Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Alien Gods: Ra, the Eye of the Sun
- Fortean / Oddball News: Rendlesham UFO Tapes, Vatican Warning and 'Living Skin' Printer
- Downtown Lancaster, Ohio Businesses Still Experience Ghostly Activity
Alien Gods: Ra, the Eye of the Sun Posted: 05 Nov 2010 01:32 PM PDT Proponents of ancient astronaut theories often maintain that humans are either descendants or creations of beings who landed on Earth thousands of years ago. The most popular theory is that human knowledge, religion, and culture came from extraterrestrial visitors in ancient times. Ancient astronauts have been widely used as a plot device in science fiction, but the idea that ancient astronauts actually existed is not taken seriously by most academics. Arguments can be made that the evidence for ancient astronauts comes from supposed gaps in historical and archaeological records, and they also maintain that absent or incomplete explanations of historical or archaeological data point to the existence of ancient astronauts. The evidence is said to include archaeological artifacts that are beyond the presumed technical capabilities of the historical cultures with which they are associated. This also includes artwork and legends that are interpreted as depicting extraterrestrial contact or technologies. Notwithstanding these contentions, let us say that there is an axiom to the ancient astronaut theory. Then we need to ask, who were these beings? What did they represent to the inhabitants of earth? Where these beings the ancient Gods of antiquity? I would like to periodically chronicle my speculation of how the native people interpreted these unknown entities, starting with RA, the Eye of the Sun. P'TAH (Gods of Heaven came to Earth from the Celestial Disk) installed as Egypt's first Divine Ruler his own son RA. Once known as ATUM, he is probably the most important of Egyptian Gods and sails across the sky in his solar boat. The legend goes that mankind was formed from RA's tears. Need confirmation? Look above from the hot desert sands at the Sun...that's his all-powerful eye bearing down on you. Ancient Egyptian legends tell of Tep Zepi, or the First Time. This is described as an age when "sky gods" came down to Earth and raised the land from mud and water. They supposedly flew through the air in flying "boats" and brought laws and wisdom to man through a royal line of pharaohs. RA is said to have an unusual relationship with his wife, the Sky Goddess NUT. In the evening he sails through her mouth and then has to battle through her nightmare insides (The Milky Way). RA wends his way through twelve gates at the rate of one per hour avoiding malevolent monsters including the Snake God APEP who lies in wait hoping to go snatch him up. Once these perils are transversed, he then surfaces via NUT's birth canal to greet the new day. He's not alone in his journey. Other Gods - THOTH, MAAT, HATHOR, HORUS are the top cohorts, with ABTU, ANET and KHEPRI closely watching for trouble. The night boat is called Mantchet, and a day boat called Semketet, which they board in order to make their rounds. NUT gave birth to OSIRIS. At the time of OSIRIS' birth, a loud voice was heard all over the world, saying, "The lord of all the earth is born." Many Gods try to emulate RA by adding his name to theirs for added glory. The most notable of these was AMUN-RA. RA is the only god, apart from OSIRIS, who is definitely said to be not on the earth. RA, it is said, is an aging god, still powerful, but too old to deal with his children any longer, so he has gone exclusively to the sky to watch over the world. HORUS rules over the earth and the gods in his stead, demonstrating the divine right of kingship. In the New Kingdom the god AMUN rose to prominence and was fused with RA as AMUN-TA. During the Amarna Period, Akhenaten suppressed the cult of RA in favour of another solar deity, the ATEN, the deified solar disc, but after the death of Akhenaten the cult of RA was restored. What can be extracted for this information. Despite the building of elaborate structures like the Great Pyramid or the knowledge of technology even before their use of the wheel, the Egyptians were a remarkable civilization with a rich and vibrant history. If they were helped by so-called ancient astronauts, it would not take away any of their greatness and inspiration they have left for subsequent generations.
Alien Gods: Ra, the Eye of the Sun | |||||
Fortean / Oddball News: Rendlesham UFO Tapes, Vatican Warning and 'Living Skin' Printer Posted: 05 Nov 2010 11:15 AM PDT Rendlesham UFO Tapes Released Click for audio thesun - Tape recordings of US military men investigating a UFO in British woodland 30 years ago have finally been released. The airmen tramped through Rendlesham Forest in search of the source of mysterious night-time lights that looked like an alien spacecraft. It became one of the world's most famous UFO sightings - and has never been explained. The tape begins with an American noting that local farm animals were behaving strangely. He says: "They're very, very active, making a lot of noise. "Straight ahead. There it is again. Straight ahead. What is it? A strange, small red light. "It looks maybe half a mile further ahead. There is no doubt about it, it is a strange flashing red light ahead." He continues: "I saw a yellow tinge in it too. Weird. It's coming this way. It's definitely coming this way. "There is no doubt about it - this is weird." The servicemen were led by Colonel Charles Halt, of the local US Air Force Bentwaters base. He reported the December 1980 incident to the Ministry of Defence. Damage to trees was later found 18ft high. Theories range from an accident cover-up to lighthouse beams. ********** 'Skin Printer' Could Help Heal Battlefield Wounds technologyreview - In a recent presentation at the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress, researchers from the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine showed off the results of a unique experiment involving a printer that uses living cells as its "ink." The system, which lays down cells with the same fluid-based inkjet technology used in many printers, could print large swathes of living tissue directly onto the injuries of soldiers wounded on the battlefield. Covering burns and related wounds is of critical importance because, the scientists note, "any loss of full-thickness skin of more than 4 cm in diameter will not heal by itself." Tests on mice revealed advanced healing by both the second and third week of recovery, with complete closure and formation of scar tissue by week three in treated (but not untreated) subjects. The printer has two heads, one of which ejects skin cells mixed with fibrinogen (a blood coagulant) and type I collagen (the main component of the connective tissue in scars). The other head ejects thrombin (another coagulant). Like the components of quick-setting resins which must be kept separate until mixing causes a chemical reaction that hardens the resin, the products of the two print heads mix to immediately form fibrin, yet a third protein involved in the clotting of blood. The whole confection is topped by a layer of keratinocytes (i.e. skin cells), which are also printed. Future iterations of the research will be conducted on pigs (which have skin that more closely resembles that of humans), and it's not clear when, if ever, such a device might appear in a field hospital in Afghanistan, not to mention your local burn center. ********** Scientist with rare condition collapses 100 times a day every time she gets giggles dailymail - A scientist has revealed she suffers from a rare neurological condition which causes her to collapse up to 100 times a day simply by laughing. Claire Allen, 35, suffers from bouts of 'cataplexy' triggered by feelings such as fear, surprise or happiness. The attacks, a rare symptom of the sleeping disorder narcolepsy, cause her to lose control of her body and collapse - although she remains conscious throughout. Claire Allen, 35, from Cambridge, collapses every time she feels a strong emotion. Each episode can last anywhere between 30 seconds to five minutes. Each collapse lasts between 30 seconds to five minutes and at its worst Claire endured up to 100 attacks each day. A 'surprise' as simple as a chair in a room having moved to a different place or giggling at a shared joke could spark an attack and leave her helpless on the floor. But Claire has found a new lease of life after taking a new drug developed for narcoleptics called Xyrem. She now suffers a few attacks each month rather than several a day. Claire, from Cambridge, described how she first loses her speech and vision before her body buckles - but she remains completely 'awake'. She said: 'Laughter is definitely the strongest trigger. 'The very first symptoms were my head nodding like a child trying to stay awake and after six months I was having full collapses where my body would go from under me. 'A few years ago I stopped all my medications for a trial and I discovered the true extent of my symptoms - around 100 collapses a day. 'I find that they happen more often during social contact with other people, perhaps because I'm more self-conscious. 'There is no pain at all, but my speech will go first so I can't communicate what is happening, followed by my vision and then my body crumples beneath me. 'It doesn't feel any different to being awake, except that I can't see or move at all as I'm in a total state of paralysis. 'It's very odd for people around me to see me go down and then come round in a few minutes and be absolutely fine.' Narcolepsy causes severe disruption to sleep patterns and Claire, who works as a research scientist with the British Antarctic Survey, wakes up around 20 to 30 times each night. But the new drug Xyrem puts Claire into a deep sleep for three-and-a-half hours so she must take a second dose in the middle of the the night to get a full seven hours sleep. She said: 'For the last five years I hadn't slept for more than an hour at a time so the first time I slept for more than three hours it was incredible. 'All of the things that your body normally does at night - like repairing your skin and your nails and hair growing - just weren't happening for me. 'Now I am much better at managing my lifestyle and getting plenty of rest to cut down on the cataplexic attacks.' Researchers have found that narcolepsy may be caused by an irregularity to the brain cells which control the sleep hormone hypocretin. An estimated 25,000 people in the UK suffer from narcolepsy but many remain undiagnosed due to the varying nature of the symptoms. Dr John Shneerson, an expert at Papworth Hospital's Sleep Centre in Cambridge, said that narcoleptics can wait for more than a decade for diagnosis. He said: 'Quality of life can be badly hit if untreated. Their studies suffer. They avoid driving. They are afraid to look after young children on their own and take baths. 'They don't get into relationships, get promoted or do physical exercise. 'A great many lives would be improved if narcolepsy were better recognised. People are surprised by how well it's possible to manage.' ********** Vatican warns of 'wayward' Opus Angelorum sect BBC - The Vatican has warned Catholic bishops around the world to monitor carefully a secretive traditionalist sect which prays to angels to combat demons. Opus Angelorum, which means "the work of angels" in Latin, was founded by an Austrian housewife who died in 1978. She claimed to have identified the angels and demons who were battling for the control of human beings. The Church said some members of the sect were carrying out "activities that disturb the ecclesiastical community". 'Possessed' The BBC's David Willey in Rome says Opus Angelorum first attracted the attention of the Vatican 30 years ago, after the death of its founder, a woman from the Austrian Tyrol called Gabriele Bitterlich. Bitterlich claimed to have been in contact with an archangel and to have written down the names of hundreds of angels and demons, our correspondent says. The sect - which operates mainly in German-speaking Europe, Brazil and India - claims that women who have had abortions are possessed by the devil. The activities of Bitterlich's followers, including dozens of Catholic priests and nuns, eventually attracted the attention of the Vatican which ordered an investigation, our correspondent adds. According to a letter sent by the head of the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in 1992 members of Opus Angelorum agreed to follow the doctrine of the Church in return for official recognition. "In particular, [its] members were not to make use of the 'names' of angels derived from the alleged private revelations attributed to Mrs Gabriele Bitterlich and they were not to teach, spread or make use of the theories originating from these alleged revelations," Cardinal William Levada said. "Furthermore, they were reminded of the duty to follow strictly all liturgical laws, in particular those relating to the Holy Eucharist." However, several members of the sect, including some priests, "have not accepted the norms given by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and seek to restore what, according to them, would be the 'authentic Opus Angelorum'", the letter warned. "The Congregation has learned that very discreet propaganda in favour of this wayward movement, which is outside of any ecclesiastical control, is taking place, aimed at presenting it as if it were in full communion with the Catholic Church." NOTE: sounds like a Dan Brown literary 'wet dream'...Lon | |||||
Downtown Lancaster, Ohio Businesses Still Experience Ghostly Activity Posted: 05 Nov 2010 03:55 PM PDT lancastereaglegazette - The historic Mill building on South Columbus Street has all the looks of a haunted building, and now local ghost hunters say they have the proof. Chad Houghs, leader of Earthbound Spirits Paranormal, a Lancaster-based group seeking to find answers to paranormal existence, spent a stormy October night investigating Mickey's Bar and Grill, 431 S. Columbus St., former location of the Tavern at the Mill. Houghs said the team collected evidence that proves the existence of paranormal activity at Mickey's. "There are definitely spirits, ghosts, whatever you want to call it," he said. "They are intelligent because they were answering questions we were asking them." The finding confirms what Mickey's Bar and Grill owner Mickey Eaton said he already knew. "It's definitely haunted, that's my take," he said. "Otherwise I'd be all right closing at night alone; it kind of freaks me out." The team collected audio and visual evidence. During the video, the team members can be seen on infrared video sitting in the dark attempting to talk to the spirits. On multiple occasions, a twist to turn on flash light turned on for a few seconds before being turned off -- all happening with no human being within a few feet. Houghs collects two forms of audio evidence. One uses a normal audio recorder, and another uses a high frequency antenna to pick up signals that are then translated into words. During various audio clips, team members can be heard clearly asking various questions and there are several responses heard softer than a whisper. He said many responses went unnoticed by the team during the hunt because of the high frequency; words were heard after playing back audio recordings. Two of the clearest sounds were that of a response that said, "Please be friends," and a slight cat meow. "We caught some good evidence on this one. It just seemed like everything was happening perfectly," Houghs said. At another point, the co-owner's name, "Mike," appears to be heard. Despite the successful hunt, Houghs realizes skeptics will doubt the findings. "(They should) get their own electronic recorder and go do it themselves. Then you'll answer your own questions," he said. Mike Eaton, Mickey's father and co-owner, challenges skeptics to test their beliefs and strongly agrees the building is haunted. "If there is such a thing as spirits, they're here -- believe me, they're here," he said. Click for video NOTE: OK...when I post paranormal investigations involving groups other than those I am working with, it doesn't necessarily imply that I agree with all or part of the methodology used. I guess I'm 'old school' but the tried and true methods seem to work best especially when evidence needs to be gathered in order to clear or exorcise a subject and/or location. Frankly, many of the gadgets used in modern ghost hunting are simply parlor tricks IMO, ex. K2 meters, EMF meters, flashlight manipulation, 'Frank's Box', etc. Television ghost hunting is entertainment for the most part unless there is a REAL effort to fix a situation. I have always contended that legitimate psychic work as well as the use of other subspace detection is a priority when conducting a serious haunting inquiry. I know many of my readers are not going to be thrilled with my statements. Nonetheless, I will still present paranormal news and events as objective has I feel possible and leave the conclusions up to the readers...Lon conversations on the proficiency of remote viewing ********** From 8/2009 Several Lancaster, Ohio Businesses Coping With Eerie Events ![]() A few local business owners have enlisted a local paranormal group to get some answers to some hair-raising events. Tammi Jo's Café and Catering co-owner Tammi Neighbor has had several eerie events in her restaurant, 111 N. Columbus St., since opening less than a year ago. "There's too many things going on for it to be a coincidence," she said. "One time the restaurant was full, and we heard a whistle come from the center of the building. Everyone turned and looked, but there was no one there." Neighbor's list of spooky events include a vase moving from one location to another day to day, water faucets turning on by themselves and a crate of rags spontaneously combusting. Neighbor researched the building's history and learned it formerly belonged to an occult group before they were driven out of town. She contacted The Ohio Paranormal Seekers, which will make several sound and video recordings to determine if spirits roam the café. The group will investigate four Lancaster businesses, including two places on either side of Tammi Jo's Café. They will analyze Tammi Jo's Café, Paperback Exchange and Westerman's Tuxedo Junction on Saturday. He will investigate the Tavern at the Mill Sept. 10. ![]() Westerman said she didn't hear the voice, but she also doesn't doubt the possibility of the building, 113 N. Columbus St., being occupied by some presence. "It would be interesting if they did find something," she said. "But I wouldn't move. I've never felt unsafe here." Tavern at the Mill owner Ron Hawk said the building, 431 S. Columbus St., has been known as a haunted building for many years. His employees discovered an old newspaper article detailing the death of a 19-year-old man named Luke who was killed in the elevator shaft in 1919 in the Tavern. "I'm not the type of person to believe in ghosts or spirits, but a lot of my employees do," he said. "Nothing they find, or don't find, will surprise me." He said employees have mentioned hearing pool being played while no one was by the table and the juke box turning on for no apparent reason. "A lot of my employees are afraid to go down in the basement by themselves," Hawk said. He has no plans of moving his business from the 115-year-old building, regardless of the findings by the paranormal investigators. "I have a lot of money invested there," he said. "I'm not going to let any supposed ghosts scare me out of there." Paperback Exchange owner Leanne McClellan said on two separate occasions she left a piece of mail on her desk before closing and each time the items were gone the next morning. "The first time it happened I thought I was losing my mind, but the second time made me think more," McClellan said. "I'm the only one that works here. Unless we have a ghost, I have no clue where it went." She said it will be business as usual even if ghosts or spirits are found to be staying in the used bookstore at 109 N. Columbus St. "I don't anticipate they'll find anything, but it's all in fun," she said. "After all, everyone loves a good ghost story." ********** I received the following email in reference to a post from August 23, 2009 where several businesses in Lancaster, Ohio were experiencing paranormal activity...Lon Re: ghosts in Westerman's tux shop........ "The shop which is now Westerman's used to be McClurg's. McClurg's sold and serviced musical instruments and sold supplies for them. Before that I believe it was a music store by a different name. I was young when I met the former owner of that place who used to be mean to everyone. After I and my younger brother interacted with him in different ways he became a nice man again. He passed away some time after and so it became Mr. McClurg's store. During the time Mr. McClurg had it, the employees from the previous store still worked there. We'd often hear this one employee yell about someone standing behind him that disappeared. My younger brother and I had gotten to know this employee from that former store and we'd gotten to know that former owner. The owner had been mean to this employee then turned to become very nice to him which unnerved him. He got into a habit of looking over the employee's shoulder to see him working on instruments. Their previous interaction was that of the employee not seeing the owner watching over him and then flying into a rage at the poor quality of work he was doing. So, then, when he turned over a new leaf the employee was still gun shy so to speak and would jump at realizing the guy was behind him. The owner passed away but according to this employee he didn't leave. It wasn't just that either. The owner was still looking over the employee's shoulder from time to time! The employee would yell before the ghost of the owner disappeared before our eyes! The ghost of the owner was looking at us and smiling like he'd done this as a practical joke on the former employee. The employee got so nervous over time that the last time it happened he said enough was enough and that he was looking for a new job. He gathered his things and walked out the door saying good riddance to the place. The owner went after him asking what he was doing. They argued but the owner couldn't talk him into staying. The man said he just couldn't take it anymore. The owner looked creeped out to be standing there in the place knowing he was the only worker there at the time. He did everything he could to get us to stay a bit longer, lol. Mom was doing errands that day and couldn't stay. Once in the car she said she didn't know what had gotten into him. My little brother told her that he knew what had gotten into him and filled her in. She tried to blow it off but then asked the owner about it when she returned to pick up her order. He told her it was all true and that he'd seen the former owner many many times in there still working on instruments. He often found the tools, especially the soldering iron, plugged in and hot. Mom trembled all over and told him she'd pray for him and have her friends pray for him. He asked her not to tell anyone as it would probably cause business to go bad. She understood and said she'd only talk to close friends and that they'd keep it quiet. My sisters who knew about this told all their friends and soon teenagers were filling the store but none were shopping or buying. The owner told each one if they weren't shopping they'd have to leave. He soon realized why they were there and chided mom for talking too much. He said that now no one would come to buy anything from him and he'd be ruined. It actually worked out well for him since people were very interested in the man's ghost. While they were there they would buy things too and business was great. In time it died down and the business was back to normal once again. So, that's the story about the ghost in Westerman's." Join SPIRIT RESCUE INTERNATIONAL There has been some recent discussion about setting up voluntary on-site investigators and/or teams worldwide to document cases referred to SRI. You must be willing to go to the locations in your area, gather evidence and forward the information exclusively to SRI. As well, you must be willing have a personal background check done. You will be considered and recognized as part of the SRI organization. Make inquiries to the SRI Case Coordinator Spirit Rescue International Providing no cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ********** Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. 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