Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Possible Twist Revealed in the 'Sierra Kills' Incident
- Recent Cattle Mutilation In Southern Colorado Hotspot
- Just the Facts? - Titan Arrow Cloud and Odd Activity in Pennsylvania / Illinois
- Photos: Cylinder-Shaped UFO Over San Jose, CA
Possible Twist Revealed in the 'Sierra Kills' Incident Posted: 17 Aug 2011 06:48 PM PDT Mike Rugg of the Bigfoot Discovery Museum is discussing the 'Sierra Kills' episode and reveals a tale told to him by a customer not long after the news broke on the incident. Supposedly it involves hunters who killed 2 Black Bear (an adult and a juvenile) on the same day and in the approximate area where the 'Sierra Kills' incident occurred. Mike provides an image of a dead giant Black Bear...about 7 ft. head to tail and a standing range of about 10 ft. He also states that he has passed on the information to Derek Randles of the Olympic Project who is investigating the 'Sierra Kills' story. Here is the link to the video - Episode 184 Bigfoot Discovery Museum Show Derek Randles' statement concerning the Sierra shooting Mike Rugg of the Bigfoot Discovery Museum It'll be interesting to see what other information surfaces if, in fact, there is some correlation between the 'Sierra Kills' incident and the recent revelation by Mike Rugg...Lon | ||
Recent Cattle Mutilation In Southern Colorado Hotspot Posted: 17 Aug 2011 12:17 PM PDT Chuck Zukowski at is reporting a recent cattle mutilation and investigation in the Trinidad, Colorado area. This is another of several animal mutilations in the general location in recent years. Monday morning August 8th, 2011, Zukowski was contacted by rancher Miller from Trinidad, Colorado. He informed him that one of his cows had been mutilated over the past weekend. Zukowski had investigated one of his previous mutilated cows back on March of 2009. This rancher has had three separate mutilation cases. Zukowski notes: Field Investigator: Chuck Zukowski, Colorado Springs, Co Location of Mutilation: Trinidad, Colorado Mutilation occurred sometime Friday August 5th or Saturday August 6th. Found by non-owner rancher on Sunday August 7th. Rancher Miller was informed on Sunday while out of town, saw the animal for the first time on Monday August 8th. Rancher contacted me on Monday morning August 8th. Field investigation took place on Monday afternoon August 8th, roughly 2:30pm. Las Animas County Sheriff deputy investigated animal August 8, 2011 Investigative Notes: Radiation Check: none detected EMF (Electro-Magnetic-Field) detection: 8-10 micro-tesla Magnetic Sweep: no metallic's detected The animal did not have a magnet in her stomach Animal was pointing head first 60 degrees N/E Animal Statistics: Breed: Red Angus Sex: female Age: 5 years old Length: estimated 8feet 11 inches from nose to hind Gurth: estimated 9 feet round Weight: estimated 1000+ pounds Mutilation wounds visible on left side: Laceration on nose Laceration around left eye Oval hole where left ear used to be. 7 inches by 4 inches Tongue appears to be removed Oval hole between forelegs. 12 inches by 7.5 inches Oval hole at location of utter. 6 inches by 4 inches Two oval holes where utter teats appeared to be. 1×1 inch Long laceration between rear legs to utter. 18 inches x 4 inches Oval hole near anal area. 8.5 inches by 6 inches Animal was too heavy to roll over by me and rancher so right side of animal was unseen. Predator evidence: none Scavenger evidence: birds only Flies present Normal smell for two day old carcass No evidence of struggle on dirt No evidence of human intervention causing animal's death Evidence of bloating Evidence of out-gassing Rancher's dog was sick after interacting with carcass day before, but appears fine during investigation. Samples Taken: Tissue sample taken along edge of oval hole near anal area Tissue sample taken along edge of oval hole near utter area Tissue sample taken along edge of oval hole between front forelegs Soil sample taken near carcass, test sample taken 50 feet away at similar terrain Ear tag from missing ear left side Action Items: The three tissue samples will be sent to Colorado State University Veterinary Lab, Fort Collins, for analysis. - Tissue analysis will be determined by samples when received The soil samples will be sent to a soil analysis lab I work with. (Name on file and not revealed, per lab's request) - Soil analysis will be a comparison analysis looking for any differences between the two. Zukowski's Conclusion: Unfortunately I was unable to take this animal to the lab for a complete necropsy. There are a few factors which can stand in the way to achieve this. One, time accrued of deceased animal. Two, distance to the lab. Three, proper speciman to achieve complete necropsy for proper analysis. As information on current mutilation cases become more available to the public, the public in turn, knows who to contact when a new mutilation occurs. This hand-shake of information going back and forth from investigator to the public, will ultimately achieve our goals of finding the evidence we need to resolve these cases. Chuck Zukowski NOTE: I have to ask the question....are these animal mutilations related in any way to the proximity of Dulce Base and the reported underground passages to this general location? Here are links to previous posts: March 12, 2009 - Mutilated Cow Reported Near Trinidad, Colorado March 27, 2009 - Two More Mutilated Cows Reported In Southern Colorado March 30, 2009 - Third Cattle Mutilation Reported in Southern Colorado, MUFON Investigating November 28, 2009 - Recent Cattle Mutilations in San Luis Valley, CO Still a Mystery December 10, 2009 - Hovering Blue Lights Connected to Colorado Cattle Mutilations? May 24, 2010 - Colorado Officials Skeptical of Cattle Mutilation Theories
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Just the Facts? - Titan Arrow Cloud and Odd Activity in Pennsylvania / Illinois Posted: 17 Aug 2011 11:32 AM PDT What caused a giant arrow-shaped cloud on Saturn's moon Titan? A research group led by Jonathan L. Mitchell, UCLA assistant professor of earth and space sciences and of atmospheric and oceanic sciences, has answered this question by using a global circulation model of Titan to demonstrate how planetary-scale atmospheric waves affect the moon's weather patterns, leading to a "stenciling" effect that results in sharp and sometimes surprising cloud shapes. "These atmospheric waves are somewhat like the natural, resonant vibration of a wine glass," Mitchell said. "Individual clouds might 'ring the bell,' so to speak, and once the ringing starts, the clouds have to respond to that vibration." The fascinating clouds, including arrow-shaped ones, that result from the atmospheric waves can cause intense precipitation — sometimes more than 20 times Titan's average seasonal rainfall — and could be essential in shaping Titan's surface by erosion. The research was published Aug. 14 in the online edition of the journal Nature Geoscience and will be published in an upcoming print edition. Mitchell and a colleague have described Titan's climate as "all-tropics" — the entire planet experiences the types of weather phenomena that on Earth are confined to the equatorial region. "Our new results demonstrate the power of this analogy, not only for general features of Titan's climate but also for individual storms," Mitchell said. "In future work, we plan to extend our analysis to other Titan observations and make predictions of what clouds might be observed during the upcoming season. "Titan's all-tropics climate gives us the opportunity to study tropical weather in a simpler setting than on Earth," he added. "Our hope is that this may help us understand Earth's weather in a changing climate." NASA's Cassini Spacecraft has been in orbit around Saturn since late 2004 and has revolutionized our understanding of Titan, which is larger in volume than the planet Mercury and the second largest moon in the solar system after Jupiter's Ganymede. Titan has a thick nitrogen atmosphere and experiences rain made of natural methane gas. "Titan is like Earth's strange sibling — the only other rocky body in the solar system that currently experiences rain," Mitchell said. Titan is an alien world, but strangely not so different from Earth. Like Earth, the main component of its atmosphere is molecular nitrogen. Water, too, is abundant on Titan, although it is all frozen in the crust at very low temperatures. Methane is thermodynamically active in the lower atmosphere, and much like water vapor on Earth, Titan's methane forms clouds, precipitates and is resupplied from surface sources, Mitchell said. The runoff then weathers the cold surface of Titan, creating what appears to be river patterns. Scientists think that Earth, shortly after it formed an atmosphere, had large amounts of methane and very little oxygen. Methane provided an important greenhouse warming that probably prevented Earth from staying perpetually in a completely frozen state that otherwise would have resulted from the weaker sunlight from the very young sun, Mitchell said. "Therefore, by studying Titan's modern climate, we may gain new insights about the way the early Earth's climate was," Mitchell said. He and his research group have developed an atmospheric model to study the climate and cloud patterns of Titan. - physorg ********** Illinois couple had seen enough UFOs Husband was outside on the patio, he started knocking on the door for me to hurry up and come outside, and that there was something in the sky that he didn't know what it was. I stepped outside on the porch and he pointed up to what he was seeing and I looked in the direction and the only way to say what it looked like is that it was round shaped, glowing red, moving in a North direction than turning slightly to the East for a North East direction, moving at a steady pace then going up higher till it was out of site. Later on that same evening, about an hour and a half later, directly above us a bright glowing triangle shaped object appeared out of know where. It was visually closer then the red object, it really scared me, because I could make out the outline of it and it was so bright, Ive never seen anything like it, it also was moving in a North East direction and seemed to go up and disappear, we saw one more just like it later on and it also was moving North East and went up and disappeared. After that last one I went inside, I had decided Id seen enough. These things that we saw were not airplanes, helicopters, balloons etc.. Very strange. - MUFON CMS ********** 'Suicide bomber' bacteria destroys superbug Experts in the innovative field of "synthetic biology" engineered a strain of E.coli that could detect signs of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a leading cause of infection that can be fatal to patients with weak immune systems. Their specially designed bacteria then produced a toxin that is lethal to the bug, before blowing themselves apart like bombs and splattering the substance over the surrounding area. When added to a culture of P. aeruginosa in lab tests, the artificial E.coli destroyed 99 per cent of its targets and prevented the formation of biofilms - slimy communities of bacteria which are difficult to destroy - by up to 90 per cent. The method has not been tested in trials on humans or animals, but a study in the journal Molecular Systems Biology indicated it could provide a new approach to tackling drug-resistant infections, where progress using current techniques has ground to a halt. Researchers at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, write: "In summary, we engineered a novel biological system, which comprises sensing, killing, and lysing devices, that enables E. coli to sense and eradicate pathogenic P. aeruginosa strains by exploiting the synthetic biology framework." P. aeruginosa is a bacteria which infects the lungs and digestive system, particularly in patients who are critically ill or have weakened immune systems. The strains found in hospitals are often resistant to antibiotics, creating a pressing need for new treatments. The E.coli strain developed by researchers from the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore uses a protein called LasR to detect chemical signals given off by P. aeruginosa cells when they communicate with each other. P. aeruginosa naturally produces a toxin known as pyocin, but the scientists engineered the E.coli to produce the same weapon when the pathogen is detected nearby. The E.coli bacteria then burst themselves open and cover the P. aeruginosa bacteria with pyocin, which eats away at the outer cell wall and causes the insides to spill out. - telegraph ********** Intense vibration and bright green light Pennsylvania: In bed w/ MY husband sleeping, awakened by INTENSE vibration, bedroom aglow w/ bright green light. Light then dimmed,then event repeated 3 more times, each time lasting 5-10 seconds. I awoke my husband at the first and he experienced the last 3 events. Heavy cloud cover. No thunder/lightning storm in progress. The vibration/pulse was felt physically. The house did not shake or vibrate. There were no explosions. We both felt an overwhelming fear and agitation and were unable to sleep afterward. There was nothing to be seen or heard. Spoke w/ township workers, no electrical disturbance on our street that night, no evidence of electrical wires having been touched, wires are all clear of tree branches. - MUFON CMS ********** BBC Wales Interviews Irene Allen-Block - Spirit Rescue International Irene Allen-Block - Spirit Rescue International - Interview - BBC Wales Radio ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind | ||
Photos: Cylinder-Shaped UFO Over San Jose, CA Posted: 17 Aug 2011 09:38 AM PDT MUFON CMS - 8/14/2011 - San Jose, California - unedited: I arrived home from work around 11:45 p.m. on Saturday, August 13, 2011. As I walked toward my house from my detached garage, I looked up and noticed a meteor streaking brightly across the northwest part of the horizon. I decided to grab my digital camera and tripod and went back outside to take some timed exposures to see if I could capture a meteor or two. My exposures ranged 6 and 8 seconds and the camera was aimed toward the northwest, angled about 45 degrees above the horizon. I made several exposures and then rotated the camera more directly upward closer to 90 degrees above the horizon. The photos were taken from about 12:20 a.m. until around 12:45 a.m. Sunday, August 14, 2011, from my driveway in the east San Jose foothills. The camera was mounted to a small tripod to avoid shaking. While I observed many meteors with my eyes, I did not see anything unusual in the sky. That is until I reviewed the photos later Sunday morning about 9 a.m. I was astonished to see the object shown in the photos I have submitted. I didn't hear any aircraft or other noises, nor did I observe any unusual lights or objects in the sky while I was photographing meteors. I am convinced that this a craft of non-terrestrial origin, and that it was hovering in different positions in the sky near my home. I have no idea what it is. I will be attempting to capture further images of this object, hopefully a little clearer. NOTE: if these images have not been manipulated then this may be an important sighting. There have been several 'cigar-shaped' UFO sightings in the LA / Orange Co. areas lately as well..Lon ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Join Eric Altman and Lon Strickler each Sunday at 10 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcasts! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing ![]() Click here to check out Stan's most recent book! The Social - Paranormal Network ![]() A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() Need an unique special occasion or business gift? (410) 241-5974 ![]() ![]() Amazing technology that allows us to print almost anything in light! ![]() |
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