Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- New Alien Beings Reported at Ilkley Moor, West Yorkshire
- Just the Facts? Alien by the Campfire, Amazon Underground River and 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Still Strong
- Reader Submitted Odd and Ends
New Alien Beings Reported at Ilkley Moor, West Yorkshire Posted: 29 Aug 2011 10:22 PM PDT New Ilkley Moor Aliens Sighting Click for video Odd video surfaced recently that reportedly shows two aliens hiding among the rocks on Ilkley Moor. Ilkley Moor is part of Rombalds Moor, the moorland between Ilkley and Keighley in West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom. The area is known for strange paranormal activity including a famous encounter in 1987: ![]() ![]() The Ilkley Moor: Ilkley Moor is the highest part of Rombalds Moor, the moorland between Ilkley and Keighley in West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom. The peat bogs rise to 402 m (1,319 ft) above sea level. Ilkley Moor is very much like you would expect: a place of mystery and intrigue, and full of legends. There have been a number of reports of UFOs over the area, along with odd lights that seem to come and go. The lights, shining through the dense fog, can play tricks on the mind. There are two places where planes come and go-Menwith Hill Military Base, and Leeds Bradford Airport. Some of the strange sightings in the moor may be attributed to plane lights, but they will not explain what happened to Philip Spencer. Spencer had worked as a policemen for four years in another location, but to fulfill his wife's wishes to be closer to her family, he had moved the family to Yorkshire. Spencer was taking a walk across the moor one December morning to his father-in-law's house, and was hoping to take some photographs of the strange lights on the moor. He had loaded his camera with ASA rated film to get the best quality pictures he could in the less than perfect lighting conditions. He could not imagine what was to soon befall him. A Strange Looking Creature: Spencer also brought along a compass to help find his way in the early morning hours before sun up. He was attempting to get some good angles for his photographs, when he saw a strange-looking being through the fog. The small being was on the slopes of the moor. Spencer took aim and photographed the small creature. He felt that the being was attempting to wave him away from the area. Whatever the being was, it ran away. UFO Leaves Moor: Spencer wanted to know more about what this strange being was, and what it wanted. He took off trying to catch up to it. Later, he would state that he must have just acted on impulse, as he had no fear of the unknown entity at the time. As he ran toward the being, he was stunned to see an unknown flying craft with a dome on top rising up from the moor grounds. It soon disappeared into the sky. He was not quick enough to photograph the UFO. The photograph that Spencer took of the creature on the moor was very blurry, but it is still quite evident that there is some type of being present. The being very much resembles the so-called "grays" of UFO legend. Spencer waited for a time to see if the UFO or the alien creature might return, but all was quiet across the moor. He began to make his way to the nearest village, to get his photograph developed, and as he did, he noticed that his compass was pointing south instead of north. Arriving at the village, he noticed that his watch was an hour behind. Photographic Analysis: ![]() The photograph that Spencer took was first analyzed by a wildlife expert. He concluded that whatever was in the photograph was not any known animal. There was no way to ascertain if the subject of the photograph was a living creature or not just by looking at the picture. A recreation of the setting of the photograph was undertaken, and it was estimated that the creature was about four feet tall. An analysis of the photograph was done by Kodak laboratories in Hemel, Hempstead. They concluded that the object was indeed part of the original shot, and not added later. The photograph was then shipped to America to be enhanced by computer, and analyzed. Dr. Bruce Maccabee, optical physicist with the United States Navy gave his expert conclusion: "I had great hopes that this case would prove definitive. Sadly circumstances prevent it from being so." Spencer made no money from his photograph, and relinquished all rights to the photograph to UFO investigators. Further Information and Conclusions: There have been numerous theories and much speculation about the Ilkley Moor photograph. Because of the poor lighting conditions present on the moor at the time the picture was taken, it was not possible to get a complete and definite conclusion. But with Spencer being a well respected man, and not given to making up stories, it can be said with certainty that Spencer lost about an hour in the moor, saw an unknown flying object of some type, and took a photograph of some unknown creature on December 1, 1987. As Spencer regained his missing memories through hypnosis (read transcript below), he gave a fascinating tale of alien abduction. He was taken aboard the craft that he had seen lifting up from the Ilkley Moor. He was given medical-type examinations before being released. He could now remember that it was after his release from the UFO that he took the picture. Climatic information gathered about the conditions of December 1, 1987, made it almost impossible for Spencer to have taken his picture at the time he had stated. However, if the regressive memories are accurate, the conditions would be right to duplicate the lighting conditions of the photograph, which was taken at least an hour after Spencer thought. The witness of a UFO/alien event is as important as the report itself. The case of Ilkley Moor rides high on the character of Spencer. Through the years, Spencer and Hough became good friends, and still see each other from time to time. There has been no change in Spencer's account of what he saw that day. He has sought no money from the case, and signed over all copyright privileges to Hough in early 1988. Spencer desires no fame from his account. Is the picture of the Ilkley Moor alien real or was it staged? There is no way to say, as the search for more information continues. _______________________ CONTROVERSY and HYPNOSIS TRANSCRIPT ![]() The case of the Ilkley Moor alien is one of the most controversial cases of alien abduction ever recorded in the U.K. because of the circumstances surrounding the event. At odds is the wide spread disbelief in alien abductions and the two very damning facts purporting it: the Ilkley Moor abductee was a police officer, expected to be an expert eyewitness, and the photograph of what he claims is the entity he encountered. Police officer Alan Godfrey claimed that he came across the being while crossing the Moor, in the county of Yorkshire on the morning of December 1st, 1987. He described the being as small, humanoid and green. He seemed to have startled the creature, for it took off running before halting at a safe distance and perhaps signaling him by bending it's right arm and raising it. Godfrey was carrying a camera and snapped a photo of the being, which seemed to have caused it to run off again, this time behind a large rock formation. Godfrey gave chase, and as he rounded the rock formation he stopped dead in his tracks amazed at what was before him. A large gleaming silver domed metallic disc shaped craft stood in the clearing before him, and in an instant it shot off at incredible speed into the sky. Godfrey was unable to account for two hours after the encounter. Secondly, the photograph of the alien was badly blurred. Yet both the photo and the negative were examined by Kodak Film, which subsequently declared that the images had not been tampered with. Also, the officer noticed that his compass had switched polarity, it now pointed south instead of north. The compass was examined by the University of Manchester's Institute of Science and Technology. Their conclusion: there were only two ways that this could have happened. Either the compass was inside a very strong magnetic field from a magnet, or had been subjected to a rapidly applied magnetic field or "pulsed" magnetic field generated by enormous amounts of electricity. Godfrey decided to under go hypnotic regression to try and recount the missing time. Under hypnosis he was able to recount now that when he had come upon the silver craft in the clearing it had levitated him up inside of it. He described his captors as being about four feet tall "with big pointed ears and large black eyes....with three big fingers, like sausages." After apparently being examined by some type of "illuminating device" Godfrey was shown harrowing images of the earths environmental destruction. He was also shown another series of images which he absolutely refused to discuss, saying that he'd been sworn to secrecy. Here is a transcript of the session: JS- I want you to cast your mind back to the 1st December last year when you set off across the moor. I want you to clear your mind back to that and I want you to re-experience that. I want you to tell me what you experienced. Spencer- I'm walking along the moor, oh! its quite windy. There is a lot of clouds. Walking up towards some trees. I see this little something, can't tell, but he's green it's moving up towards me. (We later found out that Jon had took the photo after his abduction and the creature was waving goodbye) Oh! I'm stuck I can't move and the creature still coming towards me. I'm stuck and everything gone fuzzy. I'm, I'm floating along in the air I want to get down! (He later told us he was levitated 2 feet off the ground and the creature was in front of him like a child pulling a balloon on a string). I still can't get down and I don't like it. I'm going round this corner and this green thing is in front of me. Oh God! I want to get down! (long pause) (breathing faster) There's a there is a big silver saucer thing there's a door in it. And I don't want to go in there. (worried sound in his voice) (sigh) Everything gone black now. (pause). JS- you say everything gone black? Spencer- Mmm! I can't see anything like I'm asleep, can't hear anything. (short pause) There's a bright light now. Can't see where it's coming from? I'm in a funny sort of room I can hear this voice saying don't be afraid. I don't feel afraid anymore. I can still see this green thing but I'm not afraid anymore of it. I'm being put on a table. I can move now if I want to, but I don't feel frightened any more and there's a beam like a pole it's above me it's moving up toward me. It's got a light in it like a fluorescent tube. It's coming up from my feet I can hear that voice again saying "we don't mean to harm you and don't be afraid." Makes me feel warm as it moves up me it's coming up over my stomach towards my head. Close my eyes I don't want to look at it in case it hurts my eyes. It's gone! (pause) there is something my nose feels funny (shows movement of nose) that's gone as well, I'm standing up now I don't know how I got stood up? I can see a door there is one of these green creatures motioning for me to come with him. Don't really want to go with him. I'd rather stay here I don't feel afraid in here (pause). JS- Can you tell me what's happening now? Spencer- I'm walking towards a door there is still a bright light there is light all around want to know where its coming from its just bright all around. Walking down a corridor there is a window. Oh! God!(sounds shocked)is that real? (deep sigh) (pause) (sounds afraid) don't want to be up here want to be down there? I can hear that voice again saying you've got nothing to fear. Its pretty though didn't realize it looked so pretty. (What Jon was looking at through the window was the earth seen from high in space just like the Apollo astronauts saw. Iv gone past the window now I'm walking down a corridor. (long pause) JS- What's happening now? Spencer- Come to the end of the corridor. There's a hole opened in it so I can walk through. I'm in a big room-a big round room, I'm on a raised platform against the wall. My camera and compass are trying to get away from me. Going towards the ball. It's difficult to pull them back down again, and this balls moved round with strange its got some blocks on it he says we cant stay in here to long he wants us to go out again the holes closed in the wall its gone strange he says I've got nothing to fear but Id still like to go home (pause) its got such big hands. JS- What's happening now? Spencer- Going down a corridor again. its very bright still I wish I knew where the light was coming from. And there is another door, going through a door it's an empty room two of those green creatures have come with me. there's a picture ,it's starting to move on the wall wonder how they get the pictures? JS- Can you tell me what's happening at this point? Spencer- I'm looking at the pictures on the wall. (long pause) JS- Pictures on the wall? Spencer- Mmmm. Creatures seem concerned at the damage that its doing. Picture changing now there's another picture, another film he's asking me a question he says do you understand? I said yes. It's time to go. Everything gone black. I'm walking up the moor again, I'm walking near some trees. Some movement - I can see something. A green creature. I've shouted to it. It's turned round. I don't know what it is. I'll photograph it it's turned around now. It's moving quick want to know what it is. I'm running after it, it's gone round a corner, I can't see it now. There's ... There is a saucer (laughingly), big silver saucer! It's disappeared? I'm walking on down gone past the trees. JS- What's happening now? Spencer- I'm going home. It's ten o'clock on the town hall clock. Can't really understand it was only eight o'clock. JS- You mentioned some green creatures. Would you try to describe them to me? Spencer- It's quite small. He's got big pointed ears, it's got big eyes. They're quite dark, he hasn't got a nose he's only got a little mouth. And his hands are enormous. And his arms are long. He's got funny feet. JS- Funny feet? Spencer- They're like a V shape like two big toes. Must be difficult to walk like that. He shuffles rather than walks. I don't feel afraid of him although he looks odd. JS- You mentioned big hands? Can you say anymore about the hands? Spencer- It's got three big fingers, like sausages. Big sausages. They're just very big. Bigger than my hands. JS- About how tall would you say these creatures are? Spencer- It's about four foot. Comes to the lump on my stomach. He's about as high as - just a bit bigger than my stomach is. JS- Okay. Now I wonder if I can ask you another question? you mentioned a film? Spencer- There were two films. JS- Two films? Spencer- One was lots of scenes of destruction like on the news. Can see lots of waste going into the river, and people like Ethiopians who are starving. It's not very good, it's not very nice. JS- Want to say anything more about that film? Spencer- It's much of the same thing, only different. JS- What about the other film then? Do you want to tell me about it? Spencer- I'm not supposed to. JS- I'll leave that up to you entirely, do you want to say anything about that? Spencer- I'm not supposed to tell anyone about the other film, it's not for them to know. JS- Is there any thing more? Spencer- No. NOTE: over the years I have talked to several investigators about this case and the theories are all over the spectrum. The most prevalent thought is that this was not an actual alien and simply an anomaly caused by conditions on the moor. Though Spencer never sought compensation and was well regarded by people who knew him, the consensus is that overall, the story just doesn't add up. I have seen witnesses undergo hypnotic regression with a fair degree of success when a competent professional is running the session. If Spencer's regression session was legit, then I have to give his account the benefit of the doubt...Lon Sources: VZMEDY385YCK |
Posted: 29 Aug 2011 11:14 AM PDT Alien by the campfire I actually did not see this creature until later when I took the memory stick out of my camera & put on my computer. And even then I didnt notice it but an old school chum noticed it on the photo on my Facebook page. I never even was sure I really believed in aliens. It looks like a gargoyle to me almost. It is facing a fire we had built between our families 2 travel trailers & we did compare against the flames & its is NOT the flames. This things was right next to me but I did not see it. When we arrived at the Sand Lake Dunes in Tillamook there was an odd noise that started that everyone thought was a cat. It was the weirdest experience as all my family & friends have really been unsettled by this photo. I might still have it on the original memory stick if it needs to be analyzed. I have photos of the exact area taken in daylight with nothing there. There is also a blue orb in the photo but orbs are often in my photos. This evening my boyfriend did some photoshopping playing with the lights of the photo & it appears to be solid as the light reflects off of it. There also appears to be some sort of symbols/insignia on the metallic part of the garmet this "alien" is wearing. I am not into aliens at all. In fact, my boyfriend watches so many programs about aliens that Im fairly weary of anything having to do with aliens. This is not my field of interest at all. I kept thinking of it as a demon. But in the interests of science & because this does appear to be a genuine...otherworldly creature, I thought perhaps I should share it. This happened in October of 2010 when I was attending the jeep club races of my boyfriends family. - MUFON CMS ********** Cuban man 'Twenty-Four' is proud of his four extra fingers, toes They call him "Twenty-Four." Yoandri Hernandez Garrido's nickname comes from the six perfectly formed fingers on each of his hands and the six impeccable toes on each foot. Hernandez is proud of his extra digits and calls them a blessing, saying they set him apart and enable him to make a living by scrambling up palm trees to cut coconuts and posing for photographs in Baracoa, an eastern Cuban city popular with tourists. One traveler paid $10 for a picture with him, Hernandez said, a bonanza in a country with an average salary of just $20 a month. "It's thanks to my 24 digits that I'm able to make a living, because I have no fixed job," Hernandez said. Known as polydactyly, Hernandez's condition is relatively common, but it's rare for the extra digits to be so perfect. Anyone who glanced quickly at his hands would be hard-pressed to notice anything different unless they paused and started counting. Hernandez said that as a boy he was visited by a prominent Cuban orthopedist who is also one of Fidel Castro's doctors, and he declared that in all his years of travel he had never seen such a case of well-formed polydactyly. "He was very impressed when he saw my fingers," said Hernandez, who is the only one in his family to be born with extra digits. In a part of the world where people's physical traits are often the basis for nicknames — even unflattering ones like "fatty" or "shorty" — "veinticuatro" ("twenty-four" in English) is not an insult but rather a term of endearment, and Hernandez, now 37, said his uniqueness has made him a popular guy. He has a 10-year-old son with a woman who now lives in Havana, and his current girlfriend is expecting his second child. "Since I was young, I understood that it was a privilege to have 24 digits. Nobody has ever discriminated against me for that," he said. "On the contrary, people admire me and I am very proud. I have a million friends, I live well." Nevertheless, it occasionally caused confusion growing up. "One day when I was in primary school, a teacher asked me how much was five plus five?" Hernandez recalled. "I was very young, kind of shy, and I didn't say anything. She told me to count how many fingers I had, so I answered, "12!" "The teacher was a little upset, but it was the truth," he said. Hernandez said he hopes he can be an example to children with polydactyly that there's nothing wrong with them. "I think it's what God commanded," he said. "They shouldn't feel bad about anything, because I think it's one of the greatest blessings and they'll be happy in life." - nola ********** Underground river 'Rio Hamza' discovered 4km beneath the Amazon Covering more than 7 million square kilometres in South America, the Amazon basin is one of the biggest and most impressive river systems in the world. But it turns out we have only known half the story until now. Brazilian scientists have found a new river in the Amazon basin – around 4km underneath the Amazon river. The Rio Hamza, named after the head of the team of researchers who found the groundwater flow, appears to be as long as the Amazon river but up to hundreds of times wider. Both the Amazon and Hamza flow from west to east and are around the same length, at 6,000km. But whereas the Amazon ranges from 1km to 100km in width, the Hamza ranges from 200km to 400km. The underground river starts in the Acre region under the Andes and flows through the Solimões, Amazonas and Marajó basins before opening out directly into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. The Amazon flows much faster than the Hamza, however, draining a greater volume of water. Around 133,000m3 of water flow through the Amazon per second at speeds of up to 5 metres per second. The underground river's flow rate has been estimated at around 3,900m3 per second and it barely inches along at less than a millimetre per hour. The Hamza was located using data collected inside a series of 241 abandoned deep wells that were drilled in the Amazon region by the petrochemical company Petrobras in the 1970s and 1980s. Elizabeth Tavares Pimentel and Valiya Hamza of the Department of Geophysics at Brazil's National Observatory led the work and presented their results last week at the International Congress of the Society Brasiliera Geophysical in Rio de Janeiro. The researchers used a mathematical model to predict the presence of the underground river, based on the measured changes in temperature down the wells. In the presentation, Piementel said that the flow of groundwater was almost vertical through the rocks to depths of around 2,000m. After this, the water flow changes direction and becomes almost horizontal. According to the researchers, the presence of the Rio Hamza river might account for the relatively low salinity of the waters around the mouth of the Amazon. Professor Hamza said Piementel's measurements represented preliminary work on the discovery of the new river, but Hamza said he expected to confirm the existence of the flow with additional measurements within the next few years. - guardian ********** A few Catholics still insist Galileo was wrong Some people believe the world revolves around them — and their belief is born not of selfishness but of faith. A few conservative Roman Catholics are pointing to a dozen Bible verses and the church's original teachings as proof that Earth is the center of the universe, the view that was at the heart of the church's clash with Galileo Galilei four centuries ago. The relatively obscure movement has gained a following among those who find comfort in knowing there are still staunch defenders of early church doctrine. "This subject is, as far as I can see, an embarrassment to the modern church because the world more or less looks upon geocentrism, or someone who believes it, in the same boat as the flat Earth," said James Phillips ofCicero, Ill. Phillips attends Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Church in Oak Park, Ill., a parish run by the Society of St. Pius X, which rejects most of the modernizing reforms made by the Vatican II council from 1962 to 1965. But by challenging modern science, proponents of a geocentric universe are challenging the very church they seek to serve and protect. "I have no idea who these people are," said Brother Guy Consolmagno, curator of meteorites and spokesman for the Vatican Observatory. "Are they sincere, or is this a clever bit of theater?" Those promoting geocentrism argue that heliocentrism, or the centuries-old consensus among scientists that Earth revolves around the sun, is a conspiracy to squelch the church's influence. "Heliocentrism becomes dangerous if it is being propped up as the true system when, in fact, it is a false system," said Robert Sungenis, leader of a budding movement to get scientists to reconsider. "False information leads to false ideas, and false ideas lead to illicit and immoral actions — thus the state of the world today.… Prior to Galileo, the church was in full command of the world, and governments and academia were subservient to her." Sungenis is no Don Quixote. Hundreds of curiosity seekers, skeptics and supporters attended a conference last fall titled "Galileo Was Wrong. The Church Was Right" near the University of Notre Dame campus inSouth Bend, Ind. Astrophysicists at Notre Dame didn't appreciate the group hitching its wagon to America's flagship Catholic university and resurrecting a concept that's extinct for a reason. "It's an idea whose time has come and gone," astrophysics professor Peter Garnavich said. "There are some people who want to move the world back to the 1950s when it seemed like a better time. These are people who want to move the world back to the 1250s." Garnavich said the theory of geocentrism violates what he believes should be a strict separation of church and science. One answers why, the other answers how, and never the twain should meet, he said. But supporters contend there is scientific evidence to support geocentrism, just as there is evidence to support the six-day story of creation in Genesis. There is proof in Scripture that Earth is the center of the universe, Sungenis said. Among many verses, he cites Joshua 10:12-14 as definitive proof: "And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, while the nation took vengeance on its foe.… The sun halted in the middle of the sky; not for a whole day did it resume its swift course." But Ken Ham, founder of the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Ky., said the Bible is silent on geocentrism. "There's a big difference between looking at the origin of the planets, the solar system and the universe and looking at presently how they move and how they are interrelated," Ham said. "The Bible is neither geocentric or heliocentric. It does not give any specific information about the structure of the solar system." Just as Ham challenges the foundation of natural history museums by disputing evolution, Sungenis challenges planetariums, most notably the Vatican Observatory. But Consolmagno said the very premise of going after Galileo illustrates the theory's lack of scientific credibility. "Of course, we understand the universe in a far more nuanced way than Galileo did 400 years ago," he said. "And I would hope that the next 400 years would see just as much development." - latimes ********** One in seven believe U.S. government staged the 9/11 attacks in conspiracy The belief is more common among younger people, with a quarter of 16 to 24-year-olds subscribing to the theory One in seven people are convinced that the U.S. government was involved in a conspiracy to stage the September 11 attacks which killed nearly 3,000 people. A survey, which interviewed 1,000 people in the UK and the same number in the U.S., found that 14 per cent of Britons 15 per cent of Americans think the past administration was involved in the tragedy. They were asked: 'It is generally accepted that these attacks were carried out by Al Qaeda. However some people have suggested there was a wider conspiracy that included the American government. Do you, yourself, believe that there was a wider conspiracy, or not?' The belief that there was a conspiracy was more common among younger people, with a quarter (24 per cent) of 16 to 24-year-olds subscribing to the theory. About two thirds of those polled - 68 per cent - said they didn't think there was a conspiracy. The survey was carried out for a BBC documentary which examines why so many people believe there is a darker truth behind the attacks. The survey was carried out by Gfk NOP as part of a BBC Two programme, The Conspiracy Files - Ten Years On. Telephone polls in the UK and the US were carried out last month. American radio host and actor Alex Jones is a vocal advocate about the conspiracy theories. BBC Radio 2 quoted him as saying this morning: 'Private, corporate, world networks working in US, British, Israeli intelligence - all three groups - have been found to have fingerprints but the main driver was rogue networks at the top of the US Government. 'The Government admits they've staged events before. The official story doesn't add up.' The view is taken despite a series of official inquiries which have found no evidence to support the claims. Emergency workers look for debris in Shanksville, near Pittsburgh, where the hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 crashed, killing all 45 people on board TOP 9/11 CONSPIRACY THEORIES 1. Why did the world's most powerful airforce fail to intercept any of the hijacked planes? What the conspiracists say: The US Vice President Dick Cheney ordered the military to stand down and not intercept the planes. Official reports say: The transponder, which provides the exact location of the plane, had been turned off or changed. There was a lack of communication between the civilian air traffic control (FAA) and the military and the military's equipment was outdated, designed to look out over the ocean to deal with a Cold War threat. 2. Why did the Twin Towers collapse so quickly, imploding without damaging surrounding buildings, after short fires on a few floors? What the conspiracists say: The Twin Towers were destroyed by controlled demolitions. Official reports say: The planes severed and damaged support columns and dislodged fire-proofing. About 10,000 gallons of jet fuel drenched the towers, starting the fires. Temperatures of up to 1,000C caused the floors to sag and the perimeter columns to bend, causing the sounds of explosions. Controlled demolition is carried out from the bottom floors whereas this collapse started at the top. 3. How could an amateur pilot fly a commercial plane in a complicated maneuver, crash it into the Pentagon, 78 minutes after the first report of a possible hijack and leave no trace? What the conspiracists say: The aircraft was not under the control of al-Qaeda but the Pentagon itself. Official reports say: There is a large amount of video and still photography showing the plane wreckage and evidence of its flight path, such as broken lamp posts. 4. Why was the United Airlines flight 93 crash site at Shanksville, Pennsylvania, so small and why was the aircraft debris not visible? What the conspiracists say: The plane was shot down by a missile and disintegrated in mid air, scattering the wreckage over a large area. Official reports say: There are clear photographs showing aircraft wreckage and the cockpit voice recorder proved passengers had revolted and the hijackers had deliberately crashed the plane. Another theory was based on a quote from the local coroner, Wally Miller, who said he stopped being a coroner after about 20 minutes because there were no bodies. But he also said he quickly realised it was a plane crash and there would have to be a large funeral service for the many victims. 5. How could the World Trade Centre 7 building, which was not hit by a plane, collapse so quickly (2.25 seconds) and symmetrically, when no other steel-framed skyscraper has collapsed because of fire? What the conspiracists say: The building was destroyed by a controlled demolition using both explosives and incendiaries. Owner, Larry Silverstein, was heard saying 'pull it' in a TV interview but he was talking about pulling firefighters back. Some scientists examined four dust samples from Ground Zero and claim to have found thermite, a material which reacts when heated up, and that had been explosives rigged inside. Official reports say: The building collapsed because of uncontrolled fires, started by the collapse of the nearby North Tower, which burnt for seven hours. The mains water feeding the emergency sprinkler system was severed. The thermitic material is a type of primer paint. - dailymail |
Posted: 29 Aug 2011 10:21 AM PDT Sky Squid Greetings Lon, Here is an odd photograph which was taken by myself on a trip to Wales this past August 2011. My wife and I were attending our oldest sons wedding and we spent a week afterwords dogsitting while the happy couple went for a short honeymoon to the Isle of Jersey. On Monday August 22, we spent the day exploring the Brecon Beacons in Wales. There we spent a lovely afternoon having a picnic on one of the higher peaks and had great views of the surroundings. I had my camera and took many photographs that day. When I returned home and examined the frames of the digital images I found many anomalies (which always give me a brief thrill) on this outing I was floored to see what only can be discribed as a FLYING SQUID in the upper corner of the photograph. I have always believed in the theory of life forms living in the upper atmosphere of our planet, but that was only a theory. Thank you for your time. Best Regards, Thomas Finley USAF Ret. Essex, England ********** Fresno UFO videos Jeff Gonzales from Sanger Paranormal forwarded the following link of a strange object over Fresno, CA - Morphing UFO The UFO Kid Fresno also forwarded this link - Large UFO over Fresno, CA ********** Photos of UFOs over Dallas, Texas Dallas, Texas 7-28-2011: My brother, a friend and myself were on the front porch when I looked to the east and noticed something that seemed completely out of place. It was brighter than a star or a planet and it seemed to be pulsating and hovering. Commercial aircraft flies overhead regularly and it was much larger and higher altitude. I brought it to my brother and friend's attention and we began watching it closely. It seemed to drift and then hover and then pulse. When it was obvious that it wasn't a plane or a planet (I used my Skyview iPhone application to debunk any planets around or visible... there weren't any visible in that area) we went and got our binoculars and realized it had a specific shape. A triangular shape with at least 3-5 distinct circular orb like shapes at each point with what looked like electrical current running between all the points. I began taking zoomed in pictures with my iPhone and then grabbed my expensive zoom lens Canon camera and rapidly took about 302 photographs. For some reason my cell phone battery went from 88% to 18% within a matter of 15 minutes. This also affected my friend's cell phone battery power as well. It increased in size and rapidly pulsed and while I was watching it thru the binoculars it seemed like 3 other craft split from the center leaving the original object less pulsating and only white light... the other three objects had the spectrum of light in a pattern and were darting to various points and hovering with the colored lights pulsating in a pattered around each craft. The shape of the original object seemed to change as well and become more of a disk like shape. The other 3 objects with colored lights were boomerang shaped. We drove at least 20 miles east to Rockwall, Texas's Lake Ray Hubbard. We parked and continued to watch the objects but they decreased in size and weren't pulsating as much as before. By 5:30am they seemed to be gone. NOTE: These photo were enlarged and cropped from the high definition photos taken by the witness. Thanks to MUFON and their CMS system. Ken Pfeifer *********** Odd thing I have had a few odd things happen to me but nothing that i wish to go into at the moment. bar this event i am about to tell you. I was living in a small town in the midlands in Ireland at the time. and i had just been to the pub after a few drinks with a friend and his girl friend and my girl friend. we all parted company at the bottom of this little alley way as we were all going in different directions. this alley way always spooked me and i have had a feeling that somebody was just behind me really uncomfortable and one each time i used this alley way home which was not often the feeling of something not nice behind me would be stronger i never saw anything on a few occasions it spooked me badly that i sprinted to the end of the alley way even though i never saw anything anyway back to the story in hand this particular night the street lights started to flicker and go out when i would approach them four lights in order this happened to before i reached the lights i was really spooked and ran home not looking back i never used that alley way again and even now when i visit Ireland (home) i stay away from it and take the long route home three years later when i was speaking to a local historian about the area we lived in which encompasses this alley way he told me it was once the site of a mass grave from the Irish famine from the local work house (which by the way still stands and a lot of young people seem to be hanging themselves there) maybe it is just me spooking myself maybe there is something to it my instinct is normally very good for the usual in the more mundane circumstances in Afghanistan (as a soldier) i'll share this experience and see if anybody has had a similar experience to me. Cpl J McGrath HM Forces Kind regrards *********** The Paranormal Pastor Robin Swope stops by with his new book "Eerie Erie" NOTE: this is the Sunday August 28th broadcast. I also describe our current case at Spirit Rescue International including one of the wildest EVPs I've ever heard! Lon ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Join Eric Altman and Lon Strickler each Sunday at 8 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing The Social - Paranormal Network ![]() A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcasts! 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