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- Where Was Christopher Columbus Really Born?
- Waiting for the Storm - Help Still Needed
- Just the Facts? Siberia UFO Landing, King Arthur's Round Table and Strange Texas Lights
Where Was Christopher Columbus Really Born? Posted: 27 Aug 2011 08:21 PM PDT The following, Christopher Columbus's Origins, posts the various countries suggested to be the real birthplace of explorer Christopher Columbus, AKA Cristóbal Colón, Cristoforo Colombo, Christoffa Corombo or Cristofor Colom. 1) Genoa 2) Small towns just outside Genoa: e.g. Savona and nearby Albisola 3) Piacenza (in northern Italy) 4) A Catalan-speaking territory 5) Extremadura (today Spain) 6) A Greek Islander 7) A Byzantine noble 8 ) A Mediterranean Jew 9) A Portuguese/Galician Jew 10) Portugal 11) Galicia 12) English 13) Scottish or Irish 14) Polish 15) Swedish For example: Historian Claims Christopher Columbus Was Scottish Alfonso Ensenat de Villalonga has disputed conventionally-accepted narratives on the explorer's origins - that he was the son of a weaver in Genoa, Italy, or that he was from Catalonia or Galicia in Spain. In fact, he was from Genoa, but he was "the son of shopkeepers not weavers and he was baptised Pedro not Christopher," Mr Villalonga told Spain's ABC newspaper on Sunday. And his family name was Scotto, and was not Italian but of Scottish origin. "He had light-coloured eyes and freckles. He also had blond hair even though it quickly turned white. That's how his contemporaries described him. Nothing like the traditional images (of him), which are totally invented," the historian said. Mr Villalonga cited a chronicle of Catholic kings written by Lucio Marineo Siculo, who referred in his writings to "Pedro Columbus", not Christopher. The historian has also claimed that the navigator once worked for a pirate called Vincenzo Columbus, and adopted that family name in order not to "expose" his relations. Mr Villalonga said his research involved combing the archives in the Genoa region along with those in the Spanish history academy and national library. Also... New Evidence: Christopher Columbus Possible Son of Vladislav III, Exiled King of Poland He is celebrated as the humble Italian weaver who ended up discovering the Americas. But the conventional wisdom relating to Christopher Columbus is under threat after academics concluded the explorer was actually a Polish immigrant. An international team of distinguished professors have completed 20 years of painstaking research into his beginnings. The fresh evidence about Columbus' background is revealed in a new book by Manuel Rosa, an academic at Duke University in the United States. He says the voyager was not from a family of humble Italian craftsmen as previously thought - but the son of Vladislav III, an exiled King of Poland. 'The sheer weight of the evidence presented makes the old tale of a Genoese wool-weaver so obviously unbelievable that only a fool would continue to insist on it,' Rosa said. The academic argues that the only way Columbus persuaded the King of Spain to fund his journey across the Atlantic Ocean was because he was royalty himself. For some reason he hid the true identity of his Polish biological father from most people during his lifetime, and history books have been none the wiser. 'Another nutty conspiracy theory! That's what I first supposed as I started to read... I now believe that Columbus is guilty of huge fraud carried out over two decades against his patrons,' said US historian Prof. James T. McDonough. Other historians first doubted Columbus' Polish roots, but Rosa's findings have been steadily gaining followers as the evidence comes to light. 'This book will forever change the way we view our history,' said Portuguese historian Prof. Jose Carlos Calazans. National Geographic is reportedly interested in making a documentary. Until now, it was believed that Columbus, who was born in the Italian city of Genoa in 1451, was the son of Domenico Columbo, who was a weaver and had a cheese stall in a market in the city. At the age of 22 Columbus started working for Genoese merchants trading throughout the Mediterranean, and three years later took part in a special trading expedition to northern Europe, docking at Bristol before continuing to Ireland and Iceland. Throughout the 1480s, when Columbus was in his 30s, he traded along the African coast. Historians say it is a myth that navigators thought the world was flat before Columbus sailed west – they had been using the stars at night as a primitive navigation system that assumed the earth was a sphere. What sailors including Columbus didn't know is how big the earth was, and how long it would take to sail round it. When he persuaded financiers to back his voyage west in 1492, he had completely miscalculated the distances and thought that Asia would be where America is: he arrived in the Bahamas, thinking he was somewhere off the coast of China. Columbus undertook three more return journeys across the Atlantic Ocean, each time hoping that he had found another part of Asia. He set up Spanish colonies and became governor of the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, but was later put on trial in Spain for alleged abuse of power. After Columbus' death in 1506, European explorers continued to set up colonies and eventually empires in north and south America. NOTE: for one famous individual to have so much controversy as to their origin is very uncommon...even though he lived over 500 years ago. In fact, one gentleman (who, by the way, is a college professor) attempted to explain to me that Columbus was most likely an alien hybrid who was genetically engineered by a group of non-human beings living in present day Turkey. I tend to believe that Columbus was of Catalan-Genoan descent and most likely born and raised in Spain. But my guess is as good as any other...Lon Columbus DNA Tests Christopher Columbus writings prove he was Spanish, claims study But American researchers say the mystery over the explorer's true origins has finally been solved after a thorough investigation of his writings. A study of the language used in the official records and letters of the Great Navigator apparently proves he hailed from the Kingdom of Aragon in northeastern Spain and his mother tongue was Catalan. Since his death in 1506 debate has raged over the true nationality of the man credited with discovering the Americas. It was widely believed that he was the son of a weaver born in the Italian port of Genoa, but over the centuries he has been claimed as a native son of Greece, Catalonia, Portugal, Corsica, France and even Poland. According to one theory, he may have been Jewish and another more recent account traced his origins to Scotland. But a linguistic professor at Georgetown University in Washington has published new findings following an exhaustive study of documents written in his hand. Estelle Irizarry studied his language and grammar and concluded that Columbus was a Catalan speaking man from the Kingdom of Aragon, an inland region of north-eastern Spain at the foot of the Pyrenees. The findings published this month in a new book "The DNA of the writings of Columbus" explain that although he wrote in Castilian it was clearly not his first language and his origins can be pinpointed to the Aragon region because of the grammar and the way he constructed sentences. "He didn't express him correctly in any written language," said the professor. "His Spanish was notoriously incorrect yet at the same time efficient, poetic and eloquent." A scientific project launched three years ago to discover his true origins using DNA comparisons between his family and possible descendants has so far failed to provide conclusive results. A team of scientists took samples from the tomb of Columbus in Seville and from bones belonging to his brother and son and compared them to the genetic make-up of hundreds of people living across Europe with surnames believed to be modern day variants of Columbus. Swabs were taken from the cheeks of Colom's in Catalonia, Colombo's in Italy and even members of the deposed Portuguese royal family, who argue that Columbus was the product of an extramarital affair involving a Portuguese prince. Scientists had hoped to establish a common ancestor using standard Y-chromosome tests but they have yet to find a link. They study may be in vain, however, as there is evidence to suggest that Columbus, who first crossed the Atlantic in 1492, may have adopted his surname later in life to disguise his true origins. One theory claims that he once worked for a pirate called Vincenzo Columbus, and adopted that name in order not to embarrass his relations with his new profession. Columbus himself, when asked about his origins, used to shrug off the questions. "Vine de nada" – "I came from nothing", he said. - telegraph |
Waiting for the Storm - Help Still Needed Posted: 27 Aug 2011 09:46 AM PDT Well, as I write this the wind and rain from Hurricane Irene is starting to move into my area. The lights have been I have no idea how long the power will hold out. Take care and we'll be in touch soon. In the meantime, I hope you will consider helping 'Phantoms and Monsters' remain a free daily newsletter. Thanks...Lon I truly hope you will consider endorsing 'Phantoms and Monsters' continued free daily newsletter service. The thoughtfulness, concern and courtesy expressed to me by the readers has been amazing. I genuinely consider each of you as part of a family...and a little bit really does mean a lot. Thanks again...Lon Lon Strickler 'Phantoms and Monsters' 26 Coachman Ct. Randallstown, MD 21133 USA |
Just the Facts? Siberia UFO Landing, King Arthur's Round Table and Strange Texas Lights Posted: 27 Aug 2011 10:17 AM PDT Siberia UFO landing? Click for video For an alien looking to explore Earth, the frozen wastes of Siberia may not be the most attractive of landing locations. But if this film footage is to be believed, that's exactly where these 'little green men' chose to land their UFO. The clip, filmed in the remote Irkutsk region of Siberia, appears to show a strange glowing craft and five aliens walking about in the snow. Scroll down to watch the video Proof at last? This screen grab shows an apparent UFO on the ground with what appears to be an unearthly being to its right and four other beings directly in front of the glowing craft Proof at last? This screen grab shows an apparent UFO on the ground with what appears to be an unearthly being to its right and four other beings directly in front of the glowing craft It shows what seems to be an alien about four feet tall, standing 15 feet away from its glowing craft, with four other similar figures nearby. The short clip was taken two days after mysterious lights illuminated the Siberian night skies above Bayanday, also in Irkutsk. 'Two days after these clips were taken the town of Bayanday reported a crash of a huge pink and blue glowing object. 'An enormous explosion was then heard over a wide area.' He claimed police and rescue departments were flooded with phone calls from frightened residents. 'The military soon confirmed that it had not been doing any exercises in the area and therefore cannot be responsible for any reports of UFOs,' he added. But he claims the authorities organised a cover-up of the UFO landing. Officials declared the event classified and told journalists the area of impact would not be revealed, he said. Only hours prior to the March 1 event, air-traffic controllers in Yakutks, Siberia, claim to have picked up a UFO on radar traveling at 6000 mph at a height of 65,000ft. When they tried to speak with the crew of the craft they heard bizarre cat noises being uttered to them. 'What I want to know is did the craft actually crash at all or was this just a noisy landing?' said Mike. The latest UFO claim to come out of Siberia comes months after the apparent discovery of an alien's body was revealed as a hoax. In April, two students who claimed to have recovered the body from a UFO crash site admitted that the creature was in fact made out of BREAD. Friends Timur Hilall, 18, and Kirill Vlasov, 19, shot the video that showed the alien's mangled remains frozen in snow in Irkutsk, Siberia. The pair were questioned by police over their 'extraterrestrial discovery' but admitted to their stunt. But not before their creation became an internet sensation, drawing almost 700,000 hits on YouTube. Their find was deemed serious enough for the Kremlin to get involved and a spokesman from the Russian interior ministry confirmed the hoax. 'We found the alien in one of the student's homes,' he said. 'It was lying under his bed and an examination of it revealed it had been made of bread crumbs which were covered in chicken skin.' Prosecutors are now considering whether or not the pair have committed any crimes. - dailymail NOTE: this story is coming from Michael Cohen, whose reports and 'evidence' always need to be viewed sceptically. Take it for what it's worth...Lon ********** Strange stationary light Texas - 8/27/2011 - unedited: I'm at home staying up late as usual when I look through the open shutters of my living room to notice a flying red light about half a mile away. It was hovering over a neighbors farm. They have dozens of cows in my small Texas city and my home is surrounded by them from the west, NW, N, and NE. For about two seconds I thought it was a plane or a helicopter but I quickly noticed that it was silent. I live near many small airports so I know exactly what a plane, helicopter, even chinooks sound like. My neighborhood is very quiet. It is not fully developed and we have tons of empty lots so we're not a big group. I instantly go into a mode that I've never been in before and I document the time to 2am. It is extremely dark in my town at night. We are away from the big cities so it was very hard for me to see the shape of the object. I could only make out the lights. There were a few colors flashing but sometimes there would only be a red light, not flashing, just still and in the shape of a line. I watched this object for 10 minutes before I grabbed my binoculars and then for 35 more minutes. Sometimes a house would be in the way, but it would always rise back up. It flew pretty low. If I saw a plane flying that low I'd expect it to crash. I was just very freaked out by the flight pattern. It would sometimes fly straight up or straight down or stay still or fly away or fly straight towards my way, but it would change patterns quickly. For the most part, it was circling in the air about 2-3 miles away, very near the local airport. I wish I was good at figuring out how large it was or how high it was and I also wish that I could've gotten a better look at the shape of the object. Even with my binoculars, it was difficult to see. I could only make out its lights because they were so easily noticed. The object did not disappear or give off any light explosions when it went away. It just simply went away. It started moving East till I could no longer see it. About 20 minutes later I hear a helicopter fly over and I saw a plane flying at the appropriate altitude and the usual flight pattern. So, that really confirmed that I did not see an airplane or helicopter and I'm definitely considering buying night vision binoculars. - MUFON CMS NOTE: we are currently involved with a case in north Texas of a craft that appears nightly...there has been other strange activity as well. Lon *********** Man found with suitcase full of ape parts he planned to eat A horrifying stash of ape body parts intended for use in voodoo spells has been confiscated by customs officials in Potsdam, Germany. The haul - which included chimp heads, hands, internal organs and several penises - were discovered in the suitcase of African-born David Bueno, 41, who claimed he planned to eat them. But contraband expert believe the parts were to be used in witchcraft and voodoo rituals where animal body parts are said to bring strength and power to believers. A customs spokesman said: "This is increasingly common, sadly. These body parts are used in religious rites or medicine." Bueno - who was on his way back from the Congo - is facing charges of trafficking endangered species. - germanherald ********** King Arthur's round table may have been found by archaeologists in Scotland The King's Knot, a geometrical earthwork in the former royal gardens below Stirling Castle, has been shrouded in mystery for hundreds of years. Though the Knot as it appears today dates from the 1620s, its flat-topped central mound is thought to be much older. Writers going back more than six centuries have linked the landmark to the legend of King Arthur. Archaeologists from Glasgow University, working with the Stirling Local History Society and Stirling Field and Archaeological Society, conducted the first ever non-invasive survey of the site in May and June in a bid to uncover some of its secrets. Their findings were show there was indeed a round feature on the site that pre-dates the visible earthworks. Historian John Harrison, chair of the SLHS, who initiated the project, said: "Archaeologists using remote-sensing geophysics, have located remains of a circular ditch and other earth works beneath the King's Knot. "The finds show that the present mound was created on an older site and throws new light on a tradition that King Arthur's Round Table was located in this vicinity." Stories have been told about the curious geometrical mound for hundreds of years -- including that it was the Round Table where King Arthur gathered his knights. Around 1375 the Scots poet John Barbour said that "the round table" was south of Stirling Castle, and in 1478 William of Worcester told how "King Arthur kept the Round Table at Stirling Castle". Sir David Lindsay, the 16th century Scottish writer, added to the legend in 1529 when he said that Stirling Castle was home of the "Chapell-royall, park, and Tabyll Round". It has also been suggested the site is partly Iron Age or medieval, or was used as a Roman fort. Extensive work on the royal gardens was carried out in the early 17th century for Charles I, when the mound is thought to have taken its current form. The first known record of the site being called the King's Knot is from 1767, by which time it was being leased for pasture. Locals refer to the grassy earthworks as the "cup and saucer", but aerial photographs taken in 1980 showed three concentric ditches beneath and around the King's Knot mound, suggesting an earthwork monument had preceded it. The new survey -- funded by Historic Scotland and Stirling City Heritage Trust -- used the latest scientific techniques to showing lost structures and features up to a metre below the ground. It also revealed a series of ditches south of the main mound, as well as remains of buildings, and more recent structures, including modern drains which appear at the northern end of the gardens. Mr Harrison, who has studied the King's Knot for 20 years, said: "It is a mystery which the documents cannot solve, but geophysics has given us new insights. "Of course, we cannot say that King Arthur was there, but the feature which surrounds the core of the Knot could explain the stories and beliefs that people held." Archaeologist Stephen Digney, who coordinated the project, said: "The area around Stirling Castle holds some of the finest medieval landscapes in Europe. "This investigation is an exciting first step in a serious effort to explore, explain and interpret them. The results so far suggest that Scotland's monarchs integrated an ancient feature into their garden, something we know happened in other countries too. "We are looking forward to the next stage in September when we hope to refine some of the details." Dr. Kirsty Owen, Cultural Heritage Adviser at Historic Scotland, added: "The project has the potential to add to our knowledge of the landscape context of the medieval and early modern occupation of Stirling Castle. "The ditches identified may intriguingly be part of historically documented earlier garden features, or if prehistoric in origin could add to our scant knowledge of prehistoric activity at Stirling Castle. "We look forward to seeing the results of the next phase of investigations."Futher work including a ground-penetrating radar survey, is now planned to take place next month to find out more. A small display of the interim results can be seen close to the site at the Smith Museum. - telegraph ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Join Eric Altman and Lon Strickler each Sunday at 8 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing The Social - Paranormal Network ![]() A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. 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