Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Reader Mail: UFO Encounters, Mothman and Chem-Trails
- Fortean / Alternative News: Bigfoot's Real Face? Flight Controllers' Alien Encounter and Ammonia Found in Meteorites
- 'Behind the Cloud' UFO Video - Alas, Another Hoax
Reader Mail: UFO Encounters, Mothman and Chem-Trails Posted: 01 Mar 2011 12:10 PM PST The following emails were received recently from Phantoms and Monsters readers: ********** Location: South Ockendon Essex UK. This incident took place some twenty-two years ago, the exact date I don't recall. It was late one night while driving home from London {UK} to South Ockendon Essex, (I am now living in Rainham Essex}. At around midnight I had just driven down hill from 'Aveley' Essex on totally empty roads, as I was crossing over the M25. I saw two red lights in the sky. I estimated they were above South Ockendon railway station, and it was traveling towards me along and above Arisdale Ave. After I had crossed the M25 along b1335 I turned left, then left again into Foyle Drive. The red lights flying towards me turned right then left, this then put them on a direct line heading straight towards me flying above and along the same road, [ Foyle Drive], this road is very long almost a mile and dead straight. About two-thirds of the way down, I turned left into Humber Ave, ( to get to my house in Hamble Lane). As I turned left, the lights at this point turned right, this put them on course directly above me. I stopped my car and turned off the engine, {now this is the strange part}; The weather was raining, not the usual rain but that very fine drizzle, almost atomised rain, extremely fine. Because of my flying knowledge, [ I have flown in a RAF Chipmunk, a Tiger Moth, a Jet Provost, a Douglas DC3 and a Robinson R22 Helicopter] I knew it was not the right conditions for flying, no planes would be flying in very bad weather and at night. My {ex} wife was asleep in the front passenger seat, I stepped out and looked up, the craft if I can call it that, came into view, it was travelling incredibly slow around 5 to 10 mile an hour, it was also very low another thing that a plane would not do. {To low and to slow above a built up area}. Due to the very bad raining conditions [I must admit it was difficult to see clearly] . It seemed to be about 100 to 200 feet above me. As it passed directly above me I estimated it was {to put the size into prospective} about twice the width and length of a 747, tubular / cigar shape with no apparent wings for lift. The other thing that I became aware of was the almost lack of sound, to me something of this size would need a very powerful engine. In the past I have been to a few air shows and if you have ever been yourself, you would know that even the smallest planes or jets are very noisy and have reach almost 50 mile an hour just to get airborne. As the tail end passed over me, I heard what I can only describe as a silent roar, along with a faint red glow, I assumed this was coming from the power sauce. I was standing in the road on my own and apart from the almost silent noise, you could have heard a pin drop, anyone one sleeping in the houses around me would not have heard a thing. As this craft moved slowly away from me I wanted to follow it but at the end of the road was a small Forrest called Brickklin Wood, running right down the middle of this Forrest was the M25 motorway. This made it impossible for me to follow. From this point I have no recollection. My mind from that moment till the next morning was and still is a complete blank, I don't recall anything else till the next day. So what did I see and what kept it up in the air while moving so slow, I have no idea, to this day it has plagued me. Do I believe in UFO's? Yes. I have also enclosed a VERY clear photo of circles. {What it is again I have no idea}. If you drop this photo into a photo programme and zoom in to the middle you will see even more circles in the distance. Photo was taken on route to Kenya East Africa 11 - 09 - 2004. About 33,000 ft up. At this height as you can clearly see this makes the circles huge. You can also see the curve of the earth top left of photo. The circles are thousands of miles inland. Somewhere in North Africa in the Sahara desert. No visible signs of roads or tracks. I have no objections if you want to print my story and the photo on your site. Cheers, Geoff ********** I read your blog all the time and I thought this would be an interesting topic. It's today (Feb 28, 2011) and I'm at home nursing a high fever and bronchitis. I've seen where you've mentioned, recently, psychic attacks on your health ad such. I've never really thought about it but I have been a very 'in good health' person. I may get my cleansing colds/flu twice a year but I know how to handle them and they're over in no time flat. This illness has lasted 6 days now and it doesn't seem like it's going to let up any time soon. I never really thought about attacks in that form but now that I think about it, when I was a kid, witches in New Mexico would try to get at my Mom but couldn't because she knew how to get rid of the attacks quick. Then the witches would put a spell on me and that would get to my Mom. That's the only way they could get to her. Then my Dad would take me to his best friend who was a Navajo medicine man and he would get rid of the spell. I would be fine for months on end and then they'd do it again. Jumping forward to today. On Wed the 23rd of Feb 2011, my wife and I went out to eat. When I went into the place to eat, I was totally healthy, not a sign of sniffles, coughing, etc, nothing. When we came out 2 hrs later, I had a sore throat and my chest hurt to breath. So today, I'm still as sick as I was on Thursday. I'm leading into something here. The skies have been totally clear everyday since then and I haven't been out of the house since I got sick. Today my wife said, "I think it would do you good to go sit out in the back yard in that recliner. Some outside air away from the stale in the house and some sun will do you good." So, I wrap up in a blanket just so I wont get chilled and I go out and sit under the clearest sky you have ever seen in your life. Not a single cloud, contrail, chemtrail or even many aircraft even though they're having Red Flag Military exercises at the nearby base. Not 15 mins. after I get settled outside, I start hearing commercial jets, small engine planes and military ones flying everywhere. I look up and to the west and I see, within 15 mins., the sky filed with chemtrails that have totally blocked the nice blue clear sky I had been enjoying earlier. Did someone know I was outside and they're trying to get me? See pics attatched. All chemtrails are coming from the southwest out of LA.(I live in Las Vegas) As you can see, they're creating the checkerboard pattern too Thanks for reading and keep up the great work with the blog. I truly enjoy it and have recommended it to others. ********** Sir, first off, if you want thefull story let me know. But this will explain how Mothman came about. U.S. Energy Secretary John Herrington named the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and New Mexico's Los Alamos National Laboratory to house advanced genetic research centers as part of a project to decipher the human genome. The genome holds the genetically coded instructions that guide the transformation of a single cell, a fertilized egg, into a biological organism. "The Human Genome Project may well have the greatest direct impact on humanity of any scientific initiative before us today", said David Shirley, Director of the Berkeley Laboratory. Covertly, this research has been going on for years at the Dulce bio-genetics labs. Level 6 is hauntingly known by employees as "Nightmare Hall". It holds the genetic labs at Dulce. Reports from workers who have seen bizarre experimentation, are as follows: "I have seen multi-legged 'humans' that look like half-human/half-octopus. Also reptilian-humans, and furry creatures that have hands like humans and cries like a baby, it mimics human words... also huge mixture of lizard-humans in cages. There are fish, seals, birds and mice that can barely be considered those species. There are several cages (and vats) of winged-humanoids, grotesque bat-like creatures...but 3 1/2 to 7 feet tall. Gargoyle-like beings and Draco-Reptoids." "Level 7 is worse, row after row of thousands of humans and human mixtures in cold storage. Here too are embryo storage vats of humanoids in various stages of development. I frequently encountered humans in cages, usually dazed or drugged, but sometimes they cried and begged for help. We were told they were hopelessly insane, and involved in high risk drug tests to cure insanity. We were told to never try to speak to them at all. At the beginning we believed that story. Finally in 1978 a small group of workers discovered the truth. It began the Dulce Wars". When the truth was evident that humans were being produced from abducted females, impregnated against their will, a secret resistance group formed. This did little though. Over time they were assassinated or "died under mysterious circumstances". NOTE: I don't know who this writer is but I did request further information at the email address provided...Lon ********** My name is Brian P. I was driving back to my home in Grove City, Ohio at about 9 pm on February 22nd when I saw something very strange. I had just made a turn off RT104 onto Borror Rd. and was driving around a sharp turn when I saw something brown on the side of the road. I first assumed it was a deer since I have seen several on this road before but as I got closer it was too big to be a deer. The best I can describe this object it that it looked like a big piece of brown shag carpet about 6 to 7 feet tall and about 10 feet wide. As I came close to passing this object on the side of the road it folded up like the rug was being folded in half. I flinched and swerved out of the way because as it folded I thought it was lunging toward me and coming after me. I just sped up and kept driving home. I did not tell anyone what I had seen for a few days because I was so baffled and didn't want to believe that I saw what I did. After replaying the sighting over and over in my head I decided to tell my wife and we started looking up on the internet, things that might match what I saw. The closest thing we could come up with is the Mothman except I didn't see any glowing eyes, but if the eyes were reflective I would probably not have seen them because the creature was facing the road and not my headlights. Anyway this was the strangest thing I have ever seen. ********** Hi...In 1965 when I was eighteen I remember sitting in our back living room watching the television. The TV set was in front of the window which looked out over the backyard and the rear of the houses on the next road. It was night time and I was alone in the mother was on the phone in the hall. I was sitting on the floor with my back to the sofa, and I remember looking up towards the roof tops opposite when to my astonishment a large yellow oval shaped object slowly flew over. Though it had a definite shape to it, it also had a blue light that surrounded it. At the narrow end it had a flame coming from it like some sort of exhaust. I was so surprised that the thought entered my mind that I was hallucinating. I knew that I should get up and go to the front door and check it out flying over but for some reason I could not move my backside off the floor. It was so large that many people must have seen it, I wish that I had been able to run outside with my mother and prove it was for real. It did not affect the television which was a thought that also came to my mind as it passed over. What was it? I do not know except to say it seemed low down and very large. | ||||||
Posted: 01 Mar 2011 10:50 AM PST
Is this the real face of Bigfoot? Click for video Statement with video: I have been lucky enough to view the best clip in "The Erickson Project" documentary, soon to be released. I was not asked to sign a nondisclosure agreement, so I have described what is shown in the clip in some detail here, so that the patient research community who has been waiting for five years can get a better idea exactly what to look forward to. Hope you enjoy! NOTE: May want to turn off the audio. A jazz accompaniment is attached, and though I am a former jazz trumpeter (a long, long time ago) I personally find the selection annoying. Just letting you know...Lon Also posted: The Kentucky Footage Soon to be Released as part of "The Erickson Project" Documentary I am one of the few people lucky enough to have viewed the best clip… Much more detailed than the Patterson/Gimlin Film Here is just some of what you are going to see: A full facial close-up: ~ nose similar to ours (but w/ larger nostrils) ~ slightly chapped, rosy lips ~ pink mouth, blackish tongue ~ pointed teeth, like fangs ~ deep set eyes that dart around and don't blink ~ her head is round, shaped more like ours than a gorilla's, but her brow is much more prominent ~ she has lots of fine, flowing hair on her head (dark reddish brown) and soft short hair on her face ~ when she walks away, she moves just like the female in the Patterson Film I can't wait 'til everyone can see this. Here's the link to The Erickson Project ********** Further evidence that meteorites sowed the seeds of life on Earth telegraph - Scientists have taken fragments from a meteorite in the Antarctic and by bombarding it with heat and pressure have recreated conditions at the beginning of life as we know it, they believe. They have found that the rock emitted ammonia under primordial conditions, an essential compound in the production of amino acids, the so-called building blocks of life. The researchers analysed the nitrogen atoms within the ammonia and determined that the atomic isotope did not match those currently found on Earth, discarding the possibility that the ammonia resulted from contamination during the experiment. The earliest physical evidence of life on Earth in the shape of fossils dates back to 3.8 billion years Nobody really knows how life started on earth but it is thought have been a freak occurrence sparked by the extreme pressure and heat mixing with chemicals from outer space. These findings, made by Arizona State University, suggest that these chemicals came from meteorites, which seeded the Earth with the necessary chemicals. The work was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. **********
Video: Aliens spoke to us in a 'cat-like language' claim Russian flight controllers dailymail - Air traffic controllers in Siberia claim they were buzzed by a high-speed UFO with a female sounding alien who spoke in an unintelligible cat-like language. The mystery object suddenly burst onto flight monitors over the remote Russian diamond capital of Yakutsk. It was shown flying at a speed of slightly over 6000 mph, and rapidly changing direction in the early morning sky, it is claimed. The UFO was logged at a height of 64, 895 feet above sea level and appeared to interfere with aviation frequencies. On footage posted on You Tube, an air traffic controller made clear he sought to make contact with the UFO. The Russian aviation workers are heard in the control tower trying to make contact with the ship. A radar shows the UFO moving rapidly through the skies while surrounding planes in the air travel much slower. 'I kept hearing some female voice, as if a woman was saying mioaw-mioaw all the time,' he told the pilot of a passing Aeroflot flight. His communication to the Russian plane were disrupted by interference from the UFO, it was claimed. The air traffic control monitor automatically designated the UFO as '00000' because it did not have a flight number. The footage was first posted last month but it is unclear when it was taken. A shot of the airport did not appear to show any snow which is normal for eight months a year in Yakutsk, where the temperature last night was minus 36C. At one point the UFO is showing moving away from Yakutsk at great speed before turning and heading back towards the city. There was no comment last night from airport officials on the alleged UFO. Some experts claim that it is widely known that UFOs have made contact and landed on earth but details have never been made public. Click for video ********** Supatra Sasuphan, 11, is happy to be named the world's hairiest girl Supatra Sasuphan has told of her delight at being named the 'World's Hairiest Girl.' She has been teased her entire life by other children calling her "monkey face" and "wolf girl", but now the 11-year-old has been given a Guinness World Record and she says it has helped her become extremely popular at school. "I'm very happy to be in the Guinness World Records! A lot of people have to do a lot to get in," she said. "All I did was answer a few questions and then they gave it to me." ********** Wondering if you have cancer? There's an app for that gammasquad - Small medical scanners have become pretty popular lately. (We've recently covered a lunch-boxed sized breast cancer scanner and one that kinda sorta tells you if you might be a little sick based on your antioxidant levels.) But if you're looking for something really handy, how about a scanner that tells you if your tumor is malignant and then sends the info to an app on your iPhone? Dr. Ralph Weissleder of Boston's Massachusetts General Hospital has developed a miniaturized Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) imager that can detect cancer cells by bonding magnetic nanoparticles to proteins and detecting their magnetic fields. Cells are removed from a suspicious tumors and fed into the NMR. Now, it would normally take days to get pathology results about whether a tumor is benign or malignant, but the new system uses a smartphone app to return results in under an hour. So, not only can you find out if you might have terminal cancer in a matter of minutes, you can also do it in the comfort of your local coffee shop. We're betting this is one app you'd be constantly refreshing over and over again. ********** Town terrorized by 250 wild horses dailymail - A town is being overrun by a pack of 250 wild horses abandoned by gypsies who can't afford to feed them. Five of the horses have been killed when they were hit by cars and others are starving because they are not being fed. RSPCA inspectors were today on the scene at Bridgend, South Wales, after calls from worried animal lovers. The horses are believed to belong to gypsy families who have moved on from the area and were unable to pay for their feed and upkeep. Hundreds of people have posted messages on a Facebook page set up by the Society for the Welfare of Horses and Ponies. Chairwoman Jenny Macgregor said: 'The horses are everywhere, we've had reports of them getting onto the M4 motorway and being killed. 'We have found at least five or six dead and they are dying of starvation and lung infections. 'The situation is out of control.' Residents in the town say they have been woken up by small groups of horses galloping past their homes in the middle of the night. Animal lover Pat Jones said: 'They have apparently been wandering around for the last few days. 'One of my friends has spent the morning trying to keep them from running into the road. 'There are around 250, but they have split up into groups and they are absolutely starving. 'I've heard that at least five or six have been found dead. It's really sad.' An RSPCA spokesman said: 'We are assessing the situation.' | ||||||
'Behind the Cloud' UFO Video - Alas, Another Hoax Posted: 01 Mar 2011 11:36 AM PST
Click for video VIDEO ANALYSIS From Unknown Country: I wish people would upload these full resolution as YouTube has the ability for 720-1080p. It looks great but I noticed some popping effect when it first comes out of the cloud. The cloud is real and I don't see any added volumetric. But I wonder if the popping is pixels in the compression or his added effect if any. It's hard to imagine that someone talented enough to do this would let a popping or jerking go by. I looked and looked for reactive lighting in the clouds from the bright blue light flash. I stared at the edges of the clouds trying not to notice the internal flash and didn't see any. But this is broad day light and we might not under these conditions. The light brightness looks a bit off to me. But then again who is to say what it would look like it just looks too much like a Sci-Fi movie effect. But it sure has that odd feeling and look to it that you and I have both seen. Much like the Camarillo video I shot it gets super bright and drops us little probes. Again if we could get the real video and analyze it proper I'm sure we could no one way or the other. NOTE: A missing video frame right before the truck passes is a major problem (frames posted below). Very good attempt but, alas, another hoax...Lon
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