Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- What Was Seen Flying Before The Russian Rocket Crash?
- Just the Facts? - Black Scaled Reptilian Humanoid Seen Near Canberra, Australia
- MUFON CMS: Atlantic Beach USO, Hooded White Figure and Abducted by Greys
What Was Seen Flying Before The Russian Rocket Crash? Posted: 25 Aug 2011 02:37 PM PDT
I received an interesting email this morning from Yevgeni in Riga, Latvia. I may regret posting this but here it is for you to peruse and judge. It has been edited for spelling though I left it mostly intact: "My brother lives 3 kilometers east to Karakoksha in Altai Rep. Russia the area around where rocket crashed. Please be known that they had many sightings of two large birds about 1 week ago. They were not identified but were seen by people in area many times last week. A man says it was just like a mothman from US and because it had red eyes and bat wings and shaped like a human man. He say this mothman comes before bad times or disasters. Maybe this is what we have. I live in Riga, Latvia but am in contact with him each day. Yevgeni N."
I also receive a email from a reader in Canada who saw a dark anomaly in a photograph (below) of the Progress cargo rocket that was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan...the same rocket that crashed minutes later in the Russian Altai Republic. I have looked at other launch photos and have not noticed the anomaly. Below is a recent news report on the launch and crash: Villagers around Russian rocket crash say they're sick Villagers living in the vicinity of a Russian rocket crash are complaining of ill health possibly caused by toxic space debris, officials in Russia's Altai Republic says. Eight residents of the remote central Asian Choisky district were found to have developed similar symptoms after a Progress rocket booster smashed into Taiga forest after a failed Wednesday space shot, staff at a local hospital said. All lived in the vicinity of the village Karakoksha and were suffering from increased blood pressure, coughs and fever, Interfax reported. A Progress cargo rocket launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in neighbouring Kazakhstan on Wednesday evening left its planned trajectory and, breaking into pieces, crashed some 1,500 kilometers downrange. The third stage of the booster struck ground in the Altai's Choisky district. An estimated 1.5 tons of highly-toxic liquid fuel was likely still on board, according to local news reports. Exposure to the fuel could cause headaches, nausea and breathing difficulties. Russian mission control officials sometimes rely on the help of residents of Russia's Central Asian and Siberian districts, the main landing area for Russia's space programme, to locate space objects returning to Earth. But health officials denied there is a link between the Progress rocket's crash and possible health problems of Altai district residents. "We have checked the area and waterways in the vicinity, and our tests have shown there has been no contamination," said Gennady Onishchenko, Russia's chief health inspector, in comments to Interfax. "These complaints must have some other cause." The Progress rocket crash destroyed a Russian government GLONASS navigation satellite. The failure followed an August 18 launch by a Proton rocket, also from Baikonur, which caused the total loss of a Russian government communications satellite by placing it in an incorrect orbit. Russia's national space agency has announced a wide-reaching investigation into the country's rocket fleet and the Baikonur cosmodrome, as a result of the two accidents. - timeslive NOTE: If there is further information I will update this post. Honestly, I think this is a lot of 'happenstance' but something may come of it. I do hope these large bird sightings, if true, become part of the story when more local interviews are conducted...Lon | ||||
Just the Facts? - Black Scaled Reptilian Humanoid Seen Near Canberra, Australia Posted: 25 Aug 2011 01:01 PM PDT Black Scaled Reptilian Humanoid Seen Near Canberra, Australia I received this information on Weds: Hi there. I live in the capitol of Australia. Canberra. My friend witnessed something pretty intense and i was on the phone whilst it happened. So i heard it. And heard him. He is never prone to displays of hysteria but was totally freaked out by his encounter. He was walking by the storm water drains about 100 metres from his house when he caught sight of a child sized, 3 foot tall or so, black scaled reptilian humanoid creature. He described it as having long fingers and bright cat eyes when they caught the light. It followed him home and climbed over the fence after him. It was studying him and not behaving particularly aggressive or hostile. It walked on 4 and 2 legs. He shooed it away with an umbrella, very British of him i know, which is when i heard it make a high pitched hiss growl and take off. We wish to make an expedition to locate and take film of the adults. But we do need help. A bunch of ill prepared retards we are not. But questions remain. Armed or not? Night vision? Torches. EMF? Provisions. Maps of tunnels. Inform someone in case of getting lost. fluorescent chalk markers for trail signs with black lights for picking them up. But we need to know about THEM.... Details. Any one in Canberra who can add a professional touch to our survival rate? Any advice on the subject would be very much appreciated. And have we forgotten anything in our equipment? Thanks. Jack. When I made an inquiry, I received the following: Its in Gordon, a suburb of Canberra. About 100 metres away from the house is a storm water drain with underground access. Its on the same street as the local shops. The incident occurred at about midnight. My friend tried communicating with the creature at my behest. It stared at him while standing up right. Then when he stepped towards it ran. Over the 5 foot fence. It had reptilian and humanoid features. The tunnel system under Canberra is very extensive. Covers most of Its underground. All leading to rivers or lakes. Don't know what else to tell you. ********** A strange flying object caught on camera in Los Cristianos, Spain - Aug 21, 2011 NOTE: Looks like the Klingon Empire made some improvements to the D7 Class...Lon ********** 'Rogue Panda' alert in Flagstaff, AZ Commuters near Flagstaff were cautioned to be on the look out for a "rogue panda on a rampage" on Monday. That was the message that appeared on an electronic road sign near Fort Valley Road and Forest Avenue. A spokesman from the Flagstaff Police Department put the word out to area residents and the media: Flagstaff is 100% free of rogue pandas. Pranksters accessed the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) sign sometime on Sunday night or early Monday morning. The sign was originally displaying a message that warned drivers about left turns at the busy intersection. An alert passerby contacted police after seeing the rampaging panda message at around 3 a.m. on Monday morning. By late-morning, the sign had been restored to its original message. ********** Zoo Animals Sensed East Coast Earthquake The National Zoo in Washington, D.C. has released a post-earthquake update in which it describes some of the unusual animal behavior in the lead up to yesterday's 5.9 quake: The red ruffed lemurs sounded an alarm call about 15 minutes before the quake and then again just after it occurred. ...About five to ten seconds before the quake, many of the apes, including Kyle (an orangutan) and Kojo (a Western lowland gorilla),Red-ruffed lemur abandoned their food and climbed to the top of the tree-like structure in the exhibit. About three seconds before the quake, Mandara (a gorilla) let out a shriek and collected her baby, Kibibi, and moved to the top of the tree structure as well. Iris (an orangutan) began "belch vocalizing" — an unhappy/upset noise normally reserved for extreme irritation — before the quake and continued this vocalization following the quake. ...The Zoo has a flock of 64 flamingos. Just before the quake, the birds rushed about and grouped themselves together. They remained huddled during the quake. Dr. Don Moore, the zoo's associate director for animal care sciences, theorized that the animals were picking up on sounds or vibrations below the level of human perception. "I think given that they're sensing it beforehand, they must be sensing the pre-rumbles that create some kind of vibration in the ground," Moore said, "or hearing something we can't hear." However, one interesting facet of the report is the revelation that the zoo's pandas "did not appear to respond to the earthquake" - previous reports from earthquakes in China have suggested that the iconic bear species may have some 'pre-quake perception'. Another fascinating behavioral insight from the report: the ducks and beavers jumped in the water at the onset of the earthquake and stayed in there until well after it was finished. *********** Man literally 'blows up his ass' Dad-of-one Gareth Durrant, 26, was wiring a caravan at the factory where he worked when the large pipe - carrying compressed air at around 300lbs per square inch - shot up his back passage. He was rushed to hospital where scans revealed a six-inch tear in his bowel and severe damage to his intestines. He then faced hours of emergency surgery to save his life while wife Sarah, 25, waited anxiously with their toddler son Daniel, three. The op repaired the tear and also involved performing an ileostomy leaving him with a stoma bag to collect bodily waste - and the 'inflation' meant some of his clothes no longer fitted him. He was unable to eat properly as he was vomiting food and now suffers agonising stomach pains and cramps as well as depression, anxiety and panic attacks. He has also not been able to work since causing huge financial strain on his young family. Wife Sarah, who is currently eight months pregnant, can now only work part-time because she has to look after her husband and their three-year-old son. Gareth is pursuing a civil claim against his employer and a court will decide whether they were responsible during a two-day hearing starting on Thursday. If they are found liable he will be able to claim compensation. Gareth told how he was working at Willerby Holiday Homes in Hull, East Yorks., which makes static caravans, when the incident occurred. He was aware that the air line - one of many which hang from the ceiling and are used to power tools on the production line at the factory - was being used behind him and got on with work until suddenly he felt an explosion of air for a few brief agonising seconds. He said: "I was reaching up to finish the wiring on a caravan at the factory. I knew this air hose was being used close behind me but I just carried on the job as normal. "The next thing I knew I felt this strong air being blown on my legs from behind, and then something went up my rectum through the shorts I was wearing. "It felt like I had been blown up, it was the biggest shock of my life. There was air fizzing around inside my back passage and stomach, it was so weird. "At that time I didn't feel much pain, but the doctors later explained that was the adrenaline of the moment. Then it kicked in and I just can't put in to words how painful it was. I lay down, they rang for an ambulance and I was taken to hospital." Gareth was fully conscious during his unimaginable ordeal on July 13 last year. The next day he had emergency surgery and spent a week in hospital before being allowed home. He said: "It was terrible. I couldn't keep any food down. My wife had to empty my stoma bag every day, it was quite embarrassing and humiliating. "I got constant agonising pain that was unimaginably bad. I have medication for it but it still causes me great pain. "I want people to be aware of the risks. I don't want this to happen to anybody else. It's changed my life totally, I used to be so active and healthy and enjoyed playing rugby. But for the last year I've just been stuck at home, it's so frustrating. "These pipes carry 300lbs of compressed air per square inch and are not to be messed about with. But there was no training into the potential dangers of them." He did make an attempt to return to work recently but suffered a panic attack as he approached the factory. The previously fit and healthy dad began to put a bit of weight on. This is partly due to his still bloated stomach, partly because the accident meant his diet became crazily inconsistent and partly because he now finds it very painful to exercise. He is due to meet a dietician soon to discuss the problem. He had a second operation last September to reverse the ileostomy, meaning he no longer needed his waste bag. He said: "I didn't notice I was bigger until I found that my jeans and smart trousers no longer fitted me so I must have put a bit of weight on. That combined with eating a lot meant I have to wear loose fitting tracksuit bottoms all the time now as they don't put pressure on my stomach. "My eating is all over the place. Sometimes I can eat a big meal and be hungry a couple hours of later because my stomach is inflated, next day I eat almost nothing. There's no pattern to it at all. "I have constant aching pain in my stomach which I've been warned I may never get rid of. I can sit down and drive comfortably, but I struggle to do exercise because it makes my stomach hurt too much. I haven't been able to play rugby. That's probably another reason I have put a bit of weight on." Sarah said: "When I went to hospital Gareth's employers had just said that he had had an accident at work but was able to walk to the ambulance, so I just assumed he'd injured his hand or something. "Then I was told he was seriously injured and was undergoing scans and x-rays, and the next thing I knew he was being rushed into surgery and being told this operation was needed to save his life." Sarah added: "I've been left to care for a husband, a young son and I'm also heavily pregnant. Money wise it's been a total nightmare as we suddenly lost Gareth's full-time wage. "I've had to cut down my hours working as an assistant manager at a residential home, so we are surviving on just my part-time wage but we have a mortgage to pay." The Health and Safety Executive are still investigating the incident. - telegraph | ||||
MUFON CMS: Atlantic Beach USO, Hooded White Figure and Abducted by Greys Posted: 25 Aug 2011 11:38 AM PDT Atlantic Beach, NC - Feb. 1981 - unedited: My now ex-wife and I were parked in the parking lot of the old Triple S Motel (now gone) on the beach at Atlantic Beach, NC. It was a Sunday afternoon, very cold, but sunny. There was no one on the beach, and the parking lot was empty except for us. We were facing South. The Triple S fishing pier (now gone) was to the East of us about 50 meters. Nobody was on the pier; I think it was closed for the season. The sea was very calm, with only a slight ripple on the surface and about a six-inch lop of wave at about 4-5 minute intervals on the beach. Off to my right (West) at a distance of about 1/2 to 3/4 mile, I noticed a large dark spot under the surface of the ocean. I did not pay a lot of attention to it at first; my wife and I were just enjoying the afternoon and talking about family things. The object was about 500 meters offshore, moving in toward the pier very slowly, at an angle. At first I thought it might be a school of menhaden, but it appeared to move in a straight line. It also maintained its shape, which was sort of an oval, big at the front and tapering to a very narrow tail. I called it to the attention of my wife, and she remarked that it did not seem to change shape the way a school of fish would. The object kept moving in from offshore at what I judge to be about a 30-degree angle, moving in from the Southwest. When I first saw it, I estimate the water depth where it was, was approximately 35-40 feet. It kept moving in until it was almost directly in front of us, in approximately 25 feet of water, and about 50 meters West of the pier. Then it stopped. During the time we had been observing it (about 20 minutes) the object had not changed shape and had moved in straight lines like it was being steered. It did not undulate or change direction the way a school of fish will do. When it stopped, it did not change shape. After a few minutes it turned to its left (toward the beach) and then back to the right, then back to the left, like it was scanning the bottom. It then moved forward, in toward the beach on the same course as before, stopped, backed up a bit, and turned to where it was facing almost due East. At this point it was facing the main part of the pier but was inshore of the seaward end of the pier. At no time during all these maneuvers did my wife or I see any disturbance on the surface of the water, a fact on which we both remarked at the time. The object paused where it was for a few minutes, then "sniffed" its way around to where it was pointed approximately Southeast, and began moving forward. It accelerated from dead stop to what I judge to be about 35-40 miles per hour in roughly 4 seconds, and then (for lack of a better definition) appeared to hit warp speed. It simply shot out of sight. At no time did my wife or I observe any disturbance on the surface of the water. A few months later I related these events to my father, who was a retired Rear Admiral in the US Navy, and asked him if he could "check it out" with his Navy contacts. Several months after that, I asked him if he had found anything out about it. His response was, "That is something you don't want to ask any more questions about. Ever." And that was the last we ever spoke of it. My Dad died in 1999. - MUFON CMS ********** Delaware - unedited: I typed this summary as a more detailed explanation than the original. Also important to note, more has happened since I first reported incident. UFO SIGHTING 8/23/11 On August 23, 2011 at approximately 22:00 hours I stepped outside to have a cigarette. As I gazed at the sky I noticed a strange bright light, brighter than a star in the South Southwest Sky just under and to the left of the Big Dipper. It seemed as if it may have been 10 to 20 miles away. It had multicolored lights moving around the bright light horizontally while the bright white light was pulsating in a rhythmic fashion. The multicolored lights changed color almost as if the colors were smoothly changing from color to color like a prism or color wheel. This immediately got my attention. I continued to watch for 15 minutes and noticed that it did not move, at least not that I could perceive. I then went and got my wife whom saw it herself and made me aware that there were 2 additional lights pulsating in unison with the initial anomaly. The other 2 lights were smaller and only white with no other colors like the initial anomaly. All three formed a triangle. The other 2 were only visible for 10 – 15 minutes. We video'd what we saw but because of the lighting on the ground it seems as if we didnt get anything. When my wife and I confirmed at 22:30 hrs that it had not moved I called my friend who lives 20 miles away and in the direction of the object. While on the phone with my friend, I described the area of the sky it was in and he was able to locate it. We were very excited as this is a topic we are interested in and have been sky watchers for some time. The points that compelled our belief that it was a UFO were as follows: 1. they did not move. 2. No conventional aircraft has lights that are blue, green, red, yellow, etc. & 3. It seemed way too high of an altitude to be a helicopter. I then went inside the house and ended the phone call with an understanding that he would continue to watch it and call me if he saw any changes. At about 23:30 I took the dog out and noticed it was gone. I scanned the sky and noticed it was now resting in another area of the sky. If it were originally at 7 o'clock it was now at 11 o'clock and not moving. I observed for 10 – 15 minutes. This is where it gets strange. I consciously focused on the object and asked a series of questions in my mind. "What are you?", "What are your intentions?", "Where did you come from?", "I want to know". Immediately, my son came running out the front door in a panic. He told me when he came down stairs for a drink he saw a white hooded figure out of the corner of his eye. He said it looked like a white towel floating in the air and it moved. He said when he turned to look at it, it vanished. He was visibly shaken. I listened to his description then comforted him and tucked him in bed. Bear in mind my wife was sleeping at this point. I played around on the internet and went to bed at about 1 AM. The next morning my wife tells me she came downstairs in the middle of the night and saw a hooded white figure with no face in the same spot in the office as my son had seen. They had not spoken of this to each other. The difference was that she saw it facing her with just a black area where a face should be. She was visibly shaken and had goose bumps as she recounted her experience. She said that although it was very real and bizarre, she felt at peace and it did not scare her. We did not talk about this around our son as he is too young for these things. The possibility of one of them contaminating the other's memory was very small as I made every attempt to control my personal investigation of the white figure. I had them go into separate rooms and draw what they had seen. They drew very similar pictures. The figure had human shape and only visible from the waist area up. It stood approximately 6' tall. It moved when my son saw it. It seemingly looked at my wife. Obviously this incident shook us up a bit. I don't know what the significance of it is is but I do know they are related. We have never, in 7 years in this house, seen anything out of the ordinary. We are sane people. We are confused. - MUFON CMS ********** Maine - unedited: Hello friend I am an abuctee here is one of my abductions It must have been about a year ago not sure date, 2010 ] but i went to the city to visit my brother. Around 2 am i left his house and walked to a longtime friend who also lived in the city. It is only about 10 min walk. When walking the next thing i can remember was having my eyes closed and hearing this calm, relaxing, soothing almost hypnotizing in a females voice saying. Kevin,, Kevin,,, its ok Kevin where here to help, it's ok, where no going to harm you, its okay. We¡¦re going to make you feel better. then my eyes opened up and at first there was a blinding light but then it went away and i could see the room and in the room were 2 Grey aliens very tall i remember the room there was 2 different colors in the room 1 on the top of the wall and on at the bottom almost like a trim around a room the top color was purple and the bottom color was blue, it was a thin line of theses colors trimming the room as light, light was coming from them. I asked the alien if they aren¡¦t going to harm me what they are going to do to me. They replied back ¡§we are going to help you and fix you¡¨ i know my mouth wasn¡¦t moving when talking to them. Because when I would get scared then I could tell I was using my mouth. The next thing i remember was each Grey on each side of me they then put me up against a cold metal thing and it was moving with each of them on my sides they brought me to a hall to the left of the white room, the hall was dark cloudy or misty like fog, the hall ways must have been 50 ft. 40 ft., long it took about 30 to 50 to get me down hall i can remember that, so about maybe 40 ft. 50 ft., before i got to the next room i could see to the right in the room a huddled circle formation of at least 7 to 8 Greys in a huddled formation they were tall. There was and exit to another room next to them with a hall way same as the white room. To the left in the room was a smaller group about 5. The room itself was dark round there was a fog or a mist in the room but at time it seemed to go away, also a dim light because I could see across the room. The walls of the room were indented almost like a V shape indent in the wall or this } so the walls were not flat like Are¡¦s. When entering the room I could smell a chemical like smell something like Bleach or Peroxide or Ammonia. They brought me into center of the room. I remember one of them was so tall he had to like bend a little to look me in the eyes. What¡¦s weird at this point was I wasn¡¦t really scared and it seemed hard for me to see their face at times others I could see them .i was still standing up against that thing they put me against in the white room. Then, one of them out there hand on my nose and another one put this small black tube up my nose, it made this noise, The alien Greys had long fingers very tall had a little mouth that moved up n down motion like a fish mouth but nothing was coming out. I remember screaming after they did that. All the time i could hear the voice saying it¡¦s going to be ok we hear to help, in a soft calm voice as if they was trying to relax me, but i was scared the next thing i remember was the thing i was standing up against slammed down making this loud noise it slammed down like a table, so I was now lying down They then brought me towards the left side of the room so it seemed. I began to get hostile and remember cocking my left leg back and kicking the alien to my lower left, he went against wall n fell down. I clearly remember doing it and watching the Grey fly against the wall and sliding down the other Greys quickly backed off; from then on the next thing i remember was on the side of the road again. Right after i realized what had happened still dazed n confused, tired, lost feeling. There was this cop who drove real slow right next to me and i asked him where a street was and he looked at me for a few minutes, he didn¡¦t say a word just pointed and stared with this nasty look, blank see threw me look almost, i had lost 3 or 4 hours of time it was nearly 6 in morning when i got to my friend¡¦s house. „« I remember the smells in the craft; they were like bleach, ammonia, or peroxide smell, the greys were at least 7 ft. or 8ft tall, long fingers, slips for mouths n smaller black eyes „« I was talking to them telepathic „« I use to have a crooked nose but since the alien stuck that small black tube up my nose it¡¦s straight again „« I remember the colors of inside the craft white, purple, blue, „« I remember some of there tech, such as a thin about 7inch black tube, the thing I was standing against moves on its own and is capable at fast speed slamming down like a table or bed. There are other accounts but this one stick outs in my head the most... Please i need help in this matter ever since it has happened it has consumed my thinking completely and is all i can think about, it took me almost a year to go outside at night i was so petrified. since every night before i go to bed i just have to stair or forced to look up in the sky at nothing my eyes wide open with tears pouring down my face and my jaw wide open, I¡¦ll be standing like that for at least 10 min if not longer. Almost in a drown fashion. i am desperately looking for help and do not know where to look i am branching out to you in hopes you may be able to point me in right way in helping me on this matter i thank you very much for reading my email and you time thank you again. Kevin - MUFON CMS ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Join Eric Altman and Lon Strickler each Sunday at 8 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcasts! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing ![]() Click here to check out Stan's most recent book! 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