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- The Dorothy Kilgallen Death Conspiracy
- Fortean / Oddball News: Ancient DNA Recovery, Crocodile Tales and Primate Hair Analysis
- Walled Chamber Discovered in India's National Library
The Dorothy Kilgallen Death Conspiracy Posted: 23 Nov 2010 04:51 PM PST A few months ago, I received an email that referenced the JFK assassination and the conspiracy theories that have developed since. The email came from a person who I have corresponded with previously on paranormal related subjects. I 'sat' on the email, not knowing if I should post because of the gravity of the content. I have decided to redact any reference to the writer and names of certain individuals as well as specific comments. Hi Lon: Your item of the JFK and 9/11 conspiracies brought back a burning memory: I am not now nor have I ever been a "conspiracy buff", but there are some things I became aware of re the JFK assassination that I would like to share before I pass on to my next life: In 1963, I was working as an agency supervisor for (REDACT) Life Insurance Co. of Dallas. I was in Dallas for a conference and, while there, stopped at a local magic shop (I worked my way through college as a magician and a hypnotist). I met and became friends with a lovely lady named (REDACT) who owned the shop. For a "chance" meeting, we became very close. She took me to a club in Dallas called the Carousel Club which was owned by a man named Jack Ruby. (REDACT reference to conversation at the club). Suffice it to say that Jack Ruby and (Lady) were very good friends. The next time I went back to Dallas, it was after Ruby had shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald. (Lady) told me that the morning Ruby shot Oswald, she had received three "urgent" calls from unidentified people in Chicago desperately trying to reach Ruby. She was told to make every effort to contact Ruby and tell him that "The contract is canceled." No further details were given to her. Of course, Oswald was shot and killed before the "contract" could be canceled. (Lady) also told me that Ruby had been deeply involved with the underworld in Chicago who had given him the money to buy the Carousel Club. Now let's fast-forward a bit: My father was noted NY attorney, (REDACTED). If not the best-known lawyer in the country, (attorney) was certainly in the top two or three. Among his clients was an investigative newspaper columnist named Dorothy Kilgallen. She confided in (attorney) several times about stories she was about to break. The night before she died, she called (attorney) and told him she had "busted" the JFK assassination. She was going to New Orleans in the morning to confirm a couple of things, but she felt it was going to be the biggest story in American history. That night, without further explanation, she died of a massive heart attack (???). No autopsy. Neither event is conclusive of and by itself...but they certainly are elements to support a conspiracy theory. ********** DOROTHY KILGALLEN AND THE JFK ASSASSINATION If you believe what the conspiracy books tell you, and know little else about the case, then the death of Dorothy Kilgallen, like many deaths of people tangentially connected to the case, seems "mysterious." Kilgallen, a gossip columnist for the New York Journal-American and a panelist on the popular game show "What's My Line" was found dead in her New York City apartment on November 8, 1965. How was she connected to the Kennedy assassination, and why was her death "mysterious?" Conspiracy author Jim Marrs explains: Whatever information Kilgallen learned and from whatever source, many researchers believe it brought about her strange death. She told attorney Mark Lane: "They've killed the President, [and] the government is not prepared to tell us the truth . . . " and that she planned to "break the case." To other friends she said: "This has to be a conspiracy! . . . I'm going to break the real story and have the biggest scoop of the century." And in her last column item regarding the assassination, published on September 3, 1965, Kilgallen wrote: "This story isn't going to die as long as there's a real reporter alove — and there are a lot of them." But on November 8, 1965, there was one less reporter. That day Dorothy Kilgallen was found dead in her home. It was initially reported that she died of a heart attack, but quickly this was changed to an overdose of alcohol and pills. How much of this is true, and how much of what's true is "mysterious?" Let's start with the story as reported in Kilgallen's own paper, the Journal-American. Dorothy Kilgallen, famed columnist of the Journal-American, died today at her home, 45 E. 68th St. She was 52. Miss Kilgallen died in her sleep. She was found by a maid and a hairdresser who came to the home to keep a 12:15 p.m. appointment. Alongside her bed was a book which she apparently had been reading before falling asleep. She had written her last column, which appears in today's editions, early in the morning and had sent it to The Journal-American offices by messenger at 2:30 am. . . . Miss Kilgallen's husband, actor and producer Richard Kollmar, and their youngest child, Kerry, were sleeping in other rooms when she died. The article notes that Kilgallen's father said that Kilgallen "apparently suffered a heart attack." Marrs makes this out to be a sinister "story," but it clearly was the speculation of a grieving father who knew his daughter had been found dead with no evidence of foul play. A week later, in the Nov. 15, 1965 number, the Journal-American quoted Assistant Medical Examiner James Luke on what happened: The death of Dorothy Kilgallen, Journal-American columnist and famed TV personality, was contributed to by a combination of moderate quantities of alcohol and barbiturates, a medical examiner's report stated today. . . . As many personalities whose multiple duties and responsibilities demand unceasing attention, Miss Kilgallen experienced recurring tensions in meeting her deadlines for performances — both as a newspaperwoman and TV performer. In his report today, Dr. James Luke, Assistant Medical Examiner, said that although Miss Kilgallen had only "moderate amounts of each," the effect of the combination had caused depression of the central nervous system "which in turn caused her heart to stop." The details of Kilgallen's death are recorded in documents produced by the office of the Medical Examiner. These are National Archives Record Number 180-10071-10433 — Agency File number 007250 from the House Select Committee on Assassinations. This set of documents includes the "Report of Death" form from the Office of Chief Medical Examiner, the "Autopsy Report" (with the autopsy being performed by Junior Medical Examiner James Luke with doctors Sturner and Baden present), a handwritten addendum to the "Autopsy Report" that gave the microscopic and chemical findings, and "Notice of Death" of the Office of Chief Medical Examiner of the City of New York. Key points include: 1. Her husband was with her in her New York east side apartment, although not in the same bedroom. 2. Her husband said she returned from "What's My Line" feeling chipper. She went to her bedroom. The next day he found her dead. 3. The examination of the body at the scene found "no trauma" and "no signs violence" [sic]. 4. The autopsy found no injuries whatsoever that could account for her death, nor any evidence of a struggle nor (say) pills being forced down her throat. 5. The cause of death in the autopsy says "PENDING FURTHER STUDY." A handwritten note below that says "Acute ethanol and barbiturate intoxication. Circumstances undetermined." This handwritten note was apparently based on the chemical findings, which were appended to the report. She had a blood alcohol level of 0.15, and barbiturate level that says "UV - 2.4 [illegible]" in the liver. Conclusion? It's really impossible to believe some Oliver Stone scenario of hoods coming into her apartment and forcing a bunch of pills down her throat. Neither the alcohol nor the barbiturate level was absurdly high, as it would be with an intentional overdose. I suppose it's possible she committed suicide by mixing both alcohol and barbiturates intentionally, but this really looks like an accident. And she seemed to be in good spirits the night she died. Quoting the Journal-American: A member for years of the panel on the nationwide CBS TV show "What's My Line," Miss Kilgallen appeared with the panel last night. She was at her usual best, asking probing questions and guessing the occupation of two of the five persons who appeared on the show. "She was in excellent spirits and, as usual, right on the ball," said John Daly, moderator of the show. Of course, the Journal-American would have a vested interest in presenting their columnist in the best light. But it's also true that the "Report of Death" quoted her husband saying she was "chipper" after appearing on "What's My Line." Interestingly, she was working on a book to be titled Murder One. It was to be a compilation and study of all the trials she had covered — including the Sam Sheppard trial, the Wayne Lonegan trial, the Dr. Bernard Finch trial, as well as the trial of Bruno Hauptman. There is no mention in the article that the book would include the Jack Ruby trial, although it's very logical to assume it would have done so, since she had covered it and it was even more celebrated than the others (Journal-American, Nov. 8, 1965). In fact, in the November 15, 1965 article, it is claimed that she was particularly happy that she had completed the preface to her book and submitted it to Bennet Cerf, fellow panelist on "What's My Line" and "a book publisher." Still, if she had "broken open" the JFK assassination case, it's very hard to see why she would have relegated her earth-shaking information to a chapter in a book that covered a half-dozen or so murder cases, rather than writing a book on the assassination, or using her column to reveal the nature of the plot. In fact, she had written numerous columns on the assassination. None of the columns, however, contained any earth shaking information. Rather, they just repeated conspiracy factoids that had been, or soon would be, all over the JFK assassination literature. Her claim that she was going to "break the case" appears to be nothing beyond professional bravado. She never claimed to "have broken" the case, or said "I know who the conspirators were." Whatever her high hopes, there is no evidence that she had any information dangerous to any conspiracy, nor that she would have been able to do what no reporter has done since. Her death was thus yet another tragedy trivialized by conspiracist "researchers." - ********** Mysterious Death of Dorothy Kilgallen to Hit Book, Screen Variety - from 10/2008 - Producer John Davis has optioned "Good Night, Dorothy Kilgallen," a proposal for an expose book by Paul Alexander that ties the syndicated columnist's death to her investigation of the JFK assassination. Book sold to St. Martin's Press. Davis will produce through his Davis Entertainment banner and will bring the project to Fox through his first-look deal. Alexander, whose previous books include "Boulevard of Broken Dreams: The Life of James Dean," will script a fictionalized conspiracy film supervised by screenwriter Shane Salerno. Salerno and Derek Dauchy will be exec producers. In her syndicated column Kilgallencovered subjects ranging from Hollywood to Sam Sheppard's murder trial. After the death of President John F. Kennedy, whom she considered a friend, Kilgallen became obsessed with proving a conspiracy and landed the only interview with Jack Ruby, the killer of assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, for a book called "Murder One." Alexander's tome asserts that Kilgallen died mysteriously after turning in her book, with the chapters about JFK disappearing. "The striking thing about Paul's book proposal was that Dorothy wasn't reporting on the death of a president as much as she was investigating the murder of a friend," Salerno said. Salerno recently set up the spec "Reckless" with Davis and Fox and preemptively sold Fox his spec "The Doomsday Protocol." NOTE: the following link is to a terrific article about Dorothy Kilgallen - WHO KILLED DOROTHY KILGALLEN? The email writer is a highly respected individual. I truly appreciate his confidence...Lon Sources: |
Fortean / Oddball News: Ancient DNA Recovery, Crocodile Tales and Primate Hair Analysis Posted: 23 Nov 2010 11:15 AM PST Kick-Starting Ancient DNA labspaces - Binghamton University researchers recently revived ancient bacteria trapped for thousands of years in water droplets embedded in salt crystals. For decades, geologists have looked at these water droplets — called fluid inclusions — and wondered whether microbes could be extracted from them. Fluid inclusions have been found inside salt crystals ranging in age from thousands to hundreds of millions years old. But there has always been a question about whether the organisms cultured from salt crystals are genuinely ancient material or whether they are modern-day contaminants, said Tim Lowenstein, professor of geological sciences and environmental studies at Binghamton. Lowenstein and Binghamton colleague J. Koji Lum, professor of anthropology and of biological sciences, believe they have resolved this doubt. And they've received $400,000 from the National Science Foundation to support further research on the topic. Lowenstein's team, which has been pursuing this problem for years, began by examining the fluid inclusions under a microscope. "Not only did we find bacteria, we found several types of algae as well," he said. "The algae actually may be the food on which the bacteria survive for tens of thousands of years." When Lum got involved, the researchers began to wonder about the DNA of the organisms they were finding. "You have a little trapped ecosystem," Lum said. "Some of these guys are feeding on other ones trapped in this space. The things that aren't alive in there, their DNA is still preserved." Lum's graduate student Krithivas Sankaranarayanan reviewed existing literature on ancient DNA and helped to develop a protocol for use with Lowenstein's samples. "We have these samples going back from the present to over 100,000 years in one exact location," Lum said. "So Tim can look at the salinity and reconstruct ancient climates. Now we're looking at the DNA from bacteria, the algae, the fungi and what was living in those waters and how those things changed over time. We have a view of all the different organisms that were in the lakes at the time these inclusions were formed." The researchers sequence the DNA and culture the bacteria they find. Then it's time to think big. Lum's most optimistic view of the project goes like this: "It's possible that we can observe organisms evolving and see how they're reacting to climate change over geologic time." The samples Lowenstein works with are drawn from Death Valley and Saline Valley in California as well as from sites in Michigan, Kansas and Italy. Temperatures at these locations may have reached 130 degrees Fahrenheit in the past, and the pockets of water trapped inside the rocks are generally very salty. The environment may sound harsh — in fact, it's among the most extreme on Earth — but the creatures that survive there are tough. "These are some of the hardiest beasts on the planet," Lum said. And the conditions inside these water droplets are ideally suited to preserving DNA. "They're like time capsules," Lowenstein agreed. ********** Russia may ban crocodiles, penguins as pets rian - Crocodiles, tigers and penguins may soon disappear from Russian homes as parliament considers a bill to prune the number of animals that can be kept as pets. The chairman of the lower house's natural resources committee, Yevgeny Tugolukov, said a pending bill on animal care may include a list of animals that are "inadvisable to keep at home." These include "exotic animals," such as snakes, crocodiles and monkeys that are popular with Russians, but that can carry dangerous diseases. The bill was submitted to the State Duma on Monday. It will place the responsibility for good care on owners, a response to a sharp rise in cases of animal cruelty. However, very few of these cases come to court. The latest outrage was a woman in the Urals city of Yekaterinburg, who had been keeping a rare Amur tiger in a cage. More outrageous perhaps is the size of the fine she faces - 2,500 rubles ($80). Russia is, amongst other things, a nation of pet lovers, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin being the premier lover. His extensive menagerie was recently supplemented by a Karakachan puppy, a present from his Bulgarian counterpart Boyko Borisov. ********** Yummy...Crocodile and Chips! staffordshirenewsletter - Stafford mum Zoe Green got a scaly surprise when she found what appears to be a crocodile's severed head in the middle of the pavement. The 29-year-old was walking three-year old son Austin home from a chip shop on Sandon Road when she was startled by the leathery lizard on Tuesday night. Little Austin begged his mum to take it home as "a surprise for daddy", so she removed her chips from their carrier bag and replaced them with the croc's cranium. Tesco worker Miss Green's boyfriend was "horrified" and, much to Austin's disappointment, insisted the head was kept outside. Although Miss Green has not yet contacted the authorities about her large-scale discovery, Stafford reptile shop Tails and Scales has offered to house the head until its owner comes forward. Miss Green, of Albert Terrace, said: "I am planning to contact the police and RSPCA. "Until they take it away, it's my party piece for the weekend and is secured in a bag in my back garden." NOTE: Actually, I've eaten alligator's quite good. Though, I have also eaten rattlesnake, woodchuck, raccoon, opossum, bear, squirrel, wild boar and other creatures of the woods and water...Lon ********** Mystery tree grows back to stall park construction myjoyonline - The construction of a lorry park at Krachie in the Volta Region has been temporarily suspended. This follows a freak encounter with a mystery tree that grew back over night after it was cut down. Contractors working on the project say they can only go on with the work when that tree is totally uprooted. For now, they are consulting various shrines in the area on how they can help cut down the tree. The contractor Alhaji Rabui Swalley told Joy News they are scared to even go near the tree. He explained that the tree was one of six that were earmarked to be felled to allow for clearing of the area for the park. He said the mystery tree was the fourth tree felled but to the bewilderment of the contractors, the tree reverted to its position the next day. ********** Bruce Duensing: The Proxies of Manifestation The word "esoteric" has become a generic shorthand for the catalog of the paranormal, whereas the original context of the word is centuries old and differs radically from it's current usage. It was originally connotative of a specific process that allowed the accurate transmission of knowledge from one individual to another in what was termed a school, which had very strict criteria as to not advertise or recruit, admittance by effort, rules as to not assume one is particularly special, as well as the student given tasks in the form of reality testing outside of it's "inner circle" in order that self verification rather than simply repetition, as in "learning by doing" is applied. It is more of a process of unlearning in order to learn how to learn. When faced with the anomalous, a unraveling of suppositions occur in which the individual is isolated in company, left to his own or her own resources, which is part of a tradition in what is termed involution, the immaterial. or if you will another term (the spiritual) becomes material in the host, which is formed from within to without and the evolutionary portion from without to within, as the context of the environment, which then is reflected in the reconciliation through the processes of life, which from a certain point of view, always produces more energy beyond that to sustain itself than what is consumed from the materials of the environment alone, and in turn receives more than than what itself can produce on it's own volition. In terms of the alchemical processes, the finer energies, the subtle descend to the coarser, while the coarser ascends to the finer and more subtle. As within, so without, so they have told me. The finer materials of daylight apparitions descend while we ascend to assemble clues of a scattering technique of being drawn forward toward these finer materials by an inner gravitation to be pull inward their knowledge. Continue reading at The Proxies of Manifestation ********** Analysis of the orang pendek hairs collected in Sumatra during the 2009 expedition In late 2009 I was given a sample of hairs collected in Sumatra earlier that year by Adam Davies, Richard Freeman and several others taking part in the expedition searching for evidence of the elusive orang pendek, the Indonesian "abominable snowman." A small part of the hair sample was subjected to a DNA-analysis, but due to the small amount of DNA extracted and the rather poor condition of it, no firm conclusion could be reached. The DNA did show some similarities to primate DNA, possibly orangutan, but no definite results could be obtained. Following this I subjected the remaining hairs to a structural analysis to see if this could bring any information to light that might reveal the identity of the owner of the hairs. Continue reading at Cryptozoology Online |
Walled Chamber Discovered in India's National Library Posted: 23 Nov 2010 09:46 AM PST indiatimes - National Library has always been reputed to haunted. Now, here is a really eerie secret. A mysterious room has been discovered in the 250-year-old building a room that no one knew about and no one can enter because it seems to have no opening of kind, not even trapdoors. The chamber has lain untouched for over two centuries. Wonder what secrets it holds. The archaeologists who discovered it have no clue either, their theories range from a torture chamber, or a sealed tomb for an unfortunate soul or the most favoured of all a treasure room. Some say they wouldn't be surprised if both skeletons and jewels tumble out of the secret room. Belvedere House as the National Library building was known during the Raj was among the many buildings Mir Jafar built in Alipore in the 1760s after he was forced to abdicate his throne in Murshidabad. He gifted it to the first Governor General of India, Lord Warren Hastings. What happened to the house between 1780, when Hastings is said to have sold it, and 1854, when it became the official residence of the Lt Governor of Bengal, is uncertain. But from 1854 to 1911, Belvedere housed a number of Lt Governors till the British capital shifted to Delhi. After Independence, the National Library (which was then in Esplanade) was shifted to Belvedere House. Since the Belvedere House is of great architectural and heritage value, the treasure of books has been shifted to a new building on the 30-acre campus while the old building is getting restored. The ministry of culture that owns the National Library decided to get the magnificent building restored by the Archaeological Survey of India since it is heavily damaged. Work has already started. It was while taking stock of the interior and exterior of the building that ASI conservation engineers stumbled upon a blind enclosure' on the ground floor, about 1000 square feet in size. A lot of effort has been made to locate an opening so that experts can find out exactly what it was built for or what it contains. But there is not a single crack to show. "We've searched every inch of the first floor area that forms the ceiling of this enclosure for a possible trap door. But found nothing. Restoration of the building will remain incomplete if we are not able to assess what lies inside this enclosure," said deputy superintending archaeologist of ASI, Tapan Bhattacharya. "We've come across an arch on one side of the enclosure that had been walled up. Naturally speculations are rife," said another archaeologist. Was it used as a punishment room by Hastings or one of the Lt Governors who succeeded him? It was common practice among the British to "wall up" offenders in "death chambers". Some sources say this enclosure has exactly the same look and feel. The British were also known to hide riches in blind chambers as this. "It could be just about anything. Skeletons and treasure chests are the two things that top our speculations because it is not natural for a building to have such a huge enclosure that has no opening. We cannot break down a wall, considering the importance of the building. So we have decided to bore a hole through the wall to peer inside with a searchlight," said D V Sharma, regional director, ASI. National Library authorities have written to the ministry of culture seeking permission for this. "The ASI cannot drill into a building of such great historical significance as this without permission. So we facilitated this as caretakers of the building," said director of National Library, Swapan Chakravorty. The matter of the blind enclosure was recently raised in a meeting of the committee of experts that has been formed by the Centre to advise the ASI on restoration related matters of the National Library. "The ASI raised the issue of the enclosure in the last meeting of the committee. We are eagerly awaiting the first look inside," said historian Barun De, chairman of the committee. ********** Mysterious Belvedere House Reveals Secret Chamber Restorers working on the 18th century Belvedere House in Kolkata, home to the National Library of India, have found a large hidden room they had no idea was there. By found I mean they discovered that it existed, not that they've actually gone inside because there is no visible means of entrance or egress. The house has suffered from neglect over the decades. Last year, all 2.2 million books were moved out of the old building into a new structure on the 30-acre estate so that the Belvedere House could be thoroughly restored. Among the speculations are the classics: skeletons and hoarded treasure. Apparently prisoners were known to have been walled up and left to die in death chambers during the Raj, and secret treasure rooms aren't unheard of either. Since the ASI can't just go knocking down walls in 250-year-old historic buildings, they have to find a way to peek inside without damaging the structure. They've applied to the ministry of culture for permission to drill a small hole in the walled up arch through which they can shine a searchlight. Belvedere House was built by Mir Jafar, the eighth Nawab of Bengal, in the 1760s and shortly thereafter he gave it to Lord Warren Hastings, the first Governor-General of India. It passed through various hands, private and public. Then in 1953, 3 years after Independence, the Imperial Library was renamed the National Library and the collection moved to Belvedere House. It has long been rumored to be haunted, with lights mysteriously turning on in the ballroom and ghostly carriages seen driving up to the entrance. Certainly it has seen its fair share of intrigue. Hastings had a duel on the grounds with supreme council of Bengal member Sir Philip Francis in 1780. (Hastings had called him "void of truth and honor" in his private dealings, most likely referring to a number of affairs with ladies possibly including one Baroness Inhoff, a guest of Hastings' at Belvedere House.) - Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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