Phantoms and Monsters |
- Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports
- Hovering Blue Lights Connected to Colorado Cattle Mutilations?
- Death By Bubble Gum
- Photo: Minnesota Land Owner Claims Bigfoot Captured On Trail Camera
Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports Posted: 10 Dec 2009 10:34 AM PST ![]() Location: Anza Borrego State Park, California Date: September 15, 2007 Time: 3:00am local time Carl and his girlfriend had decided to go on an overnight backpacking adventure. Their destination was Mt. Laguna (unincorporated area of San Diego) however a forest fire in Julian closed off Route 78 therefore they took an alternative route and stumbled upon the Anza Borrego Desert State Park. They arrived at the park at 1700. He had never hiked, or backpacked at the park, therefore Carl went to the visitor center got the information he needed and set on his journey to Culp Valley Campground. Culp Valley campground is approximately 3500 feet in elevation. He pulled into the campground loaded their packs and set off. They only backpacked about 1 mile out due to night settling. They set up a tent about 20 feet north of the trail. At around 0300am the night moon had sunk behind the mountains surrounding the desert, it was pitch black and Jeremy's girlfriend was sleeping. Unable to sleep Jeremy just stares at the starry sky. Suddenly he heard a man's voice, he looked into the direction it was coming from and saw a green light being waved back and forth. He immediately thought it was a park ranger. The light was about 50 yards east from his tent. He could tell that whoever it was using the green light to guide somebody on the trail. The green light was coming closer and closer to the tent...probably not directly to the tent but on the trail about 20 feet away. The tent was set up on a small slope looking downward on the trail. The green light disappeared and Carl panicked. Suddenly out of nowhere a massive amount of light lit up the trail 20 feet from where he was. He was terrified, nobody was talking at this point and he didn't hear footsteps just saw a massive amount of white light. The light was getting closer to the trail next to his tent. He immediately ducked down and laid low in his tent scared. He then peeked out of the tent and saw 12 to 15 humanoid figures that looked like people, but some were extremely tall and the rest were really very short with large bald heads. The tall figures appeared to be wearing white cloak-like outfits and the short figures appeared to be naked. Terrified and his heart pounding Jeremy watched the beings walk very gracefully and slowly, turning their heads from left to right with each footstep. They were all holding metal rod like implements which emitted a powerful white light. They seemed to ignore the tent and walked "peacefully" by the tent. The witness remained laying down and quite as the beings "walked" by the tent. The light eventually faded as the beings continued down the trail and disappeared. Terrified he woke his girlfriend 10 minutes later because he didn't want the beings to hear them talking. He told the ranger the next day about what had happened and the ranger wrote it down in a report, suspecting it was some type of religious cult. DARK FIGURE IN WOODS BEHIND HOME Location: Saranac, Michigan Date: November 27, 2007 Time: Late evening The witness and her husband were sitting in their living room watching TV when they heard a gunshot next door and then a second. Her husband got dressed and headed over to his neighbor Bob's house to see if was the bear that they had been seeing lately. When he got there the neighbor was "freaked out" and explained what he saw. Bob's wife Grace had taken their two dogs out one last time before bed and their oldest dog ran toward the woods like always, but stopped dead in his tracks and cowered. Grace yelled for Bob and he ran outside with his 30-30 rifle, thinking it was the bear again. He walked up to his dog and spotted movement from the corner of his eye. He looked up and saw a dark figure walk across his path into the woods. It was standing upright like a human and was about 6'7", just outside the right of light from his flood light, and Bob though it was a hunter that had been in the area lately. So he yelled at it, saying something like "Hey, who are you?" The figure then walked back across the path on all fours like an animal...and it had red eyes. Bob was transfixed with the eyes; they glowed like the end of a cigarette. He raised his gun and put the sights of the scope on its chest, dead center mass, and noticed it had no fur. He shot once and hit it square in the chest. It didn't even flinch. He then re-racked the gun, but it misfired. The gun had never done that before, so he racked out the bullet and racked in a new one. It misfired yet again. He looked at the bullet and it didn't even have a dent from the firing pin. He re-loaded the bullet and looked up. The figure was standing upright again, but farther back in the woods. He aimed and fired and hit it again in the chest. It didn't flinch again. It just walked off like nothing happened. Bob fired one last time, but missed. They found no tracks or any blood anywhere where Bob had seen the figure. TEXAS LIZARD MAN ENCOUNTER Location: Near Big Springs, Texas Date: June 2005 Time: Mid Afternoon The 13-year old witness was out hunting with his grandfather and had briefly separated from his grandfather following a flock of quail. He strode up a mountain, carrying his shotgun and a bag of shells. He scratched his leg with a rock and tended the wound for a few minutes; he then heard ducks nearby and knew there had to be a pond to wash his cut. After arriving at the pond he began to splash water on his leg when he suddenly heard a splashing sound. He looked up and saw a man leaning over, drinking from the pond. It only took him a few seconds to realize that this was no ordinary man. This man had scales and a lizard's head. The witness was petrified---he couldn't move a muscle. He stood there watching the strange creature drink, when all of the sudden he saw it jerk its head up. It eyed the witness for what seemed like hours, it then jumped in the water and began swimming toward the witness. The witness managed to shoot three shells at it and then ran from the area as fast a he could. After telling his grandfather he was not believed. Source: NOTE: these are a few of the more interesting humanoid / cryptid encounter reports I have read and retained over the years. Enjoy!...Lon |
Hovering Blue Lights Connected to Colorado Cattle Mutilations? Posted: 10 Dec 2009 09:37 AM PST "I have no idea what could do this. I wish I did," he says. Four calves, all killed overnight. Their innards gone. Tongues sliced out. Udders carefully removed. Facial skin sliced and gone. Eyes cored away. Not a single track surrounding the carcasses, which were found in pastures locked behind two gates and a mile from any road. Not a drop of blood on the ground or even on the remaining skin. In his life in the piƱon-patched pastures where his father and grandfather raised cattle, the 72-year-old Sanchez has seen mountain lions and coyotes kill cattle, elk and deer. He's seen birds scavenge carcasses. He's heard of thieves slaughtering livestock in the field for their meat. He can't explain what he saw last month. "A lion will drag its kill. Coyotes rip and tear flesh. These were perfect cuts — like with a laser or like a scalpel. And what would take the waste — all the guts — and leave the nice, tender meat?" Sanchez says, as he nudges his old Ford through rutted trails, rosary beads swinging from his rearview mirror. "No tracks. No blood. No nothing. I got nothing to go by. They don't leave no trace." Every rancher who has reported similar cattle deaths — and there have been at least eight such deaths in southern Colorado this year — uses the same description. "They just stripped this one," says Tom Miller, who in March was one of three ranchers near Trinidad who discovered mutilated cattle. Cow raises the alarm One morning, he went out to his concrete troughs to feed his herd of about 80 red and black Angus cows and calves. The herd was racing about. A cow that a week before had birthed a calf was bellowing, "raising all kind of devil," Miller says. There by the trough — past the locked gate a quarter-mile from U.S. 350 east of Hoehne — was the calf. Its front legs and torso were gone. Its back legs were hanging by hide to a shattered pelvis and a meatless backbone. Miller thought a pack of coyotes had torn into the calf the night before. Then he saw the ears: sliced off the head in circular, surgical-like cuts. He noticed that there were no tracks. And no blood anywhere. "If anyone can show me how this happened, I will believe them. I know it's not coyotes, especially in one night. Only a human or something like that can cut the ears like that," says Miller, a 72-year-old rancher who was raised on the prairie bordering the Purgatoire River. "If it was done by people, they sure went out of their way to bother and confuse me. And really, why? It doesn't make any sense." Mysteriously mangled Colorado Brand Inspector Dennis Williams came out and looked at Miller's calf. He lives next door; the calf would be the last of three strangely mutilated cattle that he would investigate in March of this year. "I've heard about it. It was weird, to say the least. Totally unexplainable. To me, it looked like that calf had been dropped from a high distance, the way its hips were dislocated and all its broken bones," Williams says. That same month, ranchers had called Williams to grisly scenes northeast of Aguilar and west of Weston to investigate mysteriously mangled cattle that had been seen healthy the day before. To add to the weirdness, Sanchez, Miller and Mike Duran, who found a sliced Red Angus cow near Weston in March, have all experienced similar mutilations before. Sanchez lost cows in 2006 and 1993, Miller in 1997 and 1980, and Duran in 2000 and 1995. "It's weird and unexplainable," says Duran, who lost a healthy 27-year-old Red Angus cow on March 8, her udder and rear end removed with what he describes as "laser cuts, like when somebody cuts metal with a torch." Cops, like Williams and the ranchers, are stumped. "We can't come up with anything," says Las Animas County sheriff's Deputy Derek Navarette, who investigated the Miller and Duran calves. "We've seen these before and they are all kind of the same. No one has ever explained it. Northern New Mexico has had some of these same cases, and in those cases they never got any further than we did." Predators ruled out Chuck Zukowski of Colorado Springs investigated three of the eight mutilated cows in southern Colorado this year. The amateur UFO investigator and reserve deputy in El Paso County documents each scene, testing for radiation and scanning carcasses with ultraviolet light. Despite his extraterrestrial inclinations, Zukowski's studies — found on his website — fall short of concluding anything paranormal. He seems certain all the animals he studied were killed and drained before they were sliced, which explains the lack of blood found near the animals. The way the tongues were sliced off in straight lines back behind the teeth indicates it is not a predator kill, he says. "I'm looking for obvious things," Zukowski says. "I don't like to say aliens did it. There are just too many unknowns. I like to lean on human intervention until I actually see a UFO come down and take a cow." Sanchez is a salt-of-the-earth-type fellow who put three kids through college running cattle. Yet, he says he and his wife marveled at incandescent blue lights hovering over a ridge near his pastures in July and August. He declined to speculate about the lights. "I just say the truth and that's what I saw," he says. Duran, on the other hand, is willing to take the next step. He's looked at it from every angle, he says. If it wasn't human and wasn't a predator, he says, there's only one other option. "I do believe it was UFOs. This universe is so big, a lot of people think we are the only ones here," he says, declining to guess why aliens harbor such bloody disdain for bovines. "I bet there is something out there." _____________________ A History of Ghostly Butchery The "Phantom Surgeons of the Plains," as they are known, have been slicing up Colorado cattle for decades. From the late 1960s to this year, the bloodless, trackless and isolated scenes all have been the same: bovines with ears, genitals, tongues, organs and udders neatly removed. Worldwide, the incidents number more than 10,000. Colorado seems especially plagued. In 1975, ranchers on the state's Eastern Plains, particularly around southern Elbert County, reported more than 200 mysteriously mutilated cattle. Theories abound, with some pointing to animal-sacrificing cults and others suggesting secretive government experiments and even military-guided laser beams. The alien conspiracy theory blossomed when inexplicably gored cattle were found adjacent to pastures with crop circles in Alabama. Other cases in New Mexico and Colorado involve tripod imprints in a circular area near the carcasses, suggesting the involvement of an atypical aircraft. Countless ranchers report "strange lights" in the sky around the time they find their sliced cattle. Despite the theories, no mutilation has ever been thoroughly explained. Colorado's dalliances with mysteriously mangled animals began with a horse named Snippy in 1967. Found in a defleshed, bloodless heap with her brain missing and neck bones cleaned gleaming white in September 1967 north of Alamosa, the 3-year-old Appaloosa is considered the pioneer of the unexplained mutilation phenomenon. Since Snippy, the paranormal-rich San Luis Valley under the shadow of the Sangre de Cristo mountain range has hosted hundreds of unsolved livestock deaths. |
Posted: 10 Dec 2009 08:55 AM PST ![]() The 25-year-old student of Ukraine's Kiev Polytechnic Institute was working at a computer in his parents' house late on Saturday when the incident occurred. "A loud pop was heard from the student's room," the portal said, citing an aide to the city's police chief. "When his relatives entered the room they saw that the lower part of the young man's face had been blown off." A forensic examination established that the chewing gum was covered with an unidentified chemical substance, thought to be some type of explosive material. Police questioning revealed that the student had a bizarre habit of chewing gum after dunking it into citric acid. On his table, police found both citric acid packets and a similar-looking unidentified substance, believed to be some kind of explosive material. Investigators believe that the student simply confused the packets, and put the gum, covered with explosive material, into his mouth. Although the local forensic department does not have the necessary equipment to identify the substance, it refused to send it to the capital, Kiev, over fears that it might explode during transportation. Forensic experts from Kiev are expected in Konotop on Wednesday. Investigators are to decide within a 10-day period whether a criminal case should be launched. |
Photo: Minnesota Land Owner Claims Bigfoot Captured On Trail Camera Posted: 10 Dec 2009 08:12 AM PST ![]() ![]() bemidjipioneer - Tim Kedrowski and his sons, Peter and Casey, are not pushovers for Bigfoot stories, but a frame on a game trail camera set up on their hunting land north of Remer has left them in a quandary. "To us, it's very hard because we lean toward the skeptical type," Kedrowski said in a telephone interview from his Rice, Minn., home. But after checking with neighbors and any other hunters who might have been walking through the dense woods at 7:20 p.m. on the rainy night of Oct. 24, he said they couldn't imagine what else the image could be. Tim said he considered ideas from a bear to a bow hunter in a fuzzy suit. But the arm and hand couldn't be a bear's, or its upright gait. And there is no evidence in the photo of a bow or flashlight a hunter might be using to track a wounded deer. The Kedrowskis checked the Minnesota Bigfoot Web site and came up with the names of Don Sherman and Bob Olson, the Northern Minnesota Bigfoot Research Team. Sherman is the facilities manager for the Cass Lake Indian Health Service Hospital, and Olson is an auto body repairman in Deer River. Sherman has responded to numerous area Bigfoot sighting reports and has made casts of footprints. He said he once caught footage of a Bigfoot on a thermal imaging camera and heard its warbling call. When Sherman saw the image the Kedrowskis sent him, Tim said the researcher responded that he believes it is a picture of a Bigfoot. Sherman went with the Kedrowskis to the photo site and measured the height of the creature in comparison the sapling next to it. He determined the animal is about 7 feet tall. "I've hunted there for 43 years," Tim said of their property near Shingle Mill Lake. "I've seen one bear off my deer stand. I've seen three timber wolves." Casey Kedrowski said he and his brother had gone out to the family's hunting shack prior to deer season to bring in firewood and make other preparations. They set up a game trail camera to see what might be wandering around their property. Casey said he and his brother were the only people who knew where the camera was located. They took the camera down when deer season started, and a couple of weeks later checked on what they had caught. When they came to the picture of the long-armed creature walking upright, Casey said, "We just looked at each other. Each of us thought we were playing a trick on each other." When they determined that neither of them had pulled a prank on the other, they checked to see if anyone had been in the area that night. Tim said the only neighbors were two elderly hunters in their own shack, neither of whom matched the size and appearance of the creature caught on camera. However, he said, when he asked the men about the night the camera clicked on the mystery, they said they had gone out about 2 a.m. to use the outhouse and had heard strange squealing noises. Ted said he asked them to show him the direction of the sounds. They pointed to the area where the camera had been, although they had no idea of its location. Sharing photo Ted said he just released the photo and permission for its publication last weekend. "It was deer season and we wanted to concentrate on deer hunting, and (we) really wanted to talk to people in the area and … make sure they weren't scamming us," he said. "We're not 100 percent sure, obviously. After visiting with (Sherman and Olson) we feel they've done a lot more investigation. That's why we put it in their hands." Sherman said the Northern Minnesota Bigfoot Research Team started receiving reports of Bigfoot sightings in 2006 and has had reports every year since, including four reports this year. He said the first reported sighting he investigated was from a man running a road grader near Six Mile Lake south of Lake Winnibigoshish. Sherman said he was able to make casts of the footprints. A more recent sighting report was by a truck driver. "I've talked to this guy – this was last year – he was coming from Crosby (Minn.) with a load of lumber by Washburn Lake," Sherman said. "It had hands, he said, like baseball mitts. It took three steps to cross the road. He was pretty shook up." Doubt expressed In spite of such seemingly credible reports, biologists remain unconvinced. "Personally, I don't buy the fact this thing exists," said Blane Klemek, assistant wildlife manager with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in Bemidji. "There are certainly species that are discovered each year –but megafauna – rare is it a big mammal is discovered," he said. He noted the belief that the ivory-billed woodpecker is not extinct after all is based on a fleeting, indistinct video image of some kind of woodpecker recorded in 2004 in the Big Woods of Arkansas. No other sightings have been reported. He also noted than no one has ever found a Bigfoot carcass. "All organisms die; they don't just go away," Klemek said. "You'd think someone someday would find one." Evan Hazard, Bemidji State University retired mammalogist, also expressed doubt about the Bigfoot's existence. "I just don't know," he said. "My background in mammalogy makes me skeptical, not expert. My inclination is to say we really don't have good evidence." Hazard said proof would be a clear photo matched with footprints at the same site – multiple pieces of overlapping evidence. Search continues Sherman said the research would go on. He said he believes the Bigfoot is intelligent and perfectly at home in the woods. "That's why they're so elusive," he said. "They know the woods better than any hunter because they live it." One thing the hunters agree on is that even if they could produce a carcass for examination, they wouldn't shoot a Bigfoot. "Absolutely not – no way," said Tim. "I asked my sons would they shoot it, and they said no. It has every right to live." "I've talked to people who've had them in their sights and their scopes, and they said they couldn't pull the trigger," she Sherman. NOTE: your guess is as good as mine on this one. The number of sightings in the upper Midwest have increased dramatically over the past few years. The witnesses don't seem the type of people who would attempt to pull a hoax...but, you never know for sure...Lon Are you interested in the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs and conspiracies? Go to Phantoms and Monsters Wiki and become a member of this unique network. 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