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- Unexplained Phenomena Before and After Natural Disasters
- Fortean / Alternative News: Possessed Artist, Ritual Dog Spinning and Close Encounter in NM
- Updated: Alien Attack in Australia / Recent Videos
Unexplained Phenomena Before and After Natural Disasters Posted: 14 Mar 2011 11:37 AM PDT After the devastating earthquake in Japan, I began to wonder if there was any 'earth light' activity prior and after the event. There has been evidence in the past that unusual lights would appear in the sky before and/or after an earthquake. There were examples of this phenomena in relation to the most recent earthquake in Chile as well as other locations over the years. I starting looking on the internet and I found a few UFO examples...though, it's hard to say what is being recorded and exactly when. Much of the information is third-hand. Another phenomena endemic to disasters where there is substantial loss of life is the sighting of entities. I imagine it will only be a matter of time before these start to be reported. Click for video - UFO over Japan 2 hrs. before earthquake NOTE: I was told that this was recorded just north of Tokyo Click for video - UFO flying over tsunami NOTE: Doesn't seem to be a helicopter or conventional aircraft...though I could be wrong. Click for video - UFO on CCTV - volcano in Sakurajima, Japan after earthquake NOTE: UFO seen over the volcano in Sakurajima, Japan Click for video - 3/11/2011 over Tokyo, Japan Below are a few examples of strange phenomena associated with disasters: 'More ghosts' after New Zealand earthquake stuff - The "sheer strength and power" of the September 4 earthquake has more than doubled the number of reported supernatural events in Canterbury, a paranormal investigator says. Christchurch Paranormal Investigators founder Anton Heyrick said his team had received an "interesting influx" of phone calls and emails after the 7.1-magnitude earthquake, with more than double the usual number of inquiries. "People are calling us, saying that they had always felt like there was something in the house, but since the earthquake it had become more intense," he said. Most cases related to strange noises, although one man said he had been attacked by a ghost. Heyrick said the "sheer strength and power" of the earthquake may have been responsible for the increase in paranormal activity. The number of old buildings damaged in the earthquake may also have been a factor, he said. It was well known among investigators that when renovations on old buildings took place, "it tends to wake up dormant spirits, and activity tends to come out of nowhere", he said. "With the earthquake, it literally smashed walls apart, and knocked down floors and ceilings, so you can imagine the effect that would have had." The team, which did not charge for its services, had conducted two full investigations, and was planning to do several more. New Zealand Skeptics chairman Gold said the reports may have been due to "people's minds playing tricks on them in the post-quake environment". "You may not feel an aftershock, but it will still make things rattle. People's minds fill in the blanks, and they tend to fill in the blanks with fairytales, unfortunately." ----- Ghosts, Shadows Reported in Wake of Chilean Earthquake ![]() elmercurio - Shadows cross the Cardenal Raul Silva Henriquez Bridge in Constitucion; Cell phone screens light up suddenly, as if trying to receive phone calls. The moans and tears of children and their mothers resonate throughout the wooded Curanipe camping grounds, where thirty people lost their lives on February 27th. Situations such as these are being reported by residents of Region de Maule, who claim that they repeat over and over in the early morning hours. "It's the people who died here. They're asking to be found and be given a burial," says Juan Morales Morales, who works nights doing repairs on the Constitución Bridge. Dozens of people died in this area while camping at Isla Orrego, at the mouth of the Maule River. In the coastal village of Curanipe, half an hour away from Cauquenes, people reportedly hear sounds issuing from the forest where thirty people vanished. "We can hear the cries and weeping of children at unusual hours, and people are greatly distressed by it," says Magdalena Rodriguez, who owns a nearby business. She lost a sister in the tragedy. Ricardo Figueroa, a psychiatrist specializing in disasters at the Catholic University Hospital, explains: "When unexpected deaths or states of grief exist, it is normal for people to report experiences that may catalogued, in quotation marks, as supernatural." He adds: "But this is a normal occurrence that increases during catastrophes." Hugo Zepeda, a doctor of Theology and university professor, adds that these events occur "because people are psychologically injured. This has a collective projection that makes the see more or less the same thing." He adds that if these events continue to occur, they may soon have a "paranormal" meaning. Translation: Scott Corrales - Inexplicata ----- Haitian Homeless Haunted at Night by Evil Spirits, Loups-Garoux ![]() Why this man was killed is unknown, but a deeply ingrained belief in the occult can explain some of the sporadic outbreaks of violence among the 690,000 people left on the streets by the earthquake of January 12. By night, mythical creatures are said to prowl the camps, snatching and murdering children. Many Haitians are convinced that people possessed by evil spirits turn into wolves after dark, a version of the werewolf legend. These loups-garoux, or wolf-men, are thought to be preying on defenseless people sleeping in the open. "Almost all Haitian families are afraid of this," said Vladimir Cadet, 29, who is among the homeless. "While they are sleeping in the street, they are living with this reality. There was a woman whose two children were taken by a werewolf. This kind of thing is spreading like wildfire." Mr Cadet, an English-speaking university graduate, is convinced of the existence of werewolves. "I have never seen one but I've been told by my mother that they exist. When I was a little boy, I was nearly taken." This widespread belief in the occult has worsened the ordeal of the homeless. As well as facing the daily burden of finding food and water, many also live with the fear that creatures of the night will abduct their children. Where Mr Cadet sleeps, people have formed brigades of watchmen who guard against the twin dangers of thieves and werewolves. Anyone suspected of falling into either category is liable to be killed. About half of Haiti's 9 million people are thought actively to practice voodoo. Many more share some of these beliefs. This has had one positive effect in the earthquake's aftermath. Voodoo holds that human beings never truly die – instead their spirits simply migrate to another dimension of existence. Consequently, the 150,000 people who were claimed by the natural disaster are thought to live on in a parallel universe, from where they might occasionally contact their relatives in this world. In a country bereft of comfort, this belief is a rare source of peace for the survivors of its tragedy. ----- Ghosts of Haiti This supposed apparition was captured on a news clip of the Haiti earthquake devastation. Granted, it's difficult to see in the still images. Click for video After one of the greatest catastrophes in the history of humanity, the earthquake that has taken thousands of lives in Haiti, came this curious news on various television channels. A rescuer from Colombia had a strange experience when he witnessed this apparition. ----- 'Quake Lights' Reported Over Southern California ![]() Above: San Diego, CA Above: Santiago, Chile prior to major earthquake weatherspace - San Diego residents are reporting shaking continuing in the area. The shaking, according to the USGS, is likely due to the Easter quake this year which rocked the region. Twitter is rolling with reports of rainbow cloud over Los Angeles today. Reports are coming in that this looks similar to before both the China and Chile quakes where residents reported and took photos of such events in the sky. While no one can be sure what it means, people should always be prepared for a major Earthquake in Southern California as it is seismically active. Click for video NOTE: this anomaly is the same type of 'earth lights' seen over China and Chile just prior to major earthquakes...Lon ----- UFOs / 'Tall Humanoids' Reported in Post-Earthquake Chile Click for video Santiago, Chile: Daylight video supposedly captured in a CNN broadcast after the earthquake Click for video Santiago, Chile: video taken on February 27, 2010, 7:43 pm local time, after the 8.5 degree earthquake ______________________ Source: Prensa & Planeta UFO Date: 03-17-10 Chile: Post-Earthquake UFO Terrified Bus Passengers inexplicata - In the early hours of March 1, 2010, passengers aboard a bus driving through Iquique were witnesses to a terrifying situation. A woman's screams wakened all of the passengers, who joined her in looking out the window. "A vertical cylindrical object appeared on the coast, resembling a fluorescent bulb. At the same time, a top-shaped structure appeared out of the sea, surrounded by lights. Suddenly, they saw a long-armed, humanoid entity standing nearly three meters tall, issuing light and walking toward the highway. This caused panic," said Enrique Silva to Publimetro. Silva is a UFO expert and is researching this case along with retired Chilean Air Force General Ricardo Bermudez. These were not the only witnesses to the event: other locals saw the same phenomenon. "We are still gathering background information and eyewitness accounts. Some students we interviewed told us that the driver and his assistant took photos of the event, which would represent very valuable material. This is a very interesting and well-documented case. I haven't had anything like it in Chile in at least 20 years," said Silva. Journalist Juan Andrés Salfate said: "There are two theories to explain the apparitions of UFOs after a catastrophe. The first is that they live among us, underground, and engage in operations to lift off, thus becoming visible. The other is that they live in a state of vigilance, and follow our procedures and reactions." ----- Sixteen Separate UFO / ONVI Cases Reported On Night Of Chilean Earthquake inexplicata - The earthquake was followed by a boom in UFO sightings, but sixteen cases occurred on the night of the tragedy alone (some of them accompanied by significant visual material) which have been subjected to study by UFO researchers. Researcher Rodrigo Fuenzalida told Publimetro that the highest concentrations of reports appear to be Las Condes, Peñalolén, Providencia and Colina. "We have eyewitness testimony from a couple that refused to sleep in their apartment on the night of the earthquake, choosing instead to spend the early morning hours in the street. They were able to see an object that looked much like the moon, but immediately realized that the moon was on the other side. This event may have been seen by residents of other communes," said Fuenzalida. Another major sighting took place on Isla Robinson Crusoe, part of the Juan Fernandez Archipelago, where people witnessed an object emerging from the sea shortly before the earthquake. Regarding the case involving a humanoid -- reported by passengers on a bus in Iquique -- Fuenzalida notes that while startling, he is aware of other similar cases, but people "do not dare report them, fearing that they will not be believed. "I've heard of the manifestations of these "luminous men", said the ufologist. "We are in an ideal period for sightings. I would ask everyone to be alert, but be mindful to avoid confusion, or a state of hysteria." | ||||
Fortean / Alternative News: Possessed Artist, Ritual Dog Spinning and Close Encounter in NM Posted: 14 Mar 2011 10:16 AM PDT The painter who let herself be possessed by ghosts Looking for artistic inspiration? Why not follow the lead of 19th century spiritualist artist Georgiana Houghton? Rather than draw anything of her own volition, Ms. Houghton allowed herself to become possessed by ghosts and draw their netherwordly visions. John Ptak has acquired one Houghton's gallery catalogues from an 1871 art show in London. In her annotations, Houghton explains that her inspiration was simple. She would allow herself to become possessed by friendly spirits and draw what they told her. Explains Ptak: She writes in the very first paragraph of her catalog's introduction, "the execution of the Drawings my hand has been entirely guided by Spirits, no idea being formed in my own mind as to what was going to be produced..." She explains that the spirits were definitely those of dead people, and after having heard of such possibilities of communication as early as 1859 set out to "obtain mediumship" by holding hands with her mother at a small table for some months on end waiting for contact—which of course she says happened. Sundays worked best, "as we should then be less disturbed by evil influences" [...] It seemed that Miss Houghton was inspired by the spirit drawings of a Miss Wilkinson—it was then that she sought the artistic guidance of a dead artistic sister though without success, and then from a dead brother. It was the brother who brought her into contact with dead Henry Lenny ("a deaf and dumb artist") who then guided her hands at first with the planchette, then with a pencil, and finally to watercolors. After ten years of her own spirit drawings, Miss Houghton produced for herself a four-month show at the New British Gallery on Old Bond Street, exhibiting 155 of her works, all exhibited in rented frames for the occasion. Her reviews seem to have been very-light and mixed at best, and for all of her effort and trouble, she sold only one painting. -!5781399 Georgiana Houghton - collection ********** Close Encounter in New Mexico MUFON CMS - New Mexico - 12/9/95: My wife and two children left Houston for Denver, Colorado to spend Christmas with my relatives. After driving all day we bought fuel in Roswell, New Mexico before our final driving segment that day as we had hotel reservations in Santa Rosa, New Mexico. I consulted a map in an effort to lesson the trip by a few miles by deciding to take New Mexico state highway 20 instead of proceeding north on highway 285 to Vaughn, New Mexico. Within about 7 minutes of turning on to state highway 20 I noticed a very large bright light in my rear view mirror. I had cleaned my windows at the gas stop in Roswell so rear visibility was good. I thought nothing of it as I thought it was a car with one light out and the other working light on high beam. I thought it could also be a motorcycle but ruled that out as it was too cold so it seemed unlikely. It was at first about 3/4 of a mile behind me and I paid little to no attention to it until I looked in my rear view mirror again and it was about 300 feet behind me. The intense white light was slightly above road level and appeared to be 4 or 5 times larger than a standard car headlight but much brighter. I then looked at my right side view mirror and saw a round amber colored light approximately 40 to 50 feet off the highway and it seemed to be connected to the main light object. The amber light appeared to have a chris/cross or"tic tac toe" type design in the round shaped light. I asked my wife to turn around and help identify what kind of car or vehicle was behind us but this request scared her as she could tell I was concerned about it. At this time a car was appraching in front of us about one to one and a half miles ahead. I was concerned about this because the white light appeared to be in the oncoming lane as well as our own lane. The light was also angled slightly up at an angle. As I waited for the approaching car to pass us I looked in my left side view mirror and saw the object drift to my left and up at the same time. This frightened me a great deal as I then knew it was not a car but in fact was something that was flying. After the car passed the object was gone. About 4 or 5 minutes later it appeared again about 175 to 200 feet behind our Ford Arrowstar van and my wife was very afraid. I asked her to open the passenger side widow and take a picture with a small camera we had with us of whatever it was but she refused. She touched my hand and said I felt cold and clammy and sweaty. I was concerned for all of us. My 11 year old son was sleeping in the back of the van and was not feeling well all day and our 7 year old daughter was sleeping as well. As we observed the light behind us for another 5 or 6 minutes it stayed where it was at the same speed that I was going. State highway 20 is quite narrow and has no room to pull over even if I wanted to and I had no intention of doing so. I actually tried to outrun it by increasing my speed to 75 to 80 miles per hour but it stayed right with me. I actually repeated to myself over and over again "we do not want contact-we do not want contact" if they were able to detect my urgent plea through telepathy to leave us alone. In the distance another car approached and as it closed to within a mile the object rose again to my left and as it did I observed 3 smaller white lights on what would be considered the side of the object. As it rose the lights all turned off like when you turn the light off on a swimming pool. Sort of a slow dim before they went off completely. The approaching car passed and as it did I noticed it braking in my rear view mirror. It did not stop but it braked and kept going. At this point I was concerned and afraid as I believed we may be seeing something that was not from this world. I eliminated the possibility of it being a helicopter as we would have heard the motor or rotors as it was so close. We did not see it anymore after that and we proceeded on to our destination in Santa Rosa after a brief stop in Fort Sumner for directions to highway 84. We will never forget this incident and thought MUFON would find it interesting and should know about it. Thanks ********** Japan tsunami survivor found 10 miles out at sea guardian - A 60-year-old man has been found on the roof of his floating house nearly 10 miles out at sea, two days after the tsunami that devastated the north-east coast of Japan. Hiromitsu Shinkawa must have resigned himself to his fate when he was swept away by the retreating tsunami that roared ashore in his home town of Minami Soma in Fukushima prefecture. As the wave approached, Shinkawa took the fateful decision to return home to collect belongings. Minutes later he was out at sea clinging to a piece of the roof from his own home. Incredibly, he was spotted by a maritime self-defence force destroyer taking part in the rescue effort as he clung to the wreckage with one hand and waved a self-made red flag with the other. He had been at sea for two days. Reports said that on being handed a drink aboard the rescue boat, Shinkawa gulped it down and immediately burst into tears. His wife, with whom he had returned home as the tsunami approached, is still missing. He was quoted as saying: "No helicopters or boats that came nearby noticed me. I thought that day was going to be the last day of my life." Officials said Shinkawa was in good condition after being taken to hospital by helicopter. "I ran away after I heard a tsunami was coming," he said. "But I turned back to fetch something from home and was swept away. I was rescued while hanging on to the roof of my house." The self-defence forces said the good weather and calm waters had allowed Shinkawa to stay alive during his 48-hour drift. Click for video ********** Mayor defends participants in Bulgarian dog spinning ritual austriantimes - Village elders are in a spin after they were subjected to a hate campaign demanding they stop the annual dog spin aimed to drive away evil spirits before the spring arrives. The bizarre ritual involves local hounds being tied to a rope stretched over a river which is then wound up tight and released causing animals to spin down into the water. The terrified pooches reached such high speeds that by the time the land in the river they are unable to swim and many drown. But after a video of the event was posted on the Internet locals say they have become the target of an international hate campaign centred on Facebook . The dog spin event is the culmination of a four day celebration in the village of Brodilovo, in the south-eastern Bulgarian region of Strandzha near the border with Turkey. It was held to mark 133 years of independence from the Ottoman empire. A widespread wave of indignation and a "cyber war" erupted both on Facebook and the Bulgarian video-sharing website vbox7 after videos of dogs being subjected to the ritual were posted. In the video you can see how the dogs are "hanged" with a rope tied across the chest and then pulled over the river. The rope is then twisted repeatedly and the dogs would spin madly on their way down to the water. The spinning leaves the dogs disoriented, and sometimes they would drown in the process. Brodilovo mayor Petko Arnaoudov said he had banned the ritual in 2006, but he could not stop rogue elements in the village from still carrying it out believing that the failure last year to hold the event was to blame for a foot-and-mouth disease outbreak which struck in the area for the first time in 12 years. "You cannot stop a traditional custom with a simple order," Arnaoudov said. "I gave this order only because animal rights organizations caused a fuss back then, but I am backing the villagers now. It's an old tradition, and we have to preserve our traditions. "Almost every year, since I was a child in 1950s, I am present at the ritual. I am 61-old now." Local historians and ethnologists say that the ritual dates back to 10 century BC. Yavor Gechev, coordinator of local animal rights protection organization 'Four Paws', said, 'It's a tradition originated in a times of ignorance. In 16 and 17 century fights between bears and dogs were very popular in London, but now they do not exist. So, the people who say that the ritual is an ancient one, and is part of our cultural inheritance are talking nonsense." Bulgaria's PM Boiko Borisov condemned the ritual, and in a talk with country's prosecutor-in-chief Boris Velchev expressed his hope that the guilty ones are going to be prosecuted in accordance with the Law for Animal Rights Protection. Velchev has ordered an investigation. Warning! Very disturbing video - Click for video | ||||
Updated: Alien Attack in Australia / Recent Videos Posted: 14 Mar 2011 09:31 AM PDT
Click for video - Alien Sighting You may recall the strange story of a witness who videotaped an alien entity in his back yard while videotaping his cat. A third video has come from this witness reportedly showing an extraterrestrial standing in his backyard. Again, there are more questions than answers...unlike the previous videos presented. The witness attempts to focus in on a can clearly see an unusually large head with two massive black eyes. The creature then stands there moving but remaining inanimate. Frankly, I expect more 'evidence' is forthcoming...which will most likely be as unconvincing as previous presentations. Click for video - Alien attack Click for video - Alien attack bruise
On previous encounters the witness claimed to have been physically attacked by an alien, showing a nasty looking bruise. Click for video - Alien slide show NOTE: below is my previous post and comments from 12/9/2010 ----- Australian Teen Claims Video Capture of Alien Creature Click for video tweednews - Alex Player has captured footage of what appears to be a mysterious alien creature moving in his backyard. The 16-year-old Bilambil Heights resident has captured four different encounters with the alien creature on film and believes the creature has entered his home. "The first time I saw it was the clearest. It was not that tall – only as high as the grass – and a grey colour with a big head," Alex said. "It didn't make a single sound. I'm a believer but I have never seen anything like this before. I'm open to the idea. "Who would be out in that area late at night? I don't think it could be anything else." The images were captured on October 5, October 24, November 20 and November 28 on a video camera and mobile phone. Alex said the being entered his home on one occasion. "In early November it came into the house. I think it came from my mum's room and through the house," Alex said. "My mum and I sat in my room. It moved through the house in two minutes. "Then we heard a thud outside, like it was jumping off the veranda." Alex said he placed the footage on video sharing site Youtube and received many comments from users. The footage he shot of the first October encounter has been used in an independently-produced documentary entitled Gone with the UFO's, to be released on DVD in 2011. UFO Research Queensland sightings officer Martin Gottschall said movement could be a deciding factor when looking for alien activity. "There are certain types of movement that I recognise as belonging to a UFO," Mr Gottschall said. However, he said he did not see that kind of movement in Alex's video recording and he was not convinced the recording depicted an alien. "UFOs can hover and make no sound or shoot off at a high speed. In the footage you cannot see if the creature is hovering," Mr Gottschall said. UFO Research Queensland Incorporated is a voluntary, non-profit association established in 1956 to receive, record and research UFO sightings. It proposes there exists, and has for many years, a large body of well-attested sightings which are so unambiguous that the only reasonable inference is that extraterrestrial vehicles are flying through the atmosphere, landing on the ground and entering the oceans. NOTE: there is definitely something in the bush but it's very difficult to see what it is...unless there's a kangaroo hopping around with a flashlight. I really don't know what to make of it...but I am skeptical, though curious. This footage is supposed to be part of an upcoming documentary. I'd like to read some of the home invasion report as well (if available)...Lon Phantoms and Monsters Now Available on Kindle ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! Phantoms & Monsters Wiki ![]() A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussion of interterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena including conversations on the proficiency of remote viewing ![]() ![]() Join Eric Altman, Lon Strickler and the crew LIVE each Sunday at 10 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() |
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