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- British Woman Known As UFO Magnet.... Claims 17 Encounters
- Fortean / Oddball News: Female Asian Aliens, Critter Identified and Devil Attack
- In Search Of Man-Eating Plants
British Woman Known As UFO Magnet.... Claims 17 Encounters Posted: 11 Nov 2010 10:33 AM PST sify - A British housewife has become known as a UFO magnet after she claimed that she has been visited at least 17 times by them, with five such episodes being up close. Bridget Grant, 40, looks just like any other ordinary housewife, but her extraordinary experiences have brought her recognition in the UFO world as the Briton most visited by aliens. "Why me? I don't know. I can't understand it but I need answers. I can't explain what's happening to me. I feel very happy that I've witnessed what I have," the Sun quoted her as saying. Grant revealed that her alien encounters began when she was a little girl living in a village in Devon, although at the time she did not realise their significance. She said she met who she thought was a very small Chinese girl, because of her eyes, about her height, who showed her some money, a Hong Kong note, and the house she stayed in. She said she arranged to meet her the next day, but when she got there the house was no longer there. Over the years, as she was growing up, Grant had many paranormal encounters with ghosts - people who had died in the past and people who had died more recently. The paranormal experiences went till she was 21, and her next big incident with aliens came in February 1993 when she was working in Los Angeles as a make-up artist. She remembers being stopped by a traffic light and seeing a glimmer of sliver reflecting from the metal frame between the door and the windscreen and then to her left over her head a massive craft. "It was eight to ten metres away, silver, round and 35ft to 40ft long. There was no noise, no wings and no exhaust fumes or anything like that," she recalled. Both she and her friend Jane witnessed it, and she says she was so frightened by the incident that she kicked her partner out, packed her belongings and left. She has now returned to Devon and set up the South West Witness Support Group to try to meet people with similar experiences, and is writing a book on what she went through. ********** Brit Housewife is UFO magnet thesun - Bridget Grant looks like an ordinary housewife more at home making the school run than giving speeches at public conferences around the world. But her extraordinary experiences mean she is in big demand both here and in America. For Bridget is widely recognised in the UFO world as the Briton most visited by aliens. In her 40 years she claims to have had at least 17 encounters with UFOs, including five up close. "Why me? I don't know. I can't understand it but I need answers," she said. "I can't explain what's happening to me. I feel very happy that I've witnessed what I have. "But I am frustrated that my experiences are ones I haven't been able to tell to most people for fear of ridicule." Bridget says her alien encounters began when she was a little girl living in a village in Devon, although at the time she did not realise their significance. "I was seven years old and it was in the school holidays and I know it was winter," she recalled. "I had to get home for tea and I decided for some reason to walk through the village on a different route from my normal one. "I met what I thought was a very small Chinese girl. She was about my height and I thought she was Chinese because of her eyes. "She showed me some money - a Hong Kong note - and she showed me her house. "She didn't say much but I had to get home for tea so we arranged to meet the next day. "The next day I went back at about the same time but the house was no longer there. "It had been at the end of a cul-de-sac but now there was a field where the house had been. "In the field was a gazebo surrounded by coloured lights. I think I recognised it from watching Elvis Presley films on TV at Christmas! "The grass shimmered from the lights and I can remember jumping down from something and going home." Bridget never saw the "Chinese girl" or the "gazebo" again. Looking back on the incident 33 years later, she wonders if the girl was really an alien - a so-called Grey. UFO experts she has told the story to suggest the gazebo may have been a spaceship. It is possible aliens implanted what are known as "screen memories" to make her see a little girl and a gazebo rather than the more alarming images of an alien and spaceship. Bridget continued: "As I was growing up I had many paranormal encounters with ghosts - people who had died in the past and people who had died more recently. "I would be told someone had died, wherever it was, in particular circumstances. "Some of the ghosts seemed as real as you and me - sometimes they seemed less solid. "These paranormal experiences went on from when I was five or six until I was 21." Bridget says her next big incident with aliens came in February 1993 when she was working in Los Angeles as a make-up artist. "I was driving a girl called Jane - she was a friend of a friend - to an interview in Rodeo Drive where she hoped to work as a hairdresser," Bridget said. "I had to call in to see someone in an area called Brentwood. "I was just leaving the freeway on the off-ramp near the Holiday Inn when we were stopped by a traffic light. "This feeling of apprehension came over me. It was like stage fright - I was very anxious and my hands were gripping the steering wheel tighter and tighter. "I saw a glimmer of sliver reflecting from the metal frame between the door and the windscreen and then to the left over my head was this massive craft. "It was eight to ten metres away, silver, round and 35ft to 40ft long. "There was no noise, no wings and no exhaust fumes or anything like that. "There was a burning red-orange glow underneath and I thought, 'What the hell is this?' "It was gliding through the tops of some trees. Jane saw it too. "The traffic light changed and in my mind I felt, 'I need to make a left over the bridge behind the Holiday Inn.' "My mind was racing and I was shaking. It had disappeared from view and I said to Jane, 'We're both going to get out and point where we think the craft went.' "We both got out and pointed to the left. My eyes were watering, streaming. "I was all over the place. I couldn't believe what had happened. "Later there was a most roaring noise and four or five black, unmarked military helicopters flew over. "They were obviously going to intercept that craft, and I thought, 'You're not going to catch that.' "That night I got home to Bill, my partner at the time, but I couldn't physically say anything to him. My brain was racing. "The next day I kicked him out, packed my belongings and left. Jane did the same two days later." Bridget added: "I know many people won't believe me. "You have to be very selective - you can't just tell all your neighbours. "People say, 'Yeah, right, OK,' but for them seeing is believing and they haven't seen what I've seen." Bridget returned to Devon and set up the South West Witness Support Group to try to meet people with similar experiences. She is writing a book about her experiences but says she still doesn't fully understand what happened.
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Fortean / Oddball News: Female Asian Aliens, Critter Identified and Devil Attack Posted: 11 Nov 2010 10:42 AM PST Man who has DNA evidence of abduction by blonde female Asian aliens! oneindia - A man, who is set to be one of the guest speakers at a UFO conference in Central Australia early next year, has claimed that he was abducted by two female aliens, a blonde and an Asian. Peter Khoury's abduction is said to be the first with DNA-tested biological evidence after a blonde hair was recovered in the aftermath, the Daily Telegraph reported. He will be among the speakers invited to the three-day event at well-known UFO hotspot Wycliffe Well. Wycliffe Well Holiday Park will host the much-anticipated conference from March 18-20 next year, and its owner and organiser Arc Van der Zalm said people would not be disappointed with the calibre of speakers. He said the conference would not just be about listening to speakers - there would breakfasts and barbecues, stargazing, day trips to tourist hot spots and marquees of displays and literature. The area's history is steeped in UFO sightings. Wycliffe Well is about an 11-hour drive from Darwin, and three-day passes to the conference cost 130 dollars and single-day tickets 50 dollars. ********** 'Coffs Harbour Critter' Identified coffscoastadvocate - The unidentified creature that washed up on Diggers Beach in September and was found by Coffs Harbour local Peter Atkinson. News of the bizarre find had people talking today after the photos appeared in the Coffs Coast Advocate. By mid afternoon the story had gone national, as vets and mammal experts queued up to inspect the photographs and put forward their own theories. At first Peter Atkinson and two other men who stumbled across the Critter, thought it was a species of monkey. Mr Atkinson outright denied the photos were a hoax, as one online forum suggested after the story went viral. Other readers came forward saying it resembled a sloth or a cuscus, an earless possum found in Northern Queensland and Papua New Guinea. A parallel was even made to a mysterious creature found in the United States in 2008, known as 'The Montauk Monster.' But Taronga Zoo staff say the animal is most likely a brush-tailed possum. Its vet team and senior curators all agreed it was the corpse of a badly decomposed marsupial. "The identification of the animal has been made slightly difficult because the possum appears to be a black furred brush tail variety," Taronga's communications manager Lisa Keen said. "This type of possum, a black furred morph, is really quite rare and is only found in some parts of Northern NSW as well as Wilson's Promontory in Victoria," she said. They said the lack of fur around the face and paws could have been caused by dermatitis or burn injuries. The National Parks and Wildlife Service agreed saying the possum was most likely washed out to sea from a nearby creek after recent heavy rain. A host of local residents called in with their own theories. One caller, Jenna Anderson, pointed us in the direction of the 'Montauk Monster.' This unidentified creature washed ashore, dead, on a beach near Montauk, New York in 2008. It created a whirlwind of media attention across the United States and was later thought by experts to be a badly decomposed racoon based on dental patterns. Given the monster has its own listing on Wikipedia, perhaps the "Coffs Harbour Critter" will one day share the same fame? ********** All Life on Earth Could Have Come From Alien Zombies wired - Life on Earth could have grown from the broken remains of alien viruses that, although dead, still contained enough information to give rise to new life. Scientists have speculated that life could have come to Earth from space — a notion called panspermia — since the 1870s, when Lord Kelvin suggested microbes could have ridden here on a comet or meteor. Others have suggested tiny organisms could cross the galaxy embedded in dust grains, which could be nudged from one planetary system to another by the slight pressure of stars' radiation. However, most astrobiologists think that same radiation spells a death sentence for delicate microbes. "That essentially kills panspermia in the classical sense," said astrobiologist Rocco Mancinelli of the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California. But maybe not, says astronomer Paul Wesson, a visiting researcher at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Canada. In an upcoming paper in Space Science Reviews, Wesson argues that even if the actual microbes are dead on arrival, the information they carry could allow life to rise from the charred remains, an idea he calls necropanspermia. "The vast majority of organisms reach a new home in the Milky Way in a technically dead state," Wesson wrote. "Resurrection may, however, be possible." The key lies in how much genetic information survives the trip, Wesson says. An organism's genetic information is encoded in the sequence of nucleotides in their DNA. This information can be measured in bits in the same way as computer processes. Bacteria like E. coli, for example, carry about 6 million bits of information in their DNA. Random chemical processes couldn't produce enough information to run even a simple cell. Over 500 million years, random molecular shuffling would produce only 194 bits of information, Wesson says. One possible way around this paradox is the idea that life on Earth was seeded by biological molecules that already had a large information content that survived the journey even though the molecules themselves were killed. Wesson is a bit fuzzy on how that information would translate to new, healthy living things. "It must be admitted that all versions of panspermia suffer from a hole in our knowledge, concerning how to go from an astrophysically delivered entity which contains substantial information to one which has the characteristics of what we normally regard as life," he wrote. But he does pinpoint the virus as a good candidate for the vessel that carried all that information. Viruses are basically strands of genetic material encased in a coat of proteins and sometimes fats. They carry about 100,000 bits of information, and may have evolved independently from conventional cells. Suggestively, viruses seem to assemble themselves from particles of protein, without needing assistance from other molecules or specific genetic information. The paper "looks good, and interesting, although of course highly speculative," David Morrison, the director of the Carl Sagan Center for the Study of Life in the Universe, wrote in an e-mail. "The critical issue is whether the information in broken strands of nucleic acid could serve as the template for life on another world … since we know so little about the actual process by which life originated on Earth, who can really say?" But Mancinelli, who was not involved in the new study, doesn't buy it. "Once you're dead, you're dead," he said. The paper neglected two other things that could kill cells or viruses on their way through the galaxy, Mancinelli added. Elements like potassium can decay over the millions of years it takes to cross the galaxy, adding extra damage even if the organisms are shielded from space radiation "It'll give off enough radiation that it'll just chop up all the nucleic acids," he said. "There's no way the organism will survive." The other issue is that, especially in a vacuum, hydrogen and hydroxyl molecules get ripped off cells and combine to form water. This process, called dessication, "is more than just drying up," Mancinelli said. "You denature proteins. You rip them apart, recombine them, and they no longer have any functionality. That can happen even if you're in a rock." Life would have a better chance if it didn't have so far to travel, he added. "Going from Earth to Mars, not a problem," he said. "Even going from Earth to Pluto, or from Pluto to Earth, not a problem. But once you start heading out of the solar system, it's so far away that it takes a long time. That's the thing, the length of time." NOTE: sounds like it could come from the script of 'The Chronicles of Riddick' and the Necromongers...Lon ********** Panic after 'Devil attack' at school in Trinidad-Tobago guardian-tt - Panic broke out at the Moruga Composite School yesterday as 17 female students fell mysteriously ill and began rolling on the ground, hissing and blabbering in a strange tongue, after suffering bouts of nausea and headaches. Two of the students reportedly tried to throw themselves off a railing and had to be physically restrained, triggering fears of a possible demon attack. The drama started during the lunch hour in the Form One block and quickly spread to other areas. Form Five student Kern Mollineau, who attends the Lighthouse Tabernacle Church, said he got worried when the girls' eyes began rolling up in their heads and they began beating up on the ground. With the assistance of several other students and teachers, the pupils were taken to the multi-purpose hall where some of them fell into a semi-conscious state. Mollineau recalled: "One girl was blabbering as if in a strange language. I could not understand what she was saying. "It was sounding like 'shebbaberbebeb shhhhee.' The girls were unusually strong. We had to hold them down so that they will not hurt themselves. "The teachers were right there. I get a kick in my face when one of the girls started beating up on the floor. Many of them had bruises." Mollineau claimed he actually communicated with the "devil which had possessed the girl. "I asked the Devil what he wanted with the girls and the voice said he wanted a life. He kept saying to send the girls in the toilet and to leave them alone," Mollineau claimed. Roman Catholic priests, as well as pastors from nearby churches, including Josephine Charles, Deborah Charles and Pastor Gordon, visited the school and began showering the children with holy water and prayers. Two more students, Kriston Mollineau and Kishon Bethel, said they too were called by teachers to assist the ill girls. Kriston said the girls complained of headaches and some of them wanted to go to the toilet. Six ambulances arrived at the school accompanied by police teams from the Moruga and St Mary's Police Post. A party of fire officers from the Princes Town Fire Station, led by acting Assistant Divisional Fire Officer Ramdeo Boodoo visited the school and began conducting several tests on the surroundings to determine the cause of the problem. Boodoo said there was nothing in the environment to trigger fainting spells, nausea and headaches. A teacher, who requested anonymity, said two weeks ago an Orisha woman came to the school and had a dispute with a member of staff. He said following the dispute, the woman threatened to deal with the school administration. Another teacher said the school was built on a burial site, but neighbours who live around the school denied that was so. A source at the school confirmed that all 17 pupils were taken to the Princes Town Health Facility where they were medically examined. The other students were sent home at 2 pm. Responding yesterday, Minister in the Ministry of Education Clifton de Coteau said he was aware that pupils had to be taken for medical attention. De Coteau said Student Support Service officials were sent to the school and students were expected to receive counselling. A statement from the Ministry of Education said the Public Transport Service Corporation (PTSC) made maxi taxis available to the school to assist the Office for Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM) which provided additional ambulances. ********** Video: Eyewitness Account Of A Bigfoot Sighting In Southeast Idaho Click for video ********** Click for video - tell me what you think. Is this for real...or pranked subtitles? | ||
In Search Of Man-Eating Plants Posted: 11 Nov 2010 08:36 AM PST helium - by Terrence Aym - You've seen them in movies—goofy rubber like "plants" with fake octopus tentacles wrapped around a scantily clad female. Those are the man-eating plants envisioned by Hollywood writers whose cheap films were shot in the scrubby foothills of the San Fernando Valley. The real thing may be much more ferocious and unforgiving and you might not be able to scare it away by tossing some butter-soaked popcorn kernels at it like you might have done at the movies when you were a kid. For more than a century, serious investigators have searched for the fabled man-eating plants. Those horrors of the darkest jungles that supposedly hide in the most forbidding corners of the world's most inaccessible green hells. The origin of the belief in man-eating plants can be traced back to the year 1881. During that god-forsaken year of war and turbulence it is recorded that a redoubtable German adventurer and world explorer, Carl Liche, reported to a breathless Europe on a terrifying episode in the unexplored interior of Madagascar during his trip there in 1878. Madagascar, the large island that lies off the southeast coast of the mysterious African continent, was home to a ferocious tribe of natives called the Mkodo. When Liche met the Mkodo he observed a gut-wrenching ceremony that both repelled and repulsed him. According to the explorer's testimony to teeming crowds of thrill-seekers filling lecture halls across Europe, he watched helplessly as the Mkodo tribes people performed somber ceremonial rituals in preparation for the cold-blooded sacrifice of a young woman. The terrified victim, prodded by long, sharpened sticks, was made to climb the thick vines of a gigantic, bulbous plant that Liche said resembled a grotesque pineapple. The explorer recalled the gruesome plant had a gaping maw at the very top. The rim of the maw was lined with hanging, hairy tendrils. Beneath the tendrils writhed groping tentacles similar to that found on giant squid. In the maw was a warm and sticky substance that looked all the world like viscous, sick-colored honey. Encouraged by hoarse shouts and commands from the natives below her bare feet, she hesitantly cupped her hands and sipped the vile liquid. Liche would often shudder at that point in the monologue before continuing his narrative and sharing the horror he felt at the moment he realized just what the towering plant really was…a salivating cannibal tree. Then he watched, immobile with sick fear and revulsion as the tree jerked to awareness. Sensing the woman nearby, the ghastly thing stretched out slender tendrils blindly searching for its warm meal. For one mind-numbing, frozen moment, a mass of vines writhed just above the victim's head, Liche related in his lecture, and then the tentacles descended like coiled green serpents striking in unison. The evil things wrapped themselves about her like boa constrictors greedily embracing its prey. Liche related how the girls screams were horrible enough, but she also laughed maniacally as the tree drew her towards it gaping maw. The shaken explorer confessed the doomed woman's wild laughter—finally smothered by the vines and tendrils wrapping around her struggling body-would haunt him all the remaining years of his life. Her final sounds emerged from pain-wracked, trembling lips: a series of low gurgling moans, as the terrible creature stuffed her into its gaping digestive cavity and ate her. That was Liche's account to throngs of mesmerized audiences. It's reported that some women fainted and others had to leave the lecture after having been overcome with distraught emotions. Despite the detail of this account, subsequent research during the 20th Century proved that Carl Liche's enthralling and colorful tale of adventure and pulse racing horror was completely false. No cannibal tree was ever found in Madagascar or anywhere else. No Mkodo tribe exists. And apparently, despite the confirmation from people who swore they had attended his lecture, a person named Carl Liche never existed. Carnivorous plants, however, do exist, but to date the largest found (during 2010) grows in Papua New Guinea, not Madagascar. The largest prey it can capture and eat are medium sized-frogs and small rats. Bibliography: Meat-Eating Plants by D.M. Souza, Franklin Watts, 2002. Carnivorous Plants by Tony Camilleri, Kangaroo Press, 1998. Reprinted with permission from: Terrence Aym AYM Communications Chicago, Illinois Contact: Twitter: ********** The 'Cow-Eating' Trees of Padrame Carnivorous trees grabbing humans and cattle and gobbling them up is not just village folklore. Residents of Padrame near Kokkoda in Uppinangady forest range sighted one such carnivorous tree trying to dine on a cow last Thursday. According to reports, the cow owned by Anand Gowda had been left to graze in the forests. The cow was suddenly grabbed by the branches and pulled from the ground. The terrified cowherd ran to the village, and got Gowda and a band of villagers to the carnivorous tree. Before the tree could have its meal, Anand Gowda and the villagers struck mortal blows to the branches that turned limp and the cow was rescued. Uppinangady range forest officer (RFO) Subramanya Rao said the tree was described as 'pili mara' (tiger tree) in native lingo. He had received many complaints about cattle returning home in the evenings without tails. On Friday, the field staff confirmed coming across a similar tree in Padrane, partially felled down. However no detailed inquiry was made as the authorities were not asked for any report, Rao said. 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