Phantoms and Monsters |
- UPDATE: UFO Crash Reported - Kettle Moraine State Park, Wisconsin
- UFOs, Claims of Jupiter Beings - Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico
- Ghostly Image From Lancashire Pub Examined
- Photo: White Stag Seen In Gloucestershire Forest
- Christmas Decorating and the Ghost is Right on Time!
UPDATE: UFO Crash Reported - Kettle Moraine State Park, Wisconsin Posted: 07 Dec 2009 07:28 PM PST Today, I received an email from the witness...who is the person that supposedly has possession of this object. Frankly, they were upset with the way I presented the crash and recovery. Nonetheless, these images and comments were forwarded to me this evening. ![]() "This is the picture after the blue was taken out. With the blue in it you could not see it. A person with my friend at the time stood in front and her picture was also taken but she only showed up blue too." ![]() "Here is the sketch that was made after wards." ![]() NOTE: SW enhanced the photo (above)...frankly, it looks like something I had seen before and doesn't look anything like the sketch. As noted by a reader, it does look incredibly similar to the illustration insert from the Testors' 1/48 scale Roswell UFO plastic model (pictured below). Make your own determination...Lon ![]() NOTE: this is all the evidence I received, other than an image of a tree stump at the crash scene. I'm still not going to publish or devulge contact information (unless the Feds contact me) because of the lack of information in reference to this craft. It's obvious that this person wants to be compensated (they also stated so in the email). I'm not going to present a comment on this situation until I receive more pertinent and substantiated evidence...Lon _____________________ Posted Sunday Dec. 6, 2009 UFO Crash Reported - Kettle Moraine State Park, Wisconsin The following account was reported on Dec.4th: "On Wednesday Nov. 25th while hiking the area of Kettle Moraine State Park (Wisconsin) a friend and I noticed a strong sulfuric odor coming from the woods. Looking down we saw what appeared to be a small craft at the bottom of a hill. Upon further investigation we found that the damage to the craft consisted only of a few dents and scratches. My companion and I returned later with a large flat bed tow and full bio hazard suits, covered the thing completely with tarp and hauled it to locked refrigerated storage." "We photographed the object on site but I had to remove all color from the photograph just to be able to see it as everything in the photo had a deep blue color. We also photographed the stump the craft had landed on and that photo also came out blue." "We were unable to open the craft and from the available window we could only see 4 coffin like objects which appear to be made out of the same titanium like substance as the craft itself." "I fully recognize the value of such an object and am therefore offering it for sale to the highest bidder." "I will warn you all that the smell of sulfur is intolerable especially in the enclosed storage area and because of this we will not be showing this object unless all involved are safely attired in full bio hazard suits and masks." "Further information on the craft's exact location will not be released to anyone other than serious inquirers able to afford such a unique find. We will not risk our health for mere "curiosity seekers"! The following email was later forwarded to me after I made an inquiry: We found it hiking in Kettle Moraine Park in Wisconsin and believe we were the first and only people to see it. In fact we actually smelled it before we saw it. It has a very very strong sulferic smell and because of that we put on full biohazard gear before moving the thing to refridgerated storage. Aileen has all drawings and available photos of it. NOTE: Well, these witnesses certainly are coy on releasing images of this supposed find. I am not going to post any of their contact information based on the lack of evidence and the fact that they are attempting to make a profit. If any further information comes forward I will post an update...Lon |
UFOs, Claims of Jupiter Beings - Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico Posted: 07 Dec 2009 12:20 PM PST ![]() ![]() Click for video From (please excuse the translation) - Extraordinario video del profesor René Paredes Camargo: A luminous object that is divided into two parts, later disappeared of surprising form. The witness says that has contact with beings of Jupiter, which left a message through a sign of radio. Investigation of the Dr. Rafael Oceguera and the group Enigma 900. Antecedentes: René Walls is professor of Geography. It works in a Dark Water secondary school. When he made observations of the sky (by his work), he found flying objects not known. After multiple sightings, documented with its video camera, the contact with Jupiter beings began (sic). The professor assures that this communication is telepathic, although in some occasion they left a message through a radio signal. He thinks that it is something similar to the Morse code, but has not managed to decipher it. In the middle of this year the professor took an extraordinary video. In it a very large luminous object seen. Later this it is divided into two and almost immediately is integrated again in one alone. Subsequently contacts and sighting have been made by the witness. ![]() ![]() René Walls presents/displays images where luminous forms are observed. He asserts that they are originating from Jupiter, which can be pronounced like pure energy, or, to take human form, with identical characteristics to ours. NOTE: Again, please excuse my translation of the text. Most of this information was presented on "La Sobremesa" and by Ana Luisa Cid. As with most sightings and reports that come out of Mexico, the authenticity and interpretation is left up to you...though, I considered the 'Jupiter' beings a nice touch...Lon |
Ghostly Image From Lancashire Pub Examined Posted: 07 Dec 2009 08:54 AM PST ![]() ![]() ![]() There's the legend of Lizzie at The Sun Inn, Chipping. There's rumours of a grey lady at Euxton Mills on Wigan Road. And there are reports of flying CDs at The Wellington Inn, Glovers Court, Preston – to name but a few. Now a Preston university lecturer has attempted to shed light on why watering holes seem to be linked to the paranormal – booze aside. Dr Paul Rogers is a senior lecturer in the school of psychology at the University of Central Lancashire and since 2004 has taught a module called The Psychology of the Paranormal. He said: "I suspect the obvious link is good old-fashioned storytelling. "But with actual ghost sightings – or 'apparitional experiences', as parapsychologists prefer to call them – I suspect it will be a combination of several factors, including prior belief in ghosts. "Psychologists know that prior expectations shape what we (think we) see. This is particularly robust in paranormal beliefs. "And 'suggestion' also has a significant impact on our perceptions. Being told a pub is haunted is more likely to elicit an apparitional experience in its customers." Other factors which contribute, according to Dr Rogers, include the physical characteristics of many old pubs such as low-beamed ceilings and old paintings. He added: "Another psychological factor is 'pareidolia'. That is the general tendency to misperceive vague and random visual stimuli. For example, clouds or shadows, having a significant form such as a human figure. "In addition, previous research suggests that most apparitional experiences occur indoors, in familiar surroundings, when the experient is in a relaxed state of mind." Dr Rogers studied a digital camera photograph taken in the Red Lion, Blackburn Road, Wheelton, which appears to show a ghostly figure hovering above a woman's shoulder. He said: "I suspect this can be explained either by double exposure or by pareidolia. That is, the vaporish blur is either a light shadow, a smudged fingerprint on the camera lens or possibly smoke." David Finch, 39, of Wheelton, who submitted the photograph which was taken at his friend's birthday party, said: "I don't believe in the afterlife and all that but I can't explain the picture. It's done the rounds in the village, everyone has come out with a story." |
Photo: White Stag Seen In Gloucestershire Forest Posted: 07 Dec 2009 08:14 AM PST ![]() dailymail - White stags have long been associated with mythology and legend, an elusive yet magnificent beast. King Arthur was left frustrated by his attempts to capture one, as were the Kings and Queens of Narnia, who chased the creature through the woods and found themselves tumbling out of a wardrobe. But photographer Ken Grindle has managed to get a little bit closer, taking this picture of the animal in the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire. The majestic wild animal - long associated with mystery and good luck - was filmed by the wildlife enthusiast. Ken, 66, has been filming and photographing wildlife in the area for the past six years - but had never seen a white stag. 'I was very surprised to see it,' he said. 'I was camped in a shelter and was really fortunate. It just strolled right in front of me and calmly wandered around. 'He is a beautiful creature and it's really nice to be able to show people who perhaps can't make it into woodland what beautiful animals roam out there. 'I was lucky to be able to get some footage of it as well as the battery on my camera was running out. 'I wasn't sure I'd actually got it until I got home. 'I take the pictures to share with everyone as a lot of people can't get out into the woods to see this.' The Forest of Dean is thought to be home to an array of unusual and wild creatures including wild boar, big cats and white stags. Retired builder Ken added: 'There's a lot of talk about big cats in the Forest and that really would be something to see. 'I managed to stand my ground when some wild boar came out into the path in front of me but it might be a bit different if I saw a big cat.' Last year a white stag was spotted in the Scottish Highlands and was photographed by a member of a nature charity while she was on an expedition on the west coast. Fran Lockhart, of the John Muir Trust, a charity which protects wild land, said she was "thrilled" to spot the majestic beast, which is closely identified with the unicorn. In October 2007, a wild white stag was shot by poachers on the border between Devon and Cornwall, where horrified locals had known it by the name Snowy. 'Ghostlike': A white stag among a group of young red stags, spotted in the Scottish Highlands last year It was decapitated and its 300lb carcase found hanging from a tree in a yard.It is thought the stag's head, along with its antlers, had been claimed as a trophy and could be mounted and possibly sold for thousands of pounds. White deer, closely identified with unicorns, have been potent figures in the mythology of many cultures. It is said to be bad luck to kill one. According to the Scots legend, in 1128, David I, King of Scotland decided to go hunting on the Feast Day of the Holy Rood, against the wishes of his priest. While hunting he saw a huge white stag, or "hart", and while giving chase he was thrown from his horse. The white hart charged forward to kill him, so David - son of Malcolm Canmore and St Margaret - called on God to save him. As the king grasped the hart's antlers, they miraculously turned in to a large cross, and the beast raised its head and vanished. Inspired by his vision, King David built a shrine to the Holy Rood - meaning Holy Cross - on the spot where the miracle occurred. The ruin of Holyrood Abbey can still be seen today, at the foot of the Royal Mile next to Holyrood Palace. The White Hart Inn in Edinburgh's grassmarket, reputedly the oldest pub in the capital, took its name from the legend. The Celts considered white stags to be messengers from the "other world" and their appearance was said to herald some profound change in the lives of those who encountered them. In the Chronicles of Narnia, the White Stag is fabled to grant wishes to whoever catches him. And in the Arthurian legend, the white stag is the creature that can never be caught. King Arthur's repeatedly unsuccessful pursuit of the white stag represents mankind's quest for spiritual knowledge. In Christianity a white stag was said to be instrumental in the conversion of the martyr Saint Eustace after he saw a vision of the animal that told him he would suffer for Christ. |
Christmas Decorating and the Ghost is Right on Time! Posted: 07 Dec 2009 08:06 AM PST ![]() Every year around this time, for the last 40 years, this one family deals with a ghost who visits their house. The story goes that a family that consisted of a young couple, two kids and a grandfather built the house. The grandfather lived on the second floor and loved his new home. He had a sitting room on the second floor with a bedroom and private bath. Outside he kept roses and flowers that he loved and tended with care. Both the young husband and wife worked full time jobs. The grandfather watched over the children until the couple returned home at night. The family seemed typical to the other families in the neighborhood. The granddad was happy to be with his family and tend his roses. He was content with his life. Often you could find him smoking his pipe waiting in his rocking chair on the front porch for the children to return from school. Life seemed to be working smoothly for all. It started during one hot summer. The young couple began to fight. The young man started to drink heavily. Often you could hear yelling and loud arguing erupting from the house. The neighbors began to talk about it and eventually call the police when the fighting became too loud or violent. You could hear doors slamming and furniture being thrown against walls. By the fall of that year gunshots were heard a few times and the police were a constant fixture at the home. It was sad knowing the family was dissolving. Neighbors felt sorry for the old grandfather caught in the middle. It was a difficult time. The couple divorced. The wife took the children and moved away. The young husband placed the house for sale. The grandfather had to be placed in an old folks home. Word had it his heart was broken. That was 40 years ago. The family now living in this home is a lovely happy normal family. They raised their kids in the house, kept the house up ,even replaced the bathrooms and kitchens a few times along the way. They also put up with grandpas ghost! It is said that the old man did not make out too well once he left his once happy home. He hated the old folks home and only lasted a few years before he passed away. Coincidentally, a few years after owning this house, the new family started to notice odd activities around the home. It would always seem to be noticed the most around the holidays. The family would be sitting in the dinning room eating when they would hear the front door open and someone walk up the stair case to the second floor. The family would call out to see who was there without any reply. They would then search the house to find it empty but for the family sitting at the table. The family would hear someone slamming doors or footsteps overhead as they sat in the family room of someone walking around on the second floor. They would search only to always find an empty house. The worst of it all was the smell of the burning pipe. Each time this would occur the house would fill with the smell of a freshly lit pipe being smoked. At times the odor of the pipe would be so overpowering the family needed to open windows and doors. This ghost has visited this family now every year for the past 40 years. I ran into the woman who owns this house recently in Macy's while Christmas shopping. We caught up on our families and neighbors. Before we parted I asked her how she was making out with her yearly ghostly visits of the old grandfather? "Oh he is with us again this year. He is a bit unhappy with us as we are doing renovations on the house and he always hates when we work on the house. He has picked up his visits to daily explosions up the staircase and marches around in the bedroom above the dinning room as usual. The problem is that this year he visits every day and always has that darn smelly pipe with him. We know he is really annoyed, as he now has added the new event of slamming the cabinet doors in the kitchen when we are in the den watching TV. " I was stunned at how matter of fact my fellow town dweller was taking this ghostly invasion. I wondered if they ever feared this ghost or were concerned he was changing his activity? I asked her if she ever thought about bringing in a ghost hunter? "No, we are not fearful at all. After 40 years of walking around the house and up the stairs we all feel he is harmless. For some reason he likes to be in the house during the holidays. He also refuses to move on. We think he still is tending his roses and smoking his pipe. It doesn't interfere with our lives so we just let it be. Anyway we never touch those roses yet they get bigger and more beautiful each and every year for the last 40 years. Why spoil a good thing? Once Christmas comes and goes and I take down the tree and he leaves till the next holiday arrives. We don't mind, we are use to him." I must say I am envious on how easily this family deals with an obvious and ongoing journey with the paranormal. I am not sure I could just shrug my shoulders as ghostly footsteps invaded my staircase and filled my house with smoke from the other side. I know I could not handle it with the ease and grace this family does. As I wished my neighbor a good holiday I glanced into her shopping cart filled with Christmas tree ornaments, and bright red stockings with the names of the family members printed across the top of each stocking. I could not help but notice that the second stocking down had the word Grandpa written across it. They are a kind and good family. I truly wish them a very Merry Christmas…and you too Grandpa! Thanks to Chris Holly at Chris Holly's Paranormal World Are you interested in the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs and conspiracies? Go to Phantoms and Monsters Wiki and become a member of this unique network. 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