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- The Caspian Sea Merman
- 9/11 Commissioner States Attacks Were Part Of 30 Year Old Conspiracy
- Videos: The 'Jersey Devil' Found?
- What Are These Creatures We Are Seeing?
Posted: 10 Feb 2010 11:36 AM PST "At the beginning we thought it was a big fish, but then we spotted hair on the head of the monster and his fins looked pretty strange... the front part of his body was equipped with arms!" said the captain. Back in Azerbaijan, nobody took his story seriously. It sounded ridiculous to those who thought that the guy must have been drinking while on board. On the contrary, shortly after the publication of his interview, the offices of the Iranian paper got flooded with numerous letters of the readers who claimed that the story was yet another piece of evidence proving the existence of the so-called "man of the sea." The readers pointed out that many fishermen had repeatedly seen the strange creature at sea and on shore after the seabed volcanoes in the area of Babolsera had come to life in February and offshore oil production operations had intensified in the Caspian. All the eyewitness accounts provide a similar description of the marine humanoid. His height is 165-168 cm, he has a strong build, a protruding ctenoid stomach, his feet are pinniped and he has four webbed fingers on either of his hands. His skin is of moonlight color. The hair on his head looks black and green. His arms and legs are shorter and heavier than those of a medium-built person. Apart from his fingernails, he has nails growing on the tip of his aquiline nose that look like a dolphin's beak. No information as to his ears. His eyes are large and orbicular. The mouth of the creature is fairly large, his upper jaw is prognathic and his lower lip flows smoothly into the neck, his chin is missing. Iranians dubbed the creature Runan-shah or "the master of the sea and rivers." The name is partly based on stories about large shoals of fish accompanying the creature at sea. Other stories refer to the waters that would turn crystal clear and stay that way for two or three days after the creature was seen swimming in those areas. Fishermen claim that fishes that stay alive for a while in the net can feel the creature coming out of the deep blue sea. Fishes were reported producing barely heard gurgling sounds as the monster came near. He was said to answer the call of the catch by making similar throaty sounds. Some researchers believe that there is no smoke without fire and the stories circulating in Iran can be true. Besides, Runan-shah was seen by Azeri fishermen living in the villages located between the cities of Astara and Lenkoran. According to a theory, the creature is not alone; there is a family of underwater humans who are on a mission ... to tackle environmental problems of the Caspian. ![]() A book of collected scientific articles titled "The Universe and Humankind" that was published in St. Petersburg in 1905 contains a story of "marine female" caught in the Caribbean. It also has stories about dead bodies of the amphibious humans washed ashore in the Azores in 1876. Their descriptions largely correspond with the reported description of Runan-shah. An amphibious humanlike being was reported in Karelia in 1928. The creature was repeatedly seen in the lake of Vedlozero by local residents. A group of researchers from the Petrozavodsk University arrived to investigate the case on location. Unfortunately, the findings were classified and the members of the research party eventually perished in the Gulag. According to latest reports in the media, Iranians have already started their research of the Caspian phenomenon. The international scientific community might as well help unravel the mystery if politics do not get in the way of science this time around. ______________________ THE "BAKU" TRAWLER REPORTS NOTE: I found 2 independent sighting reports filed by the Azerbaijani government and BBS News. Not a great difference in the reports which may indicate that the witnesses were consistent. Information is somewhat scarce in reference to other sightings of this creature which is not surprising. The Caspian Sea holds a great number of sturgeon (4 different species) that can become quite large and be mistaken for the creature....though, you would think a fisherman would know the difference...Lon ![]() Location/Date: Caspian Sea, Astara & Lenkoran Azerbaijan - March 2005 - Afternoon Residents of a few towns on the Caspian shores in Iran and Azerbaijan say they have seen an amphibious man, he was reported to be swimming amidst huge shoals of fish. Rumor has it that the waters where he swam were becoming sparkling clear. Recently eyewitnesses onboard the Azeri trawler, "Baku" reported seeing the creature. According to Gafar Gasanof the captain of the trawler, the creature was swimming in a parallel course near the boat for a long time. At first they thought it was a large fish, but then they spotted hair on its head and his fins looked very unusual. And incredibly the front part of his body was equipped with arms. Shortly after this report was published in an Iranian newspaper, numerous readers came forward describing their own sightings. The readers pointed out that numerous fishermen had repeatedly seen the strange creature at sea and on the shore after seabed volcanoes in the area of Babolsera became active in February and offshore oil production operations intensified in the Caspian. All the eyewitness accounts provide a similar description of the marine humanoid. His height is about 165cm to 168cm, it has a protruding stomach, his feet are pinniped and he has four webbed fingers on either of his hands. His skin is pale white in color. The hair on his head looks black and green. His arms and legs are shorter and heavier than those of a medium-build person. Apart from his fingernails, he has nails growing on the tip of his aquiline nose that resembles a dolphin's beak. There is no information as to his ears. His eyes are large and orbicular. The mouth of the creature is fairly large, his upper jaw is protruding and his lower lip flows smoothly into the neck, his chin is missing. Iranians have dubbed the creature, "Runan-shah" or "Master of the seas and rivers". Other stories report that the waters remain crystal clear for days in the area where the creature has been spotted. Fishermen report that the fish that are caught in their nets seem to sense the creature when it approaches and produce a barely audible gurgling sound. It is said that the creature answers the call of the catch by making similar throaty sounds. According to a theory the creature is not alone and that there is a family of underwater humans, who are on a tackle environmental problems in the Caspian. The reproduction of flora and fauna in the Caspian has significantly deteriorated due to a surge in offshore oil production operations and underwater volcanic activity. The Astrakhan fishermen have long complained about the decrease in the stock of sturgeon. Location/Date: Caspian Sea territorial waters of Azerbaijan - end of March 2005 Azerbaijani fishermen from the trawler "Baky" (Baku) were stunned to see a weird entity in the water. The entity swam for a long period of time near the trawler, parallel to it, reported Gafar Gasanov Captain of the ship to the local newspaper "Zindagi" when he arrived at the Iranian port of Enzeli. At first the crew thought that the entity was some type of unknown large fish, but soon they noticed that the entity's head had distinct hairs on it and the front fins were not fins at all but webbed hands. They acknowledged that the entity looked more like a humanoid than any kind of known fish. They all concluded that they had never seen something like it in the waters. The amphibian entity then plunged deep into the waters and disappeared from sight. When Captain Gasanov returned to Azerbaijan people there refused to talk to him about the incident alleging that he and his crew had all been drunk. But the Iranians took the report seriously because of numerous rumors about "a man from the sea" were circulating in Iran long before this report. After publication in the local newspaper "Zindagi" local Iranian residents wrote numerous letters to the newspaper reporting their own encounters with a similar entity. The common opinion was that underwater volcanic activity in the area of Babolser and the intensification of oil extraction in the Caspian Sea has somehow caused unknown deep water dwellers to venture up to the surface. The entity is shorter than that of the average height, about 165-168cm, thickset, with a protruding belly, feet with flippers, and 4 fingered webbed hands. The skin is pale yellowish gray in color and it has stiff black-green hair. Arms and legs are slightly shorter and thicker than that of humans. Sharp nails grow on its hands and also at the tip of its hump-shaped nose, forming something like a dolphin's beak. The ears are not visible. The eyes are big and round and the mouth is quite big with a protruding upper jaw, smoothly connected to the neck, without chin, the smaller lip is similar to that of a shark's jaw. In Iran this amphibian humanoid is called "Runah-Shah" which means, "Sovereign of waters and rivers". Interestingly the fishermen have noticed that the fish seemed to react when the entity appears, like if there were some kind of distant, extra sensory communication between the entity and the fish. Other witnesses reported seeing the same or similar entity in May between the small fishing villages of Astara and Lenkoran. Sources BBS Newspaper Kiev, Ukraine |
9/11 Commissioner States Attacks Were Part Of 30 Year Old Conspiracy Posted: 10 Feb 2010 09:45 AM PST ![]() After it ended, he was answering questions as he was walking to his next engagement. He stopped and talked for a few minutes to people of "We Are Change LA". They talked about 9/11 and Kerrey claims 9/11 was a 30 year conspiracy. The conversation went like this; LA CHANGE :"Do you support a criminal investigation into 9/11, because I know yours was a exposition was not a criminal investigation. Kerrey : "No, I don't think so, but I don't know, I do support a permanent commission to examine not just that, but lots of things in this area so... LA CHANGE : But if it's a permanent cover up... it's an act of war and it's hiding things, which everyone on your commission knew that the Pentagon was changing their stories, lying to you, then its a cover up of a act of war and under Article 3 Section 3 of the Constitution. It's treason, so unless we get to the very bottom of it, were still talking a treasonous exposition. Kerrey : This is a longer conversation, I'm not sure we will ever to the bottom of it. LA CHANGE : We have to or I don't think we can save our country sir. Kerrey : I don't think. Well if that's the condition upon which we'll be saving our country, because the problem is it's a 30 year old conspiracy. LA CHANGE : No, I'm talking about 9/11. Kerrey : That's what I'm talking about LA CHANGE : Oh, you are... Click for video - fast forward to 5:50 for conversation. |
Videos: The 'Jersey Devil' Found? Posted: 10 Feb 2010 07:49 AM PST Click for video 1 Click for video 2 Click for video 3 NOTE: Paranormal State's season finale offered a bit of cryptozoology and legend...the search for the 'Jersey Devil'. They were able to capture an infra-red image of a creature that appeared to have wings. Now, I'm not going to say that they found a Jersey Devil, but they did find something that needs to be investigated. The 'wing' may just be an anomaly due to the infra-red process...but, I doubt it. Watch the videos and give me your assessment...Lon ________________________ The Jersey Devil: Mystery or Myth? ![]() According to the legend, Mrs. Jane Leeds came from a poor family who eked out an existence in the Pine Barrens of Jersey, a rugged place with vast forests, sandy soil and patches of swamp. In 1735, Mrs. Leeds discovered that she was pregnant with her 13th child. She complained to her friends and relatives that the "Devil can take the next one", and he did. When the baby was born, he was monster! He immediately took on a grotesque appearance and grew to more than 20 feet long, with a reptilian body, a horse's head, bat wings and a long, forked tail. He thrashed about the Leeds home for a bit and then vanished up the chimney. The creature, or the "Jersey Devil" as he was dubbed, began haunting the Pine Barrens. As the story spread, even grown men declined to venture out at night. It was said that the beast carried off large dogs, geese, cats, small livestock and even occasional children. The children were never seen again, but the animal remains were often found. The Devil was also said to dry up the milk of cows by breathing on them and to kill off the fish in the streams, threatening the livelihood of the entire region. In 1740, the frightened residents begged a local minister to exorcize the creature and the stories stated that the exorcism would last 100 years, however the Devil returned to the Pine Barrens on at least two occasions before the century was over. Legend has it that naval hero Commodore Stephen Decatur visited the Hanover Iron Works in the Barrens in 1800 to test the plant's cannonballs. One day on the firing range, he noticed a strange creature winging overhead. Taking aim, he fired at the monster and while some say that his shot struck it, the Devil continued on its path. The second sighting took place a few years later and this time the Devil was seen by another respected witness. Joseph Bonaparte, the former king of Spain and the brother of Napoleon, leased a country house near Bordertown from 1816 to 1839. He reported seeing the Jersey Devil while hunting game one day in the Pine Barrens. In 1840, as the minister warned, the Devil returned and brought terror to the region once again. It snatched sheep from their pens and preyed on children who lingered outside after sunset. People all across South Jersey locked their doors and hung a lantern on the doorstep, hoping to keep the creature away. The stories continued to be told and the lore of the Devil was recalled throughout the 1800's, although actual sightings of the creature were few. Then, in 1909, the Jersey Devil returned again and literally thousands of people spotted the monster or saw his footprints. It became so bad that schools closed and people refused to go outside. A police officer named James Sackville spotted the monster while walking his beat one night. He was passing along a dark alley when a winged creature hopped into the street and let out a horrific scream. Sackville fired his revolver at the beast but it spread its wings and vanished into the air. In spite of the sightings, the beast was always considered a regional legend until the bizarre flap in 1909, which even the most skeptical researchers admit contains authentic elements of the unexplained. Many people saw the creature during the month of January, including E.W. Minster, the postmaster of Bristol, Pennsylvania, which is just over the New Jersey border. He stated that he awoke around 2:00 in the morning and heard an "eerie, almost supernatural" sound coming from the direction of the Delaware River. He looked out the window and saw what looked to be a "large crane" that was flying diagonally and emitting a curious glow. The creature had a long neck that was thrust forward in flight, thin wings, long back legs and shorter ones in the front. The creature let out a combination of a squawk and a whistle and then disappeared into the darkness. ![]() One afternoon of that same week, a Mrs. J.H, White was taking clothes off her line when she noticed a strange creature huddled in the corner of her yard. She screamed and fainted and her husband rushed out the back door to find his wife on the ground and the Devil close by, "spurting flames". She chased the monster with a clothesline prop and it leapt over the fence and vanished. A short time later, the creature struck again. This time, it attacked a dog belonging to Mrs. Mary Sorbinski in south Camden. When she heard the cry of her pet in the darkness, she dashed outside and drove the Devil away with a broom. The creature fled, but not before tearing a chunk of flesh from the dog. Mrs. Sorbinski carried her wounded pet inside and immediately called the police. By the time that patrolmen arrived, a crowd of more than 100 people were gathered at the house. The crowd was witness to the piercing screams that suddenly erupted from nearby. The police officers emptied their revolvers at the shadow that loomed against the night sky, but the Devil escaped once again. Eyewitness accounts of the Devil filled the newspapers, as well as photos and reports of cloven footprints that had been found in yards, woods and parking lots. The Philadelphia Zoo offered a $10,000 reward for the capture of the Devil, but there were no takers. Then, as suddenly as it had come, the Devil vanished again. The creature did not return again until 1927. A cab driver was changing a tire one night while headed for Salem. He had just finished when his car began shaking violently. He looked up to see a gigantic, winged figure pounding on the roof of his car. The driver, leaving his jack and flat tire behind, jumped into the car and quickly drove away. He reported the encounter to the Salem police. In August 1930, berry pickers at Leeds Point and Mays Landing reported seeing the Devil, crashing through the fields and devouring blueberries and cranberries. It was reported again two weeks later to the north and then it disappeared again. In November 1951, a group of children were allegedly cornered by the Devil at the Duport Clubhouse in Gibbstown. The creature bounded away without hurting anyone but reports claimed that it was spotted by dozens of witnesses before finally vanishing again. Sightings continued here and there for years and then peaked once more in 1960 when bloodcurdling cries terrorized a group of people near Mays Landing. State officials tried to calm the nervous residents but no explanation could be found for the weird sounds. Policemen nailed signs and posters everywhere stating that the Jersey Devil was a hoax, but curiosity-seekers flooded into the area anyway. Harry Hunt, who owned the Hunt Brothers Circus, offered $100,000 for the capture of the beast, hoping to add it to his sideshow attractions. Needless to say, the monster was never snared. The most recent sighting of the creature was said to have been in 1993 when a forest ranger named John Irwin was driving along the Mullica River in southern New Jersey. He was startled to find the road ahead of him blocked by the Jersey Devil. He described it as being about six-feet tall with horns and matted black fur. Could this have been the reported Jersey Devil - or some other creature altogether? Irwin stated that he and the creature stared at one another for several minutes before the monster finally turned and ran into the forest. Today, there are only a few, isolated sightings of the Jersey Devil. It seems as though the paved roads, electric lights and modern conventions that have come to the region over the course of two and a half centuries have driven the monster so far into hiding that it has vanished altogether. The lack of proof of the monster's existence in these modern times leads many to believe the Devil was nothing more than a creation of New Jersey folklore. But was it really? If it was merely a myth, then how do we explain the sightings of the creature and the witness accounts from reliable persons like businessmen, police officers and even public officials? They are not easy to dismiss as hearsay or the result of heavy drinking. Could the Jersey Devil have been real after all? And if so, is it still out there in the remote regions of the Pine Barrens - just waiting to be found? RECENT REPORTS In Freehold, New Jersey, in 2007, a woman supposedly saw a huge creature with bat-like wings near her home. In August of the same year, a young man driving home near the border of Mount Laurel and Moorestown, New Jersey reported a similar sighting. He claimed that he spotted a "a creature resembling a gargoyle with enormous bat-like wings" perched in some trees near the road. On January 23, 2008 the Jersey Devil was spotted again this time in Litchfield, Pennsylvania by a local resident that claims to have seen the creature come barreling out of the roof of his barn. On January 19th, 2009, nearly 100 years after the frequent Jersey Devil sightings, a local New Jersey citizen from Swedesboro claimed to have seen the Jersey Devil. He was driving towards Woodstown at night and saw a large creature fly in front of his car. At first he thought it was a deer, so he slammed on the brakes, then he realized that the creature was flying and was much larger than a deer. The shape of the creature was unclear. The creature swiftly flew across the street and disappeared into the darkness of the woods. In September 2009, a young man driving home on Interstate 80 near Parsippany, NJ claims spotting what he saw as "a black long-necked creature with a long tail" run across the road, and disappear into the darkness on the other side of the road. Sources: ![]() CLICK & VOTE...THANKS! TopSiteLists |
What Are These Creatures We Are Seeing? Posted: 10 Feb 2010 06:59 AM PST ![]() Chris Holly's Paranormal World - Years ago my good friend told me her brother had a terrible experience while working in New York City. He was traumatized to the point he refused to return to the job or go back to the city at all for that matter. He lived on Long Island and until this event did work often in the city. He was a construction worker who specialized on renovation projects of old city buildings. The event occurred while he was working on a very old building that still had the original freight elevator in use. The construction crew was using it to carry material to and from the buildings basement to the different floors they were working on. The basement of this building was deep and old. It bottomed out many floors below street level into the bowels of the workings of New York Cities underworld. None of the work crew on this project liked this old iron gated ancient elevator or the old deep basement so many levels below the modern day street level. It was creepy and dank. It was the only place to store tools and materials needed for the renovation or the buildings floors they were bringing back to life above. A few times each day someone from the work crew would need to go into the desolate basement area to transfer whatever it was that they had stored there. This one fateful day it was my friends brother who needed to take the old iron gate elevator down to gather a few tools he needed for the project he was working on in the building. He rode the slow elevator to the last level in the building and pulled open the old Iron Gate. He stepped out into the open space of the basement when he quickly caught some movement out of the corner of his eye over in the corner of the room. He moved a few feet closer to see what it was and stood frozen in horror at what stood looking back at him from the corner of the room. There stood a creature about six feet tall with legs and arms in a human form but a head like a lizard or reptile. It had a snout and large mouth with fang like teeth and long slit thin red eyes. The thing was greenish grayish in color and did not wear any type of protection or clothing. It had a slight odor to it of a musky animal. It stood there simply looking as shocked at the sight of my friend's brother as he was at seeing it. My friends brother quickly backed into the elevator and with heart beating hard against his chest fought to get the Iron Gate closed while punching buttons till that old freight elevator started its climb back up in to the top floors of the building. By the time he made his way back to the work crew he was hysterical and so terrified the men in the work crew thought he was having a heart attack. When he was able to calm down enough to tell them what happened the men did not know what to make of his claims however not one of the men would volunteer to go see if the thing was still there. I do not know the exact particulars of how the event ended that day. I do know a search was made of the basement and nothing was found, except for the old tunnels and large water pipes that connected the building to the old city infrastructure of the maze that exists under the city to this day. My friend's brother went home early that day and to my knowledge has not returned to New York City since. I dare say I do not blame him. When I was 16 years old I lived through an awful event where something had broken into the house my family and I lived in on the south shore of Long Island. The thing lay in wait inside my house for one of my family members to return home. I was first home that day and thankfully had friends with me. The thing inside my home made us aware of it being in my house by changing the lights inside which we noticed before entering the house. We were frightened and called for help waiting outside in my car watching as whatever was in the house tried to bait us inside by flickering lights on and off. As we sat locked inside my car in the front of my house we could hear the thing howling and growl in rage at not being able to get us to enter the house. When help did arrive we found it had placed robe and knifes around the house along with clawing the walls and ripping to shreds clothing that belonged to me and leaving it spread all over the house. The thing in my home that night left a pungent odor of sulfur and rot that lingered for days after. This thing came back later and tried to enter my neighbor's house as their 17 year old daughter sat watching TV in their family room. The odd thing is that it tried to get to her by ripping a large window out of the house frame and all. The mother was at home and did get a look at the arm of this thing as it waved frantically trying to reach into the home. She described it as a snake type skin of what looked like a semi human arm and hand with long claws instead of fingernails. They also reported a horrible odor coming from the creature. No one ever was able to explain who or what that was laying in wait in my house that night or who or what ripped that window out of that house. I received an email from a reader asking me if I had any information on a strange incident he recalled seeing on television years ago. It was such a odd happening that he could not understand why he could not find any reference to it anywhere when he clearly recalled what he had seen. My reader recalled the event being reported on the news that the emergency numbers in the city where receiving frantic calls in the middle of the night about strange lights in the sky around New York City. Enough calls came in for patrol cars to be sent out to investigate. Someone who had called in the incident brought a camera and was able to film part of this incident. The area this occurred looked to be on the side of a brick apartment building, maybe fifteen stories tall. If I can remember right there was even a bridge nearby. Anyways, the person behind the camera caught something moving on the side of the building and I think they even heard it growling or making some sort of noise. It lurked back in the shadows. as they zoomed in you could see this not-very-human-like creature literally scaling or clawing up the side of the wall. Whatever it was- it was not any animal I had ever seen before. All I know is that I saw this once on TV and after that I never heard of or seen it again. I remembered this TV report being from the very late 80's or early 90's and always thought it odd that nothing else was ever seen about it. I have to admit I have no idea about this report but also know things like this happen and always are simply swept away never to be seen or heard of again. Recently a report was released about a strange body being found on the coastal shore of Plum Island. Plum Island has been a top secret lab of extreme experiments located right off the main body of Long Island. Only those with top-secret clearance are allowed near the place. The only method of getting to it is by boat. It has been a long time shop of horrors that needs to be taken seriously and watched as highly dangerous. The body was reported to be a male about six feet tall with extremely long fingers! The report was quickly pushed under that infamous rug with all the other odd things heard once and then never again. Plum Island seems to have and always has had a hush- never heard again way concerning everything about the place. When I hear of events like the ones above I realize they are simply too incredible to believe. If I had not lived through an event that involved a unknown creature I would have a far more difficult time in digesting them. I did however deal with a very strange creature and do believe something very odd is going on out there. We all have read stories about people who have had similar experiences to the ones I have written about here. We read about big foot and aliens and moth men. We are told of shadow people and all kinds of things that are reported by people. Of course you have no reason to believe anything I have written. I can only say I saw what I did and that others are telling you the truth as well. I realize many reports made are not true. We all know the pollution that takes place in the area of things known as paranormal. I am sure many if not most reports are for agenda's of attention or fame. I also know some of the things people are seeing are real. The question to ask is who or what are these creatures that some of us encounter? What is it that walks with us on planet earth? Are they alien visitors? Are they beings from another dimension that slip in to our time and space? Are they mistakes by the hand of man from dangerous locations like Plum Island? What and who in the world are these creatures? I do not think those are outrageous questions to ask about incredible creatures that seem to cross the path of man now and then. For now reports of strange beings will continue to be looked at with skeptical eyes leaving traumatized witnesses all over our planet. All we can do is pay attention to our surroundings and try to live our days in a safe and healthy way. What else can we do? It is impossible to say who will be the next to find they are looking into the eyes of one of these mysterious creatures of the unknown! Thanks to Chris Holly at Chris Holly's Paranormal World Copyright © 2008-2010 Chris Holly all Rights Reserved Are you interested in the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs and conspiracies? 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