Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Is UAV Technology Being Used Nationwide?
- Another Big Cat Confirmed Roaming Southern Indiana
- Fortean / Oddball News: Record Florida Gator, Lions Eat Drunk and a Scottish Vampire Tale
- What is Reality? Can Reductionism Really Tell Us? - Part V
Is UAV Technology Being Used Nationwide? Posted: 02 Nov 2010 02:49 PM PDT Are we starting to see UAVs being used throughout the United States? Over the past two weeks or so I have received several inquiries referencing cigar-shaped craft seen during the daylight hours in several states including Indiana, Virginia, Minnesota and California. I realize that the United States government is using some types of UAV technology on the US-Mexico/Canadian borders and are testing at Creech AFB in Nevada but activity over other many parts of the country are a bit disconcerting. Several of the sightings have been described as having a buzzing sound and others mentioned that the aircraft looked like 'cruise missiles'. Below is part of a recent article the details the MQ-9 Reaper. I have also included other images of UAVs and one reader image. MQ-9 Reaper is the Badass of Military Drones singularityhub - War is not a video game…but it's starting to look more and more like one. The prevalence of unmanned aerial vehicles in the US military has changed the landscape of war forever, and no UAV demonstrates that more clearly than the MQ-9 Reaper. Born from the Predator drones that have spied on and targeted terrorists and insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq, the MQ-9 Reaper represents the next step in remote plane technology. And that step is rigged to explode. The Reaper carries more ordinance than any other unmanned vehicle in the air, 3000+ lbs of explosives, or 14 Hellfire missiles. Standard Predators carry 2 or less. Each of these missiles are capable of taking out anything from snipers to tanks. The MQ-9 is the modern hunter-killer, made all the more remarkable because its pilots fly the UAVs in utter safety from Creech Air Force Base in Nevada. When people ask me about the future of war I point to the Reaper. Unmanned, heavily armed, covered in surveillance equipment – it's able to spy or strike anywhere in the world. Watch the MQ-9 demonstrate its prowess in the videos below. Drones have already changed the shape of war; the next generation of UAVs like the Reaper may make it unrecognizable. The Predator series of drones, including the MQ-9 Reaper, have been an integral part of the recent wars in the Middle East. Earlier this spring, these UAVs hit a historic milestone: 1,000,000 hours in the air. One million. That's 80,000+ missions, 80% of which were flown in combat situations. Sometimes Predators and Reapers are just eyes in the sky, scouting terrain, and finding targets. More and more, however, these drones are delivering air to ground missiles to hostile targets. Since 2005, the US Air Force has been phasing out F-16 fighter jets (just a dozen or so at a time) and replacing them with Predator series drones. These new hunter-killers are one of the clearest examples of US military superiority to Taliban and other military forces in the region. Click for video
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Another Big Cat Confirmed Roaming Southern Indiana Posted: 02 Nov 2010 01:55 PM PDT wsbt - A southern Indiana sheriff is warning the public about the presence of mountain lions in the area after four reported sightings in the past week. One of the sightings was by a Lawrence County police officer, who spotted a mountain lion eating a deer carcass along Indiana 37 north of Bedford over the weekend. Lawrence County Sheriff Sam Craig told The Times-Mail that while he doesn't want to alarm people, he wants residents to take proper precautions. Three other sightings were reported to the department last week. State officials have confirmed instances of mountain lions in nearby Greene and Clay counties in the past year. The animals had last been confirmed in the 1860s. Conservation officers say people shouldn't make rapid or aggressive movements toward the big cats. ********** From May 7. 2010 Mountain Lion Spotted In Rural Greene County theindychannel - A mountain lion has been captured on camera roaming in rural Greene County, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources said. The huge cat was caught by motion-sensitive game cameras east of Bloomfield last week after reports of mountain lion activity in the area, said spokesman Phil Bloom. Without additional evidence, DNR officials said it's impossible to say if the mountain lion photographed in Greene County is wild or is a formerly captive cat. The chance of encountering a mountain lion in Indiana is almost non-existent, with the last confirmed case of a wild cat in Indiana somewhere between 1850 and 1865, according to the DNR. Still, Bloom said people should be alert to their surroundings, and not try to approach, corner or run from a mountain lion. Instead, the DNR urges people to stand and face and animal, make eye contact and try to appear as large as possible. If confronted by a mountain lion, a person should wave their arms slowly and speak firmly in a loud voice, Bloom said. Mountain lions are a protected species in Indiana, but state law allows a resident landowner or tenant to kill a mountain lion while it is causing damage to property. Another Big Cat Confirmed Roaming Southern Indiana | |||||
Fortean / Oddball News: Record Florida Gator, Lions Eat Drunk and a Scottish Vampire Tale Posted: 02 Nov 2010 08:10 AM PDT State Record Alligator Caught in Florida orlandosentinel - An alligator trapped Sunday by an Orlando man in a Brevard County lake broke the official state record for length. Tres Ammerman, who traps gators as a hobby, caught the 14-foot, 3 1/2-inch male alligator in Lake Washington. The previous official state record for length, set in 1997, was a 14-foot, 5/8-inch male alligator from Lake Monroe in Seminole County. Alligators over 14 feet are very rare in Florida, said Arnold Brunell, the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission wildlife biologist who inspected the gator trapped by Ammerman. "This was really something that we don't see much of," Brunell said. Ammerman and two others were on their boat when they spotted the large gator on the shore Sunday night. "I knew he was a giant gator when we saw his head," Ammerman said. After harpooning the alligator, it did what the reptiles normally do — thrashed around, swam and pulled the boat. T.J. Schause, Ammerman's nephew who was also on board, quipped that the gator pulled the watercraft faster than the motor. The gator was too big to go in the boat, so the men essentially had to tow the reptile in. It took the trio more than two hours to catch the gator and bring it to the boat dock. They then moved it to Ammerman's garage. Brunell confirmed Monday that the gator broke the state record for length, but it is not the heaviest. Ammerman's gator weighed in at 654 pounds. The Florida record for weight is a 1,043-pound alligator from Orange Lake in Alachua County. There have been accounts of longer alligators being caught in Florida — including a 17.5-foot gator captured at Apopka in 1956 — but those are not considered official by state records. ********** Kids Really Do See Things Differently newscientist - Children do not see objects in a fully grown-up way until the age of 13, a new study suggests. When judging whether shaded images are convex or concave, adult brains assume that light comes from above unless there is reason to think otherwise. Young children have to learn this ability. To investigate when this happens, Jim Stone at the University of Sheffield, UK, showed embossed shapes such as squares and shaded images such as footprints to 171 children aged from 4 to 10. Each child was shown 10 images and asked whether they were convex or concave. The "correct" answer assumed an object was lit from above. The children got better with age, with the average score out of 10 improving by 0.43 each year (Perception, DOI: 10.1068/p6725). If children of other ages develop at the same rate, Stone predicts that babies will learn to assume that light comes from above at about 21 months. But this aspect of their visual perception won't be "fully grown" until the age of 13 or so. "Children really do see the world differently to adults, inasmuch as their perceptions seem to be more variable," says Stone. "No wonder they can't look at a cloud without seeing a dog or a bear." NOTE: ....or take everything their parents say as a complete contradiction. Lon ********** Don't Play With the Lions thesun - A drunk barman at a game reserve was eaten alive by three lions following a marathon drinking session. Jan-Friederick Bredenhand, 30, was pulled into the lions' pen by his legs after climbing up a fence pole, and was "ripped to pieces". Police believe the food and drinks manager was drunk and wanted to "play" with the animals after an all-night party at the wildlife park in South Africa. Tourist Veluchia Hassim told of seeing the beasts chewing on his carcass after being woken by screams at 5am on Sunday. She said: "We ran to the encampment. It was horrific. The one lion was gnawing on his ribs when we got there." The wildlife resort's owner, Johnny Janse van Rensburg, had to shoot the animals dead — just two weeks after he bought the business — so cops could recover the victim's remains. A friend of Mr Bredenhand, Jamiel Jonas, said they had been partying all night. He said: "After they braaied (barbecued) and partied at the ranch entrance, they came back home, but he wanted to play with the lions. "Then just after 5am his friend came screaming for us to phone the police and for an ambulance. He was drunk. "When we got to the camp we saw the remains of his body. Most of his stomach was torn out and his leg had been ripped off." Police spokeswoman Gerda Swart said Mr Bredenhand is believed to have been seized by the legs and dragged to his gruesome death. She said: "He climbed the fence around their enclosure and clearly got too close. "Since he was drunk he may not have been in sound mind, but it was an incredibly dangerous and stupid thing to do. "People who play dangerous games with animals like lions are asking for trouble - and he got it." He was caught by a lone lion. Ms Swart added: "After that there was nothing he could do - another male lion and a female joined the attack and ripped him to pieces. "The man's friend watched the whole thing happen but couldn't do anything to help. He was very traumatised." The victim's pal, Simon, ran to get help and flagged down a passing motorist. Waldo Le Roux said: "He (Simon) came out of nowhere and was suddenly in the road right in front of me. "I drove past, but he looked so upset that I turned around. "He was screaming 'please help me, my friend is being eaten by a lion'." Mr La Roux ran to the enclosure but Mr Bredenhand was already dead. He said: "I tugged at the fence but I couldn't do anything." The incident happened at the privately-run Addo Croc and Lion Ranch near Port Elizabeth. Mr van Rensburg added: "There was no reason for him to be there. "He was the bar and restaurant manager so he was not involved with the lions." He had only been working at the resort for a month. The incident was the second fatal lion attack at the ranch. Former owner Lourens van Straaten was mauled by a male lion in July 2005 and declared brain dead a few days later. He had been repairing an electric fence. ********** Iron Man of the Gorbals dailyrecord - Hundreds of children were marauding between the tombstones and the city was gripped with terror. A vampire had been spotted in the cemetery. Some of the brave monster-hunters were armed with makeshift weapons and dogs. Most, though, were armed with nothing more sinister than a fertile imagination, fuelled by the magic of cinema and the wonder of American comics. This might sound like a scene from Twilight or one of the other vampire films that have been sweeping the box office, but it's actually a Gorbals policeman recalling a night in Glasgow's southern Necropolis 47 years ago. Teams of hysterical schoolchildren had staked out the graveyard and crypts in the hunt for a truly terrifying figment of collective hysteria. There was a ghoul in the Gorbals. It had iron teeth. It had taken two boys. And they were out to get it. Schoolboy Tam Smith was eating ice cream in a cafe with his aunt half a mile from the scene of the hysteria and horror when he first heard tales of fearsome fangs around the corner. As he set out on his adventure to help slay the beast - or at least catch a glimpse of it - he felt no fear. "I had my auntie Sadie with me," he recalled, laughing. "I was only seven but she was a right bully, I tell you. The boys were right feart of her. "We had been sitting in the Station Cafe, next to the Bridge Street underground, after school with some of my pals. "We were sitting there listening to the jukebox and a friend of hers ran in and told us there was a vampire in the graveyard." Fired by childhood excitement and with his aunt Sadie safely to hand, Tam and his mates headed back into the graveyard, resting place to a quarter of a million souls. He said: "The walls were lined with people. We ventured through the gatehouse and there were loads of kids in there, some wandering around, some sitting on the walls. "There were a lot of dogs too, and mums and dads with kids. "We found a place to stand out of the way because there were so many people there. "I think the whole of the Gorbals was in that graveyard. It's hard to put an estimate on the number of people." Tam didn't see anything to substantiate claims of a bloodthirsty beast with a galvanised gub. But even now, almost half a century later, the spooky images and intoxicating excitement are vividly recalled. "I can't remember how long we stayed," he said. "But one thing I remember clearly is that there was a furnace blast from the ironworks at Dixon Blazes when it started to get dark. "It turned the sky flaming red right across the top end of the Gorbals and when that went up, everyone jumped. "They thought that was the vampire, or the so-called Iron Man of the Gorbals. "At one point, someone had been burning stuff in a nearby chapel lane and one of the stories was that the vampire had burned one of the boys there. Those were the kind of stories that were going around at the time. "You would go to bed at night and wonder if these things were actually happening." It seems unaimaginable now in the Grand Theft Auto days of heightened violence and teen fascination with vamp-sex TV dramas like True Blood, but this imaginary Gorbals bogeyman welded a power more fierce than any modern day character from computer games or books. That night in Glasgow, this fictional beast unleashed a bolt of mass hysteria, similar, if on a smaller and less tragic scale, to the radio broadcast of HG Wells' War of The Worlds. Tam said: "It was atmospheric, looking back it was great. Back then we had no TVs, we went to picture halls and cafes for entertainment, so it was amazing to have something like this happening on your doorstep. "My great grandad stayed next to the graveyard, he looked out right on to it. "The stories he would speak of were of the Iron Man, but other people were talking about The Man With The Iron Teeth, which might have been because of the iron works behind it. "I remember the head mistress of Gorbals Public School telling us all in the dining room that we were to keep away from the graveyard. "But of course, boys will be boys and we still climbed up there and looked around for this iron man or vampire. It was an adventure for us. For ages afterwards, people would come in to school and claim they'd seen it last night." Naturally, this being Glasgow, even a fanged fiend was due a winch from time to time, and the local boys wasted no time concocting an iron lady for him ... long before the more terrifying real one made it to Downing Street. Tam said: "There was an old lady who used to carry two cats in a basket. She would go to the graveyard to get peace away from the kids and let her cats have a wander. "But she was in there the night we went looking for it and people were involving the 'cat woman' with the iron man. It was a shame when you think about it, she was an eccentric with wiry hair, but we called her Tin Lizzie. She was the iron man's 'burd'. "It's a shame. The cat woman was ridiculed by kids, when you're young like that you don't think how that might hurt someone." In those days, Glasgow was a city packed with picture halls, a fair proportion of which were in the Gorbals area. In an echo of that need for entertainment, Radio 4 will this week broadcast a documentary about the mythical monster of the city's southside and how its terror spread as far as the House of Commons. Presented by novelist Louise Welsh, The Gorbals Vampire explores how the myth of the child-killing bloodsucker led politicians to introduce the Children and Young Persons (Harmful Publications) Act 1955. It was a response to the claim that an influx of American horror comics with names like Astounding Stories and Tales From The Crypt had made an impact on young minds in the west of Scotland. Combined with the ready acceptance of apocryphal monsters sprung from the local iron works, the comics were seen by many as the reason for the sudden hysteria. Academics have since pointed out, however, that none of the comics featured a vampire with iron teeth, leaving some looking to the Bible (Daniel 7:7 - featuring a monster with metal dentistry) and even a poem about a local bogeyman taught in surrounding schools. Tam reckons the reason for the national interest in the story was fed by the reputation the Gorbals had across the UK. He said: "The area had a reputation partly because of that No Mean City book. It gave the Gorbals a really bad name. "We used to swap comics in each other's close stairways. I had Superman and Batman comics. But as a kid, you tend to believe these things were possible. "There were 90,000 people who stayed in that area. I have often said that if there really was a ghost or a vampire in that area you would never know because there were too many people." Brother of Daily Record psychic barber Gordon Smith, artist Tam is heavily involved in archiving the area, and his sculptures of the local pubs are popular. He tells of another creepy experience after the iron-toothed vampire had moved on to his next city, involving the discovery of human bones on the Clydeside. Tam said: "They were digging the foundations for a garage and came across skeletons. We all dashed along to see, and the police had bones laid out on big canopies. It turned out to be the skeletons of the leper colony (the 'bell' of which gave rise to the area being dubbed Gorbals after the 'gory bell') in the 12th Century." Fortean / Oddball News: Record Florida Gator, Lions Eat Drunk and a Scottish Vampire Tale | |||||
What is Reality? Can Reductionism Really Tell Us? - Part V Posted: 02 Nov 2010 07:24 AM PDT I'm pleased to welcome Anne Whitaker, a new contributor to 'Phantoms and Monsters'. The following narrative is the fifth of a six part article that will be continued here. 5. What, if anything, do paranormal experiences mean? Are they of any value? All our perceptions of the world are ultimately subjective – never more so than when addressing questions of meaning and value! With that in mind, here goes…. Paranormal experiences mean that we are more complex beings living in a more complex universe than our current reductionist paradigm can explain. At a personal level, I now feel gratitude for the tiny glimpses mine have offered regarding the diverse and probably multi-dimensional nature of our existence. Decades of hearing other people's stories, many of them in the peace and confidentiality of my consulting room, others in pubs, at bus stops, on holidays, in class with a great variety of mature students, chance encounters with people on trains, launderettes, etc etc, added to my extensive reading in physics and cosmology, have certainly convinced me – and I have been hard to convince, the sceptical rationalist being very strong in my makeup!– that the solid material world we think we inhabit truly is only a thin slice of a much richer and more complex multi-dimensional Reality. Most of it is entirely beyond our ken most of the time. But there are times, neither predictable nor within our control, when some kind of Otherness appears, challenging our conventional view of what reality and/or consciousness actually is. Their value lies at least partly in their ability to point out this truth to us. Through them, we are being invited to enlarge our world view which is currently disjointed, fragmented and incomplete. In view of my lifelong preoccupation with the Meaning of Life, I often mildly regret the restrictions my younger self unknowingly imposed on my older and slightly wiser self in not choosing Physics and Chemistry as major school and university subjects ! But even with those limitations, and very poor spatial ability which makes certain concepts in physics impossible for me to visualise and get my mind round, I have managed to arrive at a rooted understanding and appreciation that the world created for us by our limited sensory equipment does not represent the world we live in as explicated by quantum physics. The quantum world emerged gradually over the 20th century as paradoxical, contingent, bizarre and only partially predictable. This being the case, it is hard to understand from a rational point of view why paranormal experience seems so difficult for some people even to consider, far less to accept as valid. I spoke earlier of one of the great driving forces of humankind – curiosity. Two further ancient driving forces are greed and fear. I can only conclude that the main reason for resolute closed-mindedness in the face of overwhelming experiential evidence is – fear. Allowing an expanded paradigm to emerge which embraced paranormal experience by bringing both experimental and experiential evidence together, might well involve the erosion and gradual collapse of a whole way of life rooted in that rational materialism which has driven our increasingly ubiquitous Western culture since the Scientific Revolution of the eighteenth century. However, a movement is slowly gaining momentum and influence across the world which is evolving just such a paradigm. It is bringing the insights of mysticism, paranormal experience, cosmology, quantum physics, religion, philosophy, in-depth astrology, ecology, feminism and social justice together in ways which are slowly creating a new world order. This should in time replace the outgrown perspectives of the three hundred year old Scientific Revolution, which has vastly enlarged the scope of our knowledge, brought huge material benefits to a small proportion of humanity, but left so much destruction in its wake. It has also failed, despite strenuous efforts in some quarters, to weaken that part of being human which has a powerful intuitive sense that we are all part of a vast reality which our five senses simply cannot map. Along with the paradigm, given especial urgency from 2005-7 onwards as the scientific evidence of human impact on our environment has become so compelling that we can no longer ignore it, has emerged an accelerating realisation that we really are one world on planet Earth. We cannot ignore its subtle levels of interplay and balance any longer. Working on the holographic principle, the subtle levels of interplay and balance existing within the Sun-Moon-Earth system may well be mirrored at all levels within the total energy field of the entire Universe and beyond that the Multiverse. We need to become more tuned to subtlety, to those dimensions which paranormal experience has informed us exist but which the crude measuring standards of materialist science cannot elucidate. We need to develop culturally a way of balancing the wonderful worlds revealed by rational observation and experimentation, with those equally valid but very different worlds revealed through paranormal experience. One of my favourite quotations comes from writer Gary Zukav: "Proof of non-physical reality does not exist in the dimension that the rational mind seeks it" 24 We humans need to become bolder voyagers into the mysterious and compelling territory of 'non-physical reality', whilst greatly respecting that rational dimension which has taken us further into appreciating the grandeur of which we are part than our ancestors could have envisaged in their wildest dreams. Well, maybe they did! Perhaps we are only now beginning to catch them up…. 24 Gary Zukav "The Seat of the Soul" p 92 Anne Whitaker 2010 © - Wisps from the Dazzling Darkness Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. 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