Phantoms and Monsters |
- Unknown Headless Sea Creature Washes Ashore In Newfoundland
- Some NIU Students Fear Killer Cursed Campus
- Videos: Evidence of Sasquatch Activity?
- Abductees' Thoughts and Ideas on How to Survive Abductions
Unknown Headless Sea Creature Washes Ashore In Newfoundland Posted: 21 Feb 2010 11:33 AM PST ![]() thewesternstar - Neither local residents Warrick Lovell, Rich Park, Basil Park, or anyone else it seems, knows what the big creature found dead on a beach here this week might be. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans in Corner Brook intends to check out the Lower Cove site today hoping to find some answers for the question of many curious onlookers who went there to see for themselves what Lovell found during a Wednesday afternoon walk on the beach. ![]() "But, I don't know what it is." Of unknown origin and species, so far, the odd-looking seaside carcass sits high and dry on the low tide, its approximately 15-foot length includes a pointed, 10-foot tail twisted in the sand, conjuring up Loch Ness monsters for some. The animal, bearing a single flipper-like appendage on its right side, appears to have been decapitated and shows other signs of damage. "I didn't know what to think of it," says Rich Park, also among the first to see it close up. The long tapered tail on the squared torso of the carcass caused him to initially think the large hunk of flesh might be a tentacle off a giant squid Park said, but on closer inspection it became clearer what the protrusion was not that. It got hair on it in spots. I couldn't (determine) what it was." "I've lived here all my life and never seen anything like it," says Basil Park, who went Thursday went to take a look with friends and brothers Gilbert and Ernie Park, and neither one of them could say they knew what it was. "There's fishermen around here who fished all their lives and they couldn't tell you." John Lubar with DFO says the Corner Brook office receives a number of calls from residents around the region each year reporting seals in brooks or to have rotting carcasses of whales or other dead things removed from a shoreline, but claims reports of unknown creatures from the deeps washing up are rare. Common knowledge of the McIvers find spread by word of mouth over the past few days and at least one visitor to the site photographed the carcass and has posted it on Facebook. DFO expects to have personnel in McIvers to do an inspection of Lower Cove by noon today. |
Some NIU Students Fear Killer Cursed Campus Posted: 21 Feb 2010 10:22 AM PST ![]() merinews - One person was injured and another landed in police custody after a shooting took place in wee hours of the morning on the campus residence hall, Northern Illinois University. While the real motive of the shooting remained unclear, police said that it was an isolated incident which happened because of a fight between two student. The victim was taken to Kishwaukee Community Hospital. If rumors are to be believed, some students have complained of eerie sounds in the campus hallway and shooting sounds at night. Many fear that the campus is somewhat cursed and haunted. "This was bound to happen. The shooting may be because the ghost of the 2008 killer wants the whole incident repeated again. It's really creepy," said a student who chose to remain anonymous. Ghost or not, the shooting left student baffled as they recalled the horror of 2008 shooting. The shooting is a second incident in the past two years when a much devastating campus shooting left five students dead before the gunman killed himself. The campus shooting of Friday reminded people of the horror that claimed five lives on Feb 14, 2008 when a former graduate student at NIU opened fire in a lecture hall, killing five and wounding 19 before turning the gun on himself. _______________________ February 14, 2008 6 Shot Dead, Including Gunman, at Northern Illinois University ![]() Four died at the scene, including the shooter, and two later died at the hospital, he said. At least 22 people, including a graduate student who was teaching an ocean sciences class, were shot, Peters said. Seventeen victims were taken to Kishwaukee Community Hospital, its Web site said. Of those, six were in critical condition and were flown to other hospitals. One fatality, a male, was confirmed -- but was not the gunman, the hospital said. Two were admitted, and three others were discharged. The other five were not addressed on the Web site. Four of the fatalities were female, said Peters. Most of the injuries are head and chest gunshot wounds, a hospital spokeswoman told CNN. The gunman started shooting from a stage in the room shortly after 3 p.m. (4 p.m. ET) in Cole Hall, officials said. Police Chief Donald Grady said authorities do not yet know of a motive. They know the identity of the gunman but have not released his name, Grady added. The shooter was a graduate student at NIU in the spring of 2007. Currently he was not enrolled there but, Grady said, "He may have been a student elsewhere." Kevin McEnery said he was in the classroom when the gunman, dressed in a black shirt, dark pants and black hat, burst in carrying a shotgun. Photo See photos of the scene » "He just kicked the door open, just started shooting," said McEnery, who was in the class at the time. "All I really heard was just people screaming, yelling 'get out.' ... Close to 30 shots were fired." Video Watch a student describe the chaos at the scene » There are about 162 registered students in the class that met in the large lecture hall. A student described the classroom as having four exits - two at the front and two at the rear. "Witnesses say someone dressed in black came out from behind a screen in the front of the classroom and opened fire with a shotgun," Peters said. At 3:03 p.m., NIU police responded, and four minutes later, the campus was ordered into "a lockdown situation," Grady said. At 3:20, an all-campus alert went out via the campus Web site, e-mail, voice mail, the campus crisis hotline, the news media and various alarm systems, he said. "The message basically was: There's a gunman on campus, stay where you are, make yourself as safe as possible," he said. Rosie Moroni, a student at the school, told CNN she was outside Cole Hall near the King Commons when she heard shots coming from the classroom she was heading to. The shot was followed by "a lot of people screaming," then people ran out the doors yelling, "He's got a gun, call 9-1-1," she said. "It was complete chaos. It's very scary here right now." By 4 p.m., DeKalb police had swept the area "and determined there was only one gunman" and that he was dead. Grady said the man used three guns: a shotgun, a Glock handgun and a small-caliber handgun, and was still on the stage when he turned one of the guns on himself. The small-caliber handgun has not been recovered, he said. The shooter started with a shotgun, then switched to a handgun, said Grady. A spokesman for the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives told CNN that agents were on the scene, and could help trace the weapon or weapons used. Peters said the FBI is processing the crime scene and ATF was interviewing witnesses Thursday. Events and classes were canceled until further notice, Peters said. Seven counseling areas were set up throughout the campus, and hotlines were established. Security around campus was increased in December when police found threats scrawled on a campus bathroom wall that included racial slurs and references to last April's Virginia Tech shootings. Learn about other recent school shootings » One of the threats said "things will change most hastily" in the final days of the semester. Peters said there is no evidence that points to a link between the December incident and Thursday's shooting. Grady said it was unlikely authorities could have prevented Thursday's tragedy. "As much as we do, it's unlikely that anyone would ever have the ability to stop an incident like this from beginning," he said. advertisement Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich declared a state of emergency, which will open the governor's disaster fund to reimburse local government entities for "extraordinary expenses related to the response in NIU DeKalb" and will allow the state Emergency Management Agency to provide assistance, the governor's office said in a statement. The 113-year-old school is 65 miles west of downtown Chicago and has an enrollment of more than 25,000. The campus covers 755 acres. |
Videos: Evidence of Sasquatch Activity? Posted: 21 Feb 2010 09:17 AM PST Click for video Posted with video: Stuff we saw in an area of extremely high Sasquatch activity. September 2009. The "barks strips", were created when the top of the tree came off, pulling back a thick layer of wood as the tree top fell to the ground. It's not Sasquatch related, but something which I have never seen before. There was wood knocking going on while I was filming it though. Click for video Posted with video: Bigfoot responds to our wood knocks. Sounded like there were two Sasquatch knocking back and forth with us. Click for video Posted with video: For 4 hours a Sasquatch tracked us and threw rocks at us 3:38, remaining unseen the entire time. NOTE: I came across these videos that may or may not represent Sasquatch activity and evidence. If these guys are on the up-and-up, then they may be on to something...especially adding to the theory that these creatures may possibly have an ability to cloak themselves in some manner other than natural camouflage. Your thoughts?...Lon |
Abductees' Thoughts and Ideas on How to Survive Abductions Posted: 21 Feb 2010 08:27 AM PST ![]() Chris Holly's Paranormal World - I interviewed a relative of one of my friends years ago who suffered since the age of 9 from lost time abduction events. His life was awful. He tried for years to deal with the ongoing events that would over take him, hurt him and leave him terrified. Few believed him and those that did had no idea how to help him. The people who did believe him were becoming afraid of him. He was quickly becoming a loner living a hermit style life in a small upstate New York town. When I interviewed him about 8 years ago he was distraught and unhappy. He was living in that small town alone and miserable. He did not have a wife or a family as he did not want to bring his torment into anyone else's life. This started in the man's life when he was playing in the woods as a child on his family's farm. One summer afternoon he was running along with his dog when he noticed a very bright red light above the trees. He does not recall anything else but waking up with his clothing ripped and his face and hands black and blue and his dog missing. He never found his dog but the encounters continued. His torment continued his entire life until he realized he had to take action to stop the encounters as he truly believed he would have his life ended by the invading abductions. He did not want to end up the same as his beloved dog. His greatest fear was that he would go missing and no one would ever see him again. I heard that he did end his nightmare and was doing well. I arranged to talk to him to find out how he ended his abduction ordeal. This is what he told me: "It was a Friday night. I finished up work and was heading home. Living in a small town only two other cars remained in the parking lot of my office building- everyone else already was gone for the weekend. I pulled my keys out of my pocket heading towards my car. The only thing I was thinking about was what I was going to eat for dinner. I recall holding the key to my car in my hand and then as fast as a snap of one's fingers I went from happy and hungry to a feeling of horror and fear. It was that fast, no time to react, no time to run- it happens that quickly. I felt the incredible crack of immediate change as I went from being in a state of well being to that of paralyzing fear. It hits that fast and furious. I felt it overtake me. My head started to spin as overwhelming dizziness hit. I knew I was blacking out and knew there was nothing I could do about it. That was it taken- again. I woke up in the back seat of my car. I had my pants on and my jacket. My shirt was thrown next to me. My under ware, shoes and socks were missing. I was cold and felt sick. I was alone in the parking lot. I found my keys stuck in the ignition. The cars clock read 3 am. I hurt from head to toe. I started my car and drove home. Once home I locked myself in my house. I turned on every light inside and out. My clothes smelled badly so I took them off and threw them in a trash bag. That is when I found the black and blue marks covering my inner thigh all the way up past my groin area to my stomach. I hurt all over and felt as if he had been beaten with a bat". He then told me that was the last incident of lost time or abduction he had and he thinks it may have been his last. He thought about this ongoing nightmare in his life and knew the only one who could stop it would be him. He told me that he had to prevent his abductors from taking him and that he knew at once that his entire life style had to change. His office was isolated from the small town where he lived, his house was out in the country and he spent hours riding along lonely country roads living this way. He told me he the next day he placed his house for sale, and made arrangements to move his office and life to the biggest city he could. He moved to New York City. He found office space close to where he lives making time alone in transit quick and easy. He has an apartment on a low floor where his windows face another building. He does not wander around alone at night and always stays with the beat of the busy city. He also has developed a practice of starting and ending his day loudly proclaiming to the universe that he does not want to be taken ever again and no one is allowed to take him against his will. He took every precaution he could think of that would make taking him extremely difficult for his abductors. His efforts at making future abductions difficult seems to have worked as he has not had a lost time experience or anything close to an abduction experience since he changed his life style and has taken measures to protect himself. This man wanted me to explain to others who also may be going through the ordeal of abduction that they too should look at how they live and figure out how to make it as difficult as possible for visitors to snatch us whenever they wish. He also thinks his daily loud announcements to the universe that he does not want to be taken again important and useful in stopping these events. Of course following some basic rules are a must like avoiding dark lonely places or being alone- is key. Also installing lights and alarms can help. This man is convinced that making it difficult for the visiting abductors to take you is the key in breaking the cycle of being abducted. Living with people around you is important. Populated places with lights activity and noise are things that seem to keep our visiting intruders at bay. If you do need to travel do it during day light hours and take the routes where other people are nearby. I have great respect for this man and how he handled his problem with thought and action. I am very happy he now is living a better life where the ongoing horrors of painful abductions have ended. I hope others who may be traveling a similar fate may be able to find help in what this man has lived through. Another person I wrote about was a college professor who encountered a lost time event while traveling a lonely road on her way home from her last night class. She remembers a flash of light followed by finding she was laying across the front seat of her car 3o miles from her home in an area she had never been to before. When she finally was able to find her way home she arrived 4 hours late. She was ill and remained ill for days after the event. Her car was burned on its roof, hood and trunk. The inside of her car had a horrid odor. This woman was frightened to death by this event and rarely is willing to discuss it. She thinks it best she continues her life without ever knowing what happened that night. She has flashes of things in her memory she does not understand that are so horrid she has no wish to fully recall them. This woman has strong opinions on the entire UFO alien agenda. When I asked her if she had anything she wanted to add to this article she told me this: "One thing I find very curious is that the human race tends to think that aliens are here or responsible to help mankind. I have talked to many people who seem to feel that as soon as contact is made with the alien species visiting this planet that all our problems will instantly be solved. I also hear anger towards aliens for not sweeping down and giving us the cure to all our diseases or energy problems. I find this thinking extremely strange and can only ask why they feel this way? What makes humans think that aliens would even understand a concept like help? I do not think that our alien visitors want to be too involved with our planet or all the little earthlings running around it. I think that is strictly a human fantasy attached to this subject that is out of place and certainly not logical or likely. It is possible that there are aliens that would or do help us. It is possible that there are aliens that understand the human concept of compassion and kindness. It is also possible that there are aliens who do not relate to these ideas and have no intentions of interfering with the life forms on our planet. Aliens have been sighted and reported by the mankind for a very long time. I think if aliens were going to fix all that is broken for us they would have done so long before now. As we reach a peak in hatred war and world problems I think looking for others to fix our broken societies is really not very realistic. It is obvious we are on our own. Alien visitors observe us, take us for their own agendas but I think they view us as killing, violent, planet hating -low level life forms. What else would anyone viewing this earth think? The alien method of simply taking us at will and then tossing us back like lab rats says a great deal more about alien intentions." Lastly I would like to add my own spin on this subject as I also have had lost time events as well as abduction encounters since I was a small child. I was asked once if I could sum up my feelings concerning this phenomenon in a sentence or two. That question always struck me funny as I think it would take a book or two for me to give my opinion in this area- however I will try to sum it up in a few paragraphs.. Curiosity killed the cat satisfaction may mean you do not come back! The first mistake in my thinking that humans make is that they do not understand the extreme danger they may face by making contact with unknown beings. I think it paramount in importance to avoid any situation that would allow you to become an easy target to be taken. I also find it naive to think that aliens are automatically friendly or out to bring you anything other than harm or in some cases there to take you for good. I think there are a percent small as it may be of this being the answer to some who go missing to never be seen again. You should never place yourself in a position to easily be scooped up. If you see something you do not understand or recognize do not run to it. I understand this may a first response of some but the hard fact is that the first thing you need to do is to run to where you can be near other people. Remember if you are alone most likely you will be taken and may not always be returned. The best defense against being taken upon seeing a UFO or strange being is to have witnesses to back up the truth of what you are seeing and offer safety in numbers. It is much harder to take and explain away a few people missing. Never ever walk to and offer yourself willingly to a strange craft or creature. I think that would increase your chances of never being seen again. If you do find you are in the middle of an encounter try to stay calm and try to find other people or at least a well-lit area. If you are able- seek shelter. Never walk towards or willing into the unknown. You have no idea what you may be walking into. The unknown is not a star trek episode or star wars movie! Noise can be a helper if you find yourself in a situation you feel is dangerous yell Fire or blow your car horn or bang whatever is around to make as much noise as possible. Try to think your way out of your encounter rather than freezing in shock or terror. One summer during the mid 80's I heard a woman at a party talk about being alone in her beach house while her husband headed to town for ice cream. She was looking out her glass doors to her deck that over looked the Atlantic Ocean. She noticed a very odd star or planet that was extremely low in the night sky. She was watching it when she realized it was so low it was touching the water. Right at the moment she realized something odd was happening she heard heavy footsteps walking on the roof of her house. The woman knew she may be in trouble but remained in control and knew she had to figure out how to get help as she was completely alone but for two other beach houses about 200 feet away on either side of her house. The woman saw lights on inside each neighbor's house. She immediately called each neighbor and told them she thought someone was trying to break into their homes and asked them to please turn on all their exterior and interior lights. She quickly turned on every light in and outside of her house and locked all her doors and windows. Both of her neighbors did the same. The three houses worked together turning the darkness into a glowing display of all their interior and exterior lights. With the house bright with lights the footsteps on her roof stopped. The neighbors appeared out on the beach with spotlights to look around. They did not find anyone but the people did see the strange large light hovering over the ocean. I was impressed how this woman stayed calm enough to call for help in a way that would not frighten her neighbors or make them think she was crazy. She got them to provide light and protection, which obviously ended this scenario for this group of neighbors before it started. I know that there are beings visiting earth that are not human.. They have been visiting this planet and mankind for a very long time. I think it fair to say that for the most part they do not inflict too much damage to those they abduct. I also know there are encounters that do harm and cause trauma to those involved. I think it always best to side with caution when dealing with the unknown and hope you will consider the experiences of others when forming your own thinking on this subject. In life those who are prepared always end up far better than those who are not. Paying attention to your surroundings and taking caution in what you do and where you do it will reduce your chance of ever having to endure an unknown event. Remember an ounce of prevention certainly may be worth the effort instead of finding you are looking into the eyes of a creature from the unknown. As always be careful out there and keep looking up! Thanks to Chris Holly at Chris Holly's Paranormal World Copyright © 2008-2010 Chris Holly all Rights Reserved Join the ![]() Become a Fan at Facebook Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? Send us an email Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. 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