Phantoms and Monsters |
- Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 6
- Chasing the Thylacine
- Video: Hominids Captured by Thermal Camera in North Carolina
- Confused on the Facts May be the Key to Our History
Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 6 Posted: 05 Feb 2010 01:03 PM PST ![]() BIZARRE WHITE WINGED CREATURE Location/Date: Lajas, Puerto Rico - January 14 1998 - 5:30 AM An employee at a cow ranch that belonged to the University of Puerto Rico, Carlos David Vargas Montalvo was doing his usual morning chores of rounding up the cows from the feeding lot. Like usual and without any apparent fright the animals responded to his call and lined up, except for what he thought was one white cow that remained back in the field without moving. Curious he called the "cow" again but again there was no response, he decided to walk over thinking that the animal could be hurt or sick. As he approached the white form on the ground he kept calling it, when suddenly the supposed cow began to twist and turn on the ground and took out two huge white wings. At this point the stunned Montalvo realized that it was not a cow but a bizarre winged bird-like creature, totally white in color. Stunned the witness watched the creature rise up on his wings and disappeared quickly towards the nearby Laguna Cartagena. A heart patient, Montalvo was in shock for the next several hours. Source: Terra Clubs Ovni NOTE: there have been other similar reports throughout Puerto Rico for a number of years. Some of these other witnesses described this cryptid as a 'white winged humanoid'. _______________________ THE DOUBLED-FOOTED BEING Location/Date: Knox, Indiana - November 8 1988 - 11:00 PM The 12-year old witness had gotten up to get a drink of water when a flash of multicolored light attracted his attention to the yard. He turned the lights on and walked over to the large picture window in the living room. Looking out he saw a large diamond-shaped object resting on the lawn. It had flashing multi-colored lights around its edge and appeared to be made out of a copper like metal. An escalator like device now appeared from the object's left rear edge and slid down to the ground. A small humanoid now appeared and walked down the escalator and disappeared behind the object. Moments later the being re-appeared and began walking towards the house. The humanoid was described as a bit over 5-foot tall with normal arms with what appeared to be claws and strange "double feet." The being wore a belt and a buckle and appeared to have some type of symbols across its chest. It had a large nose, large square mouth, and huge dark brown eyes. The skin was lizard like green with scales and wrinkled. The witness became frightened as the being approached, suddenly the neighbor's dog began barking, and the being stopped turned its head around and looked directly at the witness. The next thing the witness remembered was seeing the object lift off silently and disappear into the sky. Ground traces were reportedly found the next day. Source: MUFON Journal #262 _______________________ EL CHUPACABRAS? Location/Date: Viluco, Chile - January 5 2004 - 5:15 AM 40-year old driver Juan Berrios was on his on an errand on Santa Filomena Street on his way to Las Vertientes terminal. At about 70 meters in front of his car he noticed a strange figure standing on the middle of the road. He rubbed his eyes and then saw nothing and kept on driving, at about 5 meters away the bizarre figure again appeared. Stunned at what he was seeing Berrios almost lost control of his vehicle as he swerved around the figure almost upending the vehicle. The strange creature had what appeared to be the carcass of a bloodied dog clutched in his jaws. The creature suddenly jumped and disappeared into the brush. Berrios described the creature as about 1.50m in height, with large hind legs like a kangaroo, small curved front arms that ended in claw like protrusions, a spiked dorsal fin and a tail resembling that of a rattler on a snake. The facial features were also bizarre; it had a wolf-like snout, several sharp rows of teeth, and fierce-looking red eyes. It jumped a height of about 5 meters and disappeared from sight. Source: local La Cuarta newspaper _____________________ THE NAKED COUPLE Location/Date: Dalby Forest, Yorkshire, UK - May 2001 - mid-afternoon On a beautiful sunny day John Peterson, his wife Jean, and their two children, Peter 9-years old and Laura 7 years old were picnicking in an isolated area among the trees. As they prepared the table with food and drinks the children were busy playing nearby, John and his wife became aware of two figures approaching them from across the field. As the figures got closer they saw a man and woman who both appeared to be naked. John and Jean were furious and John, unable to contain himself, shouted to them to cover themselves up in the presence of the children. The two figures did not acknowledge the man shouting at them and did not alter their pace, but walked past the front of the two angry parents about 30 ft away. At this time John and Jean realized that the two figures were not normal people; they looked strange and almost transparent. John shouted to his wife, "I must get a picture of this" and ran to the nearby car where he hurriedly grabbed his camera. He ran back just in time to see the two figures walk into the open side of a derelict barn. John ran into the barn, camera in hand, but was startled to find that there was no sign of the couple, but to his amazement he saw a perfect picture of them etched onto the wall of the barn. He immediately took some photographs and then the family hastily left the area because his wife and children were terrified. Strange occurrences have been reported in the forest before, including animal mutilations. Source: local authorities NOTE: A British friend, who works in the Forestry Service, referred this story to me a few years ago. He stated that there were several reports of unknown creatures roaming the North Yorkshire Moors and the Dalby Forest. As well, the area has a deep mythical history. |
Posted: 05 Feb 2010 11:23 AM PST ![]() Foresters are generally a practical bunch who measure life by certainties such as sawlogs and stray limbs lost to heavy machinery. When they swear to a sighting, you begin to wonder if there's truth after all to the Tasmanian tiger. There are really only two things you need to know about the world's largest carnivorous marsupial. The first is that it looks nothing like its namesake except for the sandy orange coat and stripes that extend down to a stiff tail. The tiger – or thylacine as it is usually known because of its scientific name, Thylacinus cynocephalus, which means "pouched dog with a wolf's head" – is an evolutionary concept-creature that bolts the back half of a kangaroo on to a rangy dog the size of an Alsatian. The second is that it has been extinct for seven decades. Or it has unless you ask around. Then it turns out they're everywhere. The first one I saw was in Hobart, the state capital. In the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, a small crowd gathered around footage of a restless creature in the city zoo with a slender snout that opened to a snake's gape and a stiff gait that another believer later compared to a dairy cow. When "Benjamin" became history one chilly September night in 1936, he is thought to have taken the species with him. Start to look, however, and a tiger will be there staring back at you. It gazed coolly from the label on my bottle of Cascade beer. It slinked into grass on the number plate of every car in front. And tigers rampant flanked the heraldic crest on state buildings – who needs unicorns when you have a home-grown fabulous beast? No wonder tiger-hunters become obsessed. To the newcomer, Tasmania is the surprise of Australia. It is an island of hidden secrets in a nation of infinite space; a place where real-life devils utter banshee wails and moss-bearded giants stand silently in forests that predate mankind. In this Middle Earth of lost myths, a legendary tiger is just part of the scenery, and there's a lot of that to cover in a state that's one-quarter wilderness. Many otherwise eminent people have suffered ridicule and nights cooped up in a chicken shed with a camera in their pursuit. The government's Parks and Wildlife Service mounted its own two-year hunt in 1984 before it pronounced the species extinct and devoted its energies to finding feral foxes instead. That only upped the ante. "Parks don't want to say anything publicly to attract attention," Ned Terry confided. We were drinking coffee in Deloraine in the state's north, where farming villages were scattered over my map like seed and the landscapes are so vivid that the first pioneers christened their settlements Eden, Paradise and Promised Land. Hard to believe that the Alpine wilderness of Cradle Mountain lay an hour's drive south. "The bush was full of tourists after a national park fellow reported a thylacine on the central east coast a few years ago. But those blokes got a lot of cameras out there to look for foxes. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some skulduggery going on." In this zoological X-Files, the 80-year-old bushman plays Mulder. Every couple of months he listens patiently to an excited witness, asks a few questions to weed out the fakers, then follows up whoever is left. His latest credible lead in half a lifetime's tiger-chasing came from Lake Peddar in the south-west wilderness. "Fellow camped out there says he heard one for three weekends in a row; that yapping noise they make when hunting. Says it ran so close he could smell it." Many witnesses mention the smell – a sharp, hot, animal stink that electrifies the air. "Smelled it myself once," Terry said. "Makes the hairs on your neck stand on end, I can tell you." The truth is out there, somewhere. Probably (I dragged out of Terry) in the remote northern corners of the state. So, in the late afternoon I rolled east over swells of grass bound for Scottsdale. Every so often a timber farmhouse heaved aloft on a crest then vanished into the rear-view mirror. Beyond lay the high country of the north-east. Around seven thylacine sightings a year, more than anywhere else in Tasmania, were made up there in the half-century after Hobart Zoo lost its star attraction. A few tiger-hunters still came to shoot blurry images, stalking the edge of old-growth rainforest that had barely changed since Tasmania ripped away from the global supercontinent of Gondwanaland. In the pub I met a farmer who yarned about a wolfish head that had poked through the bracken fern. "When he comes out he sits up like a kangaroo, then starts sniffing the air like one. I thought: 'What the hell's that?'" A stray dog, perhaps, I suggested. "No dogs up there," he bristled. It turned out the area was swarming with rumours. Craig Williams, Tasmania's premier wildlife guide and a fourth-generation bushman, kept up a rumble of anecdote and oath as we skirted the forest, stopping occasionally to practise an arcane element of bushcraft or stare after a furry backside that disappeared into the scrub. He indicated a farmstead as we swerved around one corner. "You know the last thylacine died in 1936? An old bloke shot one there in 1946. Said it was killing his chooks [chickens]." Later, after a meal that belonged to a Sydney restaurant rather than a remote mountain shack, Craig told tiger tales around the campfire. There was the thylacine witnessed by four people on a logging road just over that ridge, and the waxy scat found late last year by the manager of a wilderness lodge. Or there was his mate whose car had broken down up here one night: "He said he heard these high-pitched yaps following him as he walked." Apparently Craig's grandfather and great-grandfather used to trap thylacine on the mountain behind us. I tried and failed to reconcile the mysterious thylacine with the plantation forest that now striated its flanks. Could it really survive here? As the sky deepened to a velvety black, Craig strobed the treeline with a torch. There were secrets as well as possum eyes in the dark spaces between eucalyptus trunks. Suddenly, at the edge of our clearing, something twitched. A stoat-like animal froze in the torch's beam then skittered into the bush – a spotted-tailed quoll. "Amazing killing machines; the ultimate predators," Craig said with admiration. "They're only a few kilos, but they can pull down a wallaby." With jaws that opened to 90 degrees and overlapping teeth, it was a distant relation of the thylacine colloquially known as a tiger quoll. "Been quite a few tiger sightings by quite a few people made around here." I'd lost my bearings way back on the unmarked dirt roads. "Good," said Craig. "I don't want loads of people running around with traps and cameras. If the tiger's up here, let him be. That's what I reckon." Another Tasmanian secret was safe. ____________________ Originally posted 7/4/07 Tasmanian Tiger: Not Extinct! ![]() Australian wildlife scientists have re-opened the cryptic case of the Tasmanian tiger, a marsupial carnivore that resembled a striped coyote and which was last seen alive more than 70 years ago. Scientists think chances are slim that Thylacinus cynocephalus still roams remote areas of Tasmania, the large island just south of Australia, but they can't help but turn over every possible leaf for evidence. The last wild Tasmanian tiger was killed by a farmer around 1930, and the last captive died in 1936 at the Hobart Zoo in Tasmania's capital. Fifty years later, the species was declared extinct. ![]() The extinction marked the end of the family Thylacinidae, and of the world's largest marsupial carnivore. The Tasmanian tiger weighed about 65 pounds, had a nose-to-tail length of six feet and had several vertical stripes running across its lower back and tail. Despite the official extinction, rumored sightings of the creature have continued to emerge from Tasmania's temperate forests. Zoologist Jeremy Austin of the Australian Center for Ancient DNA and his colleagues are examining DNA from animal droppings, or scats, found in Tasmania in the late 1950s and 1960s, which have been preserved in the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. Eric Guiler, a thylacine expert who found the scats, told Austin the droppings probably came from a Tasmanian tiger rather than a dog or two common related marsupial carnivores — the well-known wolverine-like Tasmanian devil and the cat-like spotted quoll. "If we find thylacine DNA from the 1950s scats it will be significant," Austin said. "This would prove that either the thylacine produced the scat or a [Tasmanian] devil ate a thylacine and dropped the scat. Either way, that is proof that the thylacine was there at the time." ![]() If they were to find evidence the Tasmanian tiger was still extant in the 1950s, that would mean the beast was able to stay hidden from humans for at least 20 or 30 years. "If they could survive this long with no real physical proof, then it does add a little more hope to the possibility that they could survive another 50 years without ever being caught, killed [or] hit by a car," Austin told LiveScience. "This chance is of course not great, but the glimmer of hope is ever so slightly brighter." NOTE: The search for the thylacine has interested me for a long time. Here are a few links to other postings...Lon On the Hunt for the Elusive Tasmanian Tiger Are There Thylacines In Victoria? Nick Mooney: We Still Receive at Least Two Credible Thylacine Sightings a Year Thylacine DNA Restored To Life New High-Tech Search For Thylacine, Large Cats After Recent Sheep Maulings Resurrecting the Thylacine: Does it Exist or Will Science Help? New Tasmanian Tiger Sighting Reported |
Video: Hominids Captured by Thermal Camera in North Carolina Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:21 AM PST ![]() ![]() Click for video Commentary with video: Note by Matt Moneymaker: The full video is roughly 3.5 minutes long. This clip shows only the highlights, and in lower resolution than what is possible. You can pay a few bucks to see the entire clip online at or you can wait a few weeks for the full version in better resolution (not a whole lot better resolution though). Mike Greene will make the whole clip available for download, eventually, so you can rewind and watch it multiple times. The download will cost a few bucks also, but it's still much cheaper than a DVD. Greene feels he deserves something in return for the intermittent two (2) year effort he made to get this footage. We can't argue with him. It's his footage. It is very important footage though, because it was gotten with the new technique that others should try: Get up and drive away from the camp at the first indication of a stalking sasquatch. Leave the camp unattended for at least one hour with the camera rolling, and aimed at the food pile near a treeline, near some big trees. There is great potential in this method for daylight footage, and it has not been tried anywhere else. It should be tried a lot more, in a lot more places. It may be the easiest and most practical way to obtain clear, close-range footage in daylight, and it can be done easily with a newer hard-drive camcorder and an extended battery. Sony makes several High-Def hard-drive camcorders nowadys that can accommodate extended batteries that will give you 10 hours of continuous recording. Tape camera or disc camcorders are not ideal for this because they don't record long enough before the media needs to be swapped. The camcorder must be hidden among other camping gear so it is not conspicuously aiming at the food. This is where most people will fail, because they will underestimate the intelligence of these animals. No one can remain hidden near the camp either. Squatches seem to know that trick and won't come near if they think someone is left behind to possibly ambush them. That is why Squeaky was so very cautious approaching the stump. It didn't know if someone was still in the tent. For that reason it will be best to have no tent at all, rather just tarps, airmats, and sleeping bags, like a backpacker. If you have a vehicle nearby, leave the camp and drive far enough away so your engine cannot be heard by anything up on elevation acting as a whistling sentry. Mike Greene made sure no one could steal the expensive thermal camera by parking on the only road into the camp, but some distance away. For that reason, a camp at the end of a small spur off a desolate forest road, would be ideal for car campers, if good equipment were to be left there for several hours If your camp is somewhere where no one can possibly spot it from a driveable road, then just stay far away for an hour or two. Let the camera do the work. Don't be obvious about the camera when you return to the camp. Assume you are being watched and don't approach the food pile til morning. That's the "Greene Method." Give it a try and make him proud. NOTE: I've circled the food pile (red), the first hominid (yellow) and the second hominid (teal). Compelling evidence if proven to be have taken as advertised...Lon |
Confused on the Facts May be the Key to Our History Posted: 05 Feb 2010 08:38 AM PST ![]() Chris Holly's Paranormal World - With so many events coming concerning the uproar of the 2012 era we seem to give a great deal of credit to the warnings of those in past history who supposedly left us messages for our future. I do not give too much credence in the warnings of our fore fathers past the knowledge that they lived through some tough times and did try to warn us that the same hard times will occur again. I believe they understood that cycles dominate life. I think they understood the earth as well as our solar system and universe ran in cycles and that modern man the children of their children would one day face the trying times of natures cycles again. They also may have known that our way of spiritual growth would be in question and that many changes would be coming as they had come to them. I also know that much of what we could have learned from those who lived before us was destroyed. So much information was lost or hidden from being passed down along with most of our true history. We have a history of being a violent species we also have been a species of holding ourselves back for small reasons keeping our growth slow and painful. I wonder what we would be today if we had not spent so many years in war and darkness. Can you imagine the knowledge we would have today if we had not destroyed due to war or ignorance the great libraries and advances made by those before us. It seems mankind spends much of its time on earth taking five steps ahead and then four steps backwards. The recording of our factual or actual history is a perfect example. We have small hints, little pieces of what went on before recorded history. We also suffered from leaving hints instead of fact even with the development of the written word by using myths or story form instead of truth and fact. This often occurred due to the whim of a King or Power in control that liberally changed the facts to fit personal desire. Real history recorded as it happened has only been around for a relatively short time. With that said we find we have many large gaps of knowledge concerning what truly went on before us. It is obvious we are in a period on earth where mankind is dealing with many extreme issues. It also seems we are deeply embedded in a time of serious change. I think the one statement we all can agree on past the pain of politics, religion and globalization of this planet is that times are changing like it or not! It would be wonderful if we had a exact past history to reflect to in order to look back to the past to help prepare for the future but sadly that is not available for us so we must do what we can with the information we have been left and try to decipher what happened to the best of our ability. I have read many articles about history and art .You cannot deny the obvious references left by those who walked this earth before us towards the sky and many different creatures all who come from the sky or heavens. If you think of this logically it seems odd that the people who lived during the time of the Mayans and other civilizations of that period gave so much effort and time to the idea that their gods came from the sky or heavens. This is odd to me as the very day-to-day survival of the world's population during that point in history came from the earth and water sources on earth. It is strange to me that the people at that time in history were not more focused on the earth, the interior of the earth and its water. I would think they would worship that which gave them life. Mother Earth was what nurtured and gave them the ability to survive. It is curious to me their focus of worship was pointed sky bound. I understand many humans did give worship to the power of the earth however many also worshiped the Gods of the Heavens above. Since their food, shelter, water in fact all life giving material including fire are earth given it is difficult to imagine what must have occurred to turn the populations across the world to turn their attention and god worship to the heavens. It also is curious that the art work and artifacts left by those populations seem to equally point to visiting beings as well as heavenly deities. I believe all things are possible as far as what really happened on this earth before clear written history. I believe there are many different answers to all these questions. I am not willing to discount what seems obvious as we move deeper in to understanding what may have happened in history. Recently I have found interesting articles that update the knowledge we have on what was taking place during the time of the Mayans. The find of artifacts and tombs newly discovered have given us new insight into what was going on at the time. Interestingly as we find new insights to what went on in history we uncover facts that seem to ask questions as well as give us answers Two areas in which this is evident concern the Mayans. I often wondered what started the practice of deforming the shape of human skulls. Archaeologists recently found a new Mayan Tomb that contained pottery urns and the bones of what they believe is a woman. Her skull appears to have been intentionally deformed, a practice common among the Maya. I have to ask why this practice would develop among people who were earthbound and consumed with the details of daily survival. How and why would the idea to change the shape of the human skull enter into the picture of life in the jungle? The only answer I can think of was to please or imitate that which they worshiped or feared. Could seeing beings that were in some way more powerful have influenced these odd practices? Could the Maya have tried to please those who wore odd headpieces or protective helmets or even had differently shaped skulls? Could a visiting alien have been the Maya inspiration to these practices? It may be a bizarre idea but it is one to contemplate. Adding fuel to the fire of what really was going on before recorded history is the practice of Mayan bloodletting. Before I discuss the Mayans let us think about all the cattle and animal mutilations found in our present time all over the world. We read article after article where farmers find dead animals drained clean of every drop of blood. Often Alien interaction is looked at as a possibility to these mutilations as well as many other theories. I could not help but think about the customs of the Mayans when I read about the on going animal mutilations of our time. I often wondered why those who worshiped heavenly beings became obsessed with human earthly qualities like blood. Why would this become connected to and given as a gift to non-earthly entities? Mayan Bloodletting, although considered a controversial subject by many still today, did seem to take place in the Mayan culture. It is thought that Mayans not only sacrificed in group many of their own population, they also would offer small bleedings of those who governed from the top of their holy temples to their gods. I find this all to be very strange especially by those so connected to the earth for their day-to-day survival. Would it not make more sense for them to pray to the earth, waterways or animals? I was thinking about the Mayans and how they practiced this odd on going offering of their blood to the Gods and had a stunning thought. What if the Mayans also found animals drained of blood. What if the Mayans found people drained this way also. Would that not be the basis of reason, a fear that started the Mayans offering blood to the Gods above? Could the Mayans have been sacrificing in this fashion in hopes of keeping a step ahead of a blood thirsty Gods? Was offering up what they witnessed their way of appeasing in hope of being spared and in good grace with their skyward Gods? It is something to think about. I look at the artwork left over the centuries and cannot deny that odd objects and actions were being left in the art for us to see. I also know you can only use the available knowledge and surroundings you do understand to describe that which you are trying to explain to others. If I was trying to describe a new Ferrari convertible with a glass-covered motor to a man living in 1790 I may use terms like wagon, horseless, and thunder like in sound. I may talk about a moving part machine covered with a window and a roof that moves with magic to appear and disappear. I think many paintings, carvings, even dress including odd head coverings were possibly drawn by the same method of explaining by what they had - what they were seeing. I have no idea what truly went on in history. None of us do. All we can do is keep looking and try to understand that we have to consider all things known and unknown before coming to conclusions. It certainly clears up many reasons we find artwork with objects painted into the skies or beings with strange helmet style headsets being shown as heavenly gods. I cannot dismiss the idea some of our past did include the possibility of visiting beings from a more advanced civilization. It may explain some of the incredible structures that were built during that time in history that remain a mystery as how the buildings were constructed during such a primitive point in our development in earths civilizations. As we learn and discover more facts about our past we seem to become more confused as to what and who was moving and shaping our own past. Adding in other factors such as finding species that have become extinct for unknown reasons can only confuse the issues of our past instead of connecting them to a defined history. I think as we look with logic at the above facts and add the on going new finds we have to face the idea that we may have been mistaken and confused at what took place in history. Who was involved in the shaping of our species as we walk the earth today in my mind remains a mystery. I recently read that we have found skeletons showing surgeries that not only took place but also enabled the patient to survive and live as a productive person 7000 years ago. Understanding that things were not as we thought is becoming more obvious with each and every new discovery. I have no answers to the mysteries of the Mayans or for that matter most of what went on in history before mankind started to record it in a factual written form. Even once we were able to leave written history we did not do it well. Much or what was written was destroyed by generations before us. Much of what did survive was that written in myth form or contrived by the powers that ruled at the time rather then the actual history or fact. I can only hope we can keep open minds and understand our history is really unknown. I do not discount any theory or finding that fits in with logic or possibility of the many options that may be the history of this earth. For now I watch and wait with every new find for another part of our human earth history. One day we may all know not only what happened, we may also find out exactly who we are. Until then I can only wonder what happened and with whom we share history? Confused on the facts may be the key to the answers. Thanks to Chris Holly at Chris Holly's Paranormal World Copyright © 2008-2010 Chris Holly all Rights Reserved Are you interested in the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs and conspiracies? Go to Phantoms and Monsters Wiki and become a member of this unique network. Start a page on a subject or add your input to an existing page or thread. ![]() Join me on Facebook Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? Send us an email Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Want to help support Phantoms and Monsters? Please visit our online shop. Thanks! |
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