Phantoms and Monsters |
- Predictions For The World: 2010 - 2012
- Photo: Girl Apparition - Gwrych Castle in Abergele, Wales
- Stop Alien Abductions! Build a Better Thought-Screen Helmet
- UFO / OVNI Sightings - Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico / Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica
Predictions For The World: 2010 - 2012 Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:44 AM PST ![]() _______________________________ Ask around and you'll hear this over and over again: People are concerned about what might be coming. They're concerned about a global financial collapse, an ecological crisis and potential disruptions in the food supply. The radical weather patterns now being witnessed across the world are further indication that something's wrong with the world we thought we knew. But what's really going to happen between now and 2012? Is there any way to take an educated guess about which challenges are most likely to appear? That's what I've done here in this collection of thirty-six predictions for 2010 - 2012. So here's what I see coming in 2010 - 2012. This is based on "educated guesses" about where current trends may lead us. This is not some sort of psychic prediction exercise; it's based entirely on observation and forward thinking. By the way, if these predictions seem too pessimistic, be sure to read the bottom of this article which talks about the upside of what will happen after these next few years. Ultimately, there is good news ahead... #1 - Worldwide shortage of rare earth metals The world depends on Rare Earth Metals (REMs) to manufacture everything from electric motors to solar panels and computer parts. Expect a global shortage to hit hard over the next three years. #2 - Food supply disruptions hit western nations There will be one or more serious disruptions in the food supply that will wake up Americans to the possibility that their food may not be as secure or plentiful as they had imagined. While this could take the form of a crop disease that spreads across corn or wheat farms, it's more likely to involve radical weather patterns that destroy crops and limit food supply. #3 - Deadly superbug mutation goes wild A deadly superbug will escape the hospital and get into the "wild" -- meaning it starts to infect everyday people, perhaps being transmitted through gyms or schools. A review of what led to the escape will point to abuse of antibiotics and failure of hospital staff to wash their hands. #4 - New evidence links vaccines and neurological disorders New evidence will emerge linking vaccines to neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease. This evidence may point to the chemical adjuvants used in vaccines which cause an inflammatory response in the body. The vaccine industry, of course, will deny any such link, but evidence will mount that points to the link. #5 - U.S. power grid suffers catastrophic failure At some point over the next three years, the U.S. power grid will suffer a catastrophic regional failure that puts tens of millions of people in the dark. The power grid is a fragile system just waiting to be brought down by cascading failures. It will be repaired relatively quickly (perhaps in 72 hours), but its failure will leave many people on edge and cause a rush of business at preparedness retailers. #6 - Satellite breakdown There will be a huge failure in one or more key communications satellites, causing widespread disruptions in telecomm services, including those serving emergency and law enforcement organizations. Likely causes: Space debris, solar flares or deliberate targeting by land-to-space rockets. (China may even begin to shoot down U.S. satellites if a military confrontation breaks out, see below...) #7 - GM crop contamination leads to crisis Somewhere in North America, the contamination of crops with genetically modified DNA or seeds will flare into a crop crisis (and perhaps even crop failures). Tensions between affected farmers and seed corporations like Monsanto will escalate, and new public attention will be drawn to the problem of GM crops. (As a side note, new evidence will also emerge linking GM foods to internal organ damage in laboratory animals...) #8 - Honeybee population collapse spreads to other species The Colony Collapse Disorder now striking honeybee populations will not only get worse in honeybees; it will also spread to other species including amphibians. Bird watchers will record an alarming decline in bird populations throughout North America, and scientists will note a disturbing trend in the loss of species diversity in many areas. #9 - Weather patterns become increasingly radicalized Expect to see more flood, more earthquakes, more droughts, more heat waves and more cold spells as the world's weather patterns show increasing destabilization. Droughts will come to areas that typically see plenty of water, and too much water will appear in areas that are normally more arid. Many humans will be displaced and property damage will rise into the tens of billions of dollars. (Note, I wrote this prediction in early January, well before the recent snow storms hammered the East Coast. But there will still be many more radical weather events...) #10 - Nuclear power sees global resurgence The need for cheap, non-fossil power will drive more countries to embrace nuclear power as the "clean" energy source of the near future. Expect to see more nuclear power plants approved for construction. (Actually completing the construction can take a decade or more, however.) #11 - Nuclear weapons unleashed in the Middle East I only give this a 25% chance before the end of 2012, but it seems possible that low-yield tactical nuclear weapons could be used in a conflict in the Middle East, most likely involving Israel targeting Iran. One dangerous possibility is that conventional "bunker buster" bombs could be used to bomb Iranian nuclear processing facilities, releasing a cloud of radioactive dust that blankets the region, causing countless civilian casualties. In terms of nuclear threats, another important possibility that I predict could unfold is the theft of nuclear weapons from Pakistan by more radical forces who then use their stolen nuke weapons to threaten and destabilize the entire region. #12 - New exotic superfood from South America emerges in western markets There will be at least one new superfood from South America that breaks into western markets in much the same way that Acai did a few years back. It will be an herb or fruit that virtually no one in North America has heard of yet, but which has been known in the Amazon (or surrounding areas) for thousands of years. NaturalNews may, in fact, be involved in announcing this... #13 - A high-tech, portable vitamin D sensor device is invented The timeline may be a little short on this prediction -- I actually have more confidence of this appearing by 2016. The prediction is that a portable vitamin D sensor device will be invented. It will allow people to have their blood levels of vitamin D tested within two minutes, with either a tiny blood draw (such as with diabetic blood glucose testers) or, even better, a laser or infra-red detection technology that's non-invasive. The widespread use of such devices could revolutionize health by pinpointing people who are deficient in vitamin D. A deficiency, as you probably know, causes cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, depression, osteoporosis and many other diseases. There is a good chance that the invention of such a device could be blocked by the FDA as a way to prevent this lifesaving technology from going into widespread use in the USA. Why would the FDA block this? Because if people corrected their vitamin D levels, they wouldn't buy as many pharmaceuticals and the cancer industry would all but implode. #14 - U.S. debt gets downgraded while world investors slash purchases of U.S. debt instruments The U.S. loses credibility in the financial world. This leads to rampant price inflation combined with currency deflation of the U.S. dollar. The U.S. government, with its debt climbing ever higher, will find itself virtually unable to sell more debt. It will then resort to printing more money to pay its own debt, which is roughly the same as using cash advances on your credit card to pay your minimum monthly debt payment on that same card. The end result will be the complete financial bankruptcy of the U.S. government well before 2025. #15 - U.S. nearly comes to military conflict with China over natural resources This may take a few more years beyond 2012, but by 2016, I predict a 50% chance that the U.S. will very nearly engage in military conflict with China over natural resources. The most likely candidate? Oil, of course, but natural gas or rare earth metals could also be part of this conflict. China will emerge victorious in the negotiations because it will secretly threaten to sell off U.S. debt and crash the U.S. debt ratings (see above) unless the U.S. gives in to its demands over natural resources. #16 - Huge new scandal implicates major pharmaceutical company in scientific fraud This is a no-brainer, actually. It's only a matter of time before Big Pharma gets caught yet again committing a felony, bribing researchers, faking clinical trial data or burying studies that it doesn't want the public to see. Expect to see another Vioxx-scale scandal unearthed, possibly from a Big Pharma whistleblower. #17 - China unleashes armies of corporate espionage hackers onto western nations This is already underway, actually, but it will accelerate in the next three years as China uses this new method of electronic warfare to steal corporate secrets and disrupt western society. Particularly vulnerable are DNS root servers. If they are brought down, the entire internet will effectively grind to a halt. #18 - Medical imaging scandal unfolds as older patients begin to show serious health damage from radiation via mammograms, CT scans and more Cancer caused by medical imaging technology is one of the "dirty little secrets" of western medicine. Expect to see more research linking medical imaging to health problems. The medical imaging industry, as usual, will try anything to suppress the evidence (this includes the mammography industry, which is already engaged in medical violence against women via medically unjustified mammography). #19 - Another 9/11 false flag incident Desperate to convince the people to accept more police state oppression, certain dark forces within the U.S. government will stage another large-scale false flag "terror" attack most likely involving a dirty bomb or biological weapon. Following the attack, government authorities will issue new calls for surveillance and movement tracking of the entire population. RFID implants will play a significant role as well cell phone tracking. Propaganda television ads will show implants are being harmless and put in place to "protect your family against terrorism." But the real purpose will be to establish a database of the movements and locations of U.S. citizens that can be data mined to discover patterns of meetings among two or more people. If you meet with the "wrong" people, you will then be added to a list of those to be watched. Those who refuse to be tagged or tracked will be denied air travel and other forms of free travel. #20 - The world won't end on December 21, 2012 The world won't come to an end on December 21, 2012, but certain elements of current human civilization may certainly be coming to a close around that time. The global money system, in particular, is headed for a total collapse. Many elements of the environment are at a breaking point (such as the chemical pollution of the oceans). The chemical burden on the citizens of the world is reaching a critical mass they may culminate in a population collapse. I don't put any special significance on the date of December 21, but I do believe many things are headed toward collapse (and rebirth) over the next several years. #21 - EPA pressured to regulate pharmaceuticals in the water supply After ignoring the problem for decades, the EPA will finally be pressured into taking on the regulation of pharmaceuticals in the water supply. Big Pharma will fight this relentlessly, of course, because it makes more money by distributing more drugs that end up in the water supply. So don't expect any real action to limit Big Pharma's drug trade. Mostly, we'll just get talk (but no action) from the EPA. #22 - Nursing home drugging scandal exposed A major scandal involving the criminal drugging of nursing home residents will unfold in the western world. It will be discovered that staff are intentionally drugging residents into a mental stupor in order to make them "easier to handle." Several deaths among nursing home patients will occur, with one of them being mysterious enough to set off the investigation. #23 - The psychiatric industry will declare more normal behaviors to be "disorders" Between now and 2012, the psych industry will "discover" yet more disorders that will be promoted as vehicles for selling more dangerous mind-altering drugs to children. These new disorder will actually be normal behaviors that are "undesirable" by parents or teachers. For example, temper tantrums may be classified as a disorder requiring pharmaceutical treatment. "Talking back disorder" will be given some scientific-sounding name (to make it seem legitimate, of course) and will be treated with drugs that harm brain function. There's no end to the disease mongering of Big Pharma. Expect to see more disorders targeting younger children, expectant mothers and senior citizens. This is all part of Big Pharma's effort to expand its customer base. Scary possibility: Adults who refuse to follow government orders for RFID tracking or other Big Brother plans may be labeled with a new disorder called "Adult Authority Defiance Disorder" (AADD) and be arrested and medicated against their will to "treat" their brain malfunction. The only way to avoid being labeled AADD is to go along with whatever you're told by the government. #24 - Vaccine industry goes crazy with new vaccines for all sorts of "diseases" The vaccine industry has been itching for new diseases to promote over the last few years. Big Pharma has realized that vaccines are the future of big profits because their sale doesn't require anyone to actually be sick. This is a way of selling drugs to healthy people, and this has been a long-term goal of Big Pharma for at least two decades. Between now and 2012, expect to see more vaccines marketed for various concocted infectious diseases (much like H1N1) as well as vaccines targeting behavior! For example, you might see vaccines pushed that claim to stop smoking, or alcoholism, or even over-eating. A "diet vaccine" would be the ultimate goal of Big Pharma: Take a shot and lose weight without even trying! #25 - War on health freedom ramps up, targeting raw milk, homeopathy, herbs and supplements The war against raw milk will result in farmers being treated like drug dealers by overzealous (and misguided) health "authorities" who engage in armed "raw milk raids." Homeopathy, anti-cancer therapies, herbs and supplements will all continue to be viciously attacked by the FDA and FTC, and these attacks will escalate as the FDA enters a new era of police state tyranny against the American People who are only seeking healing. #26 - The world becomes a far more dangerous place for honest citizens As economic, environmental and infrastructure failures occur, they will displace more people from their jobs and homes, leading to a sharp increase in crime nearly everywhere around the world. We already saw this after Hurricane Katrina, where hundreds of thousands of jobless refugees caused a huge crime wave through neighboring cities like Houston, TX. Expect to see significant increases in crime in all major world cities. The worse the economy becomes, the fewer police officers can be afforded by municipalities. This translates into increases in street crime: Muggings, robberies, hold-ups, etc. #27 - New attempts are made to destroy internet freedom There will be a significant new attempt by one or more governments to destroy freedom on the internet. This will take the form of "hate speech" laws, identity laws (so no one can post anything on the 'net anonymously), or the outlawing of internet text on certain topics (such as making it illegal to post information on natural remedies). This will be put in place by desperate governments who realize they are losing their propaganda wars thanks to the freedoms of the internet. You can also expect to see more cooperation between Google (and YouTube) and the NSA, FBI or CIA. Governments will maintain secret information taps into all the major search engines, email service providers and content websites. Google, Facebook, Yahoo, YouTube and many other sites will function as back-door surveillance platforms for the U.S. government. #28 - China's boom will bust, sending ripples through global economy China is driving a super-heated economy to the brink of a bust. Everything looks great during the boom, but this boom will come to an end before January, 2013. China is a mass consumer of natural resources and construction materials like concrete and steel. When its economic bubble bursts, it will send shockwaves through the economies of all the major first-world countries who supply many of the materials and technologies that are currently underlying China's fast-paced growth. Most importantly, China's economic bust will cause a sharp drop in the country's ability to purchase more U.S. debt. China's central banks may even decide to start selling U.S. debt notes. This act could set off a chain reaction of global sales that would tear open a huge hole in the metaphorical Titanic of America's counterfeit economic prosperity. #29 - Central and South America will drop the U.S. dollar as a currency Ecuador currently uses the U.S. dollar as its primary currency. The dollar is also openly accepted in countries like Panama. But within the next three years, the U.S. dollar will lose its dominance in South America. I predict that Ecuador will be well on its way towards ditching the dollar and embracing either its own new currency or adopting a new South American currency by January, 2013. All the South American elected officials already realize that the endless creation of new money by the Federal Reserve is causing a devaluation of the U.S. dollar -- effectively resulting in a transfer of wealth from those nations that use the dollar to the USA. This is seen on the street as an inflationary event that raises street prices of common goods (like food and fuel) in developing countries, making presidents increasingly unpopular among their citizens. The only way to defend against this erosion of wealth is to drop the U.S. dollar as a currency and switch to your own national or regional currency. #30 - Local currencies emerge following the collapse of the dollar Speaking of currency, although the collapse of the U.S. dollar may take several years beyond 2012, once it happens, you can expect to see a flood of local currencies hitting the streets in towns and cities across the USA. States like California or Texas, for example, may quickly set up their own "state reserve banks" that replace the Federal Reserve. They will then issue state notes ("Texas Bucks") that serve as currency, replacing the dollar. There will then be exchange rates between the currencies of various states -- I'll give you 1.25 California Bucks for 1 Texas Buck... etc. Fortunes will be made and lost as currency traders bet on the fluctuations between state currency valuations. #31 - TSA suspends full body scanners after celeb photo scandal The TSA swears that your "naked" body picture is deleted in mere seconds after it's taken. But I predict that a famous U.S. celebrity will have their body scanner picture taken, saved and swapped all over the internet. The public outcry will cause the TSA to temporarily suspend body scanning operations, but after the protests fade away, they'll reinstate the procedure. "Sheeple" air travelers will go right along with it, believing that a little more security is worth sacrificing any amount of freedom. #32 - Cell phone brain tumors start to appear in younger users By 2012, numerous brain tumors will be documented in people in their 20's who were heavy users of cell phones through their childhood and teen years. It takes time for these tumors to develop, of course, which is why they haven't shown up in large numbers yet. Today's 30+ adults never used cell phones as children, but the current generation of adults in their 20's grew up with their heads being subjected to these intense electromagnetic radiation fields on a regular basis. #33 - Medical industry claims to find cause of autism In order to deflect blame from vaccines, the medical industry will falsify whatever research is necessary to blame autism on something else: Probably a combination of genetics and exposure to certain chemicals. This new "research" will be published in a "prestigious" medical journal (which caters to the interests of Big Pharma, of course). #34 - Terrorist strike on the U.S. water supply (The text of this prediction has been removed, ((not by me, by the original author))as I don't want to be blamed for giving terrorists any specific ideas. In no way do I wish for any terrorist attacks on anyone. But I should note that terrorists are pretty clever and they have ways to come up with their own ideas.) #35 - Sperm count drops, infertility rates rise The next five years will see infertility rates continue to rise as sperm counts drop and DNA mutations (caused by pharmaceuticals and other chemicals) keep rising. This is the beginning of the genopocalypse, as I call it: The genetic degradation of the mainstream human population. #36 - "Stealth personal recorders" go mainstream I predict that over the next 3-5 years, tiny "personal recorders" that can record 24 hours of audio and video while being covertly worn by people will go mainstream. This will have huge implications for police work (expect to see police caught in the abuse of innocent citizens), business meetings (expect to see video clips from private corporation meetings ending up on the 'net thanks to whistleblowers), government and many other areas. A key court case will eventually emerge that challenges the legality of the personal recordings, and in the end, they will be allowed as evidence. New laws passed by Congress in the year 2015 will limit the use of personal recorders in public schools, government buildings and other "sensitive" areas. These devices, by the way, will likely take the form of finger rings (for audio recorders), necklaces, bracelets or eyeglasses. Some specialty technology recorders may even be placed inside false eyes. The year 2010 and beyond will be the "counter surveillance era" where citizens are watching the authorities. YouTube will play a huge role in this, but sooner or later it will begin censoring and blocking videos that threaten the credibility of the government. Now for the good news I believe that following a period of economic and geopolitical upheaval, there is an opportunity for the surviving people of our planet to "dream new dreams" that set us on a new course. We can create a future built on sustainability, respect for nature and honesty towards our neighbours. This possibility is within our reach if we only have the courage to set our sights on a brighter, more positive future. This article isn't the place to detail what's involved in that, but know that despite all the predictions I've listed here, I'm an optimist! I believe the world will go through a very difficult time in the next decade (or more), but We the People will emerge stronger, more resourceful, more humbled and with a sense of renewed freedom in creating whatever future we desire. The future is nothing to be feared. The rise and fall of nations is a normal, natural cycle that's been observed throughout world history. The end of one empire marks the beginning of new opportunity, and the important thing is to be present and active when it comes time to set course for our improved collective future. Mike Adams |
Photo: Girl Apparition - Gwrych Castle in Abergele, Wales Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:02 AM PST ![]() ![]() newssubmit - A company boss Kevin Horkin was taken pictures at Gwrych Castle in Abergele, North Wales and may have captured a picture of a spirit. Kevin didn't notice anything unusual until he downloaded the pictures to his PC. In one of the photos was the image of a pale young woman looking out a window. Amazingly, it's impossible for anyone to stand at that particular window because the floor in the room is completely destroyed. North Wales Paranormal group have confirmed that many sightings have been recorded at the castle. Local history claims that the first castle at Gwrych was built by the Normans in the 12th century. It was seized by the Welsh prince Rhys ap Gruffydd (the Lord Rhys) of Deheubarth in about 1170 who then rebuilt the timber castle in stone. This castle was later destroyed by Cromwell's army following the English Civil War of the mid-17th century. The later castle at Gwrych was begun in 1819. The castle is a Grade 1 listed building set in a wooded hillside overlooking the Irish Sea. It was the first Gothic folly to be built in Europe by a wealthy industrialist Lloyd Hesketh. Bamford Hesketh, his son, inherited the title of Gwrych in his early 20s and used his vast fortune to build the 4,000-acre Gwrych Castle Estate. The castle once had a total of 128 rooms including the outbuildings, including twenty-eight bedrooms, an outer hall, an inner hall, two smoke rooms, a dining room, a drawing room, a billiards room, an oak study, and a range of accommodations for servants. There are nineteen embattled towers and the whole facade is over 2000 yards. Many feel the castle's outstanding feature was the castle's 52-step marble staircase. NOTE: seems that a slew of these well defined 'ghost' photos have recently popped up. So far most, if not all, have been debunked. We'll see what comes of this one...Lon __________________ THE HISTORY OF GWRYCH CASTLE ![]() Local history claims that the first castle at Gwrych was built by the Normans in the 12th century. It was seized by the Welsh prince Rhys ap Gruffydd (the Lord Rhys) of Deheubarth in about 1170 who then rebuilt the timber castle in stone. This castle was later destroyed by Cromwell's army following the English Civil War of the mid-17th century. The later castle at Gwrych was begun in 1819. The castle is a Grade 1 listed building set in a wooded hillside over looking the Irish Sea. It was the first Gothic folly to be built in Europe by a wealthy industrialist Lloyd Hesketh. Bamford Hesketh, his son, inherited the title of Gwrych in his early 20s and used his vast fortune to build the 4,000-acre Gwrych Castle Estate. The castle once had a total of 128 rooms including the outbuildings, including twenty-eight bedrooms, an outer hall, an inner hall, two smoke rooms, a dining room, a drawing room, a billiards room, an oak study, and a range of accommodations for servants. There are nineteen embattled towers and the whole facade is over 2000 yards. Many feel the castle's outstanding feature was the castle's 52-step marble staircase. Queen Victoria stayed at Gwrych in 1932 in what is now known as the Victoria bedroom. These rooms are situated in the front of the castle in the round tower on the first floor, with two windows overlooking the Irish Sea. In 1946 The castle was sold and then it passed through subsequent owners and is now derelict. All of the windows are cast iron and the fantastic stained glass has vanished. It's been years since the castle's been occupied. Years ago they used to hold medieval fairs and the like on the grounds of the castle. The castle was bought several years ago by an American businessman who planned to spend 10 million pounds to convert the castle into a top-class opera house with adjoining luxury hotel. But those plans never materialized and the building was frequently vandalized. Unfortunately, in early 1998 Gwrych was extensively damaged following the collapse of ceilings and floors, and was later damaged by fire. Sources: |
Stop Alien Abductions! Build a Better Thought-Screen Helmet Posted: 15 Feb 2010 08:11 AM PST ![]() How The Thought-Screen Helmet Works The thought screen helmet scrambles telepathic communication between aliens and humans. Aliens cannot immobilize people wearing thought-screens nor can they control their minds or communicate with them using their telepathy. When aliens can't communicate or control humans, they do not take them. A Record of Success The thought screen helmet has effectively stopped several types of aliens from abducting or controlling humans. Only four failures have been reported since 1998. Two of those failures were encounters with alien-human hybrids. In 2005, a cloth helmet with a smaller area of Velostat, which had a Velcro strap, was easily removed by an alien-human hybrid. Another failure occurred in 2007 when two alien-human hybrids snuck up behind a frail woman, tackled her, and forcedly removed her helmet. These alien-human hybrids are described in The Threat by David Jacobs and in Sight Unseen by Budd Hopkins. The helmet still works for people being abducted by aliens, but not by their alien-human hybrids who are now integrating into our societies. Worldwide Use Adults and children all over America, all over Australia, in Canada, the United Kingdom, India, Austria, Italy, Portugal, and in the Republic of South Africa are wearing thought screen helmets to stop alien abductions. Many former abductees have been wearing thought screen helmets successfully since 1999. Successful Shielding Material Other shielding material was tried in previous models with less success. Only thought screen helmets using Velostat are effective. Large leather aviator hats lined with Velostat with secure straps are recommended for making effective helmets but any hat that covers your whole head and has eight sheets of Velostat will work. A similar material called LINQSTAT, which is made in Canada, may also be used. Cost of Materials is $30 You can make a thought-screen helmet for $30 if you purchase Velostat by the yard. |
UFO / OVNI Sightings - Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico / Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica Posted: 15 Feb 2010 07:39 AM PST Click for video - UFO recorded over the active volcano Popocatepetl (Popocatépetl), the second highest peak in Mexico. This video footage was recorded on 13th February 2010 at 1:20 pm. Click for video - Feb. 28th 2008 Click for video - Nov. 11th, 2009 ______________________ UFO/OVNI Over Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica ![]() inexplicata - As he does every morning, Carlos Valverde, a resident of Turrialba, turned on his computer and entered the website of the Observatorio Vulcanologico y Sismologico (OVSICORI – Volcanic and Seismic Observatory) to see what was new with the volcano in his area. But on January 27 (2010), the image displayed on the webcam did not display the colossus – enshrouded in fog – but rather, a strange object passed in front of the camera and Valverde saved the image immediately. OVSICORI installed the camera in early January and the image refreshes ever 10 seconds, displaying the active Turrialba Volcano. Just as the image refreshed on the screen, the strange object appeared. Valverde believes it to be a flying saucer. The object appeared in a single image. Following updates did not show the strange oval mark. "The computer is in my room, and I always get up and load the page to see the volcano. That day the object drew my attention and I pressed the Copy Image function. Much has been said about seeing UFOs in the volcano, and upon watching the photo one thinks that it is like a flying saucer, a half-moon shape," says Valverde. OVSICORI installed the camera to monitor the Turrialba Volcano's behavior following an increase in activity and ash eruption. The recorded image was sent to UFO photo analyst Edgar Picado Chacón, who claims that at first sight, the object must measure between 25 and 30 meters. "Given the object's distance from the camera, some 600 meters from the crater, one could venture that it is a very large object. I will be performing some analyses and dismissing some theories. However, I do not see any evidence of photo manipulation. The pixels are contiguous; it cannot be a bird or a rock hurled from the volcano, because no trajectory is visible. Any object that passes in front of the camera leaves a trace, and none can be found in this case."The expert says that one can speak in terms of a UFO, as it is a fact that the object was flying at the location. "I cannot tell you that its a vessel from somewhere, as that would be highly irresponsible on my part. But it is something very interesting that does not look like a bird in any respect. I have a video of an object leaving the Arenal Volcano and seeing this photo reminds me of its very similar shape," he indicated. Picado adds that the image drew his attention and unlike other photos he has analyzed, it cannot be a flash of light, as the conditions displayed on that day show cloudy conditions. The expert says that he has received several reports of UFOs in the country's various volcanoes. ______________________ PREVIOUS POSTS - UFO/OVNI SIGHTINGS AT ACTIVE VOLCANOS ![]() Click for video - Mount Etna, Italy Click for video - Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica Click for video - Colima Volcano, Mexico NOTE: why do UFOs seem to be attracted to active volcanoes? The videos above are just a few examples of UFO sightings during volcanic activity since the 1980's...though, there have been reports previously. The most UFO activity occurs around the Arenal Volcano in Costa Rica. The latest wave was seen in August 2009 and drew the attention of UFO hunters worldwide. Many of these UFOs are observed flying through the ash clouds and closely inspecting pyroclastic and lava flows. Watch the videos and post your theory...Lon ______________________ Originally posted 10/6/07 UFO Sighting During Arenal Volcano Eruption 9/18/07 Notice bright orb to the left of the Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica Click for video September 18th 2007 - A cloud of gas and volcanic rocks sliding down Costa Rica's north-central Arenal Volcano caught the attention of residents and scientists yesterday morning. This "pyroclastic flow" occurred at 10:12 a.m. west of the volcano's main crater and was observed from a lookout point inside the Arenal Volcano National Park, according to a statement from the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (OVSICORI) based at National University (UNA) in Heredia, north of San José. A pyroclastic flow is an eruption of high-temperature gases, rocks and ash that makes its way down a volcano in the form of a cloud, explained OVSICORI volcanologist Rodolfo Van Der Laat. This phenomenon is not out of the ordinary for Arenal, especially during this time of year. Yesterday's activity did not pose any threat to those living near the volcano, though it did catch residents' and tourists' attention, Van Der Laat said. Are you interested in the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs and conspiracies? Go to Phantoms and Monsters Wiki and become a member of this unique network. Start a page on a subject or add your input to an existing page or thread. ![]() Join me on Facebook Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? Send us an email Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Want to help support Phantoms and Monsters? Please visit our online shop. Thanks! |
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