Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Recent Worldwide UFO Sightings / Encounters - New Lake Erie Lights, Cloaking Anomaly and California Missile UFO
- Fortean / Oddball News: Thylacoleo Roadkill, Exorcists Wanted and Turkey Terror in NYC
- California Missile Mystery Elevates To Conspiracy Theory Status
Posted: 13 Nov 2010 11:34 AM PST Click for video UFO CAPTURED ON ORIGINAL FOOTAGE - CALIFORNIA MISSILE MYSTERY - seems some of the media are editing out this anomaly. ********** Click for video Click for video Michael Lee Hill has been recently posting new videos of UFOs over Lake Erie ********** From Ana Luisa Cid - Sobremesa" TV broadcast (Channel 28, Mexico City) during its most recent transmission. The first video was taken by Mr. Eusebio Tarango in Ciudad Juarez, a veteran sky watcher with twenty years' experience, showing a glowing object in a blue, cloudless sky that apparently responded to Tarango's commands to blink at him, then to blink even brighter, and finally to "come down and heal him." The object complied with the first two commands, and appeared to launch a small orb as a response to the third request. The lesser orb rose straight into the air before vanishing altogether. This video was recorded on approximately October 17, 2010. The second video is as unusual as the first. It was provided by Carlos Rios, a trainer with a prominent Mexican soccer team, and shows an unusual physical object moving over the snow-crowned summit of Mt. Popocatepetl (17,000 feet) and reflecting the sun's rays as it moved. While a FOX Sports crew was interviewing soccer player Luis Menes, the athlete himself pointed out the fact that something unusual was taking place over the volcano. The FOX cameraman turned and pointed his camera at the summit, capturing a clearly metallic structure tumbling in the air. This video was recorded on January 20, 2010 at 3:30 p.m. ********** MUFON CMS - Lebanon, New Jersey - 11/12/2010 - unedited: I want people to know this. My name is *(Wit's name deleted--CMS/sg) im 25. been running **(Business name deleted--CMS/sg) in Lebanon for 6 years. Very interested in this subject, elated to finally be A PART of it. I get to work at ten a.m. and do my normal routine. run the store. Background: Store is connected to others in stripmall fashion. To my right is another business (the owner i had come outside) and to that businesses right is another. (this is run by a manager like me) Both of these other people are women, above middle age and very grounded in "the real world" so. here we go. I like to connect with my customers. One such customers knew i would be interested in this so- I receive a call on my business phone and its (this woman/customer) she is driving country roads in Bedminster (miles away 10-20min) and tells me she sees a ufo. I hurry out front and immediately see 3 planes with classic white plume-trails behind them. As i tell her i see nothing... i see it. This wasnt just an orb. it had form. small (very far away?) but the planes (farther away) were minuscule so i imagine it could be huge. I had to get witnesses. i ran to the business with the manager first. she came out and spotted it in seconds.. we both gawked as the object seemed to tip, casting the suns rays off it as though it were a mirror in the sky for a split second. then it travelled a bit, seeming slow until it ACTUALLY LOOKED LIKE IT INVESTIGATED A PASSENGER PLANE i mentioned earlier. yes. farther away. At this time the owner of the business in between ours (and her customers) came out as well.. many were older and had difficulty fighting with the sun (it was CRYSTAL CLEAR IN GOOD OLE JERZ TODAY)to see it. One woman saw it, said "i dunno i think your all smoking too much LSD" and went inside. The other customers saw it but didnt find it interesting enough to stay and watch. (this is funny- one woman said "its a balloon! a weather balloon.....OBJECT DISAPPEARS AND REAPPEARS MILES AWAY IN FRONT OF ALL OF US....."oh wait".. she finishes her thought with an entirely new opinion) So thats it. What we witnessed was a shiny or gleaming object fly around above hunterdon county. It flickered in an out of existence, it tilted and tumbled, had depth (3d object), travelled, came close enough (it looked like) to a passenger plane that the passengers would have to be blind not to see it (they probably didnt). AND this whole event would have gone unnoticed if it were not for my customer 20 minutes driving distance away having seen it and calling my attention to it. what i am wondering is this: two points of sight on one object in the sky... is this triangulate-able? could someone with the skill be able to figure out exactly where it was (how high + distance travelled) if i was able to show him or her where i was and where this woman was when we saw it?? I DONT CLAIM TO KNOW WHAT THIS WAS. i DO KNOW what it wasn't. I have been studying the sky and the things in it for years. And my father is a military buff, especially when it comes to aeronautics, so i at least know SOMETHING. "ha" im glad i got this out here tonight because i cant wait for the "commonplace explanation" that will surely be given to this object somewhere in the media possibly tomorrow. so there u have it. i have witnesses (3 NOT counting myself) from two separate places miles apart, on a CRYSTAL CLEAR day (u couldnt even see Pennsylvania the air was so clean >:) i would like everyone to know AT LEAST that i have gone from someone who truely believes, to someone who knows belief isnt necessary anymore. ps. i asked everyone the same question. "have u ever seen ANYTHING like this in your life? anything even similar?" the answer was a unanimous "NO" ********** MUFON CMS - Minnesota - 11/11/2010 - unedited: Sometime between 9:30 and 9:40pm last night (11/11/10), I went outside to have a cigarette. To be clear, I had not been drinking alcohol, taking medication, or consuming anything that may impair my my judgment. My apartment balcony is on the top floor (3 stories) and faces north. There were light, misty clouds directly to my north (w/ intermittent stars visible through them) and clear skies to my east. It was not until about 30 seconds to 1 minute after I had stepped outside that I saw the lights. They did not approach as a plane would from the far corner of my vantage point. Instead, the object seemed to glide down from the cloud cover to my NW and traveled straight east. I am not a certified expert, but studying aircraft has always been a hobby of mine. I have also seen most types of aircraft in action (fighter jets, helicopters, even a B2 Bomber). The instant I saw this aircraft, I knew right away that this was something that I had NEVER seen or even read about (barring speculative aircraft from books, tv shows, etc.) The limited cloud cover that was there was very low (I estimate at around 1,000 - 1,500 ft.) The object was also very close (probably not more than a half mile from me). As I stated previously, it was shaped similar to an arrowhead and the angle of it was somewhat sharp. It was certainly not the shape of any conventional aircraft in regard to a discernible fuselage with fixed wings. The entire bottom of the aircraft was lined with medium sized, round, white lights. The lights were not overly bright, but bright enough as to where I could vaguely make out the profile of the top of the craft as well, which had a very low profile. The color appeared to be a dull metallic gray - it did not appear to give off any type of shine. If I had to estimate the size of the craft, I would probably compare it to a medium sized fighter jet. It moved VERY fluidly (seemed to gently weave back and forth as it flew) and did not make the even the slightest sound. As it flew, it seemed to hug the cloud line. I would estimate the speed to be at around 200mph +/-, but I would leave the final determination to someone more qualified than myself. It traveled nearly straight east until it got to the NE portion of my vantage point. At that time it made a slight angle up into the thin clouds and very soon after, turned to the NE and very quickly accelerated and departed at sharper vertically than 45 degrees and disappeared. When it departed, it was almost to the edge of the thin cloud mass in front of me. If it was flying at any angle less than 45 degrees, it would have come out of the cloud cover in very short order. I watched for an additional five minutes or so, and it never came out. Based on how thin the cloud cover was, I also should have been able to at least catch glimpses of it if it indeed did travel almost vertically. Though the entire event literally lasted only about 10 seconds, I want to reiterate that this was not some distant object. I saw it VERY closely, clearly and definitely. I am only agreeing to file this report after speaking to the MN Chapter director on the phone today due to the fact that I do not wish to share this information only to have it posted out on the internet or to attract any unnecessary attention. I am merely interested in reporting what it is I saw in the hopes of hopefully getting a better idea of what it was and what it wasn't. I am also very curious to know if anyone else saw anything similar to what I did last night. I do not claim to know what this object was, but I got a good enough look and was more than close enough to it to definitely know what it was not. While a bit confused and a little unsure about the entire process, I am looking forward to speaking with an investigator and learning more. If after speaking, it is determined to be helpful that a third party is contacted, I will be open to that. But I explicitly request that my information is shared only with an appointed investigator until that time. ********** MUFON CMS - near Dulles Airport, Northern Virginia - 11/12/2010 - unedited: I went outside to smoke a cigarette when I looked up and saw from the right what at first appeared to be a ball. As it went across my field of view it became apparant that it was a cylindrical object. I thought it was a plane, but the more I looked, the more bizarre it seemed to look. It looked exactly like a plane, without any markings or logos, silver in color, without any wings or tail. I struggled to keep my eyes on it as it was moving steady and fast. As I was keeping my eyes on it in disbelief, I noticed a jet with vapor trail at a much higer elevation following it's same path, maybe 4 seconds later a second jet, same vapor trail same path. I dont know if these were related, but they were there and I assure you they could definitely see the object as well. The Plane without wings was much much lower in altitude, yet it was moving much faster. I had a very wide view of the sky, and it is a crystal clear blue sky. This object took about 6 seconds to go all the way across the sky, while the jets took seemingly 4 or 5 times as long. I live right by Dulles airport, so I see planes ALL the time. I also have a pretty good idea of flight paths around or above my home as I see the planes departing in generally the same area and path and the planes arriving which is a totally other path on the other side of the sky and different direction. I have observed many ,many many planes here over the years, my favorites are when they are flying very low because you can actually get a very very detailed look at them as they pass overhead. What I saw just now was no plane. The sun was glinting off of it, I had basically 3 different angled views of it, as it approached, flew almost directly over me, and as it left. I had a very clear view of this thing. It had no wings!! It looked like a fusellage(sp?) but with no tail, no fins, no wings, no markings. I didnt even see really any windows or a cockpit windshield. The best way I can describe it is a jetliner with no wings or markings or tail mechanism. It was truly strange! I can say with utmost certainty that it was not a plane of any kind. It did not exhibit any strange flight characteristics other then it seemed to be going very very fast. I had probably a 180 panoramic view of the sky and it took this thing about 7 seconds or so to come into view and go all the way across the sky. It seemed maybe 4 times as fast as a normal jet you would see flying across the sky. I also dont think I heard any sound coming from it, and when I normally see planes at around the same appearance of altitude you can definitely hear them! I made sure to wrap my eyes around it and assess if maybe light was making the wings not visible, but this was not the case. If this thing had wings or a tail I would have beenable to see them! The jets which were at much much higher altitude were clearly visible to have wings and a general plane shape. This thing was not a plane!!! In broad daylight no less! Ive never seen anything like it! I hope someone else saw it. |
Fortean / Oddball News: Thylacoleo Roadkill, Exorcists Wanted and Turkey Terror in NYC Posted: 13 Nov 2010 10:15 AM PST Thylacoleo Roadkill In New South Wales? From cfzaustralia - 20100807 - Pearson's Lookout (NSW) Sighting - December 2008 around 4:00 pm Reported 07/08/2010 Subject: Thylacoleo sighting In December 2008, I was travelling south on the Castlereagh Hwy near Pearson's Lookout between the towns of Capertee and Ilford on the way back to Sydney after an overnight delivery trip through Orange, Dubbo and Mudgee in an 8 tonne rigid truck. No bonnet so I have unobscured vision. This is on the edge of the Capertee Valley and is about 900 - 1000 metres asl. The dropoff to the LHS (east) is steep to the valley. Late in the afternoon, say around 4.00 pm and about 200m south past the lookout, I noticed 2 X roadkill's on the southbound side just on the shoulder of the road. Doing about 80km/h, I had a 5 or 6 second look at a small dead roo and something else. The markings on the torso of the other animal were dark brown / black and the main colour was tan. The markings made me look closer and the carcass was intact. The ears were rounded, the head was stout and like a lion cub and the front paws were huge in comparison to it's body size. The back paws and tail were obscured because of the position it landed in after being run over. (probably feeding on the small roo). My first thoughts were of a small lion, but the dark marking's threw me. It was a thick set animal about 500 - 600mm long. For the rest of the trip to Sydney (2.75 hrs) I couldn't stop wondering what this thing was, and having told the story to several people, I still couldn't come up with a logical explanation. The story in today's Daily Telegraph regarding the Blue Mountains Panther made me check out for more info on the net regarding Australian big cat's / feral's, and my wife and I came across your page and pics of the Thylacoleo model at the Mt Isa Riversleigh Fossil Centre. This is what I believe to be the same animal, however it may have been juvenile due to it's proportions. If this was an Australian Marsupial Lion, believed to be extinct for how many years, how many similar species are out there that are belived to be mythical? The abundance of roos and wallabies in this area is phenomenal, so a foodsource for a carnivorous predator to thrive in the Capertee Valley is probably salubrious. As I was driving on a log book, I couldn't stop as I would have ran over my driving hours, and didn't really consider the possible importance of the sighting. In hindsight, I wish I had turned around and stopped at the lookout and walked down to have a better look and at least taken photo's or thrown the carcass on the truck for an expert to identify. Author / Witness - Jennifer Reported Saturday 07/08/2010 - 4:16 pm ********** Turkeys Terrorize New York Neighborhood UPI - Residents of a New York neighborhood said aggressive turkeys are terrorizing the area. Locals in the Ocean Breeze neighborhood said the fowl have been blocking traffic, filling their yards with droppings and even trapped resident Gina Guaragno in her car for a short time before she splashed them with window washing fluid, the New York Daily News reported Wednesday. Residents said the turkey trouble began about 10 years ago after a woman released her nine pets, and the state Department of Environmental Conservation estimates there are now about 100 of the wild birds in the neighborhood. City Councilman James Oddo said many area seniors have told him they are afraid to leave their homes. He said officials balked at a plan he forwarded two years ago to move the turkeys upstate. "How are people supposed to have faith that their government can deal with problems like terrorism when we can't even deal with turkeys?" Oddo said. ********** Polish Exorcists Gather In Warsaw telegraph - Since 1999 the number of Polish exorcists has surged from 30 to over a 100, despite the influence of the Catholic Church waning in an increasingly secular Poland. Exorcists attribute the increase in their numbers to growing scepticism in psychology in the wider Polish population, and people looking for spiritual reasons for mental disorders. In recognition of modern science, however, exorcists now work in tandem with psychologists in order to distinguish between psychiatric problems and the work of the devil. But while some cases of Satanic work are difficult to diagnose others manifest themselves in shocking circumstances explained exorcist Father Andrzej Grefkowicz. "An indication of possession is that a person is unable to go into a church, or, if they do, they can feel faint or breathless," he said. "Sometimes if they enter a church they are screaming, shouting and throwing themselves on the ground." The national congress comes as part of a policy by Poland's Catholic Church to lift the veil on what was once a secretive practice. Frustrated by the Hollywood image of cross-wielding exorcists engaged in dramatic conflicts with demons the Church intends to show the complicated and often more mundane world of exorcism. Father Grefkowicz stressed that the most of the time exorcism required quiet prayer. ********** Exorcists Wanted: Apply To Catholic Church Yahoo - Wanted: a few good men to cast out devils. Overwhelmed with requests for exorcists, U.S. Roman Catholic bishops are holding a special training workshop in Baltimore this weekend to teach clerics the esoteric rite, the Catholic News Service reported. The church has signed up 56 bishops and 66 priests for the two-day workshop that began on Friday, seeking to boost the small group of just five or six American exorcists that the church currently has on its books. "There's this small group of priests who say they get requests from all over the continental U.S.," Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, was quoted as saying. "Actually, each diocese should have its own" exorcist, he added. Paprocki did not say why there was increased demand for exorcisms, which he noted were rarely performed. While solemnly regarded by the Catholic Church, exorcism is a staple of Hollywood fright films -- most notably the 1973 film "The Exorcist" -- and regarded by many as superstition that lends a chill frisson to festivals like Halloween. Catholic Church law stipulates that only properly trained priests can perform the rite -- and then only with the permission of their bishops. Possible signs of demonic possession include scratching, cutting, biting of the skin; profound displays of strength; and a strong or violent reaction to holy water. ********** Yeah...that's a horse in a car Click for video |
California Missile Mystery Elevates To Conspiracy Theory Status Posted: 13 Nov 2010 08:57 AM PST The California Mystery Missile has now gained conspiracy theory status in the country. Many people are even stating that this object, that was seen in the Californian skies was actually a missile fired from an enemy country, and some even state that it was US cruise missile which has been accidentally fired. Explanations are getting bizarre by the day and people are coming up all sorts of theories to describe this object. Earlier this week the citizens from California we astonished to find an object that looked like a missile soaring in the sky and this panicked them. But as a matter of fact this some thing that even NORAD or the ministry of defense cant explain. According experts this is nothing more than just a fighter plane, with it contrail left behind, and people are just hyping the whole incident to be a missile fired. In fact the video itself was shot in such a way that the fighter jet looked like a missile. For now there is nothing be feared about but people are still seeking a positive explanation from the government. Click for CBS video ************ Alleged Cover-Up Of Mystery Missile Trail Over SoCal Skies? laweekly - As far as conspiracy theories go, this one is huge, because it requires the cooperation of not only the U.S. Armed Forces, the Federal Aviation Administration and major airlines, but it also requires little old us to be in on the deal. After all, we like nothing better than to uncover conspiracies, wrongdoing and other secrets so we can get more readers and win awards. But it looks like we had to get with the program on the missile-trail mystery of 2010. Sure, we admit it, it was a secret missile launch, an alien spaceship being shot back to space, or whatever else you think it was. Because logic just doesn't cut it in this online world. Our commenter of the day, Michael, writes: It was not a plane and if you buy that story well then you are flat out an idiot and deserve to believe your brain gained knowledge. That is one of the worse stories covering up the fact you really don't know I have heard. He goes on to insult the intelligence of the people of California. To which we point out that we elected Arnold and Jerry Brown (three times) didn't we? ********** For posterity, the Pentagon's response was as follows: The Department of Defense said Wednesday that it was satisfied the event was likely caused by an airplane. "With all the information that we have gathered over the last day and a half about this condensation trail off the coast of southern California on Monday night, both within the DoD and other U.S. government agencies, we have no information to suggest this was anything other than a contrail caused by an aircraft," said Col. David Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman. "As stated yesterday, NORAD and USNORTHCOM determined that there was no threat to the U.S. homeland." Response from all other government agencies saying they did not launch anything convinced the DoD this was likely an aircraft: "The Department of Defense, after gathering info over the last 36 hours from within the Department of Defense and other U.S. government agencies, is satisfied the contrail was likely caused by an aircraft." ********** Theodore Postol, a professor of science, technology and international security at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is not yet convinced. The Pentagon, he wrote in an e-mail, has provided no detailed information to support the aircraft claim. "One of their jobs is to provide air surveillance for the country, and they should be able to provide a convincing analysis supported by data for their conclusion," said Postol, who furnished photographs of the mystery contrail along with remarkably similar pictures of solid-propellant missile launches. "I do not know what to think at this point," he said, "but one thing is for sure, the Pentagon has not provided a plausible explanation of the observed event." ********** Observations from an anonymous source at DBKP which contradict the jet aircraft contrail claim: The video footage of the missile in California is authentic. The contrail, said to be coming from the horizon and moving toward the shore of CA, is bogus. Visibility (for one) to the horizon is roughly 50 miles at best before the curvature of the earth makes it impossible to see beyond that while at ground level. The contrail is said to be from an aircraft. Bogus info again. A contrail can only exist when an aircraft is at, or above, 22,000 feet. This is due to condensation from the cool air moving around the hot areas of the aircraft. (engines). When the hot air hits the cool air it creates a vapor trail (contrail). A contrail below 22,000 feet isn't possible unless the surrounding air is at, or below, -20F (Does not include wind chill factor). The aircraft must be moving at the speed of sound (768 mph). Also due to the lower pressure in altitude. Next observation is that the contrail is from a 2 stage rocket. If you look closely at the contrail at mid point the 'contrail' breaks off from a 'fat' trail to a more 'skinny' trail. This is due to multiple booster rockets breaking off and moving to the main booster engine which is a single rocket. (For verification look up NASA shuttle launches.) The contrail is moving upward and not at a slant or straight line. Careful observation will show that should the contrail have been further out to sea with the curvature of the earth and the setting sun, the lower part of the contrail would have been a much richer orange/red color. The video shown does not contain this. *Numerous people witnessed the rocket moving upward into the skyline. *The rocket boosters' fire was seen at the base of the rocket. Other so called experts claimed the 'shiny' or bright area was due to the sun bouncing off the reflective part of the aircraft. This is crazy talk, a plane moving at that speed and that far into the atmosphere would have had too much vapor around it to have a reflection from the sun. The 'reflection' could only be seen by people in a specific area since the outer part of the plane would act as a CONVEX reflective area (Research CONVEX LENS for more info on the reflection material). The front of the aircraft (the nose) is in cool air with the cooler air moving along the outer frame. As the nose is pushing through the air and creating drag the aircraft would be less reflective due to the force of the wind-particles including dust which still exist that far into the atmosphere. Even though the aircraft is moving faster than the speed of sound (768 mph) it still hits dust regardless of the broken barrier. The visible reflective area of the plane would have to be hit just right in order to shine sunlight down at the right angle to show that bright (said) reflective light. NOTE: so...what's your theory? I've looked at the evidence and have as many, if not more, questions than I had previously. One thing I am assured of...this one is far from being explained...Lon |
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