Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Investigators Hunt For Key Witness In M6 Paranormal Crash
- Fortean / Oddball News: Lunar Robot, Star Wars Hologram and Susquehanna River Intersex Fish
- Reality’s Lenses: Science, Spirituality and the Paranormal Dimension - Part VI
- Ghostly Tales Materialize at Michigan Tavern
Investigators Hunt For Key Witness In M6 Paranormal Crash Posted: 04 Nov 2010 12:22 PM PDT Several months after the reported accident on the M6, investigators are now following up a new lead that they hope will shed some light onto the events of that day. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRLog (Press Release) – Nov 04, 2010 – Whilst details are still very sketchy, the crashes on the M6 and in Paris are believed to be linked by this person and both investigations have been plagued with allegations of unexplainable activity; in Paris witnesses described how the occupants of one of the vehicles disappeared momentarily. The M6 crash investigation revealed how the vehicles at the front of the crash contained no evidence of bodies or human tissue that is consistent with a crash scene. None of this or any of the other anomalies have been explained and most media enquiries have been met by a complete rebuke from the investigation teams. However anonymous sources close to the investigation into the M6 crash have said they received a tip about the whereabouts of one of the possible witnesses involved in the crash. This tip has led them to seizing some CCTV footage recorded in an office block in Manchester close to where the sighting took place. No one was willing to confirm the source of the footage or how the alleged witness came to be in Manchester, only that there appears to have been some contact about a business transaction during which suspicions were aroused as to the nature of the enquiry. Further examinations show that the person in this footage is very similar to the one caught in footage recorded in Paris. Furthermore, footage that was previously denied but recorded at the M6 crash site shows a person who fits the same description. Whilst no one will officially go on the record to confirm or deny the footage, there was a further sighting of this person during a disturbance at a local cafe near to Deansgate; one of Manchester's main shopping streets. Shoppers reported a man shouting aggressively during a stand off with another customer and also then leaving accompanied by another man who is described to have 'restrained the main suspect' whilst removing him from the premises. With anonymous sources close to the M6 investigation pointing to key events that still remain unexplained and the ongoing investigations into the Paris crash yet to reveal a breakthrough this new lead could prove vital in trying to determine the cause of the crash. Thanks to Mark Collins for the heads up! Mark has been reporting on this incident since it happened and has been kind enough to forward information to me ********** From 3/9/2010 M6 Crash / Paris Accident Being Investigated - Vehicle Occupants 'Disappear' ![]() Speculation has been rife about the links between the incident in Paris and the recent crash on the M6 as it is clear that both have some level of unexplained activity and both crashes have been subject to strict reporting guidelines. Full details are unclear at this time but it is understood that two vehicles were involved in the crash and that it took place near the Eiffel Tower, although the exact location is being kept secret. Parisian traffic police were keen to play down several rumours that have started to circulate amongst those who witnessed the crash surrounding the events that led up to it. These include alleged witness statements that claim a bright light could be seen emanating from at least one of the vehicles before it collided with the other. In other statements, witnesses walking on the nearby pavement were reported to have seen the occupants of one of the vehicles 'disappear' momentarily at one stage. The Parisian traffic police have denied the validity or existence of the statements and also confirmed that there were four bodies present in the vehicles; two in each. All were male and were said to have been badly burnt in the subsequent fire after the crash. When questioned about why they won't name an exact location for the crash, the police have put out a statement saying that 'we wish to keep the location secure whilst the investigation continues and we are aware that such a location would attract people wanting to speculate on the reasons for the crash. This would jeopardise the integrity of the scene and any evidence that is still to be uncovered' Further details of the investigation to follow. Mark Collins Freelance Journalist Writer for VoloLegal / VoloMed ____________________ Originally posted 1/27/10 Highway Accident May Have Involved Paranormal Activity NOTE: This incident would make a great script for 'Fringe' or the former show 'The X-Files'. A reader in Birmingham, UK commented on this vehicular accident and the questions surrounding it. I started to dig and found the following information. Investigators reveal they are unable to explain certain facts surrounding this specific M6 pileup (in Birmingham) and point to evidence corroborating rumors of paranormal activity may be partly to blame. A leaked report into the recent crash on the southbound carriageway of the M6 just outside Birmingham shows that the investigation team are struggling to provide credible explanations for some of the circumstances surrounding the incident. The pile up involved seventeen vehicles, including three trucks but miraculously no one was killed although several people were taken to hospital for minor injuries. One anonymous source closely involved with the investigation said there are three specific areas they are finding increasingly difficult to explain; the tachometer readings of one of the the trucks, the CCTV footage taken at the time of the crash and also the lack of physical evidence to show drivers were present in three of the vehicles. Details remain closely guarded but it is understood the tachometer readings clearly show that the truck's speed reduced dramatically about one minute before the accident. The CCTV footage is alleged to show a thin white line across the southbound carriageway, again timed at about one minute prior to the crash. No one from the crash investigation team is willing to go on the record to either confirm or deny these reports and it is understood that the entire investigation has now been turned over to another police department based in London; although again, no one would confirm of deny this. THE DIARY The following diary entry was recently discovered: Whilst I wasn't there when the accident happened, I am able to piece together a rough version of events from the subsequent confrontations with Silverton that happened as a result of it. It was always going to be the case that the traders were keen both to stop my progress to Paris and also disrupt any other operations that were taking place by other members of the group that would interfere with their activities; that was a constant and never ending threat. Although neither myself or Roy could have imagined what lengths they would have gone to in order to derail our mission. Effectively the events that were now taking place could have had serious repercussions for the timeline if they weren't thoroughly vetted prior to action, and I didn't think that would be high on the traders list of priorities. But while Roy and I were left pondering how we could best deal with our accidental guests, further developments were ensuring our return to the twenty first century was going to be fraught with incident. A serious accident had taken place on the M6 at the precise location we now found ourselves standing at the time we left our vehicles. So, whilst we were looking around in disbelief at the abandoned and overgrown motorway wondering what our next move was, the vehicles we were meant to be driving were out of control and causing the accident. This crash involved about fifteen vehicles and blocked the M6. Miraculously no one was killed but there were several serious injuries and the motorway was closed for the rest of the day and long into the night as the investigations into the accident took place. The duration of the closure was not entirely due to the time it took to clear up the carriageway, it was due to the meticulous nature of the investigation; and this was led by Roger Silverton. Roger wasn't part of any police force based in Manchester, he was part of a division of special branch that was based in London. This division specialised in events that were of an unexplainable nature; namely UFO sightings, psychic phenomena and other such incidents. Obviously this gave whoever Roger really was the perfect cover to track and intercept us whilst staying on the right side of the law. Because of the nature of the accident on the M6, Roger's division of special branch were notified and he was first to attend the scene; no doubt aware of our proximity because he was tracking our movements. Roger would have greeted by an assortment of tangled vehicles all badly disfigured from the accident and dried blood stains on the inside of these vehicles; except three and this was the reason for the call to Roger's division by the accident investigation team. The three vehicles we drove were devoid of any human tissue or blood to signify the presence of someone behind the steering wheel at the time of impact. One thing I learned prior to getting embroiled in my current situation was that the police and also the media treated anything that could be construed as paranormal as a standing joke; there was always another, far more logical explanation. This was great for us as we could be secure in the knowledge that apart from disappearing in front of someone anything we said would be dismissed as pure fantasy. But this accident could change that as, for the first time, significant evidence was now available to suggest that the M6 accident was not a straightforward, human error collision. NOTE: this is a very strange incident. From what I am able to gather, this online diary entry (which I feel is a blog entry for a fictitious story) was written prior to the accident. As well, there are no explanations as to how this diary entry has been determined to be related to this incident, though the references are eerily similar. Was this a pre-cognative experience? Time travel? Movement between dimensions? If anyone has further information in regards to this incident, please post a comment...Lon Investigators Hunt For Key Witness In M6 Paranormal Crash |
Fortean / Oddball News: Lunar Robot, Star Wars Hologram and Susquehanna River Intersex Fish Posted: 04 Nov 2010 11:50 AM PDT "One small step for a giant leap for robotkind" discovermagazine - When the space shuttle Discovery launches on Thursday (weather and technology permitting), it will be ferrying an unusual passenger to the International Space Station: Robonaut 2. This humanoid robot was designed by NASA and General Motors to work alongside astronauts on the space station, and could eventually take over some tedious or dangerous tasks. Human beings who dream of becoming astronauts acquire things like advanced science degrees or the ability to fly jet planes in hopes of catching NASA's eye and being chosen as astronaut candidates. If they do become candidates, there's still scads of training before they can take a flight up to the ISS. But how does a robot qualify for and prepare for that trip to orbit? DISCOVER spoke with Marty Linn, General Motor's principal engineer of robotics, to find out. Continue reading...fascinating! - The Robotic Right Stuff: What It Takes to Become the First Robot Astronaut ********** 'Weeping' statue bigger draw than ever UPI - Publicity about a statue of the Virgin Mary that allegedly weeps healing tears in the Canadian border city of Windsor, Ontario, is attracting more pilgrims. Earlier this week, the Windsor Star reported how the city had ordered the removal of the 5-foot-tall statue from the front yard of Fadia Ibrahim by Nov. 19. Neighbors had complained of noise and crowds on the quiet suburban street for the past three months and city officials responded by saying the statue violated zooming bylaws. That publicity served to increase the number of visitors and a cash donation box was seen Tuesday night overflowing with money to help Ibrahim in her fight to keep the statue, the Star said. The figure reportedly smiles during the day, but cries tears of oil at night that believers say have healing powers. Leonard Daniels, a spiritual healer from Pukatawagan, Manitoba, told the newspaper he was organizing a pilgrimage to the home for his followers in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. "I am gonna go there and see that statue," he said. "I'm a firm believer of these miracles that happen. I'm going to go sit there and pray." ********** Intersex fish -- male bass with eggs -- found in Susquehanna River, scientist says pennlive - A federal scientist says intersex fish have been found in the Susquehanna River. Vicki Blazer, a fishery biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, says more than 90 percent of adult male bass examined in the Susquehanna in the past year had immature egg cells in their sexual organs. Intersex fish have been found nationwide, including the Potomac River, another key tributary of the Chesapeake Bay. Hormones from birth control pills and other consumer and agricultural chemicals are suspected. Blazer presented her latest findings at a meeting Tuesday in Baltimore of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists. ********** " me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope" - Star Wars 3D holograms 'close to reality' telegraph - But while they could send a 3D hologram down the line, it took minutes to update – making lifelike movement impossible. Now a team led by Professor Nasser Peyghambarian, of Arizona University, have developed a way of updating the image every two seconds – making it close to "real time". The ability to beam a moving hologram to anywhere in the world could lead to holographic teleconferences, 3D adverts, and a wealth of telemedicine, engineering and entertainment industry applications. Prof Peyghambarian said: "Holographic telepresence means we can record a three-dimensional image in one location and show it in another location, in real time, anywhere in the world. "This advance brings us a step closer to the ultimate goal of realistic holographic telepresence with high-resolution, full-colour, human-size, 3D images that can be sent at video refresh rates from one part of the world to the other." At the heart of the system is a laser that burns an image on a screen every two seconds, making it the first to achieve a speed that can be described as "quasi-real-time" by Dr Pierre-Alexandre Blanche, co-author. Dr Peyghambarian and colleagues had previously demonstrated a refreshable polymer display system, but it could refresh images only once every four minutes. The new system can refresh images every two seconds – more than one hundred times faster – thanks to a material called a photorefractive polymer. The images it can capture are almost as sharp as those broadcast on US television – opening up many more possible uses. Holographs are created by mixing reflected laser light with a second laser beam to lay down a static image – typically a lengthy, complicated and delicate process. But the ability to quickly refresh images could mean surgeons using holographs as a guide during operations or as a better way for pharmaceutical researchers to study molecular interactions for new drugs during simulations. Two-dimensional images are taken at multiple angles in one location and sent elsewhere using computer network Ethernet and then printed with the hologram set-up. Using a single-laser system for writing the images onto the photorefractive polymer, the researchers, can display visuals in colour. While the current refresh rate for multicolour display is even slower than for monochromatic images the development suggests a true 3D, multicolour system may be feasible. Lynn Preston, director of the National Science Foundation Engineering Research Centres programme in the US, said: "This breakthrough opens new opportunities for optics as a means to transport images in real time. "Such a system can have an important impact on telepresence, telemedicine, engineering design and manufacturing and other applications. This is an early and tremendously important outcome from this three-year old centre." The research was published in Nature. Click for video ********** Invisibility cloak closer with flexible 'metamaterial' BBC - Scientists in the UK have demonstrated a flexible film that represents a big step toward the "invisibility cloak" made famous by Harry Potter. The film contains tiny structures that together form a "metamaterial", which can, among other tricks, manipulate light to render objects invisible. Flexible metamaterials have been made before, but only work for light of a colour far beyond that which we see. Physicists have hailed the approach a "huge step forward". The bendy approach for visible light is reported in the New Journal of Physics. Metamaterials work by interrupting and channelling the flow of light at a fundamental level; in a sense they can be seen as bouncing light waves around in a prescribed fashion to achieve a particular result. However, the laws of optics have it that light waves can only be manipulated in this way by structures that are about as large as the waves' length. Until now, the most striking demonstrations of invisibility have occurred for light waves with a much longer wavelength - a far redder colour - than we can see. This is because it is simply easier to construct metamaterials with relatively large structures. Even flexible metamaterial films have been shown off for this high-wavelength range. For the far shorter waves that we can see, a metamaterial requires structures so tiny - nanostructures - that they push the boundaries of manufacturing. "The first step is imagining first of all that this could be done," said Andrea Di Falco of St Andrews University, the author of the paper. "All the typical results have been reached in flat and rigid surfaces because this is the legacy of the procedures used to create nanostructures." So instead of building the typical stacks of the "fishnet" structures on hard, brittle silicon, Dr Di Falco used a thin polymer film. "Typically what you do is stack several layers of fishnet structures and this all together will give you a metamaterial," Dr Di Falco explained. "What I've done here is fabricate a single layer - I lift it off so that at the end I am left with a self-standing membrane - and show that it has the properties required to create a 3D flexible metamaterial." Tents moment Ortwin Hess, a physicist who recently took up the Leverhulme Chair in Metamaterials at Imperial College London, called the work "a huge step forward in very many ways". "It clearly isn't an invisibility cloak yet - but it's the right step toward that," he told BBC News. He added that the next step would be to characterise the way that the material's optical properties change as it is bent and folded. If the properties were sensitive to the movement, delicate manipulations of the films may make them useful for next-generation lenses in, for example, handheld cameras. If instead they were impervious to bending and motion, the films might be useful for instance in contact lenses. What is more, the invisibility cloak could be that much closer - but Professor Hess added that is still some way off. "Harry Potter has to wait still - that's the huge goal," he said. "So far he's had to live in a house and now he can live in something like a tent; it's not the cloak that adjusts to his shape, but it's a bit more flexible. Now we have to take the next step forward." |
Reality’s Lenses: Science, Spirituality and the Paranormal Dimension - Part VI Posted: 04 Nov 2010 10:33 AM PDT I'm pleased to welcome Anne Whitaker, a new contributor to 'Phantoms and Monsters'. The following narrative is the final segment of a six part article. 6. Books: some doorways to the Source Although it may seem unusual to offer a booklist at the end of a memoir, I decided to do so for the particular benefit of those readers who may just be embarking on an investigatory journey of those dimensions I have been exploring, and are looking for accessible and inspiring reading to start them off. I have confined my recommendations purely to selecting a few personal favourites from my own reading since 2002. "The Arkana Dictionary of New Perspectives" I found to be a succinct, accurate and invaluable guide to – Worldview, Science, Spirituality and Esoteric Thought, Psychology, The Paranormal, Medicine and Health and Society, Environment and Technology – to use Stuart Holroyd's own categorisation of his very useful reference book. At the end of it is an extensive and wide-ranging bibliography which will further advance the journey! Archie E. Roy is the Professor Emeritus of Astronomy at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK. Present member and past-President of the UK's Society for Psychical Research, also the Founding President of the Scottish Society for Psychical Research, he is an internationally known and respected psychical researcher. His two books included here will provide those seeking thoroughly researched case material on various facets of the paranormal with all they need to come to their own conclusions. The booklists and references given in Professor Roy's books, as well as offering a broad spectrum of contextual literature, give entry to an immensely well researched and detailed body of international evidence, validating the existence of paranormal phenomena, which has been accumulating world-wide since the Society for Psychical Research was founded in 1882 in Cambridge, England, UK by a group of eminent Victorian scientists and academics. Enjoy your reading! Booklists and references can be found at Reality's Lenses: Science, Spirituality and the Paranormal Dimension Anne Whitaker 2010 © - Wisps from the Dazzling Darkness |
Ghostly Tales Materialize at Michigan Tavern Posted: 04 Nov 2010 10:32 AM PDT voicenews - While it has been decades since the Memphis Hotel at Bordman and Main streets has accommodated guests, it sometimes seems as though a few never bothered to check out. Just ask owners Michael and Theresa Manchik, who bought the structure three years ago and opened Boomer's Tavern. The two sometimes stay upstairs in rooms reserved for their exclusive use. The three-story hotel was built in 1855 with a ballroom on the top floor. In 1962, a fire gutted the entire third level and today the tavern graces the ground floor and 10 rooms comprise the upstairs. A few months ago, paranormal investigators Brian O, founder of Macomb County Michigan Scientific Paranormal Investigators, and his assistant, Colleen Squires, stopped by in search of an area cemetery. "We just started discussing the old hotel. It was built before the Civil War and everything, and they got to thinking that, well, a lot of things have happened in the last 155 years; things that I'm sure we don't even know about, so it was right up their alley," Mr. Manchik said. Equipment was set up in a bedroom and old community bathroom. "We basically had Mike take us through what we call 'hot spots,' the areas where there might be activity, so we kind of had an idea of where we wanted to set up," Squires said. Her boss, an investigator for over 14 years, said their equipment includes digital thermometers and K2 meters that measure electromagnetic fields. "We use infrared lighting. There are two flood lights that we use that shoot out a 60-degree angle with 300-foot beams. We also use night vision on the cameras too," he said. Paranormal activity might be indicated through smells, cold spots, footsteps or sounds like tapping, moaning or yelling he added. "Personal experience is when you have something tug on you or something that is out of the ordinary or not normal." Squires said the pair has crisscrossed counties in their efforts to track paranormal activity, including their latest effort at a haunted barn in Capac. "We've been all over. We investigated a house in Roseville, in Ferndale and Detroit. We even did a movie theater," she said. Brian added that the Memphis Hotel is a swarm of activity. "There was a lot of footsteps, movement, shuffling. There were a few moans, two separate apparitions, possibly a male and female. There was object manipulation with our flashlight, with our K2 meters. There was lots of activity at this location," he said. Manchik said activity levels were high in the old bathroom. "A lot of energy orbs ... They said they were just phenomenal, the best they've ever seen. If you think about it, every person that stayed here was in that bathroom. Maybe that is why there is so much energy there," he theorized. The investigators said the proof was unbelievable. "I don't want to believe it," Theresa Manchik responded half-jokingly. Ghostly tales have swarmed about the old hotel for years. "I had heard different stories ... about people seeing ghosts," Mr. Manchik said, "and (a guest) had passed away in the upper bedroom here in the corner probably 20-some years ago. ... There was another death too. Like I said in 155 years we don't really know how many people might have passed away here so, you know, there are a lot of possibilities." Theresa has also encountered unexplained phenomena. "When I was behind the bar, Mike was shooting pool one night ... and there was only one other person at the bar and I was down at this end. (Mike) had this 'See no evil, Speak no evil, Hear no evil' monkey statue down at the other end of the bar and it just flopped over and the head broke off. Nobody touched anything," she said. When they first bought the building, the Manchiks took friends on tours of the hotel. "I had all the keys in the doors and all the doors unlocked because that way you could just show people in. At the one door where ... (a guest) supposedly died, every single time we went up there that door was locked. Every single time," Theresa said. Once she set her purse on a milk crate and came back to find the purse flipped over and its contents soaking in a nearby water bucket. Bartender Terri Mirch recalls the night of the non-playing, satellite juke box. "People were starting to complain, which we've never had before, that the juke box wasn't playing their songs," she said. Several attempts were made before the customers were given their money back. "About a half hour after they left, the place was quiet and I was closing up and the juke box popped on ... It was the song they had been requesting. I had the strangest feeling. It lasted for, maybe, five seconds. I was kind of disoriented when I kind of came out of it and it took me a good minute to get my bearings," she said. Last week the investigators came back to present their findings and the tavern marquee invited the public to witness the event. Memphis residents Kurt and Pat Marter were ready for a little paranormal partying. "I've heard over and over, since we've moved here, that this place was haunted," Pat remarked. The Marters, themselves owners of an historical home built in the early 1850s, have encountered instances of unexplained phenomena such as smells and sounds within their own Main Street dwelling. They were joined by the faithful and the non-believers who were ready to be wowed. The investigators presented their film and recorded findings on a modest television located behind the bar that left some people straining and complaining about the visuals. Screen activities revealed instances of light manipulation, sounds and moving orbs as well as a scene of a heat-like specter crossing over a doorway. Scoffs from several in the audience sounded while others expressed amazement at the apparitional sights. "Well that was something," Memphis resident Tim Ross said, raising a glass toward the screen. Joanie Korotko, who writes for the Emmett Village News, is a believer in paranormal activity but, with respect to the case at hand, she felt that the tavern's small television screen prevented the investigators from properly presenting their case. "They didn't know this was going to be a full-scale demonstration or situation. They are working with a small screen. At other locations they'll go and set up and show people and they will have people running up to it and they can see more of the details that they are trying to point out," she said. Her seating companion's observations were somewhat more sardonic. "I am not a believer. I think the only spirits here are behind the bar," Dan Gregory of Emmett cracked. The Manchiks remain open-minded about the entire experience. "From the people around I can tell there was a lot of skepticism, you know, anybody can make a flashlight turn off and on ... but that last part, where the orb went over the doorway ... I can't see any way he could have created that to happen. I got goose bumps from that one. It was almost like you could see a heat go across it. That one convinced me," Mr. Manchik said. He and his wife have invited the investigators back for a future sweep. "The aura here is not evil," he said, "and by no means aggressive. When we moved in, we kind of riled things up ... moved in and stirred things up. I truly believe in the hereafter and the spirit. There is just too much evidence to say positively that there is no such thing." 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