Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Phantoms and Monsters

Phantoms and Monsters

Astral Mystery Resides at Early Anglican Church

Posted: 28 Dec 2009 03:13 PM PST

cbc - Parishioners at one of Canada's oldest Anglican churches were puzzled by an enduring enigma when they gazed heavenward this Christmas.

The chancel ceiling at St. John's Anglican Church in Lunenburg, N.S., has a special pattern of gilded stars on it, and while locals now know what it represents, they have yet to find out who originally designed it, or how.

The conundrum emerged after the church, built in 1754, burned on Halloween night in 2001 as a result of arson. The parish sought to reconstruct the building's interior as closely as possible, and it brought in parishioner Margaret Coolen in 2004 to re-create the ceiling over the altar.

But the church didn't have a complete set of photographs of the original star pattern, so Coolen, hoping the pattern reflected the actual alignment of heavenly bodies in the night sky, sought the help of astronomer David Turner of Saint Mary's University in Halifax.

That's when the first mystery emerged.

Turner recognized the constellation Perseus in the photos of the eastern part of the chancel ceiling. But Perseus, seen from Lunenburg, always lies in the northern part of the sky and never due east.

"We looked at them and didn't recognize any of the star groups," Coolen explained of the constellations' positions. "It looked like they might just simply be put up at random, but it didn't seem like someone would go to that trouble to put just random stars on the ceiling."

Coolen suggested that Turner instead look at the stars' alignment around 2,000 years ago — on Christmas Eve in the year of Jesus' birth.

Then, using software that plots the positions of heavenly bodies throughout history, Turner had a revelation: The chancel ceiling's pattern indeed reflected quite closely how the night sky would have looked from Lunenburg all those years past, when constellations appeared in somewhat different locations than today.

"I set the scene for sunset, and bingo! I found myself looking at Perseus in the eastern sky," he said.

But while the finding has excited parishioners at St. John's Anglican, who now know that they are gazing up at the heavens as they would have appeared on the eve of their Saviour's birth, it has also perplexed them.

The ornamentation they once merely called "Mariner's Sky" holds a stellar motif of immense astronomical significance. But who could possibly have calculated the astral positions, and how, remains a mystery.

'Paulding Lights' Excursion Results in Another Discovery

Posted: 28 Dec 2009 11:46 PM PST

Click for video

MUFON witness report: My son and I wanted to investigate the Paulding Lights Mystery. So the morning of March 1, 2009, after I had gotten off work, we took an Northwest Airline flight from Minneapolis, Minnesota to Iron Mountain, Michigan. We landed about 4:30PM and I think we left Iron Mountain's airport, called Ford Airfield, about 5:30PM. We rented a car and drove to Paulding. It was about +2 above zero when we left the airport. We drove from Iron Mountain MI and Paulding MI via State Road 2 to Watersmeet then State Road 45 to Paulding. We made one stop for coffee (but I would have to go back and re-due the route to remember which gas station we stopped at). The sun was starting to set low and I told my son that he should do an intro to our video explaining what and where we where going to investigate. As he turned on the camera, the camera filmed something in the back seat of our car, however, we never had time to review the film until three months later. I have asked the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota to see if someone there might have an idea on what this might be. I also posted the video on YouTube to see if anyone else might of filmed or seen the same thing. YouTube post: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YVObeD6qGI

Here are Your Following Points:

1. We were driving to Pauling Michigan from Iron Mountian Airport.
2. Reviewing the film we took looking for the Paulding Lights.
3. Dimensional Person.
4. We did not noticed anything while we where driving. Not until I reviewed the film 3 months later did we see the thing in the back seat.
5. Describe your feelings, reactions and actions, during and after sighting the object. Normal
6. How did you lose sight of the object? Only the camera saw it.

We were using a JVC compact camcorder model GR-AXM17U, it uses VHS-C tapes. I really would like someone to take a real good look at this film.


SFC Luis J. Soria (ret)

NOTE: You don't normally see a spirit anomaly report at MUFON. I don't really know what to make of this but there is probably a plausible explanation, though, the glowing of this anomaly is very interesting...Lon

UPDATE: I received the following from our spiritual adviser and medium 'SW':

Male child spirit, connected to a particular spot in the area where video was taken, near (or on) a curve in road. There are the letters "D" and an "L" that are important but don't know if that is from a name, location, etc.

Child sits in back seat like he did before his death, over and over. Child is very sad. He rides in many cars though most all never know he is there, always going the same direction, to the same place he died.

More Bloggers Jump Into MUFON Debate

Posted: 28 Dec 2009 10:17 PM PST

Rick Phillips at Barf Stew makes reference to the MUFON debate at FAA Makes Curious `UFO Call Statement' - As UK Shuts Down Same, in particular the MUFON 'Star Team' and Robert Bigelow's involvement in the network.

Quoting from Rick's post... Now, reading between the lines about Mr. Capp's assertions about MUFON and Lon's readers experiences (Joe's readers too) -- it doesn't take too much of an imagination to believe that UFO reports are now being `funnelled' - into organizations that may be less than forthcoming with the results - (In the links above you can see how some MUFON reports `vanish'.) - while providing the `cover' of real investigative interest.

Also... it seems mighty strange for the FAA to give one damn about who those reports should go to by the MOST BELIEVABLE AUTHORITIES - PILOTS AND AIR CONTROL --- and then - for THAT company to have ANY link to MUFON - doubles that strangeness.

Or, could this be a way for Mr. Bigelow - to be positioned by our government - as the ultimate spokesperson for `Anomalous Disclosure' to the world?

It's a very interesting post...go to FAA Makes Curious `UFO Call Statement' - As UK Shuts Down Same and leave a comment.

NOTE: I found the following tidbit in reference to a supposed 'deal' a MUFON executive and Robert Bigelow had in 2000. Here is the link to the source OUTRAGE OVER JOHN CARPENTER'S ETHICS, OR LACK THEREOF. Apparently, Larry Bryant, then Director of Governmental Affairs for MUFON was upset about the fact that John Carpenter, MUFON's Director of Abduction Research, had apparently sold 140 abduction case histories to Robert Bigelow for the sum of $14,000. It begs the question...how much involvement has Bigelow and his companies had with MUFON over the years? Lon

The Bluff Creek Massacre Debate Continues

Posted: 28 Dec 2009 11:25 AM PST

NOTE: Loren Coleman at Cryptomundo.com laments the 'Bluff Creek Massacre' debate at Cryptomundo - Bigfoot Massacre Mess Ends Decade that has shaken the Bigfoot community since it was theorized. In addition to the material provided by Loren, I have added previous posts explaining this controversy...Lon
Originally posted 5/28/08

Ohio Bigfoot Conference: M.K. Davis Presents 'Patty' Theory

The Patterson-Gimlin film has been both decried as a clever hoax and lauded as visual proof that an unclassified biped roams the North American continent.

Shot in 1967 near Bluff Creek, Calif., the few dozen frames of 16 mm film show a creature walking away from amateur cameraman Roger Patterson. He and Bob Gimlin were in the area filming for a documentary Patterson planned to produce when they encountered a creature matching the description widely attributed to Sasquatch or Bigfoot: hair-covered, 7 to 8 feet tall weighing several hundred pounds and muscular.

During the 20th Annual Bigfoot Conference/Expo Saturday at the Salt Fork Resort & Conference Center, M.K. Davis, a foremost expert on the film, presented what he said was proof that the film was not hoaxed and that Patty, as the creature has come to be known, is a flesh-and-blood creature.

"There's no way in the world it's a suit," Davis said. "You're not looking at a man in a suit."

The Mississippian is an astrophotographer by vocation and is accustomed to examining photographs in detail and spotting what others might overlook. He blended this meticulous discipline for observation with technology to examine the film, presenting some of his findings to the more than 400 audience members.

By using technology not available until many years after the film was shot new details can be gleaned from the footage, Davis said. Among those that he has observed is what may be a braid in the creature's hair (the braiding of horse manes is associated with some sightings), movement of hair in an estimated 8 to 9 mph breeze at her back and pendulous breasts that move in concert with her stride and variations of skin tone.

Other details that Davis said substantiates the film as authentic include clearly visible back muscle and gluteal muscle movement corresponding appropriately to the creature's gait and bumps along the spine like that of a human spinal column.

A wound is visible on Patty's right thigh, Davis said, and she can be seen digging a small trench by dragging a foot through the sandy soil.

Davis addressed a "bloody pool" seen in some frames. The area was frequented by logging crews, and he suggested that the pool was a hole -- pointing out apparent tool marks along one edge -- filled with an unknown red fluid. While pursuing the creature with camera in hand Patterson reportedly stepped into the hole but continued to film.

Though Patterson, who died in 1972, was stigmatized for the filming, and the footage and those defending its authenticity have since been scorned, the weight of the scientific evidence presented by the film and by those who have objectively scrutinized it, said Davis, can only establish it as documentation of an unclassified creature in its native habitat.

Davis said his work on the film was done in tribute to Patterson.

ALSO: Davis has made some controversial statements in reference to the creature in the Patterson-Gimlin film. His theory is that there was a "massacre' of several Bigfoot creatures days previous to the day 'Patty' was filmed and that the bodies of these creatures were buried at the location by the perpetraitors of the massacre...thus the 'red' fluid in the film. As well, he feels that 'Patty' was returning to retrieve the remains when Patterson and Gimlin came on the location. Several of the people in this discussion say that Davis has implied that 'Patty' was shot as well and exhibited evidence of being wounded in the film. Go to the following links for detailed behind-the-conference private discussions reported at
Cryptomundo and at BlogSquatcher also here and here.
Originally posted 6/15/08

M.K. Davis Bigfoot Massacre Theory Raises Controversy

A few weeks ago, I posted a story Ohio Bigfoot Conference: M.K. Davis Presents 'Patty' Theory concerning the 20th Annual Bigfoot Conference/Expo at the Salt Fork Resort & Conference Center where M.K. Davis, an expert on the Patterson-Gimlin film, presented what he said was proof that the film was not hoaxed and that 'Patty', as the hominid has come to be known, is a flesh-and-blood creature. I also referenced an article at Expert: 'Bigfoot' Film Not A Hoax.

At the conference, Davis also made controversial statements in reference to 'Patty' and the Patterson-Gimlin film. His theory is that there was a "massacre' of several Bigfoot creatures days previous to the day 'Patty' was filmed and that the bodies of these creatures were buried at the location by the perpetraitors of the massacre creating a 'red pool' of fluid seen on the film. As well, he feels that 'Patty' was returning to retrieve the remains when Patterson and Gimlin came on the location. Several of the people in this private discussion say that Davis had implied that 'Patty' was shot as well and exhibited evidence of being wounded in the film. Go to the following links for detailed behind-the-conference private discussions reported at
Cryptomundo and at BlogSquatcher also here and here.

Now, Loren Coleman has posted at Cryptomundo that Scott Marlowe, a partner of Davis and John L. Johnsen, decided to send a letter to the District Attorney of Humboldt County, California stating: "There is increasing photographic evidence that the person, or possibly persons, so afflicted were shot and killed by others in the Patterson/Gimlin party who remain unnamed by Mr. Gimlin who survives Robert Patterson….Having been associated with the analysis work of two of the photographic experts examining the film, Mr. Marlon Davis and Mr. John Johnsen, I am compelled to contact you to avoid any hint of complicity in failing to inform the authorities of these potentially criminal acts. I would suggest that it would be prudent for your office to initiate an investigation into this matter in order to ascertain the actual facts surrounding this event and determine if criminal prosecution proceedings should be initiated."

In light of this letter and Johnsen's statement that "Davis, myself and Scott Marlowe had almost simultaneously come to the conclusion that there had been much more than met the eye going on in the film", M.K. Davis has been banned from the Bigfoot Discovery Museum of Felton, California. Curator Michael Rugg stated to Loren Coleman at Cryptomundo "in light of the ridiculous letter written by Scott Marlowe (as shown on Cryptomundo) I thought it was time our opinion on the matter was made public."

Personally, I am of the opinion that Davis and Marlowe are little more than 'glory hounds' who intended to stir the pot in the cryptozoology world by using a flawed theory to gain recognition. As well, I feel both Davis and Marlowe have set themselves up for tort action by Gimlin and/or Patterson's widow by insinuating that Gimlin assaulted 'Patty' and other possible members of the supposed 'tribe' making his partner Patterson an accessory.

Overall, lets hope this incident is nothing more than a blip on the Bigfoot research radar screen and that it doesn't cause any residual harm.


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