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- UFO Electro-Magnetic Radiation Effects On U.S. Navy Vessels - USS Edenton / USS Memphis
- Just the Facts? Squid Invade California, 'Clawed Man' Attack and White Sphere USO
- Obama's Denver Visit Creates Conspiracy Speculation
UFO Electro-Magnetic Radiation Effects On U.S. Navy Vessels - USS Edenton / USS Memphis Posted: 24 Sep 2011 11:35 AM PDT UFO Seen From US Navy Ship While in the US Navy in the summer of 1986, I was standing lookout aboard the USS Edenton ATS 1 (currently decommissioned). The lookout watch, stood outside on top the bridge of the ship, and was responsible for reporting all contacts seen both in the water and sky. It was around eleven p.m. one clear night at sea, located about fifty miles off the coast of Cape Hatteras, NC. During one of my scans of the night sky, out of know where, four red circular lights appeared. The lights where hundreds of yards apart from each other and formed a square. At first, I thought it was four separate air craft, such as, military helicopters because the lights were stationary; however, due to the distance from the ship, the lights where too large to be aircraft running lights. There were also no other normal running lights like green and white, which make-up the normal outline of an aircraft seen at night. The lights where located about twenty degrees above the horizon and about a mile away from the ship. Again, these four red lights were each about the size of a small plane, which were very bright and visible in the night sky. The night sky was also clear, moon lit, and a moderate amount of stars were visible, which also aided in calculating the distance and size of these lights. As stated, when I first saw these lights they were all stationary in the sky and appeared out of know where. Once I noticed that these were not normal lights, grouped in a square and not moving, I called down to the bridge over a salt and pepper line informing the conning officer of a possible UFO sighting. This brought laughter across the wire at first, but I relayed the contact again in a stern but excited voice, which succeeded in getting the bridge officers attention. After relaying the contact information a second time, the four lights, in a flash, darted towards the horizon amazingly fast. The lower two lights in the square went first, with the top two lights following directly behind them in a curved swooshing motion and there was no sound. Then all four shot straight up into outer-space and out of sight, all within a split second. At this point, I felt very excited and shocked, and was personally praying someone on the bridge had seen what I just saw. Having been an avid watcher of the night sky, seen shooting stars and a believer in that life has to exist somewhere out there, I become even more excited because I knew, I just saw my first unidentified flying object(s). To my amazement, when I returned to the bridge after my watch, I was very pleased to learn that the conning officer and everyone else on the bridge had seen this sighting and logged it into the ship's log as a UFO sighting. Next, after a half hour had passed since the sighting, the radiation detection system (gamma roentgen meter) on the bridge started making a loud clicking sound. At first, no one seemed to know what was making this sound then a very loud bell went off notifying us as to what was going on, we were being radiated. When the instrument stopped clicking, it indicated we had taken a hit of 385 roentgens in the period of about one minute. At this point, the captain of the ship was awoken and called to the bridge, as well as the chief in charge of the radiation metering equipment onboard ship. The captain was not impressed with an entry of a UFO sighting being placed in the ship's log, and at first, took the roentgen meter as being defective. However, the chief informed the captain that the meter had been serviced and calibrated the day before and that other like meters throughout the ship had just gone off indicating the same amount of roentgens received as the bridge. The captain stated not to log the instance concerning the radiation exposure and left the bridge. During the rest of my watch duty that night, no officer or enlisted person spoke of what happened, and also acted liked nothing happened. This experience, however, was etched into my memory as if it happened yesterday and I have told this story to only a few people, people who I thought would believe me. This is also the first time I have documented the events of this night. In conclusion, as an indication of the strength of gamma radiation, I and others received that night; all the personnel during the Project Trinity experiments conducted in 1945 at ground zero, only received between 1 and 6 total roentgens of gamma radiation. This leads me to believe, we traveled through the wake of radiation produced by the UFOs seen thirty minutes earlier. - MUFON CMS ********** Large 'V' Shaped UFO Encounter With US Navy Nuclear Submarine A sailor reports about the UFO sighting he had while in the Navy. "I was assigned to USS Memphis (SSN-698), Homeport - Titusville, FL. (Cape Canaveral.) Our mission was Special Assignments which meant we protected the Space Program. We would go to sea and patrol while the shuttle was on the pad. Nine years ago, on October 24 and 25, my ship was on patrol about 150 miles of the Florida coast. We were cruising at about 500 feet when the submarine started experiencing electronics problems. The ship was malfunctioning, our tanks were blowing out of control, we were losing navigation ability and the communications area was totally lost. We went to all stop and tried to access what was happening. The controls in the reactor area started to malfunction. This presented a serious danger to our safety, so the captain ordered us to shut down the reactor, surface and go to diesel motors. When the ship surfaced I went to my watch station. The ship was still experiencing electronic difficulties but the mechanical devices such as diesel engines, cook stoves, and turbines were fine. It was raining and the entire sky was red like a red neon sign. I saw a large inverted V-shaped UFO off the port side. The executive officer told me to stand fast and he would speak to the captain. In a minute, the captain appeared on the tower and asked me for a distance to the craft. The laser range finder determined the closest point was 200 meters and the farthest point was 1,000 meters off the port. The UFO was not perpendicular to our ship but at about a 45' angle. This huge vessel was over a half mile across. The UFO made a half circle around our ship then passed across the stern causing our electronics systems to go crazy. We had permanent damage in communications and the sonar room. As the craft flew over the stern, I could see the rain stop under its red glow. The water seemed to rise almost a foot as the UFO passed over silently. When the UFO finished its swing across the stern it paused - the sky got brighter red and it simply moved off at tremendous speed inside 15 seconds. When the UFO left our boat returned to normal with the exception of the radio and sonar. We did a quick system check and the captain ordered us to return to reactor power and get underway. The captain took two petty officers, the executive officer, and myself into the wardroom. He told us to not spread any rumors until we had a chance to talk to Commander Submarine Fleet - Atlantic. We reached port in about 7 hours where I was taken into "protective custody." Two enlisted men and myself agreed we had witnessed a real UFO. I was the one who shot it with a laser range finder so I was the only one that had its exact sizes. I shot that vessel as it hovered and I got solid readings not spotty like I would on debris. We were in holding for about three hours when an officer from the Air Force arrived and gave us a line of bull about an exploding weather satellite. The Navy then transferred virtually everyone on the crew to new assignments. This included the her captain, the executive officer and the entire crew. They were split up which almost never happens unless one of them gets a promotion or a new command, neither of which happened. The military just split up a 4 year team. I was watching a program tonight that gave me the courage to share it. - MUFON CMS - Strange Secrets: Real Government Files on the Unknown |
Just the Facts? Squid Invade California, 'Clawed Man' Attack and White Sphere USO Posted: 24 Sep 2011 10:56 AM PDT Squid invade California coast The ocean off Orange County has become alive with two- to three-foot squid, to the delight of anglers who don't mind being squirted with water and ink, and of landing operators who had been enduring a slow period of sportfishing. Boats from Long Beach to Dana Point began targeting Humboldt, or jumbo squid after an image surfaced last week showing hundreds of the deep-water denizens washed ashore at Blacks Beach in San Diego County. (Hundreds more washed ashore Thursday at San Clemente.) Humboldt squid, which can measure 7 feet and weigh more than 100 pounds, appear off Southern California every four or five years, spurred by a warm current or some other anomaly. Their historic range was off South America, but for years they've been entrenched in the Sea of Cortez off Mexico. Recent invasions off California and even beyond, off the Pacific Northwest, caused scientists to become concerned that the voracious squid, which could be harmful to other fisheries, are expanding their territory to include West Coast waters. Strandings of squid on beaches have historically preceded infestations in localized areas, and it's apparent that such an infestation is occurring off Orange County. This might have something to do with a considerable decrease in blue whale sightings in the same areas during the past two days. The crew of the Freedom out of Davey's Locker in Newport Beach reported the capture of 1,300 squid on Thursday night alone. Blacksbeachsquid Anglers aboard the Sum Fun out of Dana Wharf Sportfishing had trouble locating the squid, which typically inhabit depths of 650-3,000 feet, until about 9:45 p.m. "Then all of a sudden they just attacked the boat," said Donna Kalez, who manages the landing. "They bit for 45 minutes and the anglers caught over 400 squid." While Humboldt squid are easier to locate at night, by using bright lights to lure them upward, anglers aboard day boats have been getting them, too. There are even reports that fishermen off the Dana Point breakwater have seen squid chase game fish as they're being reeled in. Kalez said the last time squid were off Orange County they stayed for three weeks, allowing anglers to load up on calamari steaks. She's billing her nighttime trips, which cost $25, as family-friendly. After all, what kid wouldn't appreciate a creature with slithering arms and tentacles, capable of squirting ink the width of a boat? As for crew members who have to clean the boat, they might be of a different opinion. - petethomasoutdoors *********** Boy attacked by bizarre 'clawed man' A 15-year-old boy was scratched in a bizarre 'claw' attack as he walked to school. The attack happened in an alleyway in Quedgeley off Church Drive at around 7.55am on Tuesday, September 20. The boy, a pupil at Severn Vale school, reported that he was walking towards School Lane when he turned around and saw a man lash out with his hand and use an unknown implement to inflict five scratch marks on his right cheek. The offender lashed out again and scratched the boy's forearm before the boy managed to run away. The offender is described as white, between 50 and 60 years old, 6ft to 6ft 4ins tall and with grey hair. Patrols are being increased in the area as a result of the incident and police are urging anyone with information to call the new non-emergency number 101, quoting incident 161 of September 20. Severn Vale School headteacher Peter Rowland said: "I was shocked to hear his report, and was happy to liaise closely and quickly with the local police and repeat the warnings about stranger danger we regularly give our students. It's a highly unusual situation which we must take most seriously." - thisisgloucestershire ********** Croc turns orange Owner Tracey Sandstrom, who runs Roaming Reptiles, In Victoria, Australia, said Snappy the crocodile made a meal out of the filter in his water tank. "I think it caused the pH levels in his water to soar which has led to the change in colour." She was stunned when her prized pet turned bright orange. "Snappy's pretty territorial and he attacked the filter one day and a few weeks after that, I noticed he was orange," she said. The 2.5m croc stays warm at night in his heated indoor tank before moving outside through his "croc flap" to bask in sunshine by day. "It doesn't seem to have affected him at all. He's still got a healthy appetite, he is normally aggro and doing everything he always does," Ms Sandstrom said. Darwin croc expert Grahame Webb examined the photos and confirmed Snappy was a picture of health. *********** What was that thing? White Sphere Sweden A mysterious unidentified submerged object was filmed off the coast of Sweden this month. The encounter has hit headlines in Sweden and generated interest elsewhere, with talk of secret underwater vehicle developments and even alien visitation being considered as a possible explanation. Sweden's armed forces have been involved in trying to determine what the object could have been and if it represents a threat. *********** DAILY 'PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS' NEWSLETTER STATUS Hi folks....well, a survey of finances and revenue for the blog was conducted the past several days and I have been given some interesting results. Since the newsletter and feed readers rarely come to the blog site those people do not use the advertising offerings that are posted there. In other words, they receive the posts by email or feed reader and are not subjected to the product advertisements that create revenue. According to the person who administered the analytics, I am losing about $4400 each year in lost advertising revenue including other out-of-pocket expenses. Though I do not want to stop the newsletter or charge a fee for this service, I am left with only one option...limit the amount of subscribers. Those subscribers who are currently receiving the newsletter will continue to do so. I will continue to allow new subscriptions...but there will be an eventual cut-off point in order to maintain a maximum number of subscribers. I am also going to go into the subscriber list and remove those email addresses that have (1) stopped receiving emails, (2) continue to return mailings and (3) forward the newsletter to other addresses. If you unsubscribe please be aware that you may not be able to reestablish a future subscription. I feel this is the only fair solution since many readers have made prior donations and I want to honor their loyalty. If you wish to contribute with a donation, there is a 'DONATE' button located on the blog at or you can go to and use our email address ( as the donation recipient. Thanks again for reading...Lon |
Obama's Denver Visit Creates Conspiracy Speculation Posted: 24 Sep 2011 09:10 AM PDT Here is an original article - Obama To Visit Denver Area On Sept. 27. Of course, the conspiracy theorists are having a field day with this situation including this video. You may want to read this web page in order to get a feel for the theories. The controversial European Union Times published the following: A disturbing report prepared by General Alexey Maslov, the Senior Military Representative of the Permanent Mission of Russia to NATO, states that he has been notified by the Americans of their plan to hold a DEFCON 1 "Cocked Pistol" maximum readiness alert drill on 27 September which will be overseen by President Obama at one the United States most secure bunkers located beneath the Denver International Airport. Under the SALT I Strategic Nuclear Arms Control Agreement signed between Russia and the US, both parties are required to notify the other in all cases of such maximum readiness drills occurring, but are not required to state their reasons for doing so. General Maslov states in his report, though, his concern over this drill is "heightened" due to last months nuclear attack on the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) branch of the intercontinental military tunnel complex between Washington D.C. and Denver, and which we reported on in our 24 August report Russia Reports Nuclear Explosions Hit Vast US Military Tunnel Network. Important to note is that shortly after the devastating attacks on American on 11 September 2001, the Bush regime moved to completely militarize the CIA by placing as its Director former US Air Force General Michael Hayden who served in that capacity until February, 2009 when Obama then put in place the former US Army intelligence officer Leon Panetta to run this most powerful of spy agencies. After Panetta, Obama put Americas top general David Petraeus in charge of the CIA barely a week after the aforementioned nuclear attack upon it. The fears of both the Bush and Obama regimes regarding the CIA were due to their complicity in the 11 September 2001 attacks upon America utilizing their al Qaeda terror network headed by their main asset Osama bin Laden, otherwise known by his code name of "Tim Osman," that was run jointly with Pakistan's Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and funded by the Saudi royal family. Important to note is that Russian intelligence services were long aware of the CIA-ISI "Tim Osman" operation after it had been infiltrated by top FSB agent Viktor Bout who delivered to Marvin Bush, President George Bush's younger brother, and Wirt Walker III, George Bush's cousin the approximately 15 tonnes of Russian military PVV-5A Plastic Explosive plastic explosives used to bring down the World Trade Center buildings. In our 1 September 2010 report US-Russia Bidding War For 9/11 "Merchant Of Death" Reaches $20 Billion we detailed this sordid plot and, in part, stated: "Important to note about Marvin Bush and Wirt Walker III is that at the time of the 9/11 attacks they were both directors of the American security company named Stratesec (formally known as Securacom) which was given a $8.3 million contract to help provide security at the World Trade Center and which the weekend prior to the attacks completely closed this massive skyscraper complex for 36 hours to "upgrade" its security system. Now Bout in being curious, to say the least, as to why the Bush Family needed so much Russian explosives for their "upgrade" of the World Trade Center complex was "invited" by Marvin Bush to come to New York City to watch "the big show", an offer Bout did not refuse. And so the night prior to 9/11 Bout traveled to New York City where he was met by Bush "operatives" working for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), who "coincidentally" had scheduled an emergency exercise for the morning of September 11, 2001 that all too soon became real. Bout was given a FEMA security pass that gave him unhindered access to the aftermath of the catastrophic attacks upon the World Trade Center complex which these reports document he took full advantage of. Unfortunately for the Americans though was that Bout's "visit" wearing his FEMA "credentials" was filmed by FEMA's official videographer Kurt Sonnenfeld, who was the only film maker given unrestricted access to the 9/11 site." The "main conduit" for Saudi Arabian cash used to finance the "Tim Osman" operation was identified by Bout in his FSB reports as being Abdulaziz al-Hijji and his wife Anoud (a grand niece of Saudi King Abdullah ) who lived in Sarasota, Florida, and who just days prior to the 11 September 2011 attacks suddenly left all of their possessions and returned home. Though the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was quick to state that the Hijji's had no connection with the Saudi hijackers it is more than curious to note that nearly all of them were recorded visiting them in the days prior to the attacks. The importance of noting the CIA-ISI-Saudi connection to the attacks upon America on 11 September 2001 with the Obama's planned 27 September "Cocked Pistol" alert is due to General Maslov warning in his report that this unprecedented drill occurring in Denver on that date could very well likely be related to threats made against the United States by both Saudi Arabia and Israel over the upcoming UN General Assembly vote to declare Palestinian statehood. Where Israel commands vast resources within the United States to elect government officials, including Presidents, and who have fallen out of favor with Obama over his polices towards Israel, former Saudi ambassador to the United States, Prince Turki al-Faisal warned yesterday that unless the Obama regime voted for Palestinian statehood, "Saudi Arabia would no longer be able to cooperate with America in the same way it historically has" and the "chances of another war in the region" would be assured. As we had warned about in our 28 May report Obama Vows War On Saudi Arabia, Orders Thousands Of US Troops To Region, and our 23 June report Nuclear Attack On US Warned Imminent As Saudi War Nears, the United States plans for all-out global war are well in place and are now awaiting the "spark" that will set it off. To if the date of 27 September when Obama will be in Denver will be the date this "spark" is set off it is not in our knowing. What is in our knowing, though, is that since the CIA transferred their headquarters to Denver in 2005 under the mysterious airport [second photo right] with bizarre murals depicting [3rd and 4th photos right] picturing mass global death, particularly between Israelis and Palestinians, the questions as to who, or what, actually controls the United States today remains in question. And when this information is coupled with the fact that 27 September is one of the most significant dates in American history because on that date, in 1777, after British troops captured Philadelphia, Lancaster, Pennsylvania became the United States capitol for that single day, the first time such a thing occurred in all of that nations history, and it is, also, the date that Comet Elenin enters into its feared alignment with the Earth, Sun and Moon with many believing these conjunctions are responsible for catastrophic earthquakes and tsunamis, and nearly all of NASA's top officials and scientists will be in Denver on that date too, one can be justifiably perplexed as to the many meanings these events have. But, to the greater meaning of all of these things it has been best stated by Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, who warned the American people about the future to come: "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." And to understand these words are to understand everything, especially what is to come. No one, therefore, can say that they were never warned, only that they didn't listen. - eutimes Click for video - Denver Airport Conspiracy Theory Check these titles out - The Universal Seduction: Piercing the Veils of Deception, Volume 1 The Universal Seduction: Piercing the Veils of Deception, Volume 2 Thanks to Jeanette for the heads up! ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() Look for the SPIRIT RESCUE INTERNATIONAL Exclusive in the Halloween Edition of HAUNTED MAGAZINE ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Join Eric Altman and Lon Strickler each Sunday at 8 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing The Social - Paranormal Network ![]() A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. 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