Phantoms and Monsters |
- Videos: UFOs / OVNIs Enhanced - Chile
- Chilling Hominid Encounter Recalled
- Israel Admits Organs Harvested Without Permission
- BTW...Who Are These 'Axthadans' Communicating With?
- Sharing Pints With English Spirits
Videos: UFOs / OVNIs Enhanced - Chile Posted: 30 Dec 2009 07:20 PM PST Click for video - enhanced Click for video - original NOTE: this video of UFOs over an undisclosed location in Chile (possibly Santiago) has been floating on the internet for about a week now. There also seems to be a debate on the actual date of the video though, there have been previous and subsequent sightings. It's a very interesting incident and needs to be compared with other activity in the area. A reader, Mikk from Toronto, enhanced the video and forwarded it to me. Tell us what you think...Lon |
Chilling Hominid Encounter Recalled Posted: 30 Dec 2009 11:07 PM PST ![]() When he looked out the window, he noticed a tall, hairy creature walking in the pasture, coming from the north. The creature was taking long smooth strides and it's arms moved back and forth as a human would. It did not appear to have a neck but capable of turning it's head as it was constantly looking around. Except for the face, the creature was covered entirely with brown or black medium length hair. The witness was able to see the face and noticed that the forehead protruded distinctly. Also, it appeared the nose was wide and pushed close to the face. The height was approximately eight feet. As the witness observed, the creature continued walking until it was south of the house. Suddenly, the creature stopped walking when the witness noticed 2 other similar creatures join it. Both were about about a foot shorter than the first. At this point, one of the creatures reached down and picked up a piece of lumber that was part of a new shed being built. The larger creature started walking swiftly towards the house until it was within 50 feet of the residence. It stopped suddenly, made a few loud grunting sounds and glared toward the window from where the witness was watching. The witness ducked and crawled to the far end of the bedroom. After a few minutes, the witness got up and looked out the window. The creatures were gone. Later that day, the witness and a friend discovered large unusual tracks in the pasture. It's not known if this incident was ever reported but I do know that at least one local police officer knew what had happened and confirmed it with me. He seemed to be convinced that the witness was upstanding and honest but very private. The witness did move away from the area not long after the encounter fearing that the creatures would harm him. NOTE: this account was told to me several years ago by a woman who worked with the witness as well as the referenced police officer. I was in the area (Huntingdon, PA) investigating a haunting at the time and happened to come in contact with her. She did say that there were Bigfoot sightings before and after this incident. BFRO has a few sightings in surrounding counties listed though I don't know if these are related. I'm going to go through all of my old notes (stacked in an old file drawer) one day soon. I have a bunch of anecdotes, personal accounts and oddball stories I've collected during my years of field work that may interest you...Lon |
Israel Admits Organs Harvested Without Permission Posted: 30 Dec 2009 10:36 AM PST Click for video ![]() The issue emerged with publication of an interview with the then-head of Israel's main forensic institute, Dr. Jehuda Hiss. An American academic conducted the interview in 2000, but decided to release it now because of a controversy last summer over an allegation by a Swedish newspaper that Israel was killing Palestinians to harvest their organs. Israel hotly denied the charge. In the interview, Hiss says corneas were taken from dead bodies without family consent. Hiss was dismissed from the institute in 2004, and Israel's Channel 2 TV quoted the health ministry saying that the practice stopped a decade ago. |
BTW...Who Are These 'Axthadans' Communicating With? Posted: 30 Dec 2009 09:52 AM PST ![]() It is now known that the civilization located in Andromeda Galaxy that is communicating with us via these UFO probes refer to themselves as 'Axthadans'. They are at least several thousand years ahead of humanity in terms of technology. Their appearance lies somewhat between the race we refer to as 'Greys' and our own. This alien civilization has in fact been watching humans and even discreetly guiding them for thousands of years. It has also now been confirmed that the Axthadans are not directly sending these probes. The probes are being sent by the race often referred to as 'Greys'. Greys are in fact another sub-group, as we are, of the Axthadan race. The Grey's home planet is within the Milky Way and believed to be located about 30 light years away from Earth. 'Greys' are a few hundred years ahead of humanity in terms of technology and have only been inducted into the wider universal community relatively recently (possibly a few hundred years ago). The 'Greys', who's real name is unknown to this author, seem to be responsible for many alleged abductions here on Earth and might have been the group associated with the Roswell event. Unlike Greys, Axthadans are said to be rather tall. Members of this race have visited Earth on occasion but do not do so very often. The Biblical account telling of the Prophet Ezekiel's experience with UFOs is said to recall a visit by the Axthadans. A few meetings between Axthadans and government officials worldwide seem to have taken place. The Greys have been generally entrusted by these other more evolved aliens with the task of helping prepare humanity for possible integration into universal culture. Many UFO researchers might query how well they are handling this task and some are suggesting that in recent years or months Axthadans have taken a more hands-on approach as a consequence. Axthadans are currently grooming over three hundred semi-technological civilizations for induction into a universal family of civilizations. Sadly, Most of these civilizations will not make it. The Pentagon is now in possession of extensive footage and information regarding life on their planet: Axthada. This planet has been described as being of great beauty and it's civilization as 'Utopian' by earth's standards. It is now known that these aliens have issued earthlings with a warning: We have less than a decade to completely bring an end to all forms of warfare, racism, prejudice and economic exploitation. The Axthadans have sent messages stating that if we continue our evil ways we will destroy ourselves and this planet within fifty years. In the event that aliens do disclose their presence to humanity and we continue to display any of these traits Planet Earth itself might have to be destroyed as a potential threat to universal harmony. In this scenario it is believed that innocent human victims of exploitation as well as other species will be resettled elsewhere. In an ironic twist Axthadans are communicating with groups seen as perpetrators. As such immense pressure has been placed on the US administration. A decision was made to allow America's economy to falter to allow for a redistribution of power and resources. Obviously the election of an African-American to the U.S Presidency was seen as a positive development by the Axthadans. The question now is will this satisfy our alien custodians or will this be seen as mere window dressing? It is believed that the Axthadans mean business and will not tolerate any trace of the existing power-structure. Ego-driven and ultra-materialistic western culture seems slated for destruction. Will Westerners adapt to a new reality where previously trodden on groups such as indigenous populations of countries like the US and Australia will perhaps be given leadership roles? Extraterrestrials have noted that the manner in which such groups were able to live for thousands of years in harmony with their environment translates into a safer, more peaceful universal existence. Western values of devour and destroy in an orgy of selfishness for the sole benefit of personal gain are said to be of immense concern to aliens. It is this author's belief that the recent Chinese UFO event that took place during the solar eclipse involved a 'manned' Axthadan craft. This almost irrefutable sighting is being hailed by Chinese researchers as one of the most compelling ever. Does this brazen example of aliens deliberately exposing their own presence at a time when many looked skyward signal something? Are aliens looking to China to lead humanity towards its destiny? I have received a number of emails from well-known researchers and cover-up insiders noting that the US is indeed worried over alien interest in China and its more communitarian values. Curiously the Chinese eclipse UFO event has been totally ignored by Western nations, possibly not willing to admit its implications. Does free-wheeling highly individualistic capitalism have a cosmic future or is it simply untenable and even dangerous when imposed on a much more complex paradigm: such as a universe? It should be noted at this point that the author is not unaware of the massive advances capitalism has brought humanity, nor is this an op-ed piece for socialism; merely a summary of what appear to be the known issues facing civilizations that join a galactic or universal family of races. The 'Cosmic Capitalism' doctrine studied by NASA scientists and others suggests that self-interest is imprinted into all living things as a result of evolution. However as one goes up the food chain this self-interest, responsible as it is for so much progress, becomes more potentially dangerous and thus it becomes more important to balance this tendency with social restraints. On a Galactic level this becomes a matter of the very survival of the universe: Hence not all races make the grade and are inducted to a wider family of civilizations. We realise that many readers will find this information hard to believe, however for those who work on these issues on a daily basis it is all too real. Our sources are such individuals and we can reveal they are not just speaking to All News Web. Other publications have also been contacted. In the words of Bob Dylan 'The times they are a-changin'….again. Will humanity make the grade? NOTE: Once again, Mr. Cohen posts an Axthadan 'doom and gloom' scenerio without tangible evidence. Below are other examples of Mr. Cohen's handiwork...Lon _______________________ Originally posted 7/25/09 Axthadan Alien Probe? Footage From Planet Axthada? NOTE: Michael Cohen has again surfaced with an unbelievable theory...this time, it's Paul's video in his cross hairs...Lon This seemingly incredible video has recently surfaced on the Internet. It shows a group of what appear to be Axthadan aliens testing or observing one of the small UFO probes they send to monitor distant planets. I have no idea where this UFO video comes from or whether it is genuine however many things about the film are remarkable: * The aliens seen in the background look almost identical to the Axthadan aliens who originate from the Andromeda Galaxy. These Axthadans were also seen in the now famous Kumburgaz series of UFO videos that many believe to be genuine images of aliens awaiting clearance to travel home through a UFO vortex exit that is located off the Turkish coast. * The entire scene fits in with what is known by governments around the world: That Axthadans are sending small probes to earth to monitor our civilization. It is now understood that Earth itself is located in Axthada's sphere of influence and territory. It seems that these beings have been subtly directing our development for millennia and might even have outright created us, somewhat in their (humanoid) image. * Also interesting is the fact that the actual probe seen in the video looks almost identical to confirmed UFO probes from Axthada that have been studied by top secret Government departments. * More astoundingly, the video quality and type is similar to earlier image transmissions sent by these probes and might actually be a video message designed to explain to Earthlings the origin and purpose of these probes. Of course the video might be of nothing of any real interest and the similarities just a coincidence. Until more is established about who leaked this video and where it comes from little conclusive can be said about it. In the meantime enjoy the footage and keep in mind that there is a chance that this might be actual footage from the distant planet of Axthada. NOTE: it's too bad I had to break the news to Cohen that this video was not from planet Axthada, but from Paul Cochran's flat in Perth, Australia...Lon __________________________ Originally posted 7/14/09 UFO Messages: Image of an Axthadan Revealed ![]() By Michael Cohen When I decided to really get to the bottom of the UFO issue I never thought I would get as far as I did. The concept of creating a news site almost entirely devoted to the topic has truly paid off. It has meant that we have received hundreds of leads, many from those within the cover-up and many from those with close links to people working on secret government projects. Information is not easy to come by and, sadly, governments studying this phenomena and even communicating with aliens take this topic's secrecy very seriously. All News Web has pushed the envelope in this respect. We thank those who, at some risk to themselves, have been feeding us UFO and extraterrestrial information. One of our informants recently sent us this rough sketch (above) of a member of the very real race known as the Axthadans or Ax Thadans. Next to the Axthandan is a spaceship and above it small unmanned UFO probe. On the alien's left is an example of Axthadan architecture. We realise that this image shows little new: The fact is that information on these Andromedans has been percolating down to popular culture for years. Remember 'The truth is always ridiculed at first' however, we know that in ten years time ufology will follow along the lines you read first here and Axthada will be a household name. NOTE: well, I can't say that the author, Michael Cohen, isn't consistent. I'm posting these reports basically to see the reaction by the readers. Are you buying it? ...Lon ______________________ Originally posted 7/11/09 The Axthadans Dictate New World Order...or Else! ![]() In the last few months dramatic developments have occurred in regards to human/extra-terrestrial relations and communication. Small UFO probes communicating with earthlings have ceased sending their signals in mathematical sequences and are now using earthly languages to communicate. This has made the task of deciphering these messages totally superfluous. It has also made the UFO messages much clearer and has allowed for much more detail to be contained within the messages. It is believed that the decision to initially communicate in code was a choice and not a matter of capability. This alien civilization has in fact been watching humans and even discreetly guiding them for thousands of years. It is now known that the civilization located in Andromeda Galaxy that is communicating with us via these UFO probes refer to themselves as 'Axthadans'. They are approximately a thousand years ahead of humanity in terms of technology. Their appearance is akin to the race we refer to as 'Greys'. This civilization has been entrusted by other more evolved aliens with the task of preparing humanity for possible integration into universal culture. Axthadans are currently grooming over three hundred semi-technological civilizations for induction into a universal family of civilizations. Sadly, Most of these civilizations will not make it. The Pentagon is now in possession of extensive footage and information regarding life on their planet: Axthada. This planet has been described as being of great beauty and it's civilization as 'utopian' by earth's standards. It is now known that these aliens have issued earthlings with a warning: We have less than a decade to completely bring an end to all forms of warfare, racism, prejudice and economic exploitation. The Axthadans have sent messages stating that if we continue our evil ways we will destroy ourselves and this planet within fifty years. In the event that aliens do disclose their presence to humanity and we continue to display any of these traits Planet Earth itself might have to be destroyed as a potential threat to universal harmony. In this scenario it is believed that innocent human victims of exploitation as well as other species will be resettled elsewhere. In an ironic twist Axthadans are communicating with groups seen as perpetrators. As such immense pressure has been placed on the US administration. A decision was made to allow America's economy to falter to allow for a redistribution of power and resources. Obviously the election of an African-American to the U.S Presidency was seen as a positive development by the Axthadans. The question now is will this satisfy our alien custodians or will this be seen as mere window dressing? It is believed that the Axthadans mean business and will not tolerate any trace of the existing power-structure. Ego-driven and ultra-materialistic western culture seems slated for destruction. Will Westerners adapt to a new reality where previously trodden on groups such as indigenous populations of countries like the US and Australia will be given leadership roles? Extraterrestrials have noted that the manner in which such groups were able to live for thousands of years in harmony with their environment translates into a safer, more peaceful universal existence. Western values of devour and destroy in an orgy of selfishness for the sole benefit of personal gain are said to be of immense concern to aliens. We realise that many readers will find this information hard to believe, however for those who work on these issues on a daily basis it is all too real. Our sources are such individuals and we can reveal they are not just speaking to All News Web. Other publications have also been contacted. In the words of Bob Dylan 'The times they are a-changin'….again. Will humanity make the grade? ![]() NOTE: under normal circumstances, Michael Cohen comes up with decent leads to foreign UFO encounters...though, he does tend to embellish a bit. But this column kind of makes you wonder what he's been smokin' lately. Now, if he has some inside information, then spill the beans. But this generalized extraterrestrial babble would make any fervent true-believer wary of what he's writing...Lon |
Sharing Pints With English Spirits Posted: 30 Dec 2009 09:21 AM PST ![]() Do ghosts drink English – or, any other – beer? I am not sure. After all one can record is what one witnesses and I have never seen a pint of beer lift itself from the bar counter and get quaffed by the invisible guest. But whether they drink English beer or not, the ghosts do haunt English pubs. Being a rather fair lot, they also haunt pubs, bars, hotels, inns, castles, churches and all kind of other places all over the world. Since it is a very large World, we will restrict ourselves to a few trips to Haunted Pubs, Bars, Hotels. Let us start our chasing-ghosts-in-pubs/bars in London. After my first visit to England in 1961, I had the opportunity for many other visits, including longish stays. London became one of my favourite cities and one of the favourite pursuits – along with visiting Jazz Clubs – was to haunt the Haunted Pubs. Perhaps the most famous of such places is The Grenadier at 18 Wilton Row – in perhaps the most fashionable part of the city – just a short walk from the Hyde Park Corner. It may be worth mentioning that the area of the Speakers Corner in Hyde Park once had the Tyburn Gallows where there were the spectacles and 'entertainment' of Public Hangings, a few hundred years ago. There was no Radio or TV, so the Poor People of London had to do with the 'danse macabre' of the twitching bodies with the nose around their neck. But this is a 'clean' ghostly story, so back to The Grenadier Pub. Do you know Arthur Wellesley? It was he who earned great fame in the Waterloo Era and was created the first Duke of Wellington. He did visit India, but Kolkata's Wellesley Street was named after his elder brother, Richard who was governor general here. The Grenadier Pub was once the officers' mess of one of the Duke's elite regiments. The upper floors had the officers dining room, with the cellars being used as a tavern to also cater to the needs of the enlisted men's 'nefarious' activities. During a game of cards, a young Grenadier was caught cheating. His companions immediately took him out and gave him an almighty brutal thrashing. Mortally hurt, he somehow dragged himself to the cellar and then succumbed to his injuries. So, for around 200 years, his spirit has haunted the pub. Over the years, the staff and the patrons claim to have seen the figure of the Grenadier going up the narrow staircase, to vanish just before reaching the top. The cellar has unexplained chilly breezes and unaccounted for strange noises. Once, a heavy glass ashtray was flung at a member of staff by someone invisible. There has not been much renovation in the pub because every time workmen try to do some work, strange things happen. Their tools and materials are moved. Locked doors are flung open violently. For no understandable reason, there are bone-chilling cold spots though faint, unintelligible and unearthly whispers are heard. Lights come on and off on their own. Unexplained shadows are seen on the staircase. Loud knocking and rapping is done by the unseen. Water is turned on without anyone touching the tap. Objects are moved or thrown about. All this happens both during day or night. Frightening but true. It is a famous London landmark. It was there in the movie Around The World In 80 Days. Visitors from all would go over to The Grenadier Pub to have a drink and be regaled by the pub's ghost stories. Some leave money attached to the ceiling of the main bar. To pay for the cheating Grenadier's wrongdoing? Can ghosts be photographed? A BBC TV crew member from the Six O'Clock Show managed to catch a faint but recognisable face in one of the upper windows of The Grenadier. When enlarged the picture showed the image of a young face with a handlebar moustache. He was wearing a fez-like distinctive cap, common in the Waterloo times. This was in 1982. No other such picture has since been taken. Out of interest in such matters, I too visited The Grenadier .The beer was good. The food was excellent. The atmosphere was historically great. But. My 'bad' luck. No Ghost! Are you interested in the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs and conspiracies? Go to Phantoms and Monsters Wiki and become a member of this unique network. Start a page on a subject or add your input to an existing page or thread. ![]() Join me on Facebook Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? Send us an email Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Want to help support Phantoms and Monsters? Please visit our online shop. Thanks! |
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