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- Searching For The Ultraterrestrials
- Fortean / Alternative News: Mothman Reported in Japan, Dragonologist Needed and Puma Near M5 Devon
- Paranormal Japan: Kappas, Kangaroo and Kayako
Searching For The Ultraterrestrials Posted: 17 Mar 2011 06:16 PM PDT
On October 30, 1938 the global uneasiness with alien beings began. That was the day Orson Welles narrated his adaptation of H.G. Wells' novel 'War of the Worlds' over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network. The 'news bulletin' style simulation created a panic so widespread that nearly 2 million listeners believed it to be factual. Later in 1947 there would be a reported, later denied, crash of an unknown craft in the New Mexico desert. Then the USAF started 'Project Blue Book', a bit of 'window dressing' that would possibly ease the public uncertainty as well as coax the Soviets into thinking that U.S. spy planes were actually UFOs. Thousands of sighting reports and science fiction films later, the public fascination with alien beings had been heightened to the point where people are demanding that governments disclose all information in reference to UFOs and the non-human entities that fly these craft. I may have asked this question more than I would admit but "why do people think that these unidentified flying objects are of such concern?" The answers I generally receive are that these may be precursors to an invasion or that the aliens are arriving in small groups in order to gather information before they take over the planet. Most times, I just nod in agreement and change the subject...not that I total disagree with their assessments but more concerned that they aren't seeing the big picture. Over the years I have been fortunate to have investigated individuals' claims of alien entity abduction and infestation. Some of those cases have been documented on this blog, especially when evidence suggested some validity to the claims. In almost all cases the witnesses want to remain anonymous, at least at the initiation of the inquiry. Despite what most people think, I have not met one witness who wanted to cash in on their experience. There may have been some consideration later but that is usually because producers of paranormal television programming hound witnesses until they relent...then the final product is rarely factual. But that's another story. The word 'extraterrestrial' simply means 'not of or belonging to Earth.' In that context, it can be defined as any life form or inanimate object that is not from our planet. In the modern vernacular it is simply understood to represent life forms that do not originate from Earth. So I guess the next question is "have the extraterrestrials ever come to Earth?" I think it's safe to assume that alien life forms have found their way to Earth but I truly doubt they arrived by space craft. For the most part I agree with much of the ancient astronaut theories until the argument centers around mode of transportation. It's very difficult to determine when these early beings arrived on Earth but there is some evidence to suggest that it has been a process that has continued for many thousands of years. I suppose the earliest testimony of these non-humans making contact with man have come from the Hebrew Bible and, in particular, the Book of Enoch. The first part of Book of Enoch describes the fall of the 'Watchers', the angels who fathered the Nephilim. The first section of the book depicts the interaction of the fallen angels with mankind. The fallen angel Sêmîazâz, of apocryphal Jewish and Christian tradition that ranked in the heavenly hierarchy as one of the Grigori, compels the other 199 fallen angels to take human wives to "beget us children." "And Semjâzâ, who was their leader, said unto them: 'I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.' And they all answered him and said: 'Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.'. Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it." This results in the creation of the Nephilim: "And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood." "And Azâzêl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjâzâ taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, Armârôs the resolving of enchantments, Barâqîjâl, taught astrology, Kôkabêl the constellations, Ezêqêêl the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiêl the signs of the earth, Shamsiêl the signs of the sun, and Sariêl the course of the moon." Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel appeal to God to judge the inhabitants of the world and the fallen angels. Uriel is then sent by God to tell Noah of the coming apocalypse and what he needs to do. After this, God then commands Raphael to imprison Azâzêl: "Then said the Most High, the Holy and Great One spoke, and sent Uriel to the son of Lamech, and said to him: Go to Noah and tell him in my name "Hide thyself!" and reveal to him the end that is approaching: that the whole earth will be destroyed, and a deluge is about to come upon the whole earth, and will destroy all that is on it. And now instruct him that he may escape and his seed may be preserved for all the generations of the world." "the Lord said to Raphael: 'Bind Azâzêl hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening in the desert, which is in Dûdâêl (Gods Kettle/Crucible/Cauldron), and cast him therein. And place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there for ever, and cover his face that he may not see light. And on the day of the great judgement he shall be cast into the fire. And heal the earth which the angels have corrupted, and proclaim the healing of the earth, that they may heal the plague, and that all the children of men may not perish through all the secret things that the Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons. And the whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azâzêl: to him ascribe all sin."
God gave Gabriel instructions concerning the Nephilim and the imprisonment of the fallen angels…then commands Michael to bind the fallen angels: "And to Gabriel said the Lord: 'Proceed against the biters and the reprobates, and against the children of fornication: and destroy [the children of fornication and] the children of the Watchers from amongst men [and cause them to go forth]: send them one against the other that they may destroy each other in battle" "And the Lord said unto Michael: 'Go, bind Semjâzâ and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness. 12. And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement that is for ever and ever is consummated. 13. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire: (and) to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined for ever. And whosoever shall be condemned and destroyed will from thenceforth be bound together with them to the end of all generations." These fallen angels, according to the text, were sent to Earth as 'Watchers' or 'Watchmen' in order to observe and protect mankind. Instead, these 'Watchers' corrupt and impregnate their charges resulting in hybrid offspring. The situation results in a war instigated by the Archangels and fought between the 'Watchers' and their offspring. The 'Watchers' are then imprisoned for a specific period of time...then led off to the underworld. It's a great story….but how much of it can be considered as truth? One might inquire as to the identity of 'God' in the Book of Enoch. Is there an ultraterrestrial supreme being who can be everywhere and see everything at all times? It's an interesting concept…it certainly would answer a lot of questions. Did this same supreme being also create mankind as prescribed in Genesis as well as manifest on Mt. Sinai? Is it possible that we are children of an ultraterrestrial? I'm not saying that we should or should not consider the Hebrew Bible or the Book of Enoch as trustworthy but I do think that there may be a connection that is conceivably accurate. The early Babylonians and Egyptians depicted and worshiped supernatural winged beings that ascended to Earth. The Greeks and Hebrews called these winged beings 'messengers of God'. Eventually the combination of Old English and French resulted in the word 'angel'. These angels have been depicted in the modern religions as winged human-like entities who delivery the word of God to his children on Earth. Well, the angels may be delivering messages but it's not by the power of winged flight….that's if you believe in the Bible. The Bible never describes angels with wings…or any other means of transportation. Now, let's get back to the discussion of alien beings. Though much of the evidence is anecdotal, word of mouth, ancient text, etc., a sensible argument can be made for the existence of an ultraterrestrial entity presence. When I state 'ultraterrestrial' I refer to those beings who have been here, who continue to reside here and who can easily manifest here without the use of flying craft. There is a multidimensional condition to these ultraterrestrial currently transpires and will continue to commence in the future. How can I prove this theory? I can't...and I'll be the first to admit it. The ultraterrestrial hypothesis has been proffered by paranormal researchers for several years and seems to be the most plausible and persuasive argument that encompasses all known reported cases of high strangeness. The only suggestions I can offer are those I have posted above and, more importantly, those perceptions within my heart, conscience and intellect. Sources: Philip J. Imbrogno - "Ultraterrestrial Contact: A Paranormal Investigator's Explorations into the Hidden Abduction Epidemic" - 2010 Personal Witness Accounts | ||||
Fortean / Alternative News: Mothman Reported in Japan, Dragonologist Needed and Puma Near M5 Devon Posted: 17 Mar 2011 10:35 AM PDT ufoclearinghouse - I'm not sure if this is the appropriate time to come forward with this story seeing that the recent events in Japan are still fresh in every ones memory. I have been a follower of your website from pretty much the start; I have read your reports and have heard you online before. Naturally your site was the one I thought of first when this incident happened and I decided to write in and tell you what happened that night in early February. I was in Japan on business and had emailed a lifelong friend who was living in Japan and teaching English at a local school. He had insisted on my staying with him for the duration of my stay, saying it would help save me money and make my expense report look better when I turned it in. My friend (I will call him Tim for the sake of his reputation and career) was a lifelong bachelor and had a fairly large apartment all to himself and his cat. After several days of day long meetings and group seminars, we had decided to go out to get a bite to eat and take in the town. After a fairly large meal and hopping from one night spot to another we decided to go toward the ocean and check out the moonlight reflecting off the waves. My friend stated that he wanted to check on a biology station that some of his graduate students had set up near a large power plant. As we approached the plant from the west, we walked along some paths and came to a simple metal box bolted into the ground, from this box there were a myriad of weather vanes, and other meteorological devices. My friend stated the schools science class students had a theory that just like the water being used and discharged by the power plant was warmed by the production of electricity; the air around the plant was also being warmed and thus affecting weather and tidal patterns in the surrounding eco-system. It all sounded too complex and in my slightly tipsy and tired state was only able to grasp the bare bones of the complex theory he laid out. He finished up and changed the subject to something more jovial when all of a sudden we heard a loud and distinct "WHOOSH" at first my mind thought it might be the sound of the distant waves crashing ashore when we heard it again, followed by a ear pitching screech that shook me down to the bone and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. We looked around for the cause of the noise, when we heard the sound again. The best way I can describe it is a city buses brakes when they are in need of service, Loud and ear splitting. We both continued to look around when my friend's attention was drawn toward the plant by another nearby couple. A younger couple, out for a walk were staring toward the plant, arms outstretched and the obvious fear in their voice showing itself. I looked toward the plant, and against the lights of the plant I thought I saw a figure silhouetted against the moonlit sky. The figure was large and black, from the distance I was at it looked to be sitting on top of one of the squared shape buildings. It sat there for about 5 seconds then it unfurled a large set of what I could only describe as large, black wings. The only reference I can compare them too are from the old John Travolta movie "Michael" where the main character unfurls his wings and spreads them out to their full length. To say that this creature was large was an understatement. The creature then took flight and circled the plant at least 4-5 times, some circuits he took at a fast pace, some he seemed to slow down, all the while he kept his attention on the row of square shaped buildings that I later found out housed the reactors. The creature then came toward us, flying at least 25-30 feet off the ground. The younger couple who had noticed the creature first were now screaming and cowering, the man shielding the woman while shielding his head with a jacket. My friend and I looked in awe as this creature flew over us. That's when I noticed the two large red eyes; they seemed to glow from within and with a blood red hue. They were unblinking in the 3-4 seconds we saw them, we knew they were looking straight at us, we knew this creature knew we could see it and it made no attempt to disguise itself. The sick, intense and overwhelming feeling of dread came over us. A feeling that we shouldn't be there was to say the least, overwhelming. As quickly as it came, it flew away, back toward the town, eventually melting into the black night sky and as it flew away from us a loud whoosh was heard again and then...silence. This lasted a second or two before I heard the sound of a shutter and turned to see my friend trying to take pictures with his cell phone, but all he got was dark, night time sky. We went straight home and my friend bolted the door and drew all the blinds, he was shaking and saying that he could not believe what he saw, could it have been a large, unknown species of bird? He kept mumbling to himself until I was able to calm him down and get him to relax and talk about what we had seen. Eventually we both agreed that it must have been some sort of large bird, or maybe an optical illusion caused by the lights given off by the plant on a regular, known species of bird. We talked about it late into the night, till we both fell asleep on the couches and awoke the next morning to stiff necks and backs. My friend and I spent the last two days out and about and enjoying each other's company, till he drove me to the airport and we bid each other farewell and I came home. We spoke about it only once more in an email about a week before he was due to come to the U.S. for his sister's wedding. When I brought it up at the wedding rehearsal dinner, he was convinced that it had been an optical illusion. That was until the day before the wedding when he woke me out of a deep sleep with a frantic phone call telling me to turn on the TV. There came the images of the devastation of the Japanese earthquake and the near total destruction of the city of the town of Okuma, where my friend was living and working. The day of the wedding the news came of the explosions at the local nuclear power plant and as CNN broadcast the report, we were both a gasp as the same power plant where we had seen the strange bird-like object was not being shown on the television set. The Fukushima Daiich was the exact same plant we had seen the strange bird like creature circling. Was it pure coincidence or was it the mythical Moth-Man doing his strange work of predicting disasters? I may never know and may go to the grave wondering that, but one thing is certain for sure, I don't think that neither of us is going to forget this event, no matter how long we live. Thank you for listening to my story, I hope to hear your thoughts and feedback and am more than willing to answer whatever questions you may have. I give you permission to share this story with your readers on the website. Thank you so much for your time Marcus Pules Thanks to Jeff Gonzales for the heads up! ********** RICHARD FREEMAN: Big Cat Sighting CFZ - On Saturday the 12th of March 2011 I was travelling up to Bristol to spend the weekend with a friend. I was on a National Express coach heading north up the M5. The time was 1.13 pm. I looked to my left at some fields between West Clyst and the M5. Standing in a field approximately 800 feet from me was a big cat. It was the size of a full grown German Shepherd dog. Its tail was almost as long as its body and was curled towards the end. The head was rounded with small ears. The fur was very dark brown, like dark chocolate and seemed sleek and almost shiny. The animal did not move and appeared to be watching something although I could see no other people or animals in the field. The animal seemed to be a very dark furred puma. The closest in colour I have been able to find on the net was this photo. The animal was only in view for about 8 seconds. During that time it stood still without moving in a semi crouched stance. Oddly the sighting did not seem fantastical but almost mundane. ********** Dragonologist needed to cast spell over tourists at Warwick Castle birminghammail - WANTED! A Merlin-type wizard to cast a spell over tourists, protect a castle and watch over a fire-breathing dragon. Benefits include a competitive wage, sword, pointy hat, passes to some of the UK's best attractions – and a pension. The wizards at Warwick Castle are looking for a 'resident dragonologist' to train all their staff in magic when their new Merlin inspired 'Dragon Tower' is launched at Easter. According to the online advert, the ideal candidate should have a working knowledge of dragon myth, legend and be a dab hand at summoning up beasts, powers and riddles. The high flyer must have at least five years' experience in mythology and folklore, preferably in the realm of sorcery and dragons. ********** Skulls found during Utah drug raid wcsh6 - Utah police involved in a drug investigation came across human skulls and animal bones allegedly used as part of a religious shrine. Now investigators and attorneys are trying to decide if the animal carcasses and remains constitute religious freedom or if it is against the law. The Weber-Morgan Narcotics Strike Force served a warrant Sunday to search in Clearfield as part of an ongoing drug distribution investigation. While there, narcotics detectives discovered at least two human skulls and several hundred pounds of animal bones and flesh in a shed in back. The animals included sheep, goats, lambs and the skulls of several rams according to Clearfield Assistant Police Chief Mike Stenquist. Roberto Casillas-Corrales, 53, was arrested and booked into the Davis County Jail for investigation of abuse or desecration of a human body. He reportedly told police he bought the human skulls from people who took them from grave sites in Cuba. He told investigators the skulls and animal parts were used for religious purposes. Neighbors describe Casillas-Corrales as somebody who invites people in for celebrations and aids those in need. "We've had nothing but adoration and praise for them," John Watkins said of the family. Next-door neighbor Vince Hall, a disabled veteran, says Casillas-Corrales would help him from time to time. Still, he heard and saw through the fence what he describes as "oddities." "There was chanting going on and what seemed to me like sticks or bones being cast upon the floor," Hall said. Hall also described a ritual he witnessed, in which dead chickens would be hanging from the corners of the home, and Casillas-Corrales and others would spew alcohol at them. Police believe Casillas-Corrales purchased the animals locally and sacrificed them in the shed. Stenquist described the shed as a mess of animal flesh, bones and foul stench. Casillas-Corrales was booked into jail because of the human skulls, according to police. Whether he will be charged in connection with the dead animals is still being investigated. He told investigators he was a Santeros, or a priest. Santeros are commonly associated with Santeria, a religion originally from Africa, but today is sometimes combined with Catholicism, and in some cases Old World practices such as animal sacrifices. "We are being careful about his religious rights," Stenquist said. "We've asked for assistance from the Davis County Attorney's Office, the state medical examiner and ICE (Immigrations and Customs Enforcement) to determine if it's a practice they're aware of." News of the skulls unnerved Watkins. "This is not a graveyard," the neighbor said. "I don't see that's much respect or shows sacredness of how you feel about another human being." Stenquist says the medical examiner will do what can be done to identify the skulls or their origin. Federal ICE agents are aiding in the investigation since Casillas-Corrales is not a U.S. citizen, Stenquist said. Detectives were also trying to determine Monday how many people lived at the house, how many were just visiting and how many others may have assisted in the religious ceremony. Police say no drugs were found in the residence. ********** Unknown Object Crashes Outside Hanover, PA MUFON CMS - 3/1/2011: An associate and I were sitting in front of my house in a suburban area of Hanover, Pa. As we talked, we both witnessed what appeared to be a flaming piece of debris fall from the sky to some fields just outside of Hanover. She claims it was a greenish color, while I saw it as being a yellow. We didn't see its exact landing site, but we were curious as to what it was. We could see a slight smoke trail left behind by it for a few minutes after, but we couldn't quite make out exactly where it landed. We never found an impact site, nor did we even hear it land, but for about an hour afterwards, we saw several planes and helicopters apparently circling the area it landed at. We put off reporting it for a week or so, to see if anything was in the news, but nothing was said. We haven't found anyone else who reported seeing it, nor have we been contacted by any news stations we asked. NOTE: this is my hometown...Lon | ||||
Paranormal Japan: Kappas, Kangaroo and Kayako Posted: 17 Mar 2011 09:29 PM PDT The recent devastation in Japan once again proves how vulnerable humanity really is when facing Mother Nature's wrath. The one factor that ties our species together is the genuine emotional unity that is expressed when one of our own confronts diversity. The Japanese may have been mortal enemies to several nations a mere seventy years ago but because of human exoneration and compassion, these former adversaries are now embraced as friends and allies. As well, each culture has it's own degree of strangeness and oddities. Because of it's tradition and mindset, Japan's uniqueness prevails independently from the rest of the world. The following posts are previous submissions I have made over the past several years: ----- I received an email from a reader in Japan recently who asked if I had any knowledge of actual cryptid / humanoid encounter reports or activity in his country. He stated that there were hundreds of spirit sightings and ghost legends...but he rarely heard of people encountering unknown creatures. It was an intriguing I promised to conduct some research and post my findings. The following anecdotes and stories are a few interesting accounts: A FOREIGN WOMAN IN THE HOLLOW BOAT Tokagawa Shogunate, Japan - February 22, 1803 ![]() The boat was round and resembled a kind of kou-hako (a box used to burn incense). Its diameter was more than 3 ken (5.45 in). On the upper part of the boat, there were glass-fitted shoji (windows with lattice) and they were shielded by chan (a kind of waterproofed putty made from pine-tree gum). The bottom of this ship was reinforced by separated iron plates. This structure may protect the boat from destruction by sunken rocks. Since the glass-fitted shoji was transparent, the people could see the inside the boat, where they found a woman with strange features. Her hair and eyebrows were red, and her face was pink. It seemed that long white hair was added to her original hair. This foreign woman held one square box whose size was about two shaku (60 cm) in her hands. It seemed that this box was very important to her because she held this box constantly, and she prohibited anyone from approaching it. The objects found in this boat were investigated by the people. There was about two shou (3.6 liters) of water in the small bottle. There were two pieces of carpet, cake-like food, and kneaded meat. While people discussed what to do about this boat, the woman observed them peacefully. Another similar description of an incident was found: On March 24, 1803, a strange boat drifted ashore on a beach named Haratono-hama in Hitachi state in Japan. The boat was hollow and its shape was similar to a rice-cooking pot. It had a kind of rimmed-edge at the center-level part of the boat. In the part above this edge, the boat was painted in black and had four small windows on four sides. All shoji (windows with lattice) were shielded by chan (a kind of waterproof putty made from pine-tree gum). The lower part of the boat was reinforced by steel bars. These bars looked to be made of Western-made iron of the highest quality. The height of the boat was one jyou, two shaku (3.64m) and its diameter was one jyou, eight shaku (5.45m). A woman (or girl) was found inside this boat and her age appeared around twenty. She was about five shaku (1.5m) tall and her skin was white as snow. Her long hair vividly hung on her back. Her facial features were incomparably beautiful. Her clothes were strange and unrecognizable and her language was not understood by anyone. She held a small box in her hands and prohibited anyone from approaching this box. JAPANESE CRYPTID WOLVES Reports of small wolf-like canids came out of the Chichibu district of Japan in 1998. At least seventy people reported wolf howls in 1994, and there have been at least twenty-six claims of wolves seen from 1908 to 1978, all in the Aomori and Oita regions in northernmost Japan, not to mention prints, howls and scat. Several sightings have also been made on the Kii peninsula. In 1936a man in Hongu supposedly captured a wolf pup, but released it in case a parent attempted to retrieve it. The Honshu wolf (Canis lupus hodophylax) a dwarf subspecies of wolf just over a foot tall and deemed extinct since 1905 due to a rabies epidemic, fits the general description. Attempts to record wolves howling, by playing wolf howls to prompt them in 1995 were unsuccessful. Possibly these sightings are just misidentification of feral dogs. However, though Japan is heavily populated, its mountainous terrain would make it possible for a hidden population of wolves – in this case, small wolves - to survive without public acknowledgment. - Cryptid Canids THE KAPPAS SLIMY FOOTPRINTS As Shirozaki approached the children, he was struck by how bizarre they appeared in the moonlight. He could make out swarthy faces, unusually spindly arms and legs, and glistening skin. Suspicious, Shirozaki called out to them as he neared, but they seemed startled and quickly disappeared into the water. The next morning when he returned to the same spot, Shirozaki discovered a set of moist, teardrop-shaped footprints on the nearby pavement. The prints, which appeared to consist of a slimy substance that had begun to coagulate under the hot morning sun, stretched for about 20 meters. Each footprint measured 22 centimeters (about 10 in) long and 12 centimeters (5 in) wide, and they were spaced about 50 to 60 centimeters (about 2 ft) apart. Shirozaki and a few curious onlookers immediately suspected the footprints belonged to a kappa. People began to gather around as the news spread quickly through town, and all agreed the prints belonged to a kappa. In the minds of many residents, the footprints confirmed the existence of the river imps they knew through local legends. When police forensic investigators arrived on the scene, they determined that the slimy footprints consisted of an unknown secretion. They took a sample to the lab for analysis, but the results unfortunately turned out to be inconclusive because the sample was too small. The police eventually dropped their investigation, and the mystery of the slimy footprints was never solved. THE UNCLEAN GUEST The police briefly surveyed the house, but found nothing except a floor soiled by 30 footprints, each measuring about 7 centimeters long and 6 centimeters wide, and having 4 or 5 toes. To Matsumoto, the footprints did not look human, nor did they appear to belong to any animal he could imagine. Later that night, as Mrs. Matsumoto was putting laundry away, she discovered an unusual orange stain on some clothing. The next morning, as Matsumoto inspected the house more closely, he discovered a deposit of orange liquid on the portable stereo in the tatami room. He took a sample to the local public health center for analysis, and the results indicated the liquid had an extremely high iron content and a chemical composition resembling spring water. Troubled by the incident, Matsumoto decided to visit a shaman. After listening to Matsumoto's story, the shaman encouraged him not to worry, explaining that the kappa indigenous to the nearby swamp enjoyed playing the occasional prank on local residents. The kappa were harmless, the shaman told him. Harmless, perhaps, but Matsumoto found the kappa difficult to clean up after. He tried using detergent, paint thinner and gasoline to remove the footprints and orange stains, but nothing seemed to work. Sources: Shin-ichiro Namiki, "Nippon No Kaiki Hyaku", 2007 TSUCHINOKO - THE CRYPTID SERPENT ![]() Tsuchinoko fever hit Yoshii on May 21 after a farmer cutting grass swore he saw a snake-like creature with a face resembling the cartoon cat Doraemon slither across his field. The farmer slashed the creature with his weed whipper, but it fled into a nearby stream and escaped. Four days later, 72-year-old Hideko Takashima was talking with a couple of friends in Yoshii when she found what she thought was one of the creatures lying dead next to the stream a tsuchinoko reportedly had dived into to escape from the farmer. She picked it up and buried it. Yoshii Municipal Government officials heard the rumors of a tsuchinoko and headed out to look over the local woman's find. They exhumed the body and forwarded it to Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare to be examined. Kuniyasu Sato, the professor who analyzed the reptile, said that the animal may indeed have been the tsuchinoko, but "scientifically speaking, it was a kind of snake." Meanwhile, Mitsuko Arima, an 82-year-old from Yoshii, says she saw a Tsuchinoko swimming along a river on the morning of June 15. "I was surprised. I just pointed at it and asked 'Who are you? Who are you?' It didn't answer me, but just stared. It had a round face and didn't take its eyes off me. I can still see the eyes now. They were big and round and it looked like they were floating on the water," Arima says. "I've lived over 80 years, but I'd never seen anything like that in my life." - The Top Cryptozoology Stories of 2000 NOTE: there are a few links that may also be of interest Zuiyo Maru Cryptid and The Yamapikarya – Japan's Mystery Cat Also, below is an interesting humanoid report that I thought I'd throw in here...Lon THE FANGED HUMANOID Kofu, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan - February 23, 1975 Between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m., two seven-year-old boys named Kono and Yamahata watched a luminous orange UFO approach Kofu, Japan while making a "ticking" sound. It landed on three ball-shaped legs in a nearby vineyard. The object was a domed disc, five meters in diameter and six feet high. The boys got very close to it, and discovered the surface of the object was silver colored and had strange characters embossed on its surface. A ladder extended out of the craft down to the ground, and a humanoid creature slightly over four feet tall disembarked. It wore a silver uniform and carried something that looked like a gun. His skin was dark brown and he had large pointed ears, but his large head had no facial features: no eyes, nose or mouth. It merely had wrinkles on the "face" and three silvery two-inch long "fangs" where the mouth should be. Both boys could see one more smaller humanoid in the cockpit. The being that had emerged reached out and touched one of the boys, patting him twice on the shoulder and uttering words "like a tape recorder running backwards." The boy who had been touched sat down, paralyzed either by the touch or fear, but his companion took him on his back and carried him from the vineyard. They then ran to one of the boy's homes and informed their parents, who could at first see the orange light pulsating in the vineyard. Then it disappeared as they watched. Two concrete posts were found pushed over at the landing site. Sources: CUFOS files; APRO Bulletin; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1975-10 (A1391), citing Hayashi Ichinan and Yoshihiko Honda ----- The Aokigahara Forest "The thought of suicide is a powerful solace: by means of it one gets through many a bad night" - Friedrich Nietzsche mentalfloss - It's perhaps the most obvious setting for a horror movie imaginable — and it's real. And incredibly grim. There is a thick, in places nearly impenetrable forest around Mt. Fuji, and it's the most popular place for suicide in Japan. It's the second most popular spot in the world behind the Golden Gate Bridge. From Vice, who sent a video crew there: The Aokigahara Forest is the most popular site for suicides in Japan. After the novel Kuroi Jukai [The Black Forest, written by Seichō Matsumoto in 1960] was published, in which a young lover commits suicide in the forest, people started taking their own lives there at a rate of 50 to 100 deaths a year. The site holds so many bodies that the Yakuza pays homeless people to sneak into the forest and rob the corpses. The authorities sweep for bodies only on an annual basis, as the forest sits at the base of Mt. Fuji and is too dense to patrol more frequently. If you're sensitive, you might want to skip this fascinating but hugely morbid video.'s crew follows a geologist through the forest, and they find a number of grisly surprises. From October 2008: The most haunted location in Japan is believed to be a dark, dense forest which lies at the base of Mt. Fuji called Aokigahara. Aokigahara is an infamous place for suicides and many feel that it is a sinister place. "The perfect place to die." That's how Aokigahara was described in Wataru Tsurumui's bestselling book The Complete Manual of Suicide. In 2002, 78 bodies were found within it, replacing the previous record of 73 in 1998. More than a few of them were even carrying copies of Tsurumui's book. No one knows how many bodies go undiscovered." Locals and scavengers occasionally look for the bodies of those who have commited suicide. When they search, they tie some tape to a tree near the path and then let it out as they go into the forest so they won't get lost. This tape is all over the forest around the path. CNN - Aokigahara Forest is known for two things in Japan: breathtaking views of Mount Fuji and suicides. Also called the Sea of Trees, this destination for the desperate is a place where the suicidal disappear, often never to be found in the dense forest. Taro, a 46-year-old man fired from his job at an iron manufacturing company, hoped to fade into the blackness. "My will to live disappeared," said Taro. "I'd lost my identity, so I didn't want to live on this earth. That's why I went there." Taro, who did not want to be identified fully, was swimming in debt and had been evicted from his company apartment. He lost financial control, which he believes to be the foundation of any stable life, he said. "You need money to survive. If you have a girlfriend, you need money. If you want to get married, you need it for your life. Money is always necessary for your life." Taro bought a one-way ticket to the forest, west of Tokyo, Japan. When he got there, he slashed his wrists, though the cut wasn't enough to kill him quickly. He started to wander, he said. He collapsed after days and lay in the bushes, nearly dead from dehydration, starvation and frostbite. He would lose his toes on his right foot from the frostbite. But he didn't lose his life, because a hiker stumbled upon his nearly dead body and raised the alarm. Taro's story is just one of hundreds logged at Aokigahara Forest every year, a place known throughout Japan as the "suicide forest." The area is home to the highest number of suicides in the entire country. Japan's suicide rate, already one of the world's highest, has increased with the recent economic downturn. There were 2,645 suicides recorded in January 2009, a 15 percent increase from the 2,305 for January 2008, according to the Japanese government. The Japanese government said suicide rates are a priority and pledged to cut the number of suicides by more than 20 percent by 2016. It plans to improve suicide awareness in schools and workplaces. But officials fear the toll will rise with unemployment and bankruptcies, matching suicide spikes in earlier tough economic times. "Unemployment is leading to this," said Toyoki Yoshida, a suicide and credit counselor. "Society and the government need to establish immediate countermeasures to prevent suicides. There should be more places where they can come and seek help." Yoshida and his fellow volunteer, Norio Sawaguchi, posted signs in Aokigahara Forest urging suicidal visitors to call their organization, a credit counseling service. Both men say Japanese society too often turns a cold shoulder to the unemployed and bankrupt, and breeds a culture where suicide is still seen as an honorable option. Local authorities, saying they are the last resort to stop people from killing themselves in the forest, have posted security cameras at the entrances of the forest. The goal, said Imasa Watanabe of the Yamanashi Prefectural Government is to track the people who walk into the forest. Watanabe fears more suicidal visitors will arrive in the coming weeks. "Especially in March, the end of the fiscal year, more suicidal people will come here because of the bad economy," he said. "It's my dream to stop suicides in this forest, but to be honest, it would be difficult to prevent all the cases here." One year after his suicide attempt, Taro is volunteering with the credit counseling agency that helped him get back on his feet. He's still living in a shelter and looking for a job. He's ashamed, he said, that he still thinks about suicide. "I try not to think about it, but I can't say never. For now, the will to live is stronger." "To run away from trouble is a form of cowardice and, while it is true that the suicide braves death, he does it not for some noble object but to escape some ill." - Aristotle ----- The Himuro Mansion Haunting ![]() According to urban legend, lying just beyond the city of Tokyo is one of the most haunted locations in all of Japan. The exact location of the Himuro Mansion (or Himikyru Mansion as it is sometimes known) is widely unknown but the legend puts the mansion in a rocky region just beyond the city limits of Tokyo. The mansion is said to have been home to one of the most gruesome murders in modern Japanese history. Local lore has it that for generations, the Himuro family had participated in a strange, twisted Shinto ritual known as "The Strangling Ritual" in order to seal off bad karma from within the Earth, every half century or so. The most popular version of the tale states that bad karma would emerge each December (other versions simply say "toward the end of the year") from a portal on the Mansions grounds. In order to prevent this, a maiden was chosen at birth by the master of the household and isolated from the outside world in order to prevent her from developing any ties to the outside world, which would in turn, jeopardize the effect of the ritual. On the day of the Strangling Ritual, the maiden was bound by ropes on her ankles, wrists, and neck. The ropes were attached to teams of oxen or horses to rip her limbs from her body, quartering her. The ropes used to bind her appendages would then be soaked in her blood and laid over the gateway of the portal. They believed that this would seal off the portal for another half century until the ritual had to be repeated. During the last recorded Strangling Ritual it is said that the maiden had fallen in love with a man who tried to save her from the ritual. This "tie" to Earth tainted her blood and spirit and ruined the ritual altogether. Upon learning of the maidens love, the master took up his sword and brutally murdered all of his family members, before finally, in fear of what would soon happen, fell upon his own blade. This is the basis of the "haunting" of the Himuro Mansion. Local legend has it that these souls of the murdered family wander the mansion attempting to repeat the failed ritual using whomever enters the abandoned building. Blood splashes on the walls are reportedly seen, as if they were flicked from the blade of a sword that had recently sliced through flesh. Many have reported seeing spirits and apparitions dressed completely in white, rinsing cloths and preparing the grounds for the ritual. Interest in the Himuro Mansion has peaked due to it's inclusion into the back story of the popular game, Fatal Frame. Here is a quote from Makoto Shibata, Chief Producer of Fatal Frame, regarding the legend: "In an area outside Tokyo, there lies a mansion in which it's said seven people were murdered in a grisly manner. On the same property, there lie three detached residences that surround the mansion, all of which are rumored to have ties to the mansion's troubled past. It's said there is an underground network of tunnels that lay beneath the premises, but nobody knows who made these tunnels or what purpose they served. Many inexplicable phenomenons have been reported occurring on the property. Bloody handprints have been found splattered all over the walls. Spirits have been spotted on the premises… even in broad daylight. A narrow stairway leads to an attic where a spirit-sealed talisman is rumored to be locked away. Men have sought this talisman, only to be found later with their bodies broken and rope marks around their wrists. There's a crumbling old statue of a woman in a kimono, but its head is missing. If you take a photo of a certain window, a young girl can be seen in the developed picture. These incidents have provoked fear in the people of Tokyo, and many believe that those who live near this area will become cursed. The deaths of those seven people are unexplained to this day." Now, the question is, did any of this really happen? Probably not. The core allure of this legend is also it's silver bullet. If such a grisly murder did occur (sources put this between 30 and 80 years ago) in such recent times, where is the record? It is highly unlikely that no police station or newspaper have records of this mass murder taking place just outside of Tokyo. Regarding the mystery of the location, some believers have offered the notion that the Himuro family has once again taken ownership of the mansion and is currently living there.. but that conflicts with the legend in that all family members were supposedly murdered AND the "firsthand accounts" of events witnessed on the property by locals and researchers. Another peculiarity of note is that Tecmo advertised the game in North America with the tagline: "Based on a true story," but without on the original Japanese release. Because of this, some have theorized that the entire legend was fabricated by the game developers. ----- The Monster Mummies of Japan Lurking the halls of Buddhist temples and museums across Japan are a host of monster mummies — the preserved remains of demons, mermaids, kappa, tengu, raijū, and even human monks. Here are a few remarkable specimens for the adventurous and brave at heart. - Demon Mummies It might seem odd that Buddhist temples in Japan house the occasional stray mummified demon (oni), but then again it makes sense to keep them under the watchful eye of a priest, instead of letting them prowl the streets. Zengyōji (善行寺) temple in the city of Kanazawa (Ishikawa prefecture) is home to the mummified head of a three-faced demon. Legend has it that a resident priest discovered the mummy in a temple storage chamber in the early 18th century. Imagine his surprise. ![]() Nobody knows where the demon head came from, nor how or why it ended up in storage. The mummified head has two overlapping faces up front, with another one (resembling that of a kappa) situated in back. The temple puts the head on public display each year around the spring equinox. ![]() The mummy is said to have once been the treasured heirloom of a noble family. But after suffering some sort of misfortune, the family was forced to get rid of it. The demon mummy changed owners several times before ending up in the hands of a Daijōin temple parishioner in 1925. After the parishioner fell extremely ill, the mummy was suspected of being cursed. The parishioner quickly recovered from his illness after the mummy was placed in the care of the temple. It has remained there ever since. Today the enshrined demon mummy of Daijōin temple is revered as a sacred object. A much smaller mummy — said to be that of a baby demon — was once in the possession of Rakanji Temple at Yabakei (Oita prefecture). ![]() Unfortunately, the treasured mummy was destroyed in a fire in 1943. * * * * * - Mermaid Mummies In Edo-period Japan — particularly in the 18th and 19th centuries — mermaid mummies were a common sight at popular sideshow carnivals called misemono. Over time, the practice of mermaid mummification blossomed into an art form as fishermen perfected techniques for stitching the heads and upper bodies of monkeys onto the bodies of fish. The mummy pictured below is a prime example of a carnival mermaid. It appears to consists of fish and other animal parts held together with string and paper. ![]() The mummified creature was obtained by Jan Cock Blomhoff while serving as director of Dejima, the Dutch trading colony at Nagasaki harbor from 1817 to 1824. It now resides at the National Museum of Ethnology in Leiden. Another old mermaid mummy exhibited at a museum in Tokyo several years ago appears to belong to the founder of the Harano Agricultural Museum. ![]() The mummy's origin is unknown, but the collector says it was found in a wooden box that contained passages from a Buddhist sutra written in Sanskrit. Also in the box was a photograph of the mermaid and a note claiming it belonged to a man from Wakayama prefecture. * * * * * - Kappa Mummies Like the mermaid mummies, many kappa (river imp) mummies are thought to have been crafted by Edo-period artists using parts of animals ranging from monkeys and owls to stingrays. ![]() This mummified kappa, which now resides in a Dutch museum, appears to consist of various animal parts put together in a seamless whole. It is believed to have been created for the purpose of carnival entertainment in the Edo period. Another mummified kappa can be found at Zuiryūji temple in Osaka. ![]() The 70-centimeter long humanoid purportedly dates back to 1682. Another notable kappa mummy can be seen in a seemingly unlikely place — at a sake brewery in the town of Imari (Saga prefecture). ![]() According to a company brochure, the mummified kappa was discovered inside a wooden box that carpenters found hidden in the ceiling when replacing the roof over 50 years ago. Reckoning the creature was an old curiosity their ancestors had passed down for generations, the company owners built a small altar and enshrined the kappa mummy as a river god. * * * * * - Raijū With a limited scientific understanding of the sky above, the common person in Edo-period Japan looked upward with great awe and mystery. Supernatural creatures called raijū (雷獣) — lit. "thunder beast" — were believed to inhabit rain clouds and occasionally fall to earth during lightning strikes. The earliest known written records of the raijū date as far back as the late 18th century, though the creature appears to borrow characteristics from the nue — a cloud-dwelling, illness-inducing chimera first described in The Tale of the Heike, a 12th-century historical epic. Details about the raijū's appearance vary. Some Edo-period documents claim the raijū resembled a squirrel, cat or weasel, while others describe it as being shaped more like a crab or seahorse. However, most descriptions agree that the raijū had webbed fingers, sharp claws, and long fangs that, by some accounts, could shoot lightning. The beast also sometimes appeared with six legs and/or three tails, suggesting the ability to shape-shift. One illustrated document tells of a raijū that fell from the sky during a violent storm on the night of June 15, 1796 in Higo-kuni (present-day Kumamoto prefecture). Here, the raijū is described as a crab-like creature with a coat of black fur measuring about 11 centimeters (4 inches) thick. Another notorious encounter took place in the Tsukiji area of Edo on August 17, 1823. Two versions of the incident offer different descriptions of the beast. One document depicts the raijū as being the size of a cat or weasel, with one big bulging eye and a single long horn, like that of a bull or rhino, projecting forward from the top of its head. In the other account, the raijū has a more roundish look and lacks the pointy horn. In Volume 2 of Kasshi Yawa ("Tales of the Night of the Rat"), a series of essays depicting ordinary life in Edo, author Matsuura Seizan writes that it was not uncommon for cat-like creatures to fall from the sky during thunderstorms. The volume includes the story of a family who boiled and ate one such creature after it crashed down onto their roof. Given the frequency of raijū sightings, it should come as no surprise that a few mummies have turned up. In the 1960s, Yūzanji temple in Iwate prefecture received a raijū mummy as a gift from a parishioner. The origin of the mummy, as well as how the parishioner obtained it, is a mystery. * * * * * - Tengu Mummy Another legendary supernatural sky creature is the tengu, a dangerous demon often depicted in art as being part human and part bird. The Hachinohe Museum (Aomori prefecture) in northern Japan is home to a tengu mummy, which is said to have once belonged to Nambu Nobuyori, a Nambu clan leader who ruled the Hachinohe domain in the mid-18th century. ![]() The mummy, which appears to have a humanoid head and the feathers and feet of a bird, is believed to have originated in the town of Nobeoka (Miyazaki prefecture) in southern Japan. Theories suggest the tengu mummy made its way north after being passed around between members of Japan's ruling samurai families, some of whom were deeply interested in collecting and trading these curiosities. * * * * * - Self-Mummified Monks A few Buddhist temples in northern Japan are home to "living mummies" known as sokushinbutsu (即身仏). The preserved bodies are purportedly those of ascetic monks who willingly mummified themselves in the quest for nirvana. ![]() To become a living mummy, monks had to undergo a long and grueling three-step process. Step 1: For 1,000 days, the monks would eat a special diet of nuts and seeds, and engage in rigorous physical training to strip the body of fat. Step 2: For another 1,000 days, they would eat only bark and roots in gradually diminishing amounts. Toward the end, they would start drinking tea made from the sap of the urushi tree, a poisonous substance normally used to make Japanese lacquer bowls, which caused further loss of bodily fluid. The tea was brewed with water from a sacred spring at Mt. Yudono, which is now known to contain a high level of arsenic. The concoction created a germ-free environment within the body and helped preserve whatever meat was left on the bone. Step 3: Finally, the monks would retreat to a cramped underground chamber connected to the surface by a tiny bamboo air pipe. There, they would meditate until dying, at which point they were sealed in their tomb. After 1,000 days, they were dug up and cleaned. If the body remained well-preserved, the monk was deemed a living mummy. Unfortunately, most who attempted self-mummification were unsuccessful, but the few who succeeded achieved Buddha status and were enshrined at temples. As many as two dozen of these living mummies are in the care of temples in northern Honshu. The Japanese government outlawed the practice of self-mummification in the late 19th century. Source: ----- The Most Haunted Places in Japan The Japanese believe that all humans have a spirit or soul called a reikon. Ghosts are yurei, meaning "faint spirit." If a person dies in a sudden or violent manner, the reikon is thought to transform into a yurei, which can then bridge the gap back to the physical world. The yurei tend to remain near where they died. They usually appear between 2 and 3 a.m., which is like the western world's bewitching hour of midnight, and a time when the veils between the world of the dead and that of the living are at their thinnest. Many Japanese ghosts are connected with battlefields and military bases. Here are some to chillingly consider. Atsugi Naval Base Located two hours south of Tokyo, Atsugi Naval base has a secret past, which includes the fact that it was a CIA U-2 Base, which housed the U-2 flown over Russia by Gary Powers in the early 1960s. In 1957, Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of John F. Kennedy, was stationed at Atsugi as a Marine radar operator. The spirit of a young man who wanders aimlessly from room to room is said to haunt the naval base. It is believed that he is the ghost of a young marine who was killed in a car accident back in the 1960s Atsugi: The Corrosion Hangar Bay Located on the other side of the naval base, this hangar stands over an older one that was used by the Kamikaze pilots of Imperial Japan. Here, many pilots killed themselves in disgrace after Japan's final surrender to the allied powers. It is said that doors slam and disembodied red eyes float about. Field Hospital- Kanagawa Prefecture Located on the military base named Sagami Depot, this hospital has been the site of several unexplainable occurrences. The building is hardly used, but nightly security checks reveal raised windows and locked doors that had been previously unlocked. Many of the military police who patrol the building have reported hearing someone or something walking around inside. Iwakuni- Barracks 1687, Room 301 A few years ago, a Marine living in that room committed suicide. He broke the mirror in a fit of drunken rage and slit his wrist with one of the shards of broken glass. Since then, there have been reports from other soldiers staying in the room that sometimes very late at night when looking into the mirror, the dead marine stares back from somewhere deep inside. Hiroshima and Nagasaki It should come as no surprise that these two sites of such terrible tragedy are haunted by the unfortunate souls who perished during the nuclear bomb attacks at the end of World War II. Ghostly voices are heard at twilight crying and screaming for help. Okinawa: Camp Hansen- Gate #3 After darkness falls, every weekend a soldier with blood all over his World War II fatigues and a cigarette in his hand would ask the gate guard: "Gotta light?" The MP would oblige and as soon the cigarette was lit, the soldier would disappear. Whether you believe this or not, gate #3 at Camp Hansen is closed because of this reported haunting. Tokyo: Akasaka Mansion Many guests have reported seeing specters standing at the end of their beds, white mists coming in through the air vents and sudden changes of temperature in their rooms. Some have reported a feeling of someone stroking their heads while they sleep, and one person claimed she was dragged from her bed to the other side of the room and then back again. Scratch marks on her back the next day corroborated her story. Yokosuka Naval Base: Gridley Tunnel It is thought that the ghost of this narrow, one-way tunnel that runs through a hill is that of a Samurai warrior who was on his way to avenge the death of his lord when he was ambushed and cut down in the tunnel. Because he failed in his mission, he can't leave his place of death. Visions of the samurai as reported by passing motorists have caused several accidents in the tunnel over the years. Himuro Mansion: Tokyo Outskirts The basis of the survival horror video game series that deals with ghosts, exorcism, and dark Shinto rituals, "Fatal Frame," Himuro Mansion was the site of a brutal family murder and sacrifice. Many weird happenings have been reported in and near the old mansion; including apparitions of those who once lived there, bloody handprints and sprays of blood, which mysteriously appear on the walls. Sometimes, a small girl in a kimono is seen in one of the windows. To add to the mansion's mystery, no one knows the significance of the vast tunnels the run underneath. Yokohama: Ikego-The Middle Gate The Middle Gate marks the spot where a concentration camp from the World War II era once stood. Here, thousands of Chinese and Korean people were put to work and then killed by the Japanese army. Today it serves as a U.S. military housing base. There are five incinerators on the premises and three gates that separate it from the Japanese community. At the middle gate, patrol guards have reported hearing voices and footsteps, and have described the feeling of being watched by unseen eyes. One recurring vision concerns a Japanese soldier from World War II in a brown uniform with no legs floating between the middle and back gates. These incidents are part of a much bigger picture, as there are many more haunted spots in Japan. Most but not all date back to the era of World War II. If you plan a visit to one of these spooky places, whatever you do, don't go alone! ----- Kangaroo Sightings Persist In Japan's Mayama Mountains It may seem odd, but the locals swear it is true. People in a Japanese mountain region have reported a number of kangaroo sightings, and journalists are now trying to stalk the marsupials. The descriptions given by the apparent eyewitnesses seem close enough. For years they have spoken of a beige animal with large ears, one to 1.5 metres tall, that stands by the roadside and then hops away. The sightings were all reported in the Mayama mountain district of Osaki city in Miyagi prefecture, a community of 441 households, located about 350 kilometres north of Tokyo. The city has received about 30 reports of "kangaroo-like animals", including three cases since December, when the mountain area was often covered in snow, said local official Tetsuya Sasaki. "People aged in their 40s to their 60s have said they have spotted what looked like kangaroos while travelling to and from work in the early mornings and evenings," said Mr Sasaki. Rumours about kangaroo sightings started about seven years ago, and television crews and newspapers have set up hidden cameras in the district, but have so far failed to capture an image of a kangaroo. As a joke, "some people have put up 'kangaroo crossing' signs on their roadside properties," Mr Sasaki said. Kangaroos are on show at many Japanese zoos and can be imported by individuals. ----- Ju-on: The Grudge and Kayako Saeki When you mention strangeness in Japan, you first think of Ju-On: The Grudge... the classic Japanese horror tale and film. Here are links for further information: Ju-on and Kayako Saeki Click for video Phantoms and Monsters Now Available on Kindle ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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