Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Spirit Rescue International - Surrey, UK Haunting Investigation
- Video: Triangle UFO - Carroll County, Maryland - November 12, 2010
- The Andes Humanoid Mystery
- Fortean / Oddball News: PR Chupacabras = Manged Monkeys, Rabid Bats in LA and Mystery Missile Was Chinese
- New Castle County, Delaware Cougar Reports - 3rd Series of Reports in 15 Years
Spirit Rescue International - Surrey, UK Haunting Investigation Posted: 20 Nov 2010 05:14 PM PST
Spirit Rescue International - Surrey, UK House Haunting - Chronology From Irene Block: The location of this case is being kept secret and the names of the people involved have been changed to protect identity. Although there is a tragic story to this house, at the moment we can not rule out that is the cause of the problem. Because of this, we are investigating the surrounding area and its history. The house was built in the 1950s on land that would have been rural. I know that in the years following WW2 there was an upsurge in house building in the area surrounding the city of London in order to house refugees from the East End of London that was devastated from continuous bombing. For many years after the war, families were still living in prefabricated homes waiting to be rehoused in the suburban areas. This may or may not have been the case here. The family involved moved in September 2009, consisting of a young mother, father and baby son 21 months old. This family has already spent considerable time renovating the house to modern standards of today. This could have been the cause for the activity recently but, at this point, I am going to say NO. More later. ********** From Irene Block: The activity in the house continues. Shadows have been seen moving across the landing at the top of the stairs, noises such as dragging and scraping similar to a chair being pulled across floorboards have been heard. The couple have heard feedback through the baby monitor of a woman talking even when the monitor has been turned off. A woman has been heard laughing in the house by both father and mother at separate times, usually when one or the other is in the house alone. The disembodied voice of a woman talking somewhere in the house is heard, always it is difficult to work out what is being said. Movement is often seen from the corner of the eye and smells of perfume or at times a musty smell appears and is quickly gone. There is a constant feeling of being watched. Audible knocking on the stairs can be heard often accompanied by drastic temperature drops. The child's toys seem to have a life of their own, switching on for no particular reason...the batteries have all now been removed. On one occasion the father woke early one morning at 5.30am to see a white light near the bed. Instantly he became pinned down and unable to move, which for anyone can be terrifying. (This could of course be night terrors but at the moment we have not had the chance to talk to him of his experience). Yesterday during the day while the mother was in the master bedroom she witnessed a dark shadow move along the wall behind the babies cot. Thinking it may have been her that cast the shadow she shifted her body in different directions but her form did not throw out any shadow. (The baby is sleeping in the parents room while his bedroom is being decorated) The night before, as the father was watching television, he witnessed what he described as a white ball shape move (orb) from one side of the room across and disappear on the other side, This orb must have been bright as he saw it with the naked eye. When asked if there had been any changes in the mood swings in the family the mother told me she was feeling more tired, low and unhappy. The father was showing signs of being more stressed and at times touchy. Seems to me that this is beginning to take a toll on them. From what I can gather the majority of the activity is centred on the staircase, landing and master bedroom. There is a sad and tragic story attached to this house that will be told at a later date. Obviously the happenings in this house are very worrying for this young family. They feel as if the house is not their own and cannot understand fully why it is happening to them. They just want it gone so they can get on with their lives. Two of the SRI team will visit the house this coming Wednesday to attempt to get pictures, EVPs, etc. as we want to get control of this before the activity escalates. Next time I will post on how the happenings in the house are affecting the child. Lon and Judy have been doing a lot of research on the house and its vicinity. ********** UPDATE: Weds. 11/17/2010 The on-site investigation has ended...looks to have been very successful. First off, much of what was perceived in yesterday's RV session was confirmed by the investigators Jamie and Barry. None of the information obtained through the RV was given to the investigators. Jamie, who is a sensitive, immediately reacted with head and back pain when entering the house. This is a response he receives when spiritual energy is present. Jamie detected 3 spirits within the house...2 benevolent (female and male) and another which was questionable (dominant male). This was also recognized during the remote view. Barry felt something 'blowing' on his drafts or open window were present. As well, there was considerable temperature variation (especially experienced by the client). There were also discernible 'knocking' sounds heard by all present. A portal may have been located (the main bedroom corner which was perceived during the RV). Jamie had the client stand near the portal...electrical / static sensations were confirmed the client. The physical description of the female spirit while alive was made during the RV and confirmed by the client who had seen a photograph previously. Photographs, video and audio evidence were collected and will be examined later this week. Stay tuned...Lon ********** The on site investigation is at this moment taking place in the house in Surrey, Lon and I are monitoring it from our positions in the UK and the US, some of the evidence gained during the remote view yesterday evening has been verified by the client to be correct. Now its just a matter of waiting to see if the team are able to capture anything tonight. Once everything has been examined and if anything is found it will be posted on here and the website...Irene ********** The on-site investigation has ended...looks to have been very successful. First off, much of what was perceived in yesterday's RV session was confirmed by the investigators Jamie and Barry. None of the information obtained through the RV was given to the investigators. Jamie, who is a sensitive, immediately reacted with head and back pain when entering the house. This is a response he receives when spiritual energy is present. Jamie detected 3 spirits within the house...2 benevolent (female and male) and another which was questionable (dominant male). This was also recognized during the remote view. Barry felt something 'blowing' on his drafts or open window were present. As well, there was considerable temperature variation (especially experienced by the client). There were also discernible 'knocking' sounds heard by all present. A portal may have been located (the main bedroom corner which was perceived during the RV). Jamie had the client stand near the portal...electrical / static sensations were confirmed the client. The physical description of the female spirit while alive was made during the RV and confirmed by the client who had seen a photograph previously. Photographs, video and audio evidence were collected and will be examined later this week...Lon ********** UPDATE: Friday, 11/19/2010 From Irene Block: The child a 21 month old toddler. I believe I said previously that he was a different child out of the house to being in it, Outside he is a happy giggling little boy but as soon as he comes home his mood changes. He shows signs of fear of being in the master bedroom and although normally he is a good sleeper he is now waking upset several times a night. On more then one occasion he has been seen staring at the walls crying out 'NO NO NO' as if something threatening was frightening him. This happens often and always at the end the child says 'Gone Now, Gone Now' and then calms down. Lately, this little boy seems to go down with one infection after the other, This would be understandable if the child was at school or continuously mixing with other children, but this is not the case. Beside something being in the house that seems to taunt the child there is also something else that he is comforted by. Again as if seeing something not visible to anyone else the child will chat away in his gibberish way and will repeat the words 'Good Boy, Good Boy' as if mimicking words being said to him. Just the other day the child was sitting quite happily having a conversation with this invisible friend, when he was asked who he was talking to, he replied with the name Ian. Our research had already turned up a previous owner of the house by the name 'Ian' and this name was also confirmed to the family by a neighbour. Ian had died back in the 80s. ********** UPDATE: Friday 11/19/2010 OK folks...the evidence is starting to trickle in. The master bedroom seems to be the main area of activity and possibly contains a portal. Jamie and Barry left a recorder in the master bedroom....I was able to listen to the first part of the recording and found the following sounds and one discernible EVP. Master bedroom 1 - this was a recording of over 20 minutes condensed down to the parts where sounds and the EVP (3:34) were heard. Note the heavy footsteps / banging throughout the room. I have felt that the attic area above this bedroom is active as seems that some of the sounds are emanating from the attic. Master bedroom - EVP - this is the EVP isolated from the longer clip. Irene and I believe there are 3 spirits / entities in this house. The identities, perceived through the RV, are believed to be a father (died in 1986) and daughter (died in 1993) as well as another entity that is a male who is most likely causing the problems and disturbing activity. We will go further into this scenario and the history of this location after we examine and present the evidence...Lon Please don't copy or reproduce these recordings - ℗ sound recording copyright - SRI ********** UPDATE: Saturday 11/20/2010 I listened to the remainder of the audio recordings...the following are from the child's bedroom. I am assuming that this was also the bedroom of the daughter who had died. More on her later: Child's bedroom - there are 3 EVPs and numerous clickings and bangings. There is also a 'pinging' at one point...sounds like somethings hitting a bottle or glass. Child's bedroom EVPs - there are 3 discernible EVPs edited from the longer listened to with headphones. Please don't copy or reproduce these recordings - ℗ sound recording copyright - SRI The following was recorded in the sitting room: Sitting Room - a few interesting noises including (I presume) an EVP Sitting Room - EVP - hard to make it out Please don't copy or reproduce these recordings - ℗ sound recording copyright - SRI Here is a photo from the master bedroom near the portal....notice the energy orb developing on the right edge
Well, we got him! This photograph was the first taken on the evening of the on-site day after the remote view of the location. The RV target was the last day of the daughter's life (in 1993). What I can currently say is that I felt what the daughter felt and witnessed before and after she died. This photo captures the exact same entity that I saw and described to Irene during the RV. The apparition was standing in the doorway of the master bedroom observing Jamie while the photograph was taken...the reflection of the entity was captured from the window. Jamie was the only person in the room. I gathered enough information about this being during the RV to realize that it is most likely an earthbound spirit that latches on to the living and the dead. Frankly, I was stunned when Irene pointed the photo out to me....I recognized it immediately and told her so. Nonetheless, Irene is happy that she's dealing with an earthbound...Lon
There is much more to be done before a clearing is attempted. Follow the investigation at Surrey, UK House Haunting. You must register in order to read the SRI Cases forum. Go to the Spirit Rescue International website and see what our unique services provide. Need help? Then take the first step towards genuine peace of us at SRI Contact Form. | ||||||||||||
Video: Triangle UFO - Carroll County, Maryland - November 12, 2010 Posted: 20 Nov 2010 11:20 AM PST Click for video Here's a video of the triangle shaped UFO over Carroll County, MD on November 12, 2010. I talked to a few of the witnesses since then (it is nearby) and got confirmation of the activity reported earlier....military helicopters, gunfire and a load booming sound. I'm not going to disclose the exact location at the request of the witnesses. These large dark triangle craft have been reported throughout central Maryland...most likely military. Take a look and tell me what you think...Lon | ||||||||||||
Posted: 20 Nov 2010 09:06 AM PST A computer video file appeared anonymously on the internet on 2007, claims that a UFO crashed in the Peruvian Andes in January 1974 in front of many witnesses. The video briefly shows an old wooden trunk in a shack containing what resembles a naked and degraded humanoid corpse which is claimed to have been recovered by the locals on the spot of UFO crash before the military silenced the incident. The video, lacking any other information, promises revelations to come about this. The final text screen says: "Very soon, you will see the complete report with exclusive images. Be ready." Click for video 1 Click for video 2 Click for video 3 Chronology of the video and events: A computer video file in Windows Media format, appeared on the Internet, end of 2007, is headlined in the first scene "The Andes Humanoid." The next scene displays the text "In January of 1974, an unidentified flying object (UFO) fell in the Andean Mountains of Peru. Many people witnessed what happened." The next scene shows a part of the face of a man saying "We saw it fall from the sky." Then, a text says "The military authorities surrounded the zone, erased the tracks, and denied what had happened." The next scene shows a part of the face of the same man now saying "It was like a huge metallic object." This is followed by a text saying "But there were some who were before them, who took something very valuable. A Humanoid." A very short sequence then shows what is apparently a body, in a greenish light as filmed in "nightvision" (infrared) mode. The next text screen announce that "The year 2007, the secret is exposed. We went searching for those who were there." A few short sequences show a mountain road, then a mountain dirt track, then some shack The next text screen says: "Finally, we got what we were looking for. Three unrecognizable people filmed from behind near the shack are partly shown, one appearing "local" and saying "Let's go together and see it." There is a "creature" in the box, first shown in a very brief traveling, then with a close up on the face. The alleged "Humanoid" is shown overall during 10 seconds only. No clothing or artifacts appear. The final text screen says: "Very soon, you will see the complete report with exclusive images. Be ready." NOTE: This is most likely an authentic relic or artifact that is being kept hidden away. My first thoughts are that someone along the line found a Peruvian mummy. These mummies are located in the higher altitudes of the Andes Mountains and are similar in appearance, texture and overall detail...other than the skull that does seem extremely large in the upper portion of the cranium. This video has been circulating for a number of years and to this date I have not heard of any DNA analysis being performed. Nonetheless, it is an interesting bit of video and conjecture...Lon The following is an interesting post I found at the community board: This happened to me approximately twenty five years ago while visiting 'The Andes" in South America. I was with some friends traveling in the panoramic road in the Andes. There was a church in the right side of the road, built with brown rocks-it was very picturesque, small, pretty, and constructed with rocks and in the roof there was a simple cross. I don't know the story about this church. I don't remember have seen a secondary road going to the church or have seen any car parked in the proximity. However, there was a couple standing between the church and the metal rail separating the main panoramic road where we were traveling. This couple, normal human beings, male and female probably in the twenty to twenty five years of age, were facing to the road that we were traveling on, rather than facing and looking to the church. I took a picture from the car; I knew the couple will be in the picture, I took the picture of the church knowing that the couple was standing in front of the church. What amazed me is that at that moment I said "I'm not taking a picture of you, I'm taking a picture of the church", then I said to my friend --"Those two were thinking that I was taking a picture of them, I was taking a picture of the church"; The reason I said that aloud it was because I felt that the couple communicated to me telepathically: "oh, oh she is taking a picture of us" (In a funny or sarcastic manner). It is important to say that our car's windows were closed and the couple did not talk, just have a "sarcastic" "mischievous" look in their faces. I have to say that at that time, I did not analyzed this encounter or think anything else about it, except that the couple was making fun of me because I was taking a picture. It was approximately after three weeks later, when I went back home and developed the film that I noticed that the couple did not appeared in the picture. Just the church appeared in the picture. This always has bothered me, it is a mystery. However, it gets more mysterious... We continued traveling in the same road and we stopped in a place where there was a visitor tower (probably as tall as three to five stories), one of my friend said that people from the area visited the tower at night with the purpose of seeing UFO. Well, it was daylight we did not see anything and anyway that was not our intention; we just were taking a rest and wanted to see the beautiful scenery. Again at that time, I did not pay too much attention to the comment it was just a trivial conversation among friends. However, we continued traveling in the panoramic road and reached a point where there was approximately between 10 to 15 men (Blond hair, tall, same haircut style, well-groomed, same body structure (athletic), refined (seems to be educated), with such commanded authority, and all were dressed the same, (strange as it sound they were wearing jeans, and the shirts were also jeans fabric.), all of them were super good-looking, and they were standing in a straight line facing to the road. So, I found them different, so I wanted a picture of this different group, but I couldn't take the picture: it was again a telepathic thought "you are not authorized to take picture of us." Immediately all of them turned around (about face=turned around and faced the opposite direction) simultaneously. Yes, I felt intimidated like if taking a picture of the group was something bad. However, I did not analyze anything else, I thought at that time, it was just a coincidence, maybe they were European in a scientific job. We continued our travel and saw in the next town some residents (Indians from the region), humble, wearing colorful cloth, wearing hats. Their demeanor was nothing like those blondes, extremely good looking, tall men, that I had seen before we arrived to the town. In my life I have seen so good looking group. I have traveled to Europe, Central America, South America and I live in US and I have never seen a group of so good "almost perfect" looking again. These facts at the time of the travel to the Andes were not significant enough, but when I traveled back to my country and developed the pictures. I noticed that the couple (first incident) was not in the picture was then when I put together all the above concerns of my visit to the Andes and analyzed them. Today, I cannot explain why the couple did not show in the picture, the feeling of telepathic communication (two times) and the presence of the group of men that definitely did not belong to tha area or any other area I could think, have always inspire to read more about paranormal subjects! - cuarto | ||||||||||||
Posted: 20 Nov 2010 08:12 AM PST A Michigan biologist believes he has cracked the mystery of the legendary chupacabra, an enigmatic mammal that strikes at night and drains the blood of defenseless livestock. The mythical beast recently found its way into popular culture and television. CNN's Ed Lavandera called it the "Bigfoot of Latino culture." Chupacabra literally means "goat sucker" in Spanish. Farmers in Puerto Rico said more than 150 farm animals were found with puncture wounds and were drained of blood during the early 1990s. Since then, sightings have been reported from Chile to Maine. A sheriff's deputy in Texas caught one on video with his dash cam. University of Michigan biologist Barry O'Connor said he believes there is a scientific explanation. "The description of these animals clearly matches that of mange-infested coyote or dog," said O'Connor O'Connor said a wild dog infected with mites would lose its fur, the mouth and teeth would look more prominent, and since it was sick, the predator would prey on livestock instead of something faster such as rabbits. Alex Hearn, of the Arizona Cryptozoological Research Organization, agrees with O'Connor. "I try to figure out what logically would be the simplest answer, because that's usually going to be the correct answer," said Hearn. But the diseased dog theory only works for the American chupacabra, Hearn added. The original chupacabra, believed to be from Puerto Rico, is said to be an even more menacing-looking creature with two legs and spikes on its back. Hearn said he believes the Puerto Rican chupacabras are manged monkeys whose ancestors escaped from a lab during a hurricane. "The lab was abandoned, the humans left, the windows broke, the cages broke and the monkeys got out," Hearn said. The legend of the Chupacabra will live on. "Can you ever put to rest a myth, fully?" asked Hearn. ********** Experts: Mystery contrail was from Chinese missile WND - Although the U.S. Defense Department and North American Aerospace Defense Command have speculated publicly that the unidentified contrail of a projectile soaring into the skies off the California coast – and recorded by a KCBS television crew – came from a jet and posed no security threat to the U.S., several experts are raising provocative and disturbing questions about the government's official response, reports Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin. Two governmental military experts with extensive experience working with missiles and computer security systems have examined the television video and conclude the mysterious contrail originating some 30 miles off the coast near Los Angeles did not come from a jet – but rather, they say the exhaust and the billowing plume emanated from a single source nozzle of a missile, probably made in China. They further suggest the missile was fired from a submerged Chinese nuclear submarine off America's coast, and point out that the timing of the alleged Chinese missile shot coincided with an increasing confrontation between the U.S. and China, and was likely meant to send a message to Washington. Indeed, the Federal Aviation Administration documents that there were no aircraft flying in the area at that time, the night of Nov. 8. ********** Ohio Mystery Leads to 3 Bodies in Hollow Tree indiepropub - After a teenage girl, Sarah Maynard was found bound and gagged in the basement of an unemployed tree-trimmer, Matthew Hoffman's basement. Thursday he directed authorities to the location of other victims. "The bodies of the girl's brother, mother and another woman were found stuffed into garbage bags within a hollow tree." The teen girl, 13, was reported missing over a week ago. Her home was reported to be splattered with the blood of the three additional victims. Authorities reported that all were killed in the home, but did not know how they were killed or the location of their bodies. "Part of the tree had to be cut away to remove the remains," said Knox County Ohio's Sheriff David Barber. 30-year-old, Matthew Hoffman, an ex-con who spent six years in prison for arson and other charges, returned to Ohio in 2007 after his release. He currently remains in jail for the kidnapping of the teen girl and is the only suspect in the killings of her family. The third person's identity is believed to be Stephanie Sprang, a family friend, whom was reported missing after she failed to show up for work on November 10th. Matthew Hoffman was questioned the next day, when he was found sitting in a vehicle of a pickup related to the case. Just after, authorities found large quantities of blood inside the missing teen's home. SWAT found the teen girl, Sarah, "over the weekend in the basement of Hoffman's home in Mount Vernon. Sheriff Barber would not elaborate on her ordeal, but that "she was at home when the killings occurred and doing well, considering the circumstances". The bodies of the girl's family and family friend, were found "in a wildlife preserve in Fredericktown, about 15 miles from Hoffman's home. The bodies were taken to a nearby country coroner's office which expects to release "results on Saturday". It is not known how Hoffman knew the family, but it is believed he had been "watching them". His own split level home is said to be about 10 miles from the victim's home, but his parents "live less than a mile away". At the home of the Maynard children's father, "men stood in the yard and asked a reporter to stay off the property". Stephanie Sprang, the family friend and third victim whom worked for a local Dairy Queen had "people gathered on her father's porch declining to comment". A neighbor of Matthew Hoffman's parents, Paul Manter, relayed the parents "can't believe their son did this". Manter also stated the couple "wanted to help with the searching and he advised against it." He further stated, "I wouldn't have suspected that he would do something like this." Going on, Manter said at a candlelight vigil, "It gives us closure, but sad closure." Other neighbors described odd behavior of Matthew Hoffman. "He collected leaves in the park." "He would sit up in a tree and listen to people." Hoffman's ex-girlfriend had a police confrontation due to an argument on October 24th at his home. She told police he "choked her, pushed her against a wall and pinned her against a wall with his forearm." She further stated, "she thought he was going to kill her". According to the report, she "did not want to press charges". ********** Rabid bat warning issued by Los Angeles health office BBC - Los Angeles county health officials have issued a warning to residents, telling them to be on the lookout for rabid bats. The Department of Public Health said 21 rabid bats had been found in the county this year so far, twice the number typically found in the region. Health director Jonathan Fielding said it was unclear why the number of rabid bats had increased. Rabies is a viral disease that can cause death. It was important for all residents to "understand the potential dangers posed to themselves and their pets, as most of these rabid bats have been found in and around homes", Mr Fielding said. He urged residents to keep their children and pets away from bats and other wildlife. One resident, who was attempting to nurse a bat back to health, was bitten and was treated for rabies, county officials said. | ||||||||||||
New Castle County, Delaware Cougar Reports - 3rd Series of Reports in 15 Years Posted: 20 Nov 2010 07:40 AM PST wpvi - New Castle County Police are looking into the reported sighting of a mountain lion in Pike Creek, Delaware. Police were called at 12:48 a.m. Wednesday to the 100 block of Benham Court, near the Clearview Ridge Townhouses community. Newark, Delaware resident Steve Bitanga believes he saw a cougar or mountain lion just after letting his boxer named Jake out for a walk. He says he heard a screech and saw a large animal about 30 yards away. "I can hear the growling and it was definitely a mountain lion, maybe a cougar, but it was pretty big," Bitanga said. Bitanga says he watched for about 8 minutes and called 911, but didn't snap a photo. The cougar is one of North America's biggest cats, also called a puma or mountain lion. "The caller's indicating it's twice the size of a full grown boxers, so it's our obligation to make the public aware," New Castle County Police Officer John Weglarz said. Neighbors were surprised at the news and said they'd be extra vigilant. "We've seen deer, we've seen foxes, but never anything like a cougar," resident Casey Graney said. Police say there have been reports of cougar sightings in the area in the past. Click for video ********** wpvi - New Castle County Police say a resident in the Mill Creek section reported seeing a cougar Friday afternoon. Police received a call around 1:30 p.m. saying a woman reported seeing what she described as, "a big cat with a long tail," in the unit block of Bernard Boulevard in the Quail Ridge section. Police searched the area, but found nothing and no visible evidence of a cougar in the area. There was also a cougar sighting reported early Wednesday morning at the 100 block of Benham Court, near the Clearview Ridge Townhouses community. NOTE: Cougar sightings were also reported in March 1996 and November 2002- Canny Cougar Eludes Police in Suburban Delaware and Delaware Cougar Confirmations...Lon Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Spirit Rescue International Providing no cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind SPIRIT RESCUE INTERNATIONAL - HAUNTED HELP Spiritual, paranormal and supernatural guidance and support using remote viewing and other complementary therapies - all are welcome Phantoms & Monsters Wiki A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussion of interterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena including conversations on the proficiency of remote viewing SUPPLY BASE Buy alternative supplies and gifts CLICK HERE! ![]() |
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