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- This HAARP Plays Scary Melody
- Just the Facts? UK UFO Files Indicate Concern, Another Oak Island Treasure Attempt and Giant Rat in Brooklyn
- Rumble Mystery Continues To Aggravate Residents
Posted: 30 Aug 2011 11:45 AM PDT ![]() HAARP: Fooling With Mother Nature HAARP, or the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, supposedly is an investigation project jointly funded by the United States Air Force, the United States Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) which provide a research facility to conduct pioneering experiments in ionospheric phenomena. HAARP is a bed of 48 - 72 foot tall antennas. These antennas which lie in Gakona, Alaska in the Copper River valley are on land owned by the Department of Defense and are located about 260 miles Northeast of Anchorage, Alaska. It's used to analyze basic ionospheric properties and to assess the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for communications and surveillance purposes. That's the official United States government description. Here is an informative video on HAARP and it's capability of creating weather like hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis and earthquakes. It is also capable of altering peoples moods. From WETA TV, a PBS station. Click for the video This documentary is a visual accompaniment to the book by Dr. Nick Begich, 'Angels Still Don't Play This HAARP: Advances In Tesla Technology' The Chengdu, China Earthquake ![]() HAARP ceased activity at 22 UTC on May 11, 2008. The China earthquake struck a little more than eight hours later at 6:28 UTC on May 12. In the days and minutes before the quake, there were reports of strange phenomena including bizarre toad behavior and iridescent clouds. Earthquakes are typically "in the works" days or weeks before going off, and animals, sensitive people, and scalar detectors can sense the nonphysical precursors to these quakes. If earthquakes generate and are preceded by scalar waves, could scalar waves likewise trigger earthquakes? If so, the phased array of various ionospheric heaters around the world may be capable of doing this for political and military purposes. The quake was certainly convenient for western military factions: Earthquake Destroyed China's Largest Military Armory, Says Source A high-level Chinese military source secretly disclosed that the earthquake in Sichuan Province caused a chain-reaction of explosions in the Sichuan mountain areas. The explosions destroyed Chinese army's largest armory, new weapon test bases and part of nuclear facilities including several nuclear warheads. This information is considered China's top military secret. After carefully analyzing seismic data, military experts in southeast Asia confirmed a non-geological shock had occurred at the earthquake epicenter. The energy released was equivalent to that of an underground nuclear explosion. There is not enough actual energy being outputted by ionospheric heaters to directly power an earthquake, but they don't need that much power if they merely act as nonlinear imbalancers, triggers, or redirectors of existing large natural energy flows. Was the earthquake just a random natural event? Or was it strategically and intentionally created? Hurricane Katrina Did elements within the U.S. or other governments have a role in creating, enhancing, or steering Katrina toward her Gulf Coast target, using advanced military technology? If so, was Katrina at least in part an act of mass murder and treason, perhaps by rogue elements within the Pentagon or its private contractors...or was it, possibly, a stealthy act of war against the U.S.? A 2001 FEMA report identified the THREE likeliest, most catastrophic disasters facing this country": A terror attack on New York, a major hurricane's direct hit on New Orleans, and a major earthquake in Northern California. Is it two down, one to go? World renowned scientist Dr. Rosalie Bertell confirms that "US military scientists ...are working on weather systems as a potential weapon. The methods include the enhancing of storms and the diverting of vapor rivers in the Earth's atmosphere to produce targeted droughts or floods." Already in the 1970s, former National Security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski had foreseen in his book "Between Two Ages" that: "Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised...techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm." Marc Filterman, a former French military officer, outlines several types of "unconventional weapons" using radio frequencies. He refers to "weather war," indicating that the U.S. and the Soviet Union had already "mastered the know-how needed to unleash sudden climate changes (hurricanes, drought) in the early 1980s." These technologies make it "possible to trigger atmospheric disturbances by using Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radar [waves]." A simulation study of future defense "scenarios" commissioned for the US Air Force calls for: US aerospace forces to 'own the weather' by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications... From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary... In the United States, weather-modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. Our government will pursue such a policy, depending on its interests, at various levels. Fully Operational While there is no concrete evidence of HAARP having been used, scientific findings suggest that it has been fully operational in various locations worldwide since 2007...and more are being built. Climatic manipulations under the HAARP program (whether accidental or deliberate) would inevitably exacerbate these changes by weakening national economies, destroying infrastructure and potentially triggering the bankruptcy of farmers over vast areas. Surely national governments and the United Nations should address the possible consequences of HAARP and other "non-lethal weapons" on climate change...though, the cat may be too far out of the bag. NOTE: here are a few other posts and links - The Death of Earth by the Hand of Man - Chavez Asserts U.S. Spawned Haiti Earthquake With HAARP - Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake - Are We in a HAARP "Earthquake War"?...Lon ----- The US government continues to sink hundreds of billions into the development of highly secretive weapons programs. One recently disclosed program is laser weaponry. Another, all the more guarded and insidious, is the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), an array of microwave antennas located in Alaska that produces an impressive one billion watts, for the purpose of fomenting unusually violent and destructive weather patterns. (It bears noting that Russia also owns several such machines). HAARP functions by warming the ionosphere, which permits it to control the jet streams that cause weather. Contrary to naturally induced weather patterns, HAARP initiates quick and violent weather changes: tornadoes, hurricanes, and winds that change direction rapidly, creating destructive mayhem. HAARP also focuses violent weather upon particular or unexpected regions over elongated periods of time, which is not characteristic of naturally formed weather patterns, which remain in one particular area for only a brief period of time. A record number of Americans died this year from tornadoes, which struck unusual areas, including Massachusetts. Storm patterns e.g., record snowfalls and cold throughout America, especially in the North—impacted certain regions with a frequency defying natural probabilities, as noted by meteorologists. Heavy rains also pounded the Mississippi River region for an unusually extended period of time, producing record floods. By focusing a series of low 5 Hz, harmonic frequencies on a specific area, HAARP can also produce earthquakes at will. However, this process leaves behind telltale signs: 1) it emits various colors resembling an Aurora Borealis in the sky, a byproduct of when the microwaves ionize the air, and 2) wavy lines in the clouds, as produced by the same frequency patterns. HAARP was responsible for the recent earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, China, as well as the massive 9.0 in Japan. This may be confirmed in part by the widespread accounts and pictures of the telltale aurora borealis immediately prior to each quake. HAARP also destroys nature: the microwaves and electromagnetic radiation have killed birds, fish, and bees in large numbers. In addition, various animals and insects have become disoriented, an effect that is jointly attributable to HAARP as well as to global cell phone usage, which also involves microwaves. Linking HAARP to these irregular weather patterns and destructive effects is difficult to prove scientifically...though not impossible. The key is to carefully evaluate historical weather trends as well as to analyze the behavior of current weather patterns. Some meteorologists, for instance, have blamed the unusually cold weather upon various oscillator highs over Greenland. However, it is relatively easy to manipulate even these weather currents by using HAARP to move jet streams in waves. "It is essential that the general public demand that the existence of this ultra-sophisticated weather machine be publicly acknowledged and that its true purpose be publicly revealed: information which would undoubtedly result in HAARP's abrupt termination. The lack of any organized grassroots movement to pull the plug on HAARP is a direct result of the fact that its very existence been carefully shrouded in (ultra-top) secrecy. Internet articles focusing on HAARP are commonly removed, while no mention of it is permitted in the mainstream press. Alarmed Americans must work quickly and feverishly to prevent this destructive technology from being used any further upon our own nation." - Sources: This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 30 Aug 2011 09:00 AM PDT By Alejandro Rojas - Britain's Ministry of Defence ceased to collect UFO reports as of December 2009, because, as they put it, " over fifty years, no UFO report has revealed any evidence of a potential threat to the United Kingdom." However, the UFO files being released by the British National Archives contain cases that clearly should be of concern, and I am not alone in this opinion. In fact, the last batch of files includes correspondence between the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and two high level military officials who were adamant that UFO cases should be taken more seriously. The highest ranking among those hounding the MOD about UFOs was Baron Hill-Norton, former Admiral of the Fleet (1970-71), Chief of the Defence Staff (1971-73), and head of NATO's military committee (1974-77). Two years after his retirement in 1977, Peter Hill-Norton was made Baron and a member of the House of Lords. As you can see, Lord Hill-Norton was quite an impressive chap and known as a tough and aggressive leader. In other words, he didn't take no crap. At some point Lord Hill-Norton took an interest in UFOs, and was unsatisfied with the MOD claiming that they were of no concern. He badgered the MOD with questions, trying to get them to actively investigate important cases. There are over 300 pages of correspondence between Lord Hill-Norton and the MOD in the latest batch of UK UFO files. Lord Hill-Norton took a particular interest in the Rendlesham forest case. In late December of 1980, several US servicemen witnessed UFO activity over a two day period near the bases of RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge, both on lease by the US from the UK. The Rendlesham forest surrounds the bases. One of the witnesses included Deputy Base Commander, Charles Halt, who was ordered to forwarded a memo on the incident to the MOD. In a response dated October 22, 1997 to Minister of State for Defence, Lord Gilbert, who claimed the Rendlesham sightings were not of interest, Lord Hill-Norton wrote: My position both privately and publicly expressed over the last dozen years or more, is that there are only two possibilities, either: a. An intrusion into our Air Space and a landing by unidentified craft took place at Rendlesham, as described. or b. The Deputy Commander of an operational, nuclear armed, US Air Force Base in England, and a large number of his enlisted men, were either hallucinating or lying. Either of these simply must be 'of interest to the Ministry of Defence', which has been repeatedly denied, in precisely those terms. They, or words very like them, are used again in your letter and I believe, in the light of the above, you would not feel inclined to sign your name to them again. Further, Lord Hill-Norton pushed Lord Gilbert on the sensitive question of whether there were nuclear arms on the base, which would have been against their agreement with US. Lord Hill-Norton asked Lord Gilbert, "Whether they are aware of reports from the United States Air Force personnel that nuclear weapons stored in the Weapons Storage Area at RAF Woodbridge were struck by light beams fired from an unidentified craft seen over the base in the period 25-30 December 1980, and if so, what action was subsequently taken." Lord Gilbert responded, "There is no evidence to suggest that the Ministry of Defence received any such reports." He continued that he intended "neither to confirm nor to deny where nuclear weapons are located either in the UK or elsewhere, in the past or at the present time." In 2001, Lord Hill-Norton asked that the MOD reopen its investigation into the Rendlesham forest incident. He was told, "No additional information has come to light over the last 20 years to call into question the original judgment by the Ministry of Defence that nothing of defence significance occurred in the location of Rendlesham Forest in 1980. Accordingly there is no reason to hold an investigation now." Clearly upset with this response, Lord hill-Norton replied, "I have now had time to have a proper look at your letter dated 22nd March, and I find it not so much disappointing as absurd. This for various reasons but mainly because you seem unable to grasp what we are arguing about." Lord Hill-Norton continued, "There is a great deal more, now in the public domain which makes it beyond any possible doubt that the incident most certainly was of considerable Defence interest, and it is absurd of you to pretend otherwise." Ralph Noyes, who retired as the Undersecretary of State in 1977, was another British government official whose letters petitioning that the UFO matter be taken serious can also be found in the UK UFO files. In 1969 he was head of Defense Secretariat 8 (DS8), and one of his responsibilities was to answer public questions about UFOs. He says he was not able to share his true opinions on the subject. In the files he states, "It is only since I left the MOD (in 1977) that I have seriously tried to consider what may possibly lie behind the 'UFO phenomenon'. It was impossible to discuss it seriously within the Department: I would merely have 'rubbished' my working relationship with the RAF and scientific colleagues if I had disclosed the interest I felt in the better reports which reached us. What I retain from my MOD experience -- greatly reinforced by much that I have since read -- is that the 'phenomenon' is veridical and important" There is one more British official of note in the files, who also disagrees with the stance that UFOs pose no concern. Nick Pope ran the MOD's UFO desk from 1991 to 1994. In a recent article by Lee Speigel of the Huffington Post, Pope actually apologized for having to play down the importance of UFO sightings when responding to public inquiries on the matter while manning the MOD UFO hot seat. In a recent Open Minds article on Ralph Noyes, Antonio Huneeus, suggested that some of the responses Noyes received from the MOD might have actually been authored by Pope. I emailed Pope to inquire about Huneuus' suspicions, which Pope confirmed. He went on to write: I had tremendous respect for Ralph Noyes, who I met on several occasions. He briefed me about his earlier UFO-related work at the Air Ministry and the Ministry of Defense. In many ways, we grappled with the same problem, albeit several years apart: we had official responsibility for a phenomenon that defied conventional explanation, but we faced a situation where we had to follow the official line that UFOs were of no defense significance. But this was Orwellian doublethink. How could it not be of defense interest, when our own radar systems were picking up these things, when jets were being scrambled and when both pilots and radar operators confirmed that these objects -- whatever they were -- were capable of speeds and maneuvers that defied conventional explanation? So we had a bizarre situation where we were telling the public that we weren't interested, but behind the scenes, our scientific and technical intelligence specialists were desperate for data, hoping that solving the UFO mystery might enable us to make a quantum leap breakthrough in propulsion system technology, aerodynamics or a related field. Pope continued to explain, "The ultimate irony was that it wasn't just the public who were out of the loop. There were factions at the MoD on this issue. I was involved in work that led to the setting up of a highly classified study into the UFO phenomenon, codenamed Project Condign. But my successors didn't enjoy the close relationship with the Defense Intelligence Staff that I'd had, and weren't briefed on the study. When the final report was issued in 2000, it wasn't copied to Directorate Air Staff, despite their being the division with the policy lead for UFOs! When the report was declassified and made public under the Freedom of Information Act, there was a farcical situation: it emerged that the people who had been sending out letters to the public saying that MoD didn't investigate UFOs hadn't been aware that, behind their backs, intelligence staffs had been doing the very thing that the civil servants had been telling parliament, the media and the public that we didn't do." - HP ********** Giant Rat Killed With Pitchfork In Brooklyn A gigantic, white rat was killed after being speared with a pitchfork at the Marcy Houses in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn. Jose Rivera, a Housing Authority worker, was clearing a rat hole last week when three of the mutants popped out, The New York Daily News reports, but he was only able to nab one. It appears to be almost three feet long, including the tail. Naomi Colon, head of the Marcy Houses Tenant Association, told the News there have been sightings of the humongous rats for at least six years. Residents described some horrifying confrontations with the rodents to "In one day eight big size rats were killed," said a Marcy Houses resident who declined to be named for fear of reprisal from city or property management. They were found in and around the buildings of the Nostrand-Myrtle avenue section of the property and have been seen on the playground. "They come out at night and the daytime," said another resident who also did not want to provide a name. Even before the mega-rats appeared, residents say the infestation of average rats was a problem. One resident recently described a frantic scene in which rats began scrambling across the nearby playground: "Adults had to grab children and run because a lot of rats came on the playground. The kids were screaming." An expert at the Wildlife Conservation Society told the News the slain monster was likely a Gambian pouched rat, and was probably an escaped or discarded pet. Importing Gambian pouched rats to the United States was banned almost a decade ago after they caused an outbreak of monkey-pox that sickened 100 people. Even the normal, Norway rats are huge at the Marcy Houses, where Jay-Z was famously "raised in the projects, roaches and rats." Pam Davis, 43, told the News, "They're here day and night. We don't dodge bullets. We dodge rats. They're so big, they should charge them rent." Earlier this summer, pest control experts warned staff cuts to the Pest Control Bureau would cause a "rat epidemic" in the city. - HP **********
Treasure hunters use electric pulses to probe Oak Island In a renewed bid to uncover the elusive treasure believed by many to be buried deep within Oak Island off Nova Scotia's South Shore, a group of treasure hunters have used electrical currents in a bid to detect secret underground tunnels. For the past six years, Rick Lagina and four others — including Dan Blankenship, whose lifetime dedication to the island is almost as legendary as the place itself — have been searching for the hidden treasure. This summer, they put their hopes in technology. On a hot, cloudless day in early July, in the middle of the island, they placed a device that miners, archeologists and environmentalists often use to map underground structures. Powered by a car battery, the square, greyish-green box zapped 800-volt bursts of energy through attached cords to various points on the island, to depths sometimes the length of a football field. The method, called electrical resistivity, pulsed electric currents through the earth and recorded how much each area repelled the charge. Lagina said he hoped to pinpoint spots that were particularly resistant or unexpectedly conductive compared to their surroundings — anything out of the ordinary. Lagina has been dreaming about the fabled Nova Scotia island ever since he was an 11-year-old living in Michigan. He read a magazine article about the 200-year-old search for the money pit some believe was buried on Oak Island by pirates. Now 59 years old, Lagina is still dreaming. After two weeks of gathering data, the team sent the numbers to a geological analyst in Montreal. Lagina said he got the results back three weeks ago. When asked if there was anything interesting, he paused. "There are interesting anomalies, yes," he said. He later added, "There are more than several sites that we are very excited about." But the island has a well-documented history of thwarting discovery efforts, Lagina said. While they were cutting through the brush to make way for their line grid, everything that could go wrong did, he said. The truck's engine blew, tools went missing, and the resistivity device itself stopped working more than once. When they phoned the manufacturer in France, the woman on the line said, "'Can't happen, never happened, not in the history of the instrument. The unit is incapable of shutting down.' "Five times it shut down," Lagina said. Legend has it that the Oak Island treasure will not be found until seven humans have died trying to find it and all the oak trees on the island are gone. So far, the island's native umbrella oaks have all wilted away, and the treasure hunt has claimed six lives — none of them from Lagina's crew. Ever since a teenage Daniel McGinnis came across a curious depression in the ground in 1795, there have been many excavations of the Money Pit — all of which have been fruitless except for the discovery of various booby traps and suggestive bits of metal. Theories abound as to what might be hidden there, from pirate booty to knights Templar treasure to Shakespeare's manuscripts. But Lagina said that for him, it's more about filling in the blanks of the story and solving the mystery. "What really happened on Oak Island?" For the rest of the summer, Lagina said he and the others will assess which anomalies show the most promise and warrant further investigation with drilling. They have to be selective because wherever they drill needs to be worth the cash, he said. They've already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, exploring Oak Island (Lagina's brother Marty — who's also in on the search — did well in the oil and gas industry). They must do the drilling soon, though; their government-granted treasure trove licence expires in December. "I wish I had an X-marks-the-spot, but alas, I have no 'X.'" While Lagina acknowledged they might not find anything, he said they're excited about their chances. "I believe that it will be a fairly rich, to use the word, story of what happened there." However, not everyone is so sure. Alex Storm got into the Nova Scotian treasure hunting business in the 1960s and has had substantial success, finding famous wrecks, such as the French treasure ship Le Chameau. He said he bases all his searching on documentation and verifiable data — something he said Oak Island lacks. "I don't think it will work out to anything. It's just people keeping busy and trying to keep a dream alive." But that hasn't stopped people from trying. - motrealgazette NOTE: the is more information at The 'Money Pit' Enigma...Lon ********** Triangle UFO over Marsala, Italy Shortly after returning from work here in Italy, 4 aircraft mechanics witnessed a triangle craft or 3 separate crafts fly over our hotel at 12:51 AM. The triangle was transparent as we could see stars from the big dipper through the triangle shape. The triangle passed over the hotel and through the big dipper heading north in a straight line, then it banked to the left and shot out of sight heading in a north west direction. We observed this triangle for approximately 10 seconds. My account is that it is 3 separate lights that make up the triangle, but they fly as if they are one object. Having been in the Airforce for 15 years, I have never seen anything that could fly like or resemble this shape. NOTE: The above image is a rendering. - MUFON CMS - Ken Pfeifer I truly hope you will consider endorsing 'Phantoms and Monsters' continued free daily newsletter service. The thoughtfulness, concern and courtesy expressed to me by the readers has been amazing. I genuinely consider each of you as part of a family...and a little bit really does mean a lot. Thanks again...Lon Lon Strickler 'Phantoms and Monsters' 26 Coachman Ct. Randallstown, MD 21133 USA | ||
Rumble Mystery Continues To Aggravate Residents Posted: 30 Aug 2011 08:23 AM PDT Click for video - The Windsor Rumble is Real A mysterious rattling and humming that has shaken people living in southwest Windsor is spreading and getting worse, but authorities are still baffled about its source. "In one house, we put a glass of water on the floor and you could see the ripples," city Councillor Al Maghnieh told the Star on Thursday. "You could put your hand on the siding outside the house and feel the vibration." From a few complaints in February, Maghnieh has now heard from 1,000 people in his ward in the south and west of the city — including his own neighbours on Everts Ave. The worst time for the rumblings is between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. "These are not people looking for attention. They're reporting sleepless nights." The provincial Ministry of the Environment investigated in April and found no "industrial" causes. That would include the prime suspect, a vast web of active and abandoned salt mines that stretch under Windsor and across the Detroit River to subterranean Detroit. The Detroit Salt Co. still operates mines 360 metres below the city, supported by a 160-kilometre network of roads. The Canadian Salt Co. Ltd., now owned by Morton Salt in Chicago, works the Ojibway salt mine and an evaporation plant in Windsor. Blasting, officials said, is confined to weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Detroit Salt's George Davis said that, unlike the Ojibway mine, the Detroit miners no longer use drilling and blasting and their second shift ends by early evening. People in Detroit have reported similar unexplained shaking and humming, Kate Jordan of the Ministry of the Environment said Thursday. "We want to find the source of the vibrations," she said. "We're working with other provincial agencies and our counterparts in Michigan. We haven't found any evidence in Ontario." The Ministry of the Environment ruled out the salt mines on the Ontario side because "their operations are not coinciding with the times people are feeling these" vibrations, Teri Gilbert, issues project co-ordinator for the Windsor office, told the Windsor Star in the spring. Wind turbines also have been struck off the list, said Earthquakes Canada's Allison Bent, because they're in a rural area outside of town. These unexplained sounds and shaking are concentrated in west Windsor. Earthquake Canada sunk five ultra-sensitive seismic monitors around the city in June and seismologists are just getting the data back now for analysis. "Enough people have heard it that is has to be something," said Bent, a seismologist. "It can last on and off for hours." The shaking "is definitely not" an earthquake, she said. They would have picked that up even before June. The federal monitors, however, will only pick up underground disturbances. If it's above ground, she said, they might not. Maghnieh speculated that construction of a major roadway linking Highway 401 directly with U.S. Interstate 75 and creating a new border crossing could be the source or the heavy industry operating on Zug Island, a heavily industrialized area south of Detroit. "It's like a low bass note, like a synthesizer," he said. "The reports have really spiked recently. This is a very serious matter and we don't know the health effects from it." Toronto architect Scott Weir, who grew up in a south Windsor salt-mining family and has a contract with Windsor for restoration work, believed a combination of effects is responsible. "The salt mines. And at that end of town, there is a lot of reclaimed land and a lot of quicksand in LaSalle. My sense is there are tunnels that go for miles. And everything in Windsor goes 24 hours a day." He was dubious about Zug Island, south of Detroit and across the river from Ojibway. "You can see what's going on there." - thestar ----- For months, residents of south and west Windsor have been wondering and worrying about vibrations of unknown origin. And now, those mysterious rumblings under the city have found a new believer — the city's Ward 10 Coun. Al Maghnieh, who says it's time to start taking the phenomenon seriously. "It's very present and real," he said. Maghnieh added that those who think the phenomenon is a joke or that its proponents are "crazy" need to grasp the implications in terms of health and the environment. "I mean, it's actually scary to think that this is going on and we still can't pinpoint what it is," he said. "This is potentially very dangerous." Maghnieh said he first started receiving calls from concerned citizens back in March. But it wasn't until the early hours of Friday morning — when he'd arranged to visit the homes of rumble witnesses — that he experienced the sensation himself. "It's a very sharp, consistent rumble sound," Maghnieh said. "Sometimes it's like a hum." The city councillor said that at one point, he put a half-full water bottle on the ground and could see the vibrations causing ripples on the water's surface. At another point, he could hear the aluminum siding of a house rattle due to the vibrations. "It was very obvious. It was very evident," Maghnieh said. "It sent shivers up my spine." Maghnieh said he's so far received about two dozen calls and a half-dozen emails from different people in his ward with complaints about the rumble. When he followed up on some of the recent reports, two homeowners agreed to let him on their properties and investigate. The time period between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. was chosen because that's when the vibrations are reportedly the most distinct. "I don't know if it's stronger then or not. Maybe it's just because it's quieter outside," Maghnieh said. Although the Ministry of the Environment has studied the matter and has ruled out industrial sources, Maghnieh said there needs to be further and fuller investigation. "You can't have hundreds of people just imagining these things," Maghnieh said. "We need resources. We need co-operation. We need somebody assigned to this." Now Maghnieh is preparing a map of his ward to track the location of the rumblings, with radii indicating where the rumblings have been the strongest. It might not be long until the issue hits Maghnieh even closer to home: He recently finalized purchase of a house on Everts Avenue, and some of the rumbling reports he's received are from fellow Everts Avenue residents. "On my own street," Maghnieh exclaimed. "On my new driveway, my first day arriving at my home — three different residents from three different homes came to welcome me to the neighbourhood, and the first thing they said was: 'There are rumblings here. It's bad.'" Maghnieh said he doesn't regret buying the house. "In fact, now I'm even more motivated to get to the bottom of this." - windsorstar NOTE: there have been reports of this rumbling sound in southern Ontario and several areas in eastern Wisconsin and central Michigan. So what is it? Witnesses say that there is a 'synthetic' machinery. Is there a chance that construction taking place in another location is somehow resonating through the bedrock? Or maybe there is some nefarious activity taking place underground? What do you think? 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