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- The Mt. St. Helens Elk Abduction
- Just the Facts? - UFO / Flying Entity, Allies' Bizarre Plan For Hitler and Ontario City Rumbles
- Bigfoot News: Georgia Hoax Round 2, DNA Doubts and Minnesota Encounter
The Mt. St. Helens Elk Abduction Posted: 15 Aug 2011 10:26 AM PDT On February 25, 1999 three forestry workers in the Mt. St. Helens area of Washington State witnessed a daytime elk abduction. The preliminary report appeared in the MUFON UFO Journal of May 1999. The follow-up investigation reveals additional details and corrects inaccuracies. For purposes of confidentiality, all witness names are pseudonyms. The preliminary investigation: On a cold March afternoon with fresh snow up to their boot tops and a rolling valley before them, Peter Davenport (Director, National UFO Reporting Center) and Robert Fairfax (MUFON investigator) stood contemplating the account of an extraordinary event. Also at the edge of the bank stood Jack (landowner's representative) recounting details-albeit secondhand - of"the incident witnessed by members of a crew of Hispanic forestry workers: a daytime elk abduction. As it turned out, Jack did not have all the particulars of the elk abduction correct, but we were not to find that out until much later. The 14 forestry workers could not plant seedling trees the Friday we arrived on site because ten inches of snow had fallen the previous night; therefore the crew had been given the day off. Hastily, an interview was arranged, through their employer, with three of the witnesses that same afternoon. However, circumstances were not conducive to obtaining an accurate and detailed report. The meeting took place in a deserted parking lot of a wayside cafe. The cacophony of rushing traffic saturated the background, creating additional handicaps, since none of the three witnesses spoke more than a smidgen of English. Add to this picture a chill to the air, a limited time before sunset, and the requirement of telling the story through their boss, Emanuel, as interpreter to get an idea of the situation. So here we were, seven of us, standing around the tailgate of a pickup truck for an extemporaneous investigation. Conducting separate interviews was not a viable option. Even though group interviewing conflicts with traditional investigative practice, we perceived little choice in the matter-we needed to take advantage of this opportunity. Fully aware of the pitfalls this method of investigation presented, we made sure we scrutinized the group dynamics. As far as we could tell, each held to a personal version without acquiescing to group decision or falling under another's influence. We were aware the participants had discussed the events among themselves extensively. Emanuel's efforts at translating were laudable, but he was neither a trained investigator nor interpreter. He had not been present during the abduction, and the event floated somewhere outside his compass of understanding. This presented a challenge, since we were unable to understand for ourselves what the witnesses were saying. Compounding these difficulties, Emanuel seemed reserved in his translations. We knew he believed something strange had happened to his workers; however, we also suspected he was not ready to believe anything as exotic as an alien craft snatching up an elk. The testimony waxed expansive and waned timid by turns-torn between the need to tell their story and the anxiety of raised eyebrows at the outrageousness of the tale they told. We struggled with the narrative for 35 minutes. There were innumerable questions yet to ask, but the hour grew late and signals via body language suggested we close the interview and bid farewell. Though crippled by the language barrier, our initial interview provided a tentative and skeletal picture of the event. We wanted to schedule individual interviews for the upcoming week, but were told that the witnesses would be too busy planting trees for the next few weeks-an apparent conspiracy of wet weather and time of year. Our wait was to last 57 days. Weighing on our minds during this time-out was the knowledge that the ponderous passage of time truncates a witness' sharp recollection of details-the blur factor. In the meantime we searched for another translator. Finding no suitable candidate in Washington, our eyes turned south to California where we knew an ideal interpreter resided. Ruben Uriarte, MUFON's State Director for Northern California, was the answer to our problem: he not only speaks fluent Spanish, but also excels in investigation. Could we recruit him and persuade him to fly to Washington and give us a hand? The answer was an enthusiastic "yes." The follow-up investigation: Ruben began immediately by phoning Emanuel and coaxing the witnesses' phone numbers out of proprietary insularity. Then, over the next few days he arranged a meeting with several of the witnesses at one of the worker's home. Prior to Ruben's involvement in the case, another Washington MUFON investigator, Kathleen Andersen, joined the team. Kathleen began by cross checking other UFO events in the Mt. St. Helens area, seeking correlation and commonalities. She found cases, but no matches. An early gray Seattle morning on the first Saturday of May found Kathleen packing her Jeep with food, with equipment, and with two investigators—Ruben and Robert. We headed south. When we arrived at the designated house, the scene was a bit awkward at first, due to a small crowd that included friends and relatives milling about. The witnesses were not quite sure if they wanted to be interviewed. Fortunately, Ruben has the gift of setting people at ease, and within a short time the witnesses began talking. We were able to interview the witnesses both individually and together as a group. Later that afternoon, seven of us jumped into two vehicles and drove to the remote site in the foothills where the abduction had taken place. After 9 1/2 hours of investigation, we discovered that the preliminary report (as reported in MUFON UFO JOURNAL of March, 1999) needed amendment.
The incident: Shortly before noon on the last Thursday of February, 1999, fourteen forestry workers had just broken for lunch and were heading for the crew vehicle. Francisco and Augustine were nearly at the turnout (1900 ft. elevation), Manuel and two others were walking up the slope (about 1600 ft. elevation) from an old overgrown access road, while the rest of the crew was scattered, most midway between the two groups on the north-facing hillside. Francisco stopped to rest momentarily and watched the 14 elk of a herd that had been browsing all morning on a nearby slope northeast of them. Then, out of the northeast, he spotted a strange moving object. The UFO, presumably, had already dropped some 70 feet down the height of the Douglas Fir trees bordering the dirt road and was now drifting over a hilltop. Skimming the clear-cut at brush top level and hugging the contour of the hill, the UFO appeared to be heading slowly toward the herd of elk. The object's initial location was approximately 800 yards distant and 200 ft. lower in elevation than Francisco's location. At first Francisco mistook it for a bi-colored paraglider silently drifting in for a landing. The object had a strange, slow wobble. It showed red on the right half, white on the left. Francisco quickly realized that he was not seeing any type of parachute. The object advanced toward the elk herd, staying close to the ground as if in a "stealth mode." When the elk became aware of the object, they bolted. Most tried running up the slope to the east, but the going was slow. A lone elk separated from the herd and headed north. The craft targeted the loner and moved in. Surprised and astounded, Francisco shouted to Augustine, "Look at that! Look at that!" The clear-cut terrain prevented rapid movement for the animals: innumerable small deciduous trees had trunks cut about 18" above the ground, transforming them into sharp stakes pointing skyward. The trunks, bristling with branches, lay helter-skelter, presenting criss-crossing barricades. The lone animal could not run fast. The wobbling craft, moving no faster than between 5 and 7 mph (est.), easily overtook it. Augustine had missed the pursuit but caught sight of the UFO as it took the elk. Down-slope, Manuel (crew supervisor) also witnessed the capture-500 yards distant. Nearly every other person's attention had been diverted toward the main group of fleeing animals. The craft moved directly above the female elk and somehow lifted it into the air without any visible means of support evident to the observers. At this point, the animal ceased discernible movement-no kicking legs, no struggling body, and no indication of consciousness. The witnesses were amazed that the craft could lift the 500-pound animal. The "wing span" of the object measured not much longer than the length of the elk-about 7 to 8 feet. (The increase in size attributed to the craft in the earlier report seems to have been an illusion caused by a change in the craft's angle of tilt over the terrain at the point of capture.) The captured elk, its head apparently against the ventral surface of the craft, and body standing stiffly upright, was lifted off the ground-just enough to clear the underbrush. The craft continued its slow, wobbling oscillation. The suspended elk moved likewise as if she were a solid metal sculpture welded to the craft. After the craft acquired (without pause) the animal, it moved away at the same slow pace, to the north, following the contour of the land. The elk's feet were observed sweeping circles, in conjunction with the craft's movement, just above the brush and tree tops. Within a short time the craft approached the forest edge that defined the end of the clear-cut area. Apparently the craft did not stop or maneuver in time to avoid hitting some of the lower branches. Because of the considerable distance of the craft, the witnesses could not discern exactly what had hit the trees-whether the craft, the elk, or something else is unknown. After hitting the branches, the witnesses saw it dip sharply and reverse direction before ascending vertically in front of the tree line. All three had the impression that the object had almost dropped the animal. Once above the tree top level, it moved over the forest margin and continued northward, dipped out of sight momentarily (perhaps still following the contour line of tree tops), then ascended at roughly a 45-degree angle into the distance until it was obscured by clouds. Meanwhile, the rest of the herd had gathered into a tight huddle near the tree line, a normal behavior when a predatory threat is perceived. This herd consisted of cows and yearlings. The bulls at this time of year stay in bachelor groups at a higher elevation. The huddle lasted for two hours. Reactions and emotions: The witnesses shared their story among themselves at lunch. Several of the workers that had not sighted the craft expressed doubt that anything extraordinary had happened. Nevertheless, the reactions of both the elk and the excited co-workers evoked fear, generating a tense emotional atmosphere. The humans, analogous to the elk's behavior, consciously stayed in close proximity for the rest of the afternoon. Even those that doubted the story knew something had happened and were not comfortable working far from the rest. Some, perhaps because of limited beliefs imposed by philosophical predisposition, clung to a tightly fenced world - trying to force all that they had heard into some familiar pattern, consistent with their reality. These were the fellows that had directed jokes and gibes at Francisco in particular. These skeptics continued planting seedling trees throughout the afternoon in a normal manner. This was in sharp contrast to those workers who feared a return of the object-they planted with heads continually swiveling skyward. Craft Details: Curiously, the witnesses were unable to agree on all the structural details of the craft. No one person had a complete description. Generally, all agreed on the length of the "wing span" (7-8 ft.) because they could compare it to the elk suspended beneath. Augustine perceived the relative depth to length, which measured out to 14 -18 inches. Manuel had the clearest perception of the width to length (5-6 feet) and the rear indentation. All agreed that the UFO intermittently showed a red and a white patch on the surface. Francisco was sure it was a part of the craft's skin, but Augustine thought they were lights, and Manuel could not tell either way. They were unanimous that the red was dull (comparable to red pencil on a heavy textured paper), without luminescence, and that the white reflected like bright enamel paint. They were in agreement that red was on the right, white on the left, yet size, shape and position of the colors was not precisely known. The craft's wobble caused the red and white to show intermittently. (See illustration of oscillation cycle: the top surface orients toward the observer for approximately one half of the wave revolution period.) The craft's color, other than the red and white areas, was described as gray. There were no reflections or surface characteristics that suggested the surface was metallic (note: it was an overcast day.). The trio described the craft's complex motion primarily through hand movements. As close as can be determined, the UFO had an oscillatory period of about 2 to 2 1/2 seconds. This particular motion-apart from the object's forward motion-is difficult to describe except in terms of analogy. Peter described the motion as similar to that of a spinning coin as it is winding down and closely approaching a flat surface. Francisco expressed regret that he had not taken time to carefully examine the details of the craft. He had been astounded and felt so much concern for the elk that his attention was focused on watching the animal. He realized immediately that if the object could carry off a 500-pound animal, it could easily abduct a per-son-a frightening notion that several members of the group later shared. Puzzling Question: The craft's estimated speed ("I could walk as fast as it moved."-i.e. approximately 5-7 mph) closely matches the estimated duration (3-5 min.) required for the observed distance traveled, as measured on a topographical map. With such a long sighting duration, an important question looms: "Why didn't more people see the craft with an elk suspended under it?" A number of reasons appear to answer this: • When Francisco excitedly announced and pointed out the event, only Augustine was near enough to discern that the direction of his index finger pointed left of the herd. 14 panic-stricken elk, all weaving their way up slope, presented a sight that would be apt to draw a person's attention. • Not everyone heard Francisco shout, and the other witnesses remained quiet. • Within a very short time, the craft and herd (both moving away from each other) had separated enough that when bystanders visually searched for an assumed predator, such as a mountain lion, they did not scrutinize terrain far enough away from the herd to see the craft. They also spent time checking the immediate area around themselves for dangerous animals. • All three witnesses to the craft were so astounded and absorbed with watching the UFO that at the time they did not think to question other spectators as to what they were watching. Aftermath: Most of the workers have developed a sudden interest in UFOs following this incident. Some related that their spouses did not believe the story. A few are nervous when working in the forest, especially when in the general area of the incident-they constantly search the sky. Francisco could not understand what he saw, and spent several sleepless nights pondering whether the object was some type of prehistoric animal or an extraterrestrial craft. All want answers. All graphics were done by Robert Fairfax. Ruban Uriarte submitted the official report to MUFON Headquarters, along with the photos of the witnesses. - Peter B. Davenport, Director, National UFO Reporting Center, and Robert A. Fairfax, Director of Investigations, Mutual UFO Network, for the Washington State - also Ruben Uriarte and Kathleen Anderson -----
An update to this case appeared in Filer's Files #12-1999. Mr. Filer contacted Mr. Robert A. Fairfax to see if he had more details on the case. Part of Mr. Fairfax's response follows: Filer: "I am particularly interested in the description of the craft itself." Fairfax: "So am I; this is one of the areas we will try and nail. There were two flashes described as the craft wobbled. A fluorescent magenta (top) and a white (bottom). These were apparently not lights but seemed to be areas on the surface. They were seen intermittently but again we will need to pin the details down along with many others." Filer: "What was the direction of flight and the last known direction of travel?" Fairfax: "It was first seen in the SE traveling toward the NNW. It departed slowly to the NE, and then made a near vertical ascent into cloud cover." Filer: "Did they notice any kind of plasma, lighting, or electrical effects around the craft?" Fairfax: "Possibly, the two bright color areas. The craft seemed to increase in size as it was capturing the elk. We're trying to clarify that." Filer: "Did the craft tilt as it changed direction?" Fairfax: "Wobbling was reported that was more pronounced before direction changes, but we need to verify with more witnesses. Filer" "Did they notice a hum or sound?" Fairfax: "There was no sound. Filer: "Did you notice the height of the trees or the approximate height and distance from picking up the elk to the top of the trees?" Fairfax: "Yes, but no precise calculations have been done. It had plenty of room to maneuver and climb." Filer: "Did they notice any windows?" Fairfax: "There were no windows." | ||||
Just the Facts? - UFO / Flying Entity, Allies' Bizarre Plan For Hitler and Ontario City Rumbles Posted: 15 Aug 2011 09:20 AM PDT UFO / Flying Entity....? MUFON CMS - 7/27/2011: I was in Jalisco, Mexico visiting family and sites. When I came home and uploaded my picture, I saw this object in one! ********** Bizarre plans hatched by the allies to win the second world war have been revealed for the first time – including a plot to turn Hitler into a woman. Allies thought by smuggling female sex hormones into the fuhrer's food they could turn him into a woman and curb his aggressive impulses. The plot was just one of a number of wacky schemes cooked up to break the war's stalemate, according to a new book by a Welsh-based author. Others included dropping glue on Nazi troops in an attempt to stick them to the ground, as well as creating bombs made to look like everyday tins of fruit and chocolate. The hare-brained schemes are revealed for the first time in a new book called Secret Weapons: Technology, Science And The Race To Win World War II. They have come to light now because of the publication of new documents not previously seen because of their sensitive nature. The book is authored by Professor Brian Ford, a fellow at Cardiff University and pioneer of popular science. He said the allies were deadly serious about turning the evil Austrian transgender – to be more like his placid sister Paula. Professor Ford said: "There was an allied plan that they would smuggle oestrogen into Hitler's food and change his sex so he would become more feminine and less aggressive. "Their research had showed the importance of sex hormones – they were beginning to be used in sex therapy in London. "The plan was to give sex hormones to Hitler and counterbalance his unnecessary aggression." Professor Ford said the plan was perfectly plausible because British spies were in place to lace his food with the hormones and it would have avoided detection for months. "In fact it was found there were agents who would be able to get it into his food," he said. "It would have been entirely possible. "He had testers who used to taste his food. There was no mileage to putting poison in his food because they would immediately fall victim to it. "Sex hormones were a different matter. They only affected you if you took them for weeks or months on end so no-one would have realised the hormones were in the food." And Hitler's sex change was not the only trick they had up their sleeve. Another tactic saw allies draw up plans to drop boxes of poisonous snakes on the enemy, while they also spent fortunes developing a calamitous explosive-laden cart for an assault on Normandy – called the Great Panjandrum. Professor Ford said: "The nuttiest one was the Panjandrum – an enormous wheel full of explosives with rockets strapped to the wheel. "Although the rockets at the top are pointing backwards, the ones at the bottom are pointing forwards so there is as much energy blowing backwards as forwards. "It couldn't have worked yet they spent what, in modern parlance, is £1m on the idea, testing it over the waters of Cardiff and Western Super Mare." And despite the fact the Panjandrum was developed in top secret, when it was completed it was taken onto the beach at the seaside town of Westward Ho!(corr) – in full view of thousands of holidaymakers. In his book, Professor Ford describes how the Germans and the British developed weapons at full-tilt and the Brits asked all scientists with ideas to call the war centre. The race to win the war meant jet aircraft called the Volksjäger(corr) went from being a sketch on a piece of paper to its first flight in just 90 days. Professor Ford said: "The Germans and the Brits were both building the first ever jet aircraft at exactly the same time almost to the month, without knowing of each other's work. "It really was a remarkable coincidence. "It was going to be flown by hastily-trained members of the Hitler Youth. "In less than three months it was designed, built and flown. "In the modern world it would take five years at least before they agreed to have it designed and it could easily take 20 or 30 years now to go from concept to first flight." And many of the ideas stimulated by the crisis and desperation of war remain a vital part of society's fabric today. "A lot of British ideas were very advanced," Professor Ford said. "Not a lot of people realise but radar was in existence in World War One and was perfected in World War Two. And everything in the world as far as transport goes is radar. "Also, in the war Churchill realised having soldiers with infected wounds would mean the army was put out of action "He wanted to find a drug that would cure soldiers in record time and send them back to the front. "As they went through the published papers, they made the discovery of penicillin and wrote to Fleming and said: 'Do you still have the culture of the mould?' and he said: 'yes'." Meanwhile the V2 rocket – created by notorious Nazi scientist Wernher von Braun(corr)– was later used for frontier-breaking space research. And there was a darker side to the story when "Operation Paperclip" saw von Braun and his colleagues pardoned by the US in exchange for their expertise in America. Professor Ford said: "Many should have been arrested as war criminals. "What the secret services did – quite illegally – was re-wrote these people's CVs and took these fake CVs and clipped them to their passports and took them to America to continue work but this time for America rather than the Nazis. "Everybody knows about the Nuremburg trials but the only people on trial at Nuremburg were senior Nazis that were of no use to the West. "They just made a show trial of it to make it seem as though we were getting rid of all the great criminals." - walesonline ********** Pyramids and "Ancient Astronauts" Scott Corrales has posted another excellent article - Pyramids and "Ancient Astronauts" "Ancient astronauts" – a term that conjures up the covers of dozens of paperbacks in the mid-Seventies, juxtaposing advanced technical machinery, humanoids, primitive humans and some of the impressive stone monuments that have survived to the present, confounding experts and laymen, thrilling visitors who make pilgrimages to see them, and of course, representing a dynamic market for filmmakers and writers alike. Impressionable audiences, fresh from the discoveries and adventure of the Apollo Project, had no trouble accepting the possibility that if humanity could now leave the confines of Earth, it was likely hat others had left their worlds, and perhaps visited our own in ages past. Science fiction authors of the calibre of Arthur C. Clarke had put the thought of ancient astronauts in the mind of Dr. Heywood Floyd, in 2001: A Space Odyssey, as he considers that possibility of a terrestrial civilization in the Pleistocene – albeit non-human – being responsible for the "monolith" that drives the entire story. Collectors of ancient figurines now pored over their dusty curios to see if charming native antiques suggested helmeted space visitors rather than priests in ceremonial garb. A documentary inspired by Erik Von Daniken's "Chariot of the Gods" had a theatrical release in many countries, and its intriguing soundtrack found its way into many musical collections in the golden age of LP records. Continue reading at Pyramids and "Ancient Astronauts" ********** Ontario city mystified by whole lotta shakin' underground For months, residents of south and west Windsor have been wondering and worrying about vibrations of unknown origin. And now, those mysterious rumblings under the city have found a new believer — the city's Ward 10 Coun. Al Maghnieh, who says it's time to start taking the phenomenon seriously. "It's very present and real," he said. Maghnieh added that those who think the phenomenon is a joke or that its proponents are "crazy" need to grasp the implications in terms of health and the environment. "I mean, it's actually scary to think that this is going on and we still can't pinpoint what it is," he said. "This is potentially very dangerous." Maghnieh said he first started receiving calls from concerned citizens back in March. But it wasn't until the early hours of Friday morning — when he'd arranged to visit the homes of rumble witnesses — that he experienced the sensation himself. "It's a very sharp, consistent rumble sound," Maghnieh said. "Sometimes it's like a hum." The city councillor said that at one point, he put a half-full water bottle on the ground and could see the vibrations causing ripples on the water's surface. At another point, he could hear the aluminum siding of a house rattle due to the vibrations. "It was very obvious. It was very evident," Maghnieh said. "It sent shivers up my spine." Maghnieh said he's so far received about two dozen calls and a half-dozen emails from different people in his ward with complaints about the rumble. When he followed up on some of the recent reports, two homeowners agreed to let him on their properties and investigate. The time period between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. was chosen because that's when the vibrations are reportedly the most distinct. "I don't know if it's stronger then or not. Maybe it's just because it's quieter outside," Maghnieh said. Although the Ministry of the Environment has studied the matter and has ruled out industrial sources, Maghnieh said there needs to be further and fuller investigation. "You can't have hundreds of people just imagining these things," Maghnieh said. "We need resources. We need co-operation. We need somebody assigned to this." Now Maghnieh is preparing a map of his ward to track the location of the rumblings, with radii indicating where the rumblings have been the strongest. It might not be long until the issue hits Maghnieh even closer to home: He recently finalized purchase of a house on Everts Avenue, and some of the rumbling reports he's received are from fellow Everts Avenue residents. "On my own street," Maghnieh exclaimed. "On my new driveway, my first day arriving at my home — three different residents from three different homes came to welcome me to the neighbourhood, and the first thing they said was: 'There are rumblings here. It's bad.'" Maghnieh said he doesn't regret buying the house. "In fact, now I'm even more motivated to get to the bottom of this." - windsorstar ********** Another UK broadcaster has UFO close encounter A national radio travel broadcaster has come forward saying she saw something inexplicable in the sky in Cottered the day after a BBC reporter spotted an object. Last Thursday (August 4) the day after sports reporter Mike Sewell told Radio Five Live listeners about his encounter, Heart Radio's Joanne Webb, who lives outside Cottered, told her story on presenter Jamie Theakson's breakfast show. Describing an incident that happened one morning at 4am on her way to work, the 35-year-old said: "A few weeks ago I saw this ball of light, it was bright white and until recently I thought it was a shooting star. "But it was so low it was like someone fired a firework completely horizontally in front of my car and then it just disappeared." Joanna added her house was on the flightpath to Luton and that work behind her house in Buttermilk Farm where a crane is installing an anaerobic digester may have been the cause of the strange phenomena. Host Jamie asked if she had been drinking. Joanne told the Mercury: "All my colleagues have been taking the mickey and think I made this up for effect. I think only my mum believes me but this is all most bizarre." The mother-of-one reported the sighting on a UK UFO website and has had several replies from people who have seen similar things in the area. And incredibly, she saw something very similar to what she had seen a few weeks previously the day after she revealed her original sighting. She said: "I was driving on the A10 towards London on the way to work where there are just fields either side of the road when I saw something coming towards me really fast. "It was getting to the stage where I started to brake and then it just disappeared at about tree level. I was really shaking. "There's probably a logical explanation for it, maybe the military are doing some testing. But I sit on the fence with these things." Traditionally, the Ministry of Defence's (MOD) dedicated UFO hotline answer-phone service and email address dealt with these reports but was shut down on December 1 2009. The MOD told the Mercury: "The MOD has no opinion on the existence or otherwise of extra-terrestrial life. "However, in over fifty years, no UFO report has revealed any evidence of a potential threat to the United Kingdom. The MOD has no specific capability for identifying the nature of such sightings. There is no defence benefit in such investigation and it would be an inappropriate use of defence resources. "Furthermore, responding to a reported UFO sighting diverts MOD resources from tasks that are relevant to defence. Accordingly, in order to make best use of defence resources, MOD will no longer respond to reported UFO sightings or investigate them. "The MOD's programme of releasing departmental files on UFOs matters to the National Archive will continue." The latest batch of files to be released to National Archive was being released onn Thursday (august 11). Meanwhile, Radio Five Live sports reporter Mike Sewell's report of a UFO sighting over Cottered as he drove towards Stanstead Airport has received international coverage. The Mercury has been contacted by UFO investigators across the UK as they try to piece together what Mike saw that morning. One of them is Bournemouth-based Dave Haith, who has been researching the phenomena for more than 40 years. He said: "Lots of people see things but if it's reported by Joe Bloggs in his farmer's field it won't make a line in the papers, but a sports reporter gives it credence in the eyes of the public. "This particular sighting has been blown up just because he is someone that's not seen as a nutcase." The former reporter added the trail has gone cold on this case because no-one else has come forward from that night to corroborate Mike's claims and there was no photo taken. - hertfordshiremercury | ||||
Bigfoot News: Georgia Hoax Round 2, DNA Doubts and Minnesota Encounter Posted: 15 Aug 2011 08:13 AM PDT's August 15th and Round 2 of Georgia Bigfoot Hoax BS begins: Click for video - PART 1 OF 10 OF WHAT REALLY WENT DOWN IN MAY OF 2008 BIGFOOT NOT A HOAX Dyer had 3 years to make up this story. Frankly, he'd been better off writing a book. So, where did this other joker come from (Ward)? We never saw / heard 'hide nor hair' from this guy throughout the entire debacle in 2008...but now he's suddenly part of the story? I also like the US flag in the background effect...that's always a sign that 'the good ole' boys' are serious and telling the truth. BTW, I have been blocked from commenting on any of Dyer's videos. ********** Lisa A. Shiel has recently posted her take on Bigfoot DNA and that it will not provide rock-solid proof of Bigfoot's existence: There's been a lot of talk recently about Bigfoot and DNA. I've lost count of how many times I've read someone say or had someone tell me that DNA will prove the existence of Bigfoot as a real, biological animal. All we need is a really, really, really good sample and an open-minded scientist to perform the testing. DNA has become the holy grail of Bigfoot research, but it's based on a fallacy. DNA by itself will never prove Bigfoot exists. Why not? To name and describe a new species, scientists require a physical sample known as a type specimen or holotype. A holotype is a single individual that represents an entire species. Although a single specimen may represent the entire species, multiple specimens are preferable for demonstrating that a new species has indeed been found. A DNA sample by itself proves nothing, as far as defining a new species. Comparing the new sample to existing DNA samples on file will show, at best, that the new sample does not correspond with any known species. All you will have proven is that scientists can't identify what type of creature the DNA came from. This does not mean the DNA came from a new species. The sample could've been contaminated, a possibility that plagues Bigfoot research because purported DNA samples from Bigfoot have likely not been collected with an eye to preventing contamination. Even scientists have problems with contamination. A 2008 article in Archaeology magazine discussed the problem of contamination in collecting DNA samples from archaeological sites. The author stated that "excavators would have to wear what amount to space suits" in order to eliminate contamination. DNA samples collected in the wild may have been exposed to the elements for an undetermined time. Even if they were supposedly collected straight from the source — namely, a Bigfoot — the Bigfoot researcher may have inadvertently contaminated the sample simply by collecting it. Are researchers wearing space suits, or even sterile gloves? Let's assume said sample was collected in a perfectly sterile manner, with zero chance of contamination. The DNA test comes back as an unknown animal or, at best, an unknown primate. This has not proven Bigfoot exists. It has not even proven the researcher has discovered a new species. The test has proven only that the specific DNA sample in question can't be identified with anything currently known to science. The confusion over Bigfoot and DNA is understandable. It's easy to get confused reading news headlines announce new species discovered using DNA. We have to dig a little deeper, sometimes just by bothering to carefully read the entire article and other times by searching out the original scientific paper, to discover the truth. New species "discovered" through DNA analysis alone are actually cryptic species, creatures that are physiologically identical to another species, akin to identical twins in our own species. By studying the DNA of the species in question, scientists have discovered genetic differences that led them to conclude one twin is different enough from the other to be considered a new species. The new species was, in essence, hiding within another species. Scientists already had specimens of the new species, though they didn't realize it. DNA alone won't prove Bigfoot exists. If we want scientists to accept Bigfoot's existence, we must present them with physical specimens, not DNA. It's time we accept this fact and move on. - jacobsvillebooks ********** "Finding Bigfoot' filming in Minnesota I've never seen Bigfoot, but I've heard him. I swear. Apparently I'm not the only one in our area that has a Bigfoot story to share. The TV show "Finding Bigfoot" is currently shooting footage and accounts in the Northland. I've done some research and I've found some stories in our own backyard. I'll share them with you, along with my own, after the jump.This is a relatively recent story when I heard Bigfoot. It could be another animal, but I have no idea what animal it would be. That's what makes it so mysterious. My wife and I were up at our family's hunting shack in Northern MN near Cook, MN. It was probably around 10PM when I went to the edge of the woods because "nature was calling." It was pitch black as it was a rainy kind of night and I heard a weird shrieking noise. It wasn't a high shriek, or a low shriek, but like a combination. Then I heard it crash off into the woods. It scared the hell out of me! It happened again later that night, several hours later, and again the next night. I've ruled out it being a bear, a buck grunting, or an owl. I guess it's a mystery. There are some more accounts, including footprints found near Virginia MN. There also appears to be several sightings in Itasca County and even one near Brimson, MN. - kkcb Click for video - Minnesota Bigfoot Sighting Near St. Croix River Comments with video: A Minnesota farmer and his wife were walking in the woods north of Stillwater one July night, when they saw a strange animal, according to a new YouTube video. The couple thought they'd come upon a deer, but heard a "low odd sounding grunt," and decided to get closer and see what it was. ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Join Eric Altman and Lon Strickler LIVE each Sunday at the new time 8 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! See you in the chat room! ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. 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