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- Incident at Exeter: The Norman Muscarello UFO Case
- Fortean / Oddball News: UK Big Cat Photographed, WTC Building 7 and Skin Turned Into Blood
- Bhootbilli: Has the Monkey Man Returned?
Incident at Exeter: The Norman Muscarello UFO Case Posted: 08 Nov 2010 10:16 AM PST Norman Muscarello, a teenage Navy recruit, was walking down a quiet country highway at night, when suddenly, a huge object loomed above him. Thus began the "Incident at Exeter," a series of sightings officially qualified as "unidentified." The encounters that night took special precedence over other UFO sightings because of the credibility of two Exeter police officers who also saw the UFO, as well as that of the dispatcher and supervising officer who first heard Muscarello's account. ********** Printed in the The Portsmouth Herald (Portsmouth, NH), Sept. 2, 2005 - Engulfed in the blackness of a late summer night, a teenage Navy recruit walked down the quiet country highway. Suddenly, a huge object loomed above him. Throwing himself to the ground to avoid being hit, he huddled against a stone wall. The blood drained from his face. The time was around 2 a.m. The date was Sept. 3, 1965. Thus began the "Incident at Exeter," a series of sightings officially qualified as a legitimate visit from an unidentified flying object. In September and October 1965, several sightings in New Hampshire were carefully investigated and documented by local and federal offices.
The encounters that night took special precedence over other UFO sightings because of the credibility of Exeter police officers Eugene Bertrand and David Hunt, as well as Reginald "Scratch" Toland, who was dispatcher and supervising officer when the shaken teenager, Norman Muscarello, came to the police station claiming he had encountered a UFO. A similar report substantiated his story. Earlier, Bertrand had come upon a lone woman parked on the side of Route 101 near an overpass two miles outside Exeter. She said a huge, silent, red and brilliantly glowing airborne object had chased her from the town of Epping about 12 miles away. It had been only a few feet from her car before it departed at a tremendous speed and disappeared. Bertrand saw nothing but a bright star and sent her home. Toland also spoke to the woman, who told him she had been chased by the "low-flying, large, round object with flashing red lights." An hour later, Bertrand received a call from Toland to report back to the station immediately because "a kid had come in who had seen a UFO." The police officer picked up Muscarello at the station. The teen led him back to the site where he'd seen the craft. After sitting in the parked cruiser for several minutes, Bertrand radioed the dispatcher to say they saw nothing unusual. Bertrand, instructed to check out the field before heading back, proceeded to do so with Muscarello. Horses in a nearby barn began to kick and whinny. Dogs in the neighborhood began to howl. Muscarello shouted, "Look out, here it comes!" and they watched as something luminous rose from behind tall evergreens. The aircraft, about 100 feet away, silently sped so close to Bertrand that he dropped to the ground and drew his service weapon. "There was this huge, dark object as big as that barn over there with red flashing lights on it," Bertrand later told an investigator. "It barely cleared that tree right there, and it was moving back and forth... It seemed to tilt and come right at us. Norman told me later that I was yelling, 'I'll shoot it! I'll shoot it!' I did drop on one knee and drew my service revolver, but I didn't shoot." Bertrand, dragged Muscarello, frozen with fear, back to the cruiser. From the car, the men saw no tail, no wings and heard no sound. Already en route, Hunt arrived within minutes and saw the UFO as it "floated, wobbled and did things that no plane could do" before it darted away toward Hampton. They returned to the station to write their report. Toland received a call shortly after from a Hampton telephone operator who said that a distressed motorist attempted to contact the police from a pay phone. He yelled at the operator, saying he was being chased by a flying saucer that came right at him and that it was still out there. He was then disconnected. A Hampton Police Department's blotter entry for that night reads: "September 3, 1965: 3 a.m. Exeter Police Department reports unidentified flying object in that area. Units 2, 4 and Pease Air Force alerted. At 3:17 a.m., received a call from Exeter operator and Officer Toland. Advised that a male subject called and asked for police department, further stating that call was in re: a large unidentified flying object, but call was cut off. Call received from a Hampton pay phone, location unknown."
The official report to Project Blue Book from the director of administrative services of the Pease Air Force Base at Portsmouth concluded with this paragraph by the investigator: "At this time, have been unable to arrive at a probable cause of this sighting. The three observers seem to be stable, reliable persons, especially the two patrolmen. I viewed the area and found nothing in the area that could be the probable cause." Project Blue Book is a compilation by the U.S. government to repute the existence of extraterrestrial objects. Peter Geremia, New Hampshire state director of the Mutual Unidentified Flying Object Network Inc., noted: "The police officers involved put their careers on the line. They courageously came forward and stated what they saw at a time when witnesses were not allowed any credibility on the subject." Geremia, who has appeared on national media programs including "Unsolved Mysteries," presented chronological depiction of what happened the night of the Incident at Exeter. His "decent rendition of what happened" matches the series of events starting with Muscarello being frightened by a UFO. Bertrand, although an Air Force veteran, was never able to put a name to the UFO. "What do you call a UFO? Was it from another planet? We just couldn't identify it," he noted. He meticulously described it as a "huge, shapeless object with five sequentially pulsating-from-left-to-right bright red lights, so bright you couldn't look at it." The Pentagon repeatedly denied the sightings, but the incident was read into the congressional record in April 1966 by Raymond Fowler, representative of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena in Washington. It was the first open congressional hearing on UFOs. Fowler, internationally renowned author of 11 books about UFOs, has studied UFO reports for decades. In a recent interview, he shared his thoughts on the Exeter incident and the stories that followed. "The second-hand speculation stories were varied and perhaps hypothesized," Fowler said. "Muscarello's mother purportedly saw confidential drawings of a UFO landing site pattern that was handcuffed to an Air Force investigator who visited her house. The neighboring farmer was instructed by the Air Force to plow under landing marks in his field. "The hens in the neighborhood stopped laying eggs. The air-base intelligence officer was seen buying up all the newspapers carrying stories about Sept. 3. A base commander was seen in civilian clothes rather than uniform while investigating," he related. Then, there was the irrefutable. "There were major similarities with these area sightings that conform to documented cases. UFOs tend to be seen near swamps, major power lines or nuclear sources. Muscarello noticed the object coming from over a line of trees behind which were major power lines. There was a swamp in the area. Pease and the Navy yard both had nuclear power entities. And, when a Pease Air Force base commander attempted to disprove it was a UFO by simulating the incident by turning on runway lights, he failed," noted Fowler. Fowler, now retired from active investigation, noted in a letter to the United States Air Force, "The UFO sighted by Norman Muscarello was identical to the UFO seen later by Muscarello, Bertrand and Hunt. "There is no question in my mind that the same or similar object was involved in both of these particular sightings. "Since I did not interview the unnamed woman, I am not certain of the details... but according to Officer Bertrand, the object... was very similar to the UFO they sighted later... another witness, a male motorist, also sighted a similar object..." Because of the viability of the testimonies of those involved on the night of Sept. 3, 1965, and because of Fowler's testimony into the Congressional Record in April 1966, the United States Air Force admitted that indeed, the Incident at Exeter involved an unidentified flying object. **********
The "Incident at Exeter" - September 3, 1965 Excerpt from Hynek, J. Allen . "The Hynek UFO Report" (1977) - Dr. Hynek states: "Incident" is hardly the term for this classic Close Encounter case which is known to virtually all who have followed the UFO phenomenon. This encounter at Exeter, New Hampshire gained national prominence, and caused both the original witnesses and the Air Force considerable embarrassment. Not only is this a fine example of a Close Encounter of the First Kind, but it is a showcase illustration of Blue Book negligence, put-down of witnesses, attempts to explain away the testimony of responsible witnesses with a parade of "official" explanations, and of capitulation on the part of the Pentagon which, months later, had to admit that the case should have been carried as "Unidentified." The file folders in Blue Book, however, still have the original evaluation of "Astro-Stars/Planets" and "Aircraft for Operation Big Blast." (The astronomical evaluation is completely untenable and Operation Big Blast terminated more than an hour before the incident at Exeter began, according to official records.) The story of this case is well documented in John Fuller's book "The Incident at Exeter," and in an excellent report by Raymond Fowler and his associates, who did a far better job investigating the case than did Blue Book. I am indebted to Mr. Fowler for the excerpts from his report that follow. Blue Book files on this case are fairly extensive in themselves although they draw heavily on the report by Mr. Fowler. Blue Book's first mention of the incident at Exeter is dated October 15, 1965, and comes in the form of a request from the Headquarters of the 817th Air Division (SAC) at Pease AFB, New Hampshire. Written by their Director of Information for the Commander, and addressed to the Information Officer at Wright-Patterson AFB, it reads: There have been an unusually high number of reported sightings of unidentified flying objects in the Pease AFB, New Hampshire, area which have been the subject of much discussion and numerous newspaper, radio and television reports. Many of these sightings have been reported to this base and your records will show that we have performed thorough investigations of the . . . Several members of this command have actually been called to view UFOs by sincere and sober citizens but as yet, we have always been too late or "unlucky." The most interesting sighting, in the nearby town of Exeter, aroused special interest as two policemen saw the object at very close range. This office has, of course, not commented on sightings reported to the Air Force other than to say that they have been or are being investigated, that the reports will be sent to your organization, that further releases will be made from the Public Information Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, etc. The fact that we cannot comment on the investigations has led to somewhat alarming suspicion of Air Force motives and interest in this area, the most popular belief being that "...the Air Force won't release the truth because if the truth were known, everyone would be panicked." I have attempted to counter this by explaining the USAF's interest in this matter every time I speak to the press or private citizens about this matter. . . Still, however, an alarming number of people remain unconvinced {!}. Many members of the two nearby Military Affairs committees and key citizens from surrounding towns and cities have inquired concerning the possibility of an Air Force speaker on this subject. Do you operate a speaker's bureau or would you be able to suggest where I might be able to obtain knowledge of an Air Force spokesman who could explain the Air Force UFO program and what happens to reports sent to your organization? If speakers from your organization are available, it might be possible for us to arrange transportation via Pease Base C-47, Billeting poses no problem. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. For the Commander A.B.B., 1st Lt. USAF Director of Information Dr. Hynek: The initial report which came in from Pease AFB on September 15, 1965, was the soul of brevity. "The following report of an unidentified object is hereby submitted in accordance with AFR-200-2. A) Description of Object 1) round 2) baseball 3) bright red 4) five red lights in a row 5) lights were close together and moved as one object 6) none 7) none 8) none 9) extremely bright red B) Description of Course of Object 1) visual sighting 2) object was at an altitude of approximately 100 feet and moved in an arc of 135 degrees 3) object disappeared at an altitude of approximately one hundred feet on a magnetic heading of approximately 160 degrees 4) the object was erratic in movement and would disappear behind houses and building in the area. It would then appear at a position other than where it disappeared. When in view, it would act as a floating leaf. 5) object departed on a heading of 160 degrees and was observed until it disappeared in the distance 6) one hour C) Manner of Observation 1) ground-visual 2) none 3) N/A D) Time and Date of Sighting 1) 3/9/0600 Z 2) night E) Location of Observer 1) 3 nautical miles SW of Exeter in New Hampshire F) Identifying Information of Observer 1) civilian, Norman J. Muscarello, age 18.... appears to be reliable. 2) civilian, Eugene F. Bertrand, Jr., age 30, Exeter Police Department, Exeter, New Hampshire, patrolman, reliable 3) civilian, David R. Hunt, age 28, Exeter Police Department, Exeter, New Hampshire, patrolman, reliable G) Weather and Winds 1) weather was clear with no known weather phenomena. There was a five-degree inversion from surface to 5,000'. 2) winds at Pease AFB (the winds were uniformly from the west, low velocity near the surface to quite high above 10,000') 3) clear (unlimited) 4) 30 nautical miles 5) None 6) None H) None I) None J) None K) Major David H. Griffin, Base Disaster Control Officer, Command pilot 1) at this time I have been unable to arrive at a probably cause of this sighting. The three observers seem to be stable, reliable persons, especially the two patrolmen. I viewed the area of the sighting and found nothing in the area that could be the probable cause. Pease AFB had five B-47 aircraft flying in the area during this period but I do not believe that they had any connection with this sighting. Dr. Hynek: The report in Blue Book continues with the statements of the three witnesses involved. The first, from Norman Muscarello, follows: I, Norman J. Muscarello, was hitchhiking on Rt. 150, three miles south of Exeter, New Hampshire, at 0200 hours on the 3rd of September. A group of five bright red lights appeared over a house about a hundred feet from where I was standing. The lights were in a line at about a sixty-degree angle. They were so bright, they lighted up the area. The lights then moved out over a large field and acted at times like a floating leaf. They would go down behind the trees, behind a house and then reappear. They always moved in the same sixty-degree angle. Only one light would be on at a time. They were pulsating: one, two, three, four, five, four, three, two, one. They were so bright I could not distinguish a form to the object. I watched these lights for about fifteen minutes and they finally disappeared behind some trees and seemed to go into a field. At one time while I was watching them, they seemed to come so close I jumped into a ditch to keep from being hit. After the lights went into a field, I caught a ride to the Exeter Police Station and reported what I had seen. signed, Norman J. Muscarello Dr. Hynek: The statement from the first patrolman, who after being called to the scene also witnessed the UFO: I, Eugene F. Bertrand, Jr., was cruising on the morning of the 3rd of September at 0100 on Rt. 108 bypass near Exeter, New Hampshire. I noticed an automobile parked on the side of the road and stopped to investigate. I found a woman in the car who stated she was too upset to drive. She stated that a light had been following her car and had stopped over her car. I stayed with her about fifteen minutes but was unable to see anything. I departed and reported back to Exeter Police Station where I found Norman Muscarello. He related his story of seeing some bright red lights in the field. After taking him back to where he stated that he had seen the lights. When we had gone about fifty feet, a group of five bright red lights came from behind a group of trees near us. They were extremely bright and flashed on one at a time. The lights started to move around over the field. At one time, they came so close I fell to the ground and started to draw my gun. The lights were so bright, I was unable to make out any form. There was no sound or vibration but the farm animals were upset in the area and were making a lot of noise. When the lights started coming near us again, Mr. Muscarello and I ran to the car. I radioed Patrolman David Hunt who arrived in a few minutes. He also observed the lights which were still over the field but not as close as before. The lights moved out across the field at an estimated altitude of one hundred feet, and finally disappeared in the distance at the same altitude. The lights were always in line at about a sixty-degree angle. When the object moved, the lower lights were always forward of the others. signed, Eugene F. Bertrand, Patrolman Dr. Hynek: From the third witness: I, David R. Hunt, at about 0255 on the morning of the 3rd of September, received a call from Patrolman Bertrand to report to an area about three miles southwest of Exeter, New Hampshire. Upon arriving at the scene, I observed a group of bright red lights flashing in sequence. They appeared to be about one half mile over a field to the southeast. After observing the lights for a short period of time, they moved off in a southeasterly direction and disappeared in the distance. The lights appeared to remain at the same altitude which I estimate to be about one hundred feet. signed, David R. Hunt, Patrolman Dr. Hynek: Blue Book's way of dealing with these witnesses' reports was to make every effort to locate some type of aircraft operation in the area in question; none was successful. A news clip from the Amesbury News, Massachusetts, stated that the UFO was identified as an "ad gimmick"; but Ray Fowler checked with the Skylight Aerial Advertising Company and was advised that their aircraft was _not_ flying on the night of September 3. He was also informed that the company aircraft rarely flew into southern New Hampshire, and when it did, it was usually in the Salem and Manchester areas, miles away from Exeter. Furthermore, he learned that the "Skylight" aircraft does not carry red flashing lights; it carries a rectangular sign with white flashing lights. Yet the manager of the advertising company had stated to the Amesbury News that "perhaps some UFOs reported in the New Hampshire area could have been their aircraft." Unfortunately, the press anxiously latched on to this bit of irrelevant information to "explain" the Exeter case. The two simultaneous investigations of this case are an interesting study in contrasts. The Air Force records are at best sketchy, and focus essentially on attempts at locating existing aircraft in the area; as usual, Blue Book started out its investigation with a negative premise. On the other hand, Raymond Fowler and his associates made an exhaustive examination of the case, keeping their minds open at all times. Their final reports were duly submitted to Blue Book. The following is excerpted from Fowler's report, which supplements Muscarello's statement to the Air Force investigator: . . . Muscarello reported the incident to Desk Officer Reginald Towland at about 1:45 A.M. EDT. Side view and angle view seen. He was hit with fear and hardly able to talk. A radio call was made to Officer Bertrand asking him to return to the station, pick up Muscarello, and investigate at the scene of the sighting which he did. Upon arriving at the Carl Dining field, the object was nowhere to be seen. After waiting and looking from the cruiser for several minutes, Bertrand radioed headquarters that there was nothing there and that the boy must have been imagining things. It was then suggested that he examine the field before returning, so Bertrand and Muscarello advanced into the field. As the police officer played his flashlight beam back and forth over the field, Muscarello sighted the object rising slowly from behind some nearby trees and shouted. Bertrand swung around and saw a large dark object carrying a straight row of four extraordinarily bright, red, pulsating lights coming into the field at treetop level. It swung around toward them and just clearing a sixty-to seventy-foot tree and seemingly only one hundred feet away from them. Instinctively, Officer Bertrand drew his service revolver (he stated that Muscarello shouted, "Shoot it!"), but thinking this unwise, replaced it and yelled to Muscarello to take cover in the cruiser. He told me (Fowler) that he was afraid that they both would be burnt by the blinding lights closing in on them. They ran to the cruiser where Bertrand immediately put in a radio call to headquarters for assistance. Officer Hunt arrived within minutes, and the trio observed the object move away over and below the tree line. Dr. Hynek: Now let us return to the Blue Book coverage for a look at an interesting exchange of letters between the then Major Quintanilla and the police officers involved. Quintanilla states: Our investigations and evaluation of the sighting indicates a possible association with the Air Force operation "Big Blast." In addition to aircraft from this operation, there were five (5) B-47 aircraft flying in the area during this period. Before final evaluation of your sighting can be made, it is essential for us to know if either of you witnessed any aircraft in the area during this time period, either independently or in connection with the observed object. Since there were many aircraft in the area, at he time, and there were no reports of unidentified objects from personnel engaged in this air operation, we might then assume that the objects observed between midnight and two A.M. might be associated with this military air operation. If, however, these aircraft were noted by either of you, this would tend to eliminate this air operation as a possible explanation for the objects observed. Signed, Hector Quintanilla, Jr. Major, USAF, Chief, Project Blue Book Dr. Hynek: It is interesting to note that Maj. Quintanilla had used the term "before a final evaluation of your sighting can be made," whereas the Pentagon had in fact already issued its evaluation (attributing the sighting to Operation Big Blast) some time before Quintanilla wrote his letter. Maj. Quintanilla received a prompt reply from Officers Bertrand and Hunt. Their letter of December 2, 1965, reads: "Dear Sir: We were very glad to get your letter during the third week in November, because as you might imagine, we have been the subject of considerable ridicule since the Pentagon released its "final evaluation" of our sighting of September 3, 1965. In other words, both Patrolman Hunt and myself saw this object at close range, checked it out with each other, confirmed and reconfirmed the fact that this was not any kind of conventional aircraft, that it was at an altitude of not more than a couple of hundred feet and went to considerable trouble to confirm that the weather was clear, there was no wind, no chance of weather inversion, and that what we were seeing was in no way a military or civilian craft. We entered this in a complete official police report as a supplement to the blotter of the morning of September 3rd (not September 2 as your letter indicates). Since our job depends on accuracy and the ability to tell the difference between fact and fiction, we were naturally disturbed by the Pentagon report issued which attributed the sighting to "multiple high-altitude objects in area" and "weather inversion." What is a little difficult to understand is the fact that your letter arrived considerably after the Pentagon release. Since your letter says that you are still in the process of making a final evaluation, it seems that there is an inconsistency here. Ordinarily, this would not be too important except for the fact that in a situation like this, we are naturally very reluctant to be considered irresponsible in our official report to the police station. One of us (Patrolman Bertrand) was in the Air Force for four years, engaged in refueling operations, with all kinds of military aircraft; it was impossible to mistake what we saw for any kind of military operation, regardless of altitude. It was also definitely not a helicopter or balloon. Immediately after the object disappeared, we did see what probably was a B-47 at high altitudes, but it bore no relation to the object that we saw. Another fact is that the time of our observation was nearly an hour after two A.M. which would eliminate the Air Force Operation Big Blast since as you say, this took place between midnight and 2 A.M. Norman Muscarello, who first reported this object before we went to the site, saw it somewhere in the vicinity of 2 A.M. but nearly an hour had passed before he got to the police station and we went out to the location with him. We would both appreciate it very much if you would help us eliminate the possible conclusion that some people have made in that we might have: (a) made up the story, (b) were incompetent observers. Anything that you could do along this line would be very much appreciated, and I am sure that you can understand the position we are in. We appreciate the problem that the Air Force must have with the number of irresponsible reports on this subject, and don't want to cause you unnecessary trouble. One the other hand, we think that you probably understand our position. Thanks very much for your interest. Sincerely, Patrolman Eugene Bertrand and Patrolman David Hunt Dr. Hynek: They received no reply to this letter. They wrote again on December 29: Dear Sir: Since we have not heard from you since our letter of December 2, we are writing this to request some kind of an answer since we are still upset about what happened after the Pentagon released its news that we had just seen stars or planets, or high-altitude air exercises. As we mentioned in our last letter to you, it could not have been the Operation Big Blast you mentioned since the time of our sighting was an hour after that exercise and it may not have even been the same date since you refer to our sighting as September 2. Our sighting was on September 3. In addition, as we mentioned, we are both familiar with all the B-47's and B-52's and helicopters and jet fighters which are going over this place all the time. On top of this, Patrolman Bertrand had four years of refueling experience in the Air Force and knows regular aircraft of all kinds. It is important to remember that this craft that we saw was not more than one hundred feet in the air and it was absolutely silent with no rush of air from jets or chopper blades whatever. And it did not have any wings or tail. It lit up the entire field, and two nearby houses turned completely red. It stopped, hovered, and turned on a dime. What bothers us most is that many people are thinking that we were either lying or not intelligent enough to tell the difference between what we saw and something ordinary. Three other people saw this same thing on September 3 and two of them appear to be in shock from it. This was absolutely not a case of mistaken identity. We both feel that it is very important for our jobs and our reputations to get some kind of letter from you to say that story put out by the Pentagon was not true; it could not possibly be because we were the people who saw this, not the Pentagon. Can you please let us hear from you as soon as possible? Signed, Patrolman Eugene Bertrand and Patrolman David Hunt Dr. Hynek: More than a month later, the patrolmen received the following response from the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force: Gentlemen: Based on additional information submitted to our UFO Investigation Officer, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, we have been unable to identify the object that you observed on September 3, 1965. In nineteen years of investigating over ten thousand reports of unidentified flying objects, the evidence has proved almost conclusively that reported aerial phenomena have been either objects created or set aloft by men, generated by atmospheric conditions, or caused by celestial bodies or the residue of meteoric activity. Thank you for reporting your observation to the Air Force, and for your subsequent co-operation concerning the report. I regret any inconvenience you may have suffered as a result. Sincerely, John P. Spaulding Lt. Col, USAF Dr. Hynek: Whether this letter satisfied the patrolmen, I do not know. Between the lines, it still says "It can't be, therefore it isn't" and that therefore their sighting must undoubtedly have some natural explanation. At least, however, the patrolmen had the satisfaction of the final admission from the Pentagon that they had been unable to identify their sighting. The Exeter UFO sightings - and especially the incident involving Norman Muscarello and police officers Eugene Bertrand and David Hunt - remain among the best-documented and best-publicized in UFO history. In 1966 Fuller would publish an account of his investigation into the case. Entitled Incident at Exeter, it would make The New York Times bestseller list and remains one of the best-selling UFO books in history. Of those who were directly involved with the case, only David Hunt and Raymond Fowler are still living as of 2010. Norman Muscarello died after a sudden illness in April 2003; he insisted to his death that what he had witnessed was real and not an ordinary object. The following links also include information on this case: The Exeter, NH/Muscarello Case Directory, The Exeter, NH/Muscarello Case - Fowler, "Incident at Exeter" Exclusive - The UNSEEN UFO Interviews and Norman Muscarello Recalls His UFO Incident at Exeter Sources: Hynek, J. Allen . "The Hynek UFO Report" (1977) | ||||||
Fortean / Oddball News: UK Big Cat Photographed, WTC Building 7 and Skin Turned Into Blood Posted: 08 Nov 2010 08:54 AM PST Panther-Like Cat Photographed in Wolverhampton, UK telegraph - Police are investigating the sighting in Wednesfield, Wolverhampton after eyewitnesses reported it. Local dog walkers have even been warned to take extra care. Retired union officer Andrew Hall alerted police to the potential danger. The 55-year-old was on the phone in his kitchen when he saw what he thought was a black bin liner stuck in a tree beyond his back garden. He said: "But as I talked I saw the shape move and realised that it was a living creature, about as big as a German Shepherd. "People will probably think Im a nutter but it was definitely a cat by the way it very tenderly came down the tree and arched its back." Mr Hall dropped the phone and ran into the garden, before dashing to get his camera to capture the creature on film. "I realised dogs don't climb trees but by the time I returned I was too excited to press the right buttons on my camera so the pictures aren't that clear," he added. "It was such a shock. I went from excitement to fright the first thing I thought of was all the children and old age pensioners that live round here." Mr Hall contacted the RSPCA who advised him to call the police. Two officers later patrolled the area. Mr Hall, who saw the cat last Friday, said a police helicopter then hovered over the area. The grandfather-of-two described the animal as pure black with a tail about two-feet long in a tree behind shops in Blackhalve Lane. When he told a neighbour, she said a dog walker stopped her about three or four months warning her to be careful on nearby fields. She said she'd seen a cat about the size of a large dog and was worried, said Mr Hall. ********** Scientists turn human skin into blood! bioscholar - Scientists at McMaster University have discovered how to make human blood from adult human skin. The breakthrough could mean that in the foreseeable future people needing blood for surgery, cancer treatment or treatment of other blood conditions like anemia will be able to have blood created from a patch of their own skin to provide transfusions. Mick Bhatia, scientific director of McMaster's Stem Cell and Cancer Research Institute in the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine, and his team of researchers have also shown that the conversion is direct. Making blood from skin does not require the middle step of changing a skin stem cell into a pluripotent stem cell that could make many other types of human cells, then turning it into a blood stem cell. "We have shown this works using human skin. We know how it works and believe we can even improve on the process," Nature quoted Bhatia as saying. "We"ll now go on to work on developing other types of human cell types from skin, as we already have encouraging evidence," Bhatia added. The discovery was replicated several times over two years using human skin from both young and old people to prove it works for any age of person. ********** Indian Politician Accuses Opposition of Using Witchcraft to Kill Him daijiworld - Chief Minister, B S Yeddyurappa, accused the opposition of sacrificing donkeys and conducting witchcraft rituals, with the aim of causing his death. He was speaking at a programme of health check up-cum-distribution of the saris to women under 'Bhagyalakshmi' scheme of the state government here on Sunday November 7. "Due to various hurdles created by the opposition, I have not been able to lead the state on the fast track to progress with the speed I had hoped to," he lamented. He said that those who are angry at the steps taken by him to ban ore exports were behind the efforts being made to unseat him. "I fully trust in God. The people of the state are my God. If I have done anything wrong, the God will punish me, and I am prepared for that," he said. Pointing out that countries like China have taken lot of measures to preserve their mineral wealth, he said that those who have been selling off mineral wealth for monetary gains are idiots. "These people know that as long as I am in power, they will not be allowed to loot the state's mineral wealth. Frustrated over this fact, they have been doing everything within their command to harm me," he claimed. Yeddyurappa said that several legislators had been pressurizing him to do everything they wanted, to close eyes to the wrongs committed by them, and to make them or their close ones ministers. He claimed these things were against his conscience, and that he had offered to resign, rather than defrauding the people. "The people will not excuse those who commit treachery. Even if they do, the God will not pardon them," he said in a voice choked with emotion. ********** A campaign to raise awareness of WTC Building 7 BuildingWhat? - Building 7 was a 47-story skyscraper that was part of the World Trade Center complex. It would have been the tallest high-rise in 33 states. It collapsed at 5:20 pm on September 11, 2001. It was not hit by an airplane and suffered minimal damage compared to other buildings much closer to the Twin Towers. More than eight years after the tragedy of September 11, 2001, New York Supreme Court Justice Edward H. Lehner was hearing arguments in a courtroom less than a mile from Ground Zero about a ballot initiative to launch a new investigation of the 9/11 attacks. When the lawyer for the plaintiffs sponsoring the initiative explained that the 9/11 Commission report left many unanswered questions, including "Why did Building 7 come down," the Judge replied quizzically, "Building what?" Like Judge Lehner, millions of people do not know or remember only vaguely that a third tower called World Trade Center Building 7 also collapsed on September 11, 2001. In any other situation, the complete, free fall collapse of a 47-story skyscraper would be played over and over on the news. It would be discussed for years to come and building design codes would be completely rewritten. So, why does no one know about Building 7? And why did Building 7 come down? The answers to these questions have far-reaching implications for our society. The goal of the "BuildingWhat?" campaign is to raise awareness of Building 7 so that together we can begin to address these questions. ********** Snakes in the Walls! thestar - When Janet Wilkinson opened her washing machine, she expected to find some laundry. Instead, she found a python. She shrieked, "Another snake!" Finding a python living in your home, without your consent, is a lot to handle. But finding more than one? Well, that's terrifying. The Royal Python Wilkinson found coiled in her washing machine on Friday night was the second snake she and her husband, Chris Forde, have found in their home in two weeks. "Lightning only strikes in the same place once," Wilkinson told the Toronto Star at the couple's home near Coxwell and Danforth Aves. on Saturday. "But last night it struck again — and it is probably going to strike three or four more times." One snake is an anomaly. Two snakes are a family. And a local pet store informed the couple that they'll likely meet some reptilian siblings in the near future. The snake saga began about a month ago, when Forde ripped the toilet out the main-floor washroom for some renovations. "This head just popped out," he said, of the python peaking through a gap in the floorboards. Forde, a documentary filmmaker, took a quick video of the trespasser, before it slipped back under the floor. He has documented much of the snake situation on YouTube. Despite ripping up his basement ceiling and setting traps with dead mice and hot water bottles, the snake didn't return. They had lived in the home for two decades, but were planning to sell. But of course, their new tenant hindered their plans. "It would be unethical," Forde said, of selling a house with a python living in the walls. They asked neighbours if they had lost a snake. No one had. They even put a sign on their lawn: "Lost your snake? Call us." No one did. Finally, after a month with Wilkinson suffering from snake-filled nightmares, the snake reappeared. The 75-centimetre-long python sat in front of a fridge in the basement. Wilkinson saw it, and screamed. Forde came running. "This is my time," he thought to himself, snapping on work gloves. Docile and resigned, the snake willingly slipped into a pillow case and then into a plastic storage bin. Naturally, they named him Monty. Monty went to a local pet store, where an employee promised to take care of him. The Royal Python hails from West Africa, and is one of the most popular snakes in the pet trade. Tom Mason, a snake expert at the Toronto Zoo, says they are harmless to humans, as long as they are less than four metres long. They can get into the same cracks and crevices a mouse can. And they can survive for more than a year on a single meal. Mason says a python can travel "quite a ways" when it escapes from an owner, which apparently happens more than you'd like to know. "Snakes are escape artists," Mason said. Asked how many might be slithering, undetected, through Toronto homes, Mason refused to answer. "I'm not even going to go there." Last week a metre-long California king snake slithered out of a sink overflow drain in bathroom of an apartment at 100 Wellesley St. E. The snake, named Marilyn, had escaped from its owner on a different floor. As the time of this article, it has yet to be found. In 2007, a venomous Egyptian Cobra that was kept illegally by a man in his Church St. home got loose. The incident forced the evacuation of five tenants from an adjoining house. After an intensive five-month search, the snake was believed to be dead, but its remains were never found. While Wilkinson barely slept Friday night, she was in a much better mood the following afternoon. She actually held the newest python intruder in her hands. It had been through a lot, after all — apparently surviving a spin-cycle. They named it Montegue, and it will join Monty at Tails pet store in the Beaches. No one is quite sure how the snakes got in. Regardless, there are pythons in the walls. And more are likely to come. "There's three or four in the family," Wilkinson said. "I'm sure of it." | ||||||
Bhootbilli: Has the Monkey Man Returned? Posted: 08 Nov 2010 08:18 AM PST mid-day - A "weird, scary creature" has been giving residents of Sanjay Park area sleepless nights. Those staying near the airport in Lohegaon are complaining about a bhootbilli (ghost cat), which they say has been feeding on domestic animals and birds the past 10 days. For several people, the incident brought to mind the monkey-man episode, a 'monster' that was reportedly roaming around Delhi in 2001. "The bhootbilli has been coming everyday the past 10 days around 7 pm. We had set up a lot of traps, but all turned into a flop show because whenever we would try to catch it, it would jump on the tree and sneak out somewhere," said Feroz Dilawar Khan, a driver and resident of the area. "It's fat and broad with a long tail, black in colour, has a face like a dog and back like a mongoose." The bhootbilli, as it is called by the residents, has eaten around 45 pigeons and one goat within a span of 10 days which all belonged to Feroz. Fed-up of the creature, Feroz called the police, fire brigade and forest officials on November 3 around 10 pm, but the effort went in vain. "We arrived at the spot around 10 pm, but the animal had already escaped and hid somewhere in the trees," said one of the fire officials from Yerawada, who was at the spot. The residents have again set a trap and are expecting to catch the mischief-maker this time. Hrishikesh Sutar, chairman of the Sanjay Park Society, said: "The residents came complaining to me around four days ago and we haven't yet identified the creature. It's smaller than a lion but bigger than a hyena and I doubt if it's a wild cat." What could it be? Shekhar Nanajkar, president of a Wild, a wildlife organisation, said: "It's a rare case but according to the description given to me it can be a civet cat who attacks only small animals and birds. But if a goat has been eaten then it's either a leopard or human being." Anil Avchite, an animal lover, who had gone to the area around midnight on Wednesday, said: "I climbed up a 40-feet coconut tree as soon as the locals contacted me. I am sure it's a civet cat. I have asked locals to get in touch with me if they see the creature again." ********** THE NEW DELHI 'MONKEY MAN' ![]() Locations: Greater New Delhi, India and surrounding villages/townships Dates: May 10-18, 2001 *Vineet Sharma, 18, and his family were sleeping outside on the veranda of their grandmother's house when a strange creature leaped onto the veranda. It jumped up and punched the grandmother on the stomach. Two of the younger family members ran to their grandmother's assistance and the strange monkey-like creature scratched them on their hands and faces. Then it jumped across the courtyard to the roof of a neighbor and attacked the residents of that house. The creature was described as about four and a half feet tall, with the face of rhesus monkey, well-developed shoulders, and two eyes with bright light emanating from them. *Dr. Saroj Bala Sharma and other villagers began patrolling the area after another sighting of the "monkey man." Soon after she caught sight of the creature which she describes as around 4 and a half ft tall and jumping like a monkey. "He looked like a black shadow with monkey like face with red lights emitting from his eyes." *Several residents were chasing a strange ape like creature that appeared to be have "wires sticking out" of its head and temples on Grand Trunk Road near the Samtel factory. When a powerful flashlight suddenly blinded them. Then they saw three persons getting away in a Maruti car. The men were carrying large sacks filled with equipment. They waved at the villagers as they drove away. *An ape like creature covered with fur but with human facial features confronted several local villagers. It screeched at the witnesses and jumped around. Later near the Samtel factory Ganesh Jha Paraparam and his relatives came face to face with the monkey-like creature that suddenly jumped 20 feet from a crouching position and caught the branches of the trees. It soon lost itself in the thick foliage. Another witness in Islamnagar area, Shamir Begun saw the monkey-man walking on her rooftop. Nearby another resident reported "two" creatures jumped on him and scratched his face. *A bizarre monkey-man like creature jumped onto a rooftop in this city and began biting and scratching people who had been sleeping on the roof. While fleeing the black furred creature, one man slipped on the gutter and fell off the roof. He plummeted to his death four stories below. *Ganesh Jha claimed he came face to face with the "huge man-monkey", and saw him jump 20 ft in the air. He said, "We were taking an evening walk when we walked into this huge man-monkey." The monster sprang up 20 ft from a crouching position and grabbed the branches of a tree and vanished before the witness had a chance to scream. *A local resident named Chander struggle with a man-like furred creature "for about 10 minutes" before it jumped down from the balcony. Chander described the creature as four and a half feet tall, with a body shaped like a monkey but with human like legs. It lifted Chander over its head and threw him into some trash barrels. *A 20-year-old homemaker, Soman, who was six months pregnant, was on her veranda at her apartment house when suddenly a strange monkey like creature swung down from the roof and attacked sleeping members of her family. Soman stumbled while fleeing down the stairs and then tumbled all the way to the first floor. She died at the hospital a few hours later. *An 18-year old man reported being attacked in his home by a brown furred creature, which when he hit it with a water bottle, "flew out" of the verandah hit the building opposite and disappeared. Later that same night, four people in Bhajanpura were attacked by a shadowy figure with "red and blue bulbs on his body." The panic claimed the third fatality that night when a 19 year old jumped to his death from the roof of his house in northwest Delhi. NOTE: These attacks went on for approximately one week. There were other sightings in the general area as well, including a masked man, a man wrapped like a mummy and a wolf-like creature. The local government stated that it was a case of mass hysteria. All of the reports were received by various agencies...Lon Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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