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- Newly Discovered Letters Uncover Lost Silbury Hill Theory
- Evidence Convinces Investigators Theatre is Haunted
- AlienPhotog: Famous Alien Abductees - Musicians
- Los Angeles Paranormal Returns to Linda Vista Hospital
Newly Discovered Letters Uncover Lost Silbury Hill Theory Posted: 04 Feb 2010 01:38 PM PST ![]() gazetteandherald - Letters that lay undiscovered in national archives for more than 230 years suggest that Silbury Hill, the enigmatic man-made mound that stands between Marlborough and Beckhampton, may have originally be constructed around some sort of totem pole. Historians have uncovered in the British Library in London letters written in 1776 that describe a 40ft-high pole which once stood at the centre of Silbury Hill. Europe's largest man-made mound. The letters detail an 18th century excavation into the centre of the man-made mound, where archaeologists discovered a long, thin cavity six inches wide and about 40ft deep. A separate excavation found fragments of oak timber within the cavity leading historians to believe that the mound was built around the pole dating from around 2,400 BC. David Dawson, director of the Wiltshire Heritage Museum in Devizes, said: "This is important, lost information dug out of the library, rather than through field work. "It tells us that in one of its earliest phases some kind of totem pole was erected on the mound, then subsequent additions to build the hill up were piled up around that timber." The 18th century letters, written from Edward Drax to Lord Rivers, described excavations Drax had supervised at Silbury Hill. He oversaw the digging of a vertical shaft from top to bottom that is sometimes claimed to be the work of the Duke of Northumberland. Drax, a wealthy landowner who lived in Bath, had hired a team of miners to dig a shaft from the top of Silbury Hill, to the centre of the hill, 125 feet below. To begin with the miners found little but chalk and pieces of deer antler, but 95 feet down - some 30 feet above where they expected the base of the mound to be – they stumbled upon a deep, narrow cavity. The hole was six inches across but Drax noted: "We have already followed it already about 20 feet, we can plumb it about eleven feet more." In his letter he wrote that "something now perished must have remained in this hole to keep it open". Together with a later, independent account of fragments of oak timber found at the centre of the mound, the evidence adds weight to the totem pole theory. Last year English Heritage completed a £2 million restoration programme on the mound to prevent it from collapsing after previous excavations, including the one by Drax, had left the structure weakened and prey to erosion. Drax's letters have been published for the first time in the new volume of the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine. ____________________ SILBURY HILL ![]() Radiocarbon dating indicates that the earliest phase of construction on Silbury Hill began about 2660 BC. It has been estimated that 18 million man-hours went into the building of Silbury Hill, which is the equivalent of 700 men working for 10 years. Recent excavations (1968-69) have revealed three phrases of construction. Unlike at Stonehenge, these phases occurred relatively close together. Thanks to ancient ants trapped in the lowest level of turf, archaeologists know that the mound was started in late July or August, perhaps after the harvest. "Silbury 1" was a small mound made of layers of muddy gravel and dark layers of turf and soil. The turf layer was held in place with wooden stakes and covered with four layers of soil. This first mound was 120 feet (37 m) in diameter and 18 feet (5 m) high. Silbury 2 was built soon after, over the first mound. It was made of chalk rubble dug from a ditch around the mound and arranged in a complex series of reinforced walls. This mound was 50 feet (17 m) high, 350 ft (110 m) in diameter, and incorporated 1 million feet (28,325 cubic meters) of chalk and soil. During the third and final phase, "Silbury 3," the first ditch was filled in and a new one was constructed, enclosing a further 2.5 acres. The chalk was again built up in a precise manner, with six horizontal steps to maintain the 60-degree slope of the pyramidal structure. Only the top step was not filled, which can still be clealry seen today. Overall, Silbury Hill is notable for its advanced design — the prehistoric builders had excellent knowledge of soil mechanics. In later times, Silbury Hill was used by the Romans and Saxons as a military lookout and possibly for burial. Related artifacts have been found dug into the surface of the mound. The hill was also used for fortification in the 11th and 12th centuries, which is when the terrace near the top of the hill was created. Over the years, many legends have developed concerning the purpose and contents of the mysterious ancient mound. The most well-known legend, dating from at least the 17th century, is that it is the final resting place of King Sil, who was buried here on horseback. By the 18th century, the legend had been embellished and the king and his horse were said to have become life-size figures of solid gold. A further tradition has it that the Devil was carrying an apron of soil to drop on the inhabitants of Malborough, but was prevented by priests at Avebury and he dropped it here instead. ____________________ Originally posted 7/9/09 Three Strange Beings Reported at Crop Circle - Silbury Hill, Wiltshire ![]() is reporting an event that occurred 7th July 2009, Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England, near the crop circle located south west of the hill off the A4 highway. This is the same location where on the 23 May 1994, four researchers (including one nuclear scientist) visiting a crop design in this field, witnessed intense military presence moments before they each experienced 45 minutes missing time and within a short while a further period of missing time. Each had red marks appear on their necks and had severe nose bleeds hours later. This is also the site of a secret military stake out which took place during the 1990 Operation Blackbird, where over these fields a large unidentified white orb was filmed by the army. The latest bizarre event took place yesterday morning (7th) at approximately 5:00 AM local time, when a off duty Wiltshire Police Sergeant was driving towards Marlborough on the A4 highway and about to pass Silbury Hill on his left. He looked to his right and witnessed three exceptionally tall beings inspecting the new crop circle which appeared there on the 5th July. He stopped his vehicle and watched them for several minutes because they stood out as odd. Each of them were well over six feet tall, each had blond hair and also they all were wearing one piece white suits, with hoods that had been dropped onto the back of their heads. After a few minutes watching them, he said they appeared to be examining the crop in the circle, he shouted at them from a distance of about 400 yards but they ignored him. As soon as he entered the field, they became aware of him and ran at an amazing speed to the south, away from Silbury Hill. He said "I recognized that I could never catch up with them since they were exceptionally fast." He glanced away for just a few seconds and looked back to find that they had completely vanished. He became very uneasy and left the scene. The police officer was very aware of hearing a static crackling sound in the field and around him. He said as the plants moved around, he could see the movement coincided with the level of sound, as if the static was effecting the plants by moving them. He also started to experience a headache in the field, which became worse as the day went on and he could not shake it off all day. ![]() Following the report on July 9th (Three Strange Beings Reported at Crop Circle - Silbury Hill, Wiltshire) by a police sergeant of three extremely tall beings he witnessed in a field near Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England and the posting on this website, I have received several other reports, and I encourage others who have information to also please contact me. One report is extraordinary and allegedly received the immediate attention, of a government organization to the home of the witness. I asked for written details about this exceptional (and some what scary) case and received those details last night. I will not be making any further public statement about the details until they can be fully verified, only to say this: I trust my source in Washington DC implicitly and he trusts the originating source but to get to the bottom of it, I am going to have to do some leg work, best done quietly. The witness claims to have had a very close encounter with a 8-9 feet tall being, north of Silbury Hill, in Wiltshire, England. He was visited by three government officers (details with me) who produced a book of sketches of different ET beings and ask the witness which one he had seen. At least two agencies were allegedly involved which should help verify this case. Full details later. A second report was sent to me also yesterday by a woman driving the A4 (the highway that runs east-west next to Silbury Hill), and was driving on the east side of Marlborough, Wiltshire when she estimates a 7-8 feet tall being came out of a gateway from a field and jumped back as the car passed - his head appeared triangular shape. The latter incident took place three years ago. I have details of the exact location etc, which will be posted as part of a much more extensive report including other similar reports later. I will pursue the first incident that involved several government agencies when I arrive in England next week. On the face of it, the three officers from one of these agencies revealed by their actions, that the government knows much more about these beings than they have so far declared under the new open policy surrounding the UFO subject. Sources |
Evidence Convinces Investigators Theatre is Haunted Posted: 04 Feb 2010 11:28 AM PST ![]() "We go into a place, not to prove that it is haunted, but to prove that it is not," Mike said. "Once we go in, we try to debunk what we can. What we cannot debunk is what we focus the investigation on." Mike said they investigated the Hippodrome on Nov. 14 and Jan. 9. They confirmed Friday that the Hippodrome was haunted. "Any time you do theater correctly, it will be haunted," Burns said. "You can't bring characters to life and expect them to go away." Burns said he has personally experienced paranormal activity at the Hippodrome and was not surprised when the investigations deemed the building haunted. "One of the reasons I agreed to the investigation was because I kept seeing things out of the corner of my eye when going up the stairwell," Burns said. "It is like a mob of people heading out of the building, and I see it more on one side of the building." Mike also used to work as a night assistant manager at the Hippodrome in the 1970s when it was the Waco Theatre. He was in charge of climbing the catwalks to work the curtains. "One night we went up there and I started up the stairs," Mike said. "The guy that was with me said, 'Who is up on the catwalk?' and I said 'Well, nobody.'" The man told Mike again that someone was looking at them. "When I looked up, I saw a black figure looking at me," Mike said. "I walked up there to look and didn't see anything. I got chills and did not go back up there again until the second investigation." Mike had not returned to the catwalks of the Hippodrome until last year, during the investigation. During the first investigation, MCPI found mists that were unaccounted for and they caught voices using extremely sensitive digital recorders. When one team was leaving the area so another team could investigate, the leaving team said, "We are leaving now. Have a good show." The response recorded was, "That you must see." Cindy Jacobson, founder and investigator of MCPI, uses a sensitive flashlight to communicate with spirits. She sets the flashlight down so that the spirits can touch it and make it flash. "I like to use the flashlight," Cindy said. "You loosen the back of it and make it real sensitive and sometimes I seem to get responses to questions I ask." Cindy said she uses the flashlight to ask yes/no questions. She tells the spirits to flash the lights once for yes, twice for no. She said she had very good results during the investigation at the Hippodrome. "Just as soon as a question came out of my mouth, the flashlight would come on," Cindy said. During the second investigation, MCPI collected voice evidence and also recorded images with a thermal camcorder that registers hot and cold images. Mike said there is a theory that spirits are different temperatures. "So wherever they are at, they are showing a cold signature or a hot signature, according to what kind of spirit it is," Mike said. The camcorder records cold areas as a dark, bluish gray, and it picked up a thermal image in the shape of a person in the balcony at the Hippodrome. "The one in the balcony I got it to where you could see it. This blue figure [was] walking up and down the aisle and around the seats," Mike said. Cindy said she firmly believes the Hippodrome is haunted, especially because of the evidence collected by the thermal camcorder. "That is one of the things that convinced me. We don't catch things like that very often," Cindy said. Burns said while he is excited about the certification, he is not surprised. "We got certification on something I already knew," Burns said. "So it didn't make a difference to me if we actually got certified." Cristina Uptmore, the box office manager, said she has not experienced anything unusual in the theater. "In a theater you hear things and it's an old building. It's creaky," Uptmore said. "I have never attributed it to paranormal activity, but it creeps you out just the same." "I was surprised when they certified us, but you know, who knows if there is another dimension of life that no one knows about?" Uptmore said. "Its kind of fun, though, thinking about it." The investigative team also heard loud, unaccounted-for bangs. Mike compared it to someone dropping a 200-pound weight on the floor. _____________________ THE WACO HIPPODROME ![]() A fire in the projection booth destroyed much of the front of the building in November of 1928. Due to projectionist error during the show, the first reel came undone and the film came to close to the kerosene lamp and caught the film on fire. Fortunately, no one in the house, was injured, but it did destroy the front of the building. The theater was built as a hooray to vaudeville to bring family entertainment to Waco. The land that the theater sits on was donated to Waco leaders by Mrs. Wm Bruestadt. The theater originally operated as the Hippodrome from 1913-1928 by Mr. E.H. Hulsey and Mr. J.P. Harrison.. In 1929, Southern Enterprises, a subsidiary of Paramount Pictures, leased the theater to Louis Dent's Waco Theater and changed the name from the Hippodrome to the Waco Theater. After the fire occurred, the theatre was remodeled with a Spanish facade. It then spent the next fifty years bringing renowned stars such as Elvis, John Wayne, and Ann Margaret to town. The largest crowd ever gathered at the Waco Theater was over 10,000 people to see John Wayne in person. While native Wacoans remember the Waco Theater as a movie house, the Hippodrome has always been a performing arts center in one form or other. From 1932 to 1956, the Mary Holliday Show broadcast on WACO radio was sponsored by Jones' Fine Bread, entertaining Wacoans on air and Central Texas children in person for years. Every Saturday, someone would win a prize and tickets to the afternoon show. Its most famous graduate was Hank Thompson, Country Western singer. The Waco Theater operated as a movie house primarily up until 1978, when it closed in disrepair. Between 1981 and 1986, the community raised $2.4 million in private and public funds to restore the Hippodrome to its original use as a live performance venue. Source: |
AlienPhotog: Famous Alien Abductees - Musicians Posted: 04 Feb 2010 09:56 AM PST To SpaceChickens of which this may concern: (Spell check wants to make SpaceChicken two words … no way) Creating a lucid, intelligent and logical argument for "things unexplained" is a painstaking venture to embark upon. Some would say it's a gift I have. To me it's at least 50% curse. At least … but here we go. I'm curious to see where this one goes. First, let's establish common ground. A rational trailhead … We all know "angels" sing" Correct? Ok … good. Now who are these "angels" ? I can't pin it down precisely (on ALL of them), but we know the sky … outer space. Our word in 2010 for creatures that come from above (which is outer space … some pretty obvious dots to connect really …) is "aliens". Which has an entirely different connotation than "angels". But they ARE the same thing. Right? Who else would they be??? The root word "angel" hasn't really come far to "alien" … meaning of course, not from here. Let's mix in a dash of the "hybrid program", a pinch of 2012, and a newt's eye or three just to freak out the Christians (it's good for them.) and mix that puppy up like a batch of cinnamon rolls, and see how it comes out. In my opinion, pretty darn good. But what do I know, I've been "abducted by aliens" after all … a.k.a. taken for intergalactic rides by the angels in their "chariots". Same thing. From that point, one can see the truth. Which one of the most rare, yet seemingly obvious elements in this Universe … the truth. The truth shows us these "hybrids" are not weird, not freakish, oh no …. far from it. They're the people we respect the most. Let's begin with musicians. After all … "angels/aliens" sing right? So the hybrids that are part "alien/angel" should too right??? Well some of them do. They're good too. The best. They even tell us about it in their lyrics if we can get past the "rest of the music" and down to the words, their actual message …. That's the good stuff. So … Rob Thomas, Kurt Cobain (dead), Dave Groehl, Roger Waters (is he dead?), Axl Rose (under a rock) and etc. I apologize. I'm going to "out" you. (Send my regards to Linkin Park, Green Day, Shawn Mullins, Kings of Leon, etc. too please) Good news is most people will not be smart enough to listen to this. So your secret is safe with us … if you have a problem with that … go talk to your lawyers. Or listen to what I have to say because you just might learn something. All of these "people" are hybrids. That's just the beginning. Go ahead … hear me out, and make a lucid, intelligent and logical argument against this … I'd honestly love to hear one, but highly doubt I will. I should have been a lawyer, but they're evil for the most part … so here I am. May the painstaking venture continue boldly and shamelessly, and please God bless us all!!! I hope our efforts are appreciated. Or as Hendrix said "I'm going to wave my freak flag high!!!" Have fun with this one guys!! (Freak flag flying high!!!!) - AlienPhotog Click for video 1 Click for video 2 Click for video 3 Click for video 4 Click for video 5 Click for video 6 NOTE: I received a lot of response from 'alienphotog's' initial presentation. As many of you know, I try to present different sides of a topic and save my thoughts as a notation. As well, I'm not stating that I'm necessarily in agreement with everything I post....unless it's something I've written myself. For those who think I'm a shill for 'alienphotog', well that's simply untrue. I know as much about him as you do....I don't know his name and anything about him. I'd rather keep it that way, at least for now. Thanks to all for the comments...Lon |
Los Angeles Paranormal Returns to Linda Vista Hospital Posted: 04 Feb 2010 08:57 AM PST Click for video In 2009, LAPA documented paranormal activity at the Linda Vista Hospital in East LA when we captured what sounded like the voice of a little girl humming in the surgery area. We later returned with the crew of the Ghost Adventures TV show (Travel Channel) and experienced paranormal activity once again, including the capture of an evp that sounded like the same humming. In January, 2010, Los Angeles Paranormal Association returned once more to Linda Vista hospital with a host of noted and experienced paranormal investigators. Special thanks to Mark and Debby Constantino, Andy Coppock, Michelle Ayers, Jen Brown, APRA Paranormal and Dave Harvey & Kristin Baalman of Altered States Para Radio. You can find the LAPA crew at Los Angeles Paranormal Click for video Click for video Are you interested in the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs and conspiracies? Go to Phantoms and Monsters Wiki and become a member of this unique network. Start a page on a subject or add your input to an existing page or thread. ![]() Join me on Facebook Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? Send us an email Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Want to help support Phantoms and Monsters? Please visit our online shop. Thanks! |
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