by virtue of Proclamation No. 913 issued on Oct. 31, 1996. However, a crocodile hunt in the Agusan Marsh started in 2009 after it was reported that a 12-year-old girl's head was bitten off. Last May, Lim said, the Protected Area Management Board (PAMB) of Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary gave its go-signal for the Bunawan municipal government to capture the nuisance crocodile. After "Lolong" was captured last September 3, Sumiller said they found identification markings of another male crocodile, which is possibly bigger or similar in size to "Lolong." - MB ********** Boxer searches for the Yeti Former world heavyweight champion Nikolai Valuev is to lead a hunt for a mysterious creature known as the 'Russian Yeti'. The 38-year-old fighter - who lost his WBA title to David Haye in 2009 - is currently on a career break as he recovers from bone and joint problems. But his health issues won't stop him from leading a two-day mission to Siberia to hunt down the animal also known as the Kuzbass Bigfoot, a strange, humanoid creature thought to live in or around the Shoriya Mountains. The beast has been spotted dozens of times in the Kuzbass region of southern Siberia and has become something of a tourist attraction in the local area, with hotels and restaurants naming themselves after it. The mystery creature even has its own Twitter account, presumably set up by some bright spark at the local tourist board. Valuev - who is, ironically, famous for his inhumanly large frame - has become so intrigued by the stories of the eight-foot, hair-covered monster that he is determined to find it. "I would like to see firsthand what is going on," said the boxer, who has had all manner of injections and vaccinations ahead of his expedition to the remote region. "I'll draw my own conclusions once I've been there." The first known traces of the Russian Yeti date back to 2005, when hunters found and photographed giant footprints in the snow. Since then, the local council has been inundated with messages from hunters and hill walkers claiming to have spotted the beast. And no doubt those imagined sightings will only increase when the 7ft, 23-stone Valuev is in the area. Yet some remain sceptical of the boxer's chances of successly witnessing the creature. As one local put it, "Valuev might be about the same size as our Yeti, but I don't think it is going to come and see him because of that." - Yahoo ********** Nigeria's Zamfara Sharia court orders amputation An Islamic court in northern Nigeria's Zamfara state has sentenced two youths to amputation of their right hands for stealing a bull. The court ruled that the wrists of Auwalu Abubaka, 23, and Lawalli Musa, 22, should be amputated in public. Amputations under Islamic law are rare in Nigeria and the court said the men could appeal against their sentences. Nigeria's government recognises aspects of Islamic law in its 12 mainly Muslim northern states. Judge Muhammadu Abubakar, hearing the case in the village of Nassarawan Mailayi, said Abubaka and Musa had pleaded guilty to stealing the bull from a local resident. 'Market day amputation' "Based on the admission of guilt by the two of you of trespassing into the house... and stealing a bull whose worth is well above the minimum value to warrant amputation, I hereby order that each of you should have his right wrist amputated," Judge Muhammadu Abubakar told the convicts. The bull was valued at $867 (£544), reports say. The sentence would take place on "market day [8 October] for members of the public to witness", Judge Abubakar said. The judge, however, gave Abubaka and Musa the right to appeal against the sentence. Zamfara was the first northern state to introduce Islamic law after Nigeria returned to democratic rule in 1999. In 2000, Buba Jangebe made history as the first Nigerian to have an amputation carried out after the re-introduction of Islamic law after being found guilty of stealing a cow. There was widespread international condemnation of the amputation and only a few such sentences have been carried out. - BBC NOTE: they need to carry out the same sentence to those Nigerian email scammers as well...Lon ********** Strange Lights Witnessed of Budd Lake, NJ While driving home early in the evening, we pulled into the parking lot of a shopping center when I immediately spotted four bright orange objects in the sky that were out of place in the area. The sky was slightly overcast with a crescent moon visible. Once we pulled into a parking space, I got out of my vehicle for a better look and observed four very bright objects (more luminous than any planet or star in the night sky but not as bright as the moon) moving across the sky from west to east. They appeared from behind trees along the western horizon and moved at a relative speed comparable to a high altitude commercial jetliner. Each light glowed with an orange tinge and, while in close proximity to each other, moved independently, with no observable structure linking them together. There was no direction change and as they appeared directly overhead, they all "fizzled" out at different times. Another witness in a darker area than us stated she could see individual structures around each light which she would compare to helicopters, but absolutely no noise was heard by anybody. I observed after their disappearance ambient glowing from each object for another several minutes before they totally disappeared. This case is under investigation by Ken Pfeifer MUFON New Jersey ********** Grayson County, Texas Case - LITS / Spirit Rescue International Sunny's investigative report and other observations can be found at her blog - Lights in the Texas Sky. As this case evolves, other updates will be posted at Astral Perceptions. I will post the results of the RV prior to the on-site investigation sometime this week...Lon | ||
Possible Alp Sightings in Austria Posted: 12 Sep 2011 10:03 AM PDT On August 20th, I posted a request (posted below) from a Finnish reader, Tapio Mäkinen, for volunteers in an expedition to the Waldviertel region of Austria in search of the Alp. Since that time there have been several sightings of large bat-like creatures in the area. Here are a few of the images: ----- One of my Finnish readers, Tapio Mäkinen, alerted me to an expedition to the Waldviertel region of Austria in search of the Alp. He is looking for interested parties to join him once he arrives on location. His website is The Finnish Hunter. He states: "We're leaving Saturday August, 27th and staying two weeks. First we're going to spend two-three days in Vienna to assemble local resourses, but then we're (as soon as possible) going to Zwettl and on out into the woods." Tapio can be contacted through his website. His description of this cryptid (edited for comprehension): "For you who not are familiar with the Alp it's an ancient creature. It's described in old books and art like "Nachtmahr" ("Night-mare") by Johann Heinrich Füssli (1802). It was first mentioned in the 16th century and most of the myths about this creature were made up during the 19th century. The Alp is a sort of huge bat with humanoid features with longer legs and arms. Since there are no clear pictures of this creature one has to rely on eyewitnesses when it comes to it's appearance. It's covered in fur and is believed to be closely related to flying foxes. The humanoid features are hard to explain but it might be a misunderstanding (it has arms). Most likely it's a thicker part of the humerus and radius bone that might look like arms. The size of the Alp is disputed and there is a misconception that they are the same size as a full grown man. There is no evidence that this would be the case, quite the opposite. The proportion between the body and the wings are 1:5 or 1:6. An Alp the same size as a full grown man would need a wingspan of about 10 meters to fly. This has never been recorded. The wingspan is more likely 4-5 meters and this would give it a length of about one meter. There are many differences between a flying fox and an Alp but this is the closest relative. The wingspan of a flying fox is just under 2 meters, so the Alp is bigger.
The myth about the Alp being a vampyre originates from the myths about vampyre bats. There are bloodsucking bats but they are very rare. It was during the 19th century the myths about the Alp as a vampire began. There were no records of the Alp being a bloodsucker before 1817. The myths about vampyres from the 18th century through the beginning of the 19th century incorporate other creatures and present them as vampires. The stories that the Alp is a blood sucking vampyre has never been proved. There are also myths about the Alp being a shapeshifter and haunt it's victims by entering their mind and giving them nightmares (the appearance of the Alp is enough to give you nightmares, I'll admit that). My extensive research shows that the Alp is a distant relative to the flying fox. It's extremely shy and has a very long lifespan. There are creatures that can reach almost 200 years. The explanation that the remains of a dead Alp have never been found is that it's a very small population, they live long and in isolated areas. There are probably only 6-8 individuals left and they are spread out over central and eastern Europe. Where they breed, how they nest and other question remains unknown." The remainder of this post can be found at In Search of the Alp...Lon ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Join Eric Altman and Lon Strickler each Sunday at 8 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing The Social - Paranormal Network ![]() A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcasts! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Click here to check out Stan's most recent book! ![]() CLICK THE BANNER TO USE YOUR 20% OFF COUPON CODE! ![]() ![]() Amazing technology that allows us to print almost anything in light! ![]() ![]() |
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